コード例 #1
    def runAfterQuery(self, runlist):
        # do show selection here
        from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQueryTier0 import GetTier0_allDatasets
        runnrlist = [r.runNr for r in runlist]
        tier0connection = coolDbConn.GetTier0DBConnection()
        tier0retdico = GetTier0_allDatasets(tier0connection.cursor(),
                                            runnrlist, self.selpattern)

        for run in runlist:  # go through old runlist and see
            if tier0retdico.has_key(run.runNr):
                run.addResult('Datasets', tier0retdico[run.runNr])
                run.addResult('Datasets', {})

        Run.showCAFLinks = self.showCAFLinks
コード例 #2
    def runAfterQuery(self, runlist):
        # do show selection here
        from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQueryPVSS import GetPVSS_BPMs
        pvssdb = coolDbConn.GetPVSSDBConnection()
        cursor = pvssdb.cursor()
        cursor.arraysize = 1000

        pvssretdico = {}
        for r in runlist:
            t = gmtime(r.sor / 1.E9)
            sor = "%02i-%02i-%4i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (t[2], t[1], t[0], t[3],
                                                    t[4], t[5])
            t = gmtime(r.eor / 1.E9)
            eor = "%02i-%02i-%4i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (t[2], t[1], t[0], t[3],
                                                    t[4], t[5])

            # retrieve values
            res = GetPVSS_BPMs(cursor, sor, eor)
            r.addResult('BPM', res)

コード例 #3
    def select(self, runlist):

        # some preparation: compile the show patterns
        start = time()

        if '.*' in self.showstreampatterns:
            compiledShowPatterns = [re.compile('.*')]
            compiledShowPatterns = [
                re.compile(p) for p in self.showstreampatterns

        # we disable the access to everything that is not needed if we only select
        ShowStreams = False
        useTier0 = False
        if len(compiledShowPatterns) > 0:
            ShowStreams = True
            useTier0 = True

        print(self, end='')
        newrunlist = []
        allStreams = Set(
        )  # list of all the streams that are in the selected runs
        connection = coolDbConn.GetSFODBConnection()
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.arraysize = 1000

        runnrlist = [r.runNr for r in runlist]

        from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQuerySFO import GetSFO_streamsAll, GetSFO_filesAll
        with timer('GetSFO_streamsAll'):
            streamsall = GetSFO_streamsAll(cursor,
                                           runnrlist)  # { runnr: [streams] }
        with timer('GetSFO_filesAll'):
            filesall = GetSFO_filesAll(
                runnrlist)  # [(COUNT(FILESIZE), SUM(FILESIZE), SUM(NREVENTS))]

        if ShowStreams:
            from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQuerySFO import GetSFO_LBsAll, GetSFO_NeventsAll, GetSFO_overlapAll
            with timer('GetSFO_LBsAll'):
                lbinfoall = GetSFO_LBsAll(
                    cursor, runnrlist
            with timer('GetSFO_overlapAll'):
                overlapall = GetSFO_overlapAll(
                    cursor, runnrlist)  # [(SUM(OVERLAP_EVENTS))]
            smallrunnrlist = []
            for r in runnrlist:  # go through old runlist and see
                if not r in streamsall: continue
                for s in streamsall[r]:
                    if r in lbinfoall and s in lbinfoall[
                            r] and lbinfoall[r][s][1] > 0:
                        smallrunnrlist += [r]
            with timer('GetSFO_NeventsAll'):
                neventsall = GetSFO_NeventsAll(
                    cursor, smallrunnrlist)  # [(LUMIBLOCKNR, NREVENTS)]

        for run in runlist:  # go through old runlist and see

            streams = []  # names of all streams in this run
            strsize = []  # size of streams in this run
            strevents = []  # nr of events in this run
            if run.runNr in streamsall:
                streams = streamsall[run.runNr]
            for s in streams:
                    nfiles, size, events = filesall[run.runNr][s]
                    nfiles, size, events = (0, 0, 0)
                strsize += [size]
                strevents += [events]

            if ShowStreams:
                from CoolRunQuery.utils.AtlRunQueryUtils import Matrix

                nst = len(streams)
                stovmat = Matrix(nst, nst)  # overlap matrix
                for i, s in enumerate(streams):
                    run.stats['STR:' + s] = {}

                    # fill overlaps into matrix
                    for j, s2 in enumerate(streams):
                            eventsij = overlapall[run.runNr][s][s2]
                        except KeyError:
                            eventsij = 0
                            if i == j and events:
                                eventsij = events
                        stovmat.setitem(i, j, float(eventsij))
                        stovmat.setitem(j, i,
                                        float(eventsij))  # symmetrise matrix

                    # read number of events per LB
                    minlb, maxlb, lbs = (0, 0, 1)
                        minlb, maxlb, lbs = lbinfoall[run.runNr][s]
                    except KeyError:

