コード例 #1
def generate_extensions(python_dirs):
    extensions = []
    for pdir in python_dirs:
        mk = read_text_file(pjoin(dirname(abspath(__file__)), pdir,
        makefile_dict = get_dict_from_buffer(mk, ['PROJECT', 'SOURCES'])
        project = makefile_dict['PROJECT'][0].strip()
        src_files = makefile_dict['SOURCES']
        if project is None or src_files is None:
            msg = "In directory = {0}, can not locate either the project "\
                  "name or the list of source files."\
                  "Got project = {1} and sources = {2}."\
                  .format(pdir, project, src_files)
            raise AssertionError(msg)

        sources = [pjoin(pdir, f) for f in src_files]
        # print("Found project = {0} in dir = {1} with sources = {2}\n".
        #       format(project, pdir, sources))
        ext = Extension("{0}".format(project), sources=sources)
    return extensions
コード例 #2
def setup_packages():
    Custom setup for Corrfunc package.

    Optional: Set compiler via 'CC=/path/to/compiler' or
              'CC /path/to/compiler' or 'CC = /path/to/compiler'
              All the CC options are removed from sys.argv after
              being parsed.

    # protect the user in case they run python setup.py not from root directory
    src_path = dirname(abspath(sys.argv[0]))
    old_path = os.getcwd()
    sys.path.insert(0, src_path)

    # create a list of the python extensions
    python_dirs = ["theory/python_bindings", "mocks/python_bindings"]
    extensions = generate_extensions(python_dirs)

    # check requirement for extensions and set the compiler if specified
    # in command-line
    common_dict = requirements_check()

    # Some command options require headers/libs to be generated
    # so that the following dirs_patters supplies them.
    if install_required():
        from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var
        if get_config_var('SHLIB_EXT') != '".so"' and version_info[0] == 2:
            msg = "The extensions all get the `.so` automatically. "\
                  "However, python expects the extension to be `{0}`"\
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # global variable compiler is set if passed in
        # command-line
        extra_string = ''
        if compiler != '':
            extra_string = 'CC={0}'.format(compiler)

        command = "make libs {0}".format(extra_string)

        # not installing. Check if creating source distribution
        # in that case run distclean to delete auto-generated C
        # files
        if 'sdist' in sys.argv:
            command = "make distclean"

    # find all the data-files required.
    # Now the lib + associated header files have been generated
    # and put in lib/ and include/
    # This step must run after ``make install``
    dirs_patterns = {
        'theory/tests/data': ['*.ff', '*.txt', '*.txt.gz', '*.dat'],
        'mocks/tests/data': ['*.ff', '*.txt', '*.txt.gz', '*.dat'],
        'theory/tests': ['Mr19*', 'bins*', 'cmass*'],
        'mocks/tests': ['Mr19*', 'bins*', 'angular_bins*'],
        'include': ['count*.h'],
        'lib': ['libcount*.a']
    data_files = []
    for d in dirs_patterns:
        patterns = dirs_patterns[d]
        f = recursive_glob(d, patterns)

    # change them to be relative to package dir rather than root
    data_files = ["../{0}".format(d) for d in data_files]
    long_description = read_text_file('README.rst')
    min_np_major = int(common_dict['MIN_NUMPY_MAJOR'][0])
    min_np_minor = int(common_dict['MIN_NUMPY_MINOR'][0])

    # All book-keeping is done.
    # base_url = "https://github.com/manodeep/Corrfunc"
    classifiers = [
        'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
        'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
        'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
        'Natural Language :: English', 'Operating System :: POSIX',
        'Programming Language :: C', 'Programming Language :: Python',
        'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
        'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6'
    metadata = dict(
        author='Manodeep Sinha',
        maintainer='Manodeep Sinha',
            base_url, projectname, version),
        description='Blazing fast correlation functions on the CPU',
        # Solaris might work, Windows will almost certainly not work
        platforms=["Linux", "Mac OSX", "Unix"],
            'correlation functions', 'simulations', 'surveys', 'galaxies'
        package_data={'': data_files},
            'setuptools', 'numpy>={0}.{1}'.format(min_np_major, min_np_minor)
            'numpy>={0}.{1}'.format(min_np_major, min_np_minor), 'future',
        python_requires='>=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, <4',
        cmdclass={'build_ext': BuildExtSubclass})

