コード例 #1
ファイル: Request.py プロジェクト: afalabel/DIRAC
class Request( Record ):
  .. class:: Request

  :param int RequestID: requestID
  :param str Name: request' name
  :param str OwnerDN: request's owner DN
  :param str OwnerGroup: request owner group
  :param str Setup: DIRAC setup
  :param str SourceComponent: whatever
  :param int JobID: jobID
  :param datetime.datetime CreationTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime SubmissionTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime LastUpdate: UTC datetime
  :param str Status: request's status
  :param TypedList operations: list of operations

  ALL_STATES = ( "Waiting", "Failed", "Done", "Scheduled", "Assigned", "Canceled" )

  FINAL_STATES = ( "Done", "Failed", "Canceled" )

  def __init__( self, fromDict = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    Record.__init__( self )
    self.__waiting = None

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = now
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = now
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = now
    self.__data__["Status"] = "Done"
    self.__data__["JobID"] = 0
    self.__data__["RequestID"] = 0

    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if proxyInfo["OK"]:
      proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
      if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
        self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
        self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

    self.__dirty = []
    self.__operations__ = TypedList( allowedTypes = Operation )

    fromDict = fromDict if fromDict else {}

    self.__dirty = fromDict.get( "__dirty", [] )
    if "__dirty" in fromDict:
      del fromDict["__dirty"]

    for opDict in fromDict.get( "Operations", [] ):
      self +=Operation( opDict )
    if "Operations" in fromDict:
      del fromDict["Operations"]

    for key, value in fromDict.items():
      if key not in self.__data__:
        raise AttributeError( "Unknown Request attribute '%s'" % key )
      if value:
        setattr( self, key, value )

  def tableDesc():
    """ get table desc """
    return { "Fields" :
             { "RequestID" : "INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",
               "RequestName" : "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",
               "OwnerDN" : "VARCHAR(255)",
               "OwnerGroup" : "VARCHAR(32)",
               "Status" : "ENUM('Waiting', 'Assigned', 'Done', 'Failed', 'Canceled', 'Scheduled') DEFAULT 'Waiting'",
               "Error" : "VARCHAR(255)",
               "DIRACSetup" : "VARCHAR(32)",
               "SourceComponent" : "BLOB",
               "JobID" : "INTEGER DEFAULT 0",
               "CreationTime" : "DATETIME",
               "SubmitTime" : "DATETIME",
               "LastUpdate" : "DATETIME"  },
             "PrimaryKey" : [ "RequestID", "RequestName" ],
             "Indexes" : { "RequestName" : [ "RequestName"] } }

  def _notify( self ):
    """ simple state machine for sub request statuses """
    self.__waiting = None
    # # update operations statuses

    rStatus = "Waiting"
    opStatusList = [ ( op.Status, op ) for op in self ]

    self.__waiting = None

    isScheduled = False
    isWaiting = False

    while opStatusList:

      opStatus, op = opStatusList.pop( 0 )

      # # Failed -> Failed
      if opStatus == "Failed":
        rStatus = "Failed"

      # Scheduled -> Scheduled
      if opStatus == "Scheduled":
        if not isWaiting:
          rStatus = "Scheduled"
          self.__waiting = op
          isScheduled = True

      if opStatus == "Queued":
        if isScheduled or isWaiting:
        else:  # not isWaiting:
          op._setWaiting( self )
          self.__waiting = op
          rStatus = "Waiting"
          isWaiting = True

      if opStatus == "Waiting":
        if isScheduled or isWaiting:
          op._setQueued( self )
          rStatus = "Waiting"
          self.__waiting = op
          isWaiting = True
          rStatus = "Waiting"

      if opStatus == "Done":
        if isScheduled or isWaiting:
          rStatus = "Done"
    self.Status = rStatus

  def getWaiting( self ):
    """ get waiting operation if any """
    # # update states
    return S_OK( self.__waiting )

  # # Operation arithmetics
  def __contains__( self, operation ):
    """ in operator

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation subRequest: a subRequest
    return bool( operation in self.__operations__ )

  def __iadd__( self, operation ):
    """ += operator for subRequest

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: sub-request to add
    if operation not in self:
      self.__operations__.append( operation )
      operation._parent = self
    return self

  def insertBefore( self, newOperation, existingOperation ):
    """ insert :newOperation: just before :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation existingOperation: previous Operation sibling
    if existingOperation not in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not in" % existingOperation )
    if newOperation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is already in" % newOperation )
    self.__operations__.insert( self.__operations__.index( existingOperation ), newOperation )
    newOperation._parent = self
    return S_OK()

  def insertAfter( self, newOperation, existingOperation ):
    """ insert :newOperation: just after :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation existingOperation: next Operation sibling
    if existingOperation not in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not in" % existingOperation )
    if newOperation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is already in" % newOperation )
    self.__operations__.insert( self.__operations__.index( existingOperation ) + 1, newOperation )
    newOperation._parent = self
    return S_OK()

  def addOperation( self, operation ):
    """ add :operation: to list of Operations

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: Operation to be inserted
    if operation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "This operation is already in!!!" )
    self +=operation
    return S_OK()

  def isEmpty( self ):
    """ Evaluate if the request is empty
    return len( self.__operations__ ) == 0

  def __iter__( self ):
    """ iterator for sub-request """
    return self.__operations__.__iter__()

  def __getitem__( self, i ):
    """ [] op for sub requests """
    return self.__operations__.__getitem__( i )

  def __setitem__( self, i, value ):
    """ self[i] = val """
    if self[i].OperationID:
      self.__dirty.append( self[i].OperationID )
    self.__operations__.__setitem__( i, value )
    value._parent = self

  def __delitem__( self, i ):
    """ del self[i]"""
    if not self.RequestID:
      self.__operations__.__delitem__( i )
      opId = self[i].OperationID
      if opId:
        self.__dirty.append( opId )
      self.__operations__.__delitem__( i )

  def indexOf( self, subReq ):
    """ return index of subReq (execution order) """
    return self.__operations__.index( subReq ) if subReq in self else -1

  def __len__( self ):
    """ nb of subRequests """
    return len( self.__operations__ )

  def __str__( self ):
    """ str operator """
    return str( self.toJSON()["Value"] )

  def subStatusList( self ):
    """ list of statuses for all operations """
    return [ subReq.Status for subReq in self ]

