def subtract_op(vol1, vol2, onGrid=None, boundingGrid=False, subregion='all', step=1, gridSubregion='all', gridStep=1, inPlace=False, scaleFactors=None, minRMS=False, modelId=None): vol1 = filter_volumes(vol1) vol2 = filter_volumes(vol2) if len(vol1) != 1 or len(vol2) != 1: raise CommandError, 'vop subtract operation requires exactly two volumes' if minRMS and scaleFactors: raise CommandError, 'vop subtract cannot specify both minRMS and scaleFactors options.' if minRMS: mult = (1, 'minrms') elif scaleFactors: m0, m1 = parse_floats(scaleFactors, 'scaleFactors', 2) mult = (m0, -m1) else: mult = (1, -1) add_op(vol1 + vol2, onGrid, boundingGrid, subregion, step, gridSubregion, gridStep, inPlace, mult, modelId)
def add_op(volumes, onGrid=None, boundingGrid=None, subregion='all', step=1, gridSubregion='all', gridStep=1, inPlace=False, scaleFactors=None, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) if boundingGrid is None and not inPlace: boundingGrid = (onGrid is None) if onGrid is None: onGrid = volumes[:1] onGrid = filter_volumes(onGrid, 'onGrid') subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) gridSubregion = parse_subregion(gridSubregion, 'gridSubregion') gridStep = parse_step(gridStep, 'gridStep') if inPlace: if boundingGrid or gridStep != 1 or gridSubregion != 'all': raise CommandError, "Can't use inPlace option with boundingGrid or gridStep or gridSubregion options" for gv in onGrid: if not raise CommandError, "Can't modify volume in place: %s" % if not gv in volumes: raise CommandError, "Can't change grid in place" if isinstance(scaleFactors, basestring): scaleFactors = parse_floats(scaleFactors, 'scaleFactors', len(volumes)) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) for gv in onGrid: add_operation(volumes, subregion, step, gv, gridSubregion, gridStep, boundingGrid, inPlace, scaleFactors, modelId)
def add_op(volumes, onGrid = None, boundingGrid = None, subregion = 'all', step = 1, gridSubregion = 'all', gridStep = 1, inPlace = False, scaleFactors = None, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) if boundingGrid is None and not inPlace: boundingGrid = (onGrid is None) if onGrid is None: onGrid = volumes[:1] onGrid = filter_volumes(onGrid, 'onGrid') subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) gridSubregion = parse_subregion(gridSubregion, 'gridSubregion') gridStep = parse_step(gridStep, 'gridStep') if inPlace: if boundingGrid or gridStep != 1 or gridSubregion != 'all': raise CommandError, "Can't use inPlace option with boundingGrid or gridStep or gridSubregion options" for gv in onGrid: if not raise CommandError, "Can't modify volume in place: %s" % if not gv in volumes: raise CommandError, "Can't change grid in place" if isinstance(scaleFactors, basestring): scaleFactors = parse_floats(scaleFactors, 'scaleFactors', len(volumes)) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) for gv in onGrid: add_operation(volumes, subregion, step, gv, gridSubregion, gridStep, boundingGrid, inPlace, scaleFactors, modelId)
def cover_op(volumes, atomBox = None, pad = 5.0, box = None, x = None, y = None, z = None, fBox = None, fx = None, fy = None, fz = None, iBox = None, ix = None, iy = None, iz = None, step = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(pad, 'pad') if not atomBox is None and len(atomBox) == 0: raise CommandError, 'No atoms specified' box = parse_box(box, x, y, z, 'box', 'x', 'y', 'z') fBox = parse_box(fBox, fx, fy, fz, 'fBox', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz') iBox = parse_box(iBox, ix, iy, iz, 'iBox', 'ix', 'iy', 'iz') bc = len([b for b in (box, fBox, iBox, atomBox) if b]) if bc == 0: raise CommandError, 'Must specify box to cover' if bc > 1: raise CommandError, 'Specify covering box in one way' step = parse_step(step, require_3_tuple = True) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from VolumeViewer import volume, volume_from_grid_data for v in volumes: g = v.grid_data(subregion = 'all', step = step, mask_zone = False) ijk_min, ijk_max = cover_box_bounds(v, step, atomBox, pad, box, fBox, iBox) cg = volume.map_from_periodic_map(g, ijk_min, ijk_max) cv = volume_from_grid_data(cg, model_id = modelId) cv.copy_settings_from(v, copy_region = False)
def scale_op(volumes, shift=0, factor=1, type=None, subregion='all', step=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(shift, 'shift') check_number(factor, 'factor') if not type is None: import numpy as n types = { 'int8': n.int8, 'uint8': n.uint8, 'int16': n.int16, 'uint16': n.uint16, 'int32': n.int32, 'uint32': n.uint32, 'float32': n.float32, 'float64': n.float64, } if type in types: type = types[type] else: raise CommandError, ('Unknown data value type "%s", use %s' % (type, ', '.join(types.keys()))) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from scale import scaled_volume for v in volumes: scaled_volume(v, factor, shift, type, step, subregion, modelId)
