コード例 #1
def generate(bits, randfunc=None, e=65537):
    """allow to generate small keys for test purposes

    if e % 2 == 0 or e < 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "RSA public exponent must be a positive, odd integer larger than 2."

    if randfunc is None:
        randfunc = Random.get_random_bytes

    d = n = Integer(1)
    e = Integer(e)

    while n.size_in_bits() != bits and d < (1 << (bits // 2)):
        # Generate the prime factors of n: p and q.
        # By construciton, their product is always
        # 2^{bits-1} < p*q < 2^bits.
        size_q = bits // 2
        size_p = bits - size_q

        min_p = min_q = (Integer(1) << (2 * size_q - 1)).sqrt()
        if size_q != size_p:
            min_p = (Integer(1) << (2 * size_p - 1)).sqrt()

        def filter_p(candidate):
            return candidate > min_p and (candidate - 1).gcd(e) == 1

        p = generate_probable_prime(exact_bits=size_p,

        min_distance = Integer(1) << (max(bits // 2 - 100, 10))

        def filter_q(candidate):
            return (candidate > min_q and (candidate - 1).gcd(e) == 1
                    and abs(candidate - p) > min_distance)

        q = generate_probable_prime(exact_bits=size_q,

        n = p * q
        lcm = (p - 1).lcm(q - 1)
        d = e.inverse(lcm)

    if p > q:
        p, q = q, p

    u = p.inverse(q)

    return RSA.RsaKey(n=n, e=e, d=d, p=p, q=q, u=u)
コード例 #2
 def _sign(self, M, K):
     if (not hasattr(self, 'x')):
         raise TypeError('Private key not available in this object')
     K = Integer(K)
     if (K.gcd(p1)!=1):
         raise ValueError('Bad K value: GCD(K,p-1)!=1')
     a=pow(self.g, K, self.p)
     t=(Integer(M)-self.x*a) % p1
     while t<0: t=t+p1
     b=(t*K.inverse(p1)) % p1
     return map(int, (a, b))
コード例 #3
ファイル: ECC.py プロジェクト: ssdred1250/iconnex
    def xy(self):
        modulus_bytes = self.size_in_bytes()
        xb = bytearray(modulus_bytes)
        yb = bytearray(modulus_bytes)
        result = _ec_lib.ec_ws_get_xy(c_uint8_ptr(xb),
        if result:
            raise ValueError("Error %d while encoding an EC point" % result)

        return (Integer(bytes_to_long(xb)), Integer(bytes_to_long(yb)))
コード例 #4
def _generate_domain(L, randfunc):
    """Generate a new set of DSA domain parameters"""

    N = {1024: 160, 2048: 224, 3072: 256}.get(L)
    if N is None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid modulus length (%d)" % L)

    outlen = SHA256.digest_size * 8
    n = (L + outlen - 1) // outlen - 1  # ceil(L/outlen) -1
    b_ = L - 1 - (n * outlen)

    # Generate q (A.1.1.2)
    q = Integer(4)
    upper_bit = 1 << (N - 1)
    while test_probable_prime(q, randfunc) != PROBABLY_PRIME:
        seed = randfunc(64)
        U = Integer.from_bytes(SHA256.new(seed).digest()) & (upper_bit - 1)
        q = U | upper_bit | 1

    assert (q.size_in_bits() == N)

    # Generate p (A.1.1.2)
    offset = 1
    upper_bit = 1 << (L - 1)
    while True:
        V = [
            SHA256.new(seed + Integer(offset + j).to_bytes()).digest()
            for j in range(n + 1)
        V = [Integer.from_bytes(v) for v in V]
        W = sum([V[i] * (1 << (i * outlen)) for i in range(n)],
                (V[n] & (1 << b_ - 1)) * (1 << (n * outlen)))

        X = Integer(W + upper_bit)  # 2^{L-1} < X < 2^{L}
        assert (X.size_in_bits() == L)

        c = X % (q * 2)
        p = X - (c - 1)  # 2q divides (p-1)
        if p.size_in_bits() == L and \
           test_probable_prime(p, randfunc) == PROBABLY_PRIME:
        offset += n + 1