  # # properties

  def RequestID( self ):
    """ request ID getter """
    return self.__data__["RequestID"]

  def RequestID( self, value ):
    """ requestID setter (shouldn't be RO???) """
    self.__data__["RequestID"] = long( value ) if value else 0

  def RequestName( self ):
    """ request's name getter """
    return self.__data__["RequestName"]

  def RequestName( self, value ):
    """ request name setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "RequestName should be a string" )
    self.__data__["RequestName"] = value[:128]

  def OwnerDN( self ):
    """ request owner DN getter """
    return self.__data__["OwnerDN"]

  def OwnerDN( self, value ):
    """ request owner DN setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "OwnerDN should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["OwnerDN"] = value

  def OwnerGroup( self ):
    """ request owner group getter  """
    return self.__data__["OwnerGroup"]

  def OwnerGroup( self, value ):
    """ request owner group setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "OwnerGroup should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["OwnerGroup"] = value

  def DIRACSetup( self ):
    """ DIRAC setup getter  """
    return self.__data__["DIRACSetup"]

  def DIRACSetup( self, value ):
    """ DIRAC setup setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "setup should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["DIRACSetup"] = value

  def SourceComponent( self ):
    """ source component getter  """
    return self.__data__["SourceComponent"]

  def SourceComponent( self, value ):
    """ source component setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "Setup should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["SourceComponent"] = value

  def JobID( self ):
    """ jobID getter """
    return self.__data__["JobID"]

  def JobID( self, value = 0 ):
    """ jobID setter """
    self.__data__["JobID"] = long( value ) if value else 0

  def CreationTime( self ):
    """ creation time getter """
    return self.__data__["CreationTime"]

  def CreationTime( self, value = None ):
    """ creation time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( datetime.datetime, str ) :
      raise TypeError( "CreationTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = value

  def SubmitTime( self ):
    """ request's submission time getter """
    return self.__data__["SubmitTime"]

  def SubmitTime( self, value = None ):
    """ submission time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( datetime.datetime, str ):
      raise TypeError( "SubmitTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = value

  def LastUpdate( self ):
    """ last update getter """
    return self.__data__["LastUpdate"]

  def LastUpdate( self, value = None ):
    """ last update setter """
    if type( value ) not in  ( datetime.datetime, str ):
      raise TypeError( "LastUpdate should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = value

  def Status( self ):
    """ status getter """
    return self.__data__["Status"]

  def Status( self, value ):
    """ status setter """
    if value not in Request.ALL_STATES:
      raise ValueError( "Unknown status: %s" % str( value ) )
    self.__data__["Status"] = value

  def Order( self ):
    """ ro execution order getter """
    opStatuses = [ op.Status for op in self.__operations__ ]
    return opStatuses.index( "Waiting" ) if "Waiting" in opStatuses else len( opStatuses )

  def Error( self ):
    """ error getter """
    return self.__data__["Error"]

  def Error( self, value ):
    """ error setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "Error has to be a string!" )
    self.__data__["Error"] = self._escapeStr( value, 255 )

  def toSQL( self ):
    """ prepare SQL INSERT or UPDATE statement """
    colVals = [ ( "`%s`" % column, "'%s'" % value if type( value ) in ( str, datetime.datetime ) else str( value ) )
                for column, value in self.__data__.items()
                if value and column not in  ( "RequestID", "LastUpdate" ) ]
    colVals.append( ( "`LastUpdate`", "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" ) )
    query = []
    if self.RequestID:
      query.append( "UPDATE `Request` SET " )
      query.append( ", ".join( [ "%s=%s" % item for item in colVals  ] ) )
      query.append( " WHERE `RequestID`=%d;\n" % self.RequestID )
      query.append( "INSERT INTO `Request` " )
      columns = "(%s)" % ",".join( [ column for column, value in colVals ] )
      values = "(%s)" % ",".join( [ value for column, value in colVals ] )
      query.append( columns )
      query.append( " VALUES %s;" % values )
    return S_OK( "".join( query ) )

  def cleanUpSQL( self ):
    """ delete query for dirty operations """
    query = []
    if self.RequestID and self.__dirty:
      opIDs = ",".join( [ str( opID ) for opID in self.__dirty ] )
      query.append( "DELETE FROM `Operation` WHERE `RequestID`=%s AND `OperationID` IN (%s);\n" % ( self.RequestID,
                                                                                                    opIDs ) )
      for opID in self.__dirty:
        query.append( "DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID`=%s;\n" % opID )
      return query
  # # digest
  def toJSON( self ):
    """ serialize to JSON format """
    digest = dict( zip( self.__data__.keys(),
                        [ str( val ) if val else "" for val in self.__data__.values() ] ) )
    digest["RequestID"] = self.RequestID
    digest["Operations"] = []
    digest["__dirty"] = self.__dirty
    for op in self:
      opJSON = op.toJSON()
      if not opJSON["OK"]:
        return opJSON
      digest["Operations"].append( opJSON["Value"] )
    return S_OK( digest )

  def getDigest( self ):
    """ return digest for request """
    digest = ['Name:' + self.RequestName]
    for op in self:
      opDigest = [ str( item ) for item in ( op.Type, op.Type, op.Status, op.Order ) ]
      if op.TargetSE:
        opDigest.append( op.TargetSE )
      if op.Catalog:
        opDigest.append( op.Catalog )
      if len( op ):
        opFile = op[0]
        opDigest.append( opFile.LFN )
        opDigest.append( ",...<%d files>" % len( op ) )
      digest.append( ":".join( opDigest ) )
    return S_OK( "\n".join( digest ) )
コード例 #2
ファイル: Request.py プロジェクト: Sbalbp/DIRAC
class Request(Record):
  .. class:: Request

  :param int RequestID: requestID
  :param str Name: request' name
  :param str OwnerDN: request's owner DN
  :param str OwnerGroup: request owner group
  :param str Setup: DIRAC setup
  :param str SourceComponent: whatever
  :param int JobID: jobID
  :param datetime.datetime CreationTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime SubmissionTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime LastUpdate: UTC datetime
  :param str Status: request's status
  :param TypedList operations: list of operations

    ALL_STATES = ("Waiting", "Failed", "Done", "Scheduled", "Assigned",

    FINAL_STATES = ("Done", "Failed", "Canceled")

    def __init__(self, fromDict=None):

