コード例 #1
def defaultDispatcher_init():
	config =  ConfigurationServer()
	config.port = 8008
	config.nombre = "admin"
	config.dispatcher = SoapDispatcher(
		location = "http://localhost:8008",
		action = 'http://localhost:8008', #SOAPAction
		namespace = "http://example.com/sample.wsdl", prefix = "ns0",
		trace = True,
		ns = True

		returns = {'msg' : str},

		args={'operation' : str }

#	config.dispatcher.register_function('Adder',adder,
#		returns = {'AddResult' : int},
#		args = {'a':int, 'b':int}
#	)

	return config
コード例 #2
 def authenticate(self, applicationName):
     if self.api_key == None:
         cmd = {"username": applicationName, "devicetype": applicationName}
         data = simplejson.dumps(cmd)
         resp, content = self.http.request("{}/api".format(self.base_url), method="POST",body=data)
         if resp.status != 200:
             raise ConnectionException("Returncode {} from bridge!".format(resp.status))
         cherrypy.log("{}: {}".format(resp.status, content))
         response = simplejson.loads(content)
         if 'error' in response[0].keys():
             raise ConnectionException(response[0]['error']['description'])
         self.api_key = response[0]['success']['username']
         ConfigurationServer.save('HueConnection', self.api_key)
コード例 #3
ファイル: AutoOn.py プロジェクト: gertjanmaas/HueControl
 def save(self, **jsonData):
     loc = jsonData['location']
     offset = int(jsonData['offset'])
     group = jsonData['autoOnGroup']
     bri = int(jsonData['groupBri'])
     geocode_url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address={}&sensor=false".format(urllib2.quote(loc))
     req = urllib2.urlopen(geocode_url)
     resp = simplejson.loads(req.read())
     self.config['lat'] = resp['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']
     self.config['long'] = resp['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']
     self.config['city'] = loc
     self.config['offset'] = offset
     self.config['autoOnGroup'] = group
     self.config['groupBri'] = bri
     ConfigurationServer.save('AutoOn', self.config)
コード例 #4
ファイル: AutoOn.py プロジェクト: gertjanmaas/HueControl
 def __init__(self):
     self.http = httplib2.Http()
     self.config = ConfigurationServer.get('AutoOn')
     if self.config == None:
         self.config = {
             'lat': 0,
             'long': 0,
             'city': 'Enter a city here...',
             'offset': 0,
             'autoOnGroup': 'All Lights',
             'groupBri': 255,
         if not 'autoOnGroup' in self.config.keys():
             self.config['autoOnGroup'] = 'All Lights'
         if not 'groupBri' in self.config.keys():
             self.config['groupBri'] = 255
     minute = random.randint(0,59)
     start_date = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.datetime.today(), datetime.time(hour=12, minute=minute, second=0)) #added randomness to not break earthtools :)
     if start_date < datetime.datetime.now():
         # get the sunset for today, the get_sunset function will take care of the rest
         start_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
     Scheduler.add_interval_job(self.get_sunset, days=1, start_date=start_date)
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, bridgeIP):
     self.bridgeIP = bridgeIP
     self.http = httplib2.Http()
     self.base_url = "http://{}".format(bridgeIP)
     self.api_key = ConfigurationServer.get('HueConnection')