コード例 #1
ファイル: Step.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
class StepDefinition( AttributeCollection ):

  def __init__( self, step_type = None, obj = None, parent = None ):
    AttributeCollection.__init__( self )
    self.module_instances = None
    # this object can be shared with the workflow
    # to if its =None and workflow!=None we have to
    # pass everything above
    self.module_definitions = None
    self.parent = parent

    # sort out Parameters and class attributes
    if ( obj == None ) or isinstance( obj, ParameterCollection ):
      self.setType( 'notgiven' )
      self.setDescrShort( '' )
      self.setDescription( '' )
      self.setOrigin( '' )
      self.setVersion( 0.0 )
      self.parameters = ParameterCollection( obj ) # creating copy
      self.module_instances = InstancesPool( self )
      self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool( self )
    elif isinstance( obj, StepDefinition ):
      self.setType( obj.getType() )
      self.setDescrShort( obj.getDescrShort() )
      self.setDescription( obj.getDescription() )
      self.setOrigin( obj.getOrigin() )
      self.setVersion( obj.getVersion() )
      # copy instances and definitions
      self.parameters = ParameterCollection( self, obj.parameters )
      self.module_instances = InstancesPool( self, obj.module_instances )
      if obj.module_definitions != None:
        self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool( self. obj.module_definitions )
      raise TypeError( 'Can not create object type ' + str( type( self ) ) + ' from the ' + str( type( obj ) ) )
    if step_type :
      self.setType( step_type )

  def __str__( self ):
    ret = str( type( self ) ) + ':\n' + AttributeCollection.__str__( self ) + self.parameters.__str__()
    if self.module_definitions != None:
      ret = ret + str( self.module_definitions )
      ret = ret + 'Module definitions shared in Workflow\n'
    ret = ret + str( self.module_instances )
    return ret

  def toXML( self ):
    ret = '<StepDefinition>\n'
    ret = ret + AttributeCollection.toXML( self )
    ret = ret + self.parameters.toXML()
    if self.module_definitions != None:
      ret = ret + self.module_definitions.toXML()
    ret = ret + self.module_instances.toXML()
    ret = ret + '</StepDefinition>\n'
    return ret

  def toXMLFile( self, outFile ):
    if os.path.exists( outFile ):
      os.remove( outFile )
    xmlfile = open( outFile, 'w' )
    xmlfile.write( self.toXML() )

  def addModule( self, module ):
    # KGG We need to add code to update existing modules
    if self.module_definitions == None:
      self.parent.module_definitions.append( module )
      self.module_definitions.append( module )
    return module

  def createModuleInstance( self, module_type, name ):
    ''' Creates module instance of type 'type' with the name 'name'

    if self.module_definitions[module_type]:
      mi = ModuleInstance( name, self.module_definitions[module_type] )
      self.module_instances.append( mi )
      return mi
      raise KeyError( 'Can not find ModuleDefinition ' + module_type + ' to create ModuleInstrance ' + name )

  def removeModuleInstance( self, name ):
    ''' Remove module instance specified by its name
    self.module_instances.delete( name )

  def compare( self, s ):
    ''' Custom Step comparison operation
    ret = AttributeCollection.compare( self, s ) and self.module_instances.compare( s )
    if self.module_definitions.getOwner() == self:
      ret = ret and self.module_definitions.compare( s )
    return ret

  def updateParents( self, parent ):
    #AttributeCollection.updateParents( self, parent )
    self.module_instances.updateParents( self )
    if( self.module_definitions != None ):
      self.module_definitions.updateParents( self )

  def createCode( self ):
    ''' Create Step code

    str_ = 'class ' + self.getType() + ':\n'
    str_ = str_ + indent( 1 ) + 'def execute(self):\n'
    str_ = str_ + self.module_instances.createCode()
    str_ = str_ + indent( 2 ) + '# output assignment\n'
    for v in self.parameters:
      if v.isOutput():
        str_ = str_ + v.createParameterCode( 2, 'self' )
    str_ += '\n'
    return str_
コード例 #2
ファイル: Workflow.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
class Workflow( AttributeCollection ):