    :param self: self reference
        self.__waiting = None

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
        self.__data__["CreationTime"] = now
        self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = now
        self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = now
        self.__data__["Status"] = "Done"
        self.__data__["JobID"] = 0
        self.__data__["RequestID"] = 0

        proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
        if proxyInfo["OK"]:
            proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
            if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
                self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
                self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

        self.__dirty = []
        self.__operations__ = TypedList(allowedTypes=Operation)

        fromDict = fromDict if fromDict else {}

        self.__dirty = fromDict.get("__dirty", [])
        if "__dirty" in fromDict:
            del fromDict["__dirty"]

        for opDict in fromDict.get("Operations", []):
            self += Operation(opDict)
        if "Operations" in fromDict:
            del fromDict["Operations"]

        for key, value in fromDict.items():
            if key not in self.__data__:
                raise AttributeError("Unknown Request attribute '%s'" % key)
            if value:
                setattr(self, key, value)

    def tableDesc():
        """ get table desc """
        return {
            "Fields": {
                "RequestID": "INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",
                "RequestName": "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",
                "OwnerDN": "VARCHAR(255)",
                "OwnerGroup": "VARCHAR(32)",
                "ENUM('Waiting', 'Assigned', 'Done', 'Failed', 'Canceled', 'Scheduled') DEFAULT 'Waiting'",
                "Error": "VARCHAR(255)",
                "DIRACSetup": "VARCHAR(32)",
                "SourceComponent": "BLOB",
                "JobID": "INTEGER DEFAULT 0",
                "CreationTime": "DATETIME",
                "SubmitTime": "DATETIME",
                "LastUpdate": "DATETIME"
            "PrimaryKey": ["RequestID"],
            'UniqueIndexes': {
                'RequestName': ['RequestName']

    def _notify(self):
        """ simple state machine for sub request statuses """
        self.__waiting = None
        # # update operations statuses

        rStatus = "Waiting"
        opStatusList = [(op.Status, op) for op in self]

        self.__waiting = None

        while opStatusList:
            # # Scan all status in order!
            opStatus, op = opStatusList.pop(0)

            # # Failed -> Failed
            if opStatus == "Failed":
                rStatus = "Failed"

            # Scheduled -> Scheduled
            if opStatus == "Scheduled":
                if self.__waiting == None:
                    self.__waiting = op
                    rStatus = "Scheduled"
            # # First operation Queued becomes Waiting if no Waiting/Scheduled before
            elif opStatus == "Queued":
                if self.__waiting == None:
                    self.__waiting = op
                    rStatus = "Waiting"
            # # First operation Waiting is next to execute, others are queued
            elif opStatus == "Waiting":
                rStatus = "Waiting"
                if self.__waiting == None:
                    self.__waiting = op
            # # All operations Done -> Done
            elif opStatus == "Done" and self.__waiting == None:
                rStatus = "Done"
                self.__data__['Error'] = ''
        self.Status = rStatus

    def getWaiting(self):
        """ get waiting operation if any """
        # # update states
        return S_OK(self.__waiting)

    # # Operation arithmetics
    def __contains__(self, operation):
        """ in operator

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation subRequest: a subRequest
        return bool(operation in self.__operations__)

    def __iadd__(self, operation):
        """ += operator for subRequest

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: sub-request to add
        if operation not in self:
            operation._parent = self
        return self

    def insertBefore(self, newOperation, existingOperation):
        """ insert :newOperation: just before :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation existingOperation: previous Operation sibling
        if existingOperation not in self:
            return S_ERROR("%s is not in" % existingOperation)
        if newOperation in self:
            return S_ERROR("%s is already in" % newOperation)
            self.__operations__.index(existingOperation), newOperation)
        newOperation._parent = self
        return S_OK()

    def insertAfter(self, newOperation, existingOperation):
        """ insert :newOperation: just after :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation existingOperation: next Operation sibling
        if existingOperation not in self:
            return S_ERROR("%s is not in" % existingOperation)
        if newOperation in self:
            return S_ERROR("%s is already in" % newOperation)
            self.__operations__.index(existingOperation) + 1, newOperation)
        newOperation._parent = self
        return S_OK()

    def addOperation(self, operation):
        """ add :operation: to list of Operations

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: Operation to be inserted
        if operation in self:
            return S_ERROR("This operation is already in!!!")
        self += operation
        return S_OK()

    def isEmpty(self):
        """ Evaluate if the request is empty
        return len(self.__operations__) == 0

    def __iter__(self):
        """ iterator for sub-request """
        return self.__operations__.__iter__()

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        """ [] op for sub requests """
        return self.__operations__.__getitem__(i)

    def __setitem__(self, i, value):
        """ self[i] = val """
        if self[i].OperationID:
        self.__operations__.__setitem__(i, value)
        value._parent = self

    def __delitem__(self, i):
        """ del self[i]"""
        if not self.RequestID:
            opId = self[i].OperationID
            if opId:

    def indexOf(self, subReq):
        """ return index of subReq (execution order) """
        return self.__operations__.index(subReq) if subReq in self else -1

    def __nonzero__(self):
        """ for comparisons
        return True

    def __len__(self):
        """ nb of subRequests """
        return len(self.__operations__)

    def __str__(self):
        """ str operator """
        return str(self.toJSON()["Value"])

    def subStatusList(self):
        """ list of statuses for all operations """
        return [subReq.Status for subReq in self]

    # # properties

    def RequestID(self):
        """ request ID getter """
        return self.__data__["RequestID"]

    def RequestID(self, value):
        """ requestID setter (shouldn't be RO???) """
        self.__data__["RequestID"] = long(value) if value else 0

    def RequestName(self):
        """ request's name getter """
        return self.__data__["RequestName"]

    def RequestName(self, value):
        """ request name setter """
        if type(value) != str:
            raise TypeError("RequestName should be a string")
        self.__data__["RequestName"] = value[:128]

    def OwnerDN(self):
        """ request owner DN getter """
        return self.__data__["OwnerDN"]

    def OwnerDN(self, value):
        """ request owner DN setter """
        if type(value) != str:
            raise TypeError("OwnerDN should be a string!")
        self.__data__["OwnerDN"] = value

    def OwnerGroup(self):
        """ request owner group getter  """
        return self.__data__["OwnerGroup"]

    def OwnerGroup(self, value):
        """ request owner group setter """
        if type(value) != str:
            raise TypeError("OwnerGroup should be a string!")
        self.__data__["OwnerGroup"] = value

    def DIRACSetup(self):
        """ DIRAC setup getter  """
        return self.__data__["DIRACSetup"]

    def DIRACSetup(self, value):
        """ DIRAC setup setter """
        if type(value) != str:
            raise TypeError("setup should be a string!")
        self.__data__["DIRACSetup"] = value

    def SourceComponent(self):
        """ source component getter  """
        return self.__data__["SourceComponent"]

    def SourceComponent(self, value):
        """ source component setter """
        if type(value) != str:
            raise TypeError("Setup should be a string!")
        self.__data__["SourceComponent"] = value

