def __GetCheckedRecursive(self, paths, item, dir, firstChild): """Appends to list the paths of checked files in tree from item down. arguments: paths -- The list to put the check paths in. item -- The index of the item in tree to determine if goes in list. dir -- The current directory of search. firstChild -- True if setting image on the first child. """ directory, checked = self.__treeCtrl.GetItemPyData(item) if ((directory == FSelectDataSetDialog.__FILE) and (checked == FSelectDataSetDialog.__CHECKED)): # remove the [ ] enclosing brackets and extension filename = self.__treeCtrl.GetItemText(item)[1:-1] filename = FUtils.GetProperFilename(filename) paths.append(FUtils.GetCollapsePath(os.path.join(dir, filename))) if (self.__treeCtrl.ItemHasChildren(item)): child, cookie = self.__treeCtrl.GetFirstChild(item) self.__GetCheckedRecursive( paths, child, os.path.join(dir, self.__treeCtrl.GetItemText(item)), True) if (firstChild): sibling = self.__treeCtrl.GetNextSibling(item) while (sibling): self.__GetCheckedRecursive(paths, sibling, dir, False) sibling = self.__treeCtrl.GetNextSibling(sibling)
def WriteImport(self, filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig): """WriteImport(filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig) -> list_of_str """ outputFormat = ".png" command = ("\"" + self.configDict["blenderPath"] + "\" -b \"" + self.configDict["blenderEmpty"] + "\" -o ") baseName = FUtils.GetProperFilename(filename) self.__currentImportProperName = baseName outputFilename = os.path.join(outputDir, baseName + "_out" + ".dae") self.__currentFilename = outputFilename imageFilename = os.path.join(outputDir, "result" + outputFormat) self.__currentImageName = imageFilename command = (command + "\"" + imageFilename + "\" -P \"" + + "\" --factory-startup -- \""+ self.configDict["blenderDefaultDae"] +"\" \"" + outputFilename + "\" \"" + imageFilename + "\" \"" + filename+"\"") print "***Importing: %s" % (filename) print " Command %s" % (command) self.__blenderCommandLine = command self.WriteCrashDetect(self.__script, command, logname) self.__testImportCount = self.__testImportCount + 1 return [os.path.normpath(outputFilename)]
def WriteImport(self, filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig): """WriteImport(filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig) -> list_of_str Implements FApplication.WriteImport() """ self.__testCount = self.__testCount + 1 baseName = FUtils.GetProperFilename(filename) self.__currentImportProperName = baseName baseName = baseName + FMax.__EXTENSION output = (os.path.join(outputDir, baseName)).replace("\\", "\\\\") writeableDir = os.path.dirname(filename).replace("\\", "\\\\") writeableFilename = filename.replace("\\", "\\\\") if (FUtils.GetExtension(filename) == FMax.__EXTENSION[1:]): command = " loadMaxFile my_importfilename useFileUnits:true quiet:true\n" else: command = " importFile my_importfilename #noprompt using:OpenCOLLADAImporter\n" cfgFilename = os.path.normpath( self.configDict["maxColladaExporterFilename"]) cfgFilename = cfgFilename.replace("\\", "\\\\") options = "".join([ " setINISetting \"%s\" \"ColladaMax\" \"%s\" \"%s\"\n" % (cfgFilename, setting.GetCommand(), setting.GetValue()) for setting in settings ]) self.__script.write( "logfilename = \"" + logname.replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\"\n" + "openLog logfilename mode:\"w\" outputOnly:true\n" + "try (\n" + " resetmaxfile #noprompt\n" + options + " sysInfo.currentdir = \"" + writeableDir + "\"\n" + " my_importfilename = \"" + writeableFilename + "\"\n" + command + " saveMaxFile \"" + output + "\"\n" + " print \"Import succeeded with " + writeableFilename + "\"\n" + ") catch (\n" + " print \"Import error with " + writeableFilename + "\"\n" + ")\n" + "flushLog()\n" + "closeLog()\n\n") return [ os.path.normpath(baseName), ]
