def robocop(self, message, scantype, pa_id, x, y, z, names): nicks = [] reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % ( PA.get(scantype, "name"), x, y, z, ) reply += Config.get("URL", "viewscan") % (pa_id, ) for name in names.split(","): user = User.load(name) for nick in CUT.get_user_nicks(name): nicks.append(nick) message.privmsg(self.url(reply, user), nick) reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % ( PA.get(scantype, "name"), x, y, z, ) reply += "delivered to: " reply += ", ".join(nicks) if not Config.getboolean( "Misc", "anonscans") else "Anon" from Hooks.scans.request import request message.privmsg(reply, request().scanchan())
def execute(self, message, user, params): p = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if p is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return ship = Ship.load( if ship is None: message.alert("No Ship called: %s" % (,)) return scan = p.scan("P") if scan is None: message.reply("No planet scans available on %s:%s:%s" % (p.x,p.y,p.z,)) return planetscan = scan.planetscan tick=scan.tick res_m=planetscan.res_metal res_c=planetscan.res_crystal res_e=planetscan.res_eonium prod_res=planetscan.prod_res rand_id=scan.pa_id cost_m=ship.metal cost_c=ship.crystal cost_e=ship.eonium total_cost=ship.total_cost class_factory_table = {'Fighter': 'factory_usage_light', 'Corvette': 'factory_usage_light', 'Frigate': 'factory_usage_medium', 'Destroyer': 'factory_usage_medium', 'Cruiser': 'factory_usage_heavy', 'Battleship': 'factory_usage_heavy'} prod_modifier_table = {'None': 0.0, 'Low': 0.33, 'Medium': 0.66, 'High': 1.0} capped_number = min(res_m/cost_m, res_c/cost_c, res_e/cost_e) overflow = res_m+res_c+res_e-(capped_number*(cost_m+cost_c+cost_e)) buildable = capped_number + ((overflow*.95)/total_cost) reply="Newest planet scan on %s:%s:%s (id: %s, pt: %s)" % (p.x,p.y,p.z,rand_id,tick) reply+=" can purchase %s: %s"%(,int(buildable)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue reply+=" | %s: %s"%(PA.get(gov, "name"),int(buildable/(1+bonus))) factory_usage=getattr(planetscan,class_factory_table[ship.class_]) if prod_res > 0 and factory_usage != "None": max_prod_modifier=prod_modifier_table[factory_usage] buildable_from_prod = buildable + max_prod_modifier*prod_res/total_cost reply+=" Counting %s res in prod at %s usage:" % (self.num2short(prod_res),factory_usage) reply+=" %s"%(int(buildable_from_prod)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue reply+=" | %s: %s"%(PA.get(gov, "name"),int(buildable_from_prod/(1+bonus))) message.reply(reply)
def planet(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return # List of last 10 scans if == "o": scans = planet.scans.filter_by(scantype=self.type).order_by(desc([:10] if len(scans) < 1: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return prev = [] for scan in scans: prev.append("(pt%s %s)" % (scan.tick, scan.pa_id,)) reply = "Last 10 %s Scans on %s:%s:%s "%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z) + " ".join(prev) message.reply(reply) return # Latest scan scan = planet.scan(self.type) if scan is None: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return # Link to scan if == "l": reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (scan.type,planet.x,planet.y,planet.z,) reply+= self.url(, user) message.reply(reply) return # Display the scan message.reply(self.url(str(scan), user))
def execute(self, message, user, params): num, name, factories =, 2, 3) ship = Ship.load(name=name) if ship is None: message.alert("%s is not a ship." % name) return num = self.short2num(num) factories = int(factories) race = ship.race[:3].lower() race = "etd" if race == "eit" else race gov = None pop = 0 for p in ( or "").split(): m = self.govre.match(p) if m and not gov: gov = continue if p.isdigit() and not pop: pop = int(p) continue m = ship.metal c = ship.crystal e = ship.eonium bonus = 1 + pop / 100.0 if gov: m *= (1 + PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost")) c *= (1 + PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost")) e *= (1 + PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost")) bonus += PA.getfloat(gov, "prodtime") if race: bonus += PA.getfloat(race, "prodtime") cost = floor(m) + floor(c) + floor(e) print cost ticks = self.calc_ticks(cost, num, bonus, factories) reply = "It will take %s ticks to build %s %s (%s)" % ( ticks, self.num2short(num),, self.num2short( num * ship.total_cost / PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value"))) reply += " using %s factories" % (factories, ) if factories > 1 else "" reply += " with a" if race or gov else "" reply += " %s" % (PA.get(gov, "name"), ) if gov else "" reply += " %s" % (PA.get(race, "name"), ) if race else "" reply += " planet" if race or gov else "" reply += " with %s%% population" % (pop, ) if pop else "" message.reply(reply)