  def __init__( self, obj = None, name = None ):
    ''' Be aware that 1-st param is an obj not a name!!!!
        obj can me a string with XML representation or with filename
        also obj can be a Workflow or ParameterCollections
    AttributeCollection.__init__( self )
    if ( obj == None ) or isinstance( obj, ParameterCollection ):
      self.setName( 'notgiven' )
      self.setType( '' )
      self.setDescrShort( '' )
      self.setDescription( '' )
      self.setOrigin( '' )
      self.setVersion( 0.0 )
      self.parameters = ParameterCollection( obj )
      self.step_instances = InstancesPool( self )
      self.step_definitions = DefinitionsPool( self )
      self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool( self )

    elif isinstance( obj, Workflow ):
      self.fromWorkflow( obj )
    elif isinstance( obj, str ):
      self.parameters = ParameterCollection( None )
      self.step_instances = InstancesPool( self )
      self.step_definitions = DefinitionsPool( self )
      self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool( self )
      # if obj is an XML string
      if obj.startswith( '<' ):
        fromXMLString( obj, self )
        fromXMLFile( obj, self )
    elif obj != None:
      raise TypeError( 'Can not create object type ' + str( type( self ) ) + ' from the ' + str( type( obj ) ) )

    if name :
      self.setName( name )
    self.workflow_commons = {}
    self.workflowStatus = S_OK()

  def fromWorkflow( self, obj ):
    self.setName( obj.getName() )
    self.setType( obj.getType() )
    self.setDescrShort( obj.getDescrShort() )
    self.setDescription( obj.getDescription() )
    self.setOrigin( obj.getOrigin() )
    self.setVersion( obj.getVersion() )
    # copy instances and definitions
    self.parameters = ParameterCollection( obj.parameters )
    self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool( self, obj.module_definitions )
    self.step_instances = InstancesPool( self, obj.step_instances )
    self.step_definitions = DefinitionsPool( self, obj.step_definitions )

  def __str__( self ):
    '''Creates a string representation of itself
    ret = str( self.getName() ) + ':\n' + AttributeCollection.__str__( self ) + self.parameters.__str__()
    ret = ret + str( self.step_definitions )
    ret = ret + str( self.step_instances )
    ret = ret + str( self.module_definitions )
    return ret

  def toXML( self ):
    '''Creates an XML representation of itself
    # THIS is very important that Definitions should be written before instances
    ret = '<Workflow>\n'
    ret = ret + AttributeCollection.toXML( self )
    ret = ret + self.parameters.toXML()
    ret = ret + self.module_definitions.toXML()
    ret = ret + self.step_definitions.toXML()
    ret = ret + self.step_instances.toXML()
    ret = ret + '</Workflow>\n'
    return ret

  def toXMLFile( self, outFile ):
    if os.path.exists( outFile ):
      os.remove( outFile )
    xmlfile = open( outFile, 'w' )
    xmlfile.write( self.toXML() )

  def addTool( self, name, tool ):
    ''' Add an object that will be available in all the modules to perform some operations.
        For example, a state reporting facility.
    self.workflow_commons[name] = tool

  def addStep( self, step ):
    # this is a VERY important piece of code
    # we have to join all Modules definition from all added steps in the single dictionary
    # and we have to share this dictionary between all included steps
    # we also have to check versions of the modules and instances
    for type_ in step.module_definitions.keys():
      #if self.module_definitions.has_key(type):
        # we have the same ModuleDefinition in 2 places
        # we need to find way to synchronise it
        #print "Workflow:addStep - we need to write ModuleDefinitions synchronisation code"
        # new module - just append it
      if not self.module_definitions.has_key( type_ ):
        self.module_definitions.append( step.module_definitions[type_] )
    self.step_definitions.append( step )
    del step.module_definitions # we need to clean up all unwanted definitions
    step.module_definitions = None
    return step

