コード例 #1
ファイル: ShowBluetoothIcon.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def __init__(self, config, environ, logdispatcher, statechglogger):
        RuleKVEditor.__init__(self, config, environ, logdispatcher,
        self.rulenumber = 131
        self.rulename = 'ShowBluetoothIcon'
        self.mandatory = False
        self.rootrequired = False
        self.guidance = []
        self.statechglogger = statechglogger
        self.applicable = {
            'type': 'white',
            'os': {
                'Mac OS X': ['10.15', 'r', '10.15.10']
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)

        self.systemuiserver = ""
        self.bluetoothmenu = ""

        if self.environ.geteuid() != 0:
            user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
            self.systemuiserver = "/Users/" + user + "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.systemuiserver"
            self.bluetoothmenu = "\"/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Bluetooth.menu\""
                "ShowBluetoothIcon", "defaults", self.systemuiserver, "", {
                    [self.bluetoothmenu, "-array-add " + self.bluetoothmenu]
                }, "present", "", "Show Bluetooth Icon in the Menu Bar.", None,
                False, {})
コード例 #2
ファイル: SecureSNMP.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def reportmac(self):
        '''@author: Breen Malmberg'''

        configured = True


            self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logger)
            filepath = '/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.net-snmp.snmpd.plist'
            if not os.path.exists(filepath):
                configured = False
                self.detailedresults += '\nrequired plist configuration file not found: ' + filepath
            cmd = '/usr/bin/defaults read ' + filepath + ' Disabled'
            output = self.cmdhelper.getOutputString()
            errout = self.cmdhelper.getErrorString()
            if errout:
                configured = False
                self.detailedresults += '\nunable to execute defaults read command, or \"Disabled\" key does not exist'
                if not re.search('^1', output):
                    configured = False
                    self.detailedresults += '\nsnmpd is not yet disabled'

        except Exception:
        return configured
コード例 #3
ファイル: DisableThumbnailers.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def localize(self):
        set paths based on what versions of which utilities exist on the system

        :return: void

        self.gsettings = "/usr/bin/gsettings"
        self.gconf = "/usr/bin/gconftool-2"
        self.dconf = "/usr/bin/dconf"
        self.getcmd = ""
        self.setcmd = ""
        self.updatecmd = ""
        packages = ["gnome", "gdm", "gdm3", "gnome3"]
        self.lockfile = "/etc/dconf/db/local.d/locks/stonix-thumbnailers"
        self.lockthumbnails = {"/org/gnome/desktop/thumbnailers/disable-all":""}

        if os.path.exists(self.gsettings):
            self.getcmd = self.gsettings + " get org.gnome.desktop.thumbnailers disable-all"
            self.setcmd = self.gsettings + " set org.gnome.desktop.thummailerss disable-all true"
        elif os.path.exists(self.gconf):
            self.getcmd = self.gconf + " --get /schemas/org/gnome/desktop/thumbnailers/disable_all"
            self.setcmd = self.gconf + " --type bool --set /schemass/org/gnome/desktop/thumbnailers/disable_all true"
        if os.path.exists(self.dconf):
            self.updatecmd = self.dconf + " update"

        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.ph = Pkghelper(self.logger, self.environ)
        self.gnome_installed = False
        if self.environ.getosname() != "Mac OS":
            if [self.ph.check(p) for p in packages]:
                self.gnome_installed = True
コード例 #4
ファイル: DisablePrelinking.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def __init__(self, config, enviro, logger, statechglogger):
        Rule.__init__(self, config, enviro, logger, statechglogger)
        self.logger = logger
        self.rulenumber = 89
        self.rulename = "DisablePrelinking"
        self.mandatory = True
        self.applicable = {'type': 'white', 'family': ['linux']}

        # Configuration item instantiation
        datatype = "bool"
        instructions = "To disable this rule, set the value of " + \
                       "DISABLEPRELINKING to false."
        default = True
        self.ci = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)

        self.guidance = ["CCE-RHEL7-CCE-TBA"]
        self.iditerator = 0

        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        if re.search("debian|ubuntu", self.environ.getostype().lower()):
            self.isDebian = True
            self.isDebian = False
コード例 #5
ファイル: SystemAccounting.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def __init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger):
        Rule.__init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger)
        self.logger = logger
        self.rulenumber = 9
        self.rulename = 'SystemAccounting'
        self.mandatory = False
        self.rootrequired = True
        self.guidance = ['CIS 2.4', 'cce-3992-5']
        self.applicable = {
            'type': 'white',
            'family': 'linux',
            'os': {
                'Mac OS X': ['10.15', 'r', '10.15.10']

        # set up configuration item for this rule
        datatype = 'bool'
        key = 'SYSTEMACCOUNTING'
        instructions = "This is an optional rule and is disabled by default, due to the significant load it can place on the system when enabled. To enable system accounting, set the value of SYSTEMACCOUNTING to True."
        default = False
        self.ci = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)

        self.ostype = self.environ.getostype()
        self.ph = Pkghelper(self.logger, self.environ)
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, config, enviro, logger, statechglogger):
        Rule.__init__(self, config, enviro, logger, statechglogger)
        self.logger = logger
        self.rulenumber = 132
        self.rulename = "DisableUncommonProtocols"
        self.mandatory = False
        self.applicable = {'type': 'white', "family": ["linux"]}

        # Configuration item instantiation
        datatype = "bool"
        instructions = "To disable this rule, set the value of " + \
                       "DISABLEUNCOMMONPROTOCOLS to false."
        default = True
        self.ci = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)

        datatype = "list"
        key = "PROTOCOLS"
        instructions = "List all network protocols to disable"
        default = ["dccp", "sctp", "rds", "tipc"]
        self.ci2 = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)

        self.guidance = [
            "NSA 2.5.7", "CIS 4.6", "CCE-26448-1", "CCE-26410-1",
            "CCE-26239-4", "CCE-26696-5", "CCE-26828-4", "CCE-27106-4"
        self.iditerator = 0
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
コード例 #7
    def report(self):
        """report on the status of the system's compliance with disallowing
        system accounts to log in

        :return: self.compliant - boolean; True if compliant, False if not


        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.compliant = True
        acceptable_nologin_shells = ["/sbin/nologin", "/dev/null", "", "/usr/bin/false"]
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.corrections_needed = []


            system_login_shells = self.getsysloginshells()
            for acc in system_login_shells:
                if system_login_shells[acc] not in acceptable_nologin_shells:
                    self.compliant = False
            if self.corrections_needed:
                self.detailedresults += "\nThe following system accounts can log in:\n" + "\n".join(self.corrections_needed)

        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.compliant = False
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant, self.detailedresults)
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)

        return self.compliant
コード例 #8
 def reportMac(self):
     self.ifaces = []
     compliant = True
     self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     cmd = ["/usr/sbin/networksetup", "-listallnetworkservices"]
     if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(cmd):
         self.detailedresults += "Unable to run " + \
             "networksetup -listallnetworkservices command\n"
         return False
     output = self.cmdhelper.getOutput()
     for item in output:
         item = item.strip()
         cmd = ["/usr/sbin/networksetup", "-getinfo", item]
         if not self.cmdhelper.executeCommand(cmd):
             self.detailedresults += "Unable to run " + \
                 "networksetup -getinfo command\n"
             return False
         output2 = self.cmdhelper.getOutput()
         for item2 in output2:
             if re.search("^IPv6:", item2):
                 check = item2.split(":")
                 if check[1].strip() != "Off":
                     self.detailedresults += "IPV6 is not turned off " + \
                         "for " + item + " interface\n"
                     compliant = False
     return compliant
コード例 #9
ファイル: DisableFTP.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
 def report(self):
         self.detailedresults = ""
         compliant = True
         cmd = ["/bin/launchctl", "list"]
         self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
         if self.ch.executeCommand(cmd):
             output = self.ch.getOutput()
             for line in output:
                 if re.search("com\.apple\.ftpd", line):
                     self.detailedresults += "FTP is running and it shouldn't\n"
                     compliant = False
             self.detailedresults += "Unable to list running services\n"
             compliant = False
         self.compliant = compliant
     except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
         # User initiated exit
     except Exception:
         self.rulesuccess = False
         self.compliant = False
         self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
         self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
     self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant,
     self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
     return self.compliant
コード例 #10
ファイル: DisableRoot.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def __init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger):
        Rule.__init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger)
        self.logger = logger
        self.rulenumber = 160
        self.rulename = "DisableRoot"
        self.mandatory = True
        self.applicable = {
            'type': 'white',
            'os': {
                'Mac OS X': ['10.15', 'r', '10.15.10']

        # configuration item instantiation
        datatype = 'bool'
        key = 'DISABLEROOT'
        instructions = "To disable this rule set the value of DISABLEROOT " + \
            "to False."
        default = True
        self.ci = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)

        self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.guidance = ["NSA 1.3.14"]
コード例 #11
 def report(self):
         compliant = False
         self.detailedresults = ""
         self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
         cmd = ["/usr/bin/profiles", "-P"]
         if not self.ch.executeCommand(cmd):
             compliant = False
             self.detailedresults += "Unable to run profiles command\n"
             output = self.ch.getOutput()
             if output:
                 for line in output:
                     if search("^There are no configuration profiles installed", line.strip()):
                         compliant = False
                         self.detailedresults += "There are no configuration profiles installed\n"
                     elif search("mil\.disa\.STIG\.Restrictions\.alacarte$", line.strip()):
                         compliant = True
         self.compliant = compliant
     except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
         # User initiated exit
     except Exception:
         self.rulesuccess = False
         self.detailedresults += "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
         self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
     self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant,
     self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
     return self.compliant
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger):
        private method to initialize the module

        :param config:
        :param environ:
        :param logger:
        :param statechglogger:

        Rule.__init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger)
        self.config = config
        self.environ = environ
        self.logger = logger
        self.commandhelper = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.statechglogger = statechglogger
        self.rulenumber = 58
        self.rulename = 'CheckDupIDs'
        self.mandatory = True
        self.rootrequired = True
        self.guidance = ['CCE-RHEL7-CCE-TBD']
        self.applicable = {
            'type': 'white',
            'family': ['linux', 'solaris', 'freebsd'],
            'os': {
                'Mac OS X': ['10.15', 'r', '10.15.10']
        self.issuelist = []
        self.auditonly = True
コード例 #13
ファイル: ConfigureAIDE.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def init_objs(self):


        self.ph = Pkghelper(self.logger, self.environ)
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
コード例 #14
ファイル: portage.py プロジェクト: inscriptionweb/stonix
 def __init__(self, logger):
     self.logger = logger
     self.detailedresults = ""
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.install = "emerge "
     self.remove = self.install + " --unmerge "
     self.search = self.install + " --search "
コード例 #15
    def __init__(self, config, enviro, logger, statechglogger):
        Rule.__init__(self, config, enviro, logger, statechglogger)
        self.logger = logger
        self.rulenumber = 124
        self.rulename = "SecureIPV6"
        self.mandatory = True
        datatype = "bool"
        key = "SECUREIPV6"
        instructions = '''To disable this rule set the value of SECUREIPV6 to \
        default = True
        self.ci = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)
        self.guidance = ["NSA", "CCE 4269-7", "CCE 4291-1",
                         "CCE 4313-3", "CCE 4198-8", "CCE 3842-2",
                         "CCE 4221-8", "CCE 4137-6", "CCE 4159-0",
                         "CCE 3895-0", "CCE 4287-9", "CCE 4058-4",
                         "CCE 4128-5"]
        self.applicable = {'type': 'white',
                           'family': ['linux'],
                           'os': {'Mac OS X': ['10.15', 'r', '10.15.10']}}
        self.iditerator = 0
        # self.editor1: sysctl file editor
        # self.editor2: network file editor
        self.editor1, self.editor2 = "", ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
コード例 #16
    def __init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger):
        Rule.__init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger)
        self.rulenumber = 208
        self.rulename = 'DisableWebSharing'
        self.mandatory = True
        self.compliant = False
        self.rootrequired = True
        self.guidance = ['CIS']
        self.applicable = {
            'type': 'white',
            'os': {
                'Mac OS X': ['10.15', 'r', '10.15.10']
        self.logger = logger
        # set up CIs
        datatype = 'bool'
        instructions = 'To prevent web sharing from being disabled, set the value of DisableWebSharing to False.'
        default = True
        self.disableWebSharing = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions,

        # set up class var's
        self.maclongname = '/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist'
        self.macshortname = 'org.apache.httpd'
        self.svchelper = ServiceHelper(self.environ, self.logger)
        self.cmhelper = CommandHelper(self.logger)
コード例 #17
ファイル: yum.py プロジェクト: inscriptionweb/stonix
 def __init__(self, logger):
     self.logger = logger
     self.detailedresults = ""
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.install = "/usr/bin/yum install -y "
     self.remove = "/usr/bin/yum remove -y "
     self.search = "/usr/bin/yum search "
     self.rpm = "/bin/rpm -q "
コード例 #18
ファイル: AuditSSHKeys.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def report(self):
        """check status of private ssh keys (whether they are encrypted with passwords or not)

        :returns: self.compliant - boolean; True if compliant, False if not compliant


        searchterm = "Proc-Type:"
        self.searchdirs = []
        keylist = []
        self.keydict = {}
        self.compliant = True
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)


            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Getting list of user home directories...")
            self.searchdirs = self.get_search_dirs()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Getting list of ssh keys...")
            keylist = self.get_key_list(self.searchdirs)

            if keylist:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Searching list of ssh keys...")
                for key in keylist:
                    self.keydict[key] = False
                    f = open(key, "r")
                    contentlines = f.readlines()
                    for line in contentlines:
                        if re.search(searchterm, line):
                            self.keydict[key] = True

                for key in self.keydict:
                    if not self.keydict[key]:
                        self.compliant = False
                        self.detailedresults += "\nThe SSH key: " + str(key) + " was made without a password!"
                    if getOctalPerms(key) != 600:
                        self.compliant = False
                        self.detailedresults += "\nThe SSH key: " + str(key) + " has incorrect permissions"

                if self.compliant:
                    self.detailedresults += "\nAll SSH keys on this system are encrypted"

                self.detailedresults += "\nNo SSH keys were found on this system."

            if not self.compliant:
                self.detailedresults += "\n\nThis rule's fix only changes permissions on insecure keys. We cannot fix keys which were made without a password."

