def delete_inappropriate_part_numbers(self): print(self.find_inappropriate_part_numbers(self.list_for_id_site)) if self.category == 'New': if self.find_inappropriate_part_numbers(self.list_for_id_site): with Database() as db: try: db.execute( "DELETE FROM worldBoxNew WHERE id_product in ({0})" .format( ', '.join("'{0}'".format(id_product) for id_product in self.find_inappropriate_part_numbers( self.list_for_id_site)))) except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) else: print("List is empty") elif self.category == 'Sale': if self.find_inappropriate_part_numbers(self.list_for_id_site): with Database() as db: try: db.execute( "DELETE FROM worldBoxSale WHERE id_product in ({0})" .format( ', '.join("'{0}'".format(id_product) for id_product in self.find_inappropriate_part_numbers( self.list_for_id_site)))) except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) else: print("List is empty") else: print('Not found')
def find_inappropriate_part_numbers(self, all_id): list_for_id_database = [] if self.category == 'New': with Database() as db: try: db.execute("SELECT id_product FROM worldBoxNew") result = db.fetchall() except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) all_result_from_db = [list(i) for i in result] for items in all_result_from_db: for item in items: list_for_id_database.append(item) elif self.category == 'Sale': with Database() as db: try: db.execute("SELECT id_product FROM worldBoxSale") result = db.fetchall() except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) all_result_from_db = [list(i) for i in result] for items in all_result_from_db: for item in items: list_for_id_database.append(item) else: print('Not found') return list(set(list_for_id_database) - set(all_id))
def send_messages_to_user(bot, chat_id): with Database() as db: try: db.execute( "SELECT * FROM worldBoxNew WHERE date_added = CURRENT_DATE") worldbox_new = db.fetchall() except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) for data in worldbox_new: new_sneakers = f'WorldBox - New\n{data[1]}\nРазмеры EU: {data[2]}\nЦена: {data[3]}\n{data[4]}' bot.send_message(chat_id, new_sneakers) with Database() as db: try: db.execute( "SELECT * FROM worldBoxSale WHERE date_added = CURRENT_DATE") worldbox_sale = db.fetchall() except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) for data in worldbox_sale: sale_sneakers = f'WorldBox - Sale\n{data[1]}\nРазмеры EU: {data[2]}\nЦена: {data[3]}\n{data[4]}' bot.send_message(chat_id, sale_sneakers)
def worldbox_parser(self): self.list_for_id_site.clear() product_size = [] session = requests.Session() product_list_request = session.get(, headers=self.headers) if product_list_request.status_code == 200: product_list_soup = bs(product_list_request.content, 'html.parser') divs = product_list_soup.find_all( 'div', attrs={ 'class': 'block__flags product col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-xs-6' }) with Database() as db: for div in divs: product = div.find_all('a') for link_of_product in product: href = link_of_product.get('href') price = div.find('span', attrs={ 'class': 'price-tag' }).find_next().text title = div.find('p').text product_request = session.get(href, headers=self.headers, allow_redirects=False) if product_request.status_code == 200: product_soup = bs(product_request.content, 'html.parser') span = product_soup.find_all( 'span', attrs={'class': 'size_box'}) id_product = product_soup.find('h3', attrs={ 'class': 'product__code' }).find_next().text product_size.clear() for size_span in span: for size in size_span: product_size.append(size) correct_id_product = id_product.replace("-", "‑") self.list_for_id_site.append(correct_id_product) title_without_qm = title.replace("'", "") if 'New Balance' not in title_without_qm: if self.category == 'New': try: db.execute( f"INSERT INTO worldBoxNew VALUES ('{correct_id_product}', '{title_without_qm}', " f"'{', '.join(product_size)}', '{price}', '{href}', " f"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" ) except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) print(f'{correct_id_product} has been added') elif self.category == 'Sale': try: db.execute( f"INSERT INTO worldBoxSale VALUES ('{correct_id_product}', '{title_without_qm}', " f"'{', '.join(product_size)}', '{price}', '{href}', " f"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" ) except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) print(f'{correct_id_product} has been added') else: print('Not found')
def runcolors_parser(self): self.list_for_id_site.clear() product_size = [] session = requests.Session() for page in range(1, self.get_count_of_pages()): product_list_request = session.get( + str(page), headers=self.headers) print(page) if product_list_request.status_code == 200: product_list_soup = bs(product_list_request.content, 'html.parser') divs = product_list_soup.find_all('li', attrs={'class': 'pList__item'}) with Database() as db: for div in divs: product = div.find_all('a') for link_of_product in product: href = link_of_product.get('href') span = div.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'pList__item_big__variants--item js--variant--item'}) img = div.find('img', attrs={'class': 'pList__picture__img'}).get('src') full_link_of_product = f'{href}' product_request = session.get(full_link_of_product, headers=self.headers) if product_request.status_code == 200: product_soup = bs(product_request.content, 'html.parser') section_check = product_soup.find('li', attrs={'class': 'first'}).find('a').text if section_check == 'SNEAKERS': title = product_soup.find('h1', attrs={'class': 'product__header__name'}).text id_product = product_soup.find('span', attrs={'class': 'product__data__content'}).text price = product_soup.find('p', attrs={'class': 'product__data__price__regular'}).text product_size.clear() for size_span in span: for size in size_span: product_size.append(size) title_without_qm = title.replace("'", "") self.list_for_id_site.append(id_product) if 'New Balance' not in title_without_qm: if self.category == 'New': try: db.execute( f"INSERT INTO runColorsNew VALUES ('{id_product}', '" f"{title_without_qm}', " f"'{', '.join(product_size)}', '{price.strip()}', " f"'{full_link_of_product}', " f"'{img}', "f"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING") except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) print(f'{id_product} has been added') elif self.category == 'Sale': try: db.execute( f"INSERT INTO runColorsSale VALUES ('{id_product}', '" f"{title_without_qm}', " f"'{', '.join(product_size)}', '{price.strip()}', " f"'{full_link_of_product}', " f"'{img}', "f"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING") except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print('Error:', error) print(f'{id_product} has been added') else: print('Not found')