def plotPU(category): MJArray = [ 200., 230., 260.0, 290.0, 320.0, 350.0, 390.0, 430.0, 470.0, 510.0, 550.0, 590.0, 640.0, 690.0, 740.0, 790.0, 840.0, 900.0, 960.0, 1020.0, 1090.0, 1160.0, 1250.0 ] MVArray = [250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 1000] theArray = MJArray if category == 'monoV': theArray = MVArray plotter.ResetWeight() plotter.AddWeight(cuts.cut(category, 'signal') + '* (mcWeight)') plotter.AddWeight(cuts.cut(category, 'signal') + '* (mcWeight * puWeight)') plotter.AddWeight( cuts.cut(category, 'signal') + '* (mcWeight * puWeightOff)') plotter.SetDefaultExpr('met') plotter.MakeCanvas('~/www/plots/160314/' + category, len(theArray) - 1, array('d', theArray), 'MET [GeV]', 'Events/GeV', True) plotter.SetDefaultExpr('npv') plotter.MakeCanvas('~/www/plots/160314/NPV_' + category, 30, 0, 30, 'NPV', 'Events', False)
signal_loc = '/afs/' cChain = TChain('events', 'events_chainc') cChain.Add(signal_loc + 'monojet_VectorMonoW_Mphi-2000_Mchi-50_gSM-1p0_gDM-1p0_13TeV.root') #cChain.Add(signal_loc + 'monojet_AxialMonoW_Mphi-2000_Mchi-50_gSM-1p0_gDM-1p0_13TeV.root') #cChain.Add(signal_loc + 'monojet_VectorMonoZ_Mphi-2000_Mchi-50_gSM-1p0_gDM-1p0_13TeV.root') plotter.AddTree(aFile.Get('events')) plotter.AddTree(cChain) plotter.SetRatioIndex(0) #plotter.SetNormalizedHists(True) plotter.AddWeight('(fatjet1Pt > 0) * mcWeight * 2.450') plotter.AddWeight('(fatjet1Pt > 0) * mcWeight * 2.058') plotter.AddLegendEntry('Axial 2000 #rightarrow 50 80X', 1, 2, 1) plotter.AddLegendEntry('Axial 2000 #rightarrow 50 74X', 2, 2, 2) plotter.SetLegendLocation(plotter.kUpper, plotter.kRight, 0.4, 0.3) plotter.SetDefaultExpr('fatjet1Pt') plotter.MakeCanvas('~/www/plots/160728/compare_releases_pT', 30, 250, 1000, "p_{T} [GeV]", "A.U.") plotter.SetDefaultExpr('fatjet1PrunedM') plotter.MakeCanvas('~/www/plots/160728/compare_releases_masspruned', 20, 0, 200, "m_{pruned} [GeV]", "A.U.") plotter.SetDefaultExpr('fatjet1Mass') plotter.MakeCanvas('~/www/plots/160728/compare_releases_mass', 25, 0, 250,
('cmva_jet1_nhf', 25, 0, 1.0), ('cmva_jet1_chf', 25, 0, 1.0), ('cmva_jet1_efrac', 25, 0, 1.0), ('cmva_jet1_hfrac', 25, 0, 1.0), ('cmva_jet2_nef', 25, 0, 1.0), ('cmva_jet2_cef', 25, 0, 1.0), ('cmva_jet2_nhf', 25, 0, 1.0), ('cmva_jet2_chf', 25, 0, 1.0), ('cmva_jet2_efrac', 25, 0, 1.0), ('cmva_jet2_hfrac', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet_pt', 50, 0, 300), ('jet_eta', 25, -5.0, 5.0), ('n_bcmva_loose', 10, 0, 10), ]: plotter.ResetWeight() plotter.ResetExpr() # for weight in ['/ 35.9', '* pu_2017to2016_v2 / 41.3']: # plotter.AddWeight(Nminus1Cut(thecut, expr[0]) + weight) # plotter.AddWeight(Nminus1Cut(thecut + '* pu_2018to2016_v2 / 12.3', expr[0]).replace('cmva_', '')) plotter.AddWeight(Nminus1Cut(thecut + '/ 35.9', expr[0])) plotter.AddWeight(Nminus1Cut(thecut + '/ 41.3', expr[0])) plotter.AddWeight(Nminus1Cut(thecut + '/ 12.3', expr[0]).replace('cmva_', '')) plotter.AddExpr(expr[0]) plotter.AddExpr(expr[0]) plotter.AddExpr(expr[0].replace('cmva_', '').replace('bloose', 'bcmva_loose')) plotter.MakeCanvas(AddOutDir(expr[0]), expr[1], expr[2], expr[3], expr[0], 'Events/fb') plotter.MakeCanvas(AddOutDir('log_' + expr[0]), expr[1], expr[2], expr[3], expr[0], 'Events/fb', True)
'monojet_VectorMonoW_Mphi-2000_Mchi-50_gSM-1p0_gDM-1p0_13TeV.root') cChain.Add(signal_loc + 'monojet_VectorMonoZ_Mphi-2000_Mchi-50_gSM-1p0_gDM-1p0_13TeV.root') dFile = TFile(directory + 'wscale_TTJets_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8.root') plotter.AddTree(aChain) plotter.AddTree(bChain) plotter.AddTree(cChain) plotter.AddTree(dFile.Get('events')) plotter.SetNormalizedHists(True) plotter.AddExpr('fatjet1Pt') plotter.AddExpr('fatjet1Pt') plotter.AddExpr('fatjet1Pt') plotter.AddExpr('fatjetPt') plotter.AddWeight('mcWeight') plotter.AddWeight('mcWeight') plotter.AddWeight('mcWeight') plotter.AddWeight('(' + cuts.cut('semilep', 'full') + ')*(mcWeight)') plotter.AddLegendEntry('VH Signal', 1, 2, 1) plotter.AddLegendEntry('m_{#phi} = 500 GeV Signal', 2, 2, 2) plotter.AddLegendEntry('m_{#phi} = 2000 GeV Signal', 3, 2, 3) plotter.AddLegendEntry('W in tt', 4, 2, 4) plotter.MakeCanvas('~/www/plots/160707/WPt_comparison', 17, 275, 700, "p_{T} [GeV]", "A.U.")
