def validation(self, preprocessor_type): # IF PREPROCESSOR_TYPE IS NONE: if preprocessor_type is None: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', None, 'Required:', str) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', None, 'Required:', str) # IF PREPROCESSOR_TYPE IS NOT STRING: if not isinstance(preprocessor_type, str): self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(preprocessor_type), 'Required:', str) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(preprocessor_type), 'Required:', str) # IF PREPROCESSOR_TYPE NOT A CHILD OF ABSTRACT_DIALOGUE_PREPROCESSOR: if preprocessor_type not in [y.__name__ for y in AbstractDialoguePreProcessor().__class__.__subclasses__()]: self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', preprocessor_type, 'Required Value from :', [y.__name__ for y in AbstractDialoguePreProcessor().__class__.__subclasses__()]) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', preprocessor_type, 'Required Value from :', [y.__name__ for y in AbstractDialoguePreProcessor().__class__.__subclasses__()]) # ALL CASES POSITIVE return True
def validation(self, args): if args is None: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', type(None)) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', type(None)) if not isinstance(args, dict): self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args), 'Required:', type(dict)) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(args), 'Required:', type(dict)) if StandardFlowDialogueFeatureEngineerHandlerImpl.__name__ not in args: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', StandardFlowDialogueFeatureEngineerHandlerImpl.__name__) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', StandardFlowDialogueFeatureEngineerHandlerImpl.__name__) if args[StandardFlowDialogueFeatureEngineerHandlerImpl. __name__] is None: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(list)) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(list)) if not isinstance( args[StandardFlowDialogueFeatureEngineerHandlerImpl.__name__], list): self.logger.error( InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args[ StandardFlowDialogueFeatureEngineerHandlerImpl.__name__]), 'Required:', type(list)) raise InvalidInfoException( 'Given:', type(args[ StandardFlowDialogueFeatureEngineerHandlerImpl.__name__]), 'Required:', type(list)) for config in args[ StandardFlowDialogueFeatureEngineerHandlerImpl.__name__]: if not isinstance(config, AbstractConfig): self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(config), 'Required:', type(AbstractConfig)) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(config), 'Required:', type(AbstractConfig)) if PandasDAOImpl.__name__ not in args: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', PandasDAOImpl.__name__) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', PandasDAOImpl.__name__) if args[PandasDAOImpl.__name__] is None: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(pd.DataFrame)) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(pd.DataFrame)) return True
def __argument_type_validation(self, test_data, model_params): if not isinstance(test_data, DataFrame): raise InvalidInfoException( "argument 'test_data' is not of type Pandas Dataframe") if not isinstance(model_params, dict): raise InvalidInfoException( "argument 'model_params' is not of type dictionary")
def __argument_type_validation(self, data, model_params, model_hyper_params, model_cross_validator_params): if not isinstance(data, DataFrame): self.logger.error( "InvalidInfoException : argument 'data' is not of type 'Pandas DataFrame'" ) raise InvalidInfoException( "argument 'data' is not of type 'Pandas DataFrame'") if not isinstance(model_params, dict): self.logger.error( "InvalidInfoException : argument 'model_params' is not of type dictionary" ) raise InvalidInfoException( "argument 'model_params' is not of type dictionary") if not isinstance(model_hyper_params, dict): self.logger.error( "InvalidInfoException : argument 'model_hyper_params' is not of type dictionary" ) raise InvalidInfoException( "argument 'model_hyper_params' is not of type dictionary") if not isinstance(model_cross_validator_params, dict): self.logger.error( "InvalidInfoException : argument 'model_cross_validator_params' is not of type dictionary" ) raise InvalidInfoException( "argument 'model_cross_validator_params' is not of type dictionary" )
