def updateSamplePriceAllIndex(benchmark_id, period): ''' 函数功能: -------- 根据基准指数的时间范围和采样周期,对所有指数的收盘价格进行全采样。 输入参数: -------- benchmark_id : string, 指数代码 e.g. '000300',隐含起止时间。 period : string, 采样周期 e.g. 'M',支持'D', 'W', and 'M'。 输出参数: -------- True/False : boolean,是否采样成功。 数据文件 Strategy_Common_AllPrice_Benchmark_Period_AllStock.csv : 所有指数收盘价格的采样结果数据文件。 ''' # Sample Price for All Index allindex = loadAllIndex() allprice = updateSamplePrice(benchmark_id, allindex, True, period) # Save to CSV File if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(allindex): file_postfix = '_'.join( ['Common', 'AllPrice', benchmark_id, period, 'AllIndex']) u.to_csv(allprice, c.path_dict['strategy'], c.file_dict['strategy'] % file_postfix) return True return False
def loadSamplePriceAllIndex(benchmark_id, period): ''' 函数功能: -------- 根据基准指数的时间范围和采样周期,加载所有指数的收盘价格采样文件。 输入参数: -------- benchmark_id : string, 指数代码 e.g. '000300',隐含起止时间。 period : string, 采样周期 e.g. 'M',支持'D', 'W', and 'M'。 输出参数: -------- 加载成功时,allprice : pandas.DataFrame, 所有指数的收盘价格采样结果。 加载失败时,None ''' # Check if AllPrice File Already Exists file_postfix = '_'.join( ['Common', 'AllPrice', benchmark_id, period, 'AllIndex']) fullpath = c.path_dict['strategy'] + c.file_dict['strategy'] % file_postfix allprice = u.read_csv(fullpath) if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(allprice): return allprice print('Failed to Load File: %s!' % fullpath) return None
def loadAllIndex(): ''' 函数功能: -------- 加载所有指数列表。 输入参数: -------- 无 输出参数: -------- 加载成功时,index_ids : pandas.Series, 所有指数列表。 加载失败时,None ''' # Load Local Cache file_postfix = '_'.join(['Common', 'AllIndex']) fullpath = c.path_dict['strategy'] + c.file_dict['strategy'] % file_postfix allindex = u.read_csv(fullpath) if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(allindex): allindex['code'] = allindex['code'].map(lambda x: str(x).zfill(6)) return allindex['code'] print('Failed to Load File: %s!' % fullpath) return None
def updateAllIndex(): ''' 函数功能: -------- 更新所有指数列表。 输入参数: -------- 无 输出参数: -------- True/False : boolean,是否更新成功。 数据文件 Strategy_Common_AllIndex.csv : 参与策略计算的所有指数列表 ''' # Load from Constants.index_list allindex = pd.DataFrame({'code': c.index_list}) if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(allindex): # Save to CSV File allindex.set_index('code', inplace=True) file_postfix = '_'.join(['Common', 'AllIndex']) u.to_csv(allindex, c.path_dict['strategy'], c.file_dict['strategy'] % file_postfix) return True return False
def updateAllStocks(): ''' 函数功能: -------- 更新所有股票列表。 输入参数: -------- 无 输出参数: -------- True/False : boolean,是否更新成功。 数据文件 Strategy_Common_AllStock.csv : 参与策略计算的所有股票列表 ''' # Load from Fundamental Stock Basics allstock = loadStockBasics() if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(allstock): # Save to CSV File allstock.set_index('code', inplace=True) file_postfix = '_'.join(['Common', 'AllStock']) u.to_csv(allstock, c.path_dict['strategy'], c.file_dict['strategy'] % file_postfix) return True return False
def fileCompare(src_fullpath, tar_fullpath): # Check File Existence if not u.hasFile(src_fullpath): print('Source File %s Does Not Exist' % src_fullpath) raise SystemExit if not u.hasFile(tar_fullpath): print('Target File %s Does Not Exist' % tar_fullpath) raise SystemExit # Load Data Files src = u.read_csv(src_fullpath) tar = u.read_csv(tar_fullpath) src_row_number = len(src) tar_row_number = len(tar) src_col_number = len(src.columns) tar_col_number = len(tar.columns) matched = True print('File Compare Start: %s vs %s' % (src_fullpath, tar_fullpath)) if src_row_number != tar_row_number: matched = False print('Row Number Un-matched') elif src_col_number != tar_col_number: matched = False print('Col Number Un-matched') else: for i in range(src_row_number): for j in range(src_col_number): if src.iloc[i,j] != tar.iloc[i,j]: matched = False print('Element(%s,%s) Un-matched' % (i,j)) print('File Compare End: %s' % ('Matched' if matched else 'Un-Matched')) # Return Result return matched