    # Generate g (A.2.3, index=1)
    e = (p - 1) // q
    for count in itertools.count(1):
        U = seed + b("ggen") + bchr(1) + Integer(count).to_bytes()
        W = Integer.from_bytes(SHA256.new(U).digest())
        g = pow(W, e, p)
        if g != 1:

    return (p, q, g, seed)
コード例 #5
ファイル: ECC.py プロジェクト: bondsboys/final-project
def construct(**kwargs):
    """Build a new ECC key (private or public) starting
    from some base components.


      curve (string):
        Mandatory. It must be "P-256", "prime256v1" or "secp256r1".

      d (integer):
        Only for a private key. It must be in the range ``[1..order-1]``.

      point_x (integer):
        Mandatory for a public key. X coordinate (affine) of the ECC point.

      point_y (integer):
        Mandatory for a public key. Y coordinate (affine) of the ECC point.

      :class:`EccKey` : a new ECC key object

    point_x = kwargs.pop("point_x", None)
    point_y = kwargs.pop("point_y", None)

    if "point" in kwargs:
        raise TypeError("Unknown keyword: point")

    if None not in (point_x, point_y):
        kwargs["point"] = EccPoint(point_x, point_y)

        # Validate that the point is on the P-256 curve
        eq1 = pow(Integer(point_y), 2, _curve.p)
        x = Integer(point_x)
        eq2 = pow(x, 3, _curve.p)
        x *= -3
        eq2 += x
        eq2 += _curve.b
        eq2 %= _curve.p

        if eq1 != eq2:
            raise ValueError("The point is not on the curve")

    # Validate that the private key matches the public one
    d = kwargs.get("d", None)
    if d is not None and "point" in kwargs:
        pub_key = _curve.G * d
        if pub_key.x != point_x or pub_key.y != point_y:
            raise ValueError("Private and public ECC keys do not match")

    return EccKey(**kwargs)
コード例 #6
    def verify(self, msg_hash, signature):
        """Check if a certain (EC)DSA signature is authentic.

        :parameter msg_hash:
            The hash that was carried out over the message.
            This is an object belonging to the :mod:`Crypto.Hash` module.

            Under mode *'fips-186-3'*, the hash must be a FIPS
            approved secure hash (SHA-1 or a member of the SHA-2 family),
            of cryptographic strength appropriate for the DSA key.
            For instance, a 3072/256 DSA key can only be used in
            combination with SHA-512.
        :type msg_hash: hash object

        :parameter signature:
            The signature that needs to be validated
        :type signature: byte string

        :raise ValueError: if the signature is not authentic

        if not self._valid_hash(msg_hash):
            raise ValueError("Hash is not sufficiently strong")

        if self._encoding == 'binary':
            if len(signature) != (2 * self._order_bytes):
                raise ValueError("The signature is not authentic (length)")
            r_prime, s_prime = [
                Integer.from_bytes(x) for x in (signature[:self._order_bytes],
                der_seq = DerSequence().decode(signature, strict=True)
            except (ValueError, IndexError):
                raise ValueError("The signature is not authentic (DER)")
            if len(der_seq) != 2 or not der_seq.hasOnlyInts():
                raise ValueError(
                    "The signature is not authentic (DER content)")
            r_prime, s_prime = Integer(der_seq[0]), Integer(der_seq[1])

        if not (0 < r_prime < self._order) or not (0 < s_prime < self._order):
            raise ValueError("The signature is not authentic (d)")

        z = Integer.from_bytes(msg_hash.digest()[:self._order_bytes])
        result = self._key._verify(z, (r_prime, s_prime))
        if not result:
            raise ValueError("The signature is not authentic")
        # Make PyCrypto code to fail
        return False
コード例 #7
    def test_scalar_multiply(self):
        d = 0xa78ccc30eaca0fcc8e36b2dd6fbb03df06d37f52711e6363aaf1d73b
        pointRx = 0x96a7625e92a8d72bff1113abdb95777e736a14c6fdaacc392702bca4
        pointRy = 0x0f8e5702942a3c5e13cd2fd5801915258b43dfadc70d15dbada3ed10

        pointR = self.pointS * d
        self.assertEqual(pointR.x, pointRx)
        self.assertEqual(pointR.y, pointRy)