def preprocess_validation(self, args): # TRY THIS: try: # IF INITIAL VALIDATION SUCCESSFUL: if super().preprocess_validation(args): # FOR ALL REQ_INPUT: if is not None: for arr in for elem in arr: # IF ROW-WISE ELEMENT IN ARGS IS NOT OF REQUIRED DATA TYPE: if args[elem].dtype != str: # ERROR: self.logger.error( InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', args[elem].dtype, 'Required:', str) raise InvalidInfoException( 'Given:', args[elem].dtype, 'Required:', str) # FOR ALL REQ_DATA: if is not None: for arr in for elem in arr: # IF ROW-WISE ELEMENT IN ARGS IS NOT OF REQUIRED DATA TYPE: if args[elem].dtype != str: # ERROR: self.logger.error( InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', args[elem].dtype, 'Required:', str) raise InvalidInfoException( 'Given:', args[elem].dtype, 'Required:', str) # ALL CASES POSITIVE return True # CATCH ERRORS: except (MissingMandatoryFieldException, InvalidInfoException) as exp: raise CommonBaseException(exp)
def engineer_feature_validation(self, args): if args is None: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', type(None)) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', type(None)) if not isinstance(args, dict): self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args), 'Required:', type(dict)) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(args), 'Required:', type(dict)) if is not None: for arr in for elem in arr: if elem not in args: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', elem) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', elem) if args[elem] is None: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(pd.Series)) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(pd.Series)) if is not None: for arr in for elem in arr: if elem not in args: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', elem) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', elem) if args[elem] is None: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(pd.Series)) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(pd.Series)) if is not None: for arr in for elem in arr: if elem not in args: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', elem) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', args.items(), 'Required:', elem) if args[elem] is None: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(AbstractUtils)) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', type(None), 'Required:', type(AbstractUtils)) return True
def validate_dict_for_empty_values(cls, _dict): for key, value in _dict.items(): if value is None: cls.logger.error( 'InvalidInfoException : Null or empty value received against dictionary key: ' + str(key)) raise InvalidInfoException( 'Null or empty value received against dictionary key: ' + str(key))
def __argument_type_validation(self, evaluation_metric_list, predicted_target, actual_target): if not isinstance(evaluation_metric_list, list): self.logger.error( "InvalidInfoException : argument 'evaluation_metric_list' is not of type 'list'" ) raise InvalidInfoException( "argument 'evaluation_metric_list' is not of type 'list'") if not isinstance(predicted_target, np.ndarray): self.logger.error( "InvalidInfoException : argument 'predicted_target' is not of type 'np.ndarray'" ) raise InvalidInfoException( "argument 'predicted_target' is not of type 'np.ndarray'") if not isinstance(actual_target, np.ndarray): self.logger.error( "InvalidInfoException : argument 'actual_target' is not of type 'np.ndarray'" ) raise InvalidInfoException( "argument 'actual_target' is not of type 'np.ndarray'")
def validate_data_features_against_model(cls, data, features_list): model_features_not_in_data = CommonUtilities.get_list_difference( features_list, data.columns) if len(model_features_not_in_data) > 0: cls.logger.error("InvalidInfoException : Features: " + str(model_features_not_in_data) + " not found in received data " + "but required by the model") raise InvalidInfoException("Features: " + str(model_features_not_in_data) + " not found in received data " + "but required by the model") return
def validate_model_params(cls, model_params): if CommonConstants.MODEL_NAME_TAG not in model_params or not model_params.get( CommonConstants.MODEL_NAME_TAG): cls.logger.error("MissingMandatoryFieldException : " + str(CommonConstants.MODEL_NAME_TAG) + " key does not exist in " + "'model_params' or has no value assigned ") raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( str(CommonConstants.MODEL_NAME_TAG) + " key does not exist in " + "'model_params' or has no value assigned ") elif not isinstance(model_params[CommonConstants.MODEL_NAME_TAG], str): cls.logger.error("InvalidInfoException : " + str(CommonConstants.MODEL_NAME_TAG) + ' value is not of type string') raise InvalidInfoException( str(CommonConstants.MODEL_NAME_TAG) + ' value is not of type string') if CommonConstants.FEATURE_LIST_TAG not in model_params or not model_params[ CommonConstants.FEATURE_LIST_TAG]: cls.logger.error("MissingMandatoryFieldException : " + str(CommonConstants.FEATURE_LIST_TAG) + " key does not exist in " + "'model_params' or has no value assigned ") raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( str(CommonConstants.FEATURE_LIST_TAG) + " key does not exist in " + "'model_params' or has no value assigned ") elif not isinstance(model_params[CommonConstants.FEATURE_LIST_TAG], list): cls.logger.error("InvalidInfoException : " + str(CommonConstants.FEATURE_LIST_TAG) + ' value is not of type list') raise InvalidInfoException( str(CommonConstants.FEATURE_LIST_TAG) + ' value is not of type list') return