    # Now the actual setup
        del sys.path[0]

コード例 #3
def requirements_check():
    common_mk_file = pjoin(dirname(abspath(__file__)), "common.mk")
    common = read_text_file(common_mk_file)

    common_dict = get_dict_from_buffer(common)
    name = common_dict['DISTNAME'][0]
    major = common_dict['MAJOR'][0]
    minor = common_dict['MINOR'][0]
    patch = common_dict['PATCHLEVEL'][0]
    if name is None or major is None or minor is None or patch is None:
        msg = "ERROR: Did not find at least one of the keys "\
              "(DISTNAME, MAJOR, MINOR, PATCHLEVEL) in 'common.mk'.\n"\
              "Checks can not run - aborting installation. "\
              "projectname = {1} major = {2} minor = {3} patch = {4}\n\n"\
              "You can fix this by re-issuing git clone {0}".\
              format(base_url, projectname, major, minor, patch)
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    if projectname != name:
        msg = 'Mis-match between C project name and python project name'\
              'C claims project = {0} while python has {1}'.\
              format(name, projectname)
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    global version
    version = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(major, minor, patch)
    # Check that version matches
    if Corrfunc.__version__ != version:
        msg = "ERROR: Version mis-match. Python version found = {0} \
        while C version claims {1}".format(Corrfunc.__version__, version)
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    # Okay common.mk has been updated to use current python
    # for building the extensions as required. Now check for
    # min. python version
    min_py_major = int(common_dict['MIN_PYTHON_MAJOR'][0])
    min_py_minor = int(common_dict['MIN_PYTHON_MINOR'][0])

    # Enforce minimum python version
    if version_info[0] < min_py_major or \
       (version_info[0] == min_py_major and version_info[1] < min_py_minor):
        msg = "Sorry. Found python {0}.{1} but minimum required "\
              "python version is {2}.{3}".format(version_info[0],
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    # Since arbitrary python can be used even within the Makefile
    # make sure that the current python executable is the same as the
    # one specified in common.mk. Easiest way is to replace,
    # but no need to do so if creating a source distribution
    if 'sdist' not in sys.argv:
        this_python = sys.executable
        key = "PYTHON"
        replacement = '\n{0}:={1}'.format(key, this_python)
        common = replace_first_key_in_makefile(common, key, replacement,

    # Check if CC is in argv:
    CC = "CC"
    for iarg, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
        if CC not in arg:

        if '=' in arg:
            # user passed `CC=/path/to/compiler`
            # therefore, split on '=' to get the
            # compiler (i.e, 'CC') and the value
            # (i.e, the name/path of compiler)
            key, value = arg.strip().split('=')
            # Space-separated or spaces and an '=' sign
            key = arg.strip()
            if key != CC:
                msg = "Something strange has happened. Expected to find "\
                      "a custom compiler from the command-line but \n"\
                      "found command-line argument '{0}' (that matches "\
                      "pattern ['CC=/path/to/compiler']). Parsing "\
                      "produced CC={1}".format(arg, key)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            check_arg = iarg + 1
            # Is there an "=" sign (i.e., `CC = /path/to/compiler`)
            # or did the user simply pass `CC /path/to/compiler`
            if check_arg >= len(sys.argv):
                msg = "Found compiler key = {} but could not locate "\
                      "compiler value - no further command-line "\
                      "parameters were passed.\nPlease pass the "\
                      "custom compiler name either `CC=compiler`"\
                      "or as `CC=/path/to/compiler`".format(key)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # The user could have specified `CC =compiler` or
            # `CC = compiler`. The following 'if' condition checks
            # for the first case, the 'else' checks for the second
            # case (`CC = compiler`)
            if '=' in sys.argv[check_arg] and \
               sys.argv[check_arg].strip() != '=':
                _, value = sys.argv[check_arg].strip().split('=')
                # Otherwise, there was white-space separated '='
                # we can delete that command-line argument containing
                # just the '=' sign.
                del sys.argv[check_arg]
                # should be parsing the compiler value now
                if check_arg >= len(sys.argv):
                    msg = "Found compiler key = CC but could not locate "\
                          "compiler value (either as `CC=/path/to/CC` "\
                          "or as `CC /path/to/CC`"
                    raise ValueError(msg)

                value = sys.argv[check_arg].strip()

            # this deletes the argument containing the compiler name
            del sys.argv[check_arg]

        if key != CC or value == '':
            msg = "Something strange has happened. Expected to find a "\
                  "custom compiler from the command-line but found \n"\
                  "command-line argument '{0}' (that matches pattern "\
                  "['CC=/path/to/compiler']). Parsing produced CC={1} "\
                  "and $CC={2}".format(arg, key, value)

            raise ValueError(msg)

        # check if value is a valid compiler
        full_compiler = which(value)
        if full_compiler is None:
            msg = "Found compiler = '{0}' on the command-line but '{0}' "\
                  "can not be resolved from the shell.\n"\
                  "Please specify CC=/path/to/compiler in the "\
                  "python -m pip setup.py call.".format(value)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        replacement = '\n{0}:={1}'.format(CC, value)
        replace_first_key_in_makefile(common, CC, replacement, common_mk_file)