        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.compliant = False
            self.detailedresults = str(traceback.format_exc())
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant, self.detailedresults)
        return self.compliant
コード例 #19
    def initobjs(self):
        '''initialize class objects
        @author: Breen Malmberg


        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
コード例 #20
 def __init__(self, logger):
     self.logger = logger
     self.detailedresults = ""
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.install = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive install "
     self.remove = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive remove "
     self.searchi = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive search --match-exact -i "
     self.searchu = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive search --match-exact -u "
     self.rpm = "/bin/rpm -q "
コード例 #21
ファイル: EnablePAEandNX.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def initobjs(self):
        '''initialize helper objects
        @author: Breen Malmberg


        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.pkg = Pkghelper(self.logger, self.environ)
コード例 #22
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: murermader/YeelightRemote
def send_color(row):
    color_command = CommandHelper()
    _, hex_color = askcolor()  # Rückgabewert ist ein Tupel mit ((R,G,B), #Hex)
    if hex_color:
        hex_color = hex_color.replace("#", "")
        color_int = int(hex_color, 16)

        if devices[row]:
コード例 #23
ファイル: BootSecurity.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def __init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger):
        private method to initialize the module

        :param config: configuration object instance
        :param environ: environment object instance
        :param logger: logdispatcher object instance
        :param statechglogger: statechglogger object instance

        Rule.__init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger)
        self.rulenumber = 18
        self.rulename = 'BootSecurity'
        self.mandatory = True
        self.rootrequired = True
        self.guidance = []
        self.applicable = {
            'type': 'white',
            'family': ['linux'],
            'os': {
                'Mac OS X': ['10.15', 'r', '10.15.10']
        self.servicehelper = ServiceHelper(environ, logger)
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)

        if os.path.exists('/bin/systemctl'):
            self.type = 'systemd'
        elif os.path.exists('/sbin/launchd'):
            self.type = 'mac'
            self.type = 'rclocal'
            self.rclocalpath = '/etc/rc.local'
            if os.path.islink(self.rclocalpath):
                paths = ['/etc/rc.d/rc.local', '/etc/init.d/rc.local']
                for rcpath in paths:
                    if os.path.isfile(rcpath):
                        self.rclocalpath = rcpath
                                 'Using rc.local file ' + self.rclocalpath)

        datatype = 'bool'
        key = 'BOOTSECURITY'
        instructions = """To disable this rule set the value of BOOTSECURITY to False."""
        default = True
        self.bootci = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)

        datatype2 = 'bool'
        key2 = 'ENABLEFIPS'
        instructions2 = """!WARNING! DO NOT ENABLE THIS OPTION IF YOUR SYSTEM IS ARLEADY FDE ENCRYPTED! To enable full fips compliance on this system, at boot, set the value of ENABLEFIPS to True."""
        default2 = False
        self.fips_ci = self.initCi(datatype2, key2, instructions2, default2)

コード例 #24
    def initObjs(self):
        '''initialize any objects to be used by this class

        :returns: void
        @author: Breen Malmberg


        self.cmdhelper = CommandHelper(self.logger)
コード例 #25
 def __init__(self, logger):
     '''Remember, for solaris sparc systems, the package names will typically
     begin with SUNW'''
     self.logger = logger
     self.detailedresults = ""
     self.sparc = "(.)*sparc(.)*"
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.install = "/usr/sbin/pkgadd -n -i "
     self.remove = "/usr/sbin/pkgrm -n "
     self.info = "/usr/bin/pkginfo "
コード例 #26
    def initobjs(self):
        '''init objects used by this class
        @author: Breen Malmberg


        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.fixed = False
コード例 #27
ファイル: SetDefaultUserUmask.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def report(self):
        The report method examines the current configuration and determines
        whether or not it is correct. If the config is correct then the
        self.compliant, self.detailedresults and self.currstate properties are
        updated to reflect the system status. self.rulesuccess will be updated
        if the rule does not succeed.

        :return: self.compliant
        :rtype: bool

        # defaults
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)

        # set up list of files which need to be checked and configured
        self.rootfiledict = {
            "/root/.bash_profile": False,
            "/root/.bashrc": False,
            "/root/.cshrc": False,
            "/root/.tcshrc": False

        self.userfiledict = {
            "/etc/profile": False,
            "/etc/csh.login": False,
            "/etc/csh.cshrc": False,
            "/etc/bashrc": False,
            "/etc/zshrc": False,
            "/etc/login.conf": False,
            "/etc/bash.bashrc": False,
            "/etc/login.defs": False


            # decide which report method to run based on osfamily
            if self.environ.getosfamily() == 'darwin':
                self.compliant = self.reportmac()
                self.compliant = self.reportnix()

        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception as err:
            self.compliant = False
            self.detailedresults = self.detailedresults + "\n" + str(err) + \
            " - " + str(traceback.format_exc())
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
        self.formatDetailedResults("report", self.compliant,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)

        return self.compliant
コード例 #28
    def __init__(self, config, environ, logdispatcher, statechglogger):
        RuleKVEditor.__init__(self, config, environ, logdispatcher,
        self.rulenumber = 122
        self.rulename = 'ConfigureNetworks'
        self.mandatory = True
        self.rootrequired = True
        self.guidance = []
        self.iditerator = 0
        self.statechglogger = statechglogger
        self.applicable = {
            'type': 'white',
            'os': {
                'Mac OS X': ['10.15', 'r', '10.15.10']

        ## this section added to prevent code, which relies on constants in localize.py,
        # from running if those constants are not defined or are set to 'None'
        #         if DNS == None:
        #             self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Please ensure that the following constants, in localize.py, are correctly defined and are not None: DNS, PROXY, PROXYCONFIGURATIONFILE, PROXYDOMAIN. ConfigureNetworks will not function without these!")
        #             exit
        #         if PROXY == None:
        #             self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Please ensure that the following constants, in localize.py, are correctly defined and are not None: DNS, PROXY, PROXYCONFIGURATIONFILE, PROXYDOMAIN. ConfigureNetworks will not function without these!")
        #             exit
        #         if PROXYCONFIGURATIONFILE == None:
        #             self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Please ensure that the following constants, in localize.py, are correctly defined and are not None: DNS, PROXY, PROXYCONFIGURATIONFILE, PROXYDOMAIN. ConfigureNetworks will not function without these!")
        #             exit
        #         if PROXYDOMAIN == None:
        #             self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Please ensure that the following constants, in localize.py, are correctly defined and are not None: DNS, PROXY, PROXYCONFIGURATIONFILE, PROXYDOMAIN. ConfigureNetworks will not function without these!")
        #             exit
        # this section added to prevent code, which relies on constants in localize.py,
        ## from running if those constants are not defined or are set to 'None'

        self.nsobject = None

        self.nsobject = networksetup(self.logdispatch)

        if self.nsobject != None:
            self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
            self.sh = ServiceHelper(self.environ, self.logdispatch)
            self.addKVEditor("DisableBluetoothUserInterface", "defaults",
                             "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Bluetooth", "",
                             {"ControllerPowerState": ["0", "-int 0"]},
                             "present", "",
                             "Disable Bluetooth User Interface.", None, False,
            self.addKVEditor("DisableBluetoothInternetSharing", "defaults",
                             "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Bluetooth", "",
                             {"PANServices": ["0", "-int 0"]}, "present", "",
                             "Disable Bluetooth Internet Sharing.", None,
                             False, {})
コード例 #29
ファイル: ConfigureFirewall.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
 def __init__(self, config, environ, logdispatcher, statechglogger):
     RuleKVEditor.__init__(self, config, environ, logdispatcher,
     self.rulenumber = 14
     self.rulename = 'ConfigureFirewall'
     self.mandatory = True
     self.rootrequired = True
     self.guidance = []
     self.applicable = {
         'type': 'white',
         'os': {
             'Mac OS X': ['10.12', 'r', '10.15.10']
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
     self.sh = ServiceHelper(self.environ, self.logdispatch)
     self.fwcmd = "/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw"
     self.list = self.fwcmd + " --listapps"
     self.add = self.fwcmd + " --add "
     self.rmv = self.fwcmd + " --remove "
     self.iditerator = 0
     datatype = 'bool'
     instructions = "To disable this rule set CONFIGUREFIREWALL to False\n"
     default = True
     self.ci = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)
     self.addKVEditor("FirewallOn", "defaults",
                      "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf", "",
                      {"globalstate": ["1", "-int 1"]}, "present", "",
                      "Turn On Firewall. When enabled.", None, False,
                      {"globalstate": ["0", "-int 0"]})
     self.addKVEditor("FirewallLoginEnabled", "defaults",
                      "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf", "",
                      {"loggingenabled": ["1", "-int 1"]}, "present", "",
                      "Login Enabled. When enabled.", None, False,
                      {"loggingenabled": ["0", "-int 0"]})
     self.addKVEditor("FirewallStealthDisabled", "defaults",
                      "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf", "",
                      {"stealthenabled": ["0", "-int 0"]}, "present", "",
                      "Stealth Disabled. When enabled.", None, False,
                      {"stealthenabled": ["1", "-int 1"]})
     # self.currallowed = []
     '''Any values inside stonix.conf overrule the values inserted
     in the text field unless changes are saved to stonix.conf'''
     '''There are no currently allowed apps for the fw'''
     datatype = 'list'
     key = 'ALLOWEDAPPS'
     instructions = "Comma separated list of Applications allowed by the firewall.\n" + \
                    "Most applications end with .app and must contain the full path to the application.\n"
     default = []
     self.appci = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default, ",")
コード例 #30
ファイル: DisableGUILogon.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/stonix
    def __init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger):
        Rule.__init__(self, config, environ, logger, statechglogger)
        self.logger = logger
        self.rulenumber = 105
        self.rulename = "DisableGUILogon"
        self.mandatory = False
        self.applicable = {'type': 'white',
                           'family': ['linux']}

        # Configuration item instantiation
        datatype = "bool"
        key = "DISABLEX"
        instructions = "To enable this item, set the value of DISABLEX " + \
            "to True. When enabled, this rule will disable the automatic " + \
            "GUI login, and the system will instead boot to the console " + \
            "(runlevel 3). This will not remove any GUI components, and the " + \
            "GUI can still be started using the \"startx\" command."
        default = False
        self.ci1 = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)

        datatype = "bool"
        key = "LOCKDOWNX"
        instructions = "To enable this item, set the value of LOCKDOWNX " + \
            "to True. When enabled, this item will help secure X Windows by " + \
            "disabling the X Font Server (xfs) service and disabling X " + \
            "Window System Listening. This item should be enabled if X " + \
            "Windows is disabled but will be occasionally started via " + \
            "startx, unless there is a mission-critical need for xfs or " + \
            "a remote display."
        default = False
        self.ci2 = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)

        datatype = "bool"
        key = "REMOVEX"
        instructions = "To enable this item, set the value of REMOVEX " + \
            "to True. When enabled, this item will COMPLETELY remove X " + \
            "Windows from the system, and on most platforms will disable " + \
            "any currently running display manager. It is therefore " + \
            "recommended that this rule be run from a console session " + \
            "rather than from the GUI.\nREMOVEX cannot be undone."
        default = False
        self.ci3 = self.initCi(datatype, key, instructions, default)

        self.guidance = ["NSA", "NSA", "NSA",
                         "CCE 4462-8", "CCE 4422-2", "CCE 4448-7",
                         "CCE 4074-1"]
        self.iditerator = 0
        self.ph = Pkghelper(self.logger, self.environ)
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.sh = ServiceHelper(self.environ, self.logger)
        self.myos = self.environ.getostype().lower()
コード例 #31
ファイル: aptGet.py プロジェクト: aes512/stonix
    def __init__(self, logger):
        self.logger = logger
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.install = "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive /usr/bin/apt-get \
-y install "
        self.remove = "/usr/bin/apt-get -y remove "
コード例 #32
ファイル: yum.py プロジェクト: aes512/stonix
 def __init__(self,logger):
     self.logger = logger
     self.detailedresults = ""
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.install = "/usr/bin/yum install -y "
     self.remove = "/usr/bin/yum remove -y "
     self.search = "/usr/bin/yum search "
     self.rpm = "/bin/rpm -q "
コード例 #33
ファイル: SHchkconfig.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
    def initobjs(self):
        initialize class objects


        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
コード例 #34
ファイル: zypper.py プロジェクト: aes512/stonix
 def __init__(self, logger):
     self.logger = logger
     self.detailedresults = ""
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.install = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive install "
     self.remove = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive remove "
     self.searchi = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive search --match-exact -i "
     self.searchu = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive search --match-exact -u "
コード例 #35
ファイル: solaris.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
class Solaris(object):
    def __init__(self,logger):
        '''Remember, for solaris sparc systems, the package names will typically
        begin with SUNW'''
        self.logger = logger
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.sparc = "(.)*sparc(.)*" 
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.install = "/usr/sbin/pkgadd -n -i "
        self.remove = "/usr/sbin/pkgrm -n "
        self.info = "/usr/bin/pkginfo "
    def installpackage(self, package):
         Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param string package : Name of the package to be installed, must be 
            recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return bool :
#             retval = call(self.install + package,stdout=None,shell=True)
#             if retval == 0:
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg installed successfully"
                return True
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg not able to install."
                self.detailedresults += "This package may not be available, \
                may be mispelled, or may depend on other packages in which non\
                interactive mode can't be used"
                return False
        except Exception, err:
            #print err
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
コード例 #36
ファイル: SHsystemctl.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
    def __init__(self, environment, logdispatcher):
        super(SHsystemctl, self).__init__(environment, logdispatcher)
        self.environment = environment
        self.logdispatcher = logdispatcher
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logdispatcher)

