コード例 #1
def printUsers():
  """Print the list of users in the VO"""
  clip = Params()
  from DIRAC.Core.Security.VOMSService import VOMSService
  voms = VOMSService(clip.adminUrl, clip.attributeUrl)
  res = voms.admListMembers()
  if not res['OK']:
  users = res['Value']
  for user in users:
    if not clip.username:
      printUser(user, clip.addPrint)
      if user['DN'].lower().count(clip.username.lower()):
        printUser(user, clip.addPrint)
コード例 #2
def printUsers():
    """Print the list of users in the VO"""
    clip = Params()

    from DIRAC.Core.Security.VOMSService import VOMSService
    voms = VOMSService(vo=clip.voName,
    res = voms.admListMembers()
    if not res['OK']:
    users = res['Value']
    for user in users:
        if not clip.username:
            printUser(user, clip.addPrint)
            if user['DN'].lower().count(clip.username.lower()):
                printUser(user, clip.addPrint)
コード例 #3
class UsersAndGroups(AgentModule):
    def initialize(self):
        self.am_setOption("PollingTime", 3600 * 6)  # Every 6 hours
        self.vomsSrv = VOMSService()
        self.proxyLocation = os.path.join(self.am_getWorkDirectory(),
        self.__adminMsgs = {}
        # print self.getLFCRegisteredDNs()
        return S_OK()

    def __generateProxy(self):
        self.log.info("Generating proxy...")
        certLoc = Locations.getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
        if not certLoc:
            self.log.error("Can not find certificate!")
            return False
        chain = X509Chain.X509Chain()
        result = chain.loadChainFromFile(certLoc[0])
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Can not load certificate file",
                           "%s : %s" % (certLoc[0], result['Message']))
            return False
        result = chain.loadKeyFromFile(certLoc[1])
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Can not load key file",
                           "%s : %s" % (certLoc[1], result['Message']))
            return False
        result = chain.generateProxyToFile(self.proxyLocation, 3600)
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Could not generate proxy file", result['Message'])
            return False
        self.log.info("Proxy generated")
        return True

    def getLFCRegisteredDNs(self):
        #Request a proxy
        if gConfig.useServerCertificate():
            if not self.__generateProxy():
                return False
        #Execute the call
        cmdEnv = dict(os.environ)
        cmdEnv['LFC_HOST'] = 'lfc-egee.in2p3.fr'
        if os.path.isfile(self.proxyLocation):
            cmdEnv['X509_USER_PROXY'] = self.proxyLocation
        lfcDNs = []
            retlfc = Subprocess.systemCall(30, ('lfc-listusrmap', ),
            if not retlfc['OK']:
                self.log.fatal('Can not get LFC User List', retlfc['Message'])
                return retlfc
            if retlfc['Value'][0]:
                self.log.fatal('Can not get LFC User List', retlfc['Value'][2])
                return S_ERROR("lfc-listusrmap failed")
                for item in List.fromChar(retlfc['Value'][1], '\n'):
                    dn = item.split(' ', 1)[1]
            return S_OK(lfcDNs)
            if os.path.isfile(self.proxyLocation):
                self.log.info("Destroying proxy...")

    def checkLFCRegisteredUsers(self, usersData):
        self.log.info("Checking LFC registered users")
        usersToBeRegistered = {}
        result = self.getLFCRegisteredDNs()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Could not get a list of registered DNs from LFC",
            return result
        lfcDNs = result['Value']
        for user in usersData:
            for userDN in usersData[user]['DN']:
                if userDN not in lfcDNs:
                        'DN "%s" need to be registered in LFC for user %s' %
                        (userDN, user))
                    if user not in usersToBeRegistered:
                        usersToBeRegistered[user] = []

        address = self.am_getOption('MailTo', '*****@*****.**')
        fromAddress = self.am_getOption('mailFrom', '*****@*****.**')
        if usersToBeRegistered:
            subject = 'New LFC Users found'
            self.log.info(subject, ", ".join(usersToBeRegistered))
            body = 'Command to add new entries into LFC: \n'
            body += 'login to volhcbXX and run : \n'
            body += 'source /afs/cern.ch/lhcb/software/releases/LBSCRIPTS/prod/InstallArea/scripts/LbLogin.csh \n\n'
            for lfcuser in usersToBeRegistered:
                for lfc_dn in usersToBeRegistered[lfcuser]:
                    print lfc_dn
                    body += 'add_DN_LFC --userDN="' + lfc_dn.strip(
                    ) + '" --nickname=' + lfcuser + '\n'