def planet(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %, 3, 5)) return # List of last 10 scans if == "o": scans = planet.scans.filter_by(scantype=self.type).order_by( desc([:10] if len(scans) < 1: message.reply( "No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found" % (PA.get(self.type, "name"), planet.x, planet.y, planet.z)) return prev = [] for scan in scans: prev.append("(pt%s %s)" % ( scan.tick, scan.pa_id, )) reply = "Last 10 %s Scans on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get( self.type, "name"), planet.x, planet.y, planet.z) + " ".join(prev) message.reply(reply) return # Latest scan scan = planet.scan(self.type) if scan is None: message.reply( "No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found" % (PA.get(self.type, "name"), planet.x, planet.y, planet.z)) return # Link to scan if == "l": reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % ( scan.type, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, ) reply += self.url(, user) message.reply(reply) return # Display the scan message.reply(self.url(str(scan), user))
def robocop(self, message, scantype, pa_id, x, y, z, names): nicks = [] [nicks.extend(nick) for nick in [CUT.list_user_nicks(name) for name in names.split(",")]] reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get(scantype,"name"),x,y,z,) reply+= Config.get("URL","viewscan") % (pa_id,) for nick in nicks: message.privmsg(reply, nick) reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get(scantype,"name"),x,y,z,) reply+= "delivered to: " reply+= ", ".join(nicks) from Hooks.scans.request import request message.privmsg(reply, request().scanchan())
def execute(self, message, user, params): name, ticks, factories =,2,3) ship = Ship.load(name=name) if ship is None: message.alert("%s is not a ship." % name) return ticks = int(ticks) factories = int(factories) race = ship.race[:3].lower() race = "etd" if race == "eit" else race gov = None pop = 0 for p in ( or "").split(): m=self.govre.match(p) if m and not gov: continue if p.isdigit() and not pop: pop = int(p) continue m = ship.metal c = ship.crystal e = ship.eonium bonus = 1 + pop/100.0 if gov: m *= (1+PA.getfloat(gov,"prodcost")) c *= (1+PA.getfloat(gov,"prodcost")) e *= (1+PA.getfloat(gov,"prodcost")) bonus += PA.getfloat(gov,"prodtime") if race: bonus += PA.getfloat(race,"prodtime") cost = floor(m)+floor(c)+floor(e) res = int(self.revprod(ticks, factories, bonus)) ships = int(res / cost) reply = "You can build %s %s (%s) in %d ticks" % (self.num2short(ships),, self.num2short(ships*ship.total_cost//PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value")), ticks) reply += " using %s factories" % (factories,) if factories > 1 else "" reply += " with a" if race or gov else "" reply += " %s"%(PA.get(gov,"name"),) if gov else "" reply += " %s"%(PA.get(race,"name"),) if race else "" reply += " planet" if race or gov else "" reply += " with %s%% population"%(pop,) if pop else "" message.reply(reply)
def robocop(self, message, scantype, pa_id, x, y, z, names, scanner, reqs, old=False): nicks = [] reply = "Old " if old else "" reply += "%s on %s:%s:%s " % ( PA.get(scantype, "name"), x, y, z, ) if ("showscanner" in Config.options("Misc") and Config.getboolean("Misc", "showscanner") and scanner != 'None'): reply += "from %s " % (User.load(id=scanner).name) if User.load( id=scanner) not in (None, 'None') else "" reply += Config.get("URL", "viewscan") % (pa_id, ) if old: reply += " !request cancel %s if this is suitable." % (reqs) for name in names.split(","): user = User.load(name) for nick in CUT.get_user_nicks(name): nicks.append(nick) message.privmsg(self.url(reply, user), nick) if not old: reply = "[-%s] %s on %s:%s:%s " % ( reqs, PA.get(scantype, "name"), x, y, z, ) reply += "delivered to: " reply += ", ".join(nicks) if not Config.getboolean( "Misc", "anonscans") else "Anon" if Config.getboolean("Misc", "showurls"): reply += " (%s)" % (Config.get("URL", "viewscan") % (pa_id, )) from Hooks.scans.request import request message.privmsg(reply, request().scanchan())
def execute(self, message, user, params): # Planet if len(params.groups()) > 1: planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %,3,5)) return # List of last 10 scans if == "o": scans = planet.scans.filter_by(scantype=self.type).order_by(desc([:10] if len(scans) < 1: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return prev = [] for scan in scans: prev.append("(pt%s %s)" % (scan.tick, scan.pa_id,)) reply = "Last 10 %s Scans on %s:%s:%s "%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z) + " ".join(prev) message.reply(reply) return # Latest scan scan = planet.scan(self.type) if scan is None: message.reply("No %s Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return # Link to scan if == "l": reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get(self.type,"name"),planet.x,planet.y,planet.z,) reply+= Config.get("URL","viewscan") % (scan.pa_id,) message.reply(reply) return # Display the scan message.reply(str(scan)) # ID else: Q = session.query(Scan) Q = Q.filter(Scan.pa_id.ilike("%""%")) Q = Q.order_by(desc( scan = Q.first() if scan is None: message.reply("No Scans matching ID '%s'"%(,)) return # Display the scan message.reply(str(scan))
def execute(self, message, user, params): num, name = params.groups() ship = Ship.load(name=name) if ship is None: message.alert("No Ship called: %s" % (name,)) return num = self.short2num(num) reply="Buying %s %s will cost %s metal, %s crystal and %s eonium."%(num,, self.num2short(ship.metal*num), self.num2short(ship.crystal*num), self.num2short(ship.eonium*num)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue reply += " %s: %s metal, %s crystal and %s eonium."%( PA.get(gov, "name"), self.num2short(ship.metal*(1+bonus)*num), self.num2short(ship.crystal*(1+bonus)*num), self.num2short(ship.eonium*(1+bonus)*num)) reply+=" It will add %s value"%(self.num2short(ship.total_cost*num/100),) message.reply(reply)