    def JobID(self):
        """ jobID getter """
        return self.__data__["JobID"]

    def JobID(self, value=0):
        """ jobID setter """
        self.__data__["JobID"] = long(value) if value else 0

    def CreationTime(self):
        """ creation time getter """
        return self.__data__["CreationTime"]

    def CreationTime(self, value=None):
        """ creation time setter """
        if type(value) not in (datetime.datetime, str):
            raise TypeError("CreationTime should be a datetime.datetime!")
        if type(value) == str:
            value = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                value.split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        self.__data__["CreationTime"] = value

    def SubmitTime(self):
        """ request's submission time getter """
        return self.__data__["SubmitTime"]

    def SubmitTime(self, value=None):
        """ submission time setter """
        if type(value) not in (datetime.datetime, str):
            raise TypeError("SubmitTime should be a datetime.datetime!")
        if type(value) == str:
            value = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                value.split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = value

    def LastUpdate(self):
        """ last update getter """
        return self.__data__["LastUpdate"]

    def LastUpdate(self, value=None):
        """ last update setter """
        if type(value) not in (datetime.datetime, str):
            raise TypeError("LastUpdate should be a datetime.datetime!")
        if type(value) == str:
            value = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                value.split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = value

    def Status(self):
        """ status getter """
        return self.__data__["Status"]

    def Status(self, value):
        """ status setter """
        if value not in Request.ALL_STATES:
            raise ValueError("Unknown status: %s" % str(value))

        # If the status moved to Failed or Done, update the lastUpdate time
        if value in ('Done', 'Failed'):
            if value != self.__data__["Status"]:
                self.LastUpdate = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(

        if value == 'Done':
            self.__data__['Error'] = ''
        self.__data__["Status"] = value

    def Order(self):
        """ ro execution order getter """
        opStatuses = [op.Status for op in self.__operations__]
        return opStatuses.index("Waiting") if "Waiting" in opStatuses else len(

    def Error(self):
        """ error getter """
        return self.__data__["Error"]

    def Error(self, value):
        """ error setter """
        if type(value) != str:
            raise TypeError("Error has to be a string!")
        self.__data__["Error"] = self._escapeStr(value, 255)

    def toSQL(self):
        """ prepare SQL INSERT or UPDATE statement """
        colVals = [
            ("`%s`" % column,
             "'%s'" % value if type(value) in (str, datetime.datetime) else
             str(value) if value != None else "NULL")
            for column, value in self.__data__.items()
            if (column == 'Error' or value) and column not in ("RequestID",
        colVals.append(("`LastUpdate`", "UTC_TIMESTAMP()"))
        query = []
        if self.RequestID:
            query.append("UPDATE `Request` SET ")
            query.append(", ".join(["%s=%s" % item for item in colVals]))
            query.append(" WHERE `RequestID`=%d;\n" % self.RequestID)
            query.append("INSERT INTO `Request` ")
            columns = "(%s)" % ",".join([column for column, value in colVals])
            values = "(%s)" % ",".join([value for column, value in colVals])
            query.append(" VALUES %s;" % values)
        return S_OK("".join(query))

    def cleanUpSQL(self):
        """ delete query for dirty operations """
        query = []
        if self.RequestID and self.__dirty:
            opIDs = ",".join([str(opID) for opID in self.__dirty])
                "DELETE FROM `Operation` WHERE `RequestID`=%s AND `OperationID` IN (%s);\n"
                % (self.RequestID, opIDs))
            for opID in self.__dirty:
                query.append("DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID`=%s;\n" %
            return query

    # # digest
    def toJSON(self):
        """ serialize to JSON format """
        digest = dict([(key,
                        str(getattr(self, key)) if getattr(self, key) else "")
                       for key in self.__data__])
        digest["RequestID"] = self.RequestID
        digest["__dirty"] = self.__dirty
        digest["Operations"] = [op.toJSON()['Value'] for op in self]
        return S_OK(digest)

    def getDigest(self):
        """ return digest for request """
        digest = ['Name:' + self.RequestName]
        for op in self:
            opDigest = [
                str(item) for item in (op.Type, op.Type, op.Status, op.Order)
            if op.TargetSE:
            if op.Catalog:
            if len(op):
                opFile = op[0]
                opDigest.append(",...<%d files>" % len(op))
        return S_OK("\n".join(digest))

    def optimize(self):
        """ Merges together the operations that can be merged. They need to have the following arguments equal:
        * Type
        * Arguments
        * SourceSE
        * TargetSE
        * Catalog
        It also makes sure that the maximum number of Files in an Operation is never overcome.

        CAUTION: this method is meant to be called before inserting into the DB.
                So if the RequestId is not 0, we don't touch

        :return S_ERROR if the Request should not be optimized (because already in the DB
                S_OK(True) if a optimization was carried out
                S_OK(False) if no optimization were carried out

        # Set to True if the request could be optimized
        optimized = False

        # List of attributes that must be equal for operations to be merged
        attrList = ["Type", "Arguments", "SourceSE", "TargetSE", "Catalog"]
        i = 0

        # If the RequestID is not the default one (0), it probably means
        # the Request is already in the DB, so we don't touch anything
        if self.RequestID != 0:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Cannot optimize because Request seems to be already in the DB (RequestID %s)"
                % self.RequestID)

        # We could do it with a single loop (the 2nd one), but by doing this,
        # we can replace
        #   i += 1
        #   continue
        # with
        #   break
        # which is nicer in my opinion
        while i < len(self.__operations__):
            while (i + 1) < len(self.__operations__):
                # Some attributes need to be the same
                attrMismatch = False
                for attr in attrList:
                    if getattr(self.__operations__[i], attr) != getattr(
                            self.__operations__[i + 1], attr):
                        attrMismatch = True

                if attrMismatch:

                # We do not do the merge if there are common files in the operations
                fileSetA = set(list(f.LFN for f in self.__operations__[i]))
                fileSetB = set(list(f.LFN for f in self.__operations__[i + 1]))
                if len(fileSetA & fileSetB):

                # There is a maximum number of files one can add into an operation
                    while len(self.__operations__[i + 1]):
                        self.__operations__[i] += self.__operations__[i + 1][0]
                        del self.__operations__[i + 1][0]
                        optimized = True
                    del self.__operations__[i + 1]
                except RuntimeError:
                    i += 1
            i += 1

        return S_OK(optimized)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Request.py プロジェクト: sposs/DIRAC
class Request( Record ):
  .. class:: Request