                    # if minlb==maxlb==0 -> no file closure at LB boundary
                    if minlb == 0 and maxlb == 0:
                        run.stats['STR:' + s]['LBRecInfo'] = None
                        lbevcount = '<tr>'
                        result = neventsall[run.runNr][s]  #[ (lb,nev),... ]
                        lbold = -1
                        allnev = 0
                        ic = 0
                        ice = 0
                        allic = 0
                        lastElement = False
                        firstcall = True

                        for ice, (lb, nev) in enumerate(result):
                            if ice == len(result):
                                lastElement = True
                                allnev += nev
                            if lb != lbold or lastElement:
                                if lbold != -1:
                                    ic += 1
                                    allic += 1
                                    if allic < 101:
                                        if ic == 9:
                                            ic = 1
                                            lbevcount += '</tr><tr>'
                                        lbevcount += '<td style="font-size:75%%">%i&nbsp;(%s)</td>' % (
                                            lbold, allnev)
                                        if firstcall:
                                            lbevcount += '</tr><tr>'
                                            lbevcount += '<td style="font-size:75%%" colspan="8">... <i>too many LBs (> 100) to show</i></td>'
                                            firstcall = False
                                allnev = nev
                                lbold = lb
                                allnev += nev
                        lbevcount += '</tr>'
                        run.stats['STR:' + s]['LBRecInfo'] = lbevcount
                        run.stats['STR:' + s]['LBRecInfo'] = result

                # add overlap information to the run stats
                for i in xrange(nst):
                    statkey = 'STR:' + streams[i]
                    run.stats[statkey]['StrOverlap'] = []
                    denom = stovmat.getitem(i, i)
                    if denom == 0: continue
                    for j in xrange(nst):
                        if i == j or stovmat.getitem(i, j) == 0: continue
                        fraction = 100
                        if stovmat.getitem(i, j) != denom:
                            fraction = float(stovmat.getitem(
                                i, j)) / float(denom) * 100.0
                        run.stats[statkey]['StrOverlap'] += [(streams[j],

            # selection...
            if not self.passes(zip(streams, strevents), 0): continue
            newrunlist += [run.runNr]
            for k, v, s in zip(streams, strevents, strsize):
                run.addResult('STR:' + k, (v, s))

        allStreams = ['STR:' + s for s in allStreams]
        allStreams.sort(lambda x, y: 2 * cmp(y[4], x[4]) + cmp(x[5:], y[5:]))

        # fill the gaps
        for run in runlist:
            for s in allStreams:
                if not s in run.result:
                    run.addResult(s, 'n.a.')

        runlist = [r for r in runlist if r.runNr in newrunlist]

        # check if the streams in 'allStreams' match the show patterns
        for s in allStreams:
            if any([p.match(s[4:]) != None for p in compiledShowPatterns]):
                Run.AddToShowOrder(DataKey(s, keytype=DataKey.STREAM))

        if useTier0:

            # retrieve Tier-0 information
            from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQueryTier0 import GetTier0_datasetsAndTypes
            tier0connection = coolDbConn.GetTier0DBConnection()
            cursor = tier0connection.cursor()
            cursor.arraysize = 1000
            tier0retdico = GetTier0_datasetsAndTypes(cursor, runnrlist)

            # add Tier0 information
            for run in runlist:
                for s in allStreams:
                    if run.result[s] == 'n.a.': continue
                    run.stats[s]['StrTier0TypesRAW'] = {}
                    run.stats[s]['StrTier0TypesESD'] = {}
                    run.stats[s]['StrTier0AMI'] = {}
                    if run.runNr in tier0retdico.keys():
                        for dsname, t, pstates in tier0retdico[run.runNr]:
                            if s.replace('STR:', '') in dsname:
                                if '.RAW' in dsname:
                                    if '.merge' in dsname:
                                        prodstep = 'StrTier0TypesESD'
                                        t = '(RAW)'
                                        prodstep = 'StrTier0TypesRAW'
                                        t = '(RAW)'
                                    if '.recon.' in dsname:
                                        prodstep = 'StrTier0TypesRAW'
                                        prodstep = 'StrTier0TypesESD'
                                    if not run.stats[s]['StrTier0AMI'].has_key(
                                        dsnamesplit = dsname.split('.')
                                        if len(dsnamesplit) > 5:
                                            amitag = dsnamesplit[5]
                                                prodstep] = amitag
                                            amitag = ''
                                # check if on CAF
                                oncaf = False
                                if pstates and 'replicate:done' in pstates:
                                    oncaf = True

                                # fill the run stats
                                if not run.stats[s][prodstep].has_key(t):
                                    run.stats[s][prodstep][t] = oncaf

        # Done
        duration = time() - start
        if len(self.streams) != 0:
            print(" ==> %i runs found (%.2f sec)" % (len(runlist), duration))
            print(" ==> Done (%g sec)" % duration)
        return runlist
コード例 #4
 def updateShowOrder(self):
     from CoolRunQuery.AtlRunQueryRun import Run
     for cd in self.ChannelDesc():
         if cd.SelectShowRetrieve<2: continue