コード例 #1
class ObjectLoaderMainSuccessScenario(unittest.TestCase):

  def setUp(self):
    self.ol = ObjectLoader()

  def __check(self, result):
    if not result['OK']:
    return result['Value']

  def test_load(self):
    self.__check(self.ol.loadObject("Core.Utilities.List", 'fromChar'))
    self.__check(self.ol.loadObject("Core.Utilities.ObjectLoader", "ObjectLoader"))
    dataFilter = self.__check(self.ol.getObjects("WorkloadManagementSystem.Service", ".*Handler"))
    dataClass = self.__check(self.ol.getObjects("WorkloadManagementSystem.Service", parentClass=RequestHandler))
    self.assertEqual(sorted(dataFilter), sorted(dataClass))
コード例 #2
class ObjectLoaderMainSuccessScenario( unittest.TestCase ):

  def setUp( self ):
    self.ol = ObjectLoader()

  def __check( self, result ):
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.fail( result[ 'Message' ] )
    return result[ 'Value' ]

  def test_load( self ):
    self.__check( self.ol.loadObject( "Core.Utilities.List", 'fromChar' ) )
    self.__check( self.ol.loadObject( "Core.Utilities.ObjectLoader", "ObjectLoader" ) )
    dataFilter = self.__check( self.ol.getObjects( "WorkloadManagementSystem.Service", ".*Handler" ) )
    dataClass = self.__check( self.ol.getObjects( "WorkloadManagementSystem.Service", parentClass = RequestHandler )  )
    self.assertEqual( sorted( dataFilter.keys() ), sorted( dataClass.keys() ) )
コード例 #3
 def __calculateRoutes( self ):
   Load all handlers and generate the routes
   ol = ObjectLoader( [ 'WebAppDIRAC' ] )
   origin = "WebApp.handler"
   result = ol.getObjects( origin, parentClass = WebHandler, recurse = True )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   self.__handlers = result[ 'Value' ]
   staticPaths = self.getPaths( "static" )
   self.log.verbose( "Static paths found:\n - %s" % "\n - ".join( staticPaths ) )
   self.__routes = []
   for pattern in ( ( r"/static/(.*)", r"/(favicon\.ico)", r"/(robots\.txt)" ) ):
     if self.__baseURL:
       pattern = "/%s%s" % ( self.__baseURL, pattern )
     self.__routes.append( ( pattern, StaticHandler, dict( pathList = staticPaths ) ) )
   for hn in self.__handlers:
     self.log.info( "Found handler %s" % hn  )
     handler = self.__handlers[ hn ]
     #CHeck it has AUTH_PROPS
     if type( handler.AUTH_PROPS ) == None:
       return S_ERROR( "Handler %s does not have AUTH_PROPS defined. Fix it!" % hn )
     #Get the root for the handler
     if handler.LOCATION:
       handlerRoute = handler.LOCATION.strip( "/")
       handlerRoute = hn[ len( origin ): ].replace( ".", "/" ).replace( "Handler", "" )
     #Add the setup group RE before
     baseRoute = self.__setupGroupRE
     #IF theres a base url like /DIRAC add it
     if self.__baseURL:
       baseRoute = "/%s%s" % ( self.__baseURL, baseRoute )
     #Set properly the LOCATION after calculating where it is with helpers to add group and setup later
     handler.LOCATION = handlerRoute
     handler.PATH_RE = re.compile( "%s(%s/.*)" % ( baseRoute, handlerRoute ) )
     handler.URLSCHEMA = "/%s%%(setup)s%%(group)s%%(location)s/%%(action)s" % ( self.__baseURL )
     #Look for methods that are exported
     for mName, mObj in inspect.getmembers( handler ):
       if inspect.ismethod( mObj ) and mName.find( "web_" ) == 0:
         if mName == "web_index":
           #Index methods have the bare url
           self.log.verbose( " - Route %s -> %s.web_index" % ( handlerRoute, hn ) )
           route = "%s(%s/)" % ( baseRoute, handlerRoute )
           self.__routes.append( ( route, handler ) )
           self.__routes.append( ( route.rstrip( "/" ), CoreHandler, dict( action = 'addSlash' ) ) )
           #Normal methods get the method appeded without web_
           self.log.verbose( " - Route %s/%s ->  %s.%s" % ( handlerRoute, mName[4:], hn, mName ) )
           route = "%s(%s/%s)" % ( baseRoute, handlerRoute, mName[4:] )
           self.__routes.append( ( route, handler ) )
         self.log.debug( "  * %s" % route )
   #Send to root
   self.__routes.append( ( "%s(/?)" % self.__setupGroupRE, CoreHandler, dict( action = "sendToRoot" ) ) )
   if self.__baseURL:
     self.__routes.append( ( "/%s%s()" % ( self.__baseURL, self.__setupGroupRE ),
                             CoreHandler, dict( action = "sendToRoot" ) ) )
   return S_OK()
コード例 #4
 def initializeOptimizer(cls):
     objLoader = ObjectLoader()
     result = objLoader.getObjects("WorkloadManagementSystem.Splitters",
     if not result['OK']:
         return result
     data = result['Value']
     cls.__splitters = {}
     for k in data:
         spClass = data[k]
         spName = k.split(".")[-1][:-8]
         cls.__splitters[spName] = spClass
         cls.log.notice("Found %s splitter" % spName)
     cls.ex_setOption("FailedStatus", "Invalid split")
     return S_OK()
コード例 #5
ファイル: Splitter.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
 def initializeOptimizer( cls ):
   objLoader = ObjectLoader()
   result = objLoader.getObjects( "WorkloadManagementSystem.Splitters",
                                  reFilter = ".*Splitter",
                                  parentClass = BaseSplitter )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   data = result[ 'Value' ]
   cls.__splitters = {}
   for k in data:
     spClass = data[k]
     spName = k.split(".")[-1][:-8]
     cls.__splitters[ spName ] = spClass
     cls.log.notice( "Found %s splitter" % spName )
   cls.ex_setOption( "FailedStatus", "Invalid split" )
   return S_OK()
コード例 #6
ファイル: RESTApp.py プロジェクト: acasajus/RESTDIRAC
  def bootstrap( self ):
    gLogger.always( "\n  === Bootstrapping REST Server ===  \n" )
    ol = ObjectLoader( [ 'DIRAC', 'RESTDIRAC' ] )
    result = ol.getObjects( "RESTSystem.API", parentClass = RESTHandler, recurse = True )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result

    self.__handlers = result[ 'Value' ]
    if not self.__handlers:
      return S_ERROR( "No handlers found" )

    self.__routes = [ ( self.__handlers[ k ].getRoute(), self.__handlers[k] ) for k in self.__handlers if self.__handlers[ k ].getRoute()  ]
    gLogger.info( "Routes found:" )
    for t in sorted( self.__routes ):
      gLogger.info( " - %s : %s" % ( t[0], t[1].__name__ ) )

    balancer = RESTConf.balancer()
    kw = dict( debug = RESTConf.debug(), log_function = self._logRequest )
    if balancer and RESTConf.numProcesses not in ( 0, 1 ):
      process.fork_processes( RESTConf.numProcesses(), max_restarts = 0 )
      kw[ 'debug' ] = False
    if kw[ 'debug' ]:
      gLogger.always( "Starting in debug mode" )
    self.__app = web.Application( self.__routes, **kw )
    port = RESTConf.port()
    if balancer:
      gLogger.notice( "Configuring REST HTTP service for balancer %s on port %s" % ( balancer, port ) )
      self.__sslops = False
      gLogger.notice( "Configuring REST HTTPS service on port %s" % port )
      self.__sslops = dict( certfile = RESTConf.cert(),
                            keyfile = RESTConf.key(),
                            cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL,
                            ca_certs = RESTConf.generateCAFile() )
    self.__httpSrv = httpserver.HTTPServer( self.__app, ssl_options = self.__sslops )
    self.__httpSrv.listen( port )
    return S_OK()
コード例 #7
    def __calculateRoutes(self):
    Load all handlers and generate the routes
        ol = ObjectLoader()
        origin = "WebApp.handler"
        result = ol.getObjects(origin, parentClass=WebHandler, recurse=True)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        self.__handlers = result['Value']
        staticPaths = self.getPaths("static")
        self.log.verbose("Static paths found:\n - %s" %
                         "\n - ".join(staticPaths))
        self.__routes = []

