コード例 #1
ファイル: OAuth2IdProvider.py プロジェクト: TaykYoku/DIRAC
    def getGroupScopes(self, group: str) -> list:
        """Get group scopes

        :param group: DIRAC group
        idPScope = getGroupOption(group, "IdPRole")
        return scope_to_list(idPScope) if idPScope else []
コード例 #2
    def export_getPilotLoggingInfo(self, pilotReference):
        """ Get the pilot logging info for the Grid job reference

        result = pilotDB.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
        if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to determine owner for pilot ' +

        pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotReference]
        owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
        group = pilotDict['OwnerGroup']

        group = getGroupOption(group, 'VOMSRole', group)
        ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, group)
        if not ret['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Could not get proxy:',
                          'User "%s", Group "%s"' % (owner, group))
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
        proxy = ret['Value']

        gridType = pilotDict['GridType']

        return getPilotLoggingInfo(proxy, gridType, pilotReference)
コード例 #3
  def export_killPilot(self, pilotRefList ):
    """ Kill the specified pilots
    # Make a list if it is not yet
    pilotRefs = list( pilotRefList )
    if type( pilotRefList ) in StringTypes:
      pilotRefs = [pilotRefList]
    # Regroup pilots per site and per owner
    pilotRefDict = {}
    for pilotReference in pilotRefs:
      result = pilotDB.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
      if not result['OK'] or not result[ 'Value' ]:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to get info for pilot ' + pilotReference)
      pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotReference]
      owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
      group = pilotDict['OwnerGroup']
      queue = '@@@'.join( [owner, group, pilotDict['GridSite'], pilotDict['DestinationSite'], pilotDict['Queue']] )
      gridType = pilotDict['GridType']
      pilotRefDict.setdefault( queue, {} )
      pilotRefDict[queue].setdefault( 'PilotList', [] )
      pilotRefDict[queue]['PilotList'].append( pilotReference )
      pilotRefDict[queue]['GridType'] = gridType
    # Do the work now queue by queue  
    ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory()
    failed = []
    for key, pilotDict in pilotRefDict.items():
      owner,group,site,ce,queue = key.split( '@@@' )
      result = getQueue( site, ce, queue )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      queueDict = result['Value']
      gridType = pilotDict['GridType']
      result = ceFactory.getCE( gridType, ce, queueDict )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      ce = result['Value']
      if gridType in ["LCG","gLite","CREAM"]:
        group = getGroupOption(group,'VOMSRole',group)
        ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup( owner, group )
        if not ret['OK']:
          gLogger.error( ret['Message'] )
          gLogger.error( 'Could not get proxy:', 'User "%s", Group "%s"' % ( owner, group ) )
          return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
        proxy = ret['Value']
        ce.setProxy( proxy )

      pilotList = pilotDict['PilotList']
      result = ce.killJob( pilotList )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed.extend( pilotList )
    if failed:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to kill at least some pilots')
    return S_OK()  
コード例 #4
ファイル: WMSAdministratorHandler.py プロジェクト: bmb/DIRAC
  def __getGridJobOutput(self,pilotReference):
    """ Get the pilot job standard output and standard error files for the Grid
        job reference

    result = pilotDB.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
    if not result['OK'] or not result[ 'Value' ]:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to get info for pilot ' + pilotReference)

    pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotReference]
    owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
    group = pilotDict['OwnerGroup']

    # FIXME: What if the OutputSandBox is not StdOut and StdErr, what do we do with other files?
    result = pilotDB.getPilotOutput(pilotReference)
    if result['OK']:
      stdout = result['Value']['StdOut']
      error = result['Value']['StdErr']
      if stdout or error:
        resultDict = {}
        resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
        resultDict['StdErr'] = error
        resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
        resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
        resultDict['FileList'] = []
        return S_OK(resultDict)
        return S_ERROR('Empty pilot output found')

    gridType = pilotDict['GridType']
    if gridType in ["LCG","gLite","CREAM"]:
      group = getGroupOption(group,'VOMSRole',group)
      ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup( owner, group )
      if not ret['OK']:
        gLogger.error( ret['Message'] )
        gLogger.error( 'Could not get proxy:', 'User "%s", Group "%s"' % ( owner, group ) )
        return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
      proxy = ret['Value']
      pilotStamp = pilotDict['PilotStamp'] 
      result = getPilotOutput( proxy, gridType, pilotReference, pilotStamp )
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to get pilot output: '+result['Message'])
      # FIXME: What if the OutputSandBox is not StdOut and StdErr, what do we do with other files?
      stdout = result['StdOut']
      error = result['StdErr']
      fileList = result['FileList']
      result = pilotDB.storePilotOutput(pilotReference,stdout,error)
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error('Failed to store pilot output:',result['Message'])
      resultDict = {}
      resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
      resultDict['StdErr'] = error
      resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
      resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
      resultDict['FileList'] = fileList
      return S_OK(resultDict)
      return S_ERROR('Can not retrieve pilot output for the Grid %s ' % gridType)
コード例 #5
    def __buildRolesAndGroups(self):
        """Rebuild the cache dictionary for VOMS roles and EiscatDIRAC Groups"""
        self.lastBuild = datetime.datetime.now()

        allGroups = getAllGroups()

        for grpName in allGroups:
            vomsRole = getGroupOption(grpName, "VOMSRole")
            if vomsRole:
                self.diracGroups[grpName] = vomsRole
                self.vomsRoles.setdefault(vomsRole, []).append(grpName)
コード例 #6
ファイル: VOMSPolicy.py プロジェクト: kfox1111/DIRAC
    def __buildRolesAndGroups(self):
        """ Rebuild the cache dictionary for VOMS roles and DIRAC Groups"""

        self.lastBuild = datetime.datetime.now()

        allGroups = getAllGroups()

        for grpName in allGroups:
            vomsRole = getGroupOption(grpName, "VOMSRole")
            if vomsRole:
                self.diracGroups[grpName] = vomsRole
                self.vomsRoles.setdefault(vomsRole, []).append(grpName)
コード例 #7
ファイル: IAMIdProvider.py プロジェクト: TaykYoku/DIRAC
    def getGroupScopes(self, group):
        """Get group scopes

        :param str group: DIRAC group

        :return: list
        idPScope = getGroupOption(group, "IdPRole")
        if not idPScope:
            idPScope = "wlcg.groups:/%s/%s" % (getVOForGroup(group),
        return S_OK(scope_to_list(idPScope))
コード例 #8
ファイル: WMSUtilities.py プロジェクト: TaykYoku/DIRAC
def getPilotProxy(pilotDict):
    """Get a proxy bound to a pilot"""
    owner = pilotDict["OwnerDN"]
    group = pilotDict["OwnerGroup"]

    groupVOMS = getGroupOption(group, "VOMSRole", group)
    result = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, groupVOMS)
    if not result["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Could not get proxy:", 'User "%s" Group "%s" : %s' % (owner, groupVOMS, result["Message"]))
        return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
    proxy = result["Value"]
    return S_OK(proxy)
コード例 #9
ファイル: CheckInIdProvider.py プロジェクト: TaykYoku/DIRAC
    def getGroupScopes(self, group):
        """Get group scopes

        :param str group: DIRAC group

        :return: list
        idPScope = getGroupOption(group, "IdPRole")
        if not idPScope:
            idPScope = "eduperson_entitlement?value=urn:mace:egi.eu:group:%s:role=%s#aai.egi.eu" % (
        return S_OK(scope_to_list(idPScope))
コード例 #10
def killPilotsInQueues(pilotRefDict):
    """kill pilots queue by queue

    :params dict pilotRefDict: a dict of pilots in queues

    ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory()
    failed = []
    for key, pilotDict in pilotRefDict.items():

        owner, group, site, ce, queue = key.split("@@@")
        result = getQueue(site, ce, queue)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        queueDict = result["Value"]
        gridType = pilotDict["GridType"]
        result = ceFactory.getCE(gridType, ce, queueDict)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        ce = result["Value"]

        # FIXME: quite hacky. Should be either removed, or based on some flag
        if gridType in ["CREAM", "ARC", "Globus", "HTCondorCE"]:
            group = getGroupOption(group, "VOMSRole", group)
            ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, group)
            if not ret["OK"]:
                    "Could not get proxy:", 'User "%s" Group "%s" : %s' %
                    (owner, group, ret["Message"]))
                return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
            proxy = ret["Value"]

        pilotList = pilotDict["PilotList"]
        result = ce.killJob(pilotList)
        if not result["OK"]:

    return failed
コード例 #11
  def export_getPilotLoggingInfo(self,pilotReference):
    """ Get the pilot logging info for the Grid job reference

    result = pilotDB.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
    if not result['OK'] or not result[ 'Value' ]:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to determine owner for pilot ' + pilotReference)

    pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotReference]
    owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
    group = pilotDict['OwnerGroup']

    group = getGroupOption(group,'VOMSRole',group)
    ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup( owner, group )
    if not ret['OK']:
      gLogger.error( ret['Message'] )
      gLogger.error( 'Could not get proxy:', 'User "%s", Group "%s"' % ( owner, group ) )
      return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
    proxy = ret['Value']

    gridType = pilotDict['GridType']

    return getPilotLoggingInfo( proxy, gridType, pilotReference )
コード例 #12
    def __getGridJobOutput(self, pilotReference):
        """ Get the pilot job standard output and standard error files for the Grid
        job reference

        result = pilotDB.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
        if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get info for pilot ' + pilotReference)

        pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotReference]
        owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
        group = pilotDict['OwnerGroup']

        # FIXME: What if the OutputSandBox is not StdOut and StdErr, what do we do with other files?
        result = pilotDB.getPilotOutput(pilotReference)
        if result['OK']:
            stdout = result['Value']['StdOut']
            error = result['Value']['StdErr']
            if stdout or error:
                resultDict = {}
                resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
                resultDict['StdErr'] = error
                resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
                resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
                resultDict['FileList'] = []
                return S_OK(resultDict)
                return S_ERROR('Empty pilot output found')

        gridType = pilotDict['GridType']
        if gridType in ["LCG", "gLite", "CREAM"]:
            group = getGroupOption(group, 'VOMSRole', group)
            ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, group)
            if not ret['OK']:
                gLogger.error('Could not get proxy:',
                              'User "%s", Group "%s"' % (owner, group))
                return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
            proxy = ret['Value']

            pilotStamp = pilotDict['PilotStamp']
            result = getPilotOutput(proxy, gridType, pilotReference,
            if not result['OK']:
                return S_ERROR('Failed to get pilot output: ' +
            # FIXME: What if the OutputSandBox is not StdOut and StdErr, what do we do with other files?
            stdout = result['StdOut']
            error = result['StdErr']
            fileList = result['FileList']
            result = pilotDB.storePilotOutput(pilotReference, stdout, error)
            if not result['OK']:
                gLogger.error('Failed to store pilot output:',

            resultDict = {}
            resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
            resultDict['StdErr'] = error
            resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
            resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
            resultDict['FileList'] = fileList
            return S_OK(resultDict)
            return S_ERROR('Can not retrieve pilot output for the Grid %s ' %
コード例 #13
def getGridJobOutput(pilotReference):
    """ Get the pilot job standard output and standard error files for the Grid job reference

      :param str pilotReference: a grid (job) pilot reference

    result = pilotAgentsDB.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
    if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to get info for pilot ' + pilotReference)

    pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotReference]
    owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
    group = pilotDict['OwnerGroup']

    # FIXME: What if the OutputSandBox is not StdOut and StdErr, what do we do with other files?
    result = pilotAgentsDB.getPilotOutput(pilotReference)
    if result['OK']:
        stdout = result['Value']['StdOut']
        error = result['Value']['StdErr']
        if stdout or error:
            resultDict = {}
            resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
            resultDict['StdErr'] = error
            resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
            resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
            resultDict['FileList'] = []
            return S_OK(resultDict)
            gLogger.warn('Empty pilot output found', 'for %s' % pilotReference)

    # Instantiate the appropriate CE
    ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory()
    result = getQueue(pilotDict['GridSite'], pilotDict['DestinationSite'],
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    queueDict = result['Value']
    gridEnv = getGridEnv()
    queueDict['GridEnv'] = gridEnv
    queueDict['WorkingDirectory'] = mkdtemp()
    result = ceFactory.getCE(pilotDict['GridType'],
                             pilotDict['DestinationSite'], queueDict)
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    ce = result['Value']
    groupVOMS = getGroupOption(group, 'VOMSRole', group)
    result = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, groupVOMS)
    if not result['OK']:
            'Could not get proxy:', 'User "%s" Group "%s" : %s' %
            (owner, groupVOMS, result['Message']))
        return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
    proxy = result['Value']
    pilotStamp = pilotDict['PilotStamp']
    pRef = pilotReference
    if pilotStamp:
        pRef = pRef + ':::' + pilotStamp
    result = ce.getJobOutput(pRef)
    if not result['OK']:
        return result
    stdout, error = result['Value']
    if stdout:
        result = pilotAgentsDB.storePilotOutput(pilotReference, stdout, error)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Failed to store pilot output:', result['Message'])

    resultDict = {}
    resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
    resultDict['StdErr'] = error
    resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
    resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
    resultDict['FileList'] = []
    return S_OK(resultDict)
コード例 #14
  def __getGridJobOutput(self,pilotReference):
    """ Get the pilot job standard output and standard error files for the Grid
        job reference

    result = pilotDB.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
    if not result['OK'] or not result[ 'Value' ]:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to get info for pilot ' + pilotReference)

    pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotReference]
    owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
    group = pilotDict['OwnerGroup']

    # FIXME: What if the OutputSandBox is not StdOut and StdErr, what do we do with other files?
    result = pilotDB.getPilotOutput(pilotReference)
    if result['OK']:
      stdout = result['Value']['StdOut']
      error = result['Value']['StdErr']
      if stdout or error:
        resultDict = {}
        resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
        resultDict['StdErr'] = error
        resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
        resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
        resultDict['FileList'] = []
        return S_OK(resultDict)
        gLogger.warn( 'Empty pilot output found for %s' % pilotReference )

    gridType = pilotDict['GridType']
    if gridType in ["LCG","gLite","CREAM"]:
      group = getGroupOption(group,'VOMSRole',group)
      ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup( owner, group )
      if not ret['OK']:
        gLogger.error( ret['Message'] )
        gLogger.error( 'Could not get proxy:', 'User "%s", Group "%s"' % ( owner, group ) )
        return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
      proxy = ret['Value']

      pilotStamp = pilotDict['PilotStamp']
      result = getPilotOutput( proxy, gridType, pilotReference, pilotStamp )
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to get pilot output: '+result['Message'])
      # FIXME: What if the OutputSandBox is not StdOut and StdErr, what do we do with other files?
      stdout = result['StdOut']
      error = result['StdErr']
      fileList = result['FileList']
      if stdout:
        result = pilotDB.storePilotOutput(pilotReference,stdout,error)
        if not result['OK']:
          gLogger.error('Failed to store pilot output:',result['Message'])

      resultDict = {}
      resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
      resultDict['StdErr'] = error
      resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
      resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
      resultDict['FileList'] = fileList
      return S_OK(resultDict)
      # Instantiate the appropriate CE
      ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory()
      result = getQueue( pilotDict['GridSite'], pilotDict['DestinationSite'], pilotDict['Queue'] )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      queueDict = result['Value']
      result = ceFactory.getCE( gridType, pilotDict['DestinationSite'], queueDict )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      ce = result['Value']
      pilotStamp = pilotDict['PilotStamp']
      pRef = pilotReference
      if pilotStamp:
        pRef = pRef + ':::' + pilotStamp
      result = ce.getJobOutput( pRef )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      stdout,error = result['Value']
      if stdout:
        result = pilotDB.storePilotOutput(pilotReference,stdout,error)
        if not result['OK']:
          gLogger.error('Failed to store pilot output:',result['Message'])

      resultDict = {}
      resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
      resultDict['StdErr'] = error
      resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
      resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
      resultDict['FileList'] = []
      return S_OK( resultDict )
コード例 #15
            return result
        credentials = result["Value"]

        # Remember a clean proxy to then upload it in step 2
        proxy = copy.copy(chain)

        # Create local proxy with group
        self.outputFile = self.outputFile or getDefaultProxyLocation()
        parameters = (self.outputFile, int(self.lifetime or 12) * 3600, self.group)