  def addModule( self, module ):
    # KGG We need to add code to update existing modules
    self.module_definitions.append( module )
    return module

  def createStepInstance( self, type_, name ):
    ''' Creates step instance of type 'type' with the name 'name'
    if self.step_definitions.has_key( type_ ):
      stepi = StepInstance( name, self.step_definitions[type_] )
      self.step_instances.append( stepi )
      return stepi
      raise KeyError( 'Can not find StepDefinition ' + type_ + ' to create StepInstrance ' + name )

  def removeStepInstance( self, name ):
    self.instances[name].setParents( None )
    self.instances.delete( name )

  def updateParents( self ):
    self.module_definitions.updateParents( self )
    self.step_instances.updateParents( self )
    self.step_definitions.updateParents( self )

  def resolveGlobalVars( self ):
    ''' This method will create global parameter list and then will resolve all instances of @{VARNAME}
    Be aware that parameters of that type are GLOBAL!!! are string and can not be dynamically change
    The scope: the resolution of that parameters apply from lower to upper object, for example if
    parameter use in module, then it checks module, then step, then workflow

    Comment: If varible linked it should not be used in a global list'''

    # reenforced global parameters on the level of Workflow
    if not self.parameters.find( "PRODUCTION_ID" ):
      self.parameters.append( Parameter( "PRODUCTION_ID", "00000000", "string", "", "", True, False, "Transformation ID taken from the ProductionManager" ) )
    if not self.parameters.find( "JOB_ID" ):
      self.parameters.append( Parameter( "JOB_ID", "00000000", "string", "", "", True, False, "Job ID within Tranformationtaken from the ProductionManager" ) )

    step_instance_number = 0
    for inst in self.step_instances:
      # for each step instance we can define STEP_NUMBER
      step_instance_number = step_instance_number + 1
      if not inst.parameters.find( "STEP_NUMBER" ):
        inst.parameters.append( Parameter( "STEP_NUMBER", "%s" % step_instance_number, "string", "", "", True, False, "Number of the StepInstance within the Workflow" ) )
      if not inst.parameters.find( "STEP_ID" ):
        prod_ID = self.parameters.find( "PRODUCTION_ID" ).getValue()
        job_ID = self.parameters.find( "JOB_ID" ).getValue()
        inst.parameters.append( Parameter( "STEP_ID", "%s_%s_%d" % ( prod_ID, job_ID, step_instance_number ), "string", "", "", True, False, "Step instance ID" ) )
      if not inst.parameters.find( "STEP_INSTANCE_NAME" ):
        inst.parameters.append( Parameter( "STEP_INSTANCE_NAME", inst.getName(), "string", "", "", True, False, "Name of the StepInstance within the Workflow" ) )
      if not inst.parameters.find( "STEP_DEFINITION_NAME" ):
        inst.parameters.append( Parameter( "STEP_DEFINITION_NAME", inst.getType(), "string", "", "", True, False, "Type of the StepInstance within the Workflow" ) )
      if not inst.parameters.find( "JOB_ID" ):
        inst.parameters.append( Parameter( "JOB_ID", "", "string", "self", "JOB_ID", True, False, "Type of the StepInstance within the Workflow" ) )
      if not inst.parameters.find( "PRODUCTION_ID" ):
        inst.parameters.append( Parameter( "PRODUCTION_ID", "", "string", "self", "PRODUCTION_ID", True, False, "Type of the StepInstance within the Workflow" ) )
      inst.resolveGlobalVars( self.step_definitions, self.parameters )

  def createCode( self, combine_steps = False ):
    str_ = ''
    str_ = str_ + self.module_definitions.createCode()
    str_ = str_ + self.step_definitions.createCode()
    str_ = str_ + "\nclass job:\n"
    str_ = str_ + indent( 1 ) + 'def execute(self):\n'
    #str_=str_+indent(2)+'# flush self.step_instances\n'
    str_ = str_ + self.step_instances.createCode()
    # it seems we do not need it on this level
    str_ = str_ + indent( 2 ) + '# output assignment\n'
    for v in self.parameters:
      if v.isOutput():
        str_ = str_ + v.createParameterCode( 2, 'self' )

