コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, pitch, color, our_side, video_port=0, comm_port='/dev/ttyACM0', quick=False, is_attacker=False):
        Entry point for the SDP system.

            [int] video_port                port number for the camera
            [string] comm_port              port number for the arduino
            [int] pitch                     0 - main pitch, 1 - secondary pitch
            [string] our_side               the side we're on - 'left' or 'right'
        # """
        self.controller = Controller(comm_port)
        if not quick:
            print("Waiting 10 seconds for serial to initialise")

        # Kick once to ensure we are in the correct position
        self.pitch = pitch

        # Set up the vision system
        self.vision = VisionWrapper(pitch, color, our_side, video_port)

        # Set up the planner
        self.planner = Planner(our_side, pitch, attacker=is_attacker)

        # Set up GUI
        self.GUI = GUI(calibration=self.vision.calibration, pitch=pitch, launch=self)

        self.color = color
        self.side = our_side

コード例 #2
class Main:

    Primary source of robot control. Ties vision and planning together.
    def __init__(self, pitch, color, our_side, video_port=0, comm_port='/dev/ttyACM0', quick=False, is_attacker=False):
        Entry point for the SDP system.

            [int] video_port                port number for the camera
            [string] comm_port              port number for the arduino
            [int] pitch                     0 - main pitch, 1 - secondary pitch
            [string] our_side               the side we're on - 'left' or 'right'
        # """
        self.controller = Controller(comm_port)
        if not quick:
            print("Waiting 10 seconds for serial to initialise")

        # Kick once to ensure we are in the correct position
        self.pitch = pitch

        # Set up the vision system
        self.vision = VisionWrapper(pitch, color, our_side, video_port)

        # Set up the planner
        self.planner = Planner(our_side, pitch, attacker=is_attacker)

        # Set up GUI
        self.GUI = GUI(calibration=self.vision.calibration, pitch=pitch, launch=self)

        self.color = color
        self.side = our_side


    def control_loop(self):
        #TODO change this description ESC doesn't work
        The main loop for the control system. Runs until ESC is pressed.

        Takes a frame from the camera; processes it, gets the world state;
        gets the actions for the robots to perform;  passes it to the robot
        controllers before finally updating the GUI.
        counter = 1L
        timer = time.clock()
            key = 255
            while key != 27:  # the ESC key
                # update the vision system with the next frame
                pre_options = self.vision.preprocessing.options

                # Find appropriate action
                command = self.planner.update(self.vision.model_positions)

                # Information about states
                regular_positions = self.vision.regular_positions
                model_positions = self.vision.model_positions

                defenderState = (str(self.planner.current_plan), "0")

                # Use 'y', 'b', 'r' to change color.
                key = waitKey(delay=2) & 0xFF  # Returns 255 if no keypress detected
                gui_actions = []
                fps = float(counter) / (time.clock() - timer)

                # Draw vision content and actions
                    self.vision.frame, model_positions, gui_actions, regular_positions, fps, None,
                    defenderState, None, None, False,
                    our_color=self.color, our_side=self.side, key=key, preprocess=pre_options)
                counter += 1

        except Exception as e:
            tools.save_colors(self.pitch, self.vision.calibration)