        # 0*S
        pai = self.pointS.point_at_infinity()
        pointR = self.pointS * 0
        self.assertEqual(pointR, pai)

        # -1*S
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: self.pointS * -1)

        # Reverse order
        pointR = d * self.pointS
        self.assertEqual(pointR.x, pointRx)
        self.assertEqual(pointR.y, pointRy)

        pointR = Integer(d) * self.pointS
        self.assertEqual(pointR.x, pointRx)
        self.assertEqual(pointR.y, pointRy)
コード例 #8
ファイル: 5.6.test.py プロジェクト: Qwaz/cryptomato
def find_generator(p):
    # Just finds a group generator; not part of the challenge
    # From https://github.com/Legrandin/pycryptodome/blob/6fb4ca4c73d7e80f336c183dd8ed906d3c4320a2/lib/Crypto/PublicKey/ElGamal.py#L60
    p = Integer(p)
    while 1:
        # Choose a square residue; it will generate a cyclic group of order q.
        g = pow(Integer.random_range(min_inclusive=2, max_exclusive=p), 2, p)

        # We must avoid g=2 because of Bleichenbacher's attack described
        # in "Generating ElGamal signatures without knowning the secret key",
        # 1996
        if g in (1, 2):

        # Discard g if it divides p-1 because of the attack described
        # in Note 11.67 (iii) in HAC
        if (p - 1) % g == 0:

        # g^{-1} must not divide p-1 because of Khadir's attack
        # described in "Conditions of the generator for forging ElGamal
        # signature", 2011
        ginv = g.inverse(p)
        if (p - 1) % ginv == 0:

        # Found
    return int(g)
コード例 #9
    def test_scalar_multiply(self):
        d = 0xa78a236d60baec0c5dd41b33a542463a8255391af64c74ee
        pointRx = 0x1faee4205a4f669d2d0a8f25e3bcec9a62a6952965bf6d31
        pointRy = 0x5ff2cdfa508a2581892367087c696f179e7a4d7e8260fb06

        pointR = self.pointS * d
        self.assertEqual(pointR.x, pointRx)
        self.assertEqual(pointR.y, pointRy)

        # 0*S
        pai = self.pointS.point_at_infinity()
        pointR = self.pointS * 0
        self.assertEqual(pointR, pai)

        # -1*S
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: self.pointS * -1)

        # Reverse order
        pointR = d * self.pointS
        self.assertEqual(pointR.x, pointRx)
        self.assertEqual(pointR.y, pointRy)

        pointR = Integer(d) * self.pointS
        self.assertEqual(pointR.x, pointRx)
        self.assertEqual(pointR.y, pointRy)
コード例 #10
    def test_scalar_multiply(self):
        d = 0xc51e4753afdec1e6b6c6a5b992f43f8dd0c7a8933072708b6522468b2ffb06fd
        pointRx = 0x51d08d5f2d4278882946d88d83c97d11e62becc3cfc18bedacc89ba34eeca03f
        pointRy = 0x75ee68eb8bf626aa5b673ab51f6e744e06f8fcf8a6c0cf3035beca956a7b41d5

        pointR = self.pointS * d
        self.assertEqual(pointR.x, pointRx)
        self.assertEqual(pointR.y, pointRy)

        # 0*S
        pai = self.pointS.point_at_infinity()
        pointR = self.pointS * 0
        self.assertEqual(pointR, pai)

        # -1*S
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: self.pointS * -1)

        # Reverse order
        pointR = d * self.pointS
        self.assertEqual(pointR.x, pointRx)
        self.assertEqual(pointR.y, pointRy)

        pointR = Integer(d) * self.pointS
        self.assertEqual(pointR.x, pointRx)
        self.assertEqual(pointR.y, pointRy)
コード例 #11
def _importKeyDER(extern_key, passphrase, verify_x509_cert):
    """Import an RSA key (public or private half), encoded in DER form."""