def WriteImport(self, filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig): """WriteImport(filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig) -> list_of_str Implements FApplication.WriteImport(). Assumes a COLLADA, maya binary, or maya ascii file is being imported. """ baseName = FUtils.GetProperFilename(filename) self.__currentImportProperName = baseName output = (os.path.join(outputDir, baseName)).replace("\\", "/") filename = filename.replace("\\", "/") self.__currentFilename = output + ".mb" # Generate the import options string. options = "" for setting in settings: value = setting.GetValue().strip() if len(value) == 0: value = self.FindDefault(FMaya_UIRender.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, setting.GetPrettyName()) options = (options + setting.GetCommand() + "=" + value + ";") # Generate the import MEL command. extension = FUtils.GetExtension(filename).lower() if (extension == "mb"): command = ("catch(`file -type \"mayaBinary\" -o \"" + filename + "\"`);\n") elif (extension == "ma"): command = ("catch(`file -type \"mayaAscii\" -o \"" + filename + "\"`);\n") else: command = ("catch(`file -type \"COLLADA importer\" -op \"" + options + "\" -o \"" + filename + "\"`);\n") self.__melScript.write( "$logname = \"" + logname.replace("\\", "/") + "\";\n" + "$descriptor = `cmdFileOutput -o $logname`;\n" + "catch(`file -f -new`);\n" + command + "catch(`file -rename \"" + output + "\"`);\n" + "catch(`file -save -type \"mayaBinary\"`);\n" + "cmdFileOutput -c $descriptor;\n" + "fixNewlines $logname;\n\n") self.__testImportCount = self.__testImportCount + 1 return [os.path.normpath(baseName + ".mb"),]
def GetValidFileAndDirs(self, path): basePath = os.path.basename(path) dirs = [] files = [] for entry in os.listdir(path): fullPath = os.path.join(path, entry) if (os.path.isdir(fullPath) and (entry[0] != ".")): dirs.append(fullPath) elif (os.path.isfile(fullPath) and (FUtils.GetProperFilename(entry) == basePath)): files.append(fullPath) if (len(files) > 0): file = files[0] # there should only be 1 file with same proper name else: file = None dirs.sort() return (file, dirs)
def WriteImport(self, filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig): """WriteRender(logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig) -> list_of_str Implements FApplication.WriteImport(). """ self.__testCount = self.__testCount + 1 name_only = FUtils.GetProperFilename(filename) self.__currentImportProperName = name_only output = (os.path.join(outputDir, name_only)) + self.__EXTENSION self.__script.write("if ctsImportFile(r\"" + filename + "\",\"" + name_only + "\",r\"" + logname + "\",r\"" + output + "\"):\n" + " print \"" + name_only + "\",\"loaded.\"\n") return [ output, ]
def WriteImport(self, filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig): """WriteImport(filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig) -> list_of_str Implements FApplication.WriteImport(). Assumes a COLLADA, maya binary, or maya ascii file is being imported. """ baseName = FUtils.GetProperFilename(filename) self.__currentImportProperName = baseName output = (os.path.join(outputDir, baseName)).replace("\\", "/") filename = filename.replace("\\", "/") self.__currentFilename = output + ".mb" extension = os.path.basename(filename).rsplit(".", 1)[1] if (extension == "mb"): command = ("catch(`file -type \"mayaBinary\" -o \"" + filename + "\"`);\n") elif (extension == "ma"): command = ("catch(`file -type \"mayaAscii\" -o \"" + filename + "\"`);\n") else: command = ("catch(`file -type \"OpenCOLLADA importer\" -o \"" + filename + "\"`);\n") self.__melScript.write("$logname = \"" + logname.replace("\\", "/") + "\";\n" + "$descriptor = `cmdFileOutput -o $logname`;\n" + "catch(`file -f -new`);\n" + command + "catch(`file -rename \"" + output + "\"`);\n" + "catch(`file -save -type \"mayaBinary\"`);\n" + "cmdFileOutput -c $descriptor;\n" + "fixNewlines $logname;\n\n") self.__testImportCount = self.__testImportCount + 1 return [ os.path.normpath(baseName + ".mb"), ]
