コード例 #1
ファイル: StrategyHandler.py プロジェクト: vvolkl/DIRAC
    def setup(self, channels, bandwithds, failedFiles):
        """ prepare fts graph 

    :param dict channels: { channelID : { "Files" : long , Size = long, "ChannelName" : str, 
                                          "Source" : str, "Destination" : str , "ChannelName" : str, "Status" : str  } }
    :param dict bandwidths: { channelID { "Throughput" : float, "Fileput" : float, "SucessfulFiles" : long, "FailedFiles" : long  } }
    :param dict failedFiles: { channelID : int }

    channelInfo { channelName : { "ChannelID" : int, "TimeToStart" : float} }  
        graph = FTSGraph("sites")

        result = getStorageElementSiteMapping()
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        sitesDict = result["Value"]

        ## create nodes
        for site, ses in sitesDict.items():
            rwDict = self.__getRWAccessForSE(ses)
            if not rwDict["OK"]:
                return rwDict
            siteName = site
            if "." in site:
                siteName = site.split(".")[1]
            graph.addNode(LCGSite(siteName, {"SEs": rwDict["Value"]}))
        ## channels { channelID : { "Files" : long , Size = long, "ChannelName" : str,
        ##                          "Source" : str, "Destination" : str ,
        ##                          "ChannelName" : str, "Status" : str  } }
        ## bandwidths { channelID { "Throughput" : float, "Fileput" : float,
        ##                           "SucessfulFiles" : long, "FailedFiles" : long  } }
        ## channelInfo { channelName : { "ChannelID" : int, "TimeToStart" : float} }
        for channelID, channelDict in channels.items():
            sourceName = channelDict["Source"]
            destName = channelDict["Destination"]
            fromNode = graph.getNode(sourceName)
            toNode = graph.getNode(destName)
            if fromNode and toNode:
                rwAttrs = {
                    "status": channels[channelID]["Status"],
                    "files": channelDict["Files"],
                    "size": channelDict["Size"],
                    "successfulAttempts": bandwithds[channelID]["SuccessfulFiles"],
                    "failedAttempts": bandwithds[channelID]["FailedFiles"],
                    "distinctFailedFiles": failedFiles.get(channelID, 0),
                    "fileput": bandwithds[channelID]["Fileput"],
                    "throughput": bandwithds[channelID]["Throughput"],
                roAttrs = {
                    "channelID": channelID,
                    "channelName": channelDict["ChannelName"],
                    "acceptableFailureRate": self.acceptableFailureRate,
                    "acceptableFailedFiles": self.acceptableFailedFiles,
                    "schedulingType": self.schedulingType,
                ftsChannel = FTSChannel(fromNode, toNode, rwAttrs, roAttrs)
        self.ftsGraph = graph
        self.lastRssUpdate = datetime.datetime.now()
        return S_OK()
コード例 #2
  def initialize( self, ftsHistoryViews = None ):
    """ initialize FTSGraph  given FTSSites and FTSHistoryViews

    :param list ftsSites: list with FTSSites instances
    :param list ftsHistoryViews: list with FTSHistoryViews instances
    self.log.debug( "initializing FTS graph..." )

    ftsSites = self.ftsSites()
    if ftsSites["OK"]:
      ftsSites = ftsSites["Value"]
      ftsSites = []
    ftsHistoryViews = ftsHistoryViews if ftsHistoryViews else []

    sitesDict = getStorageElementSiteMapping()  # [ ftsSite.Name for ftsSite in ftsSites ] )
    if not sitesDict["OK"]:
      self.log.error( sitesDict["Message"] )
      # raise Exception( sitesDict["Message"] )
    sitesDict = sitesDict["Value"] if "Value" in sitesDict else {}

    # # revert to resources helper
    # sitesDict = self.resources().getEligibleResources( "Storage" )
    # if not sitesDict["OK"]:
    #  return sitesDict
    # sitesDict = sitesDict["Value"]

    # # create nodes
    for ftsSite in ftsSites:

      rwSEsDict = dict.fromkeys( sitesDict.get( ftsSite.Name, [] ), {} )
      for se in rwSEsDict:
        rwSEsDict[se] = { "read": False, "write": False }

      rwAttrs = { "SEs": rwSEsDict }
      roAttrs = { "FTSServer": ftsSite.FTSServer,
                  "MaxActiveJobs": ftsSite.MaxActiveJobs }
      site = Site( ftsSite.Name, rwAttrs, roAttrs )

      self.log.debug( "adding site %s using FTSServer %s" % ( ftsSite.Name, ftsSite.FTSServer ) )
      self.addNode( site )

    for sourceSite in self.nodes():
      for destSite in self.nodes():

        rwAttrs = { "WaitingFiles": 0, "WaitingSize": 0,
                    "SuccessfulFiles": 0, "SuccessfulSize": 0,
                    "FailedFiles": 0, "FailedSize": 0,
                    "FilePut": 0.0, "ThroughPut": 0.0,
                    "ActiveJobs": 0, "FinishedJobs": 0 }

