import datetime from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import Registry from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import ThreadSafe, DIRACSingleton from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.DictCache import DictCache from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyFile import multiProxyArgument, deleteMultiProxy from DIRAC.Core.Security.X509Chain import X509Chain # pylint: disable=import-error from DIRAC.Core.Security.X509Request import X509Request # pylint: disable=import-error from DIRAC.Core.Security.VOMS import VOMS from DIRAC.Core.Security import Locations from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient __RCSID__ = "$Id$" gUsersSync = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() gProxiesSync = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() gVOMSProxiesSync = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() @six.add_metaclass(DIRACSingleton.DIRACSingleton) class ProxyManagerClient(object): def __init__(self): self.__usersCache = DictCache() self.__proxiesCache = DictCache() self.__vomsProxiesCache = DictCache() self.__pilotProxiesCache = DictCache() self.__filesCache = DictCache(self.__deleteTemporalFile) def __deleteTemporalFile(self, filename): """ Delete temporal file
# File : # Author : A.T. ######################################################################## """ The Identity Provider Factory instantiates IdProvider objects according to their configuration """ import jwt from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import ObjectLoader, ThreadSafe from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.DictCache import DictCache from DIRAC.Resources.IdProvider.Utilities import getProviderInfo, getSettingsNamesForIdPIssuer from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.private.authorization.utils.Clients import getDIRACClients from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.private.authorization.utils.Utilities import collectMetadata gCacheMetadata = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() class IdProviderFactory(object): def __init__(self): """Standard constructor""" self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.cacheMetadata = DictCache() @gCacheMetadata def getMetadata(self, idP): return self.cacheMetadata.get(idP) or {} @gCacheMetadata def addMetadata(self, idP, data, time=24 * 3600): if data:
__RCSID__ = "$Id$" import types import copy import os try: import zipfile gZipEnabled = True except ImportError: gZipEnabled = False try: from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import List, ThreadSafe gCFGSynchro = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer(recursive=True) except Exception: #We're out of python, define required utilities import threading from types import StringTypes def S_ERROR(messageString=''): return {'OK': False, 'Message': str(messageString)} def S_OK(value=''): return {'OK': True, 'Value': value} class ListDummy: def fromChar(self, inputString, sepChar=","): if not (type(inputString) in StringTypes and type(sepChar) in StringTypes and
""" __RCSID__ = "$Id$" import time import os import threading import Queue from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig, gMonitor, S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.Base.AgentModule import AgentModule from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.JobDB import JobDB from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.JobLoggingDB import JobLoggingDB from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import ThreadSafe, List from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Shifter import setupShifterProxyInEnv gOptimizerLoadSync = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() class ThreadedMightyOptimizer( AgentModule ): """ The specific agents must provide the following methods: - initialize() for initial settings - beginExecution() - execute() - the main method called in the agent cycle - endExecution() - finalize() - the graceful exit of the method, this one is usually used for the agent restart """ __jobStates = [ 'Received', 'Checking' ] __defaultValidOptimizers = [ 'WorkloadManagement/JobPath', 'WorkloadManagement/JobSanity',
from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import ThreadSafe from DIRAC.Resources.IdProvider.IdProvider import IdProvider from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import ( getVOMSRoleGroupMapping, getGroupOption, getAllGroups, wrapIDAsDN, getVOs, ) from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.private.authorization.utils.Tokens import OAuth2Token from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.private.authorization.utils.Requests import createOAuth2Request DEFAULT_HEADERS = {"Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"} gJWKs = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() gMetadata = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() gRefreshToken = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() def claimParser(claimDict, attributes): """Parse claims to dictionary with certain keys :param dict claimDict: claims :param dict attributes: contain claim and regex to parse it :return: dict """ profile = {} result = None for claim, reg in attributes.items():
""" SuperOptimizer One optimizer to rule them all, one optimizer to find them, one optimizer to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. """ __RCSID__ = "$Id$" import os from DIRAC import gLogger, S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.Base.AgentModule import AgentModule from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.JobDB import JobDB from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.JobLoggingDB import JobLoggingDB from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import ThreadSafe from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Shifter import setupShifterProxyInEnv gOptimizerLoadSync = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() class MightyOptimizer(AgentModule): """ The specific agents must provide the following methods: - initialize() for initial settings - beginExecution() - execute() - the main method called in the agent cycle - endExecution() - finalize() - the graceful exit of the method, this one is usually used for the agent restart """ __jobStates = ['Received', 'Checking'] def initialize(self):
is taken and the **exchange token** request to Identity Provider is made. The received tokens are cached. """ import pprint from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.Security import Properties from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import ThreadSafe from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.DictCache import DictCache from DIRAC.Core.Tornado.Server.TornadoService import TornadoService from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.DB.TokenDB import TokenDB from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import Registry from DIRAC.Resources.IdProvider.IdProviderFactory import IdProviderFactory # Used to synchronize the cache with user tokens gTokensSync = ThreadSafe.Synchronizer() class TokenManagerHandler(TornadoService): DEFAULT_AUTHORIZATION = ["authenticated"] DEFAULT_RT_EXPIRATION_TIME = 24 * 3600 @classmethod def initializeHandler(cls, *args): """Initialization :return: S_OK()/S_ERROR() """ # Let's try to connect to the database try: