def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [('OperationType', "VARCHAR(32)"), ('User', "VARCHAR(32)"), ('ExecutionSite', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('Source', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('Destination', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('Protocol', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('FinalStatus', 'VARCHAR(32)')] self.definitionAccountingFields = [('TransferSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('TransferTime', 'FLOAT'), ('RegistrationTime', 'FLOAT'), ('TransferOK', 'INT UNSIGNED'), ('TransferTotal', 'INT UNSIGNED'), ('RegistrationOK', 'INT UNSIGNED'), ('RegistrationTotal', 'INT UNSIGNED')] self.bucketsLength = [ (172800, 900), #<2d = 15m (604800, 3600), #<1w = 1h (15552000, 86400), #>1w <6m = 1d (31104000, 604800), #>6m = 1w ] self.checkType() self.setValueByKey('ExecutionSite', DIRAC.siteName())
def __init__( self ): BaseAccountingType.__init__( self ) # IPv6 address has up to 45 chars self.definitionKeyFields = [ ( 'SourceIP', 'VARCHAR(50)' ), ( 'DestinationIP', 'VARCHAR(50)' ), ( 'SourceHostName', 'VARCHAR(50)' ), ( 'DestinationHostName', 'VARCHAR(50)' ), ( 'Source', 'VARCHAR(50)' ), ( 'Destination', 'VARCHAR(50)' ) ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ( 'Jitter', 'FLOAT'), ( 'OneWayDelay', 'FLOAT'), ( 'PacketLossRate', 'TINYINT UNSIGNED' ), ] self.bucketsLength = [ ( 86400 * 3, 900 ), #<3d = 15m ( 86400 * 8, 3600 ), #<1w+1d = 1h ( 15552000, 86400 ), #>1w+1d <6m = 1d ( 31104000, 604800 ), #>6m = 1w ] self.checkType()
def __init__( self ): BaseAccountingType.__init__( self ) self.definitionKeyFields = [ ( 'JobGroup', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'RunNumber', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'EventType', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'ProcessingType', 'VARCHAR(256)' ), ( 'ProcessingStep', 'VARCHAR(256)' ), ( 'Site', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'FinalStepState', 'VARCHAR(32)' ) ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ( 'CPUTime', "INT UNSIGNED" ), ( 'NormCPUTime', "INT UNSIGNED" ), ( 'ExecTime', "INT UNSIGNED" ), ( 'InputData', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'OutputData', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'InputEvents', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'OutputEvents', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ) ] self.bucketsLength = [ ( 86400 * 7, 3600 ), #<1w = 1h ( 86400 * 35, 3600 * 4 ), #<35d = 4h ( 86400 * 30 * 6, 86400 ), #<6m = 1d ( 86400 * 365, 86400 * 2 ), #<1y = 2d ( 86400 * 600, 604800 ), #>1y = 1w ] self.checkType()
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [('User', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('UserGroup', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('JobGroup', "VARCHAR(64)"), ('JobType', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('JobClass', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('ProcessingType', 'VARCHAR(256)'), ('Site', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('FinalMajorStatus', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('FinalMinorStatus', 'VARCHAR(256)') ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [('CPUTime', "INT UNSIGNED"), ('NormCPUTime', "INT UNSIGNED"), ('ExecTime', "INT UNSIGNED"), ('InputDataSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('OutputDataSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('InputDataFiles', 'INT UNSIGNED'), ('OutputDataFiles', 'INT UNSIGNED'), ('DiskSpace', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('InputSandBoxSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('OutputSandBoxSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('ProcessedEvents', 'INT UNSIGNED') ] self.bucketsLength = [(86400 * 8, 3600), # <1w+1d = 1h (86400 * 35, 3600 * 4), # <35d = 4h (86400 * 30 * 6, 86400), # <6m = 1d (86400 * 365, 86400 * 2), # <1y = 2d (86400 * 600, 604800), # >1y = 1w ] self.checkType() # Fill the site self.setValueByKey("Site", DIRAC.siteName())
def __init__( self ): BaseAccountingType.__init__( self ) self.definitionKeyFields = [ ( 'OperationType' , "VARCHAR(32)" ), ( 'User', "VARCHAR(32)" ), ( 'ExecutionSite', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'Source', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'Destination', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'Protocol', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'FinalStatus', 'VARCHAR(32)' ) ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ( 'TransferSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'TransferTime', 'FLOAT' ), ( 'RegistrationTime', 'FLOAT' ), ( 'TransferOK', 'INT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'TransferTotal', 'INT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'RegistrationOK', 'INT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'RegistrationTotal', 'INT UNSIGNED' ) ] self.bucketsLength = [ ( 86400 * 3, 900 ), #<3d = 15m ( 86400 * 8, 3600 ), #<1w+1d = 1h ( 15552000, 86400 ), #>1w+1d <6m = 1d ( 31104000, 604800 ), #>6m = 1w ] self.checkType() self.setValueByKey( 'ExecutionSite', DIRAC.siteName() )