        der = DerSequence().decode(extern_key)

        # Try PKCS#1 first, for a private key
        if len(der) == 9 and der.hasOnlyInts() and der[0] == 0:
            # ASN.1 RSAPrivateKey element
            del der[6:]     # Remove d mod (p-1),
                            # d mod (q-1), and
                            # q^{-1} mod p
            der.append(Integer(der[4]).inverse(der[5]))  # Add p^{-1} mod q
            del der[0]      # Remove version
            return construct(der[:])

        # Keep on trying PKCS#1, but now for a public key
        if len(der) == 2:
                # The DER object is an RSAPublicKey SEQUENCE with
                # two elements
                if der.hasOnlyInts():
                    return construct(der[:])
                # The DER object is a SubjectPublicKeyInfo SEQUENCE
                # with two elements: an 'algorithmIdentifier' and a
                # 'subjectPublicKey'BIT STRING.
                # 'algorithmIdentifier' takes the value given at the
                # module level.
                # 'subjectPublicKey' encapsulates the actual ASN.1
                # RSAPublicKey element.
                if der[0] == algorithmIdentifier:
                    bitmap = DerBitString().decode(der[1])
                    rsaPub = DerSequence().decode(bitmap.value)
                    if len(rsaPub) == 2 and rsaPub.hasOnlyInts():
                        return construct(rsaPub[:])
            except (ValueError, EOFError):

        # Try to see if this is an X.509 DER certificate
        # (Certificate ASN.1 type)
        if len(der) == 3:
            from Crypto.PublicKey import _extract_sp_info
                sp_info = _extract_sp_info(der)
                if verify_x509_cert:
                    raise NotImplementedError("X.509 certificate validation is not supported")
                return _importKeyDER(sp_info, passphrase, False)
            except ValueError:

        # Try PKCS#8 (possibly encrypted)
        k = PKCS8.unwrap(extern_key, passphrase)
        if k[0] == oid:
            return _importKeyDER(k[1], passphrase, False)

    except (ValueError, EOFError):

    raise ValueError("RSA key format is not supported")
コード例 #12
    def _decrypt(self, ciphertext):
        if not 0 < ciphertext < self._n:
            raise ValueError("Ciphertext too large")
        if not self.has_private():
            raise TypeError("This is not a private key")

        # Blinded RSA decryption (to prevent timing attacks):
        # Step 1: Generate random secret blinding factor r,
        # such that 0 < r < n-1
        r = Integer.random_range(min_inclusive=1, max_exclusive=self._n)
        # Step 2: Compute c' = c * r**e mod n
        cp = Integer(ciphertext) * pow(r, self._e, self._n) % self._n
        # Step 3: Compute m' = c'**d mod n       (ordinary RSA decryption)
        m1 = pow(cp, self._d % (self._p - 1), self._p)
        m2 = pow(cp, self._d % (self._q - 1), self._q)
        h = m2 - m1
        while h < 0:
            h += self._q
        h = (h * self._u) % self._q
        mp = h * self._p + m1
        # Step 4: Compute m = m**(r-1) mod n
        result = (r.inverse(self._n) * mp) % self._n
        # Verify no faults occured
        if ciphertext != pow(result, self._e, self._n):
            raise ValueError("Fault detected in RSA decryption")
        return result
コード例 #13
def derive_pwe_ecc(password, addr1, addr2, curve_name="p256"):
    curve = ECC._curves[curve_name]
    bits = curve.modulus_bits
    assert bits % 8 == 0

    addr1 = binascii.unhexlify(addr1.replace(':', ''))
    addr2 = binascii.unhexlify(addr2.replace(':', ''))
    hash_pw = addr1 + addr2 if addr1 > addr2 else addr2 + addr1

    for counter in range(1, 100):
        hash_data = str2bytes(password) + struct.pack("<B", counter)
        pwd_seed = HMAC256(hash_pw, hash_data)
        log(DEBUG, "PWD-seed: %s" % pwd_seed)
        pwd_value = KDF_Length(pwd_seed, "SAE Hunting and Pecking",
                               curve.p.to_bytes(bits // 8), bits)
        log(DEBUG, "PWD-value: %s" % pwd_value)
        pwd_value = int(binascii.hexlify(pwd_value), 16)