    str_ = str_ + '\nj=job()\n'
    str_ = str_ + self.parameters.createParametersCode( 0, 'j' )
    str_ = str_ + 'j.execute()'
    return str_

  def showCode( self, combine_steps = False ):
    str_ = ''
    str_ = str_ + self.module_definitions.createCode()
    str_ = str_ + self.step_definitions.createCode()
    str_ = str_ + "\nclass job:\n"
    str_ = str_ + indent( 1 ) + 'def execute(self):\n'
    #str_=str_+indent(2)+'# flush self.step_instances\n'
    str_ = str_ + self.step_instances.createCode()
    # it seems we do not need it on this level
    str_ = str_ + indent( 2 ) + '# output assignment\n'
    for v in self.parameters:
      if v.isOutput():
        str_ = str_ + v.createParameterCode( 2, 'self' )

    str_ = str_ + '\nj=job()\n'
    str_ = str_ + self.parameters.createParametersCode( 0, 'j' )
    str_ = str_ + 'j.execute()'
    return str_

  def execute( self ):
    # define workflow attributes
    wf_exec_attr = {} # dictianary with the WF attributes, used to resolve links to self.attrname
    for wf_parameter in self.parameters:
      # parameters shall see objects in the current scope order to resolve links
      if wf_parameter.preExecute(): # for parm which not just outputs
        # print 'Input', wf_parameter
        if wf_parameter.isLinked():
          # print "Workflow self." + wf_parameter.getName(), '=', wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() + '.' + wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()
          if wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() == 'self':
            # this is not suppose to happen
            print "Warning! Job attribute ", wf_parameter.getName(), "refers to the attribute of the same workflow", wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()
            wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()]
            wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getLinkedModule()][wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()]
          # print "Workflow self." + wf_parameter.getName(), '=', wf_parameter.getValue()
          wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_parameter.getValue()

      # Put all the workflow parameters into the workflow_commons dictionary
      self.workflow_commons[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_parameter.getValue()

    self.module_definitions.loadCode() # loading Module classes into current python scope

    #wf_exec_steps will be dictionary of dictionaries [step instance name][parameter name]
    # used as dictionary of step instances to carry parameters
    wf_exec_steps = {}
    # print 'Executing Workflow',self.getType()
    error_message = ''
    step_result = ''
    for step_inst in self.step_instances:
      step_inst_name = step_inst.getName()
      wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name] = {}
      # step_inst_type = step_inst.getType()
      # print "WorkflowInstance creating Step instance ",step_inst_name," of type", step_inst_type
      for parameter in step_inst.parameters:
        if parameter.preExecute():
          # print '>> Input', parameter
          if parameter.isLinked():
            # print ">> StepInstance", step_inst_name + '.' + parameter.getName(), '=', parameter.getLinkedModule() + '.' + parameter.getLinkedParameter()
            if parameter.getLinkedModule() == 'self':
              # tale value form the step_dict
              wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name][parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[parameter.getLinkedParameter()]
              # print wf_exec_steps[parameter.getLinkedModule()].keys()
              wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name][parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_steps[parameter.getLinkedModule()][parameter.getLinkedParameter()]
            # print ">> StepInstance", step_inst_name + '.' + parameter.getName(), '=', parameter.getValue()
            wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name][parameter.getName()] = parameter.getValue()

        # In the step_commons all parameters are added, both Input and Output ones.
        step_inst.step_commons[parameter.getName()] = parameter.getValue()

      resolveVariables( wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name] )
      # Set proper values for all Input Parameters
      for key, value in wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name].items():
        step_inst.step_commons[key] = value

      step_inst.setParent( self )
      step_inst.setWorkflowCommons( self.workflow_commons )

      result = step_inst.execute( wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name], self.step_definitions )
      if not result['OK']:
        if self.workflowStatus['OK']:
          error_message = result['Message']
        self.workflowStatus = S_ERROR( result['Message'] )
      if result.has_key( 'Value' ):
        step_result = result['Value']