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) # IPv6 address has up to 45 chars self.definitionKeyFields = [ ('SourceIP', 'VARCHAR(50)'), ('DestinationIP', 'VARCHAR(50)'), ('SourceHostName', 'VARCHAR(50)'), ('DestinationHostName', 'VARCHAR(50)'), ('Source', 'VARCHAR(50)'), ('Destination', 'VARCHAR(50)') ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ('Jitter', 'FLOAT'), ('OneWayDelay', 'FLOAT'), ('PacketLossRate', 'TINYINT UNSIGNED'), ] self.bucketsLength = [ (86400 * 3, 900), # <3d = 15m (86400 * 8, 3600), # <1w+1d = 1h (15552000, 86400), # >1w+1d <6m = 1d (31104000, 604800), # >6m = 1w ] self.checkType()
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [('User', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('UserGroup', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('JobGroup', "VARCHAR(64)"), ('JobType', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('JobClass', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('ProcessingType', 'VARCHAR(256)'), ('Site', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('FinalMajorStatus', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('FinalMinorStatus', 'VARCHAR(256)')] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ('CPUTime', "INT UNSIGNED"), ('NormCPUTime', "INT UNSIGNED"), ('ExecTime', "INT UNSIGNED"), ('InputDataSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('OutputDataSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('InputDataFiles', 'INT UNSIGNED'), ('OutputDataFiles', 'INT UNSIGNED'), ('DiskSpace', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('InputSandBoxSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('OutputSandBoxSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('ProcessedEvents', 'INT UNSIGNED') ] self.bucketsLength = [ (86400 * 8, 3600), # <1w+1d = 1h (86400 * 35, 3600 * 4), # <35d = 4h (86400 * 30 * 6, 86400), # <6m = 1d (86400 * 365, 86400 * 2), # <1y = 2d (86400 * 600, 604800), # >1y = 1w ] self.checkType() # Fill the site self.setValueByKey("Site", DIRAC.siteName())
def __init__( self ): BaseAccountingType.__init__( self ) self.definitionKeyFields = [ ( 'User', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'UserGroup', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'Site', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'GridCE', "VARCHAR(128)" ), ( 'GridMiddleware', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'GridResourceBroker', 'VARCHAR(128)' ), ( 'GridStatus', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ( 'Jobs', "INT UNSIGNED" ), ] self.checkType()
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [('User', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('Source', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('Destination', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('Protocol', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('FinalStatus', 'VARCHAR(32)')] self.definitionAccountingFields = [('TransferSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('TransferTime', 'FLOAT'), ('TransferOK', 'INT UNSIGNED'), ('TransferTotal', 'INT UNSIGNED')] self.checkType()
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [ ('User', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('UserGroup', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('Site', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('GridCE', "VARCHAR(128)"), ('GridMiddleware', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('GridResourceBroker', 'VARCHAR(128)'), ('GridStatus', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ('Jobs', "INT UNSIGNED"), ] self.checkType()
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [('StorageElement', "VARCHAR(32)"), ('Directory', "VARCHAR(32)")] self.definitionAccountingFields = [('LogicalSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('LogicalFiles', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('PhysicalSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('PhysicalFiles', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED') ] self.bucketsLength = [ (86400 * 30 * 6, 86400), #<6m = 1d (31104000, 604800), #>6m = 1w ] self.checkType()
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [ ( 'User', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ( 'Source', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ( 'Destination', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ( 'Protocol', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ( 'FinalStatus', 'VARCHAR(32)') ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ( 'TransferSize', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'TransferTime', 'FLOAT' ), ( 'TransferOK', 'INT UNSIGNED' ), ] self.checkType()
