def refresh_list(): rs1 = run_select_sql( "select loc_id from locations where loc_type = 'Warehouse' order by loc_id" ) warehouse_list = [i[0] for i in rs1] combobox_warehouse_2['values'] = warehouse_list combobox_warehouse_2.set('') combobox_warehouse_3['values'] = warehouse_list combobox_warehouse_3.set('') rs2 = run_select_sql( "select loc_id from locations where loc_type in ('AREA','STO') order by loc_id" ) location_list = [i[0] for i in rs2] combobox_location_2['values'] = location_list combobox_location_2.set('') combobox_location_3.set('')
def sign_to_userinfo(): global usrs_info datecode = 'Polestar' +'%Y%m%d') + new_name.get().upper() if new_invitation_code.get().upper() != str_to_hex(datecode).upper(): tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '邀请码不正确,联系管理员获取。') else: np = new_pwd.get() npf = new_pwd_confirm.get() nn = new_name.get().upper() if np != npf: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '密码和确认密码不一致!') elif nn in usrs_info: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '此用户已存在!') else: sql_insert = ''' insert into user_password (username, password) values ('{}','{}') '''.format(nn, np) ret = run_iud_sql(sql_insert) if ret == ['Error in database change operation!']: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '更新数据库异常,联系系统管理员。') else: rs_user = run_select_sql('select username, password from user_password') usrs_info = {i[0]: i[1] for i in rs_user} tk.messagebox.showinfo('欢迎', '你已成功注册!') w_signup.destroy()
def refresh_location_list3(arg1): rs = run_select_sql( "select loc_id, subloc_id from location_structure order by loc_id, subloc_id" ) df = pd.DataFrame(rs) location_list = list(df[df[0] == e_warehouse_3.get()][1]) combobox_location_3['values'] = location_list combobox_location_3.current(0)
def run(self): sql1 = "update job_config set is_running = 'Y' where job_name = '{}'".format(self.job_name) run_iud_sql(sql1) print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), " ", 'Step1. Set the job: {} status to running, prevent duplicated running job.'.format(self.job_name), file=logfile) rs = run_select_sql("select job_seq.nextval from dual") job_seq = rs[0][0] sql2 = "insert into job_logs (job_id, job_name, start_time, active) values ('{}', '{}', sysdate, 'Y')".format( job_seq, self.job_name) run_iud_sql(sql2) print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), " ", 'Insert records into job_logs table successfully.', file=logfile) # get data rs1 = run_select_sql(self.sql_run) try: df = pd.DataFrame(rs1) df.columns = self.excel_columns.split(',') file_name = 'Job' + self.job_name + '_' +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.xlsx' output_file_name = output_temp_dir + file_name writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output_file_name) df.to_excel(writer, index=False) print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), " ", 'Step2. Get the data for job: {} successfully and generate excel file successfully.'.format( self.job_name), file=logfile) # try to get email receiver list and send email. sql_email = "select receiver from job_emails where job_name = '{}' and active = 'Y'".format(self.job_name) rs2 = run_select_sql(sql_email) receivers = ';'.join([i[0] for i in rs2]) email_instance = Email(self.email_title, self.email_content, receivers, output_file_name, file_name) email_instance.send_mail() except: pass sql3 = "update job_logs set finish_time = sysdate, active = 'N' where job_id = '{}'".format(job_seq) run_iud_sql(sql3) sql4 = "update job_config set is_running = 'N' where job_name = '{}'".format(self.job_name) run_iud_sql(sql4) print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), " ", 'Step4. Set the job: {} status to finished, waiting for next running.'.format(self.job_name), file=logfile)
def search(): rs = run_select_sql( "select partno, part_descr, min_qty, max_qty, valid_day, supplier_id, invalid_flag, chem_flag, unit, serial_flag from parts where partno like upper('%{}%') and rownum = 1" .format(e_partno_input.get())) try: rslt = [i if i != None else '' for i in rs[0]] # change None to '' in result from sql e_partno.set(rslt[0]) e_descr.set(rslt[1]) e_min.set(rslt[2]) e_max.set(rslt[3]) e_warrenty.set(rslt[4]) e_supplier.set(rslt[5]) # 根据invalid flag和chemical flag的内容,改变选项 if rslt[6] == 'X': e_invalid.set(1) else: e_invalid.set(0) if rslt[7] == 'X': e_shelf.set(1) else: e_shelf.set(0) # 根据单位,改变当前单位选项 if rslt[8] == '其他': combobox_unit.current(0) elif rslt[8] == '个': combobox_unit.current(1) elif rslt[8] == '瓶': combobox_unit.current(2) elif rslt[8] == '桶': combobox_unit.current(3) else: pass # 改变serial flag的值 if rslt[9] == 'X': e_serial.set(1) else: e_serial.set(0) except: e_partno.set('') e_descr.set('') e_min.set('') e_max.set('') e_warrenty.set('') e_supplier.set('') e_invalid.set(0) e_shelf.set(0) combobox_unit.current(1) e_serial.set(0)
def generate(): if e_p_content.get() and e_q_content.get(): try: rs = run_select_sql( "select part_descr, supplier_id from parts where partno = '{}'" .format(e_p_content.get())) descr = rs[0][0] v = rs[0][1] except: descr = '' v = 'DUMMY' if e_s_content.get().replace(' ', '').replace('\n', ''): sn = e_s_content.get().replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') else: rs = run_select_sql("select label_seq.nextval from dual") sn = 'SYS{}'.format(rs[0][0]) manual_generate_qr_code_new(e_p_content.get(), e_q_content.get(), v, e_n_content.get(), sn, e_b_content.get(), '', e_d_content.get(), descr, p_user) tk.messagebox.showinfo('成功', '二维码成功生成,已保存在程序目录下的“newlabels”子目录') else: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '物料号、数量为必填字段!')
def search(): rs = run_select_sql( "select loc_id, loc_type, loc_descr from locations where loc_id like '%{}%' and rownum = 1" .format(e_loc_1.get())) try: rslt = [i if i != None else '' for i in rs[0]] # change None to '' in result from sql except: rslt = ['', '', ''] e_loc_1.set(rslt[0]) if rslt[1] == 'Warehouse': combobox_loc_type1.current(0) elif rslt[1] == 'AREA': combobox_loc_type1.current(1) elif rslt[1] == 'STO': combobox_loc_type1.current(2) else: pass e_loc_descr1.set(rslt[2])
try: logfile = open("job_scheduler.log", "a") ''' First step, get the job details that should be run. the sql combined 2 conditions: 1. find the job list with conditions: active status: Y & not in running status & has past its start time today 2. find the last running records for this job. if now - last run time > job interval setting, then should call a new job. ''' sql_to_get_jobs = ''' select jc.job_name, jc.sql_run, jc.EMAIL_TITLE, jc.email_content, jl.last_start, jc.report_column_names from job_config jc left join (select job_name, max(start_time) last_start from job_logs where start_time > trunc(sysdate) group by job_name) jl on (jc.JOB_NAME = jl.JOB_NAME) where jc.start_time < to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS') and jc.IS_RUNNING = 'N' and = 'Y' and ((sysdate - jl.last_start)*24*60 > jc.JOB_INTERVAL_MINUTES or jl.last_start is NULL) ''' rs = run_select_sql(sql_to_get_jobs) if rs: for job in rs: run_job = Job_instance(logfile, job[0], job[1], job[2], job[3], job[4], job[5]) else: print('*' * 100, file=logfile) print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), " ", 'No jobs should be called.', file=logfile) logfile.close() print("finished at",'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) sleep(60) except Exception as e: print("have exception at",'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), type(e), e)
def location_structure(p_user): pic_dir = os.getcwd() + '\\' + 'pics' + '\\' gm = tk.Toplevel() gm.iconbitmap(pic_dir + 'doge.ico') gm.geometry('675x900+600+50') gm.title('库位结构维护') gm.resizable(0, 0) # attach image canvas = tk.Canvas(gm, width=675, height=900, highlightthickness=0, borderwidth=0) image_file = tk.PhotoImage(file=pic_dir + 'location_structure_chn.gif') image = canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor='nw', image=image_file), y=0, anchor='nw') e_loc_1 = tk.StringVar() tk.Entry(canvas, textvariable=e_loc_1, width=19, font=('微软雅黑', 12)).place(x=100, y=218) e_loc_descr1 = tk.StringVar() tk.Entry(canvas, textvariable=e_loc_descr1, width=29, font=('微软雅黑', 12)).place(x=135, y=250) e_loc_type1 = tk.StringVar() combobox_loc_type1 = ttk.Combobox(canvas, width=12, textvariable=e_loc_type1, font=('微软雅黑', 10)), y=250) combobox_loc_type1['values'] = ['仓库', '库存区域', '库存地点'] combobox_loc_type1.current(0) def search(): rs = run_select_sql( "select loc_id, loc_type, loc_descr from locations where loc_id like '%{}%' and rownum = 1" .format(e_loc_1.get())) try: rslt = [i if i != None else '' for i in rs[0]] # change None to '' in result from sql except: rslt = ['', '', ''] e_loc_1.set(rslt[0]) if rslt[1] == 'Warehouse': combobox_loc_type1.current(0) elif rslt[1] == 'AREA': combobox_loc_type1.current(1) elif rslt[1] == 'STO': combobox_loc_type1.current(2) else: pass e_loc_descr1.set(rslt[2]) tk.Button(canvas, text='查询', width=6, borderwidth=1, font=('微软雅黑', 9, 'bold'), command=search).place(x=280, y=218) def update(): p_loc = e_loc_1.get() p_loc_descr = e_loc_descr1.get() dict = {'仓库': 'Warehouse', '库存区域': 'AREA', '库存地点': 'STO'} p_loc_type = dict.get(e_loc_type1.get(), 'unknown') ret = run_oracle_function('update_locations', [p_loc, p_loc_descr, p_loc_type, p_user]) if ret == '0': tk.messagebox.showinfo('成功', '库位信息更新成功!') elif ret == '2': tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '该位置已存在库位结构中,若要更改类型,先移除库位结构关系') else: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '发生其他异常,请检查重试或联系管理员') refresh_list() tk.Button(canvas, text='更新', width=6, borderwidth=1, font=('微软雅黑', 9, 'bold'), command=update).place(x=420, y=218) def new(): p_loc = e_loc_1.get() p_loc_descr = e_loc_descr1.get() dict = {'仓库': 'Warehouse', '库存区域': 'AREA', '库存地点': 'STO'} p_loc_type = dict.get(e_loc_type1.get(), 'unknown') ret = run_oracle_function('create_locations', [p_loc, p_loc_descr, p_loc_type, p_user]) if ret == '0': tk.messagebox.showinfo('成功', '库位信息添加成功!') elif ret == '2': tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '该位置已存在!') else: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '发生其他异常,请检查重试或联系管理员') refresh_list() tk.Button(canvas, text='新建', width=6, borderwidth=1, font=('微软雅黑', 9, 'bold'), command=new).place(x=490, y=218) def delete(): p_loc = e_loc_1.get() p_loc_descr = e_loc_descr1.get() dict = {'仓库': 'Warehouse', '库存区域': 'AREA', '库存地点': 'STO'} p_loc_type = dict.get(e_loc_type1.get(), 'unknown') ret = run_oracle_function('delete_locations', [p_loc, p_loc_descr, p_loc_type, p_user]) if