def __OnLeftDown(self, e): """Test to see if clicked on a checkbox. arguments: e -- The Event that was generated from the mouse click. """ item, where = e.GetEventObject().HitTest(e.GetPosition()) if (where & wx.TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMICON): if (self.__mode == FSelectDataSetDialog.__TREE): self.__Check(e.GetEventObject(), item) elif (where & wx.TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL): directory, checked = self.__treeCtrl.GetItemPyData(item) if (directory != FSelectDataSetDialog.__FILE): return path = self.__treeCtrl.GetItemText(item)[1:-1] dataSetDirectory = FUtils.GetProperFilename(path) path = os.path.join(dataSetDirectory, path) parent = self.__treeCtrl.GetItemParent(item) while (parent != self.__treeCtrl.GetRootItem()): path = os.path.join(self.__treeCtrl.GetItemText(parent), path) parent = self.__treeCtrl.GetItemParent(parent) path = os.path.join(MAIN_FOLDER, path) comments = "" if (os.path.isfile(path) and FCOLLADAParser.IsCOLLADADocument(path)): (title, subject, keyword) = FCOLLADAParser.GetCOLLADAAssetInformation(path) comments = "[%s] Keywords: %s\nDescription: %s" % ( title, keyword, subject) self.__commentsCtrl.SetValue(comments) e.Skip()
def __init__(self): FSerializer.__init__(self) # Read in and parse the configuration file. configDict = {} if (os.path.isfile(CONFIGURATION_FILE)): f = open(CONFIGURATION_FILE) line = f.readline() while (line): while (line.count("\t\t") > 0): line = line.replace("\t\t", "\t") key, value = line.split("\t", 1) if (configDict.has_key(key)): print("Warning: Ignoring redefinition of configuration " + "key: " + key + ".") continue configDict[key] = value.strip() # remove \n line = f.readline() f.close # Further parse the badge levels configuration. FGlobals.badgeLevels = [] if configDict.has_key("badgeLevels"): wantedBadgeList = configDict["badgeLevels"].split(",") for badge in wantedBadgeList: # Strip extra whitespaces and enforce title-case. level = badge.strip().title() if (len(level) > 0): FGlobals.badgeLevels.append(level) # Further parse the adopter package status FGlobals.adoptersPackage = False if configDict.has_key("adoptersPackage"): FGlobals.adoptersPackage = configDict["adoptersPackage"] print "IsAdopters %s" % (FGlobals.adoptersPackage) # import the application specific scripts self.applicationMap = {} if (os.path.isdir(SCRIPTS_DIR)): for entry in os.listdir(SCRIPTS_DIR): filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPTS_DIR, entry)) if ((not os.path.isfile(filename)) or (FUtils.GetExtension(filename) != "py") or (entry == "") or (entry == ABSTRACT_APPLICATION)): continue properName = FUtils.GetProperFilename(entry) exec("from Scripts." + properName + " import *") exec("application = " + properName + "(configDict)") prettyName = application.GetPrettyName() if (self.applicationMap.has_key(prettyName)): print("Warning: Ignoring redefinition of application \"" + prettyName + "\" from \"" + entry + "\"") continue self.applicationMap[prettyName] = application # import the image comparator comparatorFile = os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath( os.path.join(IMAGE_COMPARATORS_DIR, configDict[IMAGE_COMPARATORS_LABEL] + ".py"))) if (os.path.isfile(comparatorFile)): comparatorName = configDict[IMAGE_COMPARATORS_LABEL] else: print comparatorFile + " not found. Defaulting to byte comparator." comparatorName = "FByteComparator" # default comparator exec("from ImageComparators." + comparatorName + " import *") exec("FGlobals.imageComparator = " + comparatorName + "(configDict)") self.configDict = configDict
