def set_docstore_index( request ): """Ensure active Elasticsearch index matches active storage; complain if not. Look at mounted storage. Make an index name based on that. If mounted and corresponding index exists in Elasticsearch, make sure it's in session. If index is in session but storage not mounted or Elasticearch index doesn't exist, remove from session. storage_label: label of storage currently in session docstore_index_exists: Elasticsearch index exists for storage_label (or not) @param request: @returns: storage_label,docstore_index_exists """ # gather info docstore_index = None docstore_index_exists = None storage_label = request.session.get('storage_label', None) if not storage_label: storage_label = target_index(settings.DOCSTORE_HOSTS, settings.DOCSTORE_INDEX) if storage_label: docstore_index = make_index_name(storage_label) if docstore_index: docstore_index_exists = index_exists(settings.DOCSTORE_HOSTS, docstore_index) # rm index from session if not (storage_label or docstore_index_exists): request.session['docstore_index'] = None # add index to session if storage_label and docstore_index_exists and not request.session.get('docstore_index',None): request.session['docstore_index'] = docstore_index return storage_label,docstore_index_exists
def results( request ): """Results of a search query or a DDR ID query. """ target_index = docstore.target_index(settings.DOCSTORE_HOSTS, settings.DOCSTORE_INDEX) template = 'webui/search/results.html' context = { 'hide_header_search': True, 'query': '', 'error_message': '', 'search_form': SearchForm(), 'paginator': None, 'page': None, 'filters': None, 'sort': None, 'docstore_index': settings.DOCSTORE_INDEX, 'target_index': target_index, } context['query'] = request.GET.get('query', '') # silently strip out bad chars query = context['query'] for char in BAD_CHARS: query = query.replace(char, '') if query: context['search_form'] = SearchForm({'query': query}) # prep query for elasticsearch model = request.GET.get('model', None) filters = {} fields = docstore.all_list_fields() sort = {'record_created': request.GET.get('record_created', ''), 'record_lastmod': request.GET.get('record_lastmod', ''),} # do query and cache the results results =, settings.DOCSTORE_INDEX, query=query, filters=filters, model='collection,entity,file', fields=fields, sort=sort) if results.get('hits',None) and not results.get('status',None): # OK -- prep results for display thispage = request.GET.get('page', 1) #assert False objects = massage_query_results(results, thispage, settings.RESULTS_PER_PAGE) paginator = Paginator(objects, settings.RESULTS_PER_PAGE) page = context['paginator'] = paginator context['page'] = page else: # FAIL -- elasticsearch error context['error_message'] = 'Search query "%s" caused an error. Please try again.' % query return render_to_response( template, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request, processors=[]) ) return render_to_response( template, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request, processors=[]) )
def index( request ): target_index = docstore.target_index(settings.DOCSTORE_HOSTS, settings.DOCSTORE_INDEX) return render_to_response( 'webui/search/index.html', {'hide_header_search': True, 'search_form': SearchForm, 'docstore_index': settings.DOCSTORE_INDEX, 'target_index': target_index,}, context_instance=RequestContext(request, processors=[]) )
def admin( request ): """Administrative stuff like re-indexing. """ target_index = docstore.target_index(settings.DOCSTORE_HOSTS, settings.DOCSTORE_INDEX) server_info = [] index_names = [] indices = [] es = Elasticsearch(hosts=settings.DOCSTORE_HOSTS) ping = no_indices = True if ping: info = info_status = info['status'] if info_status == 200: info_status_class = 'success' else: info_status_class = 'error' server_info.append( {'label':'status', 'data':info_status, 'class':info_status_class} ) status = es.indices.status() shards_success = status['_shards']['successful'] shards_failed = status['_shards']['failed'] if shards_failed == 0: shards_success_class = 'success' shards_failed_class = 'success' else: shards_success_class = 'error' shards_failed_class = 'error' server_info.append( {'label':'shards(successful)', 'data':shards_success, 'class':shards_success_class} ) server_info.append( {'label':'shards(failed)', 'data':shards_failed, 'class':shards_failed_class} ) # indices for name in status['indices'].keys(): no_indices = False server_info.append( {'label':name, 'data':'', 'class':''} ) size = status['indices'][name]['index']['size_in_bytes'] ONEPLACE = Decimal(10) ** -1 size_nice = Decimal(size/1024/1024.0).quantize(ONEPLACE) size_formatted = '%sMB (%s bytes)' % (size_nice, size) num_docs = status['indices'][name]['docs']['num_docs'] server_info.append( {'label':'size', 'data':size_formatted, 'class':'info'} ) server_info.append( {'label':'documents', 'data':num_docs, 'class':'info'} ) index_names.append(name) index = {'name':name, 'exists':True} indices.append(index) indexform = IndexConfirmForm(request=request) dropform = None if indices: dropform = DropConfirmForm(request=request) return render_to_response( 'webui/search/admin.html', {'ping': ping, 'no_indices': no_indices, 'server_info': server_info, 'indices': indices, 'indexform': indexform, 'dropform': dropform, 'docstore_index': settings.DOCSTORE_INDEX, 'target_index': target_index,}, context_instance=RequestContext(request, processors=[]) )