def update_das_query(dasquery, status, reason=None): "Update DAS query record with given status and reason" self.rawcache.update_query_record(dasquery, status, reason=reason) self.rawcache.add_to_record(dasquery, {"das.timer": get_das_timer()}, system="das") # make sure that das record is updated, we use 7 iteration which # sum up into 1 minute to cover default syncdelay value of mongo # server (in a future it would be better to find programatically # this syncdelay value, but it seems pymongo driver does not # provide any API for it. for idx in range(0, 7): spec = {"qhash": dasquery.qhash, "das.system": ["das"]} res = self.rawcache.col.find_one(spec) if res: dbstatus = res.get("das", {}).get("status", None) if dbstatus == status: break msg = "qhash %s, das.status=%s, status=%s, wait for update" % (dasquery.qhash, dbstatus, status) print(dastimestamp("DAS WARNING"), msg) self.rawcache.update_query_record(dasquery, status, reason=reason) time.sleep(idx * idx)
def main(): "Main function" optmgr = DASOptionParser() opts, _ = optmgr.getOpt() t0 = time.time() query = opts.query if 'instance' not in query: query += ' instance=cms_dbs_prod_global' debug = opts.verbose dascore = DASCore(debug=debug, nores=opts.noresults) if opts.hash: dasquery = DASQuery(query) mongo_query = dasquery.mongo_query service_map = dasquery.service_apis_map() str_query = dasquery.storage_query print "---------------" print "DAS-QL query :", query print "DAS query :", dasquery print "Mongo query :", mongo_query print "Storage query :", str_query print "Services :\n" for srv, val in service_map.items(): print "%s : %s\n" % (srv, ', '.join(val)) sys.exit(0) sdict = dascore.keys() if msg = "DAS services:" print msg print "-"*len(msg) keys = sdict.keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: print key elif opts.service: msg = "DAS service %s:" % opts.service print msg print "-"*len(msg) keys = sdict[opts.service] keys.sort() for key in keys: print key elif query: idx = opts.idx limit = opts.limit output = opts.nooutput plain = opts.plain if opts.profile: import cProfile # python profiler import pstats # profiler statistics cmd = 'run(dascore,query,idx,limit,output,plain)' cProfile.runctx(cmd, globals(), locals(), 'profile.dat') info = pstats.Stats('profile.dat') info.sort_stats('cumulative') info.print_stats() else: run(dascore, query, idx, limit, output, plain) elif opts.dasconfig: print pformat(dascore.dasconfig) else: print print "DAS CLI interface, no actions found," print "please use --help for more options." timestamp = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime()) timer = get_das_timer() print "\nDAS execution time:\n" if debug: timelist = [] for _, timerdict in timer.items(): counter = timerdict['counter'] tag = timerdict['tag'] exetime = timerdict['time'] timelist.append((counter, tag, exetime)) timelist.sort() for _, tag, exetime in timelist: print "%s %s sec" % (tag, round(exetime, 2)) print "Total %s sec, %s" % (round(time.time()-t0, 2), timestamp)
def update_das_query(dasquery, status, reason=None): "Update DAS query record with given status and reason" self.rawcache.update_query_record(dasquery, status, reason=reason) self.rawcache.add_to_record(\ dasquery, {'das.timer': get_das_timer()}, system='das')
def main(): "Main function" optmgr = DASOptionParser() opts = optmgr.parser.parse_args() t0 = time.time() query = opts.query if 'instance' not in query: query = ' instance=prod/global ' + query debug = opts.verbose dascore = DASCore(debug=debug, nores=opts.noresults) if opts.hash: dasquery = DASQuery(query) mongo_query = dasquery.mongo_query service_map = dasquery.service_apis_map() str_query = dasquery.storage_query print("---------------") print("DAS-QL query :", query) print("DAS query :", dasquery) print("Mongo query :", mongo_query) print("Storage query :", str_query) print("Services :\n") for srv, val in service_map.items(): print("%s : %s\n" % (srv, ', '.join(val))) sys.exit(0) sdict = dascore.keys() if msg = "DAS services:" print(msg) print("-"*len(msg)) keys = list(sdict.keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys: print(key) elif opts.service: msg = "DAS service %s:" % opts.service print(msg) print("-"*len(msg)) keys = sdict[opts.service] keys.sort() for key in keys: print(key) elif