    # now we need to copy output values to the STEP!!! parameters
    #print "WorkflowInstance output assignment"
    for wf_parameter in self.parameters:
      if wf_parameter.isOutput():
        if wf_parameter.isLinked():
          # print "WorkflowInstance  self." + wf_parameter.getName(), '=', wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() + '.' + wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()
          if wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() == 'self':
            # this is not suppose to happen
            print "Warning! Workflow OUTPUT attribute ", wf_parameter.getName(), "refer on the attribute of the same workflow", wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()
            wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()]
            wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_steps[wf_parameter.getLinkedModule()][wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()]
          # it is also does not make sense - we can produce warning
          print "Warning! Workflow OUTPUT attribute", wf_parameter.getName(), "assigned constant", wf_parameter.getValue()
          # print "WorkflowInstance  self."+ wf_parameter.getName(),'=',wf_parameter.getValue()
          wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_parameter.getValue()
        setattr( self, wf_parameter.getName(), wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] )
    # Return the result of the first failed step or S_OK
    if not self.workflowStatus['OK']:
      return S_ERROR( error_message )
      return S_OK( step_result )
コード例 #3
class Workflow(AttributeCollection):
    def __init__(self, obj=None, name=None):
        ''' Be aware that 1-st param is an obj not a name!!!!
        obj can me a string with XML representation or with filename
        also obj can be a Workflow or ParameterCollections
        if (obj == None) or isinstance(obj, ParameterCollection):
            self.parameters = ParameterCollection(obj)
            self.step_instances = InstancesPool(self)
            self.step_definitions = DefinitionsPool(self)
            self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool(self)

        elif isinstance(obj, Workflow):
        elif isinstance(obj, str):
            self.parameters = ParameterCollection(None)
            self.step_instances = InstancesPool(self)
            self.step_definitions = DefinitionsPool(self)
            self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool(self)
            # if obj is an XML string
            if obj.startswith('<'):
                fromXMLString(obj, self)
                fromXMLFile(obj, self)
        elif obj != None:
            raise TypeError('Can not create object type ' + str(type(self)) +
                            ' from the ' + str(type(obj)))

        if name:
        self.workflow_commons = {}
        self.workflowStatus = S_OK()

    def fromWorkflow(self, obj):
        # copy instances and definitions
        self.parameters = ParameterCollection(obj.parameters)
        self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool(self, obj.module_definitions)
        self.step_instances = InstancesPool(self, obj.step_instances)
        self.step_definitions = DefinitionsPool(self, obj.step_definitions)

    def __str__(self):
        '''Creates a string representation of itself
        ret = str(self.getName()) + ':\n' + AttributeCollection.__str__(
            self) + self.parameters.__str__()
        ret = ret + str(self.step_definitions)
        ret = ret + str(self.step_instances)
        ret = ret + str(self.module_definitions)
        return ret

    def toXML(self):
        '''Creates an XML representation of itself
        # THIS is very important that Definitions should be written before instances
        ret = '<Workflow>\n'
        ret = ret + AttributeCollection.toXML(self)
        ret = ret + self.parameters.toXML()
        ret = ret + self.module_definitions.toXML()
        ret = ret + self.step_definitions.toXML()
        ret = ret + self.step_instances.toXML()
        ret = ret + '</Workflow>\n'
        return ret

    def toXMLFile(self, outFile):
        if os.path.exists(outFile):
        xmlfile = open(outFile, 'w')

    def addTool(self, name, tool):
        ''' Add an object that will be available in all the modules to perform some operations.
        For example, a state reporting facility.
        self.workflow_commons[name] = tool

    def addStep(self, step):
        # this is a VERY important piece of code
        # we have to join all Modules definition from all added steps in the single dictionary
        # and we have to share this dictionary between all included steps
        # we also have to check versions of the modules and instances
        for type_ in step.module_definitions.keys():
            #if self.module_definitions.has_key(type):
            # we have the same ModuleDefinition in 2 places
            # we need to find way to synchronise it
            #print "Workflow:addStep - we need to write ModuleDefinitions synchronisation code"
            # new module - just append it
            if not self.module_definitions.has_key(type_):
        del step.module_definitions  # we need to clean up all unwanted definitions
        step.module_definitions = None
        return step