def load_and_validate_new_features_list( self, feature_engineering_model_specific_dict): "In Class: CommonUtilities, Function: load_and_validate_new_features_list" ) exception_str = " does not exist in service param dictionary""Checking if mandatory key, " + CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG + " exists in param dictionary against flow: " + CommonConstants.FEATURE_ENGINEERING_FLOW_STANDARD) if CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG not in feature_engineering_model_specific_dict: self.logger.error('MissingMandatoryFieldException : Key Error: ' + CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG + exception_str) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Key Error: ' + CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG + exception_str) features_list = feature_engineering_model_specific_dict[ CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG]"Checking if a value exists against mandatory key, " + CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG + " in param dictionary against flow: " + CommonConstants.FEATURE_ENGINEERING_FLOW_STANDARD) if features_list is None: self.logger.error( 'MissingMandatoryFieldException : Value Error: No value exists for tag: ' + CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG + ' for flow: ' + CommonConstants.FEATURE_ENGINEERING_FLOW_STANDARD) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Value Error: No value exists for tag: ' + CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG + ' for flow: ' + CommonConstants.FEATURE_ENGINEERING_FLOW_STANDARD)"Checking data type of value against key, " + CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG + " in param dictionary against flow: " + CommonConstants.FEATURE_ENGINEERING_FLOW_STANDARD) if not isinstance(features_list, dict): self.logger.error( 'InvalidInfoException : Invalid value for tag: ' + CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG + ' for flow: ' + CommonConstants.FEATURE_ENGINEERING_FLOW_STANDARD) raise InvalidInfoException( 'Invalid value for tag: ' + CommonConstants.NEW_FEATURE_LIST_TAG + ' for flow: ' + CommonConstants.FEATURE_ENGINEERING_FLOW_STANDARD) return features_list.keys()
def validate_pipeline_model(cls, model_name, pipeline_model): """ author: [email protected] Validates that input pipeline model is not null and belongs to the correct datatype :param pipeline_model_name: Name of given pipeline model :param pipeline_model: Pipeline :return: -- """ if pipeline_model is None: cls.logger.error("MissingMandatoryFieldException" + model_name + " is Missing") raise MissingMandatoryFieldException(model_name + " argument is None") if not isinstance(pipeline_model, PipelineModel) and not isinstance( pipeline_model, Pipeline): cls.logger.error( 'InvalidInfoException : "Invalid type for argument ' + model_name) raise InvalidInfoException("Invalid type for argument " + model_name)
def validation(self, args): # IF ARGS IS NONE: if args is None: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', None, 'Required:', dict) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', None, 'Required:', dict) # IF ARGS IS NOT A DICT: if not isinstance(args, dict): self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args), 'Required:', dict) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(args), 'Required:', dict) # IF ABSTRACT_DIALOGUE_PREPROCESSOR IS NOT IN ARGS: if AbstractDialoguePreProcessor.__name__ not in args: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', AbstractDialoguePreProcessor.__name__) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', AbstractDialoguePreProcessor.__name__) # IF ABSTRACT_DIALOGUE_PREPROCESSOR IN ARGS IS NONE: if args[AbstractDialoguePreProcessor.__name__] is None: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', None, 'Required:', list) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', None, 'Required:', list) # ABSTRACT_DIALOGUE_PREPROCESSOR IN ARGS IS NOT OF REQUIRED DATA TYPE: if not isinstance(args[AbstractDialoguePreProcessor.