def morph_op(volumes, frames = 25, start = 0, playStep = 0.04, playDirection = 1, playRange = None, addMode = False, constantVolume = False, scaleFactors = None, hideOriginalMaps = True, subregion = 'all', step = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(frames, 'frames', int, nonnegative = True) check_number(start, 'start') check_number(playStep, 'playStep', nonnegative = True) if playRange is None: if addMode: prange = (-1.0,1.0) else: prange = (0.0,1.0) else: prange = parse_floats(playRange, 'playRange', 2) check_number(playDirection, 'playDirection') sfactors = parse_floats(scaleFactors, 'scaleFactors', len(volumes)) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) vs = [tuple(v.matrix_size(step = step, subregion = subregion)) for v in volumes] if len(set(vs)) > 1: sizes = ' and '.join([str(s) for s in vs]) raise CommandError, "Volume grid sizes don't match: %s" % sizes from MorphMap import morph_maps morph_maps(volumes, frames, start, playStep, playDirection, prange, addMode, constantVolume, sfactors, hideOriginalMaps, subregion, step, modelId)
def scale_op(volumes, shift = 0, factor = 1, type = None, subregion = 'all', step = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(shift, 'shift') check_number(factor, 'factor') if not type is None: import numpy as n types = {'int8': n.int8, 'uint8': n.uint8, 'int16': n.int16, 'uint16': n.uint16, 'int32': n.int32, 'uint32': n.uint32, 'float32': n.float32, 'float64': n.float64, } if type in types: type = types[type] else: raise CommandError, ('Unknown data value type "%s", use %s' % (type, ', '.join(types.keys()))) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from scale import scaled_volume for v in volumes: scaled_volume(v, factor, shift, type, step, subregion, modelId)
def laplacian_op(volumes, subregion = 'all', step = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from laplace import laplacian for v in volumes: laplacian(v, step, subregion, modelId)
def z_flip_op(volumes, subregion='all', step=1, inPlace=False, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) check_in_place(inPlace, volumes[:1]) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) for v in volumes: zflip_operation(v, subregion, step, inPlace, modelId)
def fourier_op(volumes, subregion='all', step=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from fourier import fourier_transform for v in volumes: fourier_transform(v, step, subregion, modelId)
def fourier_op(volumes, subregion = 'all', step = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from fourier import fourier_transform for v in volumes: fourier_transform(v, step, subregion, modelId)
def resample_op(volumes, onGrid = None, boundingGrid = False, subregion = 'all', step = 1, gridSubregion = 'all', gridStep = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) if onGrid is None: raise CommandError, 'Resample operation must specify onGrid option' subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) gridSubregion = parse_subregion(gridSubregion, 'gridSubregion') gridStep = parse_step(gridStep, 'gridStep') onGrid = filter_volumes(onGrid, 'onGrid') modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) for v in volumes: for gv in onGrid: add_operation([v], subregion, step, gv, gridSubregion, gridStep, boundingGrid, False, None, modelId)
def laplacian_op(volumes, subregion='all', step=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from laplace import laplacian for v in volumes: laplacian(v, step, subregion, modelId)
def z_flip_op(volumes, subregion = 'all', step = 1, inPlace = False, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) check_in_place(inPlace, volumes[:1]) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) for v in volumes: zflip_operation(v, subregion, step, inPlace, modelId)
def gaussian_op(volumes, sDev=1.0, subregion='all', step=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(sDev, 'sDev', positive=True) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from gaussian import gaussian_convolve for v in volumes: gaussian_convolve(v, sDev, step, subregion, modelId)
def gaussian_op(volumes, sDev = 1.0, subregion = 'all', step = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(sDev, 'sDev', positive = True) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from gaussian import gaussian_convolve for v in volumes: gaussian_convolve(v, sDev, step, subregion, modelId)