def execute(self, message, user, params): roids, cost, bonus = params.groups() roids, cost, bonus = int(roids), self.short2num(cost), int(bonus or 0) mining = PA.getint("roids", "mining") if roids == 0: message.reply("Another NewDawn landing, eh?") return mining = mining * ((float(bonus) + 100) / 100) ticks = (cost * PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value")) // (roids * mining) reply = "Capping %s roids at %s value with %s%% bonus will repay in %s ticks (%s days)" % ( roids, self.num2short(cost), bonus, int(ticks), int(ticks / 24)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue ticks_b = ticks * (1 + bonus) reply += " %s: %s ticks (%s days)" % (PA.get( gov, "name"), int(ticks_b), int(ticks_b / 24)) message.reply(reply)
def execute(self, message, user, params): roids, cost, bonus = params.groups() roids, cost, bonus = int(roids), self.short2num(cost), int(bonus or 0) mining = PA.getint("roids", "mining") if roids == 0: message.reply("Another NewDawn landing, eh?") return mining = mining * ((float(bonus) + 100) / 100) ticks = (cost * PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value")) / (roids * mining) reply = "Capping %s roids at %s value with %s%% bonus will repay in %s ticks (%s days)" % ( roids, self.num2short(cost), bonus, int(ticks), int(ticks / 24), ) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue ticks_b = ticks * (1 + bonus) reply += " %s: %s ticks (%s days)" % (PA.get(gov, "name"), int(ticks_b), int(ticks_b / 24)) message.reply(reply)
def link(self): return Config.get("URL", "reqscan") % ( PA.get(self.scantype, "type"),,,, )
def robocop(self, message, scantype, pa_id, x, y, z, names): nicks = [] reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get(scantype,"name"),x,y,z,) reply+= Config.get("URL","viewscan") % (pa_id,) for name in names.split(","): user = User.load(name) for nick in CUT.get_user_nicks(name): nicks.append(nick) message.privmsg(self.url(reply, user), nick) reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get(scantype,"name"),x,y,z,) reply+= "delivered to: " reply+= ", ".join(nicks) if not Config.getboolean("Misc", "anonscans") else "Anon" from Hooks.scans.request import request message.privmsg(reply, request().scanchan())
def execute(self, message, user, params): num, name = params.groups() ship = Ship.load(name=name) if ship is None: message.alert("No Ship called: %s" % (name, )) return num = self.short2num(num) reply = "Buying %s %s (%s) will cost %s metal, %s crystal and %s eonium." % ( num,, self.num2short( ship.total_cost * num // PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value")), self.num2short(ship.metal * num), self.num2short( ship.crystal * num), self.num2short(ship.eonium * num)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue reply += " %s: %s metal, %s crystal and %s eonium." % ( PA.get(gov, "name"), self.num2short(floor(ship.metal * (1 + bonus)) * num), self.num2short(floor(ship.crystal * (1 + bonus)) * num), self.num2short(floor(ship.eonium * (1 + bonus)) * num)) reply += " It will add %s value" % (self.num2short( ship.total_cost * num * (1.0 / PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value") - 1.0 / PA.getint("numbers", "res_value"))), ) message.reply(reply)
def execute(self, message, user, params): num, name, factories =,2,3) ship = Ship.load(name=name) if ship is None: message.alert("%s is not a ship." % name) return num = self.short2num(num) factories = int(factories) race = gov = None pop = 0 for p in ( or "").split(): m=self.racere.match(p) if m and not race: continue m=self.govre.match(p) if m and not gov: continue if p.isdigit() and not pop: pop = int(p) continue cost = ship.total_cost bonus = 1 + pop/100.0 if gov: cost *= (1+PA.getfloat(gov,"prodcost")) bonus += PA.getfloat(gov,"prodtime") if race: bonus += PA.getfloat(race,"prodtime") ticks = self.calc_ticks(cost, num, bonus, factories) reply = "It will take %s ticks to build %s %s (%s)" % (ticks, self.num2short(num),, self.num2short(num*ship.total_cost/100)) reply += " using %s factories" % (factories,) if factories > 1 else "" reply += " with a" if race or gov else "" reply += " %s"%(PA.get(gov,"name"),) if gov else "" reply += " %s"%(PA.get(race,"name"),) if race else "" reply += " planet" if race or gov else "" reply += " with %s%% population"%(pop,) if pop else "" message.reply(reply)
def execute(self, message, user, params): name, ticks, factories =,2,3) ship = Ship.load(name=name) if ship is None: message.alert("%s is not a ship." % name) return ticks = int(ticks) factories = int(factories) race = gov = None pop = 0 for p in ( or "").split(): m=self.racere.match(p) if m and not race: continue m=self.govre.match(p) if m and not gov: continue if p.isdigit() and not pop: pop = int(p) continue cost = ship.total_cost bonus = 1 + pop/100.0 if gov: cost *= (1+PA.getfloat(gov,"prodcost")) bonus += PA.getfloat(gov,"prodtime") if race: bonus += PA.getfloat(race,"prodtime") res = int(self.revprod(ticks, factories, bonus)) ships = int(res / cost) reply = "You can build %s %s (%s) in %d ticks" % (self.num2short(ships),, self.num2short(ships*ship.total_cost/100), ticks) reply += " with a" if race or gov else "" reply += " %s"%(PA.get(gov,"name"),) if gov else "" reply += " %s"%(PA.get(race,"name"),) if race else "" reply += " planet" if race or gov else "" reply += " with %s%% population"%(pop,) if pop else "" message.reply(reply)
