def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ __init__(self, dbhandle) __init__(self, hostname, user, password, database) __init__(self, dbhandle=, [tablename=]) __init__(self, hostname=, user=, password=, database=, [tablename=]) dbhandle: is a handle already connected to a valid database hostname: hostname of the databaseserver user: user allowed to login to the database and databaseserver password: the password for the user database: the database to use """ logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.tablename="logs" if kwds and kwds.has_key("dbhandle"): self.dbconnection=DBConnection(dbhandle=kwds["dbhandle"]) elif kwds and kwds.has_key("hostname") and kwds.has_key("user") and kwds.has_key("password") and kwds.has_key("database"): self.dbconnection=DBConnection(hostname=kwds["hostname"], user=kwds["user"], password=kwds["password"], database=kwds["database"]) elif kwds: raise TypeError, "At least 1 or 4 keyword/value pairs expected. Give are " %len(kwds.keys()) if kwds: for key in kwds.keys(): setattr(self, key, kwds[key]) if args and len(args)==1: self.dbconnection==DBConnection(dbhandle=args[0]) elif args and len(args)==4: self.dbconnection=DBConnection(hostname=args[0], user=args[1], password=args[2], database=args[3]) elif args: raise TypeError, "Either 1 or 4-5 parameters expected. Given are %u" %len(args) if not hasattr(self,"logsource"): self.logsource=socket.gethostname()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ __init__(self, dbhandle) __init__(self, hostname, user, password, database) __init__(self, dbhandle=, [tablename=]) __init__(self, hostname=, user=, password=, database=, [tablename=]) dbhandle: is a handle already connected to a valid database hostname: hostname of the databaseserver user: user allowed to login to the database and databaseserver password: the password for the user database: the database to use """ logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.tablename = "logs" if kwds and kwds.has_key("dbhandle"): self.dbconnection = DBConnection(dbhandle=kwds["dbhandle"]) elif kwds and kwds.has_key("hostname") and kwds.has_key( "user") and kwds.has_key("password") and kwds.has_key( "database"): self.dbconnection = DBConnection(hostname=kwds["hostname"], user=kwds["user"], password=kwds["password"], database=kwds["database"]) elif kwds: raise TypeError, "At least 1 or 4 keyword/value pairs expected. Give are " % len( kwds.keys()) if kwds: for key in kwds.keys(): setattr(self, key, kwds[key]) if args and len(args) == 1: self.dbconnection == DBConnection(dbhandle=args[0]) elif args and len(args) == 4: self.dbconnection = DBConnection(hostname=args[0], user=args[1], password=args[2], database=args[3]) elif args: raise TypeError, "Either 1 or 4-5 parameters expected. Given are %u" % len( args) if not hasattr(self, "logsource"): self.logsource = socket.gethostname()
class DBLogger(logging.Handler): """ This class is a logging.Handler that stores LogRecords produced by loggers in a table of a relational database. The defaults tablename is "log". """ __logLevelStr__="comoonics.db.DBLogger" log=ComLog.getLogger(__logLevelStr__) DB_LOG_LEVEL=logging.DEBUG+5 DB_LOG_LEVEL_NAME="DBLOG" logging.addLevelName(DB_LOG_LEVEL, DB_LOG_LEVEL_NAME) def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ __init__(self, dbhandle) __init__(self, hostname, user, password, database) __init__(self, dbhandle=, [tablename=]) __init__(self, hostname=, user=, password=, database=, [tablename=]) dbhandle: is a handle already connected to a valid database hostname: hostname of the databaseserver user: user allowed to login to the database and databaseserver password: the password for the user database: the database to use """ logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.tablename="logs" if kwds and kwds.has_key("dbhandle"): self.dbconnection=DBConnection(dbhandle=kwds["dbhandle"]) elif kwds and kwds.has_key("hostname") and kwds.has_key("user") and kwds.has_key("password") and kwds.has_key("database"): self.dbconnection=DBConnection(hostname=kwds["hostname"], user=kwds["user"], password=kwds["password"], database=kwds["database"]) elif kwds: raise TypeError, "At least 1 or 4 keyword/value pairs expected. Give are " %len(kwds.keys()) if kwds: for key in kwds.keys(): setattr(self, key, kwds[key]) if args and len(args)==1: self.dbconnection==DBConnection(dbhandle=args[0]) elif args and len(args)==4: self.dbconnection=DBConnection(hostname=args[0], user=args[1], password=args[2], database=args[3]) elif args: raise TypeError, "Either 1 or 4-5 parameters expected. Given are %u" %len(args) if not hasattr(self,"logsource"): self.logsource=socket.gethostname() def getLogs(self, sourcenames, **kwds): """ returns a recordset of all logentries found with the keywords. sourcenames: are all logsource kwds: directly passed to dbconnection.SelectQuery """ if sourcenames: if kwds.has_key("where"): _where=kwds["where"] else: _where=dict() _where["logsource"]=sourcenames kwds["where"]=_where query=self.dbconnection.SelectQuery(From=self.tablename, **kwds) else: query=self.dbconnection.SelectQuery(From=self.tablename, **kwds) self.log.debug("getLogs(%s): %s" %(sourcenames, query)) return self.dbconnection.selectQuery(query) def LogRecordToInsert(self, record): exc_info=None if record.exc_info: #buf="" #for exc_info in record.exc_info: # buf+="<%s> %s; " %(type(exc_info), exc_info) import traceback (_class, _exception, _traceback)=record.exc_info exc_info=self.dbconnection.db.escape_string("".join(traceback.format_exception(_class, _exception, _traceback))) #self.log.debug("LogRecordToInsert, exc_info: %s" %(exc_info)) else: exc_info="NULL" _logmsg="" try: _logmsg=str(record.msg) %record.args except: _logmsg=str(record.msg) _logmsg=self.dbconnection.db.escape_string(_logmsg) query=""" INSERT INTO %s SET name="%s", logsource="%s", logtimestamp=DEFAULT, loglevel=%u, logpathname="%s", loglineno=%u, logmsg="%s", logexecinfo="%s"; """ %(self.tablename,, self.logsource, record.levelno, record.pathname, record.lineno, _logmsg,exc_info) # self.log.debug("LogRecordToInsert: "+query) return query def emit(self, record): self.dbconnection.db.query(self.LogRecordToInsert(record)) self.dbconnection.db.commit()
class DBLogger(logging.Handler): """ This class is a logging.Handler that stores LogRecords produced by loggers in a table of a relational database. The defaults tablename is "log". """ __logLevelStr__ = "comoonics.db.DBLogger" log = ComLog.getLogger(__logLevelStr__) DB_LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG + 5 DB_LOG_LEVEL_NAME = "DBLOG" logging.addLevelName(DB_LOG_LEVEL, DB_LOG_LEVEL_NAME) def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ __init__(self, dbhandle) __init__(self, hostname, user, password, database) __init__(self, dbhandle=, [tablename=]) __init__(self, hostname=, user=, password=, database=, [tablename=]) dbhandle: is a handle already connected to a valid database hostname: hostname of the databaseserver user: user allowed to login to the database and databaseserver password: the password for the user database: the database to use """ logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.tablename = "logs" if kwds and kwds.has_key("dbhandle"): self.dbconnection = DBConnection(dbhandle=kwds["dbhandle"]) elif kwds and kwds.has_key("hostname") and kwds.has_key( "user") and kwds.has_key("password") and kwds.has_key( "database"): self.dbconnection = DBConnection(hostname=kwds["hostname"], user=kwds["user"], password=kwds["password"], database=kwds["database"]) elif kwds: raise TypeError, "At least 1 or 4 keyword/value pairs expected. Give are " % len( kwds.keys()) if kwds: for key in kwds.keys(): setattr(self, key, kwds[key]) if args and len(args) == 1: self.dbconnection == DBConnection(dbhandle=args[0]) elif args and len(args) == 4: self.dbconnection = DBConnection(hostname=args[0], user=args[1], password=args[2], database=args[3]) elif args: raise TypeError, "Either 1 or 4-5 parameters expected. Given are %u" % len( args) if not hasattr(self, "logsource"): self.logsource = socket.gethostname() def getLogs(self, sourcenames, **kwds): """ returns a recordset of all logentries found with the keywords. sourcenames: are all logsource kwds: directly passed to dbconnection.SelectQuery """ if sourcenames: if kwds.has_key("where"): _where = kwds["where"] else: _where = dict() _where["logsource"] = sourcenames kwds["where"] = _where query = self.dbconnection.SelectQuery(From=self.tablename, **kwds) else: query = self.dbconnection.SelectQuery(From=self.tablename, **kwds) self.log.debug("getLogs(%s): %s" % (sourcenames, query)) return self.dbconnection.selectQuery(query) def LogRecordToInsert(self, record): exc_info = None if record.exc_info: #buf="" #for exc_info in record.exc_info: # buf+="<%s> %s; " %(type(exc_info), exc_info) import traceback (_class, _exception, _traceback) = record.exc_info exc_info = self.dbconnection.db.escape_string("".join( traceback.format_exception(_class, _exception, _traceback))) #self.log.debug("LogRecordToInsert, exc_info: %s" %(exc_info)) else: exc_info = "NULL" _logmsg = "" try: _logmsg = str(record.msg) % record.args except: _logmsg = str(record.msg) _logmsg = self.dbconnection.db.escape_string(_logmsg) query = """ INSERT INTO %s SET name="%s", logsource="%s", logtimestamp=DEFAULT, loglevel=%u, logpathname="%s", loglineno=%u, logmsg="%s", logexecinfo="%s"; """ % (self.tablename,, self.logsource, record.levelno, record.pathname, record.lineno, _logmsg, exc_info) # self.log.debug("LogRecordToInsert: "+query) return query def emit(self, record): self.dbconnection.db.query(self.LogRecordToInsert(record)) self.dbconnection.db.commit()