        if pwd_value >= curve.p:
        x = Integer(pwd_value)

        y_sqr = (x**3 - x * 3 + curve.b) % curve.p
        if legendre_symbol(y_sqr, curve.p) != 1:

        y = y_sqr.sqrt(curve.p)
        y_bit = getord(pwd_seed[-1]) & 1
        if y & 1 == y_bit:
            return ECC.EccPoint(x, y, curve_name)
            return ECC.EccPoint(x, curve.p - y, curve_name)
コード例 #14
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Create a new ECC key

          curve : string
            It must be *"p256"*, *"P-256"*, *"prime256v1"* or *"secp256r1"*.
          d : integer
            Only for a private key. It must be in the range ``[1..order-1]``.
          point : EccPoint
            Mandatory for a public key. If provided for a private key,
            the implementation will NOT check whether it matches ``d``.

        kwargs_ = dict(kwargs)
        curve_name = kwargs_.pop("curve", None)
        self._d = kwargs_.pop("d", None)
        self._point = kwargs_.pop("point", None)
        if kwargs_:
            raise TypeError("Unknown parameters: " + str(kwargs_))

        if curve_name not in _curves:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported curve (%s)", curve_name)
        self._curve = _curves[curve_name]

        if self._d is None:
            if self._point is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Either private or public ECC component must be specified, not both"
            self._d = Integer(self._d)
            if not 1 <= self._d < self._curve.order:
                raise ValueError("Invalid ECC private component")

        self.curve = self._curve.desc
コード例 #15
    def _decrypt(self, ciphertext):
        if not 0 < ciphertext < self.n:
            raise ValueError("Ciphertext too large")
        if not self.has_private():
            raise TypeError("This is not a private key")

        e, d, n, p, q, u = [
            self._key[comp] for comp in 'e', 'd', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'u'

        # Blinded RSA decryption (to prevent timing attacks):
        # Step 1: Generate random secret blinding factor r, such that 0 < r < n-1
        r = Integer.random_range(min_inclusive=1, max_exclusive=n)
        # Step 2: Compute c' = c * r**e mod n
        cp = Integer(ciphertext) * pow(r, e, n) % n
        # Step 3: Compute m' = c'**d mod n       (ordinary RSA decryption)
        m1 = pow(cp, d % (p - 1), p)
        m2 = pow(cp, d % (q - 1), q)
        h = m2 - m1
        while h < 0:
            h += q
        h = (h * u) % q
        mp = h * p + m1
        # Step 4: Compute m = m**(r-1) mod n
        result = (r.inverse(n) * mp) % n
        # Verify no faults occured
        if ciphertext != pow(result, e, n):
            raise ValueError("Fault detected in RSA decryption")
        return result
コード例 #16
ファイル: DSS.py プロジェクト: Legrandin/pycryptodome
    def verify(self, msg_hash, signature):
        """Check if a certain (EC)DSA signature is authentic.

          msg_hash (hash object):
            The hash that was carried out over the message.
            This is an object belonging to the :mod:`Crypto.Hash` module.
            Under mode ``'fips-186-3'``, the hash must be a FIPS
            approved secure hash (SHA-2 or SHA-3).

          signature (``bytes``):
            The signature that needs to be validated.

        :raise ValueError: if the signature is not authentic

        if not self._valid_hash(msg_hash):
            raise ValueError("Hash is not sufficiently strong")

        if self._encoding == 'binary':
            if len(signature) != (2 * self._order_bytes):
                raise ValueError("The signature is not authentic (length)")
            r_prime, s_prime = [
                Integer.from_bytes(x) for x in (signature[:self._order_bytes],
                der_seq = DerSequence().decode(signature, strict=True)
            except (ValueError, IndexError):
                raise ValueError("The signature is not authentic (DER)")
            if len(der_seq) != 2 or not der_seq.hasOnlyInts():
                raise ValueError(
                    "The signature is not authentic (DER content)")
            r_prime, s_prime = Integer(der_seq[0]), Integer(der_seq[1])