                                          'UsersAndGroupsAgent: %s' % subject,
                                          body, fromAddress)
        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        result = self.__syncCSWithVOMS()
        mailMsg = ""
        if self.__adminMsgs['Errors']:
            mailMsg += "\nErrors list:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join(
        if self.__adminMsgs['Info']:
            mailMsg += "\nRun result:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join(
            self.am_getOption('MailTo', '*****@*****.**'),
            "UsersAndGroupsAgent run log", mailMsg,
            self.am_getOption('mailFrom', '*****@*****.**'))
        return result

    def __syncCSWithVOMS(self):
        self.__adminMsgs = {'Errors': [], 'Info': []}

        #Get DIRAC VOMS Mapping
        self.log.info("Getting DIRAC VOMS mapping")
        mappingSection = '/Registry/VOMS/Mapping'
        ret = gConfig.getOptionsDict(mappingSection)
        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.fatal('No VOMS to DIRAC Group Mapping Available')
            return ret
        vomsMapping = ret['Value']
        self.log.info("There are %s registered voms mappings in DIRAC" %

        #Get VOMS VO name
        self.log.info("Getting VOMS VO name")
        result = self.vomsSrv.admGetVOName()
        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.fatal('Could not retrieve VOMS VO name')
        voNameInVOMS = result['Value']
        self.log.info("VOMS VO Name is %s" % voNameInVOMS)

        #Get VOMS roles
        self.log.info("Getting the list of registered roles in VOMS")
        result = self.vomsSrv.admListRoles()
        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.fatal('Could not retrieve registered roles in VOMS')
        rolesInVOMS = result['Value']
        self.log.info("There are %s registered roles in VOMS" %
        print rolesInVOMS

        #Map VOMS roles
        vomsRoles = {}
        for role in rolesInVOMS:
            if role:
                role = "%s/%s" % (voNameInVOMS, role)
                role = voNameInVOMS
            groupsForRole = []
            for group in vomsMapping:
                if vomsMapping[group] == role:
            if groupsForRole:
                vomsRoles[role] = {'Groups': groupsForRole, 'Users': []}
        self.log.info("DIRAC valid VOMS roles are:\n\t",
                      "\n\t ".join(vomsRoles.keys()))

        #Get DIRAC users
        self.log.info("Getting the list of registered users in DIRAC")
        csapi = CSAPI()
        ret = csapi.listUsers()
        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.fatal('Could not retrieve current list of Users')
            return ret
        currentUsers = ret['Value']

        ret = csapi.describeUsers(currentUsers)
        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.fatal('Could not retrieve current User description')
            return ret
        currentUsers = ret['Value']
            "There are %s registered users in DIRAC" % len(currentUsers))
        self.log.info("There are %s registered users in DIRAC" %

        #Get VOMS user entries
        self.log.info("Getting the list of registered user entries in VOMS")
        result = self.vomsSrv.admListMembers()
        if not ret['OK']:
                'Could not retrieve registered user entries in VOMS')
        usersInVOMS = result['Value']
            "There are %s registered user entries in VOMS" % len(usersInVOMS))
        self.log.info("There are %s registered user entries in VOMS" %

        #Consolidate users by nickname
        usersData = {}
        newUserNames = []
        knownUserNames = []
        obsoleteUserNames = []
        self.log.info("Retrieving usernames...")
        for iUPos in range(len(usersInVOMS)):
            userName = ''
            user = usersInVOMS[iUPos]
            for oldUser in currentUsers:
                if user['DN'].strip() in List.fromChar(
                    userName = oldUser
            if not userName:
                result = self.vomsSrv.attGetUserNickname(
                    user['DN'], user['CA'])
                if result['OK']:
                    userName = result['Value']
                        "Could not retrieve nickname for DN %s" % user['DN'])
                    self.log.error("Could not get nickname for DN", user['DN'])
                    userName = user['mail'][:user['mail'].find('@')]
            if not userName:
                self.log.error("Empty nickname for DN", user['DN'])
                self.__adminMsgs['Errors'].append("Empty nickname for DN %s" %
                " (%02d%%) Found username %s : %s " %
                ((iUPos * 100 / len(usersInVOMS)), userName, user['DN']))
            if userName not in usersData:
                usersData[userName] = {
                    'DN': [],
                    'CA': [],
                    'Email': [],
                    'Groups': ['user']
            for key in ('DN', 'CA', 'mail'):
                value = user[key]
                if value:
                    if key == "mail":
                        List.appendUnique(usersData[userName]['Email'], value)
            if userName not in currentUsers:
                List.appendUnique(newUserNames, userName)
                List.appendUnique(knownUserNames, userName)
        self.log.info("Finished retrieving usernames")

        if newUserNames:
            self.log.info("There are %s new users" % len(newUserNames))
            self.log.info("There are no new users")

