def writeout(self): # Write to socket/server while True: try: (priority, sent, line) = self.output.get(True, 1) except Empty: if self.quitting: break else: continue try: while self.last + Config.getfloat("Connection", "antiflood") * (1 + (len(line) > 300) + (priority > 10)) >= time.time(): time.sleep(0.5) # Warn admins if the wait is too long if priority < 10 and time.time() > sent + Config.getint("Connection", "maxdelay"): if time.time() > self.wait_warned + 300: self.wait_warned = time.time() admin_msg("Message output message delay is too long: %.1f seconds" % (time.time() - sent)) self.sock.send(encode(line) + CRLF) self.last = time.time() print "%s >>> %s" % (time.asctime(),encode(line),) self.output.task_done() if line[:4].upper() == "QUIT": break except socket.error as exc: raise Reboot(exc)
def writeout(self): # Write to socket/server while True: try: (priority, sent, line) = self.output.get(True, 1) except Empty: if self.quitting: break else: continue try: while self.last + Config.getfloat( "Connection", "antiflood") * (1 + (len(line) > 300) + (priority > 10)) >= time.time(): time.sleep(0.5) # Warn admins if the wait is too long if priority < 10 and time.time() > sent + Config.getint( "Connection", "maxdelay"): if time.time() > self.wait_warned + 300: self.wait_warned = time.time() admin_msg( "Message output message delay is too long: %.1f seconds" % (time.time() - sent)) self.sock.send(encode(line) + CRLF) self.last = time.time() print "%s >> %s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S |"), encode(line), ) self.output.task_done() if line[:4].upper() == "QUIT": break except socket.error as exc: raise Reboot(exc)
def write(self, line, priority=10): # Write to output queue self.output.put((priority, time.time(), line)) # Warn admins if the queue is too long if self.output.qsize() > Config.getint("Connection", "maxqueue"): if time.time() > self.queue_warned + 300: self.queue_warned = time.time() admin_msg("Message output queue length is too long: %s messages" % self.output.qsize())
def write(self, line, priority=10): # Write to output queue self.output.put((priority, time.time(), line)) # Warn admins if the queue is too long if self.output.qsize() > Config.getint("Connection", "maxqueue"): if time.time() > self.queue_warned + 300: self.queue_warned = time.time() admin_msg( "Message output queue length is too long: %s messages" % self.output.qsize())
def current(self, message, user, params): tick = Updates.load() if tick is None: if time.time() > GameSetup.getint("round_start_time"): tdiff = abs(int(GameSetup.getint("round_start_time") - time.time())) / GameSetup.getint("tick_speed") + 1 message.reply("It *should* be tick %s, but I'm not ticking. Did someone forget to press the magic button?" % tdiff) if tdiff > 1: admin_msg("It should be tick %s, but I'm not ticking!" % tdiff) else: message.reply("Ticks haven't started yet, go back to masturbating.") else: message.reply(str(tick))
def current(self, message, user, params): tick = Updates.load() if tick is None: if time.time() > GameSetup.getint("round_start_time"): tdiff = abs( int(GameSetup.getint("round_start_time") - time.time())) / GameSetup.getint("tick_speed") + 1 message.reply( "It *should* be tick %s, but I'm not ticking. Did someone forget to press the magic button?" % tdiff) if tdiff > 1: admin_msg("It should be tick %s, but I'm not ticking!" % tdiff) else: message.reply( "Ticks haven't started yet, go back to masturbating.") else: message.reply(str(tick))
def execute(self, message, user, params): admin_msg("%s (%s)" % (,
def robocop(self, message, text): if text[:3] == "!#!": text = text[3:].replace("!#!", " ") admin_msg(text)