    def addModule(self, module):
        # KGG We need to add code to update existing modules
        return module

    def createStepInstance(self, type_, name):
        ''' Creates step instance of type 'type' with the name 'name'
        if self.step_definitions.has_key(type_):
            stepi = StepInstance(name, self.step_definitions[type_])
            return stepi
            raise KeyError('Can not find StepDefinition ' + type_ +
                           ' to create StepInstrance ' + name)

    def removeStepInstance(self, name):

    def updateParents(self):

    def resolveGlobalVars(self):
        ''' This method will create global parameter list and then will resolve all instances of @{VARNAME}
    Be aware that parameters of that type are GLOBAL!!! are string and can not be dynamically change
    The scope: the resolution of that parameters apply from lower to upper object, for example if
    parameter use in module, then it checks module, then step, then workflow

    Comment: If varible linked it should not be used in a global list'''

        # reenforced global parameters on the level of Workflow
        if not self.parameters.find("PRODUCTION_ID"):
                    "PRODUCTION_ID", "00000000", "string", "", "", True, False,
                    "Transformation ID taken from the ProductionManager"))
        if not self.parameters.find("JOB_ID"):
                    "JOB_ID", "00000000", "string", "", "", True, False,
                    "Job ID within Tranformationtaken from the ProductionManager"

        step_instance_number = 0
        for inst in self.step_instances:
            # for each step instance we can define STEP_NUMBER
            step_instance_number = step_instance_number + 1
            if not inst.parameters.find("STEP_NUMBER"):
                        "STEP_NUMBER", "%s" % step_instance_number, "string",
                        "", "", True, False,
                        "Number of the StepInstance within the Workflow"))
            if not inst.parameters.find("STEP_ID"):
                prod_ID = self.parameters.find("PRODUCTION_ID").getValue()
                job_ID = self.parameters.find("JOB_ID").getValue()
                        "%s_%s_%d" % (prod_ID, job_ID, step_instance_number),
                        "string", "", "", True, False, "Step instance ID"))
            if not inst.parameters.find("STEP_INSTANCE_NAME"):
                    Parameter("STEP_INSTANCE_NAME", inst.getName(), "string",
                              "", "", True, False,
                              "Name of the StepInstance within the Workflow"))
            if not inst.parameters.find("STEP_DEFINITION_NAME"):
                    Parameter("STEP_DEFINITION_NAME", inst.getType(), "string",
                              "", "", True, False,
                              "Type of the StepInstance within the Workflow"))
            if not inst.parameters.find("JOB_ID"):
                    Parameter("JOB_ID", "", "string", "self", "JOB_ID", True,
                              "Type of the StepInstance within the Workflow"))
            if not inst.parameters.find("PRODUCTION_ID"):
                    Parameter("PRODUCTION_ID", "", "string", "self",
                              "PRODUCTION_ID", True, False,
                              "Type of the StepInstance within the Workflow"))
            inst.resolveGlobalVars(self.step_definitions, self.parameters)

    def createCode(self, combine_steps=False):
        str_ = ''
        str_ = str_ + self.module_definitions.createCode()
        str_ = str_ + self.step_definitions.createCode()
        str_ = str_ + "\nclass job:\n"
        str_ = str_ + indent(1) + 'def execute(self):\n'
        #str_=str_+indent(2)+'# flush self.step_instances\n'
        str_ = str_ + self.step_instances.createCode()
        # it seems we do not need it on this level
        str_ = str_ + indent(2) + '# output assignment\n'
        for v in self.parameters:
            if v.isOutput():
                str_ = str_ + v.createParameterCode(2, 'self')