        if not (0 < r_prime < self._order) or not (0 < s_prime < self._order):
            raise ValueError("The signature is not authentic (d)")

        z = Integer.from_bytes(msg_hash.digest()[:self._order_bytes])
        result = self._key._verify(z, (r_prime, s_prime))
        if not result:
            raise ValueError("The signature is not authentic")
        # Make PyCrypto code to fail
        return False
コード例 #17
ファイル: DSS.py プロジェクト: GituMbugua/county-government
    def __init__(self, key, encoding, order, randfunc):
        super(FipsDsaSigScheme, self).__init__(key, encoding, order)
        self._randfunc = randfunc

        L = Integer(key.p).size_in_bits()
        if (L, self._order_bits) not in self._fips_186_3_L_N:
            error = ("L/N (%d, %d) is not compliant to FIPS 186-3" %
                     (L, self._order_bits))
            raise ValueError(error)
コード例 #18
ファイル: mega.py プロジェクト: MasterScott/neiflix
def rsa_mega_decrypt(self, ciphertext):
    from Crypto.Math.Numbers import Integer

    if not 0 < ciphertext < self._n:
        raise ValueError("Ciphertext too large")
    if not self.has_private():
        raise TypeError("This is not a private key")

    return pow(Integer(ciphertext), self._d, self._n)
コード例 #19
ファイル: 6.2.answer.py プロジェクト: Qwaz/cryptomato
def A(params):
    p, q, s, r = params['p'], params['q'], params['s'], params['r']
    y, h, g, m = params['y'], params['h'], params['g'], params['m']

    h = int(h, 16)

    for k in range(1, 2**16):
        if pow(g, k, p) % q == r:
            recovered_k = k

    k = Integer(recovered_k)
    # s <- k^-1(h + xr) mod q
    # Then x = r^-1(ks - h)
    x = Integer(Integer(s) * k % q - h) * Integer(r).inverse(q) % q
    assert s == k.inverse(q) * (Integer(h) + x * r) % q

    return (x + ((p - 1) // 2) * 0) % p, k
コード例 #20
ファイル: ECC.py プロジェクト: gbhuvneshwar/pycryptodome
    def xy(self):
        xb = bytearray(32)
        yb = bytearray(32)
        result = _ec_lib.ec_ws_get_xy(c_uint8_ptr(xb), c_uint8_ptr(yb),
                                      c_size_t(len(xb)), self._point.get())
        if result:
            raise ValueError("Error %d while encoding an EC point" % result)

        return [Integer(bytes_to_long(c)) for c in (xb, yb)]
コード例 #21
 def _verify(self, m, sig):
     r, s = sig
     y, q, p, g = [self._key[comp] for comp in ['y', 'q', 'p', 'g']]
     if not (0 < r < q) or not (0 < s < q):
         return False
     w = Integer(s).inverse(q)
     u1 = (w * m) % q
     u2 = (w * r) % q
     v = (pow(g, u1, p) * pow(y, u2, p) % p) % q
     return v == r
コード例 #22
 def _verify(self, M, sig):
     sig = [Integer(x) for x in sig]
     if sig[0] < 1 or sig[0] > self.p - 1:
         return 0
     v1 = pow(self.y, sig[0], self.p)
     v1 = (v1 * pow(sig[0], sig[1], self.p)) % self.p
     v2 = pow(self.g, M, self.p)
     if v1 == v2:
         return 1
     return 0
コード例 #23
def test_probable_prime(candidate, randfunc=None):
    """Test if a number is prime.

    A number is qualified as prime if it passes a certain
    number of Miller-Rabin tests (dependent on the size
    of the number, but such that probability of a false
    positive is less than 10^-30) and a single Lucas test.