ret == '0': tk.messagebox.showinfo('成功', '库位信息删除成功!') elif ret == '2': tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '该位置已存在库位结构中,若要删除,先移除库位结构关系') elif ret == '3': tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '该位置上还有库存,不能直接删除库存地点') else: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '发生其他异常,请检查重试或联系管理员') refresh_list() tk.Button(canvas, text='删除', width=6, borderwidth=1, font=('微软雅黑', 9, 'bold'), command=delete).place(x=560, y=218) # 库位信息有更新或者新增后,均需要刷新当前的下拉列表,定义一个general的function def refresh_list(): rs1 = run_select_sql( "select loc_id from locations where loc_type = 'Warehouse' order by loc_id" ) warehouse_list = [i[0] for i in rs1] combobox_warehouse_2['values'] = warehouse_list combobox_warehouse_2.set('') combobox_warehouse_3['values'] = warehouse_list combobox_warehouse_3.set('') rs2 = run_select_sql( "select loc_id from locations where loc_type in ('AREA','STO') order by loc_id" ) location_list = [i[0] for i in rs2] combobox_location_2['values'] = location_list combobox_location_2.set('') combobox_location_3.set('') # 第二组选择框和按钮 e_warehouse_2 = tk.StringVar() combobox_warehouse_2 = ttk.Combobox(canvas, width=22, textvariable=e_warehouse_2, font=('微软雅黑', 12)), y=440) rs1 = run_select_sql( "select loc_id from locations where loc_type = 'Warehouse' order by loc_id" ) warehouse_list = [i[0] for i in rs1] combobox_warehouse_2['values'] = warehouse_list e_location_2 = tk.StringVar() combobox_location_2 = ttk.Combobox(canvas, width=22, textvariable=e_location_2, font=('微软雅黑', 12)), y=440) rs2 = run_select_sql( "select loc_id from locations where loc_type in ('AREA','STO') order by loc_id" ) location_list = [i[0] for i in rs2] combobox_location_2['values'] = location_list def bind(): p_loc = e_warehouse_2.get() p_subloc = e_location_2.get() ret = run_oracle_function('bind_locations', [p_loc, p_subloc, p_user]) if ret == '0': tk.messagebox.showinfo('成功', '库位结构添加成功!') else: tk.messagebox.showerror( '错误', '库存区域/地点{}已经存在于仓库{}下!'.format(p_subloc, ret)) tk.Button(canvas, text='添加\n关联', width=6, height=2, borderwidth=1, font=('微软雅黑', 10, 'bold'), command=bind).place(x=560, y=418) # 第三组选择框和按钮 def refresh_location_list3(arg1): rs = run_select_sql( "select loc_id, subloc_id from location_structure order by loc_id, subloc_id" ) df = pd.DataFrame(rs) location_list = list(df[df[0] == e_warehouse_3.get()][1]) combobox_location_3['values'] = location_list combobox_location_3.current(0) e_warehouse_3 = tk.StringVar() combobox_warehouse_3 = ttk.Combobox(canvas, width=22, textvariable=e_warehouse_3, font=('微软雅黑', 12)), y=640) rs1 = run_select_sql( "select loc_id from locations where loc_type = 'Warehouse' order by loc_id" ) warehouse_list = [i[0] for i in rs1] combobox_warehouse_3['values'] = warehouse_list combobox_warehouse_3.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', refresh_location_list3) e_location_3 = tk.StringVar() combobox_location_3 = ttk.Combobox(canvas, width=22, textvariable=e_location_3, font=('微软雅黑', 12)), y=640) def unbind(): p_loc = e_warehouse_3.get() p_subloc = e_location_3.get() ret = run_oracle_function('unbind_locations', [p_loc, p_subloc, p_user]) if ret == '0': tk.messagebox.showinfo('成功', '库位结构删除成功!') elif ret == '2': tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '库存地点/区域下还有库存,不允许修改库位结构!') else: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '发生其他异常,请检查或联系系统管理员') tk.Button(canvas, text='删除\n关联', width=6, height=2, borderwidth=1, font=('微软雅黑', 10, 'bold'), command=unbind).place(x=560, y=618) label_user = tk.Label(canvas, text=' 当前登录用户:' + p_user + ' ', font=('微软雅黑', 10, 'bold italic')).place(x=20, y=860, anchor='nw') gm.mainloop()