        # Add a VOMS extension if the group requires it
        if (result := chain.generateProxyToFile(*parameters))["OK"] and (result := self.__enableCS())["OK"]:
            if not self.group and (result := findDefaultGroupForDN(credentials["DN"]))["OK"]:
                self.group = result["Value"]  # Use default group if user don't set it
            # based on the configuration we decide whether to add VOMS extensions
            if getGroupOption(self.group, "AutoAddVOMS", False):
                if not (vomsAttr := getVOMSAttributeForGroup(self.group)):
                    print(HTML(f"<yellow>No VOMS attribute foud for {self.group}</yellow>"))
                    vo = getVOMSVOForGroup(self.group)
                    if not (result := VOMS().setVOMSAttributes(self.outputFile, attribute=vomsAttr, vo=vo))["OK"]:
                        return S_ERROR(f"Failed adding VOMS attribute: {result['Message']}")
                    chain = result["Value"]
                    result = chain.generateProxyToFile(*parameters)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR(f"Couldn't generate proxy: {result['Message']}")

        if self.enableCS:
            # After creating the proxy, we can try to connect to the server
            if not (result := self.__enableCS())["OK"]:
                return result
コード例 #16
    def export_killPilot(self, pilotRefList):
        """ Kill the specified pilots
        # Make a list if it is not yet
        pilotRefs = list(pilotRefList)
        if type(pilotRefList) in StringTypes:
            pilotRefs = [pilotRefList]

        # Regroup pilots per site and per owner
        pilotRefDict = {}
        for pilotReference in pilotRefs:
            result = pilotDB.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
            if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
                return S_ERROR('Failed to get info for pilot ' +

            pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotReference]
            owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
            group = pilotDict['OwnerGroup']
            queue = '@@@'.join([
                owner, group, pilotDict['GridSite'],
                pilotDict['DestinationSite'], pilotDict['Queue']
            gridType = pilotDict['GridType']
            pilotRefDict.setdefault(queue, {})
            pilotRefDict[queue].setdefault('PilotList', [])
            pilotRefDict[queue]['GridType'] = gridType

        # Do the work now queue by queue
        ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory()
        failed = []
        for key, pilotDict in pilotRefDict.items():

            owner, group, site, ce, queue = key.split('@@@')
            result = getQueue(site, ce, queue)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            queueDict = result['Value']
            gridType = pilotDict['GridType']
            result = ceFactory.getCE(gridType, ce, queueDict)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            ce = result['Value']

            if gridType in ["LCG", "gLite", "CREAM"]:
                group = getGroupOption(group, 'VOMSRole', group)
                ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, group)
                if not ret['OK']:
                    gLogger.error('Could not get proxy:',
                                  'User "%s", Group "%s"' % (owner, group))
                    return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
                proxy = ret['Value']

            pilotList = pilotDict['PilotList']
            result = ce.killJob(pilotList)
            if not result['OK']:

        if failed:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to kill at least some pilots')

        return S_OK()
コード例 #17
    def __getGridJobOutput(self, pilotReference):
        """ Get the pilot job standard output and standard error files for the Grid
        job reference

        result = pilotDB.getPilotInfo(pilotReference)
        if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get info for pilot ' + pilotReference)

        pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotReference]
        owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
        group = pilotDict['OwnerGroup']

        # FIXME: What if the OutputSandBox is not StdOut and StdErr, what do we do with other files?
        result = pilotDB.getPilotOutput(pilotReference)
        if result['OK']:
            stdout = result['Value']['StdOut']
            error = result['Value']['StdErr']
            if stdout or error:
                resultDict = {}
                resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
                resultDict['StdErr'] = error
                resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
                resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
                resultDict['FileList'] = []
                return S_OK(resultDict)
                gLogger.warn('Empty pilot output found for %s' %

        gridType = pilotDict['GridType']
        if gridType in ["LCG", "gLite", "CREAM"]:
            group = getGroupOption(group, 'VOMSRole', group)
            ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, group)
            if not ret['OK']:
                gLogger.error('Could not get proxy:',
                              'User "%s", Group "%s"' % (owner, group))
                return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
            proxy = ret['Value']

            pilotStamp = pilotDict['PilotStamp']
            result = getPilotOutput(proxy, gridType, pilotReference,
            if not result['OK']:
                return S_ERROR('Failed to get pilot output: ' +
            # FIXME: What if the OutputSandBox is not StdOut and StdErr, what do we do with other files?
            stdout = result['StdOut']
            error = result['StdErr']
            fileList = result['FileList']
            if stdout:
                result = pilotDB.storePilotOutput(pilotReference, stdout,
                if not result['OK']:
                    gLogger.error('Failed to store pilot output:',