def robocop(self, message, scantype, pa_id, x, y, z, names, scanner, reqs, old=False): nicks = [] reply = "Old " if old else "" reply += "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get(scantype,"name"),x,y,z,) if ("showscanner" in Config.options("Misc") and Config.getboolean("Misc", "showscanner") and scanner != 'None'): reply+= "from %s " % (User.load(id=scanner).name) if User.load(id=scanner) not in (None, 'None') else "" reply += Config.get("URL","viewscan") % (pa_id,) if old: reply += " !request cancel %s if this is suitable." % (reqs) for name in names.split(","): user = User.load(name) for nick in CUT.get_user_nicks(name): nicks.append(nick) message.privmsg(self.url(reply, user), nick) if not old: reply = "[-%s] %s on %s:%s:%s " % (reqs,PA.get(scantype,"name"),x,y,z,) reply+= "delivered to: " reply+= ", ".join(nicks) if not Config.getboolean("Misc", "anonscans") else "Anon" if Config.getboolean("Misc", "showurls"): reply += " (%s)" % (Config.get("URL","viewscan") % (pa_id,)) from Hooks.scans.request import request message.privmsg(reply, request().scanchan())
def execute(self, message, user, params): roids=int( ticks=int( bonus=int( or 0) mining = PA.getint("roids","mining") mining = mining *(float(bonus+100)/100) value = ticks*roids*mining/100 reply = "In %s ticks (%s days) %s roids with %s%% bonus will mine %s value" % (ticks,ticks/24,roids,bonus,self.num2short(value)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue value_b = value/(1+bonus) reply += " %s: %s value" % (PA.get(gov, "name"), self.num2short(value_b)) message.reply(reply)
def __str__(self): p = self.planet ph = p.history(self.tick) head = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get(self.scantype,"name"),p.x,p.y,p.z,) if self.scantype in ("P","D","J","N",): id_tick = "(id: %s, pt: %s)" % (self.pa_id,self.tick,) if self.scantype in ("U","A",): vdiff = p.value-ph.value if ph else None id_age_value = "(id: %s, age: %s, value diff: %s)" % (self.pa_id,Updates.current_tick()-self.tick,vdiff) if self.scantype in ("P",): return head + id_tick + str(self.planetscan) if self.scantype in ("D",): return head + id_tick + str(self.devscan) if self.scantype in ("U","A",): return head + id_age_value + " " + " | ".join(map(str,self.units)) if self.scantype == "J": return head + id_tick + " " + " | ".join(map(str,self.fleets)) if self.scantype == "N": return head + Config.get("URL","viewscan") % (self.pa_id,)
def execute(self, message, user, params): roids = int( ticks = int( bonus = int( or 0) mining = PA.getint("roids", "mining") mining = mining * (float(bonus + 100) / 100) value = ticks * roids * mining / PA.getint("numbers", "ship_value") reply = "In %s ticks (%s days) %s roids with %s%% bonus will mine %s value" % ( ticks, ticks // 24, roids, bonus, self.num2short(value)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue value_b = value / (1 + bonus) reply += " %s: %s value" % (PA.get( gov, "name"), self.num2short(value_b)) message.reply(reply)
def execute(self, message, user, params): tick = Updates.current_tick() # Galaxy Scan if is None: # Access Control: # Uncomment this and change "group" to the lowest group that can request galscans. # if not user.is_group(): # message.alert("Insufficient access for galaxy scans.") # return galaxy = Galaxy.load(*, 3)) if galaxy is None: message.alert("No galaxy with coords %s:%s" %, 3)) return planets = galaxy.planets galscan = Config.has_option("Misc", "galscans") and Config.getboolean("Misc", "galscans") else: planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %, 3, 5)) return planets = [planet] galscan = False # Scan Quota if Config.has_section("ScanQuota"): opts = Config.options("ScanQuota") q = [] for o in opts: if int(o) >= user.access: q.append(int(o)) if q: ScanQuota = Config.getint("ScanQuota", str(min(q))) reqs = ( session.query( .filter(Request.requester_id == .filter(Request.tick == tick) .count() ) if (reqs + len(planets) * len( > ScanQuota: message.reply( "This request will exceed your scan quota for this tick (%d scans remaining). " % (ScanQuota - reqs) + "Try searching with !planet, !dev, !unit, !news, !jgp, !au." ) return dists = int( or 0) galdists = [] mergescans = (not galscan) and ( Config.has_option("Misc", "maxscans") and len(planets) * len( > Config.getint("Misc", "maxscans") ) for planet in planets: if galscan or mergescans: galdists.append( if else 0) if len(galdists) < len(planets): continue types = 0 for scantype in # Reject requests for incoming scans if not PA.getboolean(scantype, "request"): message.alert("%s scans cannot be requested." % (PA.get(scantype, "name"))) continue types += 1 if galscan or mergescans: # Request the scans for i in range(len(planets)): request = self.request(message, user, planets[i], scantype, galdists[i], galscan or mergescans) # Inform the requester if galscan and (message.get_chan() != self.scanchan()): message.reply( "Requested a Galaxy %s Scan of %s:%s. !request cancel %s:%s to cancel the request." % (request.type, planet.x, planet.y, - len(planets) + 1, ) # Check for existing scans scan = planet.scan(scantype) if scan and request.tick - scan.tick < PA.getint(scantype, "expire"): message.reply( "%s