        #Get the list of users for each group
        result = csapi.listGroups()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Could not get the list of groups in DIRAC",
            return result
        staticGroups = result['Value']
        vomsGroups = []
        self.log.info("Mapping users in VOMS to groups")
        for vomsRole in vomsRoles:
            self.log.info("  Getting users for role %s" % vomsRole)
            groupsForRole = vomsRoles[vomsRole]['Groups']
            vomsMap = vomsRole.split("Role=")
            for g in groupsForRole:
                if g in staticGroups:
            if len(vomsMap) == 1:
                # no Role
                users = usersInVOMS
                vomsGroup = "Role=".join(vomsMap[:-1])
                if vomsGroup[-1] == "/":
                    vomsGroup = vomsGroup[:-1]
                vomsRole = "Role=%s" % vomsMap[-1]
                result = self.vomsSrv.admListUsersWithRole(vomsGroup, vomsRole)
                if not result['OK']:
                    errorMsg = "Could not get list of users for VOMS %s" % (
                    self.log.error(errorMsg, result['Message'])
                    return result
                users = result['Value']
            numUsersInGroup = 0

            for vomsUser in users:
                for userName in usersData:
                    if vomsUser['DN'] in usersData[userName]['DN']:
                        numUsersInGroup += 1
            infoMsg = "There are %s users in group(s) %s for VOMS Role %s" % (
                numUsersInGroup, ",".join(groupsForRole), vomsRole)
            self.log.info("  %s" % infoMsg)

        self.log.info("Checking static groups")
        staticUsers = []
        for group in staticGroups:
            self.log.info("  Checking static group %s" % group)
            numUsersInGroup = 0
            result = csapi.listUsers(group)
            if not result['OK']:
                    "Could not get the list of users in DIRAC group %s" %
                    group, result['Message'])
                return result
            for userName in result['Value']:
                if userName in usersData:
                    numUsersInGroup += 1
                    if group not in vomsGroups and userName not in staticUsers:
            infoMsg = "There are %s users in group %s" % (numUsersInGroup,
            self.log.info("  %s" % infoMsg)
        if staticUsers:
            infoMsg = "There are %s static users: %s" % (
                len(staticUsers), ', '.join(staticUsers))
            self.log.info("%s" % infoMsg)

        for user in currentUsers:
            if user not in usersData and user not in staticUsers:
                self.log.info('User %s is no longer valid' % user)

        #Do the CS Sync
        self.log.info("Updating CS...")
        ret = csapi.downloadCSData()
        if not ret['OK']:
            self.log.fatal('Can not update from CS', ret['Message'])
            return ret

        usersWithMoreThanOneDN = {}
        for user in usersData:
            csUserData = dict(usersData[user])
            if len(csUserData['DN']) > 1:
                usersWithMoreThanOneDN[user] = csUserData['DN']
            result = csapi.describeUsers([user])
            if result['OK']:
                if result['Value']:
                    prevUser = result['Value'][user]
                    prevDNs = List.fromChar(prevUser['DN'])
                    newDNs = csUserData['DN']
                    for DN in newDNs:
                        if DN not in prevDNs:
                                "User %s has new DN %s" % (user, DN))
                    for DN in prevDNs:
                        if DN not in newDNs:
                                "User %s has lost a DN %s" % (user, DN))
                    newDNs = csUserData['DN']
                    for DN in newDNs:
                            "New user %s has new DN %s" % (user, DN))
            for k in ('DN', 'CA', 'Email'):
                csUserData[k] = ", ".join(csUserData[k])
            result = csapi.modifyUser(user,
            if not result['OK']:
                self.__adminMsgs['Error'].append("Cannot modify user %s: %s" %
                                                 (user, result['Message']))
                self.log.error("Cannot modify user", user)