            resultDict = {}
            resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
            resultDict['StdErr'] = error
            resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
            resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
            resultDict['FileList'] = fileList
            return S_OK(resultDict)
            # Instantiate the appropriate CE
            ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory()
            result = getQueue(pilotDict['GridSite'],
                              pilotDict['DestinationSite'], pilotDict['Queue'])
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            queueDict = result['Value']
            result = ceFactory.getCE(gridType, pilotDict['DestinationSite'],
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            ce = result['Value']
            pilotStamp = pilotDict['PilotStamp']
            pRef = pilotReference
            if pilotStamp:
                pRef = pRef + ':::' + pilotStamp
            result = ce.getJobOutput(pRef)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            stdout, error = result['Value']
            if stdout:
                result = pilotDB.storePilotOutput(pilotReference, stdout,
                if not result['OK']:
                    gLogger.error('Failed to store pilot output:',

            resultDict = {}
            resultDict['StdOut'] = stdout
            resultDict['StdErr'] = error
            resultDict['OwnerDN'] = owner
            resultDict['OwnerGroup'] = group
            resultDict['FileList'] = []
            return S_OK(resultDict)
コード例 #18
  def getJobOutput(self, jobID, _localDir=None):
    """ Get the specified job standard output and error files. The output is returned
        as strings.

    if jobID.find(':::') != -1:
      pilotRef, stamp = jobID.split(':::')
      pilotRef = jobID
      stamp = ''
    if not stamp:
      return S_ERROR('Pilot stamp not defined for %s' % pilotRef)

    # somehow when this is called from the WMSAdministrator we don't
    # get the right proxy, so we do all this stuff here now. Probably
    # should be fixed in the WMSAdministrator?

    # Because this function is called from the WMSAdminsitrator, the
    # gridEnv that is picked up is not the one from the SiteDirector
    # Definition, but from Computing/CEDefaults
    result = PilotAgentsDB().getPilotInfo(pilotRef)
    if not result['OK'] or not result['Value']:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to determine owner for pilot ' + pilotRef)
    pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotRef]
    owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
    group = getGroupOption(pilotDict['OwnerGroup'], 'VOMSRole', pilotDict['OwnerGroup'])
    ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, group)
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.error('Could not get proxy:', 'User "%s", Group "%s"' % (owner, group))
      return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
    self.proxy = ret['Value']

    self.log.verbose("Getting output for: %s " % pilotRef)
    cmd = ['globus-job-get-output', '-out', pilotRef]
    result = executeGridCommand(self.proxy, cmd, self.gridEnv)
    output = ''
    if result['OK']:
      if not result['Value'][0]:
        output = result['Value'][1]
      elif result['Value'][0] == 1 and "No such file or directory" in result['Value'][2]:
        output = "Standard Output is not available on the Globus service"
        error = '\n'.join(result['Value'][1:])
        return S_ERROR(error)
      return S_ERROR('Failed to retrieve output for %s' % jobID)

    cmd = ['globus-job-get-output', '-err', pilotRef]
    result = executeGridCommand(self.proxy, cmd, self.gridEnv)
    error = ''
    if result['OK']:
      if not result['Value'][0]:
        error = result['Value'][1]
      elif result['Value'][0] == 1 and "No such file or directory" in result['Value'][2]:
        error = "Standard Error is not available on the Globus service"
        error = '\n'.join(result['Value'][1:])
        return S_ERROR(error)
      return S_ERROR('Failed to retrieve error for %s' % jobID)

    return S_OK((output, error))
コード例 #19
  def getJobOutput( self, jobID, _localDir = None ):
    """ Get the specified job standard output and error files. The output is returned
        as strings. 

    if jobID.find( ':::' ) != -1:
      pilotRef, stamp = jobID.split( ':::' )
      pilotRef = jobID
      stamp = ''
    if not stamp:
      return S_ERROR( 'Pilot stamp not defined for %s' % pilotRef )

    ## somehow when this is called from the WMSAdministrator we don't
    ## get the right proxy, so we do all this stuff here now. Probably
    ## should be fixed in the WMSAdministrator? 