コード例 #37
ファイル: solaris.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
 def __init__(self,logger):
     '''Remember, for solaris sparc systems, the package names will typically
     begin with SUNW'''
     self.logger = logger
     self.detailedresults = ""
     self.sparc = "(.)*sparc(.)*" 
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.install = "/usr/sbin/pkgadd -n -i "
     self.remove = "/usr/sbin/pkgrm -n "
     self.info = "/usr/bin/pkginfo "
コード例 #38
ファイル: zypper.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
 def __init__(self, logger):
     self.logger = logger
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.zyploc = "/usr/bin/zypper"
     self.install = self.zyploc + " --non-interactive --quiet install "
     self.remove = self.zyploc + " --non-interactive remove "
     self.searchi = self.zyploc + " --non-interactive search --match-exact -i "
     self.searchu = self.zyploc + " --non-interactive search --match-exact -u "
     self.updates = self.zyploc + " lu "
     self.upzypp = self.zyploc + " up "
     self.rpm = "/usr/bin/rpm -q "
     self.pkgtype = "zypper"
コード例 #39
ファイル: aptGet.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
    def __init__(self, logger):

        self.logger = logger
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)

        self.aptgetloc = "/usr/bin/apt-get"
        self.aptcacheloc = "/usr/bin/apt-cache"
        self.dpkgloc = "/usr/bin/dpkg"

        self.aptinstall = "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive " + self.aptgetloc + " -y --assume-yes install "
        self.aptremove = "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive " + self.aptgetloc + " -y remove "

        self.dpkgsearch = self.dpkgloc + " -S "
        self.dpkgchkinstalled = self.dpkgloc + " -l "
        self.aptchkupdates = self.aptgetloc + " -u upgrade --assume-no "
        self.aptupgrade = self.aptgetloc + " -u upgrade --assume-yes "
        self.aptchkavail = self.aptcacheloc +  " policy "
コード例 #40
ファイル: lanlMacInfo.py プロジェクト: amrset/stonix
    def __init__(self, logger):
        initialize lanlMacInfo
        @author: ekkehard
        self.logdispatch = logger
# Make sure we have the full path for all commands
        self.ch = CommandHelper(logger)
        self.LANLAssetTagNVRAM = ""
        self.LANLAssetTagFilesystem = ""
        self.macAddressDictionary = {}
        self.dictionary = {}
        self.accuracyDictionary = {}
        self.dictionaryItem = None
        self.keys = None
        self.key = None
        self.keyIndexNumber = 0
        self.keysNumberOf = 0
        self.entries = -1
        self.computerName = ""
        self.computerNameDiskUtility = ""
        self.hostName = ""
        self.hostNameDiskUtility = ""
        self.localHostname = ""
        self.localHostnameDiskUtility = ""
        self.endUsername = ""
        self.assetTag = ""
# Make sure we have the full path for all commands
        self.ns = "/usr/sbin/networksetup"
        self.scutil = "/usr/sbin/scutil"
        self.jamf = "/usr/sbin/jamf"
        self.nvram = "/usr/sbin/nvram"
        self.ldap = "/usr/bin/ldapsearch"
        self.lanl_property_file = "/Library/Preferences/lanl_property_number.txt"
# Initialize accuracy modules
        self.updateAssetTagAccuracy(True, 0, "", True)
        self.updateEndUserNameAccuracy(True, 0, "", True)
        self.updateComputerNameAccuracy(True, 0, "", True)
# reset messages and initialize everyting
コード例 #41
ファイル: aptGet.py プロジェクト: aes512/stonix
class AptGet(object):

    '''Linux specific package manager for distributions that use the apt-get
    command to install packages.

    :author:Derek T Walker 08-06-2012'''

    def __init__(self, logger):
        self.logger = logger
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.install = "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive /usr/bin/apt-get \
-y install "
        self.remove = "/usr/bin/apt-get -y remove "
    def installpackage(self, package):
        '''Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param string package : Name of the package to be installed, must be 
            recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return bool :
        @author dwalker'''
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg installed successfully"
                return True
                #try to install for a second time
                self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
                if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                    self.detailedresults = package + " pkg installed successfully"
                    return True
                    self.detailedresults = package + " pkg not able to install"
                    return False
        except Exception, err:
            print err
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
コード例 #42
ファイル: KVAProfiles.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
 def commit(self):
     @summary: Method that performs the install command
             to install the appropriate profile for the
             calling rule.
     @author: dwalker
     @return: bool - True or False
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     if self.installcmd:
         if not self.ch.executeCommand(self.installcmd):
             return False
         elif self.ch.getReturnCode() != 0:
             return False
             return True
         return False
     return True
コード例 #43
ファイル: KVEditor.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
 def validateProfiles(self):
     @since: 3/10/2016
     @author: dwalker
     @var self.data: A dictionary in the form of {k: {v: ["numberValue",
                                                     v: ["", "", ""],
                                                     v: ["", "", ""],
     @var: k: The profile sub-identifier e.g.
     @var v: The profile data key-value pairs in a dictionary e.g.
         allowSimple that will appear in the output of the system_profiler
         command within the first opening brace after the profile
         sub-identifier.  v also contains an associated list containing:
         a) the value on the other side of the = sign
         b) whether that value is an integer(int) or a boolean(bool)
         c) (optional) whether the value present after the = sign(a),
             if an int, can be lower(less) or higher(more) in order to
             detect and represent stringency (see self.data description
     @return: Value returned from validate method in factory sub-class
     @rtype: bool
     cmd = ["/usr/sbin/system_profiler", "SPConfigurationProfileDataType"]
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     if self.ch.executeCommand(cmd):
         self.output = self.ch.getOutput()
         retval = True
         if self.output:
             for k, v in self.data.iteritems():
                 retval = self.editor.validate(self.output, k, v)
                 if not retval:
                     return False
             debug = "There are no profiles installed"
             self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
             return False
     return True
コード例 #44
ファイル: yum.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
 def __init__(self, logger):
     self.environ = Environment()
     self.logger = logger
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.yumloc = "/usr/bin/yum"
     self.install = self.yumloc + " install -y "
     self.remove = self.yumloc + " remove -y "
     self.search = self.yumloc + " list "
     self.checkupdates = self.search + "updates "
     self.listavail = self.search + "available "
     self.listinstalled = self.search + "installed "
     self.updatepkg = self.yumloc + " update -y --obsoletes "
     myos = self.environ.getostype().lower()
     if re.search("red hat.*?release 6", myos) or \
             re.search("^centos$", myos.strip()):
         self.rpmloc = "/bin/rpm"
         self.rpmloc = "/usr/bin/rpm"
     self.provides = self.rpmloc + " -qf "
     self.query = self.rpmloc + " -qa "
コード例 #45
ファイル: KVAProfiles.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
class KVAProfiles():

    def __init__(self, logger, path):
        self.logger = logger
        self.path = path
        self.undocmd = ""
        self.installcmd = ""

    def validate(self, output, key, val):
        @summary: Method checks if either profile is installed and/or contents of
        profile is up to par with our security standards
        @author: dwalker
        @param output: The output from system_profiler 
                SPConfigurationProfileDataType command 
        @param key: The profile identifier we're looking for in the output.
                Usually takes the form of com.apple.example
        @param val: A dictionary which could contain other lists, dicts,
                and/or tuples nested within.  Example:
                {"allowsimple": ["1", "bool"],
                 "forcePIN": ["1", "bool"],
        @return: bool - True or False
        '''When passed through, key should be the identifier to be found
        such as com.apple.DiscRecording and val should be the rest of the
        retval = True
        '''In some cases val will be blank in which case we're just
        looking for the presence of the profile or more specifically
        the identifier (key)'''
        if not val:
            for line in output:
                if re.search("^" + key, line.strip()):
                    return True
            '''We never found the profile, return False'''
            debug = "The profile sub-identifier:" + key + " was not found\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return False
        '''Go throught output and see if we can find the profile
        identifier (key)'''
        iterator1 = 0
        keyoutput = []
        keyfound = False
        for line in output:
            '''We found the profile identifier'''
            if re.search("^" + key + ":$", line.strip()):
                keyfound = True
                ''''Put all output after the identifier line into a 
                new list'''
                temp = output[iterator1 + 1:]
                iterator2 = 0
                '''Go through this new list and look for where the 
                payload section starts.  The rest of the output gets
                stored in the keyout list'''
                for line in temp:
                    if re.search("^Payload Data:", line.strip()):
                        temp = temp[iterator2 + 1:]
                        keyoutput = temp
                        iterator2 += 1
                if keyoutput:
                iterator1 += 1
        '''Check to see if we ever found the identifier (key).
        If not, return False'''
        if not keyfound:
            debug = "Key: " + key + " was never found\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return False
        '''keyoutput should just contain lines after Payload Data line'''
        if keyoutput:
            payloadblocktemp = []
            '''This next loop is getting everything inside the payload
            section stopping before the next identifier'''
            for line in keyoutput:
                if not re.search(".*:", line):
                    line = re.sub("\s+", "", line)
            payloadblock = []
            i = 0
            dontadd = False
            '''This loop is to clean up the output and squash together
            any consecutive lines that are blank values inside {} or ()'''
            while i < len(payloadblocktemp):
                if dontadd:
                    i += 1
                    dontadd = False
                '''The next two if statements check to see if two consecutive
                lines represent an empty dictionary or tuple.  If so we want
                to combine these into one line without the ; at the end'''
                if re.search("\{$", payloadblocktemp[i]):
                        if re.search("\};$", payloadblocktemp[i + 1]):
                            dontadd = True
                            line = re.sub(";$", "", payloadblocktemp[i + 1])
                            payloadblock.append(payloadblocktemp[i] + line)
                    except IndexError:
                        debug = "File in bad format, fix will install profile\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        return False
                elif re.search("\($", payloadblocktemp[i]):
                        if re.search("\);$", payloadblocktemp[i + 1]):
                            dontadd = True
                            line = re.sub(";$", "", payloadblocktemp[i + 1])
                            payloadblock.append(payloadblocktemp[i] + line)
                    except IndexError:
                        debug = "File in bad format, fix will install profile\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        return False
                i += 1
            '''k is the key inside val variable (e.g. allowsimple)
            and v is the value, in this example, a list (e.g. ["1", "bool"])'''
            for k, v, in val.iteritems():
                if isinstance(v, list):
                    retval = self.checkSimple(k, v, payloadblock)
                elif isinstance(v, tuple):
                    retval = self.checkTuple(k, v, payloadblock)
                elif isinstance(v, dict):
                    retval = self.checkDict(k, v, payloadblock)
                if not retval:
                    return False
            if not val:
                return True
                debug = "There was no Payload Data for key: " + key + "\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                return False
        return retval    

    def checkSimple(self, k, v, payloadblock):
        @summary: Method that checks payloadblock contents
                for k (key) and associated v (value)
        @author: dwalker
        @param k: Not to be confused with the key in the calling
                method which was our identifier before the payload.
                This key is now the key in the inner dictionary
                passed through as val from the calling method
        @param v: Not to be confused with the value in the calling
                method which was our inner dictionary passed through
                as val. This val is now the list associated with our
                k value.
        @param payloadblock: A list of lines from our payload
                portion of the output from the system_profiler
        @return: bool - True or False
        founditem = False
        retval = True
        unsecure = False
        debug = ""
        for line in payloadblock:
            if re.search("^" + k + " = ", line.strip()):
                founditem = True
                temp = line.strip().split("=")
                    if temp[1]:
                        '''Remove any arbitrary whitespace'''
                        temp[1] = re.sub("\s", "", temp[1])
                        '''Remove semicolon at end if exists'''
                        temp[1] = re.sub(";$", "", temp[1])
                        '''If the second value inside the list v is the word
                        bool, then we want to make sure that our value found
                        after the = in our output matches what we're expecting
                        in v[0] which is either going to be a 1 or 0'''
                        if v[1] == "bool":
                            if str(temp[1].strip()) != v[0]:
                                debug += "Key: " + k + " doesn't " + \
                                    "contain the correct boolean " + \
                                unsecure = True
                            '''If the second value inside the list v is the word
                            int, then we want to make sure that our value found
                            after the = in our output matches what we're expecting
                            in v[0] which could be any numerical integer.
                            Additionally, if it's "int", there will be a third value
                            inside the list v (v[2]) which will contain either the
                            word "more" or "less".  More indicates that if the values
                            don't match but the value in our output is a greater 
                            integer value than what we're expecting, then it's still
                            ok and vice versa with the less keyword.'''
                        elif v[1] == "int":
                            if v[2] == "more":
                                if int(temp[1].strip()) < int(v[0]):
                                    debug += "Key: " + k + " doesn't " + \
                                        "contain the correct integer " + \
                                    unsecure = True
                            elif v[2] == "less":
                                if int(temp[1].strip()) > int(v[0]):
                                    debug += "Key: " + k + " doesn't " + \
                                        "contain the correct integer " + \
                                    unsecure = True
                            '''If the second value inside the list v is the word
                            string, then we want to make sure that our value found
                            after the = in our output matches what we're expecting
                            in v[0] which could be any string.'''
                        elif v[1] == "string":
                            if temp[1].strip() != v[0]:
                                debug += "Key: " + k + " doesn't " + \
                                    "contain the correct string value\n"
                                unsecure = True
                except IndexError:
                    debug += "Profile in bad format\n"
        if not founditem:
            debug = "Key: " + k + " not found\n"
            retval = False
        if unsecure:
            debug = "Key: " + k + " found but had an incorrect value\n"
            retval = False 
        if debug:
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
        return retval
    def checkTuple(self, k, v, payloadblock):
        @summary: Method that checks payloadblock contents
                for k (key) and associated v (value)
        @author: dwalker
        @param k: Not to be confused with the key in the calling
                method which was our identifier before the payload.
                This key is now the key in the inner dictionary
                passed through as val from the calling method
        @param v: Not to be confused with the value in the calling
                method which was our inner dictionary passed through
                as val. This val is now the tuple associated with
                our k value.
        @param payloadblock: A list of lines from our payload
                portion of the output from the system_profiler
        @return: bool - True or False
        retval = True
        iterator = 0
        temp, temp2 = [], []
        for line in payloadblock:
            if re.search("^" + k + "=", line):
                if re.search("\(\)$", line):
                    if str(v) == "()":
                        return True
                        return False
                elif re.search("\($", line):
                    temp = payloadblock[iterator + 1:]
                iterator += 1
        iterator = 0
        for line in temp:
            if re.search("\)\;", line):
                temp2 = temp[:iterator]
                iterator += 1
        if temp2:
            temp = temp2
        if temp:
            replaceables = []
            for line in temp:
                if re.search("\,$", line):
                    line = re.sub("\,$", "", line)
            if replaceables:
                temp = replaceables
            removeables = []
            for line in temp:
                if line in v:
            if removeables:
                v = list(v)
                for item in removeables:
                v = tuple(v)
            if v:
                '''There are still items left so we didn't find them all'''
                debug = "The following tuple items weren't found for the key " + k + "\n"
                debug +=  str(v) + "\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                retval = False
            if temp:
                debug = "The following items were in the output that shouldn't have been\n"
                for item in temp:
                    if not re.search("\)\;|\($", item):
                        debug += str(temp) + "\n"
                        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                        retval = False
            debug = "key " + k + " wasn't found\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            retval = False
        return retval
    def checkDict(self, k, v, payloadblock):
        @summary: Method that checks payloadblock contents
                for k (key) and associated v (value)
        @author: dwalker
        @param k: Not to be confused with the key in the calling
                method which was our identifier before the payload.
                This key is now the key in the inner dictionary
                passed through as val from the calling method
        @param v: Not to be confused with the value in the calling
                method which was our inner dictionary passed through
                as val. This val is now the dict associated with
                our k value.
        @param payloadblock: A list of lines from our payload
                portion of the output from the system_profiler
        @return: bool - True or False
        retval = True
        iterator = 0
        for line in payloadblock:
            if re.search("^" + k + "=", line):
                if re.search("\{\}$", line):
                    if str(v) == "{}":
                        return True
                        return False
                elif re.search("\{$", line):
                    temp = payloadblock[iterator + 1:]
                iterator += 1
        for k2, v2 in v.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v2, list):
                retval = self.checkSimple(k2, v2, temp)
            elif isinstance(v2, tuple):
                retval = self.checkTuple(k2, v2, temp)
            elif isinstance(v2, dict):
                retval = self.checkDict(k2, v2, temp)
            if not retval:
                return False
        return retval
    def setUndoCmd(self, undocmd):
        @summary: Mutator method to set self.undocmd to the
                passed in undo command.
        @author: dwalker
        @param undocmd: undo command passed through from 
                update method
        self.undocmd = undocmd
    def setInstallCmd(self, installcmd):
        @summary: Mutator method to set self.installcmd to
                thev passed in install command.
        @author: dwalker
        @param installcmd: install command passed through from 
                update method
        self.installcmd = installcmd
    def getUndoCmd(self):
        @summary: Accessor method to retrieve self.undocmd
        @author: dwalker
        @return: self.undocmd
        return self.undocmd
    def getInstallCmd(self):
        @summary: Accessor method to retrieve self.installcmd
        @author: dwalker
        @return: self.installcmd
        return self.installcmd
    def update(self):
        @summary: Method to set the install command for 
        installing the profile for the fix method and set
        the remove command for removing the profile for the
        undo method in upper implementing classes
        @author: dwalker
        @return: bool - True
        cmd = ["/usr/bin/profiles", "-I", "-F", self.path]
        cmd = ["/usr/bin/profiles", "-R", "-F", self.path]
        return True
    def commit(self):
        @summary: Method that performs the install command
                to install the appropriate profile for the
                calling rule.
        @author: dwalker
        @return: bool - True or False
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        if self.installcmd:
            if not self.ch.executeCommand(self.installcmd):
                return False
            elif self.ch.getReturnCode() != 0:
                return False
                return True
            return False
        return True
コード例 #46
ファイル: rule.py プロジェクト: aes512/stonix
    def undo(self):
        Undo changes made by this rule. Some rules may not be undone.
        self.rulesuccess will be updated if the rule does not succeed.