def WriteImport(self, filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig): """WriteImport(filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig) -> list_of_str Implements FApplication.WriteImport() """ outputFormat = ".png" command = ("\"" + self.configDict["feelingViewerCLI"] + "\" ") for setting in settings: prettyName = setting.GetPrettyName() if (prettyName == FViewer.__IMPORT_ANIMATION_START): if (not isAnimated): continue start = self.GetSettingValueAs(FViewer.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, setting, float) elif (prettyName == FViewer.__IMPORT_ANIMATION_END): if (not isAnimated): continue end = self.GetSettingValueAs(FViewer.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, setting, float) elif (prettyName == FViewer.__IMPORT_ANIMATION_FRAMES): if (not isAnimated): continue frameCount = self.GetSettingValueAs(FViewer.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, setting, int) elif (prettyName == FViewer.__IMPORT_STILL_START): if (isAnimated): continue start = self.GetSettingValueAs(FViewer.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, setting, float) elif (prettyName == FViewer.__IMPORT_STILL_END): if (isAnimated): continue end = self.GetSettingValueAs(FViewer.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, setting, float) elif (prettyName == FViewer.__IMPORT_STILL_FRAMES): if (isAnimated): continue frameCount = self.GetSettingValueAs(FViewer.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, setting, int) elif (prettyName == FViewer.__IMPORT_OUTPUT_FORMAT): value = setting.GetValue().strip() if (value == ""): value = self.FindDefault(FViewer.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, FViewer.__IMPORT_OUTPUT_FORMAT) outputFormat = "." + value continue elif (prettyName == FViewer.__IMPORT_CAMERA): value = setting.GetValue().strip() # use default camera if (value == ""): continue value = setting.GetValue().strip() if (value == ""): value = self.FindDefault(FViewer.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, setting.GetPrettyName()) command = (command + setting.GetCommand() + " " + value + " ") baseName = FUtils.GetProperFilename(filename) + outputFormat outputFilename = os.path.join(outputDir, baseName) command = (command + "\"" + filename + "\" \"" + outputFilename + "\"") self.WriteCrashDetect(self.__script, command, logname) self.__testCount = self.__testCount + 1 if (frameCount == 1): return [os.path.normpath(baseName),] outputList = [] numDigit = len(str(frameCount)) for i in range(0,frameCount): outputTemp = FUtils.GetProperFilename(filename) paddingCount = numDigit - len(str(i)) for j in range(0, paddingCount): outputTemp = outputTemp + "0" outputTemp = outputTemp + str(i) + outputFormat outputList.append(os.path.normpath(outputTemp)) return outputList
def __AddTest(self, file, checksumFile, testProcedure, test, showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height): # Retrieve the COLLADA asset information and write it out. colladaId = test.GetCOLLADAId() if len(colladaId) == 0: colladaId = " " colladaKeyword = test.GetCOLLADAKeyword() if len(colladaKeyword) == 0: colladaKeyword = " " colladaSubject = test.GetCOLLADASubject() if len(colladaSubject) == 0: colladaSubject = " " file.write( " <tr>\n" + " <td>\n" + " " + colladaId + "\n" + " </td>\n" + " <td>\n" + " " + colladaKeyword + "\n" + " </td>\n" + " <td>\n" + " " + colladaSubject + "\n" + " </td>\n") exportedDir = os.path.join(self.__filesDir, "Test" + str(test.GetTestId()), FUtils.GetProperFilename(test.GetBaseFilename())) exportedDir = self.__GetAvailableDir(exportedDir) os.makedirs(exportedDir) origTag = " <td>\n" origFile = test.GetAbsFilename() exportedOrig = self.__ExportImageList(exportedDir, [origFile], "orig_") if ((exportedOrig == None) or (exportedOrig[0] == None)): origTag = (origTag + " " + test.GetSeparatedFilename() + "\n") else: origTag = (origTag + " <a href=\"" + FUtils.GetHtmlRelativePath(exportedOrig[0], self.__mainDir) + "\">" + test.GetBaseFilename() + "</a>\n") origTag = origTag + " </td>\n" file.write(origTag) blessedTag = " <td>\n" exportedBlessed = self.__ExportImageList(exportedDir, test.GetBlessed(), "blessed_") if (exportedBlessed == None): blessedTag = blessedTag + " \n" else: blessedTag = ((blessedTag + self.