def MakeReference(self):

        if not os.path.isfile(self.strRefFile):
            with open(self.strBarcodeFile) as Barcode, \
                open(self.strTargetSeqFile) as Target, \
                open(self.strReferenceSeqFile) as Ref, \
                open(self.strRefFile, 'w') as Output:

                listBarcode = Helper.RemoveNullAndBadKeyword(Barcode)
                listTarget  = Helper.RemoveNullAndBadKeyword(Target)
                listRef     = Helper.RemoveNullAndBadKeyword(Ref)

                ## defensive
                assert len(listBarcode) == len(listTarget) == len(listRef), 'Barcode, Target and Reference must be a same row number.'

                listName = []
                for strBar, strTar in zip(listBarcode, listTarget):
                    strBar = strBar.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').strip().upper()
                    strTar = strTar.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').strip().upper()

                    Helper.CheckIntegrity(self.strBarcodeFile, strBar) ## defensive
                    Helper.CheckIntegrity(self.strBarcodeFile, strTar) ## defensive

                    listName.append(strBar + ':' + strTar + '\n')
                for i, strRow in enumerate(listRef):
                    strRow = strRow.replace('\r', '').strip().upper()
                    Output.write('>' + listName[i] + strRow + '\n')
    def MakeReference(self):

        with open(self.strBarcodeFile) as Barcode, \
            open(self.strReferenceSeqFile) as Ref, \
            open(self.strRefFile, 'w') as Output:

            listBarcode = Helper.RemoveNullAndBadKeyword(Barcode)
            listRef = Helper.RemoveNullAndBadKeyword(Ref)

            ## defensive
            assert len(listBarcode) == len(
                listRef), 'Barcode and Reference must be a same row number.'

            dictBarcode = {}

            for strBarcode in listBarcode:
                strBarcode = strBarcode.replace('\n', '').replace('\r',
                                      strBarcode)  ## defensive
                listBarcode = strBarcode.split(':')
                strBarSample = listBarcode[0]
                strBarcode = listBarcode[1]
                dictBarcode[strBarSample] = strBarcode

            for strRef in listRef:
                strRef = strRef.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').upper()
                                      strRef)  ## defensive
                listRef = strRef.split(':')
                strRefSample = listRef[0]
                strRef = listRef[1]

                    sBarcode = dictBarcode[strRefSample]
                    Output.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n' %
                                 (strRefSample, sBarcode, strRef))
                except KeyError:
                    logging.error('no matching')
                    logging.error(strRefSample, strRef)