        str_ = str_ + '\nj=job()\n'
        str_ = str_ + self.parameters.createParametersCode(0, 'j')
        str_ = str_ + 'j.execute()'
        return str_

    def showCode(self, combine_steps=False):
        str_ = ''
        str_ = str_ + self.module_definitions.createCode()
        str_ = str_ + self.step_definitions.createCode()
        str_ = str_ + "\nclass job:\n"
        str_ = str_ + indent(1) + 'def execute(self):\n'
        #str_=str_+indent(2)+'# flush self.step_instances\n'
        str_ = str_ + self.step_instances.createCode()
        # it seems we do not need it on this level
        str_ = str_ + indent(2) + '# output assignment\n'
        for v in self.parameters:
            if v.isOutput():
                str_ = str_ + v.createParameterCode(2, 'self')

        str_ = str_ + '\nj=job()\n'
        str_ = str_ + self.parameters.createParametersCode(0, 'j')
        str_ = str_ + 'j.execute()'
        return str_

    def execute(self):
        # define workflow attributes
        wf_exec_attr = {
        }  # dictianary with the WF attributes, used to resolve links to self.attrname
        for wf_parameter in self.parameters:
            # parameters shall see objects in the current scope order to resolve links
            if wf_parameter.preExecute():  # for parm which not just outputs
                # print 'Input', wf_parameter
                if wf_parameter.isLinked():
                    # print "Workflow self." + wf_parameter.getName(), '=', wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() + '.' + wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()
                    if wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() == 'self':
                        # this is not suppose to happen
                        print "Warning! Job attribute ", wf_parameter.getName(
                        ), "refers to the attribute of the same workflow", wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter(
                        wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[
                        wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[
                    # print "Workflow self." + wf_parameter.getName(), '=', wf_parameter.getValue()
                        wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_parameter.getValue()

            # Put all the workflow parameters into the workflow_commons dictionary
                wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_parameter.getValue()

        )  # loading Module classes into current python scope

        #wf_exec_steps will be dictionary of dictionaries [step instance name][parameter name]
        # used as dictionary of step instances to carry parameters
        wf_exec_steps = {}
        # print 'Executing Workflow',self.getType()
        error_message = ''
        step_result = ''
        for step_inst in self.step_instances:
            step_inst_name = step_inst.getName()
            wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name] = {}
            # step_inst_type = step_inst.getType()
            # print "WorkflowInstance creating Step instance ",step_inst_name," of type", step_inst_type
            for parameter in step_inst.parameters:
                if parameter.preExecute():
                    # print '>> Input', parameter
                    if parameter.isLinked():
                        # print ">> StepInstance", step_inst_name + '.' + parameter.getName(), '=', parameter.getLinkedModule() + '.' + parameter.getLinkedParameter()
                        if parameter.getLinkedModule() == 'self':
                            # tale value form the step_dict
                            )] = wf_exec_attr[parameter.getLinkedParameter()]
                            # print wf_exec_steps[parameter.getLinkedModule()].keys()
                            )] = wf_exec_steps[parameter.getLinkedModule()][
                        # print ">> StepInstance", step_inst_name + '.' + parameter.getName(), '=', parameter.getValue()
                            parameter.getName()] = parameter.getValue()

                # In the step_commons all parameters are added, both Input and Output ones.
                    parameter.getName()] = parameter.getValue()

            # Set proper values for all Input Parameters
            for key, value in wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name].items():
                step_inst.step_commons[key] = value


            result = step_inst.execute(wf_exec_steps[step_inst_name],
            if not result['OK']:
                if self.workflowStatus['OK']:
                    error_message = result['Message']
                self.workflowStatus = S_ERROR(result['Message'])
            if result.has_key('Value'):
                step_result = result['Value']