__GetImageTag(None, None, exportedBlessed, " ", width, height)) + "\n") blessedTag = blessedTag + " </td>\n" file.write(blessedTag) for step, app, op, settings in testProcedure.GetStepGenerator(): if (not showBlessed): exportedBlessed = None file.write(self.__GetOutputTag(exportedDir, test, step, exportedBlessed, showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height)) # Write out the local results. result = test.GetCurrentResult() if (result == None): resultTag = " <td>\n" resultTag = resultTag + " \n" else: if (result.GetResult()): self.__passedTestsCount = self.__passedTestsCount + 1 resultTag = " <td bgcolor=\"#00FF00\">\n" else: self.__failedTestsCount = self.__failedTestsCount + 1 resultTag = " <td bgcolor=\"#FF0000\">\n" for entry in result.GetTextArray(): resultTag = (resultTag + " " + entry + "<br>\n") file.write(resultTag + " </td>\n") # Write out the judging results execution = test.GetCurrentExecution() for i in range(len(FGlobals.badgeLevels)): if (execution == None): file.write(" <td>NO EXECUTION</td>") else: badgeLevel = FGlobals.badgeLevels[i] badgeResult = execution.GetJudgementResult(badgeLevel) self.__judgementCompiler.ProcessJudgement(i, badgeResult) if (badgeResult == FJudgement.PASSED): file.write(" <td>PASSED</td>") elif (badgeResult == FJudgement.FAILED): file.write(" <td>FAILED</td>") elif (badgeResult == FJudgement.MISSING_DATA): file.write(" <td>MISSING DATA</td>") elif (badgeResult == FJudgement.NO_SCRIPT): file.write(" <td>NO SCRIPT</td>") # Write out the environment information if (test.GetCurrentTimeRan() == None): timeString = " " else: timeString = time.asctime(test.GetCurrentTimeRan()) if (test.GetCurrentDiffFromPrevious() == ""): diff = " " else: diff = str(test.GetCurrentDiffFromPrevious()) environmentDict = test.GetCurrentEnvironment() environment = "" for key in environmentDict.keys(): environment = environment + key + environmentDict[key] + "<br><br>" if (environment == ""): environment = " " comments = test.GetCurrentComments() if (comments == ""): comments = " " file.write( " <td>\n" + " " + diff + "\n" + " </td>\n" + " <td>\n" + " " + timeString + "\n" + " </td>\n" + " <td>\n" + " " + environment + "\n" + " </td>\n" + " <td>\n" + " " + comments + "\n" + " </td>\n" + " </tr>\n") # Append checksum. if (execution != None): checksum = execution.GetChecksum() checksumFile.write(checksum + "\n")
def ToHtml(self, path, testProcedure, showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height, keys = None): file = open(path, "w") checksumFilename = FUtils.ChangeExtension(path, "sha") checksumFile = open(checksumFilename, "w") checksumFile.write(FUtils.CalculateSuiteChecksum()) file.write( "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + " <title>" + testProcedure.GetName() + "</title>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + " <h1><center>" + testProcedure.GetName() + "</center></h1>\n" + " <b><u>Statistics:</b></u>" + " <table>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td># of tests in test procedure:</td>\n" + " <td>" + FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_TEST_PROCEDURE_COUNT + "</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td># of tests in HTML:</td>\n" + " <td>" + FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_HTML_COUNT + "</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td># of tests passed in HTML:</td>\n" + " <td>" + FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_PASSED_COUNT + "</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td># of tests failed in HTML:</td>\n" + " <td>" + FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_FAILED_COUNT + "</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <td># of tests warning in HTML:</td>\n" + " <td>" + FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_WARNINGS_COUNT + "</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <td># of tests errors in HTML:</td>\n" + " <td>" + FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_ERRORS_COUNT + "</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <td>Badges