    For instance, a 1024-bit candidate will need to pass
    4 Miller-Rabin tests.

      candidate : integer
        The number to test for primality.
      randfunc : callable
        The routine to draw random bytes from to select Miller-Rabin bases.
      ``PROBABLE_PRIME`` if the number if prime with very high probability.
      ``COMPOSITE`` if the number is a composite.
      For efficiency reasons, ``COMPOSITE`` is also returned for small primes.

    if randfunc is None:
        randfunc = Random.new().read

    if not isinstance(candidate, Integer):
        candidate = Integer(candidate)

    # First, check trial division by the smallest primes
    if int(candidate) in _sieve_base:
        return PROBABLY_PRIME
        list(map(candidate.fail_if_divisible_by, _sieve_base))
    except ValueError:
        return COMPOSITE

    # These are the number of Miller-Rabin iterations s.t. p(k, t) < 1E-30,
    # with p(k, t) being the probability that a randomly chosen k-bit number
    # is composite but still survives t MR iterations.
    mr_ranges = ((220, 30), (280, 20), (390, 15), (512, 10),
                 (620, 7), (740, 6), (890, 5), (1200, 4),
                 (1700, 3), (3700, 2))

    bit_size = candidate.size_in_bits()
        mr_iterations = list([x for x in mr_ranges if bit_size < x[0]])[0][1]
    except IndexError:
        mr_iterations = 1

    if miller_rabin_test(candidate, mr_iterations,
                         randfunc=randfunc) == COMPOSITE:
        return COMPOSITE
    if lucas_test(candidate) == COMPOSITE:
        return COMPOSITE
コード例 #24
    def _get_weak_domain(self):

        from Crypto.Math.Numbers import Integer
        from Crypto.Math import Primality

        p = Integer(4)
        while p.size_in_bits() != 1024 or Primality.test_probable_prime(p) != Primality.PROBABLY_PRIME:
            q1 = Integer.random(exact_bits=80)
            q2 = Integer.random(exact_bits=80)
            q = q1 * q2
            z = Integer.random(exact_bits=1024-160)
            p = z * q + 1

        h = Integer(2)
        g = 1
        while g == 1:
            g = pow(h, z, p)
            h += 1

        return (p, q, g)
コード例 #25
def gen_dsa_from_q(bits, q):
    q = Integer(q)

    # Generate p (A.1.1.2)
    L = bits
    outlen = SHA256.digest_size * 8
    n = (L + outlen - 1) // outlen - 1
    b = L - 1 - (n * outlen)

    seed = b'Crypto'

    offset = 1
    upper_bit = 1 << (L - 1)
    while True:
        V = [
            SHA256.new(seed + Integer(offset + j).to_bytes()).digest()
            for j in range(n + 1)
        V = [Integer.from_bytes(v) for v in V]
        W = sum([V[i] * (1 << (i * outlen)) for i in range(n)],
                (V[n] & ((1 << b) - 1)) * (1 << (n * outlen)))

        X = Integer(W + upper_bit)  # 2^{L-1} < X < 2^{L}
        assert (X.size_in_bits() == L)

        c = X % (q * 2)
        p = X - (c - 1)  # 2q divides (p-1)
        if p.size_in_bits() == L and isPrime(int(p)):
        offset += n + 1

    # Generate g (A.2.3, index=1)
    e = (p - 1) // q
    for count in itertools.count(1):
        U = seed + b"ggen" + bytes([1]) + Integer(count).to_bytes()
        W = Integer.from_bytes(SHA256.new(U).digest())
        g = pow(W, e, p)
        if g != 1:

    return int(p), int(g)
コード例 #26
ファイル: rsa_encrypt.py プロジェクト: fzft/crawler
def rsa_hex(data,key,a):
        from Crypto.Math.Numbers import Integer
        # key1=base64.b64decode(key)
        modulus = int('a5aeb8c636ef1fda5a7a17a2819e51e1ea6e0cceb24b95574ae026536243524f322807df2531a42139389674545f4c596db162f6e6bbb26498baab074c036777', 16)
        exponent = int('10001', 16)
        # rsa_pubkey = rsa.PublicKey(modulus, exponent)
        # rsaKey = RSA.importKey(key1)
        rsaKey = RSA.construct([Integer(modulus),Integer(exponent)])
        # rsaKey.e = exponent
        # rsaKey.n = modulus
        cipher = no5_Cipher(rsaKey,a)
        cipher_text = bytes(data, encoding='utf-8')
        cipher_text_rsa = cipher.encrypt(cipher_text)
        if k == "088c7040cb4833238dc99e0c4650e446135484380951f4b4f31a5f9d93f1d330d9f6e3efdb02cbfdc10c0ae19c6706aed1b883522f183fc58830e8b77879417f":
            print ('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')
        return cipher_text_rsa.hex()
    except Exception as e:
コード例 #27
def paramGen_old():
    with open('/dev/urandom', 'rb') as f:
        salt = f.read(12)

