def gen_doc(db_name='exam_somarx.db', password=None): if not os.path.exists('output'): os.mkdir('output') cipher = DESCipher(password) if password else None db = sqlite3.connect(db_name) courses = ['mzdsxhzgteshzylltx', 'marxism', 'zgjdsgy', 'sxddxyyfljc'] # 没有方法的类,只有属性 Question = namedtuple( 'Question', ['chapter', 'type', 'subject', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'answer']) sql = 'SELECT chapter, type, subject, a, b, c, d, e, answer FROM {} ORDER BY ABS(chapter), ABS(type);' types = [None, '判断题', '单选题', '多选题'] for course in courses: md = '' qs = [Question(*q) for q in db.execute(sql.format(course)).fetchall()] chapter = -1 tye = -1 for q in qs: if chapter != int(q.chapter): chapter = int(q.chapter) md += '## 第 {} 章\n'.format(chapter) if tye != q.type: tye = q.type md += '\n### {}\n'.format(types[tye]) qid = 1 md += "{}. {} **{}**\n".format( qid, (cipher.decrypt(q.subject) if cipher else q.subject).strip(), q.answer.replace('0', '错').replace('1', '对') if q.answer in '01' else q.answer) # 选择题 if tye != 1: md += '```\n' for s in list('abcde'): sel = q._asdict()[s] if sel: md += '{}. {}\n'.format( s.upper(), (cipher.decrypt(sel) if cipher else sel).strip()) md += '```\n' qid += 1 with open('output/{}.md'.format(course), 'w') as f: f.write(md)
def __init__(self, password=None, dbname='exam_somarx.db'): self.cookies = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() # 登陆后,获取session_id,保存id就能保持会话,不需要重复登陆了 self.cookies.set('ASP.NET_SessionId', '', domain='', path='/') self.db = sqlite3.connect(dbname) self.cipher = DESCipher(password) if password else None for table in Exam.chapter_range: self.db.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "{}"( [_id] integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ,[type] INTEGER ,[subject] VARCHAR(255) COLLATE NOCASE UNIQUE ,[a] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[b] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[c] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[d] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[e] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[answer] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[chapter] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ); '''.format(table))
class Exam: url = '' headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/62.0.3202.75 Safari/537.36 ' } chapter_range = { 'mzdsxhzgteshzylltx': [], 'marxism': [], 'zgjdsgy': [], 'sxddxyyfljc': [] } course_id = { 'mzdsxhzgteshzylltx': { 'courseId': 3 }, 'marxism': { 'courseId': 1 }, 'zgjdsgy': { 'courseId': 2 }, 'sxddxyyfljc': { 'courseId': 4 } } def __init__(self, password=None, dbname='exam_somarx.db'): self.cookies = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() # 登陆后,获取session_id,保存id就能保持会话,不需要重复登陆了 self.cookies.set('ASP.NET_SessionId', '', domain='', path='/') self.db = sqlite3.connect(dbname) self.cipher = DESCipher(password) if password else None for table in Exam.chapter_range: self.db.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "{}"( [_id] integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ,[type] INTEGER ,[subject] VARCHAR(255) COLLATE NOCASE UNIQUE ,[a] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[b] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[c] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[d] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[e] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[answer] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ,[chapter] VARCHAR(200) COLLATE NOCASE ); '''.format(table)) def get_chapter_list(self): for course in Exam.course_id: if not Exam.chapter_range[course]: r = requests.get(Exam.url, params=Exam.course_id[course], cookies=self.cookies, headers=self.headers) html = fromstring(r.text) Exam.chapter_range[course] = [ x.attrib['href'] for x in html.cssselect('.start-do') ] def crawler(self): self.get_chapter_list() for course in Exam.chapter_range: for cid, chapter in enumerate(Exam.chapter_range[course]): r = requests.get(urljoin(self.url, chapter), cookies=self.cookies, headers=self.headers) html = fromstring(r.text) question = [ q.text for q in html.cssselect('.question-word > p:nth-child(2)') ] selection = html.cssselect('ol[type="A"]') right_ans = [a.text for a in html.cssselect('b.right-answer')] for ques, sel, ra in zip(question, selection, right_ans): if self.cipher: ques = self.cipher.encrypt(ques) if ra in '对错': ra = '1' if ra == '对' else '0' data = { 'chapter': str(cid if course != 'mzdsxhzgteshzylltx' else cid + 1), 'question': ques, # 题目 'answer': ra, 'a': str(), 'b': str(), 'c': str(), 'd': str(), 'e': str(), } # 1判断 2单选 3多选 data['type'] = 1 if data['answer'] in '01' else \ 2 