def Test_Data(self, pattern, path=None): u''' get test folder or file return List | @{files}= | Test Data | .*.txt | | @{files}= | Test Data | .*.txt | shop/TC01.001 | ''' if path is None: test_path = CONTEXT.get_test_case_path() else: test_path = CONTEXT.get_path(path) dlog.write(test_path) datas = [] for fn in os.listdir(test_path): match = re.findall(pattern, fn) if match: datas.append(fn) if len(datas) == 0: dlog.write( "Can't find defined files,you can reference this link(" ) return datas datas.sort(cmp=mycmp) datas = [os.path.join(test_path, d) for d in datas] return datas
def Test_Template_Render(self, testtemplate, testdata, *valuename): result = [] tmp_dir = CONTEXT.get_path("%s/%s" % (CONTEXT.get_suite_name(), 'template')) sys.path.append(tmp_dir) tmp_value = __import__(testdata) env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(tmp_dir)) template = env.get_template(testtemplate) for value in valuename: result.append(template.render(getattr(tmp_value, value)).encode('utf-8')) sys.path.remove(tmp_dir) return result
def DateReset(self, original_date, target_date, source_folder, target_folder, format="0"): u''' format is 0 : 2017-01-02 format is 1 : 20170102 format is 2 : 2017/01/02 find out original date,then change to target date and create target folder Examples: | Date Reset | 2015-08-18 | 2015-08-30 | sourcefolder | targetfolder | ''' self.format = int(format) try: sourcefolder = CONTEXT.get_path(source_folder) targetfolder = CONTEXT.get_path(target_folder) Common.mkdir(targetfolder) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourcefolder): for name in files: newlines = [] f = open(os.path.join(root, name), 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: match = re.findall(datafomat[self.format][0], line) if match: for d in match: days = self._daysdiff(d, original_date) newdate = self._get_day_of_targetday( target_date, int(str(days).replace('+', ''))) line = line.replace(d, str(newdate)) newlines.append(line) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join( root.replace(sourcefolder, targetfolder))): os.mkdir( os.path.join( root.replace(sourcefolder, targetfolder))) newfile = open( os.path.join(root.replace(sourcefolder, targetfolder), name), 'w') newfile.writelines(newlines) except Exception, e: print 'DateReset error:%s' % e
def DB_Execute_Sql(self, sql, host=_Host, user=_User, password=_Password): u''' Default Value: user = '******' passwrod = 'derbysoft' Examples: | DB Execute Sql | ./sample.sql | ''' sql = CONTEXT.get_path(sql) newlines, status = Common.rendefile(sql) if status: newsql = Common.CreateTempFile(newlines) command = """mysql -h%s -u%s -p%s < "%s" """ % (host, user, password, newsql) else: command = """mysql -h%s -u%s -p%s < "%s" """ % (host, user, password, sql) dlog.write(command) m = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) errormessage = m.wait() if errormessage != "": else: dlog.write("DB Execute Sql is successfully")
def properties_change(self, path, dict): u''' Examples: | properties change | ../classes/ | {"ccs.url":"file://./setupdata/CCS/abc"} | ''' if type(dict) is unicode: dict = eval(dict) p = Properties() p.load(open(CONTEXT.get_path(path))) for k, v in dict.items(): if p.has_key(k): p[k] = v else: dlog.write("path dosen't exist this key" % k, level='WARN'), 'w'))
def Compress_Gzip(self, data): u''' Compress data to gzip Examples: | ${gzip}= | Compress Gzip | "data" | | ${gzip}= | Compress Gzip | file.xml | ''' if Common.check_file(CONTEXT.get_path(data)): data = open(CONTEXT.get_path(data)).read() buf = StringIO() g = gzip.GzipFile(mode="wb", fileobj=buf) try: g.write(data) finally: g.close() return buf.getvalue()
def SendEmail(self, from_addr, pwd, to_addr, subject, message, *attach, **kwargs): u''' Send Email default smtp Examples: | SendEMail | from_email_address | password | to_email_address | email_subject | email_body | /attach1.xml | /attach2.xml | change smtp server | SendEMail | from_email_address | password | to_email_address | email_subject | email_body | /attach1.xml | /attach2.xml | | change smtp ssl server | SendEMail | from_email_address | password | to_email_address | email_subject | email_body | /attach1.xml | /attach2.xml | | ''' msg = MIMEMultipart() smtpserver = '' msg["Subject"] = subject msg["From"] = from_addr msg["To"] = to_addr part = MIMEText(message) msg.attach(part) for af in attach: part = MIMEApplication(open(CONTEXT.get_path(af), 'rb').read()) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.split(CONTEXT.get_path(af))[-1]) msg.attach(part) if kwargs.has_key('smtp'): s = smtplib.SMTP(kwargs['smtp'].encode('utf-8')) elif kwargs.has_key('smtp_ssl'): s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(kwargs['smtp_ssl'].encode('utf-8')) else: s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtpserver) s.login(from_addr, pwd) s.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg.as_string()) s.close()