__name__], list): self.logger.error( InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args[AbstractDialoguePreProcessor.__name__]), 'Required:', list) raise InvalidInfoException( 'Given:', type(args[AbstractDialoguePreProcessor.__name__]), 'Required:', list) # FOR CONFIG IN ABSTRACT_DIALOGUE_PREPROCESSOR IN ARGS: for config in args[AbstractDialoguePreProcessor.__name__]: # IF CONFIG IS NONE: if config is None: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', None, 'Required:', AbstractConfig) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', None, 'Required:', AbstractConfig) # IF CONFIG IN ARGS IS NOT OF REQUIRED DATA TYPE: if not isinstance(config, AbstractConfig): self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(config), 'Required:', AbstractConfig) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(config), 'Required:', AbstractConfig) # IF PANDAS_DAO_IMPL NOT IN ARGS: if PandasDAOImpl.__name__ not in args: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', PandasDAOImpl.__name__) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', PandasDAOImpl.__name__) # IF PANDAS_DAO_IMPL IN ARGS IS NONE: if args[PandasDAOImpl.__name__] is None: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', None, 'Required:', pd.DataFrame) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', None, 'Required:', pd.DataFrame) # IF PANDAS_DAO_IMPL IN ARGS IS NOT OF REQUIRED DATA TYPE: if not isinstance(args[PandasDAOImpl.__name__], pd.DataFrame): self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args[PandasDAOImpl.__name__]), 'Required:', pd.DataFrame) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(args[PandasDAOImpl.__name__]), 'Required:', pd.DataFrame) # ALL CASES POSITIVE return True
def preprocess_validation(self, args): # IF ARGS IS NONE: if args is None: # ERROR: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', None, 'Required:', dict) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', None, 'Required:', dict) # IF ARGS IS NOT A DICT: if not isinstance(args, dict): # ERROR: self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args), 'Required:', dict) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(args), 'Required:', dict) # FOR ALL REQ_INPUT: if is not None: for arr in for elem in arr: # IF ELEMENT IS MISSING FROM ARGS: if elem not in args: # ERROR: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', elem) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', elem) # IF ELEMENT IN ARGS IS NONE: if args[elem] is None: # ERROR: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', None, 'Required:', pd.Series) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', None, 'Required:', pd.Series) # IF ELEMENT IN ARGS IS NOT OF REQUIRED DATA TYPE: if not isinstance(args[elem], pd.Series): # ERROR: self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args[elem]), 'Required:', pd.Series) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(args[elem]), 'Required:', pd.Series) # FOR ALL REQ_DATA: if is not None: for arr in for elem in arr: # IF ELEMENT IS MISSING FROM ARGS: if elem not in args: # ERROR: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', elem) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', elem) # IF ELEMENT IN ARGS IS NONE: if args[elem] is None: # ERROR: self.logger.error( MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', None, 'Required:', pd.Series) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException( 'Given:', None, 'Required:', pd.Series) # IF ELEMENT IN ARGS IS NOT OF REQUIRED DATA TYPE: if not isinstance(args[elem], pd.Series): # ERROR: self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args[elem]), 'Required:', pd.Series) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(args[elem]), 'Required:', pd.Series) # FOR ALL REQ_ARGS: if is not None: elem = # IF ELEMENT IS NOT IN ARGS: if elem not in args: # ERROR: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', elem) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', args.keys(), 'Required:', elem) # IF ELEMENT IN ARGS IS NONE: if args[elem] is None: # ERROR: self.logger.error(MissingMandatoryFieldException.__name__, 'Given:', None, 'Required:', AbstractUtils) raise MissingMandatoryFieldException('Given:', None, 'Required:', AbstractUtils) # IF ELEMENT IN ARGS IS NOT OF REQUIRED DATA TYPE if not isinstance(args[elem], type(UtilsFactory.get_utils(elem))): # ERROR: self.logger.error(InvalidInfoException.__name__, 'Given:', type(args[elem]), 'Required:', type(UtilsFactory.get_utils(elem))) raise InvalidInfoException('Given:', type(args[elem]), 'Required:', type(UtilsFactory.get_utils(elem))) # ALL CASES POSITIVE return True