def GR_1(p_user, p_hostname, p_ip): pic_dir = os.getcwd() + '\\' + 'pics' + '\\' gr_1 = tk.Toplevel() gr_1.iconbitmap(pic_dir + 'doge.ico') gr_1.geometry('1200x700+350+150') gr_1.title('入库扫描') gr_1.resizable(0, 0) # attach image canvas = tk.Canvas(gr_1, width=1200, height=700, highlightthickness=0, borderwidth=0) image_file = tk.PhotoImage(file=pic_dir + 'GR_1_chn.gif') image = canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor='nw', image=image_file), y=0, anchor='nw') x0, y0 = 20, 50 def refresh_location_list(arg1): # if warehouse_choose.get() == 'IT_Office_Warehouse': # combobox_LO['values'] = ['IT_TEMP_AREA_2','IT_Office_Rack01','IT_Office_Rack02'] # combobox_LO.current(0) # elif warehouse_choose.get() == 'IT_TCF_Warehouse': # combobox_LO['values'] = ['IT_TEMP_AREA_1','IT_TCF_Rack01','IT_TCF_Rack02'] # combobox_LO.current(0) df2 = pd.DataFrame(rs2) location_list = list(df2[df2[0] == warehouse_choose.get()][1]) combobox_LO['values'] = location_list combobox_LO.current(0) rs1 = run_select_sql( "select loc_id from locations where loc_type = 'Warehouse'") df1 = pd.DataFrame(rs1) warehouse_list = list(df1[0]) rs2 = run_select_sql("select loc_id, subloc_id from location_structure") warehouse_choose = tk.StringVar() combobox_WH = ttk.Combobox(canvas, width=30, font=('微软雅黑', 15), textvariable=warehouse_choose) + x0, y=140 + y0, anchor='nw') combobox_WH['values'] = warehouse_list combobox_WH.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', refresh_location_list) location_choose = tk.StringVar() combobox_LO = ttk.Combobox(canvas, width=30, font=('微软雅黑', 15), textvariable=location_choose) + x0, y=140 + y0, anchor='nw') # combobox_WH['values'] = ['IT_Office_Warehouse','IT_TCF_Warehouse'] # combobox_WH.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>',show_choose) def confirm_choose(): go_next = tk.messagebox.askyesno( '提示', '你选择了仓库:' + warehouse_choose.get() + '和收货地点:' + location_choose.get() + ',继续?') if go_next == True: gr_1.destroy() GR_2(p_user, p_hostname, p_ip, location_choose.get()) else: pass b = tk.Button(canvas, text='选好了', width=15, font=('微软雅黑', 13, 'bold'), command=confirm_choose).place(x=950, y=550) # b1 = tk.Button(GR_Main, width = 5, height = 2, text = 'GR', command = show_gr) # b1.config(justify = tk.LEFT) # b1.pack() label_user = tk.Label(canvas, text=' 当前登录用户:' + p_user + ' ', font=('微软雅黑', 10, 'bold italic')).place(x=20, y=650, anchor='nw') gr_1.mainloop()
x1 = 320 b_login = tk.Button(canvas, text='登录', width=10, font=('微软雅黑', 9, 'bold'), command=usr_login).place(x=20 + x1, y=310, anchor='nw') b_signup = tk.Button(canvas, text='注册', width=10, font=('微软雅黑', 9, 'bold'), command=usr_signup).place(x=140 + x1, y=310, anchor='nw') # b_exit = tk.Button(canvas, text = 'Exit', width = 10, font=('Calibri', 8), command = ).place(x = 260+x1, y = 320, # anchor = 'nw') # find the newest app version, judge if this is the newest app version. sql = ''' select vers_id from (select * from app_versions order by release_date desc) where rownum = 1 ''' rs_ver = run_select_sql(sql) if app_version != rs_ver[0][0]: tk.messagebox.showerror('错误', '这不是最新的客户端,请从IT公盘下载最新客户端使用!') exit() rs_user = run_select_sql('select username, password from user_password') usrs_info = {i[0]: i[1] for i in rs_user} w_login.mainloop() ''' 长相思,在长安。 络纬秋啼金井阑,微霜凄凄簟色寒。 孤灯不明思欲绝,卷帷望月空长叹。 美人如花隔云端!