        @author D. Kennel & D. Walker
        # pass
        if not self.environ.geteuid() == 0:
            self.detailedresults = "Root access required to revert changes."
            self.formatDetailedResults("undo", None, self.detailedresults)
# This must be implemented later once the parameter option or observable
# pattern for taking control of self.detailedresults refresh is implemented
# see artf30937 : self.detailedresults through application flow for details
            self.detailedresults = ""
            undosuccessful = True
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            if not eventlist:
                self.formatDetailedResults("undo", None, self.detailedresults)
                self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
                return undosuccessful
            for entry in eventlist:
                    event = self.statechglogger.getchgevent(entry)
                    if event["eventtype"] == "perm":
                        perms = event["startstate"]
                        os.chmod(event["filepath"], perms[2])
                        os.chown(event["filepath"], perms[0], perms[1])
                    elif event["eventtype"] == "conf":
                        self.statechglogger.revertfilechanges(event["filepath"], entry)
                    elif event["eventtype"] == "comm":
                        ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
                        command = event["command"]
                        if ch.getReturnCode() != 0:
                            self.detailedresults = "couldn\'t run the command \
to undo\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                    elif event["eventtype"] == "commandstring":
                        ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
                        command = event["command"]
                        if ch.getReturnCode() != 0:
                            self.detailedresults = "couldn\'t run the command \
to undo\n"
                            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                    elif event["eventtype"] == "creation":
                except(IndexError, KeyError):
                    self.detailedresults = "EventID " + entry + " not found"
                    self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            undosuccessful = False
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, [self.rulename + ".undo",
        self.formatDetailedResults("undo", undosuccessful,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return undosuccessful
コード例 #47
ファイル: SHsystemctl.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
class SHsystemctl(ServiceHelperTemplate):
    SHsystemctl is the Service Helper for systems using the systemctl command to
    configure services. (Fedora and future RHEL and variants)

    def __init__(self, environment, logdispatcher):
        super(SHsystemctl, self).__init__(environment, logdispatcher)
        self.environment = environment
        self.logdispatcher = logdispatcher
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logdispatcher)


    def localize(self):


        systemctl_paths = ["/usr/bin/systemctl", "/bin/systemctl"]
        self.sysctl = ""

        for sp in systemctl_paths:
            if os.path.exists(sp):
                self.sysctl = sp

        if not self.sysctl:
            raise IOError("Cannot find systemctl utility on this system!")

        # do not attempt to manipulate any service which has a status in this list
        self.handsoff = ["static", "transient", "generated", "masked", "masked-runtime"]

    def disableService(self, service, **kwargs):
        Disables the service and terminates it if it is running.

        @param service: string; Name of the service to be disabled
        @return: disabled
        @rtype: bool
        @author: ???
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor;
                doc string edit; logging edit

        disabled = True
        self.ch.executeCommand(self.sysctl + " disable " + service)
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            disabled = False
            errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
            self.logdispatcher.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)

        if not self.stopService(service):
            disabled = False

        return disabled

    def enableService(self, service, **kwargs):
        Enables a service and starts it if it is not running as long as we are
        not in install mode

        @param service: string; Name of the service to be disabled
        @return: enabled
        @rtype: bool
        @author: ???
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor;
                doc string edit; logging edit

        enabled = True

        if self.getServiceStatus(service, **kwargs) in self.handsoff:
            enabled = False
            return enabled

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.sysctl + " enable " + service)
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            enabled = False
            errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
            self.logdispatcher.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)

        return enabled

    def auditService(self, service, **kwargs):
        Checks the status of a service and returns a bool indicating whether or
        not the service is configured to run or not.

        @param service: string; Name of the service to audit
        @return: enabled
        @rtype: bool

        enabled = False

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.sysctl + " is-enabled " + service)

        if self.ch.findInOutput("not a native service"):
            self.logdispatcher.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Attempted to audit a non-systemd service with systemctl commands")
            return enabled
        elif self.ch.findInOutput("enabled"):
            enabled = True

        return enabled

    def isRunning(self, service, **kwargs):
        Check to see if a service is currently running. The enable service uses
        this so that we're not trying to start a service that is already

        @param service: string; name of service to check
        @return: running
        @rtype: bool
        @author: ???
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor; doc string edit;
                debug logging edit

        running = True
        inactive_keys = ["inactive", "unknown"]

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.sysctl + " is-active " + service)
        for k in inactive_keys:
            if self.ch.findInOutput(k):
                running = False

        return running

    def reloadService(self, service, **kwargs):
        Reload (HUP) a service so that it re-reads it's config files. Called
        by rules that are configuring a service to make the new configuration

        @param service: string; Name of the service to reload
        @return: success
        @rtype: bool
        @author: ???
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor; doc string edit;
                debug logging edit

        success = True

        if self.getServiceStatus(service, **kwargs) in self.handsoff:
            success = False
            return success

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.sysctl + " reload-or-restart " + service)
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            success = False
            errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
            self.logdispatcher.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)
        if not self.isRunning(service):
            success = False

        return success

    def listServices(self, **kwargs):
        Return a list containing strings that are service names.

        @return: service_list
        @rtype: bool
        @author: ???
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor; debug logging
                edit; doc string edit

        service_list = []

        # list all installed, service-type service units on the system
        self.ch.executeCommand(self.sysctl + " -a -t service --no-pager list-unit-files")
        output = self.ch.getOutput()

        for line in output:
            except IndexError:

        if not service_list:
            errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
            if errmsg:
                self.logdispatcher.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)

        return service_list

    def startService(self, service, **kwargs):
        start given service

        @param service:
        @param kwargs:
        @return: started
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        started = True

        if self.getServiceStatus(service, **kwargs) in self.handsoff:
            started = False
            return started

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.sysctl + " start " + service)
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            started = False
            errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
            self.logdispatcher.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)

        return started

    def stopService(self, service, **kwargs):
        stop given service

        @param service:
        @param kwargs:
        @return: stopped
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        stopped = True

        if not self.isRunning(service):
            return stopped # nothing to do

        if self.getServiceStatus(service, **kwargs) in self.handsoff:
            stopped = False
            return stopped

            self.ch.executeCommand(self.sysctl + " stop " + service)
            retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
            if retcode != 0:
                stopped = False
                errmsg = self.ch.getErrorString()
                self.logdispatcher.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, errmsg)

        return stopped

    def getServiceStatus(self, service, **kwargs):
        return is-enabled status output
        possible return values:

        unknown (custom status defined in STONIX; not generated by systemctl)

        @param service:
        @param kwargs:
        @return: status
        @rtype: string
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        status = ""
        known_statuses = ["enabled", "enabled-runtime", "linked", "linked-runtime",
                          "masked", "masked-runtime", "static", "indirect", "disabled",
                          "generated", "transient"]

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.sysctl + " is-enabled " + service)
        output = self.ch.getOutputString()

            if len(output.split()) == 1:
                status = str(output)
                status = str(output.split()[0])
        except IndexError:

        if status not in known_statuses:
            status = "unknown"
        elif not isinstance(status, basestring):
            status = "unknown"

        if status in self.handsoff:
            self.logdispatcher.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Status of service: " + service + " indicates it is either protected, required or immutable. Will not perform operation on this service!")

        return status

    def getStartCommand(self, service):
        retrieve the start command.  Mostly used by event recording
        @return: string - start command
        @author: dwalker
        return self.sysctl + " start " + service

    def getStopCommand(self, service):
        retrieve the stop command.  Mostly used by event recording
        @return: string - stop command
        @author: dwalker
        return self.sysctl + " stop " + service

    def getEnableCommand(self, service):
        retrieve the enable command.  Mostly used by event recording
        @return: string - enable command
        @author: dwalker
        return self.sysctl + " enable " + service

    def getDisableCommand(self, service):
        retrieve the start command.  Mostly used by event recording
        @return: string - disable command
        @author: dwalker
        return self.sysctl + " disable " + service
コード例 #48
ファイル: dnf.py プロジェクト: inscriptionweb/stonix
class Dnf(object):

    '''The template class that provides a framework that must be implemented by
    all platform specific pkgmgr classes.  Specifically for Fedora
    :author:Derek T Walker 08-13-2015'''
    def __init__(self, logger):
        self.logger = logger
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.install = "/usr/bin/dnf install -y "
        self.remove = "/usr/bin/dnf remove -y "
        self.search = "/usr/bin/dnf search "
        self.rpm = "/bin/rpm -q "

    def installpackage(self, package):
        '''Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.
        @param string package : Name of the package to be installed, must be
        recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return bool :
            installed = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                installed = True
                self.detailedresults = package + \
                    " pkg installed successfully\n"
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg not able to install\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
            return installed
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)

    def removepackage(self, package):
        '''Remove a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.
        @param string package : Name of the package to be removed, must be
        recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return bool :
            removed = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.remove + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                removed = True
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg removed successfully\n"
                self.detailedresults += package + \
                    " pkg not able to be removed\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
            return removed
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)

    def checkInstall(self, package):
        '''Check the installation status of a package. Return a bool; True if
        the package is installed.
        @param: string package : Name of the package whose installation status
            is to be checked, must be recognizable to the underlying package
        @return: bool :
        @author: dwalker'''
            found = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.rpm + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                found = True
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg found\n"
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg not found\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
            return found
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)

    def checkAvailable(self, package):
            found = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.search + package)
            output = self.ch.getOutputString()
            if re.search("no matches found", output.lower()):
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg is not available " + \
                    " or may be misspelled\n"
            elif re.search("matched", output.lower()):
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg is available\n"
                found = True
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
            return found
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)

    def getPackageFromFile(self, filename):
        '''Returns the name of the package that provides the given

        @param: string filename : The name or path of the file to resolve
        @return: string name of package if found, None otherwise
        @author: Eric Ball
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.rpm + "-f " + filename)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                return self.ch.getOutputString()
                return None
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)

    def getInstall(self):
        return self.install

    def getRemove(self):
        return self.remove
コード例 #49
ファイル: zypper.py プロジェクト: inscriptionweb/stonix
class Zypper(object):

    """The template class that provides a framework that must be implemented by
    all platform specific pkgmgr classes.

    @author: Derek T Walker
    @change: 2012/08/08 dwalker - Original Implementation
    @change: 2014/09/10 dkennel - Added -n option to search command string
    @change: 2014/12/24 bemalmbe - fixed a typo in the old search string
    @change: 2014/12/24 bemalmbe - changed search strings to be match exact and
        search for installed or available separately
    @change: 2014/12/24 bemalmbe - fixed multiple pep8 violations
    @change: 2015/08/20 eball - Added getPackageFromFile and self.rpm var

    def __init__(self, logger):
        self.logger = logger
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.install = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive install "
        self.remove = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive remove "
        self.searchi = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive search --match-exact -i "
        self.searchu = "/usr/bin/zypper --non-interactive search --match-exact -u "
        self.rpm = "/bin/rpm -q "

    def installpackage(self, package):
        """Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.
        @param string package : Name of the package to be installed, must be
            recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return: bool
        @author: dwalker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - fixed method doc string formatting
            installed = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
            output = self.ch.getOutputString()
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                if search("Abort, retry, ignore", output):
                    self.detailedresults += "There is an error contacting " + "one or more repos, aborting\n"
                    return False
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg installed successfully\n"
                installed = True
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg not able to install\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
            return installed
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)

    def removepackage(self, package):
        """Remove a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param string package : Name of the package to be removed, must be
            recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return: bool
        @author: dwalker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - fixed method doc string formatting
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - fixed an issue with var 'removed' not
            being initialized before it was called
        removed = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.remove + package)
            output = self.ch.getOutputString()
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                if search("Abort, retry, ignore", output):
                    self.detailedresults += "There is an error contacting " + "one or more repos, aborting\n"
                    return False
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg removed successfully\n"
                removed = True
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg not able to be removed\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
            return removed
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)

    def checkInstall(self, package):
        Check the installation status of a package. Return a bool; True if
        the package is installed.