        global compiler
        compiler = value

        # Delete the 'CC' key, the compiler name and the '='
        # have already been deleted
        del sys.argv[iarg]

    return common_dict
コード例 #4
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: zxzhai/Corrfunc
def requirements_check():
    common_mk_file = pjoin(dirname(abspath(__file__)), "common.mk")
    common = read_text_file(common_mk_file)
    common_dict = get_dict_from_buffer(common)
    name = common_dict['DISTNAME'][0]
    major = common_dict['MAJOR'][0]
    minor = common_dict['MINOR'][0]
    patch = common_dict['PATCHLEVEL'][0]
    if name is None or major is None or minor is None or patch is None:
        msg = "ERROR: Did not find at least one of the keys "\
              "(DISTNAME, MAJOR, MINOR, PATCHLEVEL) in 'common.mk'.\n"\
              "Checks can not run - aborting installation. "\
              "projectname = {1} major = {2} minor = {3} patch = {4}\n\n"\
              "You can fix this by re-issuing git clone {0}".\
              format(base_url, projectname, major, minor, patch)
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    if projectname != name:
        msg = 'Mis-match between C project name and python project name'\
              'C claims project = {0} while python has {1}'.\
              format(name, projectname)
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    global version
    version = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(major, minor, patch)
    # Check that version matches
    if Corrfunc.__version__ != version:
        msg = "ERROR: Version mis-match. Python version found = {0} \
        while C version claims {1}".format(Corrfunc.__version__, version)
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    # Since arbitrary python can be used even within the Makefile
    # make sure that the current python executable is the same as the
    # one specified in common.mk. Easiest way is to replace
    make_python = common_dict['PYTHON'][0]
    if make_python is None:
        msg = "PYTHON is not defined in 'common.mk'. Please "\
            "edit 'common.mk' and define PYTHON (typically "\
            "just python) "
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    this_python = sys.executable
    python_script = "'from __future__ import print_function; "\
                    "import sys; print(sys.executable)'"
    get_full_python, full_python_errors = run_command(make_python + " -c " +
    if get_full_python is None:
        msg = "Could not determine which python is resolved in the Makefile "\
              "Parsed PYTHON=[${0}] in Makefile which could not be resolved "\
              "through the shell. Please report your python setup and file "\
              "an installation issue at {1}.".format(make_python, base_url)
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    get_full_python = strip_line(get_full_python, os.linesep)
    if get_full_python != this_python:
        msg = "Looks like python specified in Makefile = {0} is different "\
              "from the invoked python instance = {1}.\nReplacing PYTHON "\
              "in 'common.mk' and recompiling *all* files".format(
                  get_full_python, this_python)
        key = "PYTHON"
        replacement = '\n{0}:={1}'.format(key, this_python)
        common = replace_first_key_in_makefile(common, key, replacement,

    # Okay common.mk has now been updated to use current python
    # for building the extensions as required
    min_py_major = int(common_dict['MIN_PYTHON_MAJOR'][0])
    min_py_minor = int(common_dict['MIN_PYTHON_MINOR'][0])

    # Enforce minimum python version
    if version_info[0] < min_py_major or \
       (version_info[0] == min_py_major and version_info[1] < min_py_minor):
        msg = "Sorry. Found python {0}.{1} but minimum required "\
              "python version is {2}.{3}".format(version_info[0],
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    # Check if CC is in argv:
    CC = "CC"
    for iarg, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
        if CC in arg:
            if '=' in arg:
                key, value = arg.strip().split('=')
                # Space-separated or no spaces and equal
                key = arg.strip()
                check_arg = iarg + 1

                if key != CC:
                    msg = "Something strange has happened. Expected to find "\
                          "a custom compiler from the command-line but \n"\
                          "found command-line argument '{0}' (that matches "\
                          "pattern ['CC=/path/to/compiler']). Parsing "\
                          "produced CC={1}".format(arg, key)
                    raise ValueError(msg)

                # Is there an "=" sign or did the user
                # simply pass `CC /path/to/compiler`
                if check_arg < len(sys.argv):
                    if sys.argv[check_arg] == '=':
                        # skip '=' sign
                        del sys.argv[check_arg]

                # should be parsing the compiler value now
                if not check_arg < len(sys.argv):
                    msg = "Found compiler key = CC but could not locate "\
                          "compiler value (either as `CC=/path/to/CC` "\
                          "or as `CC /path/to/CC`"
                    raise ValueError(msg)

                value = sys.argv[check_arg].strip()
                del sys.argv[check_arg]

            if key != CC or value == '':
                msg = "Something strange has happened. Expected to find a "\
                      "custom compiler from the command-line but found \n"\
                      "command-line argument '{0}' (that matches pattern "\
                      "['CC=/path/to/compiler']). Parsing produced CC={1} "\
                      "and $CC={2}".format(arg, key, value)

                raise ValueError(msg)

            # check if value is a valid compiler
            full_compiler = which(value)
            if full_compiler is None:
                msg = "Found compiler = '{0}' on the command-line but '{0}' "\
                      "can not be resolved from the shell.\n"\
                      "Please specify CC=/path/to/compiler in the "\
                      "python setup.py call.".format(value)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            replacement = '\n{0}:={1}'.format(CC, value)
            replace_first_key_in_makefile(common, CC, replacement,
            del sys.argv[iarg]
            global compiler
            compiler = value

    return common_dict