Scan of %s:%s:%s is already available from %s ticks ago: %s. !request cancel %s if this is suitable." % (scantype, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.tick - scan.tick,, ) # Cancel requests with a 0-tick old scan, if required if request.tick == scan.tick: req0age = ( Config.getint("Misc", "req0agej") if request.scantype == "J" else Config.getint("Misc", "req0age") ) if req0age == 1: Q = ( session.query(Request) .filter(Request.tick == request.tick) .filter(Request.planet_id == request.planet_id) ) Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype == request.scantype).filter( Request.requester_id == request.requester_id ) if Q.count() == 1: = False message.reply( "Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan. If you really need a newer one, repeat your scan request." % ( ) message.privmsg( "Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (, self.scanchan() ) elif req0age == 0: = False message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan." % ( message.privmsg( "Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (, self.scanchan() ) # Tell the scanners requester = if not Config.getboolean("Misc", "anonscans") else "Anon" if galscan: message.privmsg( "[%s:%s] %s requested a Galaxy %s Scan of %s:%s Max Dists(i:%s%s) " % ( - len(planets) + 1,, requester, request.type, planet.x, planet.y, max(galdists), "/r:%s" % dists if dists > 0 else "", ) + Config.get("URL", "reqgscan") % (planet.x, planet.y), self.scanchan(), ) else: request = self.request(message, user, planet, scantype, dists) if message.get_chan() != self.scanchan(): message.reply( "Requested a %s Scan of %s:%s:%s. !request cancel %s to cancel the request." % (request.type, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, ) # Check for existing scans scan = planet.scan(scantype) if scan and request.tick - scan.tick < PA.getint(scan.scantype, "expire"): message.reply( "%s Scan of %s:%s:%s is already available from %s ticks ago: %s. !request cancel %s if this is suitable." % (scantype, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.tick - scan.tick,, ) # Cancel requests with a 0-tick old scan, if required if request.tick == scan.tick: req0age = ( Config.getint("Misc", "req0agej") if request.scantype == "J" else Config.getint("Misc", "req0age") ) if req0age == 1: Q = ( session.query(Request) .filter(Request.tick == request.tick) .filter(Request.planet_id == request.planet_id) ) Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype == request.scantype).filter( Request.requester_id == request.requester_id ) if Q.count() == 1: = False message.reply( "Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan. If you really need a newer one, repeat your scan request." % ( ) message.privmsg( "Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (, self.scanchan() ) elif req0age == 0: = False message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan." % ( message.privmsg( "Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (, self.scanchan() ) if mergescans: message.reply( "Requested %d scans. !request cancel %s:%s to cancel the request." % (len(planets) * types, - len(planets) * types + 1, ) message.privmsg( "[%s:%s] %s requested %d scans (%s) Max Dists(i:%s%s). !request links for details " % ( - len(planets) * types + 1,, requester, len(planets) * types,, max(galdists), "/r:%s" % dists if dists > 0 else "", ), self.scanchan(), ) session.commit()
def type(self): return PA.get(self.scantype, "name")
def execute(self, message, user, params): if == "cancel": request = Request.load( return planet = Planet.load(*,4,6)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,4,6)) return scan = request = Request(target=planet, scantype=scan) request.dists = int( or 0) user.requests.append(request) session.commit() dists_intel = if else 0 dists_request = request.dists message.reply("Requested a %s Scan of %s:%s:%s. !request cancel %s to cancel the request." % (PA.get(scan, "name"), planet.x, planet.y, planet.z,,)) self.request(message,,, scan, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, dists_intel, dists_request) return
def request(self, message, id, name, scan, x,y,z, dists_intel, dists_request): scannerchan = Config.get("Channels", "scans") if "scans" in Config.options("Channels") else Config.get("Channels", "home") message.privmsg("[%s] %s requested a %s Scan of %s:%s:%s Dists(i:%s/r:%s) " % (id, name, PA.get(scan, "name"), x,y,z, dists_intel, dists_request,) + Config.get("URL", "reqscan") % (PA.get(scan, "type"),x,y,z,), scannerchan)
scan = Scan(pa_id=pa_id, scantype=scantype, tick=tick, time=scantime, group_id=gid, scanner_id=uid) session.add(scan) if planet: planet.scans.append(scan) session.commit() scan_id = except IntegrityError, e: session.rollback() scanlog("Scan %s may already exist: %s" %(pa_id,str(e),)) return if planet is None: scanlog("No planet found. Check the bot is ticking. Scan will be tried again at next tick.") return scanlog("%s %s:%s:%s" %(PA.get(scantype,"name"), x,y,z,)) parser = { "P": self.parse_P, "D": self.parse_D, "U": self.parse_U, "A": self.parse_U, "J": self.parse_J, "N": self.parse_N, }.get(scantype) if parser is not None: parser(scan_id, scan, page) Q = session.query(Request) Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype==scantype) Q = Q.filter(