        @param string package : Name of the package whose installation status
            is to be checked, must be recognizable to the underlying package
        @return: bool
        @author: dwalker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - fixed method doc string formatting
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - changed var name 'found' to
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - now uses correct search syntax
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - removed detailedresults update on
            'found but not installed' as this no longer applies to this method

            installed = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.searchi + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                output = self.ch.getOutput()
                outputStr = self.ch.getOutputString()
                if search("Abort, retry, ignore", outputStr):
                    self.detailedresults += "There is an error contacting " + "one or more repos, aborting\n"
                    return False
                for line in output:
                    if search(package, line):
                        installed = True
                if installed:
                    self.detailedresults += package + " pkg is installed\n"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                    return True
                installed = False
                self.detailedresults += (
                    + " pkg not found or may be \
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                return False
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)

    def checkAvailable(self, package):
        check if given package is available to install on the current system

        @param: package string name of package to search for
        @return: bool
        @author: dwalker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - added method documentation
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - changed var name 'found' to
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - fixed search syntax and updated search
            variable name
            available = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.searchu + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                output = self.ch.getOutput()
                for line in output:
                    if search(package, line):
                        available = True
                if available:
                    self.detailedresults += package + " pkg is available\n"
                    self.detailedresults += package + " pkg is not available\n"
                self.detailedresults = (
                    + " pkg not found or may be \
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
            return available
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)

    def getPackageFromFile(self, filename):
        """Returns the name of the package that provides the given

        @param: string filename : The name or path of the file to resolve
        @return: string name of package if found, None otherwise
        @author: Eric Ball
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.rpm + "-f " + filename)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                return self.ch.getOutputString()
                return None
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
            raise (self.detailedresults)

    def getInstall(self):
        return the install command string for the zypper pkg manager

        @return: string
        @author: dwalker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - added method documentation

        return self.install

    def getRemove(self):
        return the uninstall/remove command string for the zypper pkg manager

        @return: string
        @author: dwalker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - bemalmbe - added method documentation

        return self.remove
コード例 #50
ファイル: freebsd.py プロジェクト: aes512/stonix
 def __init__(self,logger):
     self.logger = logger
     self.detailedresults = ""
     self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
     self.install = "/usr/sbin/pkg_add -r -f "
     self.remove = "/usr/sbin/pkg_delete "
コード例 #51
ファイル: zypper.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
class Zypper(object):
    The template class that provides a framework that must be implemented by
    all platform specific pkgmgr classes.

    @author: Derek T Walker
    @change: 2012/08/08 Derek Walker - Original Implementation
    @change: 2014/09/10 dkennel - Added -n option to search command string
    @change: 2014/12/24 Breen Malmberg - fixed a typo in the old search string;
            fixed multiple pep8 violations; changed search strings to be match exact and
            search for installed or available separately
    @change: 2015/08/20 eball - Added getPackageFromFile and self.rpm var
    @change: 2016/08/02 eball - Moved checkInstall return out of else block
    @change: 2017/04/19 Breen Malmberg - refactored multiple methods; cleaned up doc
            strings; added logging; added two methods: Update and checkUpdate;
            removed detailedresults reset in __init__ (this should always be handled
            in the calling rule); replaced detailedresults instances with logging;
            added the flag "--quiet" to the install variable

    def __init__(self, logger):
        self.logger = logger
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.zyploc = "/usr/bin/zypper"
        self.install = self.zyploc + " --non-interactive --quiet install "
        self.remove = self.zyploc + " --non-interactive remove "
        self.searchi = self.zyploc + " --non-interactive search --match-exact -i "
        self.searchu = self.zyploc + " --non-interactive search --match-exact -u "
        self.updates = self.zyploc + " lu "
        self.upzypp = self.zyploc + " up "
        self.rpm = "/usr/bin/rpm -q "
        self.pkgtype = "zypper"

    def installpackage(self, package):
        Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param package: string; Name of the package to be installed, must be
                recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return: installed
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Derek Walker
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 12/24/2014 - fixed method doc string formatting
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 10/1/2018 - added check for package manager lock and retry loop

        installed = True
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0

        while psRunning("zypper"):
            trynum += 1
            if trynum == maxtries:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to install package due to zypper package manager being in-use by another process.")
                installed = False
                return installed
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "zypper package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('zypper', retcode)
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    installed = False

            if installed:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " installed successfully")
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to install package " + str(package))

        except Exception:
        return installed

    def removepackage(self, package):
        Remove a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param package: string; Name of the package to be removed, must be
                recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return: removed
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Derek Walker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - fixed method doc string formatting;
                fixed an issue with var 'removed' not
                being initialized before it was called

        removed = True
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0

        while psRunning("zypper"):
            trynum += 1
            if trynum == maxtries:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to remove package due to zypper package manager being in-use by another process.")
                removed = False
                return removed
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "zypper package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.remove + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('zypper', retcode)
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    removed = False

            if removed:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " was removed successfully")
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to remove package " + str(package))

        except Exception:
        return removed

    def checkInstall(self, package):
        Check the installation status of a package. Return a bool; True if
        the package is installed.

        @param string package : Name of the package whose installation status
            is to be checked, must be recognizable to the underlying package
        @return: bool
        @author: Derek Walker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - fixed method doc string formatting
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - changed var name 'found' to
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - now uses correct search syntax
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - removed detailedresults update on
            'found but not installed' as this no longer applies to this method

        installed = True
        errstr = ""
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0

        while psRunning("zypper"):
            trynum += 1
            if trynum == maxtries:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to check status of  package due to zypper package manager being in-use by another process.")
                installed = False
                return installed
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "zypper package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.searchi + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('zypper', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    installed = False

            if installed:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, " Package " + str(package) + " is installed")
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, " Package " + str(package) + " is NOT installed")

        except Exception:
        return installed

    def checkAvailable(self, package):
        check if given package is available to install on the current system

        @param: package string name of package to search for
        @return: bool
        @author: Derek Walker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - added method documentation
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - changed var name 'found' to
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - fixed search syntax and updated search
            variable name
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 5/1/2017 - replaced detailedresults with logging;
                added parameter validation

        available = True
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0

        while psRunning("zypper"):
            trynum += 1
            if trynum == maxtries:
                                "Timed out while attempting to check availability of package, due to zypper package manager being in-use by another process.")
                available = False
                return available
                                "zypper package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.searchu + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                output = self.ch.getOutput()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('zypper', retcode, str(errstr))
                    for line in output:
                        if re.search(package, line):
                            available = True
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(repoerr))
                    return False

                if available:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " is available to install")
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " is NOT available to install")

        except Exception:
        return available

    def checkUpdate(self, package=""):
        check for available updates for specified
        if no package is specified, then check for
        updates to the entire system.

        @param package: string; name of package to check
        @return: updatesavail
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        # zypper does not have a package-specific list updates mechanism
        # you have to list all updates or nothing

        updatesavail = True


                if package:
                    self.ch.executeCommand(self.updates + " | grep " + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('zypper', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))
                    updatesavail = False

            if package:
                if not updatesavail:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "No updates are available for package " + str(package))
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Updates are available for package " + str(package))

                if not updatesavail:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "No updates are available")
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Updates are available")

        except Exception:
        return updatesavail

    def Update(self, package=""):
        update a specified package
        if no package name is specified,
        then update all packages on the system

        @param package: string; name of package to update
        @return: updated
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        updated = True


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.upzypp + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('zypper', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))
                    updated = False

        except Exception:
        return updated

    def getPackageFromFile(self, filename):
        '''Returns the name of the package that provides the given

        @param: string filename : The name or path of the file to resolve
        @return: string name of package if found, None otherwise
        @author: Eric Ball

        packagename = ""


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.rpm + "-f " + filename)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                outputstr = self.ch.getOutputString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('zypper', retcode, str(errstr))
                    # return ""
                    packagename = outputstr
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))
                    packagename = outputstr

        except Exception:

        return packagename

    def getInstall(self):
        return the install command string for the zypper pkg manager

        @return: string
        @author: Derek Walker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - added method documentation

        return self.install

    def getRemove(self):
        return the uninstall/remove command string for the zypper pkg manager

        @return: string
        @author: Derek Walker
        @change: 12/24/2014 - Breen Malmberg - added method documentation

        return self.remove
コード例 #52
ファイル: KVEditor.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
class KVEditor(object):
    '''The main parent class for The Key Value Editor Class group.  Call the
    validate def to see if the specified values are either present or not based
    on the intent desired, "present" or "notpresent", where, "present" means
    the values you set are desired in the configuration file and "notpresent"
    means the values you set are not desired in the configuration file.  If you
    have a mixture of desired key-values and undesired key-values you must set
    intent for each time you change intents then setData with the new data.  Do
    not run commit until all'''

    def __init__(self, stchlgr, logger, kvtype, path, tmpPath, data, intent="",
                 configType="", output=""):
        KVEditor constructor
        @param stchlgr: StateChgLogger object
        @param logger: logger object
        @param kvtype: Type of key-value file.
                       Valid values: "tagconf", "conf", "defaults", "profiles"
        @param path: Path to key-value file
        @param tmpPath: Path to temp file for key-value list
        @param data: Dict of key-value data
        @param intent: "present" or "notpresent"
        @param configType: Specify how the config options are separated.
                           Valid values: "space", "openeq", "closedeq"
        @param output: Output of profiler command, used only by KVAProfiles
        self.kvtype = kvtype
        self.path = path
        self.tmpPath = tmpPath
        self.logger = logger
        self.configType = configType
        self.data = data
        self.output = output
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.missing = []
        self.fixables = {}
        self.fixlist = []
        self.removeables = {}
        self.intent = intent
        self.container = {}
        self.iditerator = 0
        self.idcontainer = []
        if self.kvtype == "tagconf":
            if not self.getPath:
                return None
            self.editor = KVATaggedConf.KVATaggedConf(self.path, self.tmpPath,
        elif self.kvtype == "conf":
            if not self.getPath:
                return None
            self.editor = KVAConf.KVAConf(self.path, self.tmpPath, self.intent,
                                          self.configType, self.logger)
        elif self.kvtype == "defaults":
            self.editor = KVADefault.KVADefault(self.path, self.logger,
        elif self.kvtype == "profiles":
            self.editor = KVAProfiles.KVAProfiles(self.logger, self.path)
            self.detailedresults = "Not one of the supported kveditor types"
                            ["KVEditor.__init__", self.detailedresults])
            return None

    def setData(self, data):
        if data is None:
            return False
        elif data == "":
            return False
            self.data = data
            return True

    def getData(self):
        return self.data

    def updateData(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def setIntent(self, intent):
        if intent == "present" or intent == "notpresent":
            self.intent = intent
            return True
            return False

    def getIntent(self):
        return self.intent

    def setPath(self, path):
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            self.detailedresults = "File path does not exist"
                            ["KVEditor", self.detailedresults])
            return False
            self.path = path
            return True

    def getPath(self):
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
            debug = "File path does not exist\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return False
            return self.path

    def setTmpPath(self, tmpPath):
        self.tmpPath = tmpPath
        return True

    def getTmpPath(self):
        return self.tmpPath

    def getType(self):
        return self.kvtype

    def setConfigType(self, configType):
        self.configType = configType
        return True

    def getConfigType(self):
        return self.configType

    def validate(self):
            status = False
            if self.kvtype == "defaults":
                status = self.validateDefaults()
            elif self.kvtype == "plist":
                status = self.validatePlist()
            elif self.kvtype == "conf":
                status = self.validateConf()
            elif self.kvtype == "tagconf":
                status = self.validateTag()
            elif self.kvtype == "profiles":
                status = self.validateProfiles()
                status = "invalid"
            debug = "KVEditor is returning " + str(status) + " back to " + \
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return status
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:

    def update(self):
            status = False
            if self.kvtype == "defaults":
                status = self.updateDefaults()
            elif self.kvtype == "plist":
                status = self.updatePlist()
            elif self.kvtype == "conf":
                status = self.updateConf()
            elif self.kvtype == "tagconf":
                status = self.updateTag()
            elif self.kvtype == "profiles":
                status = self.updateProfiles()
                status = False
            debug = "KVEditor is returning " + str(status) + " back to " + \
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return status
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:

    def validateDefaults(self):
        if isinstance(self.data, dict):
            if not self.checkDefaults(self.data):
                return False
            return False
        if self.editor.validate():
            return True
            return False

    def updateDefaults(self):
        if self.editor.update():
            debug = "KVEditor.updateDefaults() is returning True to " + \
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return True
            debug = "KVEditor.updateDefaults() is returning False to " + \
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return False

    def checkDefaults(self, data):
        for k, v in data.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                retval = self.checkDefaults(v)
                return retval
            elif isinstance(v, list):
                if len(v) == 2 or len(v) == 3:
                    return True
                    return False
                return False

    def setCurrentHostbool(self, val):
        self.editor.currentHost = val

    def validateConf(self):
        validate = True
        if not self.checkConf():
            return False
        if self.intent == "present":
            for k, v in self.data.iteritems():
                retval = self.editor.validate(k, v)
                if retval == "invalid":
                    validate = "invalid"
                elif isinstance(retval, list):
                    self.fixables[k] = retval
                    validate = False
                elif not retval:
                    validate = False
                    self.fixables[k] = v
        if self.intent == "notpresent":
            for k, v in self.data.iteritems():
                retval = self.editor.validate(k, v)
                if retval == "invalid":
                    validate = "invalid"
                elif isinstance(retval, list):
                    self.removeables[k] = retval
                    validate = False
                elif retval is True:
                    validate = False
                    self.removeables[k] = v
        if validate == "invalid":
            debug = "KVEditor.validateConf() is returning invalid to " + \
        elif validate:
            debug = "KVEditor.validateConf() is returning True to " + \
            debug = "KVEditor.validateConf() is returning False to " + \
        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
        return validate

    def updateConf(self):
        if self.fixables or self.removeables:
            if self.editor.update(self.fixables, self.removeables):
                debug = "KVEditor.updateConf() is returning True to " + \
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                return True
                debug = "KVEditor.updateConf() is returning False to " + \
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                return False

    def checkConf(self):
        if isinstance(self.data, dict):
            return True
            return False

    def validateTag(self):
        validate = True
        keyvals = {}
        if not self.checkTag():
            return False
        if self.intent == "present":
            for tag in self.data:
                keyvals = self.editor.getValue(tag, self.data[tag])
                if keyvals == "invalid":
                    validate = "invalid"
                elif isinstance(keyvals, dict):
                    self.fixables[tag] = keyvals
                    validate = False
        if self.intent == "notpresent":
            for tag in self.data:
                keyvals = self.editor.getValue(tag, self.data[tag])
                if keyvals == "invalid":
                    validate = "invalid"
                elif isinstance(keyvals, dict):
                    self.removeables[tag] = keyvals
                    validate = False
        if validate == "invalid":
            debug = "KVEditor.validateTag() is returning invalid to " + \
        elif validate:
            debug = "KVEditor.validateTag() is returning True to " + \
            debug = "KVEditor.validateTag() is returning False to " + \
        self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
        return validate