    ## Because this function is called from the WMSAdminsitrator, the
    ## gridEnv that is picked up is not the one from the SiteDirector
    ## Definition, but from Computing/CEDefaults
    result = PilotAgentsDB().getPilotInfo(pilotRef)
    if not result['OK'] or not result[ 'Value' ]:
      return S_ERROR('Failed to determine owner for pilot ' + pilotRef)
    pilotDict = result['Value'][pilotRef]
    owner = pilotDict['OwnerDN']
    group = getGroupOption(pilotDict['OwnerGroup'],'VOMSRole',pilotDict['OwnerGroup'])
    ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup( owner, group )
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.error( ret['Message'] )
      self.log.error( 'Could not get proxy:', 'User "%s", Group "%s"' % ( owner, group ) )
      return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy")
    self.proxy = ret['Value']

    self.log.verbose("Getting output for: %s " % pilotRef)
    cmd = ['globus-job-get-output', '-out', pilotRef ]
    result = executeGridCommand( self.proxy, cmd, self.gridEnv )
    output = ''
    if result['OK']:
      if not result['Value'][0]:
        output = result['Value'][1]
      elif result['Value'][0] == 1 and "No such file or directory" in result['Value'][2]:
        output = "Standard Output is not available on the Globus service"
        error = '\n'.join( result['Value'][1:] )
        return S_ERROR( error )
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to retrieve output for %s' % jobID )

    cmd = ['globus-job-get-output', '-err', pilotRef ]
    result = executeGridCommand( self.proxy, cmd, self.gridEnv )
    error = ''
    if result['OK']:
      if not result['Value'][0]:
        error = result['Value'][1]
      elif result['Value'][0] == 1 and "No such file or directory" in result['Value'][2]:
        error = "Standard Error is not available on the Globus service"
        error = '\n'.join( result['Value'][1:] )
        return S_ERROR( error )
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to retrieve error for %s' % jobID )

    return S_OK( ( output, error ) )
コード例 #20
ファイル: AuthServer.py プロジェクト: TaykYoku/DIRAC
    def generateProxyOrToken(
        self, client, grant_type, user=None, scope=None, expires_in=None, include_refresh_token=True
        """Generate proxy or tokens after authorization

        :param client: instance of the IdP client
        :param grant_type: authorization grant type (unused)
        :param str user: user identificator
        :param str scope: requested scope
        :param expires_in: when the token should expire (unused)
        :param bool include_refresh_token: to include refresh token (unused)

        :return: dict or str -- will return tokens as dict or proxy as string
        # Read requested scopes
        group = self._getScope(scope, "g")
        lifetime = self._getScope(scope, "lifetime")
        # Found provider name for group
        provider = getIdPForGroup(group)

        # Search DIRAC username by user ID
        result = getUsernameForDN(wrapIDAsDN(user))
        if not result["OK"]:
            raise OAuth2Error(result["Message"])
        userName = result["Value"]

        # User request a proxy
        if "proxy" in scope_to_list(scope):
            # Try to return user proxy if proxy scope present in the authorization request
            if not isDownloadProxyAllowed():
                raise OAuth2Error("You can't get proxy, configuration(allowProxyDownload) not allow to do that.")
                "Try to query %s@%s proxy%s" % (user, group, ("with lifetime:%s" % lifetime) if lifetime else "")
            # Get user DNs
            result = getDNForUsername(userName)
            if not result["OK"]:
                raise OAuth2Error(result["Message"])
            userDNs = result["Value"]
            err = []
            # Try every DN to generate a proxy
            for dn in userDNs:
                sLog.debug("Try to get proxy for %s" % dn)
                params = {}
                if lifetime:
                    params["requiredTimeLeft"] = int(lifetime)
                # if the configuration describes adding a VOMS extension, we will do so
                if getGroupOption(group, "AutoAddVOMS", False):
                    result = self.proxyCli.downloadVOMSProxy(dn, group, **params)
                    # otherwise we will return the usual proxy
                    result = self.proxyCli.downloadProxy(dn, group, **params)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    sLog.info("Proxy was created.")
                    result = result["Value"].dumpAllToString()
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        raise OAuth2Error(result["Message"])
                    # Proxy generated
                    return {
                        "proxy": result["Value"].decode() if isinstance(result["Value"], bytes) else result["Value"]
            # Proxy cannot be generated or not found
            raise OAuth2Error("; ".join(err))

        # User request a tokens
            # Ask TokenManager to generate new tokens for user
            result = self.tokenCli.getToken(userName, group)
            if not result["OK"]:
                raise OAuth2Error(result["Message"])
            token = result["Value"]
            # Wrap the refresh token and register it to protect against reuse
            result = self.registerRefreshToken(
                dict(sub=user, scope=scope, provider=provider, azp=client.get_client_id()), token
            if not result["OK"]:
                raise OAuth2Error(result["Message"])
            # Return tokens as dictionary
            return result["Value"]