def robocop(self, message, scantype, pa_id, x, y, z, names): reply = "%s on %s:%s:%s " % (PA.get(scantype,"name"),x,y,z,) reply+= Config.get("URL","viewscan") % (pa_id,) for name in names.split(","): for nick in CUT.list_user_nicks(name): message.privmsg(reply, nick)
def execute(self, message, user, params): p = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if p is None: message.reply("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s found" %, 3, 5)) return ship = Ship.load( if ship is None: message.alert("No Ship called: %s" % (, )) return scan = p.scan("P") if scan is None: message.reply("No planet scans available on %s:%s:%s" % ( p.x, p.y, p.z, )) return planetscan = scan.planetscan tick = scan.tick res_m = planetscan.res_metal res_c = planetscan.res_crystal res_e = planetscan.res_eonium prod_res = planetscan.prod_res rand_id = scan.pa_id cost_m = ship.metal cost_c = ship.crystal cost_e = ship.eonium total_cost = ship.total_cost class_factory_table = { 'Fighter': 'factory_usage_light', 'Corvette': 'factory_usage_light', 'Frigate': 'factory_usage_medium', 'Destroyer': 'factory_usage_medium', 'Cruiser': 'factory_usage_heavy', 'Battleship': 'factory_usage_heavy' } prod_modifier_table = { 'None': 0.0, 'Low': 0.33, 'Medium': 0.66, 'High': 1.0 } capped_number = min(res_m / cost_m, res_c / cost_c, res_e / cost_e) overflow = res_m + res_c + res_e - (capped_number * (cost_m + cost_c + cost_e)) buildable = capped_number + ((overflow * .95) / total_cost) reply = "Newest planet scan on %s:%s:%s (id: %s, pt: %s)" % ( p.x, p.y, p.z, rand_id, tick) reply += " can purchase %s: %s" % (, int(buildable)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue reply += " | %s: %s" % (PA.get( gov, "name"), int(buildable / (1 + bonus))) factory_usage = getattr(planetscan, class_factory_table[ship.class_]) if prod_res > 0 and factory_usage != "None": max_prod_modifier = prod_modifier_table[factory_usage] buildable_from_prod = buildable + max_prod_modifier * prod_res / total_cost reply += " Counting %s res in prod at %s usage:" % ( self.num2short(prod_res), factory_usage) reply += " %s" % (int(buildable_from_prod)) for gov in PA.options("govs"): bonus = PA.getfloat(gov, "prodcost") if bonus == 0: continue reply += " | %s: %s" % (PA.get( gov, "name"), int(buildable_from_prod / (1 + bonus))) message.reply(reply)
print "Scan %s may already exist" %(pa_id,) print e.__str__() return parser = { "P": self.parse_P, "D": self.parse_D, "U": self.parse_U, "A": self.parse_U, "J": self.parse_J, "N": self.parse_N, }.get(scantype) if parser is not None: parser(scan_id, scan, page) print PA.get(scantype,"name"), "%s:%s:%s" % (x,y,z,) Q = session.query(Request) Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype==scantype) Q = Q.filter( Q = Q.filter(Request.scan==None) Q = Q.filter( result = Q.all() users = [] for request in result: request.scan_id = scan_id = False users.append( session.commit()
def execute(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return tick=Updates.load().current_tick() pscan = planet.scan("P") if pscan is None: message.reply("No Planet Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return else: p_age = tick - pscan.tick pscan = pscan.planetscan dscan = planet.scan("D") if dscan is None: message.reply("No Development Scans of %s:%s:%s found"%(planet.x,planet.y,planet.z)) return else: d_age = tick - dscan.tick dscan = dscan.devscan # Get government info from pa.cfg and intel gov_bonus = 0 gov = "Unknown" gov_alert_max = 0.00 gov_alert_min = 0.00 int_gov = if int_gov is not None: int_gov = int_gov[0].lower() for gcode in PA.options("govs"): gov_alert = PA.getfloat(gcode, "alert") if int_gov and int_gov == gcode[0]: gov = PA.get(gcode, "name") gov_bonus = gov_alert if gov_alert > gov_alert_max: gov_alert_max = gov_alert if gov_alert < gov_alert_min: gov_alert_min = gov_alert alert_min = int((50+5*min(pscan.guards/(planet.size+1),15))*(1+dscan.security_centre*0.0275 + (gov_bonus if gov != "Unknown" else gov_alert_min) + 0.0)) alert_max = int((50+5*min(pscan.guards/(planet.size+1),15))*(1+dscan.security_centre*0.0275 + (gov_bonus if gov != "Unknown" else gov_alert_max) + 0.5)) message.reply("Planet: %s:%s:%s Government: %s Alert: %s-%s (Scan Age P:%s D:%s)" % (planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, gov, alert_min, alert_max, p_age, d_age)) if agents = int( max_res = user.planet.resources_per_agent(planet) message.reply("Results: EF: %d roids (%dXP) AD: %d agents (%dXP) SGD: %d guards (%dXP) H:SD: %1.2f%% RP (%dXP) WDM: %d ship value (%dXP)" % (agents //3, self.xpcalc(agents,1), agents, self.xpcalc(agents,2), agents*10, self.xpcalc(agents,3), agents*0.25, self.xpcalc(agents,4), agents*(min(50+10*planet.value//user.planet.value, 100)), self.xpcalc(agents,5))) message.reply(" IB: %d amps+dists (%dXP) H: %d buildings (%dXP) H:RT: %dM %dC %dE (%dXP) GS: %d ticks (%dXP)" % (agents//15, self.xpcalc(agents,6), agents//20, self.xpcalc(agents,7), min(max_res, pscan.res_metal//10), min(max_res, pscan.res_crystal//10), min(max_res, pscan.res_eonium//10), self.xpcalc(agents,8), agents//5, self.xpcalc(agents,9))) # If stealth is supplied, calculate the probability of success. if stealth = int( stealth = stealth - 5 - int(agents/2) t=8-alert_min prob = 100*(t+stealth)//(t+alert_max) if prob < 0: prob = 0 elif prob > 100: prob = 100 growth = PA.getint(user.planet.race.lower(), "sgrowth") from math import ceil message.reply("New stealth: %s Success rate: %s%% Recovery time: %d ticks" % (stealth, prob, ceil((5.0+int(agents/2))/growth)))