    def updateTag(self):
        if self.editor.setValue(self.fixables, self.removeables):
            debug = "KVEditor.updateTag() is returning True to " + \
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return True
            debug = "KVEditor.updateTag() is returning False to " + \
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
            return False

    def checkTag(self):
        if isinstance(self.data, dict):
            for tag in self.data:
                if not isinstance(self.data[tag], dict):
                        return False
            return True
            return False

    def validateProfiles(self):
        @since: 3/10/2016
        @author: dwalker
        @var self.data: A dictionary in the form of {k: {v: ["numberValue",
                                                        v: ["", "", ""],
                                                        v: ["", "", ""],
        @var: k: The profile sub-identifier e.g.
        @var v: The profile data key-value pairs in a dictionary e.g.
            allowSimple that will appear in the output of the system_profiler
            command within the first opening brace after the profile
            sub-identifier.  v also contains an associated list containing:
            a) the value on the other side of the = sign
            b) whether that value is an integer(int) or a boolean(bool)
            c) (optional) whether the value present after the = sign(a),
                if an int, can be lower(less) or higher(more) in order to
                detect and represent stringency (see self.data description
        @return: Value returned from validate method in factory sub-class
        @rtype: bool
        cmd = ["/usr/sbin/system_profiler", "SPConfigurationProfileDataType"]
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        if self.ch.executeCommand(cmd):
            self.output = self.ch.getOutput()
            retval = True
            if self.output:
                for k, v in self.data.iteritems():
                    retval = self.editor.validate(self.output, k, v)
                    if not retval:
                        return False
                debug = "There are no profiles installed"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, debug)
                return False
        return True

    def updateProfiles(self):
        retval = self.editor.update()
        return retval
    def commit(self):
        if self.kvtype == "defaults" or self.kvtype == "profiles":
            retval = self.editor.commit()
            return retval
            retval = self.editor.commit()
            self.fixables = {}
            self.removeables = {}
            return retval

    def removekey(self, d, key):
        r = dict(d)
        del r[key]
        return r
コード例 #53
ファイル: rule.py プロジェクト: inscriptionweb/stonix
    def undo(self):
        Undo changes made by this rule. Some rules may not be undone.
        self.rulesuccess will be updated if the rule does not succeed.

        @author D. Kennel & D. Walker
        # pass
        if not self.environ.geteuid() == 0:
            self.detailedresults = "Root access required to revert changes."
            self.formatDetailedResults("undo", None, self.detailedresults)
# This must be implemented later once the parameter option or observable
# pattern for taking control of self.detailedresults refresh is implemented
# see artf30937 : self.detailedresults through application flow for details
            self.detailedresults = ""
            undosuccessful = True
            eventlist = self.statechglogger.findrulechanges(self.rulenumber)
            if not eventlist:
                self.formatDetailedResults("undo", None, self.detailedresults)
                self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
                return undosuccessful
            for entry in eventlist:
                    event = self.statechglogger.getchgevent(entry)
                    if event["eventtype"] == "perm":
                        perms = event["startstate"]
                        os.chmod(event["filepath"], perms[2])
                        os.chown(event["filepath"], perms[0], perms[1])

                    elif event["eventtype"] == "conf":

                    elif event["eventtype"] == "comm" or \
                         event["eventtype"] == "commandstring":
                        ch = CommandHelper(self.logdispatch)
                        command = event["command"]
                        if ch.getReturnCode() != 0:
                            self.detailedresults = "Couldn't run the " + \
                                "command to undo\n"

                    elif event["eventtype"] == "creation":
                        except OSError as oser:
                            if oser.errno == 21:
                                except OSError as oserr:
                                    if oserr.errno == 39:
                                        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Cannot remove file path: " + str(event["filepath"]) + " because it is a non-empty directory.")
                            elif oser.errno == 2:
                                self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Cannot remove file path: " + str(event["filepath"]) + " because it does not exist.")

                    elif event["eventtype"] == "deletion":

                    elif event["eventtype"] == "pkghelper":
                        ph = Pkghelper(self.logdispatch, self.environ)
                        if event["startstate"] == "installed":
                        elif event["startstate"] == "removed":
                            self.detailedresults = 'Invalid startstate for ' \
                                + 'eventtype "pkghelper". startstate should ' \
                                + 'either be "installed" or "removed"\n'

                    elif event["eventtype"] == "servicehelper":
                        sh = ServiceHelper(self.environ, self.logdispatch)
                        if event["startstate"] == "enabled":
                        elif event["startstate"] == "disabled":
                            self.detailedresults = 'Invalid startstate for ' \
                                + 'eventtype "servicehelper". startstate ' + \
                                'should either be "enabled" or "disabled"\n'
                except(IndexError, KeyError):
                    self.detailedresults = "EventID " + entry + " not found"
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            undosuccessful = False
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, [self.rulename + ".undo",
        self.formatDetailedResults("undo", undosuccessful,
        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
        return undosuccessful
コード例 #54
ファイル: SHchkconfig.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
class SHchkconfig(ServiceHelperTemplate):
    SHchkconfig is the Service Helper for systems using the chkconfig command to
    configure services. (RHEL up to 6, SUSE, Centos up to 6, etc)

    @author: David Kennel

    def __init__(self, environment, logdispatcher):
        super(SHchkconfig, self).__init__(environment, logdispatcher)
        self.environ = environment
        self.logger = logdispatcher

    def initobjs(self):
        initialize class objects


        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)

    def localize(self):
        set base command paths (chkconfig and service) based on OS


        self.svc = ""
        self.chk = ""

        chk_paths = ["/sbin/chkconfig", "/usr/sbin/chkconfig"]
        for cp in chk_paths:
            if os.path.exists(cp):
                self.chk = cp
        service_paths = ["/sbin/service", "/usr/sbin/service"]
        for sp in service_paths:
            if os.path.exists(sp):
                self.svc = sp

        if not self.svc:
            raise IOError("Could not locate the service utility on this system")
        if not self.chk:
            raise IOError("Could not locate the chkconfig utility on this system")

    def startService(self, service, **kwargs):
        start a given service

        @param service: string; name of service
        @param kwargs: 
        @return: success
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        success = True

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.svc + " " + service + " start")
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            success = False

        if not self.isRunning(service):
            success = False

        return success

    def stopService(self, service, **kwargs):
        stop a given service

        @param service: 
        @param kwargs: 
        @return: success
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        success = True

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.svc + " " + service + " stop")
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            success = False

        if self.isRunning(service):
            success = False

        return success

    def disableService(self, service, **kwargs):
        Disables the specified service and stops it if
        it is running

        @param service: string; Name of the service to be disabled
        @return: bool
        @author: David Kennel
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor; doc string edit;
                logging edit

        disabled = True

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.chk + " " + service + " off")
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            disabled = False

        if self.auditService(service):
            disabled = False

        if not self.stopService(service):
            disabled = False

        return disabled

    def enableService(self, service, **kwargs):
        Enables a service and starts it if it is not running as long as we are
        not in install mode

        @param service: string; Name of the service to be enabled
        @return: enabled
        @rtype: bool
        @author: David Kennel
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - 

        enabled = True

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.chk + " " + service + " on")
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            enabled = False

        if not self.auditService(service):
            enabled = False

        if not self.startService(service):
            enabled = False

        return enabled

    def auditService(self, service, **kwargs):
        Checks the status of a service and returns a bool indicating whether or
        not the service is enabled

        @param service: string; Name of the service to audit
        @return: enabled
        @rtype: bool
        @author: ???
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor; doc string edit;
                logging edit

        enabled = True

        if not self.audit_chkconfig_service(service):
            enabled = False

        return enabled

    def audit_chkconfig_service(self, service):
        uses the chkconfig command to check if a given
        service is enabled or not

        @return: enabled
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        enabled = True

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.chk + " --list " + service)
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            enabled = False
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to get status of service: " + service)
            return enabled

        output = self.ch.getOutputString()
        if not re.search(":on", output):
            enabled = False

        return enabled

    def isRunning(self, service, **kwargs):
        Check to see if a service is currently running.

        @param service: string; Name of the service to check
        @return: running
        @rtype: bool
        @author: ???
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor; doc string edit;
                logging edit

        running = True
        # see: http://refspecs.linuxbase.org/LSB_3.1.0/LSB-generic/LSB-generic/iniscrptact.html
        success_codes = [0, 1, 2, 3]

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.svc + " " + service + " status")
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode not in success_codes:
            running = False
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Command error while getting run status of service: " + service)
            return running

        outputlines = self.ch.getOutput()
        # need to parse for either sysv or systemd output
        if not self.parse_running(outputlines):
            running = False

        return running

    def parse_running(self, outputlines):
        check whether given service is running, with the
        service command
        this is the older (classic) systemV case

        @param outputlines: list; list of strings to search
        @return: running
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        running = True
        systemctl_locations = ["/usr/bin/systemctl", "/bin/systemctl"]
        if any(os.path.exists(sl) for sl in systemctl_locations):
            searchterms = ["Active:\s+inactive", "Active:\s+unknown"]
            searchterms = ["is stopped", "hook is not installed", "is not running"]

        for line in outputlines:
            if any(re.search(st, line) for st in searchterms):
                running = False

        return running

    def reloadService(self, service, **kwargs):
        Reload (HUP) a service so that it re-reads it's config files. Called
        by rules that are configuring a service to make the new configuration

        @param service: string; Name of service to be reloaded
        @return: reloaded
        @rtype: bool
        @author: ???
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor; doc string edit;
                logging edit

        reloaded = True

        # force-reload: cause the configuration to be reloaded if the service supports this,
        # otherwise restart the service if it is running
        self.ch.executeCommand(self.svc + " " + service + " force-reload")
        retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
        if retcode != 0:
            reloaded = False
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to reload service: " + service)

        return reloaded

    def listServices(self, **kwargs):
        Return a list containing strings that are service names.

        @return: service_list
        @rtype: list
        @author: ???
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 04/10/2019 - method refactor; doc string edit;
                logging edit

        service_list = []

        self.ch.executeCommand(self.chk + " --list")
        outputlines = self.ch.getOutput()
        for line in outputlines:
            except IndexError:

        return service_list

    def getStartCommand(self, service):
        retrieve the start command.  Mostly used by event recording
        @return: string - start command
        @author: dwalker
        return self.svc + " " + service + " start"

    def getStopCommand(self, service):
        retrieve the stop command.  Mostly used by event recording
        @return: string - stop command
        @author: dwalker
        return self.svc + " " + service + " stop"

    def getEnableCommand(self, service):
        retrieve the enable command.  Mostly used by event recording
        @return: string - enable command
        @author: dwalker
        return self.chk + " " + service + " on"

    def getDisableCommand(self, service):
        retrieve the start command.  Mostly used by event recording
        @return: string - disable command
        @author: dwalker
        return self.chk + " " + service + " off"
コード例 #55
ファイル: lanlMacInfo.py プロジェクト: amrset/stonix
class lanlMacInfo():
    lanlMacInfo gets information from the mac and LDAP to help set basi
    computer data for the mac this includes:
    asset_id (property number)
    endUserName (owner)
    @author: ekkehard

    def __init__(self, logger):
        initialize lanlMacInfo
        @author: ekkehard
        self.logdispatch = logger
# Make sure we have the full path for all commands
        self.ch = CommandHelper(logger)
        self.LANLAssetTagNVRAM = ""
        self.LANLAssetTagFilesystem = ""
        self.macAddressDictionary = {}
        self.dictionary = {}
        self.accuracyDictionary = {}
        self.dictionaryItem = None
        self.keys = None
        self.key = None
        self.keyIndexNumber = 0
        self.keysNumberOf = 0
        self.entries = -1
        self.computerName = ""
        self.computerNameDiskUtility = ""
        self.hostName = ""
        self.hostNameDiskUtility = ""
        self.localHostname = ""
        self.localHostnameDiskUtility = ""
        self.endUsername = ""
        self.assetTag = ""
# Make sure we have the full path for all commands
        self.ns = "/usr/sbin/networksetup"
        self.scutil = "/usr/sbin/scutil"
        self.jamf = "/usr/sbin/jamf"
        self.nvram = "/usr/sbin/nvram"
        self.ldap = "/usr/bin/ldapsearch"
        self.lanl_property_file = "/Library/Preferences/lanl_property_number.txt"
# Initialize accuracy modules
        self.updateAssetTagAccuracy(True, 0, "", True)
        self.updateEndUserNameAccuracy(True, 0, "", True)
        self.updateComputerNameAccuracy(True, 0, "", True)
# reset messages and initialize everyting
    def gotoFirstItemLDAP(self):
        go to the first entry in the LDAP dictionary
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: dictionary entry
        self.keyIndexNumber = 0
        self.keys = sorted(self.dictionary.keys())
        self.keysNumberOf = len(self.keys)
        if self.keysNumberOf > self.keyIndexNumber:
            self.key = self.keys[self.keyIndexNumber]
            self.dictinaryItem = self.dictionary[self.key]
            self.key = None
            self.dictinaryItem = None
        return self.dictinaryItem

    def gotoNextItemLDAP(self):
        go to the next entry in the LDAP dictionary
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: dictionary entry
        self.keyIndexNumber = self.keyIndexNumber + 1
        self.keys = sorted(self.dictionary.keys())
        self.keysNumberOf = len(self.keys)
        if (self.keysNumberOf - 1) < self.keyIndexNumber:
            self.keyIndexNumber = 0
            self.dictinaryItem = None
            self.key = self.keys[self.keyIndexNumber]
            self.dictinaryItem = self.dictionary[self.key]
        return self.dictinaryItem

    def getCurrentItemLDAP(self):
        get the current item in the LDAP dictionary
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: dictionary entry
        return self.dictinaryItem

