def __init__(self, span: int = 60, a_col: str = 'Adj Close', a_df: DataFrame = DataFrame(), t_s: TimeSpan = TimeSpan()): self.__model = SVR(kernel='rbf', C=1e3, gamma=0.2) #percent 80/20 = 0.2 self._forward_span = span print(self._label) self._column = self._label + self._name + str(span) print(self._column) self._src_col = a_col self._src_data = a_df self._setData() self._time_span = t_s self._forward_array = np.array(self._data.drop( [self._column], 1))[-self._forward_span:] self._setIndependent() self._setDependent() # split into 80% train / 20% test => 0.2 X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(self._x_array, self._y_array, test_size=0.2) # fit model TRAINED, Y_train) # score TESTED self._score = round(self.__model.score(X_test, Y_test), 7) self._prediction = self.__model.predict(self._forward_array) self._setForecast()
def __init__(self, span: int = 60, a_col: str = 'Adj Close', a_df: DataFrame = DataFrame(), t_s: TimeSpan = TimeSpan()): self._forward_span = span print(self._label) self._column = self._label + self._name + str(span) print(self._column) self._src_col = a_col self._src_data = a_df self._setData() self._time_span = t_s dataSet: ndarray = self._data[self._src_col].values print(dataSet.shape) dataLength = np.math.ceil(len(dataSet) * 0.8) scale = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) dataScaled = scale.fit_transform(dataSet.reshape(-1, 1)) dataTrained = dataScaled[0:dataLength, :] x_train = [] y_train = [] for i in range(self._forward_span, len(dataTrained)): x_train.append( dataTrained[i - self._forward_span:self._forward_span, 0]) y_train.append(dataTrained[self._forward_span, 0]) x_train, y_train = np.array(x_train), np.array(y_train) print('0', x_train.shape[0]) print('1', x_train.shape) x_train = np.reshape(x_train, (x_train.shape[0], 1, 1)) print('X_T shape', x_train.shape) self.__model = Sequential() self.__model.add( LSTM(50, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(x_train.shape[1], 1))) self.__model.add(LSTM(50, return_sequences=False)) self.__model.add(Dense(25)) self.__model.add(Dense(1)) self.__model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mean_squared_error')
def _updateTimeSpan( self, t_s: TimeSpan, a_df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame()) -> TimeSpan: t_s.setStartDateStr(a_df.index.to_pydatetime()[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) return t_s
class BuffettIndicator(AbstractTechIndicator): _data: DataFrame = DataFrame() _us_gdp: DataFrame = DataFrame() _wilshire_index: Wilshire5kIndex _time_span: TimeSpan = TimeSpan() def __init__(self, y_stock_option: YahooStockOption): super().__init__(y_stock_option) self._time_span = y_stock_option.TimeSpan self._name = 'Buffett' self._label = self._name + self._label self._main_label += ' ' + self._label self._setData(y_stock_option.DataFrame) def GetData(self) -> DataFrame: return self._data def PlotAx(self, ax: object) -> object: an_alpha: float = 1.0 self._data[self._label].plot(alpha=an_alpha, ax=ax) return ax def PlotData(self) -> plt: plt.figure(figsize=self._fig_size) colors = cm.coolwarm an_alpha: float = 1.0 self._data[self._label].plot(alpha=an_alpha) #for a_ind, col in enumerate(self._data.columns[-2:self._data.columns.size]): # an_alpha: float = 0.5 if a_ind != 0 else 1.0 # self._data[col].plot(alpha=an_alpha) plt.title(self._main_label) plt.xlabel(self._x_label) plt.xticks(rotation=self._x_ticks_angle) plt.ylabel(self._y_label) plt.legend(loc=self._legend_place) plt.grid(True) plt.tight_layout() return plt def _setData(self, a_df: DataFrame): self.__setIndex() wilshire_quarterly: DataFrame = self.__setIndexQuarterly() self.__setGdp() self._data = pd.merge(wilshire_quarterly, self._us_gdp, left_index=True, right_index=True) # Multiply the Wilshire 5000 Full Cap index by $1.19 billion to set it to 1980's USD per Wilshire's notes. self._data['WIL5000'] = self._data['WIL5000'] * 1190000000 # Calculate the indicator as market cap / GDP self._data[self._label] = self._data['WIL5000'] / self._data["GDP"] print(self._data.columns) def __setIndex(self): self._wilshire_index = Wilshire5kIndex('yahoo', "^W5000", self._time_span) #self._wilshire_index.Data.dropna(inplace=True) self._wilshire_index.Data.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) self._wilshire_index.Data.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True) self._wilshire_index.Data.columns = ['WIL5000'] print('WIL', self._wilshire_index.Data.columns) def __setIndexQuarterly(self) -> DataFrame: df: DataFrame = self._wilshire_index.Data.copy() #df.resample('3M').last() print('3M', df.columns) return df def __setGdp(self): self._us_gdp = pdr.DataReader('GDP', 'fred', self._time_span.StartDate, self._time_span.EndDate) #self._us_gdp.dropna(inplace=True) self._us_gdp.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) self._us_gdp.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True) print('GDP', self._us_gdp.columns)
class AbstractStockOption(ABC): IsDaily: bool = False IsWeekly: bool = False IsMonthly: bool = False IsQuarterly: bool = False IsAnnually: bool = False _source: str = 'yahoo' _column: str = 'Adj Close' _ticker: str = 'TD' _price: float = -1.1 _high52: float = -1.1 _low52: float = -1.1 _range52: List[float] _sigma: float = -1.1 _mu: float = -1.1 _median: float = -1.1 _norm_pdf: ndarray _data_range: ndarray _t_s: TimeSpan = TimeSpan() _data: DataFrame _historical: DataFrame _fin_viz_engine: FinVizEngine _y_finance_engine: YahooFinanceEngine _yahooSummaryScrapper: YahooSummaryScrapper @property def Column(self): return self._column @property def Data(self): return self._data @property def DataFrame(self): return self._historical @property def Price(self): return self._price @property def Source(self): return self._source @property def Ticker(self): return self._ticker @property def TimeSpan(self): return self._t_s @property def High52(self): return self._high52 @property def Low52(self): return self._low52 @property def Range52(self): return self._range52 @property def DataRange(self): return self._data_range @property def Mu(self): return self._mu @property def Median(self): return self._median @property def Sigma(self): return self._sigma @property def NormProbDensityFn(self): return self._norm_pdf