    with open('./salt.bin', 'wb') as f:

    # Invalid DSA with gen_smooth_prime(128, 8)
    q = Integer(gen_smooth(128, 8))
    p, g = map(Integer, gen_dsa_from_q(768, q))

    c = Integer.random(exact_bits=q.size_in_bits() + 64)
    x = c % (q - 1) + 1
    y = pow(g, x, p)

    key_dict = {'y': y, 'g': g, 'p': p, 'q': q, 'x': x}
    dsa = myDSA(key_dict, salt)

    with open('./vuln_pub.pem', 'w') as f:

    with open('./vuln_priv.pem', 'w') as f:

    # Valid DSA
    q = Integer(getPrime(128))
    p, g = map(Integer, gen_dsa_from_q(768, q))

    c = Integer.random(exact_bits=q.size_in_bits() + 64)
    x = c % (q - 1) + 1
    y = pow(g, x, p)

    key_dict = {'y': y, 'g': g, 'p': p, 'q': q, 'x': x}
    dsa = myDSA(key_dict, salt)

    with open('./pub.pem', 'w') as f:

    with open('./priv.pem', 'w') as f:
コード例 #28
ファイル: DSA.py プロジェクト: rrosajp/pycryptodome
 def __repr__(self):
     attrs = []
     for k in self._keydata:
         if k == 'p':
             bits = Integer(self.p).size_in_bits()
             attrs.append("p(%d)" % (bits, ))
         elif hasattr(self, k):
     if self.has_private():
     # PY3K: This is meant to be text, do not change to bytes (data)
     return "<%s @0x%x %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self),
コード例 #29
ファイル: ElGamal.py プロジェクト: vietkhoi1221/auto-station
def construct(tup):
    r"""Construct an ElGamal key from a tuple of valid ElGamal components.

    The modulus *p* must be a prime.
    The following conditions must apply:

    .. math::

        &1 < g < p-1 \\
        &g^{p-1} = 1 \text{ mod } 1 \\
        &1 < x < p-1 \\
        &g^x = y \text{ mod } p

      tup (tuple):
        A tuple with either 3 or 4 integers,
        in the following order:

        1. Modulus (*p*).
        2. Generator (*g*).
        3. Public key (*y*).
        4. Private key (*x*). Optional.

        ValueError: when the key being imported fails the most basic ElGamal validity checks.

        an :class:`ElGamalKey` object

    obj = ElGamalKey()
    if len(tup) not in [3, 4]:
        raise ValueError('argument for construct() wrong length')
    for i in range(len(tup)):
        field = obj._keydata[i]
        setattr(obj, field, Integer(tup[i]))

    fmt_error = test_probable_prime(obj.p) == COMPOSITE
    fmt_error |= obj.g <= 1 or obj.g >= obj.p
    fmt_error |= pow(obj.g, obj.p - 1, obj.p) != 1
    fmt_error |= obj.y < 1 or obj.y >= obj.p
    if len(tup) == 4:
        fmt_error |= obj.x <= 1 or obj.x >= obj.p
        fmt_error |= pow(obj.g, obj.x, obj.p) != obj.y

    if fmt_error:
        raise ValueError("Invalid ElGamal key components")

    return obj
コード例 #30
ファイル: ECC.py プロジェクト: bondsboys/final-project
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self._x = Integer(x)
        self._y = Integer(y)

        # Buffers
        self._common = Integer(0)
        self._tmp1 = Integer(0)
        self._x3 = Integer(0)
        self._y3 = Integer(0)