        roAttrs = { "routeName": "%s#%s" % ( sourceSite.name, destSite.name ),
                    "AcceptableFailureRate": self.accFailureRate,
                    "AcceptableFailedFiles": self.accFailedFiles,
                    "SchedulingType": self.schedulingType }

        route = Route( sourceSite, destSite, rwAttrs, roAttrs )
        self.log.debug( "adding route between %s and %s" % ( route.fromNode.name, route.toNode.name ) )
        self.addEdge( route )

    for ftsHistory in ftsHistoryViews:

      route = self.findRoute( ftsHistory.SourceSE, ftsHistory.TargetSE )
      if not route["OK"]:
        self.log.warn( "route between %s and %s not found" % ( ftsHistory.SourceSE, ftsHistory.TargetSE ) )
      route = route["Value"]

      if ftsHistory.Status in FTSJob.INITSTATES:
        route.ActiveJobs += ftsHistory.FTSJobs
        route.WaitingFiles += ftsHistory.Files
        route.WaitingSize += ftsHistory.Size
      elif ftsHistory.Status in FTSJob.TRANSSTATES:
        route.ActiveJobs += ftsHistory.FTSJobs
        route.WaitingSize += ftsHistory.Completeness * ftsHistory.Size / 100.0
        route.WaitingFiles += int( ftsHistory.Completeness * ftsHistory.Files / 100.0 )
      elif ftsHistory.Status in FTSJob.FAILEDSTATES:
        route.FinishedJobs += ftsHistory.FTSJobs
        route.FailedFiles += ftsHistory.FailedFiles
        route.FailedSize += ftsHistory.FailedSize
      else:  # # FINISHEDSTATES
        route.FinishedJobs += ftsHistory.FTSJobs
        route.SuccessfulFiles += ( ftsHistory.Files - ftsHistory.FailedFiles )
        route.SuccessfulSize += ( ftsHistory.Size - ftsHistory.FailedSize )

      route.FilePut = float( route.SuccessfulFiles - route.FailedFiles ) / FTSHistoryView.INTERVAL
      route.ThroughPut = float( route.SuccessfulSize - route.FailedSize ) / FTSHistoryView.INTERVAL

    self.log.debug( "init done!" )
コード例 #3
ファイル: StrategyHandler.py プロジェクト: ptakha/DIRAC-1
    def setup(self, channels, bandwithds, failedFiles):
        """ prepare fts graph 

    :param dict channels: { channelID : { "Files" : long , Size = long, "ChannelName" : str, 
                                          "Source" : str, "Destination" : str , "ChannelName" : str, "Status" : str  } }
    :param dict bandwidths: { channelID { "Throughput" : float, "Fileput" : float, "SucessfulFiles" : long, "FailedFiles" : long  } }
    :param dict failedFiles: { channelID : int }

    channelInfo { channelName : { "ChannelID" : int, "TimeToStart" : float} }  
        graph = FTSGraph("sites")

        result = getStorageElementSiteMapping()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sitesDict = result['Value']

        ## create nodes
        for site, ses in sitesDict.items():
            rwDict = self.__getRWAccessForSE(ses)
            if not rwDict["OK"]:
                return rwDict
            siteName = site
            if '.' in site:
                siteName = site.split('.')[1]
            graph.addNode(LCGSite(siteName, {"SEs": rwDict["Value"]}))
        ## channels { channelID : { "Files" : long , Size = long, "ChannelName" : str,
        ##                          "Source" : str, "Destination" : str ,
        ##                          "ChannelName" : str, "Status" : str  } }
        ## bandwidths { channelID { "Throughput" : float, "Fileput" : float,
        ##                           "SucessfulFiles" : long, "FailedFiles" : long  } }
        ## channelInfo { channelName : { "ChannelID" : int, "TimeToStart" : float} }
        for channelID, channelDict in channels.items():
            sourceName = channelDict["Source"]
            destName = channelDict["Destination"]
            fromNode = graph.getNode(sourceName)
            toNode = graph.getNode(destName)
            if fromNode and toNode:
                rwAttrs = {
                    "status": channels[channelID]["Status"],
                    "files": channelDict["Files"],
                    "size": channelDict["Size"],
                    "failedAttempts": bandwithds[channelID]["FailedFiles"],
                    "distinctFailedFiles": failedFiles.get(channelID, 0),
                    "fileput": bandwithds[channelID]["Fileput"],
                    "throughput": bandwithds[channelID]["Throughput"]
                roAttrs = {
                    "channelID": channelID,
                    "channelName": channelDict["ChannelName"],
                    "acceptableFailureRate": self.acceptableFailureRate,
                    "acceptableFailedFiles": self.acceptableFailedFiles,
                    "schedulingType": self.schedulingType
                ftsChannel = FTSChannel(fromNode, toNode, rwAttrs, roAttrs)
        self.ftsGraph = graph
        self.lastRssUpdate = datetime.datetime.now()
        return S_OK()