def extractRollingBeta(postfix): # Load Rolling Coefficient fullpath = c.path_dict['strategy'] + c.file_dict['strategy'] % postfix coef = u.read_csv(fullpath) if u.isNoneOrEmpty(coef): print('Require Coefficient File: %s!' % fullpath) return False # Extract Rolling Beta row_number = len(coef) beta = u.createDataFrame(row_number, ['date', 'beta']) beta['date'] = coef['date'] for column in coef.columns: if len(column) >= 4 and column[0:4] == 'beta': beta[column] = coef[column] # Calculate Rolling Beta Average beta_number = len(beta.columns) - 2 for i in range(row_number): beta_avg = 0.0 beta_count = 0 for j in range(beta_number): b = beta.ix[i, beta.columns[j + 2]] if not np.isnan(b): beta_avg = beta_avg + b beta_count = beta_count + 1 if beta_count > 0: beta.ix[i, 'beta'] = beta_avg / float(beta_count) beta.set_index('date', inplace=True) postfix = '_'.join([postfix, 'Beta']) u.to_csv(beta, c.path_dict['strategy'], c.file_dict['strategy'] % postfix)
def extractCommodityPrice(code, column): # Check Pre-requisite fullpath = c.fullpath_dict['commodity'] % code if not u.hasFile(fullpath): print('Require File Exists:', fullpath) return # Load Commodity Data data = loadCommodityPrice(code) data.set_index(u'发布时间', inplace=True) print(data.head(10)) # Extract Price Data based on Given Column market = data[column].drop_duplicates() market_number = len(market) print('Market Number:', market_number) print('Markets:', market) i = 0 for m in market: print('Market %s: %s' % (i + 1, m)) m_name = 'Market_%s' % (i + 1) m_data = data[data[column].isin([m])] if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(m_data): u.to_csv(m_data, c.path_dict['commodity'], c.file_dict['commodity_m'] % (code, m_name)) i = i + 1 '''
def analyzePriceFollow(target_date, stock_id, is_index, threshold): file_postfix = 'Timing_%s_%s' % (u.stockFileName(stock_id, is_index), threshold) timing = u.read_csv(c.path_dict['strategy'] + file_postfix + '.csv', encoding='gbk') timing_number = len(timing) # Find the matched timing date and trend timing_index = -1 for i in range(timing_number): date = dt.datetime.strptime(timing.ix[i, 'date'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() if date <= target_date: timing_index = i else: break # Report results if timing_index != -1: date = dt.datetime.strptime(timing.ix[timing_index, 'date'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() trend = timing.ix[timing_index, 'trend'] if date == target_date: # Given target_date is Timing Date print('Date', target_date, ': Trend of', u.stockFileName(stock_id, is_index), 'Goes', trend) else: print('Date', target_date, ': Trend of', u.stockFileName(stock_id, is_index), 'Does Not Change, Still', trend) else: print('Date', target_date, ': Trend of', u.stockFileName(stock_id, is_index), 'Not Available, No Timing Data')
def loadFinanceSummary(stock_id): # Ensure data file is available fullpath = c.fullpath_dict['finsum'] % stock_id if not u.hasFile(fullpath): print('Require Finance Summary of %s!' % fullpath) return None fs = u.read_csv(fullpath) return fs
def getFinanceSummary(stock_id): # Download Finance Summary for Given Stock fs = get_finance_summary(stock_id) if gs.is_debug: print(fs.head(10)) # Save to CSV File if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(fs): u.to_csv(fs, c.path_dict['finsum'], c.file_dict['finsum'] % stock_id)
