コード例 #1
from ContentAnalyticsAPIWrapper import ContentAnalyticsAPI
from datetime import datetime
import sys, time, urllib, os

api_address= ""
csv_upload_dir = "/opt/trillionmonkeys.com/tm/date/uploads/"

file_name = sys.argv[1]
batch_name = sys.argv[2]
customer_name = sys.argv[3]
secret_key = sys.argv[4]
access_id = sys.argv[5]

ca = ContentAnalyticsAPI(access_id, secret_key, api_address)

batch_id = ca.create_batch(batch_name, customer_name)
print batch_id

if batch_id != -1:
	os.system("python /var/www/tmeditor/python/crawl_and_generate_results.py " + str(batch_id) + " \"" + file_name + "\" \"" + access_id + "\" \"" + secret_key + "\" >> /tmp/crawl_generate_results.log 2>&1 &")

コード例 #2
from ContentAnalyticsAPIWrapper import ContentAnalyticsAPI
from datetime import datetime
import sys, time, urllib, os
import HelperMethods as h

api_address= ""
csv_upload_dir = "/opt/trillionmonkeys.com/tm/date/uploads/"

secret_key = sys.argv[1]
access_id = sys.argv[2]
csv_dir = sys.argv[3]
batch_name = sys.argv[4]
workflow = sys.argv[5]
run_instances = sys.argv[6]
ca = ContentAnalyticsAPI(access_id, secret_key, api_address)

file_array = ca.UploadCsv(csv_dir)
batch_id = ca.create_batch(batch_name)
file_name = file_array['files'][0]['name']
status = ca.upload_batch_file(csv_upload_dir + file_name, file_name, batch_id, workflow, run_instances)
print batch_id
print status
h.crawl_batch(batch_id, ca)
#if batch_id != -1:
#	os.system("python /var/www/tmeditor/python/crawl_and_generate_results.py " + str(batch_id) + " \"" + file_name + "\" \"" + access_id + "\" \"" + secret_key + "\" >> /tmp/crawl_generate_results.log 2>&1 &")

コード例 #3
from ContentAnalyticsAPIWrapper import ContentAnalyticsAPI
from datetime import datetime
import sys, time, urllib, os, logging
import HelperMethods as h

secret_key = sys.argv[2]
access_id = sys.argv[3]
api_address= ""
ca = ContentAnalyticsAPI(access_id, secret_key, api_address)
log_file = "/tmp/crawl_generate_results.log"
logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file,level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(levelname)-5s [%(asctime)s] %(message)s")

batch_id = int(sys.argv[1])
print(str(datetime.now()) + ": Start batch " + str(batch_id))

response = ca.get_batch_crawl_status_from_id(batch_id)

if int(response["queued"]) == 0:
	h.crawl_batch(batch_id, ca)
	#h.process_batch(batch_id, ca)
	#h.call_zabbix_sender(batch_id, 0)
	logging.error("Already crawling/generating results for this batch. Exiting.")
	h.call_zabbix_sender(batch_id, 1)
コード例 #4
from ContentAnalyticsAPIWrapper import ContentAnalyticsAPI
from datetime import datetime
import sys, time, urllib, os

api_address= ""

primary_batch = sys.argv[1]
customer_name = sys.argv[2]
secret_key = sys.argv[3]
access_id = sys.argv[4]

ca = ContentAnalyticsAPI(access_id, secret_key, api_address)

response = ca.getBatchesByCustomerName(primary_batch, customer_name)
print response
コード例 #5
from ContentAnalyticsAPIWrapper import ContentAnalyticsAPI
from datetime import datetime
import sys, time, urllib, os

api_address= ""

secret_key = sys.argv[1]
access_id = sys.argv[2]
batch_id = sys.argv[3]
chronicle_id = sys.argv[4]
if 5 < len(sys.argv):
	brand_id = sys.argv[5]
	brand_id = 0
if 6 < len(sys.argv):
	category_id = sys.argv[6]
	category_id = 0
if 7 < len(sys.argv):
	filters = sys.argv[7]
	filters = 0
ca = ContentAnalyticsAPI(access_id, secret_key, api_address)

response = ca.getFilters(batch_id, chronicle_id, brand_id, category_id, filters)
print response
コード例 #6
from ContentAnalyticsAPIWrapper import ContentAnalyticsAPI
from datetime import datetime
import sys, time, urllib, os

api_address= ""

batch_id = sys.argv[1]
secret_key = sys.argv[2]
access_id = sys.argv[3]

ca = ContentAnalyticsAPI(access_id, secret_key, api_address)

response = ca.getAllDatesForBatch(batch_id)
print response
コード例 #7
from ContentAnalyticsAPIWrapper import ContentAnalyticsAPI
from datetime import datetime
import HelperMethods as h
import sys, logging, os, time

secret_key = sys.argv[1]
access_id = sys.argv[2]
api_address= ""
ca = ContentAnalyticsAPI(access_id, secret_key, api_address)
#Logging already started in ContentAnalyticsAPI with the same name
#log_file = "/tmp/schedule_crawl_cron.log"

logging.info("Checking to see if there are any batches scheduled to be crawled.")
print(str(datetime.now()) + ": Start crawling batches")

#This little dance is because datetime returns 
#the number days of the week as 0-6 and we want 1-7.
week_day_off_by_one = datetime.now().strftime('%w')
week_day_int = int(week_day_off_by_one)
week_day_int += 1
week_day = str(week_day_int)

#The lstrip is because we need to remove any leading 0's
month_day = datetime.now().strftime('%d').lstrip('0')

logging.info("Week day: " + week_day)
logging.info("Month day: " + month_day)

logging.info("Checking weekly batches.")
batches_weekly = ca.get_all_batches_to_crawl(week_day, 1)
コード例 #8
from ContentAnalyticsAPIWrapper import ContentAnalyticsAPI
import sys

api_address= ""

secret_key = sys.argv[1]
access_id = sys.argv[2]

ca = ContentAnalyticsAPI(access_id, secret_key, api_address)

print "Median recalculation started."
if ca.recalc_median_content_health_score():
    print "Median recalculation finished."
    print "Median recalculation failed."