    def getComputerInfoCompliance(self):
        see if all is set correctly
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: boolean - True of False
        success = True
        compliant = True
# Check computername
        messagestring = "ComputerName Confidence level of " + \
        str(self.getSuggestedComputerNameConfidenceOnly()) + "%"
        if not(self.getSuggestedComputerNameConfidenceOnly() == 100):
            compliant = False
            messagestring = messagestring + " is less than 100%"
        messagestring = messagestring + "; ComputerName (" + \
        self.getDiskUtilityComputerName() + ") and proposed ComputerName (" + \
        self.getSuggestedComputerName() + ")"
        if not(self.getDiskUtilityComputerName() == self.getSuggestedComputerName()):
            compliant = False
            messagestring = messagestring + " are not equal;"
            messagestring = messagestring + " are equal;"
        if not compliant:
            messagestring = "- Not compliant; " + messagestring
            if not(self.computerNameAccuracyLevelWhy == "" ):
                messagestring = messagestring + " - " + self.computerNameAccuracyLevelWhy + ";"
            success = False
            messagestring = "- compliant; " + messagestring
# Check hostname
        compliant = True
        messagestring = "HostName confidence level of " + \
        str(self.getSuggestedComputerNameConfidenceOnly()) + "%"
        if not(self.getSuggestedComputerNameConfidenceOnly() == 100):
            compliant = False
            messagestring = messagestring + " is less than 100%"
        messagestring = messagestring + "; HostName (" + \
        self.getDiskUtilityHostName() + ") and proposed HostName (" + \
        self.getSuggestedHostName() + ")"
        if not(self.getDiskUtilityHostName() == self.getSuggestedHostName()):
            compliant = False
            messagestring = messagestring + " are not equal;"
            messagestring = messagestring + " are equal;"
        if not compliant:
            messagestring = "- Not compliant; " + messagestring
            if not(self.computerNameAccuracyLevelWhy == "" ):
                messagestring = messagestring + " - " + self.computerNameAccuracyLevelWhy + ";"
            success = False
            messagestring = "- compliant; " + messagestring
# Check localhostname
        compliant = True
        messagestring = "LocalHostName confidence level of " + \
        str(self.getSuggestedComputerNameConfidenceOnly()) + "%"
        if not(self.getSuggestedComputerNameConfidenceOnly() == 100):
            compliant = False
            messagestring = messagestring + " is less than 100%"
        messagestring = messagestring + "; LocalHostName (" + \
        self.getDiskUtilityLocalHostName() + ") and proposed LocalHostName (" + \
        self.getSuggestedLocalHostName() + ")"
        if not(self.getDiskUtilityLocalHostName() == self.getSuggestedLocalHostName()):
            compliant = False
            messagestring = messagestring + " are not equal;"
            messagestring = messagestring + " are equal;"
        if not compliant:
            messagestring = "- Not compliant; " + messagestring
            if not(self.computerNameAccuracyLevelWhy == "" ):
                messagestring = messagestring + " - " + self.computerNameAccuracyLevelWhy + ";"
            success = False
            messagestring = "- compliant; " + messagestring
        return success

    def getDiskUtilityComputerName(self):
        get the ComputerName determined by disk utility
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return self.computerNameDiskUtility

    def getDiskUtilityHostName(self):
        get the HostName determined by disk utility
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return self.hostNameDiskUtility

    def getDiskUtilityLocalHostName(self):
        get the LocalHostName determined by disk utility
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return self.localHostnameDiskUtility

    def getLANLAssetTagNVRAM(self):
        get the asset_id set in NVRAM determined
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return str(self.LANLAssetTagNVRAM)

    def getLANLAssetTagFilesystem(self):
        get the asset_id set in file system
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return str(self.LANLAssetTagFilesystem)

    def getSuggestedAssetTag(self):
        get the suggested asset_id
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return self.assetTag
    def getSuggestedAssetTagConfidence(self):
        get the suggested asset_id and asset_id confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        displayValue = str(self.assetTag) + " (" + str(self.assetTagAccuracyLevel) + "%)"
        return displayValue
    def getSuggestedAssetTagConfidenceOnly(self):
        get the suggested asset_id confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: real
        return self.assetTagAccuracyLevel

    def getSuggestedComputerName(self):
        get the suggested ComputerName
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return self.computerName
    def getSuggestedComputerNameConfidence(self):
        get the suggested ComputerName and ComputerName confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        displayValue = str(self.computerName) + " (" + str(self.computerNameAccuracyLevel) + "%)"
        return displayValue
    def getSuggestedComputerNameConfidenceOnly(self):
        get the suggested ComputerName confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: real
        return self.computerNameAccuracyLevel

    def getSuggestedHostName(self):
        get the suggested HostName
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return self.hostName
    def getSuggestedHostNameConfidence(self):
        get the suggested HostName and HostName confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        displayValue = str(self.hostName) + " (" + str(self.computerNameAccuracyLevel) + "%)"
        return displayValue
    def getSuggestedHostNameConfidenceOnly(self):
        get the suggested HostName confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: real
        return self.computerNameAccuracyLevel

    def getSuggestedLocalHostName(self):
        get the suggested LocalHostName
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return self.localHostname
    def getSuggestedLocalHostNameConfidence(self):
        get the suggested LocalHostName and LocalHostName confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        displayValue = str(self.localHostname) + " (" + str(self.computerNameAccuracyLevel) + "%)"
        return displayValue
    def getSuggestedLocalHostNameConfidenceOnly(self):
        get the suggested LocalHostName confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: real
        return self.computerNameAccuracyLevel

    def getSuggestedEndUsername(self):
        get the suggested EndUserName or Owner
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        return self.endUsername
    def getSuggestedEndUsernameConfidence(self):
        get the suggested EndUserName or Owner and EndUserName or Owner confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: string
        displayValue = str(self.endUsername) + " (" + str(self.endUserNameAccuracyLevel) + "%)"
        return displayValue
    def getSuggestedEndUsernameConfidenceOnly(self):
        get the suggested EndUserName or Owner confidence level
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: real
        return self.endUserNameAccuracyLevel

    def setComputerInfo(self):
        set the computer info on the computer
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: boolean - True
            success = True
            updatesWhereMade = False
            output = []
            computerName = self.getSuggestedComputerName()
            hostname = self.getSuggestedHostName()
            localHostName = self.getSuggestedLocalHostName()
            if self.computerNameAccuracyLevel == 100:
                if not(self.computerNameDiskUtility == computerName):
                    command = [self.scutil,"--set", "ComputerName", computerName]
                    errorcode = self.ch.getError()
                    output = self.ch.getOutput()
                    updatesWhereMade = True
                    messagestring = " - ComputerName set to " + computerName
                    messagestring = " - ComputerName was alreday " + computerName
                if not(self.hostNameDiskUtility == hostname):
                    command = [self.scutil,"--set", "HostName", hostname]
                    errorcode = self.ch.getError()
                    output = self.ch.getOutput()
                    updatesWhereMade = True
                    messagestring = " - HostName set to " + hostname
                    messagestring = " - HostName was alreday " + hostname
                if not(self.localHostnameDiskUtility == localHostName):
                    command = [self.scutil,"--set", "LocalHostName", localHostName]
                    errorcode = self.ch.getError()
                    output = self.ch.getOutput()
                    updatesWhereMade = True
                    messagestring = " - LocalHostName set to " + localHostName
                    messagestring = " - LocalHostName was alreday " + localHostName
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            messagestring = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, messagestring)
        if updatesWhereMade == True:
        return success

    def setJAMFInfo(self):
        set the assetTag and endUserName via the jamf recon command
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: boolean - True
            success = True
            assetTag = self.getSuggestedAssetTag()
            endUser = self.getSuggestedEndUsername()
            if self.assetTagAccuracyLevel == 100 and self.endUserNameAccuracyLevel == 100:
                command = [self.jamf, "recon",
                           "-assetTag", assetTag,
                           "-endUsername", endUser]
                output = self.ch.getOutput()
                messagestring = " - JAMF assetTag set to " + assetTag + " and endUsername set to " + endUser
            elif self.assetTagAccuracyLevel == 100:
                command = [self.jamf, "recon", "-assetTag", assetTag]
                output = self.ch.getOutput()
                endUser = ""
                messagestring = " - JAMF assetTag set to " + assetTag
            elif self.endUserNameAccuracyLevel == 100:
                command = [self.jamf, "recon", "-endUsername", endUser]
                output = self.ch.getOutput()
                assetTag = ""
                messagestring = " - JAMF endUsername set to " + endUser
                success = False
                messagestring = " - JAMF settings were not changed because confidence was only " + \
                str(self.assetTagAccuracyLevel) + "%"
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            messagestring = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, messagestring)
        return success
    def setLANLAssetTagNVRAM(self):
        set the assetTag and endUserName via the jamf recon command
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: boolean - True
            assetTag = self.getSuggestedAssetTag()
            if self.assetTagAccuracyLevel == 100:
                if not(self.getLANLAssetTagNVRAM() == assetTag):
                    command = [self.nvram, "asset_id=" + assetTag]
                    messagestring = " - NVRAM asset_id set to " + assetTag
                    messagestring = " - NVRAM asset_id was already set to " + assetTag
                assetTag = ""
                messagestring = " - NVRAM asset_id was not changed because confidence was only " + \
                str(self.assetTagAccuracyLevel) + "%"
        except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            messagestring = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.ERROR, messagestring)
        return assetTag
    def setLANLAssetTagFilesystem(self):
        set the assetTag on the file system
        @author: ekkehard
        @return: boolean - True
            assetTag = self.getSuggestedAssetTag()
            if self.assetTagAccuracyLevel == 100:
                if not(self.getLANLAssetTagFilesystem() == assetTag):
                    try :
                        filepointer = open(self.lanl_property_file, "w")
                        assetTag = self.getLANLAssetTagFilesystem()
                    except Exception, err :
                        messagestring = "Problem writing: " + self.lanl_property_file + \
                        " error: " + str(err)
                        self.logdispatch.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, messagestring)
コード例 #56
ファイル: yum.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
class Yum(object):
    The template class that provides a framework that must be implemented by
    all platform specific pkgmgr classes.

    @author: Derek T Walker
    @change: 2012/08/06 dwalker - Original Implementation
    @change: 2015/08/20 eball - Added getPackageFromFile

    def __init__(self, logger):
        self.environ = Environment()
        self.logger = logger
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.yumloc = "/usr/bin/yum"
        self.install = self.yumloc + " install -y "
        self.remove = self.yumloc + " remove -y "
        self.search = self.yumloc + " list "
        self.checkupdates = self.search + "updates "
        self.listavail = self.search + "available "
        self.listinstalled = self.search + "installed "
        self.updatepkg = self.yumloc + " update -y --obsoletes "
        myos = self.environ.getostype().lower()
        if re.search("red hat.*?release 6", myos) or \
                re.search("^centos$", myos.strip()):
            self.rpmloc = "/bin/rpm"
            self.rpmloc = "/usr/bin/rpm"
        self.provides = self.rpmloc + " -qf "
        self.query = self.rpmloc + " -qa "

    def installpackage(self, package):
        Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param package: string; Name of the package to be installed, must be
                recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return: installed
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Derek T. Walker
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 4/24/2017 - refactored method; added logging; replaced
                detailedresults with logging
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 10/1/2018 - added check for package manager lock and retry loop

        installed = True
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0

        while psRunning("yum"):
            trynum += 1
            if trynum == maxtries:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to install package due to yum package manager being in-use by another process.")
                installed = False
                return installed
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Yum package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")



                self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('yum', retcode)
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(repoerr))
                    installed = False

            if installed:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " was installed successfully")
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to install package " + str(package))

        except Exception:
        return installed

    def removepackage(self, package):
        Remove a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param package: string; Name of the package to be removed, must be
                recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return: removed
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Derek T. Walker
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 4/24/2017 - refactored method; added logging; replaced
                detailedresults with logging

        removed = True
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0

        while psRunning("yum"):
            trynum += 1
            if trynum == maxtries:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to remove package, due to yum package manager being in-use by another process.")
                removed = False
                return removed
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Yum package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.remove + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('yum', retcode)
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(repoerr))
                    removed = False

            if removed:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " was successfully removed")
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to remove package " + str(package))

        except Exception:
        return removed

    def checkInstall(self, package):
        Check the installation status of a package. Return a bool; True if
        the package is installed.

        @param package: string; Name of the package whose installation status
            is to be checked, must be recognizable to the underlying package
        @return: found
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Derek T. Walker
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 4/24/2017 - refactored method; added logging; replaced
                detailedresults with logging

        installed = True
        errstr = ""
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0

        while psRunning("yum"):
            trynum += 1
            if trynum == maxtries:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to check status of package, due to yum package manager being in-use by another process.")
                installed = False
                return installed
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Yum package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.listinstalled + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('yum', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(repoerr))
                    installed = False

            if installed:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " is installed")
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " is NOT installed")

        except Exception:
        return installed

    def Update(self, package=""):
        update specified package if any updates
        are available for it
        if no package is specified, update all
        packages which can be updated on the system

        @param package: string; name of package to update
        @return: updated
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        updated = True


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.updatepkg + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('yum', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))
                    updated = False

            if package:
                if updated:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " was successfully updated")
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "No updates were found for package " + str(package))
                if updated:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "All packages were successfully updated")
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "No updates were found for this system")

        except Exception:
        return updated

    def checkUpdate(self, package=""):
        check if there are any updates available for
        specified package
        if no package is specified, check if any updates
        are available for the current system

        @param package: string; name of package to check
        @return: updatesavail
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        updatesavail = False


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.checkupdates + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                output = self.ch.getOutputString()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('yum', retcode, str(errstr))
                    if re.search("Updated packages", output, re.IGNORECASE):
                        updatesavail = True
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))
                    if re.search("Updated packages", output, re.IGNORECASE):
                        updatesavail = True

            if package:
                if updatesavail:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Updates are available for package " + str(package))
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "No updates are available for package " + str(package))
                if updatesavail:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Updates are available for this system")
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "No updates are available for this system")

        except Exception:
        return updatesavail

    def checkAvailable(self, package):
        check if specified package is available to install
        return True if it is
        return False if not

        @param package: string; name of package to check
        @return: available
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        available = True
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0

        while psRunning("yum"):
            trynum += 1
            if trynum == maxtries:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to check availability of package, due to yum package manager being in-use by another process.")
                available = False
                return available
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Yum package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.listavail + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('yum', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, str(repoerr))
                    available = False

            if available:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " is available to install")
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "No package " + str(package) + " was found to install")

        except Exception:
        return available

    def getPackageFromFile(self, filename):
        Returns the name of the package that provides the given

        @param filename: string; The name or path of the file to resolve
        @return: packagename
        @rtype: string
        @author: Eric Ball
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 4/24/2017 - refactored method; added logging; replaced
                detailedresults with logging

        packagename = ""


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.provides + filename)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                outputstr = self.ch.getOutputString()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('yum', retcode, str(errstr))
                    packagename = outputstr
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))

        except Exception:
        return packagename

    def getInstall(self):
        return self.install

    def getRemove(self):
        return self.remove
コード例 #57
ファイル: freebsd.py プロジェクト: aes512/stonix
class Freebsd(object):

    '''The template class that provides a framework that must be implemented by
    all platform specific pkgmgr classes.