  :param int RequestID: requestID
  :param str Name: request' name
  :param str OwnerDN: request's owner DN
  :param str OwnerGroup: request owner group
  :param str Setup: DIRAC setup
  :param str SourceComponent: whatever
  :param int JobID: jobID
  :param datetime.datetime CreationTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime SubmissionTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime LastUpdate: UTC datetime
  :param str Status: request's status
  :param TypedList operations: list of operations

  ALL_STATES = ( "Waiting", "Failed", "Done", "Scheduled", "Assigned", "Canceled" )

  FINAL_STATES = ( "Done", "Failed", "Canceled" )

  def __init__( self, fromDict = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    Record.__init__( self )
    self.__waiting = None

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = now
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = now
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = now
    self.__data__["Status"] = "Done"
    self.__data__["JobID"] = 0
    self.__data__["RequestID"] = 0

    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if proxyInfo["OK"]:
      proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
      if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
        self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
        self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

    self.__dirty = []
    self.__operations__ = TypedList( allowedTypes = Operation )

    fromDict = fromDict if fromDict else {}

    self.__dirty = fromDict.get( "__dirty", [] )
    if "__dirty" in fromDict:
      del fromDict["__dirty"]

    for opDict in fromDict.get( "Operations", [] ):
      self +=Operation( opDict )
    if "Operations" in fromDict:
      del fromDict["Operations"]

    for key, value in fromDict.items():
      if key not in self.__data__:
        raise AttributeError( "Unknown Request attribute '%s'" % key )
      if value:
        setattr( self, key, value )

  def tableDesc():
    """ get table desc """
    return { "Fields" :
             { "RequestID" : "INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",
               "RequestName" : "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",
               "OwnerDN" : "VARCHAR(255)",
               "OwnerGroup" : "VARCHAR(32)",
               "Status" : "ENUM('Waiting', 'Assigned', 'Done', 'Failed', 'Canceled', 'Scheduled') DEFAULT 'Waiting'",
               "Error" : "VARCHAR(255)",
               "DIRACSetup" : "VARCHAR(32)",
               "SourceComponent" : "BLOB",
               "JobID" : "INTEGER DEFAULT 0",
               "CreationTime" : "DATETIME",
               "SubmitTime" : "DATETIME",
               "LastUpdate" : "DATETIME"  },
             "PrimaryKey" : [ "RequestID", "RequestName" ],
             "Indexes" : { "RequestName" : [ "RequestName"] } }

  def _notify( self ):
    """ simple state machine for sub request statuses """
    self.__waiting = None
    # # update operations statuses

    rStatus = "Waiting"
    opStatusList = [ ( op.Status, op ) for op in self ]

    self.__waiting = None

    isScheduled = False
    isWaiting = False

    while opStatusList:

      opStatus, op = opStatusList.pop( 0 )

      # # Failed -> Failed
      if opStatus == "Failed":
        rStatus = "Failed"

      # Scheduled -> Scheduled
      if opStatus == "Scheduled":
        if not isWaiting:
          rStatus = "Scheduled"
          self.__waiting = op
          isScheduled = True

      if opStatus == "Queued":
        if isScheduled or isWaiting:
        else:  # not isWaiting:
          op._setWaiting( self )
          self.__waiting = op
          rStatus = "Waiting"
          isWaiting = True

      if opStatus == "Waiting":
        if isScheduled or isWaiting:
          op._setQueued( self )
          rStatus = "Waiting"
          self.__waiting = op
          isWaiting = True
          rStatus = "Waiting"

      if opStatus == "Done":
        if isScheduled or isWaiting:
          rStatus = "Done"
    self.Status = rStatus

  def getWaiting( self ):
    """ get waiting operation if any """
    # # update states
    return S_OK( self.__waiting )

  # # Operation arithmetics
  def __contains__( self, operation ):
    """ in operator

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation subRequest: a subRequest
    return bool( operation in self.__operations__ )

  def __iadd__( self, operation ):
    """ += operator for subRequest

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: sub-request to add
    if operation not in self:
      self.__operations__.append( operation )
      operation._parent = self
    return self

  def insertBefore( self, newOperation, existingOperation ):
    """ insert :newOperation: just before :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation existingOperation: previous Operation sibling
    if existingOperation not in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not in" % existingOperation )
    if newOperation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is already in" % newOperation )
    self.__operations__.insert( self.__operations__.index( existingOperation ), newOperation )
    newOperation._parent = self
    return S_OK()

  def insertAfter( self, newOperation, existingOperation ):
    """ insert :newOperation: just after :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation existingOperation: next Operation sibling
    if existingOperation not in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not in" % existingOperation )
    if newOperation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is already in" % newOperation )
    self.__operations__.insert( self.__operations__.index( existingOperation ) + 1, newOperation )
    newOperation._parent = self
    return S_OK()

  def addOperation( self, operation ):
    """ add :operation: to list of Operations

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: Operation to be inserted
    if operation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "This operation is already in!!!" )
    self +=operation
    return S_OK()

  def __iter__( self ):
    """ iterator for sub-request """
    return self.__operations__.__iter__()

  def __getitem__( self, i ):
    """ [] op for sub requests """
    return self.__operations__.__getitem__( i )

  def __setitem__( self, i, value ):
    """ self[i] = val """
    if self[i].OperationID:
      self.__dirty.append( self[i].OperationID )
    self.__operations__.__setitem__( i, value )
    value._parent = self

  def __delitem__( self, i ):
    """ del self[i]"""
    if not self.RequestID:
      self.__operations__.__delitem__( i )
      opId = self[i].OperationID
      if opId:
        self.__dirty.append( opId )
      self.__operations__.__delitem__( i )

  def indexOf( self, subReq ):
    """ return index of subReq (execution order) """
    return self.__operations__.index( subReq ) if subReq in self else -1

  def __len__( self ):
    """ nb of subRequests """
    return len( self.__operations__ )

  def subStatusList( self ):
    """ list of statuses for all operations """
    return [ subReq.Status for subReq in self ]

