def main(): if not args.q: banner() if not args.p: status("Checking email in public leaks...") ispwned.parse_data(email, print(C + " │" + end) line = C + " └──=>Enter a password" + W + "─=> " if == "nt": pwd = getinput( line) #Escaping the echo warning, sorry guyss (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) else: pwd = getpass(line) print() status( "Testing email against {} website".format(Y + str(len(all_websites)) + G)) for wd in list(websites.keys()): dic = websites[wd] login(wd, dic, email, pwd) for wd in list(custom_websites.keys()): dic = custom_websites[wd] custom_login(wd, dic, email, pwd) for wd in list(req_websites.keys()): dic = req_websites[wd] req_login(wd, dic, email, pwd)
def main(): if not args.p: status("Checking email: " + email + " in public leaks...") ispwned.parse_data(email, if test == "y" or test == "Y": print("") status( "Testing email against {} website".format(Y + str(len(all_websites)) + G)) for wd in list(websites.keys()): dic = websites[wd] login(wd, dic, email, pwd) for wd in list(custom_websites.keys()): dic = custom_websites[wd] custom_login(wd, dic, email, pwd) for wd in list(req_websites.keys()): dic = req_websites[wd] req_login(wd, dic, email, pwd)
def main(): passwd = [] if not args.q: banner() if not args.p: status("Checking email in public leaks...") passwdList = ispwned.parse_data(email, print(C + " │" + end) line = C + " └──=>Check all password(s) ? (y/n)" + W + "─=> " answer = input(line) if answer in "yY" and len(answer) == 1: websitesCheck(passwdList, True) else: print(C + " │" + end) line = C + " └──=>Enter a password" + W + "─=> " if == "nt": pwd = getinput( line) #Escaping the echo warning, sorry guyss (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) else: pwd = getpass(line) passwd.append(pwd) websitesCheck(passwd, False)
def main(): if not args.q: random_banner() if not args.p: print("\n"+W+"["+G+"+"+W+"]"+B+" Checking email in public leaks...") if ispwned.check_hackedEmails(email): to_print = ispwned.parse_data(email) colors = {"(C)":C,"(W)":W,"(B)":B,"(Y)":Y,"(G)":G,"(R)":R,"(M)":M,"(end)":end,"(GG)":GG} for color in list(colors.keys()): to_print = to_print.replace(color,colors[color]) print(to_print) else: print(C+"[!] "+R+"Email not found in hacked-emails leaks!") if args.api2: ans = ispwned.check_haveibeenpwned(email, 'His shit :D') if ans: to_print = ispwned.parse_data(email, 1, existing_data=ans) colors = {"(C)":C,"(W)":W,"(B)":B,"(Y)":Y,"(G)":G,"(R)":R,"(M)":M,"(end)":end} for color in list(colors.keys()): to_print = to_print.replace(color,colors[color]) print(to_print) else: print(C+"[!] "+R+"Email not found in haveibeenpwned leaks!\n") if"nt": pwd = getinput(GG+"Please enter the password "+W+"=> ") #to escape the echo warning,sorry windows users (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) else: pwd = getpass.getpass(GG+"Please enter the password "+W+"=> ") print("\n"+W+"["+G+"+"+W+"]"+B+" Testing websites with one form (" + str(len(web1)) + ")!") for wd in web1: dic = websites[wd] print( login( wd ,dic ,email ,pwd ) ) print("\n"+W+"["+G+"+"+W+"]"+B+" Testing websites with two forms (" + str(len(web2)) + ")!") for wd in web2: dic = custom_websites[wd] print( custom_login( wd ,dic ,email ,pwd ) ) print("\n"+W+"["+G+"+"+W+"]"+B+" Testing websites with post requests (" + str(len(web3)) + ")!") for wd in web3: dic = req_websites[wd] print( req_login( wd ,dic ,email ,pwd ) )
def main(): if not args.q: banner() if not args.p: loop_email = open(email_list, 'r').read().splitlines() for email in loop_email: status("Checking email [" + C + "" + email + "" + end + "] in public leaks...") ispwned.parse_data(email, print(C + " │" + end) lines = raw_input(C + " └──=>Enter List of passwords " + W + "─=> " + end) if == "nt": loop_pass1 = open(lines, 'r').read().splitlines() for line in loop_pass1: pwd = getinput( line) #Escaping the echo warning, sorry guyss (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) else: loop_pass2 = open(lines, 'r').read().splitlines() for line in loop_pass2: pwd = getpass(line) print() status( "Testing email against {} website".format(Y + str(len(all_websites)) + G)) for wd in list(websites.keys()): loop_email3 = open(email_list, 'r').read().splitlines() for email in loop_email3: dic = websites[wd] login(wd, dic, email, pwd) for wd in list(custom_websites.keys()): loop_email4 = open(email_list, 'r').read().splitlines() for email in loop_email4: dic = custom_websites[wd] custom_login(wd, dic, email, pwd) for wd in list(req_websites.keys()): loop_email4 = open(email_list, 'r').read().splitlines() for email in loop_email4: dic = req_websites[wd] req_login(wd, dic, email, pwd)