        if usersWithMoreThanOneDN:
            self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("\nUsers with more than one DN:")
            for uwmtod in sorted(usersWithMoreThanOneDN):
                self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("  %s" % uwmtod)
                self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("    + DN list:")
                for DN in usersWithMoreThanOneDN[uwmtod]:
                    self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("      - %s" % DN)

        if obsoleteUserNames:
            self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("\nObsolete users:")
            address = self.am_getOption('MailTo', '*****@*****.**')
            fromAddress = self.am_getOption('mailFrom', '*****@*****.**')
            subject = 'Obsolete LFC Users found'
            body = 'Delete entries into LFC: \n'
            for obsoleteUser in obsoleteUserNames:
                self.log.info(subject, ", ".join(obsoleteUserNames))
                body += 'for ' + obsoleteUser + '\n'
                self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("  %s" % obsoleteUser)
            self.log.info("Deleting %s users" % len(obsoleteUserNames))
                                          'UsersAndGroupsAgent: %s' % subject,
                                          body, fromAddress)

        if newUserNames:
            self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("\nNew users:")
            for newUser in newUserNames:
                self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("  %s" % newUser)
                self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("    + DN list:")
                for DN in usersData[newUser]['DN']:
                    self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("      - %s" % DN)
                self.__adminMsgs['Info'].append("    + EMail: %s" %

        result = csapi.commitChanges()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Could not commit configuration changes",
            return result
        self.log.info("Configuration committed")

        #LFC Check
        if self.am_getOption("LFCCheckEnabled", True):
            result = self.checkLFCRegisteredUsers(usersData)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

        return S_OK()
コード例 #4
ファイル: UsersAndGroups.py プロジェクト: JanEbbing/DIRAC
class UsersAndGroups( AgentModule ):

  def initialize( self ):
    self.am_setOption( "PollingTime", 3600 * 6 ) # Every 6 hours
    self.vomsSrv = VOMSService()
    self.proxyLocation = os.path.join( self.am_getWorkDirectory(), ".volatileId" )
    self.__adminMsgs = {}
    # print self.getLFCRegisteredDNs()
    return S_OK()

  def __generateProxy( self ):
    self.log.info( "Generating proxy..." )
    certLoc = Locations.getHostCertificateAndKeyLocation()
    if not certLoc:
      self.log.error( "Can not find certificate!" )
      return False
    chain = X509Chain.X509Chain()
    result = chain.loadChainFromFile( certLoc[0] )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( "Can not load certificate file", "%s : %s" % ( certLoc[0], result[ 'Message' ] ) )
      return False
    result = chain.loadKeyFromFile( certLoc[1] )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( "Can not load key file", "%s : %s" % ( certLoc[1], result[ 'Message' ] ) )
      return False
    result = chain.generateProxyToFile( self.proxyLocation, 3600 )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( "Could not generate proxy file", result[ 'Message' ] )
      return False
    self.log.info( "Proxy generated" )
    return True

  def getLFCRegisteredDNs( self ):
    #Request a proxy
    if gConfig.useServerCertificate():
      if not self.__generateProxy():
        return False
    #Execute the call
    cmdEnv = dict( os.environ )
    cmdEnv['LFC_HOST'] = 'lfc-egee.in2p3.fr'
    if os.path.isfile( self.proxyLocation ):
      cmdEnv[ 'X509_USER_PROXY' ] = self.proxyLocation
    lfcDNs = []
      retlfc = Subprocess.systemCall( 30, ( 'lfc-listusrmap', ), env = cmdEnv )
      if not retlfc['OK']:
        self.log.fatal( 'Can not get LFC User List', retlfc['Message'] )
        return retlfc
      if retlfc['Value'][0]:
        self.log.fatal( 'Can not get LFC User List', retlfc['Value'][2] )
        return S_ERROR( "lfc-listusrmap failed" )
        for item in List.fromChar( retlfc['Value'][1], '\n' ):
          dn = item.split( ' ', 1 )[1]
          lfcDNs.append( dn )
      return S_OK( lfcDNs )
      if os.path.isfile( self.proxyLocation ):
        self.log.info( "Destroying proxy..." )
        os.unlink( self.proxyLocation )