  # # properties

  def RequestID( self ):
    """ request ID getter """
    return self.__data__["RequestID"]

  def RequestID( self, value ):
    """ requestID setter (shouldn't be RO???) """
    self.__data__["RequestID"] = long( value ) if value else 0

  def RequestName( self ):
    """ request's name getter """
    return self.__data__["RequestName"]

  def RequestName( self, value ):
    """ request name setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "RequestName should be a string" )
    self.__data__["RequestName"] = value[:128]

  def OwnerDN( self ):
    """ request owner DN getter """
    return self.__data__["OwnerDN"]

  def OwnerDN( self, value ):
    """ request owner DN setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "OwnerDN should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["OwnerDN"] = value

  def OwnerGroup( self ):
    """ request owner group getter  """
    return self.__data__["OwnerGroup"]

  def OwnerGroup( self, value ):
    """ request owner group setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "OwnerGroup should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["OwnerGroup"] = value

  def DIRACSetup( self ):
    """ DIRAC setup getter  """
    return self.__data__["DIRACSetup"]

  def DIRACSetup( self, value ):
    """ DIRAC setup setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "setup should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["DIRACSetup"] = value

  def SourceComponent( self ):
    """ source component getter  """
    return self.__data__["SourceComponent"]

  def SourceComponent( self, value ):
    """ source component setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "Setup should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["SourceComponent"] = value

  def JobID( self ):
    """ jobID getter """
    return self.__data__["JobID"]

  def JobID( self, value = 0 ):
    """ jobID setter """
    self.__data__["JobID"] = long( value ) if value else 0

  def CreationTime( self ):
    """ creation time getter """
    return self.__data__["CreationTime"]

  def CreationTime( self, value = None ):
    """ creation time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( datetime.datetime, str ) :
      raise TypeError( "CreationTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = value

  def SubmitTime( self ):
    """ request's submission time getter """
    return self.__data__["SubmitTime"]

  def SubmitTime( self, value = None ):
    """ submission time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( datetime.datetime, str ):
      raise TypeError( "SubmitTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = value

  def LastUpdate( self ):
    """ last update getter """
    return self.__data__["LastUpdate"]

  def LastUpdate( self, value = None ):
    """ last update setter """
    if type( value ) not in  ( datetime.datetime, str ):
      raise TypeError( "LastUpdate should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = value

  def Status( self ):
    """ status getter """
    return self.__data__["Status"]

  def Status( self, value ):
    """ status setter """
    if value not in Request.ALL_STATES:
      raise ValueError( "Unknown status: %s" % str( value ) )
    self.__data__["Status"] = value

  def Order( self ):
    """ ro execution order getter """
    opStatuses = [ op.Status for op in self.__operations__ ]
    return opStatuses.index( "Waiting" ) if "Waiting" in opStatuses else len( opStatuses )

  def Error( self ):
    """ error getter """
    return self.__data__["Error"]

  def Error( self, value ):
    """ error setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "Error has to be a string!" )
    self.__data__["Error"] = self._escapeStr( value, 255 )

  def toSQL( self ):
    """ prepare SQL INSERT or UPDATE statement """
    colVals = [ ( "`%s`" % column, "'%s'" % value if type( value ) in ( str, datetime.datetime ) else str( value ) )
                for column, value in self.__data__.items()
                if value and column not in  ( "RequestID", "LastUpdate" ) ]
    colVals.append( ( "`LastUpdate`", "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" ) )
    query = []
    if self.RequestID:
      query.append( "UPDATE `Request` SET " )
      query.append( ", ".join( [ "%s=%s" % item for item in colVals  ] ) )
      query.append( " WHERE `RequestID`=%d;\n" % self.RequestID )
      query.append( "INSERT INTO `Request` " )
      columns = "(%s)" % ",".join( [ column for column, value in colVals ] )
      values = "(%s)" % ",".join( [ value for column, value in colVals ] )
      query.append( columns )
      query.append( " VALUES %s;" % values )
    return S_OK( "".join( query ) )

  def cleanUpSQL( self ):
    """ delete query for dirty operations """
    query = []
    if self.RequestID and self.__dirty:
      opIDs = ",".join( [ str( opID ) for opID in self.__dirty ] )
      query.append( "DELETE FROM `Operation` WHERE `RequestID`=%s AND `OperationID` IN (%s);\n" % ( self.RequestID,
                                                                                                    opIDs ) )
      for opID in self.__dirty:
        query.append( "DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID`=%s;\n" % opID )
      return query
  # # digest
  def toJSON( self ):
    """ serialize to JSON format """
    digest = dict( zip( self.__data__.keys(),
                        [ str( val ) if val else "" for val in self.__data__.values() ] ) )
    digest["RequestID"] = self.RequestID
    digest["Operations"] = []
    digest["__dirty"] = self.__dirty
    for op in self:
      opJSON = op.toJSON()
      if not opJSON["OK"]:
        return opJSON
      digest["Operations"].append( opJSON["Value"] )
    return S_OK( digest )

  def getDigest( self ):
    """ return digest for request """
    digest = []
    for op in self:
      opDigest = [ str( item ) for item in ( op.Type, op.Type, op.Status, op.Order ) ]
      if op.TargetSE:
        opDigest.append( op.TargetSE )
      if op.Catalog:
        opDigest.append( op.Catalog )
      if len( op ):
        opFile = op[0]
        opDigest.append( opFile.LFN )
        opDigest.append( ",...<%d files>" % len( op ) )
      digest.append( ":".join( opDigest ) )
    return S_OK( "\n".join( digest ) )
コード例 #4
ファイル: Request.py プロジェクト: corionma/DIRAC
class Request( Record ):
  .. class:: Request

  :param int RequestID: requestID
  :param str Name: request' name
  :param str OwnerDN: request's owner DN
  :param str OwnerGroup: request owner group
  :param str Setup: DIRAC setup
  :param str SourceComponent: whatever
  :param int JobID: jobID
  :param datetime.datetime CreationTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime SubmissionTime: UTC datetime
  :param datetime.datetime LastUpdate: UTC datetime
  :param str Status: request's status
  :param TypedList operations: list of operations

  ALL_STATES = ( "Waiting", "Failed", "Done", "Scheduled", "Assigned", "Canceled" )

  FINAL_STATES = ( "Done", "Failed", "Canceled" )

  def __init__( self, fromDict = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    Record.__init__( self )
    self.__waiting = None

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = now
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = now
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = now
    self.__data__["Status"] = "Done"
    self.__data__["JobID"] = 0
    self.__data__["RequestID"] = 0