        # now we need to copy output values to the STEP!!! parameters
        #print "WorkflowInstance output assignment"
        for wf_parameter in self.parameters:
            if wf_parameter.isOutput():
                if wf_parameter.isLinked():
                    # print "WorkflowInstance  self." + wf_parameter.getName(), '=', wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() + '.' + wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter()
                    if wf_parameter.getLinkedModule() == 'self':
                        # this is not suppose to happen
                        print "Warning! Workflow OUTPUT attribute ", wf_parameter.getName(
                        ), "refer on the attribute of the same workflow", wf_parameter.getLinkedParameter(
                        wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_attr[
                        wf_exec_attr[wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_exec_steps[
                    # it is also does not make sense - we can produce warning
                    print "Warning! Workflow OUTPUT attribute", wf_parameter.getName(
                    ), "assigned constant", wf_parameter.getValue()
                    # print "WorkflowInstance  self."+ wf_parameter.getName(),'=',wf_parameter.getValue()
                        wf_parameter.getName()] = wf_parameter.getValue()
                setattr(self, wf_parameter.getName(),
        # Return the result of the first failed step or S_OK
        if not self.workflowStatus['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(error_message)
            return S_OK(step_result)
コード例 #4
class StepDefinition(AttributeCollection):
    def __init__(self, step_type=None, obj=None, parent=None):
        self.module_instances = None
        # this object can be shared with the workflow
        # to if its =None and workflow!=None we have to
        # pass everything above
        self.module_definitions = None
        self.parent = parent

        # sort out Parameters and class attributes
        if (obj == None) or isinstance(obj, ParameterCollection):
            self.parameters = ParameterCollection(obj)  # creating copy
            self.module_instances = InstancesPool(self)
            self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool(self)
        elif isinstance(obj, StepDefinition):
            # copy instances and definitions
            self.parameters = ParameterCollection(self, obj.parameters)
            self.module_instances = InstancesPool(self, obj.module_instances)
            if obj.module_definitions != None:
                self.module_definitions = DefinitionsPool(
            raise TypeError('Can not create object type ' + str(type(self)) +
                            ' from the ' + str(type(obj)))
        if step_type:

    def __str__(self):
        ret = str(type(self)) + ':\n' + AttributeCollection.__str__(
            self) + self.parameters.__str__()
        if self.module_definitions != None:
            ret = ret + str(self.module_definitions)
            ret = ret + 'Module definitions shared in Workflow\n'
        ret = ret + str(self.module_instances)
        return ret

    def toXML(self):
        ret = '<StepDefinition>\n'
        ret = ret + AttributeCollection.toXML(self)
        ret = ret + self.parameters.toXML()
        if self.module_definitions != None:
            ret = ret + self.module_definitions.toXML()
        ret = ret + self.module_instances.toXML()
        ret = ret + '</StepDefinition>\n'
        return ret

    def toXMLFile(self, outFile):
        if os.path.exists(outFile):
        xmlfile = open(outFile, 'w')

    def addModule(self, module):
        # KGG We need to add code to update existing modules
        if self.module_definitions == None:
        return module

    def createModuleInstance(self, module_type, name):
        ''' Creates module instance of type 'type' with the name 'name'

        if self.module_definitions[module_type]:
            mi = ModuleInstance(name, self.module_definitions[module_type])
            return mi
            raise KeyError('Can not find ModuleDefinition ' + module_type +
                           ' to create ModuleInstrance ' + name)

    def removeModuleInstance(self, name):
        ''' Remove module instance specified by its name

    def compare(self, s):
        ''' Custom Step comparison operation
        ret = AttributeCollection.compare(
            self, s) and self.module_instances.compare(s)
        if self.module_definitions.getOwner() == self:
            ret = ret and self.module_definitions.compare(s)
        return ret

    def updateParents(self, parent):
        #AttributeCollection.updateParents( self, parent )
        if (self.module_definitions != None):

    def createCode(self):
        ''' Create Step code

        str_ = 'class ' + self.getType() + ':\n'
        str_ = str_ + indent(1) + 'def execute(self):\n'
        str_ = str_ + self.module_instances.createCode()
        str_ = str_ + indent(2) + '# output assignment\n'
        for v in self.parameters:
            if v.isOutput():
                str_ = str_ + v.createParameterCode(2, 'self')
        str_ += '\n'
        return str_