  def checkLFCRegisteredUsers( self, usersData ):
    self.log.info( "Checking LFC registered users" )
    usersToBeRegistered = {}
    result = self.getLFCRegisteredDNs()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( "Could not get a list of registered DNs from LFC", result[ 'Message' ] )
      return result
    lfcDNs = result[ 'Value' ]
    for user in usersData:
      for userDN in usersData[ user ][ 'DN' ]:
        if userDN not in lfcDNs:
          self.log.info( 'DN "%s" need to be registered in LFC for user %s' % ( userDN, user ) )
          if user not in usersToBeRegistered:
            usersToBeRegistered[ user ] = []
          usersToBeRegistered[ user ].append( userDN )

    address = self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', '*****@*****.**' )
    fromAddress = self.am_getOption( 'mailFrom', '*****@*****.**' )
    if usersToBeRegistered:
      subject = 'New LFC Users found'
      self.log.info( subject, ", ".join( usersToBeRegistered ) )
      body = 'Command to add new entries into LFC: \n'
      body += 'login to volhcbXX and run : \n'
      body += 'source /afs/cern.ch/lhcb/software/releases/LBSCRIPTS/prod/InstallArea/scripts/LbLogin.csh \n\n'
      for lfcuser in usersToBeRegistered:
        for lfc_dn in usersToBeRegistered[lfcuser]:
          print lfc_dn
          body += 'add_DN_LFC --userDN="' + lfc_dn.strip() + '" --nickname=' + lfcuser + '\n'

      NotificationClient().sendMail( address, 'UsersAndGroupsAgent: %s' % subject, body, fromAddress )
    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):
    result = self.__syncCSWithVOMS()
    mailMsg = ""
    if self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ]:
      mailMsg += "\nErrors list:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join( self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ] )
    if self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ]:
      mailMsg += "\nRun result:\n  %s" % "\n  ".join( self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ] )
    NotificationClient().sendMail( self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', '*****@*****.**' ),
                                   "UsersAndGroupsAgent run log", mailMsg,
                                   self.am_getOption( 'mailFrom', '*****@*****.**' ) )
    return result

  def __syncCSWithVOMS( self ):
    self.__adminMsgs = { 'Errors' : [], 'Info' : [] }

    #Get DIRAC VOMS Mapping
    self.log.info( "Getting DIRAC VOMS mapping" )
    mappingSection = '/Registry/VOMS/Mapping'
    ret = gConfig.getOptionsDict( mappingSection )
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.fatal( 'No VOMS to DIRAC Group Mapping Available' )
      return ret
    vomsMapping = ret['Value']
    self.log.info( "There are %s registered voms mappings in DIRAC" % len( vomsMapping ) )

    #Get VOMS VO name
    self.log.info( "Getting VOMS VO name" )
    result = self.vomsSrv.admGetVOName()
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.fatal( 'Could not retrieve VOMS VO name' )
    voNameInVOMS = result[ 'Value' ]
    self.log.info( "VOMS VO Name is %s" % voNameInVOMS )

    #Get VOMS roles
    self.log.info( "Getting the list of registered roles in VOMS" )
    result = self.vomsSrv.admListRoles()
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.fatal( 'Could not retrieve registered roles in VOMS' )
    rolesInVOMS = result[ 'Value' ]
    self.log.info( "There are %s registered roles in VOMS" % len( rolesInVOMS ) )
    print rolesInVOMS
    rolesInVOMS.append( '' )

    #Map VOMS roles
    vomsRoles = {}
    for role in rolesInVOMS:
      if role:
        role = "%s/%s" % ( voNameInVOMS, role )
        role = voNameInVOMS
      groupsForRole = []
      for group in vomsMapping:
        if vomsMapping[ group ] == role:
          groupsForRole.append( group )
      if groupsForRole:
        vomsRoles[ role ] = { 'Groups' : groupsForRole, 'Users' : [] }
    self.log.info( "DIRAC valid VOMS roles are:\n\t", "\n\t ".join( vomsRoles.keys() ) )

    #Get DIRAC users
    self.log.info( "Getting the list of registered users in DIRAC" )
    csapi = CSAPI()
    ret = csapi.listUsers()
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.fatal( 'Could not retrieve current list of Users' )
      return ret
    currentUsers = ret['Value']

    ret = csapi.describeUsers( currentUsers )
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.fatal( 'Could not retrieve current User description' )
      return ret
    currentUsers = ret['Value']
    self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "There are %s registered users in DIRAC" % len( currentUsers ) )
    self.log.info( "There are %s registered users in DIRAC" % len( currentUsers ) )