def loadStockBasics(): # Ensure data file is available fullpath = c.fullpath_dict['basics'] if not u.hasFile(fullpath): print('Require Stock Basics: %s!' % fullpath) return None basics = u.read_csv(fullpath) return basics
def getStockBasics(): # Download Stock Basics basics = get_stock_basics() if gs.is_debug: print(basics.head(10)) # Save to CSV File if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(basics): u.to_csv(basics, c.path_dict['basics'], c.file_dict['basics'])
def loadCoefficient(postfix, completeness_threshold): # Load Coefficient File fullpath = c.path_dict['strategy'] + c.file_dict['strategy'] % '_'.join( [postfix, completeness_threshold]) allcoef = u.read_csv(fullpath) if u.isNoneOrEmpty(allcoef): print('Require Coefficient File: %s!' % fullpath) return None return allcoef
def getCommodityPrice(code): # Download Commodity Data data = get_commodity_price(code) if gs.is_debug: print(data.head(10)) # Save to CSV File if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(data): u.to_csv(data, c.path_dict['commodity'], c.file_dict['commodity'] % code)
def loadDailyHFQ(stock_id, is_index): fullpath = c.fullpath_dict['lshq'] % u.stockFileName(stock_id, is_index) # Ensure data file is available if not u.hasFile(fullpath): print('Require LSHQ of %s!' % u.stockFileName(stock_id, is_index)) return None # Read data file df = u.read_csv(fullpath) return df
def load_component(index_name): fullpath = c.path_dict['index'] + c.file_dict['index_c'] % index_name # Ensure data file is available if not u.hasFile(fullpath): print('Require Index Component of %s!' % index_name) return None # Read data file df = u.read_csv(fullpath) return df
def plot_index(index_name, benchmark_name): # Load Index Data File index_path = c.path_dict['index'] index_file = c.file_dict['index_r'] % index_name df = u.read_csv(index_path + index_file) # Plot Figure fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True) fig.set_size_inches(32, 18) # Define Font font = { 'family': 'serif', 'color': 'black', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 18, } # Plot Sub-figure 1 title = '%s vs. %s' % (index_name, benchmark_name) ax1.set_title(title, fontdict=font) ax1.set_xlabel('', fontdict=font) ax1.set_ylabel('Ratio', fontdict=font) for column in ['ratio', 'b_ratio']: df.plot(x='date', y=column, ax=ax1) # Plot Sub-figure 2 title = 'Index %s' % index_name ax2.set_title(title, fontdict=font) ax2.set_xlabel('', fontdict=font) ax2.set_ylabel('Close Price', fontdict=font) df.plot(x='date', y='index', ax=ax2) # Plot Sub-figure 3 title = 'Index %s' % benchmark_name ax3.set_title(title, fontdict=font) ax3.set_xlabel('', fontdict=font) ax3.set_ylabel('Close Price', fontdict=font) df.plot(x='date', y='b_index', ax=ax3) # Common Format for Both Sub-figures for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3]: ax.grid(True) fig.autofmt_xdate() fig.tight_layout() plt.setp(plt.gca().get_xticklabels(), rotation=30) # Save Figure fig_key = 'fig_index' fig_path = c.path_dict[fig_key] fig_file = c.file_dict[fig_key] % (index_name + '_' + u.dateToStr( u.saveFigure(fig, fig_path, fig_file)
def calcQFQ(stock_id, period): # Calculate QFQ DataFrame df = calc_qfq(stock_id, period) if gs.is_debug: print(df.head(10)) # Save to CSV File if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(df): path = c.path_dict['qfq'] % period file = c.file_dict['qfq'] % (period, stock_id) u.to_csv(df, path, file)