opts.jsfile: kws_js(dascore, query, opts.idx, opts.limit, opts.jsfile, debug) sys.exit(0) elif opts.kfile: keylearning_js(dascore, query, opts.kfile, debug) sys.exit(0) elif query: idx = opts.idx limit = opts.limit output = opts.nooutput plain = opts.plain qcache = opts.qcache if opts.profile: import cProfile # python profiler import pstats # profiler statistics cmd = 'run(dascore,query,idx,limit,output,plain)' cProfile.runctx(cmd, globals(), locals(), 'profile.dat') info = pstats.Stats('profile.dat') info.sort_stats('cumulative') info.print_stats() else: run(dascore, query, idx, limit, output, plain) elif opts.dasconfig: print(pformat(dascore.dasconfig)) else: print() print("DAS CLI interface, no actions found,") print("please use --help for more options.") timestamp = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime()) timer = get_das_timer() print("\nDAS execution time:\n") if debug: timelist = [] for _, timerdict in timer.items(): counter = timerdict['counter'] tag = timerdict['tag'] exetime = timerdict['time'] timelist.append((counter, tag, exetime)) timelist.sort() for _, tag, exetime in timelist: print("%s %s sec" % (tag, round(exetime, 2))) print("Total %s sec, %s" % (round(time.time()-t0, 2), timestamp))
def call(self, query, add_to_analytics=True, **kwds): """ Top level DAS api which execute a given query using underlying data-services. It follows the following steps: - parse input query - identify data-sercices based on selection keys and where clause conditions - construct DAS workflow and execute data-service API calls. At this step individual data-services store results into DAS cache. Return status 0/1 depending on success of the calls, can be used by workers on cache server. kwds is provided for compatibility with web layer, e.g. it may invoke this method with additional pid parameter. """'input query=%s' % query) das_timer('DASCore::call', self.verbose) services = [] if isinstance(query, object) and hasattr(query, '__class__')\ and query.__class__.__name__ == 'DASQuery': dasquery = query else: dasquery = DASQuery(query, mongoparser=self.mongoparser) if add_to_analytics: dasquery.add_to_analytics() query = dasquery.mongo_query if dasquery.mongo_query.has_key('system'): system = query['system'] if isinstance(system, str) or isinstance(system, unicode): services = [system] elif isinstance(system, list): services = system else: msg = 'Unsupported system=%s type=%s in DAS query' \ % (system, type(system)) raise Exception(msg) spec = query.get('spec') fields = query.get('fields') if fields == ['records']: msg = 'look-up all records in cache' return 'in cache' if spec == dict(records='*'):"look-up everything in cache") return 'in cache' for record in self.rawcache.find_specs(dasquery): status = record['das']['status'] msg = 'found query %s in cache, status=%s\n' \ % (record['query'], status) return status similar_dasquery = self.rawcache.similar_queries(dasquery) if similar_dasquery: for record in self.rawcache.find_specs(similar_dasquery): if record: try: status = record['das']['status'] except: status = 'N/A' msg = 'Fail to look-up das.status, record=%s' % record msg = 'found SIMILAR query in cache,' msg += 'query=%s, status=%s\n' % (record['query'], status) return status params = dasquery.params() if not services: services = params['services']'services = %s' % services) das_timer('das_record', self.verbose) # initial expire tstamp 1 day (long enough to be overwriten by data-srv) expire = expire_timestamp(time.time()+1*24*60*60) header = dasheader("das", dasquery, expire) header['lookup_keys'] = [] self.rawcache.insert_query_record(dasquery, header) das_timer('das_record', self.verbose) try: if self.multitask: jobs = [] for srv in services: jobs.append(self.taskmgr.spawn(self.worker, srv, dasquery)) self.taskmgr.joinall(jobs) else: for srv in services: self.worker(srv, dasquery) except Exception as exc: print_exc(exc) return 'fail''\n##### merging ######\n') self.rawcache.update_query_record(dasquery, 'merging') das_timer('merge', self.verbose) self.rawcache.merge_records(dasquery) das_timer('merge', self.verbose) self.rawcache.update_query_record(dasquery, 'ok') self.rawcache.add_to_record(\ dasquery, {'das.timer': get_das_timer()}, system='das') das_timer('DASCore::call', self.verbose) return 'ok'