except IntegrityError, e: session.rollback() scanlog("Scan %s may already exist: %s" % ( pa_id, str(e), )) return if planet is None: scanlog( "No planet found. Check the bot is ticking. Scan will be tried again at next tick." ) return scanlog("%s %s:%s:%s" % ( PA.get(scantype, "name"), x, y, z, )) parser = { "P": self.parse_P, "D": self.parse_D, "U": self.parse_U, "A": self.parse_U, "J": self.parse_J, "N": self.parse_N, }.get(scantype) if parser is not None: parser(scan_id, scan, page)
import sys import urllib2 from sqlalchemy.sql import text from Core.config import Config from Core.paconf import PA from Core.db import true, false, session from Core.maps import Ship useragent = "Merlin (Python-urllib/%s); Alliance/%s; BotNick/%s; Admin/%s" % ( urllib2.__version__, Config.get("Alliance", "name"), Config.get("Connection", "nick"), Config.items("Admins")[0][0]) regex = r'^<tr class="(' races = [] for race in PA.options("races"): races.append(PA.get(race, "name")) regex += "|".join(races) regex += ')">.+?>([^<]+)</td>' # race & name regex += r'<td>(\w+)</td>' # class regex += r'(?:<td>(\w\w|\-)</td>)?' * 3 # t1,t2,t3 regex += r'<td>(\w+)</td>' # type regex += r'.+?(\d+|\-)</td>' * 8 # some numbers regex += r'.+?</tr>$' # end of the line sre = re.compile(regex, re.I | re.M) mapping = { "Fi": "Fighter", "Co": "Corvette", "Fr": "Frigate", "De": "Destroyer", "Cr": "Cruiser",
def execute(self, message, user, params): planet = Planet.load(*, 3, 5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %, 3, 5)) return tick = Updates.load().current_tick() pscan = planet.scan("P") if pscan is None: message.reply("No Planet Scans of %s:%s:%s found" % (planet.x, planet.y, planet.z)) return else: p_age = tick - pscan.tick pscan = pscan.planetscan dscan = planet.scan("D") if dscan is None: message.reply("No Development Scans of %s:%s:%s found" % (planet.x, planet.y, planet.z)) return else: d_age = tick - dscan.tick dscan = dscan.devscan # Get government info from pa.cfg and intel gov_bonus = 0 gov = "Unknown" gov_alert_max = 0.00 gov_alert_min = 0.00 int_gov = if int_gov is not None: int_gov = int_gov[0].lower() for gcode in PA.options("govs"): gov_alert = PA.getfloat(gcode, "alert") if int_gov and int_gov == gcode[0]: gov = PA.get(gcode, "name") gov_bonus = gov_alert if gov_alert > gov_alert_max: gov_alert_max = gov_alert if gov_alert < gov_alert_min: gov_alert_min = gov_alert alert_min = int( (50 + 5 * min(pscan.guards / (planet.size + 1), 15)) * (1 + dscan.security_centre * 2 / + (gov_bonus if gov != "Unknown" else gov_alert_min) + 0.0)) alert_max = int( (50 + 5 * min(pscan.guards / (planet.size + 1), 15)) * (1 + dscan.security_centre * 2 / + (gov_bonus if gov != "Unknown" else gov_alert_max) + 0.5)) message.reply( "Planet: %s:%s:%s Government: %s Alert: %s-%s (Scan Age P:%s D:%s)" % (planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, gov, alert_min, alert_max, p_age, d_age)) if agents = int( max_res = user.planet.resources_per_agent(planet) message.reply( "Results: EF: %d roids (%dXP) AD: %d agents (%dXP) SGD: %d guards (%dXP) H:SD: %1.2f%% RP (%dXP) WDM: %d ship value (%dXP)" % (agents / 3, self.xpcalc(agents, 1), agents, self.xpcalc(agents, 2), agents * 10, self.xpcalc(agents, 3), agents * 0.25, self.xpcalc(agents, 4), agents * (min(50 + 10 * planet.value / user.planet.value, 100)), self.xpcalc(agents, 5))) message.reply( " IB: %d amps+dists (%dXP) H: %d buildings (%dXP) H:RT: %dM %dC %dE (%dXP) GS: %d ticks (%dXP)" % (agents / 15, self.xpcalc(agents, 6), agents / 20, self.xpcalc(agents, 7), min(max_res, pscan.res_metal / 10), min(max_res, pscan.res_crystal / 10), min(max_res, pscan.res_eonium / 10), self.xpcalc( agents, 8), agents / 5, self.xpcalc(agents, 9))) # If stealth is supplied, calculate the probability of success. if stealth = int( stealth = stealth - 5 - int(agents / 2) t = 8 - alert_min prob = 100 * (t + stealth) / (t + alert_max) if prob < 0: prob = 0 elif prob > 100: prob = 100 growth = PA.getint(user.planet.race.lower(), "sgrowth") from math import ceil message.reply( "New stealth: %s Success rate: %s%% Recovery time: %d ticks" % (stealth, prob, ceil((5.0 + int(agents / 2)) / growth)))
import re import sys import urllib2 from sqlalchemy.sql import text from Core.config import Config from Core.paconf import PA from Core.db import true, false, session from Core.maps import Ship useragent = "Merlin (Python-urllib/%s); Alliance/%s; BotNick/%s; Admin/%s" % (urllib2.__version__, Config.get("Alliance", "name"), Config.get("Connection", "nick"), Config.items("Admins")[0][0]) regex = r'^<tr class="(' races = [] for race in PA.options("races"): races.append(PA.get(race, "name")) regex += "|".join(races) regex += ')">.+?>([^<]+)</td>' # race & name regex += r'<td>(\w+)</td>' # class regex += r'(?:<td>(\w\w|\-)</td>)?'*3 # t1,t2,t3 regex += r'<td>(\w+)</td>' # type regex += r'.+?(\d+|\-)</td>'*8 # some numbers regex += r'.+?</tr>$' # end of the line sre = re.compile(regex,re.I|re.M) mapping = { "Fi": "Fighter", "Co": "Corvette", "Fr": "Frigate", "De": "Destroyer", "Cr": "Cruiser", "Bs": "Battleship",