#!/usr/bin/env python from CrombieTools.PlotTools.PlotHists import plotter from ROOT import TFile theFile = TFile('signalTest.root') plotter.SetDefaultTree(theFile.Get('events')) plotter.SetDefaultExpr('fatjetPrunedML2L3') weight = 'fatjetPt > 250 && n_looselep == 0 && n_loosepho == 0 && n_bjetsLoose == 0 && met > 250' plotter.AddWeight(weight) plotter.AddWeight(weight + ' && fatjetDRWq2 > 0 && fatjetDRWq1 > 0.8') plotter.AddWeight(weight + ' && fatjetDRWq2 > 0.8 && fatjetDRWq1 > 0.8') plotter.AddLegendEntry('All',1) plotter.AddLegendEntry('Part of W',2) plotter.AddLegendEntry('Not Matching W',4) plotter.MakeCanvas("plots/fatjetPrunedMx",25,0,150,"m_{pruned} [GeV]","A.U.")
('jet2_pt', 25, 0, 300), ('jet1_eta', 25, -2.5, 2.5), ('jet2_eta', 25, -2.5, 2.5), ('jet1_nef', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet1_cef', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet1_nhf', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet1_chf', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet1_efrac', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet1_hfrac', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet2_nef', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet2_cef', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet2_nhf', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet2_chf', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet2_efrac', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet2_hfrac', 25, 0, 1.0), ('jet_pt', 50, 0, 300), ('jet_eta', 25, -5.0, 5.0), ('n_bcmva_loose', 10, 0, 10), ]: plotter.ResetWeight() plotter.ResetExpr() plotter.AddWeight(Nminus1Cut(thecut + '/ 41.3', expr[0])) plotter.AddWeight(Nminus1Cut(thecut + '/ 12.3', expr[0])) plotter.AddExpr(expr[0]) plotter.AddExpr(expr[0]) plotter.MakeCanvas(AddOutDir(expr[0]), expr[1], expr[2], expr[3], expr[0], 'Events/fb') plotter.MakeCanvas(AddOutDir('log_' + expr[0]), expr[1], expr[2], expr[3], expr[0], 'Events/fb', True)
#!/usr/bin/env python from CrombieTools.PlotTools.PlotHists import plotter from ROOT import TFile directory = '/Users/dabercro/GradSchool/Summer16/Skim_160622/' theFile = TFile(directory + 'wscale_TTJets_SingleLeptFromT.root') plotter.SetDefaultExpr('topPtReweighting') plotter.SetDefaultTree(theFile.Get('events')) plotter.AddWeight( 'fatjetPt > 250 && thirdFatMass < 50 && n_tightlep == 1 && n_looselep == 1 && n_bjetsLoose > 0 && fatjetDRLooseB > 0.8 && fatjetDRLooseB < 1.2 && fatjetDPhiLep1 > 2.0 && ((n_jetsNotFat == 3 && fatjet2Pt < 0) || (n_jetsNotFat == 2)) && n_tightlep == 1 && n_looselep == 1 && fatjet1DRGenW < 0.2' ) plotter.AddWeight( 'fatjetPt > 250 && thirdFatMass < 50 && n_tightlep == 1 && n_looselep == 1 && n_bjetsLoose > 0 && fatjetDRLooseB > 0.8 && fatjetDRLooseB < 1.2 && fatjetDPhiLep1 > 2.0 && n_tightlep == 1 && n_looselep == 1 && fatjet1DRGenW < 0.2' ) plotter.AddLegendEntry('With n_{jets} cut', 1) plotter.AddLegendEntry('Without that cut', 2) plotter.SetRatioIndex(1) plotter.MakeCanvas("topPtWeight", 50, 0.75, 1.2, "top p_{T} reweighting", "A.U.")