def __init__(self): """ constructor """ BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [('Site', 'VARCHAR(64)'), ('Endpoint', 'VARCHAR(255)'), ('SpaceToken', 'VARCHAR(64)'), ('SpaceType', 'VARCHAR(64)')] self.definitionAccountingFields = [('Space', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED')] self.bucketsLength = [ (86400 * 2, 3600), # <2d = 1h (86400 * 10, 3600 * 6), # <10d = 6h (86400 * 40, 3600 * 12), # <40d = 12h (86400 * 30 * 6, 86400 * 2), # <6m = 2d (86400 * 600, 86400 * 7) # >6m = 1w ] self.checkType()
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [ ("Site", "VARCHAR(64)"), ("Hostname", "VARCHAR(80)"), ("SpaceTokenDesc", "VARCHAR(64)"), ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ("AvailableSpace", "BIGINT UNSIGNED"), ("UsedSpace", "BIGINT UNSIGNED"), ("TotalOnline", "BIGINT UNSIGNED"), ("UsedOnline", "BIGINT UNSIGNED"), ("FreeOnline", "BIGINT UNSIGNED"), ("TotalNearline", "BIGINT UNSIGNED"), ("UsedNearline", "BIGINT UNSIGNED"), ("FreeNearline", "BIGINT UNSIGNED"), ("ReservedNearline", "BIGINT UNSIGNED"), ] self.bucketsLength = [(15552000, 86400), (31104000, 604800)] # <6m = 1d # >6m = 1w self.checkType()
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [('HostName', 'VARCHAR(100)'), ('SiteDirector', 'VARCHAR(100)'), ('Site', 'VARCHAR(100)'), ('CE', 'VARCHAR(100)'), ('Queue', 'VARCHAR(100)'), ('Status', 'VARCHAR(100)')] self.definitionAccountingFields = [('NumTotal', "INT UNSIGNED"), ('NumSucceeded', 'INT UNSIGNED')] self.bucketsLength = [(86400 * 2, 900), # <2d = 15m (86400 * 10, 9000), # <10d = 2.5h (86400 * 35, 18000), # <35d = 5h (86400 * 30 * 6, 86400), # >5d <6m = 1d (86400 * 600, 604800)] # >6m = 1w self.dataTimespan = 86400 * 30 * 14 # Only keep the last 14 months of data self.checkType()
def __init__( self ): BaseAccountingType.__init__( self ) self.definitionKeyFields = [ ( 'Site' , "VARCHAR(64)" ), ( 'Hostname', "VARCHAR(80)" ), ( 'SpaceTokenDesc', 'VARCHAR(64)' ) ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ( 'AvailableSpace', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'UsedSpace', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'TotalOnline', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'UsedOnline', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'FreeOnline', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'TotalNearline', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'UsedNearline', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'FreeNearline', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ), ( 'ReservedNearline', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED' ) ] self.bucketsLength = [ ( 15552000, 86400 ), #<6m = 1d ( 31104000, 604800 ), #>6m = 1w ] self.checkType()
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [('DataType', "VARCHAR(64)"), ('Activity', "VARCHAR(64)"), ('FileType', "VARCHAR(32)"), ('Production', "VARCHAR(32)"), ('ProcessingPass', "VARCHAR(256)"), ('Conditions', "VARCHAR(64)"), ('EventType', "VARCHAR(64)"), ('StorageElement', "VARCHAR(32)")] self.definitionAccountingFields = [('Usage', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED'), ('NormalizedUsage', 'BIGINT UNSIGNED')] self.bucketsLength = [ (86400 * 30 * 6, 86400), #<6m = 1d (31104000, 604800), #>6m = 1w ] self.checkType()
def __init__( self ): BaseAccountingType.__init__( self ) self.definitionKeyFields = [ ( 'Status', "VARCHAR(128)" ), ( 'Site', 'VARCHAR(128)' ), ( 'User', 'VARCHAR(128)' ), ( 'UserGroup', 'VARCHAR(128)' ), ( 'JobGroup', 'VARCHAR(32)' ), ( 'MinorStatus', 'VARCHAR(128)' ), ( 'ApplicationStatus', 'VARCHAR(256)' ), ( 'JobSplitType', 'VARCHAR(32)' ) ] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ( 'Jobs', "INT UNSIGNED" ), ( 'Reschedules', "INT UNSIGNED" ), ] self.bucketsLength = [ ( 86400 * 2, 900 ), #<2d = 15m ( 86400 * 10, 9000 ), #<10d = 2.5h ( 86400 * 35, 18000 ), #<35d = 5h ( 86400 * 30 * 6, 86400 ), #>5d <6m = 1d ( 86400 * 600, 604800 ), #>6m = 1w ] self.dataTimespan = 86400 * 30 * 14 #Only keep the last 14 months of data self.checkType() self.setValueByKey( "ApplicationStatus", "unset" )
def __init__(self): BaseAccountingType.__init__(self) self.definitionKeyFields = [('Status', "VARCHAR(128)"), ('Site', 'VARCHAR(128)'), ('User', 'VARCHAR(128)'), ('UserGroup', 'VARCHAR(128)'), ('JobGroup', 'VARCHAR(32)'), ('MinorStatus', 'VARCHAR(128)'), ('ApplicationStatus', 'VARCHAR(128)'), ('JobSplitType', 'VARCHAR(32)')] self.definitionAccountingFields = [ ('Jobs', "INT UNSIGNED"), ('Reschedules', "INT UNSIGNED"), ] self.bucketsLength = [ (86400 * 2, 900), #<2d = 15m (86400 * 10, 9000), #<10d = 2.5h (86400 * 35, 18000), #<35d = 5h (86400 * 30 * 6, 86400), #>5d <6m = 1d (86400 * 600, 604800), #>6m = 1w ] self.dataTimespan = 86400 * 30 * 14 #Only keep the last 14 months of data self.checkType() self.setValueByKey("ApplicationStatus", "unset")