def resample_op(volumes, onGrid=None, boundingGrid=False, subregion='all', step=1, gridSubregion='all', gridStep=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) if onGrid is None: raise CommandError, 'Resample operation must specify onGrid option' subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) gridSubregion = parse_subregion(gridSubregion, 'gridSubregion') gridStep = parse_step(gridStep, 'gridStep') onGrid = filter_volumes(onGrid, 'onGrid') modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) for v in volumes: for gv in onGrid: add_operation([v], subregion, step, gv, gridSubregion, gridStep, boundingGrid, False, None, modelId)
def subtract_op(vol1, vol2, onGrid = None, boundingGrid = False, subregion = 'all', step = 1, gridSubregion = 'all', gridStep = 1, inPlace = False, scaleFactors = None, minRMS = False, modelId = None): vol1 = filter_volumes(vol1) vol2 = filter_volumes(vol2) if len(vol1) != 1 or len(vol2) != 1: raise CommandError, 'vop subtract operation requires exactly two volumes' if minRMS and scaleFactors: raise CommandError, 'vop subtract cannot specify both minRMS and scaleFactors options.' if minRMS: mult = (1,'minrms') elif scaleFactors: m0,m1 = parse_floats(scaleFactors, 'scaleFactors', 2) mult = (m0,-m1) else: mult = (1,-1) add_op(vol1+vol2, onGrid, boundingGrid, subregion, step, gridSubregion, gridStep, inPlace, mult, modelId)
def boxes_op(volumes, markers, size = 0, useMarkerSize = False, subregion = 'all', step = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(size, 'size') if size <= 0 and not useMarkerSize: raise CommandError, 'Must specify size or enable useMarkerSize' subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from boxes import boxes for v in volumes: boxes(v, markers, size, useMarkerSize, step, subregion, modelId)
def bin_op(volumes, subregion='all', step=1, binSize=(2, 2, 2), modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) if isinstance(binSize, int): binSize = (binSize, binSize, binSize) elif isinstance(binSize, basestring): binSize = parse_ints(binSize, 'binSize', 3) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from bin import bin for v in volumes: bin(v, binSize, step, subregion, modelId)
def permute_axes_op(volumes, axisOrder = 'xyz', subregion = 'all', step = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) ao = {'xyz':(0,1,2), 'xzy':(0,2,1), 'yxz':(1,0,2), 'yzx':(1,2,0), 'zxy':(2,0,1), 'zyx':(2,1,0)} if not axisOrder in ao: raise CommandError, 'Axis order must be xyz, xzy, zxy, zyx, yxz, or yzx' subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from permute import permute_axes for v in volumes: permute_axes(v, ao[axisOrder], step, subregion, modelId)
def bin_op(volumes, subregion = 'all', step = 1, binSize = (2,2,2), modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) if isinstance(binSize, int): binSize = (binSize, binSize, binSize) elif isinstance(binSize, basestring): binSize = parse_ints(binSize, 'binSize', 3) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from bin import bin for v in volumes: bin(v, binSize, step, subregion, modelId)
def octant_complement_op(volumes, center = None, iCenter = None, subregion = 'all', step = 1, inPlace = False, fillValue = 0, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) center = parse_floats(center, 'center', 3) iCenter = parse_floats(iCenter, 'iCenter', 3) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) check_in_place(inPlace, volumes) check_number(fillValue, 'fillValue') modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) outside = False for v in volumes: octant_operation(v, outside, center, iCenter, subregion, step, inPlace, fillValue, modelId)
def median_op(volumes, binSize = 3, iterations = 1, subregion = 'all', step = 1, modelId = None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(iterations, 'iterations', positive = True) binSize = parse_step(binSize, 'binSize', require_3_tuple = True) for b in binSize: if b <= 0 or b % 2 == 0: raise CommandError, 'Bin size must be positive odd integer, got %d' % b subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from median import median_filter for v in volumes: median_filter(v, binSize, iterations, step, subregion, modelId)
def cover_op(volumes, atomBox=None, pad=5.0, box=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, fBox=None, fx=None, fy=None, fz=None, iBox=None, ix=None, iy=None, iz=None, step=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(pad, 'pad') if not atomBox is None and len(atomBox) == 0: raise CommandError, 'No atoms specified' box = parse_box(box, x, y, z, 'box', 'x', 'y', 'z') fBox = parse_box(fBox, fx, fy, fz, 'fBox', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz') iBox = parse_box(iBox, ix, iy, iz, 'iBox', 'ix', 'iy', 'iz') bc = len([b for b in (box, fBox, iBox, atomBox) if b]) if bc == 0: raise CommandError, 'Must specify box to cover' if bc > 1: raise CommandError, 'Specify covering box in one way' step = parse_step(step, require_3_tuple=True) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from VolumeViewer import volume, volume_from_grid_data for v in volumes: g = v.grid_data(subregion='all', step=step, mask_zone=False) ijk_min, ijk_max = cover_box_bounds(v, step, atomBox, pad, box, fBox, iBox) cg = volume.map_from_periodic_map(g, ijk_min, ijk_max) cv = volume_from_grid_data(cg, model_id=modelId) cv.copy_settings_from(v, copy_region=False)