    #Get VOMS user entries
    self.log.info( "Getting the list of registered user entries in VOMS" )
    result = self.vomsSrv.admListMembers()
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.fatal( 'Could not retrieve registered user entries in VOMS' )
    usersInVOMS = result[ 'Value' ]
    self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "There are %s registered user entries in VOMS" % len( usersInVOMS ) )
    self.log.info( "There are %s registered user entries in VOMS" % len( usersInVOMS ) )

    #Consolidate users by nickname
    usersData = {}
    newUserNames = []
    knownUserNames = []
    obsoleteUserNames = []
    self.log.info( "Retrieving usernames..." )
    for iUPos in range( len( usersInVOMS ) ):
      userName = ''
      user = usersInVOMS[ iUPos ]
      for oldUser in currentUsers:
        if user[ 'DN' ].strip() in List.fromChar( currentUsers[oldUser][ 'DN' ] ):
          userName = oldUser
      if not userName:
        result = self.vomsSrv.attGetUserNickname( user[ 'DN' ], user[ 'CA' ] )
        if result[ 'OK' ]:
          userName = result[ 'Value' ]
          self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ].append( "Could not retrieve nickname for DN %s" % user[ 'DN' ] )
          self.log.error( "Could not get nickname for DN", user[ 'DN' ] )
          userName = user[ 'mail' ][:user[ 'mail' ].find( '@' )]
      if not userName:
        self.log.error( "Empty nickname for DN", user[ 'DN' ] )
        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ].append( "Empty nickname for DN %s" % user[ 'DN' ] )
      self.log.info( " (%02d%%) Found username %s : %s " % ( ( iUPos * 100 / len( usersInVOMS ) ), userName, user[ 'DN' ] ) )
      if userName not in usersData:
        usersData[ userName ] = { 'DN': [], 'CA': [], 'Email': [], 'Groups' : ['user'] }
      for key in ( 'DN', 'CA', 'mail' ):
        value = user[ key ]
        if value:
          if key == "mail":
            List.appendUnique( usersData[ userName ][ 'Email' ], value )
            usersData[ userName ][ key ].append( value.strip() )
      if userName not in currentUsers:
        List.appendUnique( newUserNames, userName )
        List.appendUnique( knownUserNames, userName )
    self.log.info( "Finished retrieving usernames" )

    if newUserNames:
      self.log.info( "There are %s new users" % len( newUserNames ) )
      self.log.info( "There are no new users" )

    #Get the list of users for each group
    result = csapi.listGroups()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( "Could not get the list of groups in DIRAC", result[ 'Message' ] )
      return result
    staticGroups = result[ 'Value' ]
    vomsGroups = []
    self.log.info( "Mapping users in VOMS to groups" )
    for vomsRole in vomsRoles:
      self.log.info( "  Getting users for role %s" % vomsRole )
      groupsForRole = vomsRoles[ vomsRole ][ 'Groups' ]
      vomsMap = vomsRole.split( "Role=" )
      for g in groupsForRole:
        if g in staticGroups:
          staticGroups.pop( staticGroups.index( g ) )
          vomsGroups.append( g )
      if len( vomsMap ) == 1:
        # no Role
        users = usersInVOMS
        vomsGroup = "Role=".join( vomsMap[:-1] )
        if vomsGroup[-1] == "/":
          vomsGroup = vomsGroup[:-1]
        vomsRole = "Role=%s" % vomsMap[-1]
        result = self.vomsSrv.admListUsersWithRole( vomsGroup, vomsRole )
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          errorMsg = "Could not get list of users for VOMS %s" % ( vomsMapping[ group ] )
          self.__adminMsgs[ 'Errors' ].append( errorMsg )
          self.log.error( errorMsg, result[ 'Message' ] )
          return result
        users = result['Value']
      numUsersInGroup = 0

      for vomsUser in users:
        for userName in usersData:
          if vomsUser[ 'DN' ] in usersData[ userName ][ 'DN' ]:
            numUsersInGroup += 1
            usersData[ userName ][ 'Groups' ].extend( groupsForRole )
      infoMsg = "There are %s users in group(s) %s for VOMS Role %s" % ( numUsersInGroup, ",".join( groupsForRole ), vomsRole )
      self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( infoMsg )
      self.log.info( "  %s" % infoMsg )