earned:</td>\n" + " <td>" + FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_BADGES_EARNED + "</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " </table>\n" + " <br><br>\n" + # TODO:take with respect to how user positions the columns " <center><table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" " + "cellpadding=\"5\" bordercolor=\"gray\">\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <th>\n" + " Test Id\n" + " </th>\n" + " <th>\n" + " Categories\n" + " </th>\n" + " <th>\n" + " Description\n" + " </th>\n" + " <th>\n" + " Test Filename\n" + " </th>\n" + " <th>\n" + " Blessed\n" + " </th>\n") for step, app, op, settings in testProcedure.GetStepGenerator(): if (op == VALIDATE and op not in OPS_NEEDING_APP): file.write( " <th>\n" + " <" + str(step) + "> " + op + "\n" + " </th>\n") else: file.write( " <th>\n" + " <" + str(step) + "> " + op + "(" + app + ")\n" + " </th>\n") file.write( " <th><div style=\"width: 300\">\n" + " Result\n" + " </div></th>\n"); for i in range(len(FGlobals.badgeLevels)): file.write( " <th>" + FGlobals.badgeLevels[i] + "</td>") file.write( " <th>\n" + " Different From Previous\n" + " </th>\n" + " <th><div style=\"width: 100\">\n" + " Time\n" + " </div></th>\n" + " <th>\n" + " Environment\n" + " </th>\n" + " <th>\n" + " Comments\n" + " </th>\n" + " </tr>\n") self.__filesDir = FUtils.GetProperFilename(path) + HTML_POSTFIX self.__filesDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), self.__filesDir) self.__filesDir = self.__GetAvailableDir(self.__filesDir) os.mkdir(self.__filesDir) self.__mainDir = os.path.dirname(path) self.__passedTestsCount = 0 self.__failedTestsCount = 0 self.__warningCount = 0 self.__errorCount = 0 # Prepare the badges earned results. testCount = 0 if (keys == None): for test in testProcedure.GetTestGenerator(): self.__AddTest(file, checksumFile, testProcedure, test, showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height) testCount = testCount + 1 else: for key in keys: self.__AddTest(file, checksumFile, testProcedure, testProcedure.GetTest(key), showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height) testCount = testCount + 1 file.write( " </table></center>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>\n") file.close() checksumFile.close() # Replace the statement tokens by their real values. badgesEarnedStatement = self.__judgementCompiler.GenerateStatement() if (len(badgesEarnedStatement) == 0): badgesEarnedStatement = "None" replaceDict = { FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_TEST_PROCEDURE_COUNT : str(testProcedure.GetTestCount()), FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_HTML_COUNT : str(testCount), FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_PASSED_COUNT : str(self.__passedTestsCount), FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_FAILED_COUNT : str(self.__failedTestsCount), FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_WARNINGS_COUNT : str(self.__warningCount), FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_ERRORS_COUNT : str(self.__errorCount), FHtmlExporter.__REPLACE_BADGES_EARNED : badgesEarnedStatement } tempFilename = FUtils.GetAvailableFilename(path + ".temp") f = open(tempFilename, "w") htmlFile = open(path) line = htmlFile.readline() while (line): for key in replaceDict.keys(): if (line.count(key) != 0): line = line.replace(key, replaceDict[key], 1) replaceDict.pop(key) break f.write(line) line = htmlFile.readline() htmlFile.close() f.close() shutil.copy2(tempFilename, path) os.remove(tempFilename)