    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if proxyInfo["OK"]:
      proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
      if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
        self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
        self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

    self.__dirty = []
    self.__operations__ = TypedList( allowedTypes = Operation )

    fromDict = fromDict if fromDict else {}

    self.__dirty = fromDict.get( "__dirty", [] )
    if "__dirty" in fromDict:
      del fromDict["__dirty"]

    for opDict in fromDict.get( "Operations", [] ):
      self +=Operation( opDict )
    if "Operations" in fromDict:
      del fromDict["Operations"]

    for key, value in fromDict.items():
      if key not in self.__data__:
        raise AttributeError( "Unknown Request attribute '%s'" % key )
      if value:
        setattr( self, key, value )

  def tableDesc():
    """ get table desc """
    return { "Fields" :
             { "RequestID" : "INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",
               "RequestName" : "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",
               "OwnerDN" : "VARCHAR(255)",
               "OwnerGroup" : "VARCHAR(32)",
               "Status" : "ENUM('Waiting', 'Assigned', 'Done', 'Failed', 'Canceled', 'Scheduled') DEFAULT 'Waiting'",
               "Error" : "VARCHAR(255)",
               "DIRACSetup" : "VARCHAR(32)",
               "SourceComponent" : "BLOB",
               "JobID" : "INTEGER DEFAULT 0",
               "CreationTime" : "DATETIME",
               "SubmitTime" : "DATETIME",
               "LastUpdate" : "DATETIME"  },
             "PrimaryKey" : [ "RequestID" ],
             'UniqueIndexes': {'RequestName' : [ 'RequestName'] }

  def _notify( self ):
    """ simple state machine for sub request statuses """
    self.__waiting = None
    # # update operations statuses

    rStatus = "Waiting"
    opStatusList = [ ( op.Status, op ) for op in self ]

    self.__waiting = None

    while opStatusList:
      # # Scan all status in order!
      opStatus, op = opStatusList.pop( 0 )

      # # Failed -> Failed
      if opStatus == "Failed":
        rStatus = "Failed"

      # Scheduled -> Scheduled
      if opStatus == "Scheduled":
        if self.__waiting == None:
          self.__waiting = op
          rStatus = "Scheduled"
      # # First operation Queued becomes Waiting if no Waiting/Scheduled before
      elif opStatus == "Queued":
        if self.__waiting == None:
          self.__waiting = op
          op._setWaiting( self )
          rStatus = "Waiting"
      # # First operation Waiting is next to execute, others are queued
      elif opStatus == "Waiting":
        rStatus = "Waiting"
        if self.__waiting == None:
          self.__waiting = op
          op._setQueued( self )
      # # All operations Done -> Done
      elif opStatus == "Done" and self.__waiting == None:
        rStatus = "Done"
        self.__data__['Error'] = ''
    self.Status = rStatus

  def getWaiting( self ):
    """ get waiting operation if any """
    # # update states
    return S_OK( self.__waiting )

  # # Operation arithmetics
  def __contains__( self, operation ):
    """ in operator

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation subRequest: a subRequest
    return bool( operation in self.__operations__ )

  def __iadd__( self, operation ):
    """ += operator for subRequest

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: sub-request to add
    if operation not in self:
      self.__operations__.append( operation )
      operation._parent = self
    return self

  def insertBefore( self, newOperation, existingOperation ):
    """ insert :newOperation: just before :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation existingOperation: previous Operation sibling
    if existingOperation not in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not in" % existingOperation )
    if newOperation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is already in" % newOperation )
    self.__operations__.insert( self.__operations__.index( existingOperation ), newOperation )
    newOperation._parent = self
    return S_OK()

  def insertAfter( self, newOperation, existingOperation ):
    """ insert :newOperation: just after :existingOperation:

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation newOperation: Operation to be inserted
    :param Operation existingOperation: next Operation sibling
    if existingOperation not in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not in" % existingOperation )
    if newOperation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "%s is already in" % newOperation )
    self.__operations__.insert( self.__operations__.index( existingOperation ) + 1, newOperation )
    newOperation._parent = self
    return S_OK()

  def addOperation( self, operation ):
    """ add :operation: to list of Operations

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: Operation to be inserted
    if operation in self:
      return S_ERROR( "This operation is already in!!!" )
    self +=operation
    return S_OK()

  def isEmpty( self ):
    """ Evaluate if the request is empty
    return len( self.__operations__ ) == 0

  def __iter__( self ):
    """ iterator for sub-request """
    return self.__operations__.__iter__()

  def __getitem__( self, i ):
    """ [] op for sub requests """
    return self.__operations__.__getitem__( i )

  def __setitem__( self, i, value ):
    """ self[i] = val """
    self.__operations__._typeCheck( value )
    if self[i].OperationID:
      self.__dirty.append( self[i].OperationID )
    self.__operations__.__setitem__( i, value )
    value._parent = self

  def __delitem__( self, i ):
    """ del self[i]"""
    if not self.RequestID:
      self.__operations__.__delitem__( i )
      opId = self[i].OperationID
      if opId:
        self.__dirty.append( opId )
      self.__operations__.__delitem__( i )

  def indexOf( self, subReq ):
    """ return index of subReq (execution order) """
    return self.__operations__.index( subReq ) if subReq in self else -1

  def __nonzero__( self ):
    """ for comparisons
    return True

  def __len__( self ):
    """ nb of subRequests """
    return len( self.__operations__ )

  def __str__( self ):
    """ str operator """
    return str( self.toJSON()["Value"] )

  def subStatusList( self ):
    """ list of statuses for all operations """
    return [ subReq.Status for subReq in self ]

  # # properties

  def RequestID( self ):
    """ request ID getter """
    return self.__data__["RequestID"]

  def RequestID( self, value ):
    """ requestID setter (shouldn't be RO???) """
    self.__data__["RequestID"] = long( value ) if value else 0

  def RequestName( self ):
    """ request's name getter """
    return self.__data__["RequestName"]

  def RequestName( self, value ):
    """ request name setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "RequestName should be a string" )
    self.__data__["RequestName"] = value[:128]

  def OwnerDN( self ):
    """ request owner DN getter """
    return self.__data__["OwnerDN"]

  def OwnerDN( self, value ):
    """ request owner DN setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "OwnerDN should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["OwnerDN"] = value

  def OwnerGroup( self ):
    """ request owner group getter  """
    return self.__data__["OwnerGroup"]

  def OwnerGroup( self, value ):
    """ request owner group setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "OwnerGroup should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["OwnerGroup"] = value

  def DIRACSetup( self ):
    """ DIRAC setup getter  """
    return self.__data__["DIRACSetup"]

  def DIRACSetup( self, value ):
    """ DIRAC setup setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "setup should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["DIRACSetup"] = value

  def SourceComponent( self ):
    """ source component getter  """
    return self.__data__["SourceComponent"]

  def SourceComponent( self, value ):
    """ source component setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "Setup should be a string!" )
    self.__data__["SourceComponent"] = value

  def JobID( self ):
    """ jobID getter """
    return self.__data__["JobID"]

  def JobID( self, value = 0 ):
    """ jobID setter """
    self.__data__["JobID"] = long( value ) if value else 0

