def __init__(self, Location, UseRootInTES=True, monitor=False): NamedObject.__init__(self, Location.replace('/', '_')) from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as VoidFilter _alg = VoidFilter('SelFilter' + if not monitor: _alg.Code = """ 0<CONTAINS('%s',%s) """ % (Location, UseRootInTES) else: _alg.Preambulo += [ "from LoKiCore.functions import monitor", "from LoKiCore.math import max as lmax", ] ## create monitored functor _alg.Code = """ 0< monitor ( lmax ( CONTAINS('%s',%s), FZERO ) ,'# %s', 0 ) """ % (Location, UseRootInTES, Location) SelectionBase.__init__(self, algorithm=_alg, outputLocation=Location, requiredSelections=[])
def streamer( self ): props = self.getProps() ## VoidFilter to cut on the number of Velo tracks. from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as VoidFilter from HltTracking.HltSharedTracking import MinimalVelo props['Velo'] = MinimalVelo.outputSelection() code = "in_range( %(MinNVelo)s, CONTAINS('%(Velo)s'), %(MaxNVelo)s ) "% props veloFilter = VoidFilter('Hlt1LowMultNVeloFilter', Code = code) ## Streamer from Configurables import LoKi__HltUnit as HltUnit unit = HltUnit( 'Hlt1LowMultStreamer', ##OutputLevel = 1 , Preambulo = self.preambulo(), Code = """ TrackCandidates >> FitTrack >> tee ( monitor( TC_SIZE > 0, '# pass TrackFit', LoKi.Monitoring.ContextSvc ) ) >> tee ( monitor( TC_SIZE , 'nFit' , LoKi.Monitoring.ContextSvc ) ) >> ( ( TrPT > %(PT)s * MeV ) & ( TrP > %(P)s * MeV ) ) >> tee ( monitor( TC_SIZE > 0, '# pass PT', LoKi.Monitoring.ContextSvc ) ) >> tee ( monitor( TC_SIZE , 'nPT' , LoKi.Monitoring.ContextSvc ) ) >> ( TrCHI2PDOF < %(TrChi2)s ) >> SINK('Hlt1LowMultDecision') >> ~TC_EMPTY """ % props ) return [veloFilter, unit]
def __writerFilter(self, requirement): from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as VoidFilter if requirement: code = ' & '.join(["ALG_EXECUTED('%s') & ALG_PASSED('%s')" % (i, i) for i in requirement]) else: code = "LoKi.Constant('void', 'bool')(True)" return VoidFilter(HltOutputConf.__writer_filter_name__, Code = code, Preambulo = ['from LoKiHlt.algorithms import ALG_EXECUTED, ALG_PASSED'])
def __routingBitsForFlaggingMode(self): # The EndSequence always runs and the HLT2 routing bits writer needs the # HLT2 DecReports, so we need to check that HLT2 at least ran. from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as VoidFilter hlt2Filter = VoidFilter("RoutingBitsHlt2Filter", Preambulo = ['from LoKiHlt.algorithms import ALG_EXECUTED'], Code = "ALG_EXECUTED('Hlt2')") rbWriter = self.__hlt2RoutingBitsWriter('') return GaudiSequencer("Hlt2RoutingBitsSequence", Members = [hlt2Filter, rbWriter])
def streamer_MaxVeloCut( self, name ): props = self.getProps() ## VoidFilter to cut on the number of Velo tracks. from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as VoidFilter from HltTracking.HltSharedTracking import MinimalVelo props['Velo'] = MinimalVelo.outputSelection() code = "in_range( 0, CONTAINS('%(Velo)s'), %(MaxVeloCut_MaxVelo)s ) "% props veloFilter = VoidFilter('Hlt1'+name+'Decision', Code = code) return [veloFilter]
def __create_parasitic_line__(self): ''' Function to create the Parasitic line for bb crossings. Algorithms: 1) Check if Velo tracks have already been reconstructed 2) Run the proto-vertexing algorithm (excluding the lumi region) 3) Run Full Fast Velo tracking (the same instance as in the non-parasitic lines) 4) PV3D (the same instance as in the non-parasitic lines) 5) Filter the produced vertices ''' nameParts = ['BeamGasCrossing', 'Parasitic'] nameKey = nameParts[1] lineName = nameParts[0] + nameKey ### Get the L0 Rate Limit L0RateLimit = self.getProp('L0RateLimit')[nameKey] if ( nameKey in self.getProp('L0RateLimit').keys()) else None ### Create the L0DU and ODIN filters l0du = self.getProp('L0Filter')['BB'] odin = "(ODIN_BXTYP == LHCb.ODIN.BeamCrossing)" ### Algorithm to check for existing Velo tracks from HltTracking.HltSharedTracking import MinimalVelo from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as VoidFilter algCheckTracks = VoidFilter('Hlt1BeamGasCheckVeloTracks', Code="CONTAINS('%s') > 0" % MinimalVelo.outputSelection()) ### ProtoVertexing algorithm algProtoVertex = self._create_proto_vertex_alg( lineName, MinimalVelo.outputSelection()) gec_algs = self._get_GEC() main_algs = self._create_main_algos(lineName) return Hlt1Line(lineName, priority=200, prescale=self.prescale, ODIN=odin, L0DU='scale({}, RATE({}))'.format(l0du, L0RateLimit) if L0RateLimit else l0du, algos=gec_algs + [DecodeVELO, algCheckTracks, algProtoVertex] + main_algs, postscale=self.postscale, Turbo=self.getProp("Turbo")) return TheLine
def globalEventCutFilter(name, MaxTrSIZE = None ) : if MaxTrSIZE == None : return None _code = "" from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as VoidFilter from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__CoreFactory as CoreFactory modules = CoreFactory('CoreFactory').Modules for i in ['LoKiTracks.decorators']: if i not in modules : modules.append(i) if MaxTrSIZE != None : _code += "TrSOURCE('Rec/Track/Best') >> (TrSIZE < %(MaxTrSIZE)s )" % locals() globalFilter= VoidFilter(name) globalFilter.Code = _code return globalFilter
def globalEventCutFilter(name, MaxTrSIZE=None): if MaxTrSIZE == None: return None _code = "" from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as VoidFilter from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__CoreFactory as CoreFactory modules = CoreFactory('CoreFactory').Modules for i in ['LoKiTracks.decorators']: if i not in modules: modules.append(i) if MaxTrSIZE != None: _code += "(recSummaryTrack(LHCb.RecSummary.nLongTracks, TrLONG) < %(MaxTrSIZE)s )" % locals( ) globalFilter = VoidFilter(name) globalFilter.Code = _code return globalFilter
def __init__(self, name, Code, RequiredSelection): UniquelyNamedObject.__init__(self, name) ClonableObject.__init__(self, locals()) checkName( _code = Code.replace('<Location>', "'" + RequiredSelection.outputLocation() + "'") _code = _code.replace('\"\'', '\'').replace('\'\"', '\'').replace('\'\'', '\'') from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as VoidFilter _alg = VoidFilter(, Code=_code) SelectionBase.__init__( self, algorithm=_alg, outputLocation=RequiredSelection.outputLocation(), requiredSelections=[RequiredSelection])