        # Add some standard paths for static files
        for stdir in ['defaults', 'demo']:
            pattern = '/%s/(.*)' % stdir
                (pattern, StaticHandler,
                 dict(pathList=['%s/webRoot/www/%s' % (rootPath, stdir)])))
            self.log.debug(" - Static route: %s" % pattern)

        for pattern in ((r"/static/(.*)", r"/(favicon\.ico)",
            pattern = r"%s%s" % (self.__shySetupGroupRE, pattern)
            if self.__baseURL:
                pattern = "/%s%s" % (self.__baseURL, pattern)
                (pattern, StaticHandler, dict(pathList=staticPaths)))
            self.log.debug(" - Static route: %s" % pattern)
        for hn in self.__handlers:
            self.log.info("Found handler %s" % hn)
            handler = self.__handlers[hn]
            #CHeck it has AUTH_PROPS
            if type(handler.AUTH_PROPS) == None:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Handler %s does not have AUTH_PROPS defined. Fix it!" %
            #Get the root for the handler
            if handler.LOCATION:
                handlerRoute = handler.LOCATION.strip("/")
                handlerRoute = hn[len(origin):].replace(".", "/").replace(
                    "Handler", "")
            #Add the setup group RE before
            baseRoute = self.__setupGroupRE
            #IF theres a base url like /DIRAC add it
            if self.__baseURL:
                baseRoute = "/%s%s" % (self.__baseURL, baseRoute)
            #Set properly the LOCATION after calculating where it is with helpers to add group and setup later
            handler.LOCATION = handlerRoute
            handler.PATH_RE = re.compile("%s(%s/.*)" %
                                         (baseRoute, handlerRoute))
            handler.URLSCHEMA = "/%s%%(setup)s%%(group)s%%(location)s/%%(action)s" % (
            if issubclass(handler, WebSocketHandler):
                handler.PATH_RE = re.compile("%s(%s)" %
                                             (baseRoute, handlerRoute))
                route = "%s(%s)" % (baseRoute, handlerRoute)
                self.__routes.append((route, handler))
                self.log.verbose(" - WebSocket %s -> %s" % (handlerRoute, hn))
                self.log.debug("  * %s" % route)
            #Look for methods that are exported
            for mName, mObj in inspect.getmembers(handler):
                if inspect.ismethod(mObj) and mName.find("web_") == 0:
                    if mName == "web_index":
                        #Index methods have the bare url
                        self.log.verbose(" - Route %s -> %s.web_index" %
                                         (handlerRoute, hn))
                        route = "%s(%s/)" % (baseRoute, handlerRoute)
                        self.__routes.append((route, handler))
                            ("%s(%s)" % (baseRoute, handlerRoute), CoreHandler,
                        #Normal methods get the method appeded without web_
                        self.log.verbose(" - Route %s/%s ->  %s.%s" %
                                         (handlerRoute, mName[4:], hn, mName))
                        route = "%s(%s/%s)" % (baseRoute, handlerRoute,
                        self.__routes.append((route, handler))
                    self.log.debug("  * %s" % route)
        #Send to root
        self.__routes.append(("%s(/?)" % self.__setupGroupRE, CoreHandler,
        if self.__baseURL:
                ("/%s%s()" % (self.__baseURL, self.__setupGroupRE),
                 CoreHandler, dict(action="sendToRoot")))
        return S_OK()