def Match(self, datas, patterns, values, namespaces=None, method='x'): u''' method : x(xpath) , j(jsonpath) Examples: Set ResponseMatch by Xpath | ${rs1}= | Match | ${requests} | ['ht:HotelIdInfo[1]/@id'] | ['890'] | {"ht":""} | | ${rs2}= | Match | ${requests} | ['//ht:Header//@id','//hot1:CheckIn[1]'] | ['903','2013-12-30'] | {"ht":"","ht1":""} | | ${rs1}= | Match | ${requests} | ['.'] | [''] | Set ResponseMatch by JsonPath | ${rs1}= | Match | ${requests} | ['$'] | ['BW'] | method=j | | ${rs2}= | Match | ${requests} | ['$',''$'] | ['BW'.'1234'] | method=j | ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= | XPath | JSONPath | Result | | /store/book/author | $[*].author | the authors of all books in the store | | //author | $ | all authors | | /store/* | $.store.* | all things in store, which are some books and a red bicycle. | | /store//price | $.store..price | the price of everything in the store. | | //book[3] | $[2] | the third book | | //book[last()] | $[(@.length-1)] | | | | $[-1:] | the last book in order. | | //book[position()<3] | $[0,1] | | | | $[:2] | the first two books | | //book[isbn] | $[?(@.isbn)] | filter all books with isbn number | | //book[price<10] | $[?(@.price<10)] | filter all books cheapier than 10 | | //* | $..* | all Elements in XML document. All members of JSON structure. | ''' if type(datas) is not list:"The parameter datas must be a list") for d in datas: if Common.check_file(CONTEXT.get_path(d)): d = open(CONTEXT.get_path(d)).read() rm = ResponseMatch('', patterns, values, None, namespaces, method) rm.match(data(d)) if rm.status: return d
def get_absolute_path(self, relative_path): u''' get file or folder absolute path Examples: | ${path) | get absolute path | ./setup/sql.xml | | ${path) | get absolute path | testfolder | ''' return CONTEXT.get_path(relative_path)
def Get_Json_Value(self, json_data, query): u''' Get json Values by query json_data:file or string _*Examples:*_ data : { "locations": [ {"name": "Seattle", "state": "WA"}, {"name": "New York", "state": "NY"}, {"name": "Bellevue", "state": "WA"}, {"name": "Olympia", "state": "WA"} ] } | ${value}= | Get Json Value | data | locations[0].state | | ${value} : WA | json query reference: [|] [|] ''' if Common.check_file(CONTEXT.get_path(json_data)): js = json.loads(open(CONTEXT.get_path(json_data)).read(), encoding='utf-8') else: js = json.loads(json_data, encoding='utf-8') expression = jmespath.compile(query) result = if type(result) is unicode: return result else: return json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False)
def CreateTempFile(content): if CONTEXT.get_variables('${TEST_NAME}') is not None: filename = "%s_%s" % (CONTEXT.get_variables('${TEST_NAME}'), datetime.utcnow().strftime('%S%f')) elif CONTEXT.get_variables('${SUITE_NAME}') is not None: filename = "%s_%s" % (CONTEXT.get_variables('${SUITE_NAME}'), datetime.utcnow().strftime('%S%f')) else: filename = "%s_%s" % ("tempfile", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%S%f')) folder = os.path.join(CONTEXT.get_path('.'), '_cache') mkdir(folder) path = os.path.join(folder, filename) print "This is cache file:%s" % (path) f = open(path, 'w') if type(content) is str: f.write(content) elif type(content) is unicode: f.write(str(content)) elif type(content) is list: f.writelines(content) f.close() return path
def Render_Template_To_File(self, template, context, newfile): u''' Args: template: filename context: template value newfile: file name Returns: newfile path Examples: | ${result} | Render Template To File | template.xml | {"date":"2017-01-01"} | test.csv | Template Engine: JinJia2 ''' newfile_path = CONTEXT.get_path(newfile) if type(context) is unicode: context = eval(context) temp = CONTEXT.get_path(template) if Common.check_file(temp): fstring = self._FileSystemLoader(temp, context) else: fstring = self._StringLoader(template, context) open(newfile_path, 'w').write(fstring) return newfile_path
def Render_All_Templates(self, templates, context): if type(context) is unicode: context = eval(context) mytemplate = [] result = [] if type(templates) is list: mytemplate = templates else: mytemplate.append(templates) for temp in mytemplate: t = CONTEXT.get_path(temp) if Common.check_file(t): result.append(self._FileSystemLoader(t, context)) else: result.append(self._StringLoader(temp, context)) return result
def _ccs_duration_check(self, dur, ccsfile, jsonquery): while 1: try: if dur.status: return ccs = json.loads(open(CONTEXT.get_path(ccsfile)).read(), encoding='utf-8') expression = jmespath.compile(jsonquery) r = if len(dur.result) == 0: dur.result.append(r) elif str(r) != str(dur.result[-1]): dur.result.append(r) time.sleep(0.01) except Exception, e: dlog.write(e)