if len(data['answer']) == 1 else 3 try: if data['type'] != 1: for s, sc in zip(list('abcde'), sel.xpath('li/p/text()')): data[ s] = sc if not self.cipher else self.cipher.encrypt( sc) self.db.execute( "INSERT INTO {} (type, subject, a, b, c, d, e, answer, chapter) VALUES (" "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ".format(course), (data['type'], data['question'], data['a'], data['b'], data['c'], data['d'], data['e'], data['answer'], data['chapter'])) else: self.db.execute( "INSERT INTO {} (type, subject, answer, chapter) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" .format(course), (data['type'], data['question'], data['answer'], data['chapter'])) except IntegrityError: pass print('{}第{}章已抓取'.format(course, data['chapter']), len(question), '条') print( '{}已抓取'.format(course), len( self.db.execute( 'select * from {}'.format(course)).fetchall()), '条') self.db.commit()
def lsbAlgoDefault(encrypt_decrypt, secret_string, encryption_technique): # if (algo_technique == technique_options[0]): # LSB:: Text Steganography if (encrypt_decrypt == options[0]): print("LSB:::Text::: Encrypt") # Warning for secret string if (len(secret_string) == 1): print("Empty Secret:: Showing warning") tk.messagebox.showwarning( "Data Required", "Please enter secret data to be encoded") return # encoding steg = LSBSteg(cv2.imread(image_path)) file_name = encryption_technique + "Plain.txt" text_file = open(file_name, "w") text_file.write(str(secret_string)) text_file.close() if encryption_technique == "OTP": enc = OneTimePad(secret_string, "Plain") enc_string = elif encryption_technique == "RSA": enc = RSACipher(secret_string, "Plain") enc_string = elif encryption_technique == "AES": enc = AESCipher(secret_string, "Plain") enc_string = elif encryption_technique == "DES": enc = DESCipher(secret_string, "Plain") enc_string = img_encoded = steg.encode_text(enc_string) cv2.imwrite("secret/secret.png", img_encoded) displayImage("secret/secret.png") img1 = cv2.imread(image_path) img2 = cv2.imread("secret/secret.png") imgA = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) imgB = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) compare_images(imgA, imgB, "LSB", encryption_technique) else: print("LSB:::Text::: Decrypt") # decoding print(image_path) im = cv2.imread(image_path) steg = LSBSteg(im) secret = steg.decode_text() print("Secret is", secret) if encryption_technique == "OTP": dec = OneTimePad(secret, "Plain") secret_message = elif encryption_technique == "RSA": dec = RSACipher(secret, "Plain") secret_message = elif encryption_technique == "AES": dec = AESCipher(secret, "Plain") secret_message = elif encryption_technique == "DES": dec = DESCipher(secret, "Plain") secret_message = filename = encryption_technique + "Plain.txt" key_file = open(filename, "r") original_message = key_file.readline() key_file.close() precentage_comparison = compare_strings(original_message, secret_message) print("The strings are equal by", precentage_comparison, "parts") addtofile("LSB", encryption_technique[:3], precentage_comparison) #dec = OneTimePad(secret, "Plain") #secret_message = displaySecret(secret_message) print("Text value:", secret_message)
def lsbAlgoStegano(type, secret_string, encrypt_decrypt, encryption_technique): if (encrypt_decrypt == options[0]): if (len(secret_string) == 1): print("Empty Secret:: Showing warning") tk.messagebox.showwarning( "Data Required", "Please enter secret data to be encoded") return if (type == "DCT"): if (encrypt_decrypt == options[0]): file_name = encryption_technique + "DCT.txt" text_file = open(file_name, "w") text_file.write(str(secret_string)) text_file.close if encryption_technique == "OTP": enc = OneTimePad(secret_string, "DCT") enc_string = elif encryption_technique == "RSA": enc = RSACipher(secret_string, "DCT") enc_string = elif encryption_technique == "AES": enc = AESCipher(secret_string, "DCT") enc_string = elif encryption_technique == "DES": enc = DESCipher(secret_string, "DCT") enc_string = outFile = "secret/secretDCT.png" x = DCT(image_path) secret = x.DCTEn(enc_string, outFile) print("secret :: DCT:: ", secret) # secret = red.hide(image_path, secret_string) #"secret.png") displayImage("secret/secretDCT.png") img1 = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) print(img1.shape) img2 = cv2.imread("secret/secretDCT.png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) print(img1.shape, img2.shape) if is_grey_scale(image_path) and len(img2.shape) == 3: imgA = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2GRAY) imgB = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2GRAY) else: imgA = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) imgB = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) compare_images(imgA, imgB, "DCT", encryption_technique) else: y = DCT(image_path) secret = y.DCTDe() # secret = red.reveal(image_path) print("Secret is ", secret) if encryption_technique == "OTP": dec = OneTimePad(secret, "DCT") secret_message = elif encryption_technique == "RSA": dec = RSACipher(secret, "DCT") secret_message = elif encryption_technique == "AES": dec = AESCipher(secret, "DCT") secret_message = elif encryption_technique == "DES": dec = DESCipher(secret, "DCT") secret_message = #dec = OneTimePad(secret, "DCT") #secret_message = filename = encryption_technique + "DCT.txt" key_file = open(filename, "r") original_message = key_file.readline() key_file.close() precentage_comparison = compare_strings(original_message, secret_message) print("The strings are equal by", precentage_comparison, "parts") addtofile("DCT", encryption_technique[:3], precentage_comparison) displaySecret(secret_message) saveSecretToFile(secret_message)
def main ( ): # check number of parameters if len(sys.argv) != 6 and len(sys.argv) != 7 and len(sys.argv) != 8: badUser("ERROR: incorrect number of parameters provided\ncheck README") cipherName = sys.argv[1] # <CIPHER NAME> key = sys.argv[2] # <KEY> mode = sys.argv[3] # <ENC/DEC> inputFile = sys.argv[4] # <INPUTFILE> outputFile = sys.argv[5] # <OUTPUTFILE> # deeper check of number of parameters if cipherName in {"DESCBC", "RSACBC"}: # set of CBC mode ciphers if len(sys.argv) != 7: badUser("ERROR: incorrect number of parameters for CBC\ncheck README") elif len(sys.argv[6]) != 8: badUser("ERROR: IV isn't 8 characters\ncheck README") else: IV = sys.argv[6] # TODO: 8 character string elif cipherName in {"DESCFB", "RSACFB"}: # set of CFB mode ciphers if len(sys.argv) != 8: badUser("ERROR: incorrect number of parameters for CFB\ncheck README") elif len(sys.argv[6]) != 8: badUser("ERROR: IV isn't 8 characters\ncheck README") else: IV = sys.argv[6] try: # ensure s is an int s = int(sys.argv[7]) #TODO check that it's between 1 and 64 except ValueError: badUser("ERROR: s argument provided couldn't translate to a 10-base int\ncheck README") elif len(sys.argv) != 6: badUser("ERROR: incorrect number of parameters for ECB\ncheck README") toConvert = readFile(inputFile) # attempt to read file if cipherName in {"DES", "DESCBC", "DESCFB"}: cipher = DESCipher() # Create an instance of the class if cipher.setKey(key) == False: # Attempt to set the key badUser("Invalid key for DES Cipher. Key must be 16 hexidecimal characters (0-9, a-f)!") elif cipherName in {"RSA", "RSACBC", "RSACFB"}: cipher = RSACipher() if cipher.setKey(key) == False: # Attempt to set the key badUser("Setting RSA key failed\ncheck README") else: # Invalid Cipher badUser("Invalid <CIPHER NAME>\ncheck README") if mode == "ENC": print("ENC: Encryption mode selected. Encrypting...") if cipherName in {"DESCBC", "RSACBC"}: if cipherName == "DESCBC": n = 64 else: n = cipher._key.size() # maximum size of text that the key can handle in bits IV = strToBinStr(IV) IV += IV * (n - len(IV)) # duplicate IV to fit n IV = IV[:n] # cut off the extra characters IV = strToBinStr(IV) converted = encryptCBC(cipher, toConvert, IV, n) elif cipherName in {"DESCFB", "RSACFB"}: converted = encryptCFB(cipher, toConvert, IV, s) else: converted = cipher.encrypt(toConvert) # Encrypt and receive the ciphered text # print("The ciphered text is: {}".format(converted)) elif mode == "DEC": print("DEC: Decryption mode selected. Decrypting...") if cipherName in {"DESCBC", "RSACBC"}: if cipherName == "DESCBC": n = 64 else: n = cipher._key.size() # maximum size of text that the key can handle in bits IV = strToBinStr(IV) IV += IV * (n - len(IV)) # duplicate IV to fit n IV = IV[:n] # cut off the extra characters IV = strToBinStr(IV) converted = decryptCBC(cipher, toConvert, IV, n) elif cipherName in {"DESCFB", "RSACFB"}: converted = decryptCFB(cipher, toConvert, IV, s) else: converted = cipher.decrypt(toConvert) # Decrypt and receive the deciphered text # print("The deciphered text is: {}".format(converted)) else: badUser("ERROR: please specify <ENC/DEC>") writeFile(outputFile, converted) # print converted text
DESCRIPTION: Test program for DESCipher class FILES REQUIRED: PYTHON LILBRARIES REQUIRED : pycrpyto $pip install pycrpyto ''' from CipherInterface import CipherInterface from DESCipher import DESCipher myDES = DESCipher() key = raw_input("Enter the key: ") if myDES.setKey(key) == False: print( "Invalid key for DES Block Cipher. Key must be 8 Byte Hexadecimal value" ) else: msg = raw_input("Enter the message: ") print("The key is: ", myDES._key) out = myDES.encrypt(msg) print("Ciphertext: ") print(out) decrypted = myDES.decrypt(out)