def boxes_op(volumes, markers, size=0, useMarkerSize=False, subregion='all', step=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(size, 'size') if size <= 0 and not useMarkerSize: raise CommandError, 'Must specify size or enable useMarkerSize' subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from boxes import boxes for v in volumes: boxes(v, markers, size, useMarkerSize, step, subregion, modelId)
def median_op(volumes, binSize=3, iterations=1, subregion='all', step=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(iterations, 'iterations', positive=True) binSize = parse_step(binSize, 'binSize', require_3_tuple=True) for b in binSize: if b <= 0 or b % 2 == 0: raise CommandError, 'Bin size must be positive odd integer, got %d' % b subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from median import median_filter for v in volumes: median_filter(v, binSize, iterations, step, subregion, modelId)
def octant_complement_op(volumes, center=None, iCenter=None, subregion='all', step=1, inPlace=False, fillValue=0, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) center = parse_floats(center, 'center', 3) iCenter = parse_floats(iCenter, 'iCenter', 3) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) check_in_place(inPlace, volumes) check_number(fillValue, 'fillValue') modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) outside = False for v in volumes: octant_operation(v, outside, center, iCenter, subregion, step, inPlace, fillValue, modelId)
def morph_op(volumes, frames=25, start=0, playStep=0.04, playDirection=1, playRange=None, addMode=False, constantVolume=False, scaleFactors=None, hideOriginalMaps=True, subregion='all', step=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) check_number(frames, 'frames', int, nonnegative=True) check_number(start, 'start') check_number(playStep, 'playStep', nonnegative=True) if playRange is None: if addMode: prange = (-1.0, 1.0) else: prange = (0.0, 1.0) else: prange = parse_floats(playRange, 'playRange', 2) check_number(playDirection, 'playDirection') sfactors = parse_floats(scaleFactors, 'scaleFactors', len(volumes)) subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) vs = [ tuple(v.matrix_size(step=step, subregion=subregion)) for v in volumes ] if len(set(vs)) > 1: sizes = ' and '.join([str(s) for s in vs]) raise CommandError, "Volume grid sizes don't match: %s" % sizes from MorphMap import morph_maps morph_maps(volumes, frames, start, playStep, playDirection, prange, addMode, constantVolume, sfactors, hideOriginalMaps, subregion, step, modelId)
def mask(volumes, surfaces, axis = None, fullMap = False, pad = 0., slab = None, sandwich = True, invertMask = False): from Commands import CommandError, filter_volumes, parse_floats vlist = filter_volumes(volumes) from Surface import selected_surface_pieces glist = selected_surface_pieces(surfaces, include_outline_boxes = False) if len(glist) == 0: raise CommandError, 'No surfaces specified' axis = parse_floats(axis, 'axis', 3, (0,1,0)) if not isinstance(fullMap, (bool,int)): raise CommandError, 'fullMap option value must be true or false' if not isinstance(invertMask, (bool,int)): raise CommandError, 'invertMask option value must be true or false' if not isinstance(pad, (float,int)): raise CommandError, 'pad option value must be a number' if isinstance(slab, (float,int)): pad = (-0.5*slab, 0.5*slab) elif not slab is None: pad = parse_floats(slab, 'slab', 2) if not isinstance(sandwich, bool): raise CommandError, 'sandwich option value must be true or false' from depthmask import surface_geometry, masked_volume from Matrix import xform_matrix, invert_matrix for v in vlist: tf = invert_matrix(xform_matrix(v.model_transform())) surfs = surface_geometry(glist, tf, pad) masked_volume(v, surfs, axis, fullMap, sandwich, invertMask)
def permute_axes_op(volumes, axisOrder='xyz', subregion='all', step=1, modelId=None): volumes = filter_volumes(volumes) ao = { 'xyz': (0, 1, 2), 'xzy': (0, 2, 1), 'yxz': (1, 0, 2), 'yzx': (1, 2, 0), 'zxy': (2, 0, 1), 'zyx': (2, 1, 0) } if not axisOrder in ao: raise CommandError, 'Axis order must be xyz, xzy, zxy, zyx, yxz, or yzx' subregion = parse_subregion(subregion) step = parse_step(step) modelId = parse_model_id(modelId) from permute import permute_axes for v in volumes: permute_axes(v, ao[axisOrder], step, subregion, modelId)