def _run_jetty(self, port, apps, kwargs): app = [] for a in apps: p_path = CONTEXT.get_path(a) app.append(""" "%s" """ % p_path) self._create_jetty_web_xml(os.path.basename(p_path), p_path, kwargs) app = ' '.join(app) command = """java -jar -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 "%s" --port %s %s """ % ( env.jetty_runner, port, app) print command if mswindows: self.process = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: self.process = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
def render(self, templatefile, context, save=True): u''' Examples: | Render | template.xml | {"timestamp":"12323213"} | Template Engine: tenjin ''' dlog.write(context) templatefile = CONTEXT.get_path(templatefile) if type(context) is unicode: # context = json.loads(context, encoding="utf-8") context = eval(context) path = '\\'.join((templatefile.split('\\'))[:-1]) tfile = templatefile.split('\\')[-1] engine = tenjin.Engine(path=[path], cache=tenjin.MemoryCacheStorage()) newstring = engine.render(tfile, context) return newstring
def properties_read(self, path, keys): u''' Examples: | @{pros}= | properties read | ../classes/ | ['ccs.url',hotel.topic] | | ${ccsurl}= | @{pros}[0] | | @{hoteltopic}= | @{pros}[1] | ''' if type(keys) is unicode: keys = ast.literal_eval(keys) p = Properties() p.load(open(CONTEXT.get_path(path))) rkeys = [] for key in keys: if p.has_key(key): rkeys.append(p[key]) else: dlog.write("path dosen't exist this key" % key, level='WARN') return rkeys
def _run_go(self, app): opath = os.getcwd() app = CONTEXT.get_path(app) dlog.write(app, console=True) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(app)) if mswindows: command = "%s" % os.path.basename(app) print command self.process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) else: app = app.replace('.exe', '') command = "%s" % os.path.basename(app) print command self.process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) os.chdir(opath)
def Render_Template(self, template, context): u''' Args: template: filename context: template value Returns: String Examples: | ${result} | Render_Template | template.xml | {"date":"2017-01-01"} | Template Engine: JinJia2 ''' if type(context) is unicode: context = eval(context) temp = CONTEXT.get_path(template) if Common.check_file(temp): return self._FileSystemLoader(temp, context) else: return self._StringLoader(template, context)
def Test_CaseName(self): return CONTEXT.get_test_name()
def _getresponse(self, response): if Common.check_file(CONTEXT.get_path(response)): return open(CONTEXT.get_path(response), 'rb').read() else: return response
def ChangeJsonValue(self, jsonfile, patterns, values): u''' Examples: Before Json File: test.json = { "errorMessage": null, "value": { "HY": ["true", { "__disabled": false, "disabled": false, "__updated": 1444901673000, "description": "HYATT", "created": 1401171574000, "ratePlanMappingRequired": "true", "updated": 1444901673000, "gtaCode": "HY", "__created": 1401171574000, "derbyCode": "HYATT", "cacheHour": "", "taxCalRequired": "true", "childAsAdultRequired": "true" }] } "success": true } | Change Json Value | test.json | ["$..HY[0]","$..description"] | ["false","this is test"] | Changed Json File: test.json={ "errorMessage": null, "value": { "HY": ["false", { "__disabled": false, "disabled": false, "__updated": 1444901673000, "description": "this is test", "created": 1401171574000, "ratePlanMappingRequired": "true", "updated": 1444901673000, "gtaCode": "HY", "__created": 1401171574000, "derbyCode": "HYATT", "cacheHour": "", "taxCalRequired": "true", "childAsAdultRequired": "true" }] } "success": true } how to filter json path: | XPath | JSONPath | Result | | /store/book/author | $[*].author | the authors of all books in the store | | //author | $ | all authors | | /store/* | $.store.* | all things in store, which are some books and a red bicycle. | | /store//price | $.store..price | the price of everything in the store. | | //book[3] | $[2] | the third book | | //book[last()] | $[(@.length-1)] | | | | $[-1:] | the last book in order. | | //book[position()<3] | $[0,1] | | | | $[:2] | the first two books | | //book[isbn] | $[?(@.isbn)] | filter all books with isbn number | | //book[price<10] | $[?(@.price<10)] | filter all books cheapier than 10 | | //* | $..* | all Elements in XML document. All members of JSON structure. | jsonpath detail see: ''' jsonfile = CONTEXT.get_path(jsonfile) dlog.write(jsonfile) f = open(str(jsonfile)) fs = f.close() j = json.loads(fs, encoding="utf-8", object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if type(patterns) is unicode: patterns = ast.literal_eval(patterns) if type(values) is unicode: values = ast.literal_eval(values) for pattern, v in zip(patterns, values): matches = jsonpath_rw.parse(pattern).find(j) for match in matches: j = json_ext.update_json(j, json_ext.get_path(match), v) nj = json.dumps(j, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) dlog.write(nj) f = open(jsonfile, 'w') f.writelines(nj) f.close()