    self.log.info( "Checking static groups" )
    staticUsers = []
    for group in staticGroups:
      self.log.info( "  Checking static group %s" % group )
      numUsersInGroup = 0
      result = csapi.listUsers( group )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( "Could not get the list of users in DIRAC group %s" % group , result[ 'Message' ] )
        return result
      for userName in result[ 'Value' ]:
        if userName in usersData:
          numUsersInGroup += 1
          usersData[ userName ][ 'Groups' ].append( group )
          if group not in vomsGroups and userName not in staticUsers:
            staticUsers.append( userName )
      infoMsg = "There are %s users in group %s" % ( numUsersInGroup, group )
      self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( infoMsg )
      self.log.info( "  %s" % infoMsg )
    if staticUsers:
      infoMsg = "There are %s static users: %s" % ( len( staticUsers ) , ', '.join( staticUsers ) )
      self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( infoMsg )
      self.log.info( "%s" % infoMsg )

    for user in currentUsers:
      if user not in usersData and user not in staticUsers:
        self.log.info( 'User %s is no longer valid' % user )
        obsoleteUserNames.append( user )

    #Do the CS Sync
    self.log.info( "Updating CS..." )
    ret = csapi.downloadCSData()
    if not ret['OK']:
      self.log.fatal( 'Can not update from CS', ret['Message'] )
      return ret

    usersWithMoreThanOneDN = {}
    for user in usersData:
      csUserData = dict( usersData[ user ] )
      if len( csUserData[ 'DN' ] ) > 1:
        usersWithMoreThanOneDN[ user ] = csUserData[ 'DN' ]
      result = csapi.describeUsers( [ user ] )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        if result[ 'Value' ]:
          prevUser = result[ 'Value' ][ user ]
          prevDNs = List.fromChar( prevUser[ 'DN' ] )
          newDNs = csUserData[ 'DN' ]
          for DN in newDNs:
            if DN not in prevDNs:
              self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "User %s has new DN %s" % ( user, DN ) )
          for DN in prevDNs:
            if DN not in newDNs:
              self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "User %s has lost a DN %s" % ( user, DN ) )
          newDNs = csUserData[ 'DN' ]
          for DN in newDNs:
            self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "New user %s has new DN %s" % ( user, DN ) )
      for k in ( 'DN', 'CA', 'Email' ):
        csUserData[ k ] = ", ".join( csUserData[ k ] )
      result = csapi.modifyUser( user, csUserData, createIfNonExistant = True )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Error' ].append( "Cannot modify user %s: %s" % ( user, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        self.log.error( "Cannot modify user", user )

    if usersWithMoreThanOneDN:
      self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "\nUsers with more than one DN:" )
      for uwmtod in sorted( usersWithMoreThanOneDN ):
        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "  %s" % uwmtod )
        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "    + DN list:" )
        for DN in usersWithMoreThanOneDN[uwmtod]:
          self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "      - %s" % DN )

    if obsoleteUserNames:
      self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "\nObsolete users:" )
      address = self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', '*****@*****.**' )
      fromAddress = self.am_getOption( 'mailFrom', '*****@*****.**' )
      subject = 'Obsolete LFC Users found'
      body = 'Delete entries into LFC: \n'
      for obsoleteUser in obsoleteUserNames:
        self.log.info( subject, ", ".join( obsoleteUserNames ) )
        body += 'for ' + obsoleteUser + '\n'
        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "  %s" % obsoleteUser )
      self.log.info( "Deleting %s users" % len( obsoleteUserNames ) )
      NotificationClient().sendMail( address, 'UsersAndGroupsAgent: %s' % subject, body, fromAddress )
      csapi.deleteUsers( obsoleteUserNames )

    if newUserNames:
      self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "\nNew users:" )
      for newUser in newUserNames:
        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "  %s" % newUser )
        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "    + DN list:" )
        for DN in usersData[newUser][ 'DN' ]:
          self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "      - %s" % DN )
        self.__adminMsgs[ 'Info' ].append( "    + EMail: %s" % usersData[newUser][ 'Email' ] )

    result = csapi.commitChanges()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.error( "Could not commit configuration changes", result[ 'Message' ] )
      return result
    self.log.info( "Configuration committed" )

    #LFC Check
    if self.am_getOption( "LFCCheckEnabled", True ):
      result = self.checkLFCRegisteredUsers( usersData )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result

    return S_OK()