    :author:Derek T Walker 08-06-2012'''

    def __init__(self,logger):
        self.logger = logger
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.install = "/usr/sbin/pkg_add -r -f "
        self.remove = "/usr/sbin/pkg_delete "
    def installpackage(self, package):
         Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param string package : Name of the package to be installed, must be 
            recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return bool :
            installed = False
#             retval = call(self.install + package,stdout=None,shell=True)
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
#             if retval == 0:
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg installed successfully"
                installed = True
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg not able to install"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
            return installed
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults += traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
    def removepackage(self, package):
         Remove a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param string package : Name of the package to be removed, must be 
            recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return : bool 
            self.detailedresults = ""
            removed = False
            stringToMatch = package + "(.*)"
            output = self.ch.getOutput()
#             temp = Popen(["/usr/sbin/pkg_info"],stdout=PIPE,shell=True)
#             details = temp.stdout.readlines()
#             temp.stdout.close()
            for cell in output:
                cell2 = cell.split(" ")
                if re.search(stringToMatch,cell2[0]):
                    retval = call(self.remove + cell2[0],stdout=None,shell=True)
                    if retval == 0:
                        self.detailedresults += package + " pkg removed \
                        removed = True
                        self.detailedresults += package + " pkg not able\
to be removed"
            if not self.detailedresults:
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg not found to remove"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
            return removed
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults += traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
    def checkInstall(self, package):
        '''Check the installation status of a package. Return a bool; True if 
        the package is installed.

        @param string package : Name of the package whose installation status 
            is to be checked, must be recognizable to the underlying package 
        @return : bool
            self.detailedresults = ""
            present = False
            stringToMatch = package +"(.*)"
            output = self.ch.getOutput()
#             temp = Popen(["/usr/sbin/pkg_info"],stdout=PIPE,shell=False)
#             info = temp.stdout.readlines()
#             temp.stdout.close()
            for cell in output:
                cell2 = cell.split(" ")
                if re.search(stringToMatch,cell2[0]):
                    self.detailedresults += package + " pkg found"
                    present = True
            if not self.detailedresults:
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg not found"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
            return present
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults += traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
    def getInstall(self):
        return self.install
    def getRemove(self):
        return self.remove
コード例 #58
ファイル: yum.py プロジェクト: aes512/stonix
class Yum(object):

    '''The template class that provides a framework that must be implemented by 
    all platform specific pkgmgr classes.
    :author:Derek T Walker 08-06-2012'''
    def __init__(self,logger):
        self.logger = logger
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.install = "/usr/bin/yum install -y "
        self.remove = "/usr/bin/yum remove -y "
        self.search = "/usr/bin/yum search "
        self.rpm = "/bin/rpm -q "
    def installpackage(self, package):
        '''Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.
        @param string package : Name of the package to be installed, must be 
        recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return bool :
            installed = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
            output = self.ch.getOutputString()
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                installed = True
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg installed successfully\n"
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg not able to install\n"
            return installed
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
    def removepackage(self, package):
        '''Remove a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.
        @param string package : Name of the package to be removed, must be 
        recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return bool :
        method = "yum.remove"
            removed = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.remove + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                removed = True
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg removed successfully\n"
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg not able to be removed\n"
            return removed
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
    def checkInstall(self, package):
        '''Check the installation status of a package. Return a bool; True if 
        the package is installed.
        @param string package : Name of the package whose installation status 
            is to be checked, must be recognizable to the underlying package 
        @return bool :
            found = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.rpm + package)
            output = self.ch.getOutputString()
            #for redhat systems only
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                found = True
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg found\n"
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg not found\n"
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
            return found
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
    def checkAvailable(self,package):
            found = False
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.search + package)
            output = self.ch.getOutputString()
            if re.search("no matches found", output.lower()):
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg is not available " + \
                " or may be misspelled\n"
            elif re.search("matched", output.lower()):
                self.detailedresults += package + " pkg is available\n"
                found = True
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
            return found
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
    def getInstall(self):
        return self.install
    def getRemove(self):
        return self.remove
コード例 #59
ファイル: aptGet.py プロジェクト: CSD-Public/stonix
class AptGet(object):
    Linux specific package manager for distributions that use the apt-get
    command to install packages.

    @author: Derek T Walker
    @change: 2012/08/06 Derek Walker - Original Implementation
    @change: 2015/08/20 eball - Added getPackageFromFile
    @change: 2017/04/27 Breen Malmberg - added two methods checkUpdate
            and Update; fixed doc string formatting; removed detailedresults
            reset in init; replaced with --force-yes flag with --assume-yes
            (from the man page for apt-get: Force yes. This is a dangerous
            option that will cause apt-get to continue without prompting
            if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should not
            be used except in very special situations. Using --force-yes
            can potentially destroy your system!)
    @change: 2017/08/16 bgonz12 - Added DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive env var
            to remove function
    @change: 2017/10/18 Breen Malmberg - changed class var names to be more self-explanatory;
            changed command to check whether there are available packages to use the canonical 
            debian/ubuntu method; added calls to repoError exception to determine exact nature 
            and cause of any errors with querying or calling repositories on the system (this adds 
            logging of the nature and cause(s) as well); changed log messaging to be more consistent 
            in style/format; removed calls to validateParam due to concerns about the stability and 
            reliability of that method

    def __init__(self, logger):

        self.logger = logger
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)

        self.aptgetloc = "/usr/bin/apt-get"
        self.aptcacheloc = "/usr/bin/apt-cache"
        self.dpkgloc = "/usr/bin/dpkg"

        self.aptinstall = "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive " + self.aptgetloc + " -y --assume-yes install "
        self.aptremove = "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive " + self.aptgetloc + " -y remove "

        self.dpkgsearch = self.dpkgloc + " -S "
        self.dpkgchkinstalled = self.dpkgloc + " -l "
        self.aptchkupdates = self.aptgetloc + " -u upgrade --assume-no "
        self.aptupgrade = self.aptgetloc + " -u upgrade --assume-yes "
        self.aptchkavail = self.aptcacheloc +  " policy "

    def installpackage(self, package):
        Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param package: string; Name of the package to be installed, must be
                recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return: installed
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Derek Walker
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 4/27/2017 - fixed doc string formatting;
                method now returns a variable; parameter validation added
                detailedresults replaced with logging
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 10/1/2018 - added check for package manager lock and retry loop

        installed = True
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0
        pslist = ["apt", "apt-get", "dpkg"]

        for ps in pslist:
            while psRunning(ps):
                trynum += 1
                if trynum == maxtries:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to install package, due to Apt package manager being in-use by another process.")
                    installed = False
                    return installed
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Apt package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.aptinstall + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('apt', retcode)
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    installed = False
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))

            if installed:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Successfully installed package " + str(package))
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to install package " + str(package))

        except Exception:
        return installed

    def removepackage(self, package):
        Remove a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param package: string; Name of the package to be removed, must be
                recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return: removed
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Derek T. Walker

        removed = True
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0
        pslist = ["apt", "apt-get", "dpkg"]

        for ps in pslist:
            while psRunning(ps):
                trynum += 1
                if trynum == maxtries:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to remove package, due to Apt package manager being in-use by another process.")
                    removed = False
                    return removed
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Apt package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.aptremove + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('apt', retcode)
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    removed = False
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))

            if removed:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Successfully removed package " + str(package))
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to remove package " + str(package))

        except Exception:
        return removed

    def checkInstall(self, package):
        Check the installation status of a package. Return a bool; True if
        the package is installed.

        @param: package: string; Name of the package whose installation status
                is to be checked, must be recognizable to the underlying package
        @return: installed
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Derek Walker
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 4/27/2017 - fixed doc string formatting;
                method now returns a variable; replaced detailedresults with

        installed = False
        stringToMatch = "ii\s+" + str(package)
        outputstr = ""
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0
        pslist = ["apt", "apt-get", "dpkg"]

        for ps in pslist:
            while psRunning(ps):
                trynum += 1
                if trynum == maxtries:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Timed out while attempting to check status of package, due to Apt package manager being in-use by another process.")
                    installed = False
                    return installed
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Apt package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.dpkgchkinstalled + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                outputstr = self.ch.getOutputString()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('apt', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(repoerr))
                    return False

            if re.search(stringToMatch, outputstr, re.IGNORECASE):
                installed = True

            if not installed:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " is NOT installed")
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " is installed")

        except Exception:
        return installed

    def checkAvailable(self, package):
        check if a given package is available

        @param package: string; Name of package to check
        @return: found
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Derek T. Walker
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 4/27/2017 - created doc string;
                pulled result logging out of conditional 

        found = False
        repoerr = ""
        outputstr = ""
        maxtries = 12
        trynum = 0
        pslist = ["apt", "apt-get", "dpkg"]

        for ps in pslist:
            while psRunning(ps):
                trynum += 1
                if trynum == maxtries:
                                    "Timed out while attempting to check availability of package, due to apt package manager being in-use by another process.")
                    available = False
                    return available
                                    "apt package manager is in-use by another process. Waiting for it to be freed...")


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.aptchkavail + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                outputstr = self.ch.getOutputString()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('apt', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(repoerr))
                    return False

            if re.search(package, outputstr, re.IGNORECASE):
                found = True

            if found:
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " is available to install")
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " is NOT available to install")

        except Exception:
        return found

    def Update(self, package=""):
        update the specified package if any
        updates are available for it
        if no package is specified, apply
        all available updates for the system

        @param package: string; (OPTIONAL) name of package to update
        @return: updated
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        updated = True


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.aptupgrade + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('apt', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))
                    updated = False

            if package:
                if updated:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Package " + str(package) + " was updated successfully")
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to apply updates to package " + str(package))
                if updated:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "All updates were installed successfully")
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Failed to apply updates")

        except Exception:
        return updated

    def checkUpdate(self, package=""):
        check for updates for specified package
        if no package is specified, then check
        for updates for the entire system

        @param package: string; (OPTIONAL) Name of package to check
        @return: updatesavail
        @rtype: bool
        @author: Breen Malmberg

        updatesavail = False


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.aptchkupdates + package)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('apt', retcode, str(errstr))
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))
                    return False
                    updatesavail = True

            if package:
                if updatesavail:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Updates are available for package " + str(package))
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "No updates are available for package " + str(package))
                if updatesavail:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "Updates are available for this system")
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, "No updates are available for this system")

        except Exception:
        return updatesavail

    def getPackageFromFile(self, filename):
        Returns the name of the package that provides the given

        @param: filename: string; The name or path of the file to resolve
        @return: packagename
        @rtype: string
        @author: Eric Ball
        @change: Breen Malmberg - 4/17/2017 - fixed doc string formatting;
                method now returns a variable; added param validation

        packagename = ""


                self.ch.executeCommand(self.dpkgsearch + filename)
                retcode = self.ch.getReturnCode()
                errstr = self.ch.getErrorString()
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise repoError('apt', retcode, str(errstr))
                if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                    output = self.ch.getOutputString()
                    packagename = output.split(":")[0]
            except repoError as repoerr:
                if not repoerr.success:
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.WARNING, str(errstr))

        except Exception:
        return packagename

    def getInstall(self):
        return self.aptinstall

    def getRemove(self):
        return self.aptremove
コード例 #60
ファイル: aptGet.py プロジェクト: inscriptionweb/stonix
class AptGet(object):

    """Linux specific package manager for distributions that use the apt-get
    command to install packages.

    @author: Derek T Walker
    @change: 2012/08/06 dwalker - Original Implementation
    @change: 2015/08/20 eball - Added getPackageFromFile

    def __init__(self, logger):
        self.logger = logger
        self.detailedresults = ""
        self.ch = CommandHelper(self.logger)
        self.install = "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive /usr/bin/apt-get -y --force-yes install "
        self.remove = "/usr/bin/apt-get -y remove "


    def installpackage(self, package):
        """Install a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param string package : Name of the package to be installed, must be
            recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return bool :
        @author dwalker"""
            self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg installed successfully"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                return True
                # try to install for a second time
                self.ch.executeCommand(self.install + package)
                if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                    self.detailedresults = package + " pkg installed successfully"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                    return True
                    self.detailedresults = package + " pkg not able to install"
                    self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
                    return False
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
            raise (self.detailedresults)


    def removepackage(self, package):
        """Remove a package. Return a bool indicating success or failure.

        @param string package : Name of the package to be removed, must be
            recognizable to the underlying package manager.
        @return bool :

            self.ch.executeCommand(self.remove + package)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg removed successfully"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
                return True
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg not able to be removed"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
                return False
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
            raise (self.detailedresults)


    def checkInstall(self, package):
        """Check the installation status of a package. Return a bool; True if
        the package is installed.

        @param: string package : Name of the package whose installation status
            is to be checked, must be recognizable to the underlying package
        @return: bool :
        @author: dwalker"""

            stringToMatch = "(.*)" + package + "(.*)"
            self.ch.executeCommand(["/usr/bin/dpkg", "-l", package])
            info = self.ch.getOutput()
            match = False
            for line in info:
                if search(stringToMatch, line):
                    parts = line.split()
                    if parts[0] == "ii":
                        match = True
            if match:
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg found and installed\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
                return True
                self.detailedresults = package + " pkg not installed\n"
                self.logger.log(LogPriority.INFO, self.detailedresults)
                return False
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
            raise (self.detailedresults)


    def checkAvailable(self, package):
            found = False
            retval = call(["/usr/bin/apt-cache", "search", package], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False)
            if retval == 0:
                message = Popen(["/usr/bin/apt-cache", "search", package], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False)
                info = message.stdout.readlines()
                while message.poll() is None:
                for line in info:
                    if search(package, line):
                        found = True
                if found:
                    self.detailedresults = package + " pkg is available"
                    self.detailedresults = package + " pkg is not available"
                self.detailedresults = (
                    + " pkg not found or may be \
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.DEBUG, self.detailedresults)
            return found
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)


    def getPackageFromFile(self, filename):
        """Returns the name of the package that provides the given

        @param: string filename : The name or path of the file to resolve
        @return: string name of package if found, None otherwise
        @author: Eric Ball
            self.ch.executeCommand("dpkg -S " + filename)
            if self.ch.getReturnCode() == 0:
                output = self.ch.getOutputString()
                pkgname = output.split(":")[0]
                return pkgname
                return None
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        except Exception:
            self.detailedresults = traceback.format_exc()
            self.logger.log(LogPriority.ERROR, self.detailedresults)
            raise (self.detailedresults)


    def getInstall(self):
        return self.install


    def getRemove(self):
        return self.remove