def execute(self, message, user, params): tick = Updates.current_tick() # Galaxy Scan if is None: # Access Control: # Uncomment this and change "group" to the lowest group that can request galscans. # if not user.is_group(): # message.alert("Insufficient access for galaxy scans.") # return galaxy = Galaxy.load(*,3)) if galaxy is None: message.alert("No galaxy with coords %s:%s" %,3)) return planets = galaxy.planets galscan = Config.has_option("Misc", "galscans") and Config.getboolean("Misc", "galscans") else: planet = Planet.load(*,3,5)) if planet is None: message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" %,3,5)) return planets = [planet] galscan = False # Scan Quota if Config.has_section("ScanQuota"): opts = Config.options("ScanQuota") q = [] for o in opts: if int(o) >= user.access: q.append(int(o)) if q: ScanQuota = Config.getint("ScanQuota", str(min(q))) reqs = session.query( == == tick).count() if (reqs + len(planets) * len( > ScanQuota: message.reply("This request will exceed your scan quota for this tick (%d scans remaining). " % (ScanQuota - reqs) +\ "Try searching with !planet, !dev, !unit, !news, !jgp, !au.") return dists = int( or 0) galdists = [] mergescans = (not galscan) and (Config.has_option("Misc", "maxscans") and len(planets)*len( > Config.getint("Misc", "maxscans")) for planet in planets: if galscan or mergescans: galdists.append( if else 0) if len(galdists) < len(planets): continue types = 0 for scantype in # Reject requests for incoming scans if not PA.getboolean(scantype, "request"): message.alert("%s scans cannot be requested." % (PA.get(scantype, "name"))) continue types += 1 if galscan or mergescans: # Request the scans for i in range(len(planets)): request = self.request(message, user, planets[i], scantype, galdists[i], galscan or mergescans) # Inform the requester if galscan and (message.get_chan() != self.scanchan()): message.reply("Requested a Galaxy %s Scan of %s:%s. !request cancel %s:%s to cancel the request." % (request.type, planet.x, planet.y,, # Check for existing scans scan = planet.scan(scantype) if scan and request.tick - scan.tick < PA.getint(scantype,"expire"): message.reply("%s Scan of %s:%s:%s is already available from %s ticks ago: %s. !request cancel %s if this is suitable." % ( scantype, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.tick - scan.tick,,,)) # Cancel requests with a 0-tick old scan, if required if (request.tick == scan.tick): req0age = Config.getint("Misc", "req0agej") if request.scantype == "J" else Config.getint("Misc", "req0age") if req0age == 1: Q = session.query(Request).filter(Request.tick == request.tick).filter(Request.planet_id == request.planet_id) Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype == request.scantype).filter(Request.requester_id == request.requester_id) if Q.count() == 1: = False message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan. If you really need a newer one, repeat your scan request." % ( message.privmsg("Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (, self.scanchan()) elif req0age == 0: = False message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan." % ( message.privmsg("Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (, self.scanchan()) # Tell the scanners requester = if not Config.getboolean("Misc", "anonscans") else "Anon" if galscan: message.privmsg("[%s:%s] %s requested a Galaxy %s Scan of %s:%s Max Dists(i:%s%s) " % (,, requester, request.type, planet.x, planet.y, max(galdists), "/r:%s" % dists if dists > 0 else "") + Config.get("URL", "reqgscan") % (planet.x, planet.y) , self.scanchan()) else: request = self.request(message, user, planet, scantype, dists) if message.get_chan() != self.scanchan(): message.reply("Requested a %s Scan of %s:%s:%s. !request cancel %s to cancel the request." % (request.type, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z,,)) # Check for existing scans scan = planet.scan(scantype) if scan and request.tick - scan.tick < PA.getint(scan.scantype,"expire"): message.reply("%s Scan of %s:%s:%s is already available from %s ticks ago: %s. !request cancel %s if this is suitable." % ( scantype, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.tick - scan.tick,,,)) # Cancel requests with a 0-tick old scan, if required if (request.tick == scan.tick): req0age = Config.getint("Misc", "req0agej") if request.scantype == "J" else Config.getint("Misc", "req0age") if req0age == 1: Q = session.query(Request).filter(Request.tick == request.tick).filter(Request.planet_id == request.planet_id) Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype == request.scantype).filter(Request.requester_id == request.requester_id) if Q.count() == 1: = False message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan. If you really need a newer one, repeat your scan request." % ( message.privmsg("Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (, self.scanchan()) elif req0age == 0: = False message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan." % ( message.privmsg("Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (, self.scanchan()) if mergescans: message.reply("Requested %d scans. !request cancel %s:%s to cancel the request." % (len(planets) * types,*types+1, message.privmsg("[%s:%s] %s requested %d scans (%s) Max Dists(i:%s%s). !request links for details " % (*types+1,, requester, len(planets)*types,, max(galdists), "/r:%s" % dists if dists > 0 else ""), self.scanchan()) session.commit()