def histogramAlpha(postfix, completeness_threshold): # Load Coefficient File allcoef = loadCoefficient(postfix, completeness_threshold) if u.isNoneOrEmpty(allcoef): return False # Calculate Coefficient Histogram columns = [ 'Total', 'Very High', 'High', 'Medium', 'Low', 'Very Low', 'Negative Very Low', 'Negative Low', 'Negative Medium', 'Negative High', 'Negative Very High' ] histogram = u.createDataFrame(1, columns, 0) stock_number = len(allcoef) histogram.ix[0, 'Total'] = stock_number for i in range(stock_number): alpha = allcoef.ix[i, 'alpha'] if alpha >= 0.4: # [0.4, +Infinity) histogram.ix[0, 'Very High'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Very High'] + 1 elif alpha >= 0.3: # [0.3, 0.4) histogram.ix[0, 'High'] = histogram.ix[0, 'High'] + 1 elif alpha >= 0.2: # [0.2, 0.3) histogram.ix[0, 'Medium'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Medium'] + 1 elif alpha >= 0.1: # [0.1, 0.2) histogram.ix[0, 'Low'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Low'] + 1 elif alpha >= 0.0: # [0.0, 0.1) histogram.ix[0, 'Very Low'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Very Low'] + 1 elif alpha >= -0.1: # [-0.1, 0.0) histogram.ix[ 0, 'Negative Very Low'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Very Low'] + 1 elif alpha >= -0.2: # [-0.2, -0.1) histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Low'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Low'] + 1 elif alpha >= -0.3: # [-0.3, -0.2) histogram.ix[ 0, 'Negative Medium'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Medium'] + 1 elif alpha >= -0.4: # [-0.4, -0.3) histogram.ix[0, 'Negative High'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Negative High'] + 1 else: # (-Infinity, -0.4) histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Very High'] = histogram.ix[ 0, 'Negative Very High'] + 1 # Save to CSV File histogram.set_index('Total', inplace=True) file_postfix = '_'.join( [postfix, completeness_threshold, 'HistogramAlpha']) u.to_csv(histogram, c.path_dict['strategy'], c.file_dict['strategy'] % file_postfix) return True
def calcHPE(stock_id, period, ratio): # Calculate HPE DataFrame df = calc_hpe(stock_id, period, ratio) if gs.is_debug: print(df.head(10)) # Save to CSV File if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(df): key = 'hpe' if ratio == 'PE' else 'hep' path = c.path_dict[key] % period file = c.file_dict[key] % (period, stock_id) u.to_csv(df, path, file)
def histogramCorrelation(postfix, completeness_threshold): # Load Coefficient File allcoef = loadCoefficient(postfix, completeness_threshold) if u.isNoneOrEmpty(allcoef): return False # Calculate Coefficient Histogram columns = [ 'Total', 'Very Strong', 'Strong', 'Medium', 'Weak', 'Very Weak', 'Negative Very Weak', 'Negative Weak', 'Negative Medium', 'Negative Strong', 'Negative Very Strong' ] histogram = u.createDataFrame(1, columns, 0) stock_number = len(allcoef) histogram.ix[0, 'Total'] = stock_number for i in range(stock_number): correlation = allcoef.ix[i, 'correlation'] if correlation > 0.8: # (0.8, 1.0] histogram.ix[0, 'Very Strong'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Very Strong'] + 1 elif correlation > 0.6: # (0.6, 0.8] histogram.ix[0, 'Strong'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Strong'] + 1 elif correlation > 0.4: # (0.4, 0.6] histogram.ix[0, 'Medium'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Medium'] + 1 elif correlation > 0.2: # (0.2, 0.4] histogram.ix[0, 'Weak'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Weak'] + 1 elif correlation >= 0.0: # [0.0, 0.2] histogram.ix[0, 'Very Weak'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Very Weak'] + 1 elif correlation > -0.2: # (-0.2, 0.0) histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Very Weak'] = histogram.ix[ 0, 'Negative Very Weak'] + 1 elif correlation > -0.4: # (-0.4, -0.2] histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Weak'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Weak'] + 1 elif correlation > -0.6: # (-0.6, -0.4] histogram.ix[ 0, 'Negative Medium'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Medium'] + 1 elif correlation > -0.8: # (-0.8, -0.6] histogram.ix[ 0, 'Negative Strong'] = histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Strong'] + 1 else: # [-1.0, -0.8] histogram.ix[0, 'Negative Very Strong'] = histogram.ix[ 0, 'Negative Very Strong'] + 1 # Save to CSV File histogram.set_index('Total', inplace=True) file_postfix = '_'.join( [postfix, completeness_threshold, 'HistogramCorrelation']) u.to_csv(histogram, c.path_dict['strategy'], c.file_dict['strategy'] % file_postfix) return True
def getStockList(cutoff_date): stocks = get_stock_list(cutoff_date) if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(stocks): stocks['code'] = stocks['code'].map(lambda x:str(x).zfill(6)) stocks.set_index('code', inplace=True) if gs.is_debug: print(stocks.head(10)) # Save to CSV File u.to_csv(stocks, c.path_dict['classify'], c.file_dict['stock_list'] % cutoff_date) else: print('getStockList() Failed!') raise SystemExit
def plotHPE(period='M', ratio='PE'): # Check pre-requisite basics = loadStockBasics() if u.isNoneOrEmpty(basics): print('Need to have stock basics!') raise SystemExit # Iterate over all stocks basics_number = len(basics) for i in range(basics_number): stock_id = u.stockID(basics.loc[i, 'code']) # Plot HPE Data plot_HPE(stock_id=stock_id, period=period, ratio=ratio)
def getIndustrySina(): # Download Sina Industry Data industry = get_industry_sina() if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(industry): industry.set_index('code', inplace=True) if gs.is_debug: print(industry.head(10)) # Save to CSV File u.to_csv(industry, c.path_dict['classify'], c.file_dict['indu_sina']) else: print('getIndustrySina() Failed!') raise SystemExit
def getSZ50(): # Download SZ50 Data sz50 = get_sz50() if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(sz50): sz50.set_index('code', inplace=True) if gs.is_debug: print(sz50.head(10)) # Save to CSV File u.to_csv(sz50, c.path_dict['classify'], c.file_dict['sz50']) else: print('getSZ50() Failed!') raise SystemExit
def getZZ500(): # Download ZZ500 Data zz500 = get_zz500() if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(zz500): zz500.set_index('code', inplace=True) if gs.is_debug: print(zz500.head(10)) # Save to CSV File u.to_csv(zz500, c.path_dict['classify'], c.file_dict['zz500']) else: print('getZZ500() Failed!') raise SystemExit
def getTerminated(): # Download Terminated Stock Data terminated = get_terminated() if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(terminated): terminated.set_index('code', inplace=True) if gs.is_debug: print(terminated.head(10)) # Save to CSV File u.to_csv(terminated, c.path_dict['classify'], c.file_dict['terminated']) else: print('getTerminated() Failed!') raise SystemExit
def getConceptSina(): # Download Sina Concept Data concept = get_concept_sina() if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(concept): concept.set_index('code', inplace=True) if gs.is_debug: print(concept.head(10)) # Save to CSV File u.to_csv(concept, c.path_dict['classify'], c.file_dict['conc_sina']) else: print('getConceptSina() Failed!') raise SystemExit
def getSuspended(): # Download Suspended Data suspended = get_suspended() if not u.isNoneOrEmpty(suspended): suspended.set_index('code', inplace=True) if gs.is_debug: print(suspended.head(10)) # Save to CSV File u.to_csv(suspended, c.path_dict['classify'], c.file_dict['suspended']) else: print('getSuspended() Failed!') raise SystemExit