def WriteImport(self, filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig): """WriteImport(filename, logname, outputDir, settings, isAnimated, cameraRig, lightingRig) -> list_of_str Implements FApplication.WriteImport() """ step = os.path.basename(outputDir) execution = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(outputDir)) test = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(outputDir))) path = os.path.join(self.__scenesDir, test, execution, step) if (not os.path.isdir(path)): os.makedirs(path) self.__pathMap.append((path, outputDir)) self.__logFiles.append(os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(logname))) self.__importLogFiles.append(self.__logFiles[-1]) command = ("SetValue \"preferences.scripting.cmdlogfilename\", \"" + self.__logFiles[-1].replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\"\n" "NewScene, false\n") if (FUtils.GetExtension(filename) == "dae"): command = (command + "set myIProp = CreateImportFTKOptions()\n" + "myIProp.Parameters(\"Filename\").Value = \"" + filename.replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\"\n" + "myIProp.Parameters(\"Verbose\").Value = True\n") for setting in settings: value = setting.GetValue().strip() if (value == ""): value = self.FindDefault(FXsi.__IMPORT_OPTIONS, setting.GetPrettyName()) command = (command + "myIProp.Parameters(\"" + setting.GetCommand() + "\").Value = " + value + "\n") command = command + "ImportFTK myIProp.Name \n" elif (FUtils.GetExtension(filename) == "scn"): command = (command + "OpenScene \"" + filename.replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\"\n") else: return self.__currentImportProperName = FUtils.GetProperFilename(filename) basename = self.__currentImportProperName + ".scn" # self.__script.write( # command + # "SearchAndReplacePath \"All\", \"" + FXsi.__REPLACE_PATH + # "\", \"" + # os.path.dirname(filename).replace("\\", "\\\\") + # "\", True\n" + # "SaveSceneAs \"" + # os.path.join(path, basename).replace("\\", "\\\\") + # "\"\n" # ) self.__script.write( command + "SaveSceneAs \"" + os.path.join(path, basename).replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\"\n") self.__testCount = self.__testCount + 1 return [ basename, ]
def ToCsv(self, path, testProcedure, showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height, keys=None): file = open(path, "w") checksumFile = open(FUtils.ChangeExtension(path, "sha"), "w") checksumFile.write(FUtils.CalculateSuiteChecksum()) file.write("\nTest Procedure:,%s\n\n" % (testProcedure.GetName())) file.write("Statistics: \n" + "# of tests in test procedure:," + FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_TEST_PROCEDURE_COUNT + "\n" + "# of tests:," + FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_HTML_COUNT + "\n" + "# of tests passed:," + FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_PASSED_COUNT + "\n" + "# of tests failed:," + FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_FAILED_COUNT + "\n" + "# of tests warning:," + FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_WARNINGS_COUNT + "\n" + "# of tests errors:," + FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_ERRORS_COUNT + "\n" + "Badges earned:," + FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_BADGES_EARNED + "\n\n") file.write("Test Id,Categories,Description,Test Filename,Blessed,") for step, app, op, settings in testProcedure.GetStepGenerator(): if (op == VALIDATE and op not in OPS_NEEDING_APP): file.write("<" + str(step) + ">" + " " + op + ",") else: file.write("<" + str(step) + ">" + " " + op + " (" + app + "),") file.write("Results,") for i in range(len(FGlobals.badgeLevels)): file.write(FGlobals.badgeLevels[i] + ",") file.write("Different From Previous,Time,Environment,Comments\n") self.__filesDir = FUtils.GetProperFilename(path) + CSV_POSTFIX self.__filesDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), self.__filesDir) self.__filesDir = self.__GetAvailableDir(self.__filesDir) # os.mkdir(self.__filesDir) self.__mainDir = os.path.dirname(path) self.__passedTestsCount = 0 self.__failedTestsCount = 0 self.__warningCount = 0 self.__errorCount = 0 testCount = 0 if (keys == None): for test in testProcedure.GetTestGenerator(): self.__AddTest(file, checksumFile, testProcedure, test, showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height) testCount = testCount + 1 else: for key in keys: self.