  def CreationTime( self ):
    """ creation time getter """
    return self.__data__["CreationTime"]

  def CreationTime( self, value = None ):
    """ creation time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( datetime.datetime, str ) :
      raise TypeError( "CreationTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["CreationTime"] = value

  def SubmitTime( self ):
    """ request's submission time getter """
    return self.__data__["SubmitTime"]

  def SubmitTime( self, value = None ):
    """ submission time setter """
    if type( value ) not in ( datetime.datetime, str ):
      raise TypeError( "SubmitTime should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["SubmitTime"] = value

  def LastUpdate( self ):
    """ last update getter """
    return self.__data__["LastUpdate"]

  def LastUpdate( self, value = None ):
    """ last update setter """
    if type( value ) not in  ( datetime.datetime, str ):
      raise TypeError( "LastUpdate should be a datetime.datetime!" )
    if type( value ) == str:
      value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value.split( "." )[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' )
    self.__data__["LastUpdate"] = value

  def Status( self ):
    """ status getter """
    return self.__data__["Status"]

  def Status( self, value ):
    """ status setter """
    if value not in Request.ALL_STATES:
      raise ValueError( "Unknown status: %s" % str( value ) )

    # If the status moved to Failed or Done, update the lastUpdate time
    if value in ( 'Done', 'Failed' ):
      if value != self.__data__["Status"]:
        self.LastUpdate = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )

    if value == 'Done':
      self.__data__['Error'] = ''
    self.__data__["Status"] = value

  def Order( self ):
    """ ro execution order getter """
    opStatuses = [ op.Status for op in self.__operations__ ]
    return opStatuses.index( "Waiting" ) if "Waiting" in opStatuses else len( opStatuses )

  def Error( self ):
    """ error getter """
    return self.__data__["Error"]

  def Error( self, value ):
    """ error setter """
    if type( value ) != str:
      raise TypeError( "Error has to be a string!" )
    self.__data__["Error"] = self._escapeStr( value, 255 )

  def toSQL( self ):
    """ prepare SQL INSERT or UPDATE statement """
    colVals = [ ( "`%s`" % column, "'%s'" % value
                  if type( value ) in ( str, datetime.datetime ) else str( value ) if value != None else "NULL" )
                for column, value in self.__data__.items()
                if ( column == 'Error' or value ) and column not in  ( "RequestID", "LastUpdate" ) ]
    colVals.append( ( "`LastUpdate`", "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" ) )
    query = []
    if self.RequestID:
      query.append( "UPDATE `Request` SET " )
      query.append( ", ".join( [ "%s=%s" % item for item in colVals  ] ) )
      query.append( " WHERE `RequestID`=%d;\n" % self.RequestID )
      query.append( "INSERT INTO `Request` " )
      columns = "(%s)" % ",".join( [ column for column, value in colVals ] )
      values = "(%s)" % ",".join( [ value for column, value in colVals ] )
      query.append( columns )
      query.append( " VALUES %s;" % values )
    return S_OK( "".join( query ) )

  def cleanUpSQL( self ):
    """ delete query for dirty operations """
    query = []
    if self.RequestID and self.__dirty:
      opIDs = ",".join( [ str( opID ) for opID in self.__dirty ] )
      query.append( "DELETE FROM `Operation` WHERE `RequestID`=%s AND `OperationID` IN (%s);\n" % ( self.RequestID,
                                                                                                    opIDs ) )
      for opID in self.__dirty:
        query.append( "DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID`=%s;\n" % opID )
      return query
  # # digest
  def toJSON( self ):
    """ serialize to JSON format """
    digest = dict( [( key, str( getattr( self, key ) ) if getattr( self, key ) else "" ) for key in self.__data__] )
    digest["RequestID"] = self.RequestID
    digest["__dirty"] = self.__dirty
    digest["Operations"] = [op.toJSON()['Value'] for op in self]
    return S_OK( digest )

  def getDigest( self ):
    """ return digest for request """
    digest = ['Name:' + self.RequestName]
    for op in self:
      opDigest = [ str( item ) for item in ( op.Type, op.Type, op.Status, op.Order ) ]
      if op.TargetSE:
        opDigest.append( op.TargetSE )
      if op.Catalog:
        opDigest.append( op.Catalog )
      if len( op ):
        opFile = op[0]
        opDigest.append( opFile.LFN )
        opDigest.append( ",...<%d files>" % len( op ) )
      digest.append( ":".join( opDigest ) )
    return S_OK( "\n".join( digest ) )

  def optimize( self ):
    """ Merges together the operations that can be merged. They need to have the following arguments equal:
        * Type
        * Arguments
        * SourceSE
        * TargetSE
        * Catalog
        It also makes sure that the maximum number of Files in an Operation is never overcome.

        CAUTION: this method is meant to be called before inserting into the DB.
                So if the RequestId is not 0, we don't touch

        :return S_ERROR if the Request should not be optimized (because already in the DB
                S_OK(True) if a optimization was carried out
                S_OK(False) if no optimization were carried out

    # Set to True if the request could be optimized
    optimized = False

    # List of attributes that must be equal for operations to be merged
    attrList = ["Type", "Arguments", "SourceSE", "TargetSE", "Catalog" ]
    i = 0

    # If the RequestID is not the default one (0), it probably means
    # the Request is already in the DB, so we don't touch anything
    if self.RequestID != 0:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot optimize because Request seems to be already in the DB (RequestID %s)" % self.RequestID )

    # We could do it with a single loop (the 2nd one), but by doing this,
    # we can replace
    #   i += 1
    #   continue
    # with
    #   break
    # which is nicer in my opinion
    while i < len( self.__operations__ ):
      while  ( i + 1 ) < len( self.__operations__ ):
        # Some attributes need to be the same
        attrMismatch = False
        for attr in attrList:
          if getattr( self.__operations__[i], attr ) != getattr( self.__operations__[i + 1], attr ):
            attrMismatch = True

        if attrMismatch:

        # We do not do the merge if there are common files in the operations
        fileSetA = set( list( f.LFN for f in self.__operations__[i] ) )
        fileSetB = set( list( f.LFN for f in self.__operations__[i + 1] ) )
        if len( fileSetA & fileSetB ):

        # There is a maximum number of files one can add into an operation
          while len( self.__operations__[i + 1] ):
            self.__operations__[i] += self.__operations__[i + 1][0]
            del self.__operations__[i + 1][0]
            optimized = True
          del self.__operations__[i + 1]
        except RuntimeError:
          i += 1
      i += 1

    return S_OK( optimized )