__AddTest(file, checksumFile, testProcedure, testProcedure.GetTest(key), showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height) testCount = testCount + 1 file.close() # Replace the statement tokens by their real values. badgesEarnedStatement = self.__judgementCompiler.GenerateStatement() if (len(badgesEarnedStatement) == 0): badgesEarnedStatement = "None" replaceDict = { FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_TEST_PROCEDURE_COUNT: str(testProcedure.GetTestCount()), FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_HTML_COUNT: str(testCount), FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_PASSED_COUNT: str(self.__passedTestsCount), FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_FAILED_COUNT: str(self.__failedTestsCount), FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_WARNINGS_COUNT: str(self.__warningCount), FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_ERRORS_COUNT: str(self.__errorCount), FCsvExporter.__REPLACE_BADGES_EARNED: badgesEarnedStatement } tempFilename = FUtils.GetAvailableFilename(path + ".temp") f = open(tempFilename, "w") csvFile = open(path) line = csvFile.readline() while (line): for key in replaceDict.keys(): if (line.count(key) != 0): line = line.replace(key, replaceDict[key], 1) replaceDict.pop(key) break f.write(line) line = csvFile.readline() csvFile.close() f.close() shutil.copy2(tempFilename, path) os.remove(tempFilename)
def __AddTest(self, file, checksumFile, testProcedure, test, showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height): print "ID: %s" % (test.GetCOLLADAId()) file.write(test.GetCOLLADAId() + ",") file.write(test.GetCOLLADAKeyword() + ",") file.write(test.GetCOLLADASubject() + ",") file.write(test.GetSeparatedFilename() + ",") execution = test.GetCurrentExecution() exportedDir = os.path.join( self.__filesDir, "Test" + str(test.GetTestId()), FUtils.GetProperFilename(test.GetBaseFilename())) exportedDir = self.__GetAvailableDir(exportedDir) exportedBlessed = self.__ExportImageList(exportedDir, test.GetBlessed(), "blessed_") file.write(",") for step, app, op, settings in testProcedure.GetStepGenerator(): if (not showBlessed): exportedBlessed = None file.write( self.__GetOutputTag(exportedDir, test, step, exportedBlessed, showBlessed, showPrevious, width, height) + ",") # Write out the local results result = test.GetCurrentResult() if (result == None): resultTag = "" else: if (result.GetResult()): self.__passedTestsCount = self.__passedTestsCount + 1 resultTag = "" else: self.__failedTestsCount = self.__failedTestsCount + 1 resultTag = "" for entry in result.GetTextArray(): resultTag = resultTag + " " + entry + " " file.write(resultTag + ",") # Write out the judging results for i in range(len(FGlobals.badgeLevels)): if (execution == None): file.write("NO EXECUTION,") else: badgeLevel = FGlobals.badgeLevels[i] badgeResult = execution.GetJudgementResult(badgeLevel) self.__judgementCompiler.ProcessJudgement(i, badgeResult) if (badgeResult == FJudgement.PASSED): file.write("PASSED,") elif (badgeResult == FJudgement.FAILED): file.write("FAILED,") elif (badgeResult == FJudgement.MISSING_DATA): file.write("MISSING DATA,") elif (badgeResult == FJudgement.NO_SCRIPT): file.write("NO SCRIPT,") if (test.GetCurrentTimeRan() == None): timeString = "" else: timeString = time.asctime(test.GetCurrentTimeRan()) if (test.GetCurrentDiffFromPrevious() == ""): diff = "" else: diff = str(test.GetCurrentDiffFromPrevious()) environmentDict = test.GetCurrentEnvironment() environment = "" for key in environmentDict.keys(): environment = environment + key + environmentDict[key] + " " if (environment == ""): environment = "" comments = test.GetCurrentComments() if (comments == ""): comments = "" file.write(diff + "," + timeString + "," + environment + "," + comments) file.write("\n") # Append checksum. if (execution != None): checksum = execution.GetChecksum() checksumFile.write(checksum + "\n")