コード例 #1
class ReplicateAndRegister( DMSRequestOperationsBase ):
  .. class:: ReplicateAndRegister

  ReplicateAndRegister operation handler

  def __init__( self, operation = None, csPath = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: Operation instance
    :param str csPath: CS path for this handler
    super( ReplicateAndRegister, self ).__init__( operation, csPath )
    # # own gMonitor stuff for files
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "ReplicateAndRegisterAtt", "Replicate and register attempted",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "ReplicateOK", "Replications successful",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "ReplicateFail", "Replications failed",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "RegisterOK", "Registrations successful",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "RegisterFail", "Registrations failed",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    # # for FTS
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSScheduleAtt", "Files schedule attempted",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSScheduleOK", "File schedule successful",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSScheduleFail", "File schedule failed",
                               "RequestExecutingAgent", "Files/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    # # SE cache
    self.seCache = {}

    # Clients
    self.fc = FileCatalog()
    self.ftsClient = FTSClient()

  def __call__( self ):
    """ call me maybe """
    # # check replicas first
    checkReplicas = self.__checkReplicas()
    if not checkReplicas["OK"]:
      self.log.error( checkReplicas["Message"] )
    if hasattr( self, "FTSMode" ) and getattr( self, "FTSMode" ):
      bannedGroups = getattr( self, "FTSBannedGroups" ) if hasattr( self, "FTSBannedGroups" ) else ()
      if self.request.OwnerGroup in bannedGroups:
        self.log.info( "usage of FTS system is banned for request's owner" )
        return self.rmTransfer()
      return self.ftsTransfer()
    return self.rmTransfer()

  def __checkReplicas( self ):
    """ check done replicas and update file states  """
    waitingFiles = dict( [ ( opFile.LFN, opFile ) for opFile in self.operation
                          if opFile.Status in ( "Waiting", "Scheduled" ) ] )
    targetSESet = set( self.operation.targetSEList )

    replicas = self.fc.getReplicas( waitingFiles.keys() )
    if not replicas["OK"]:
      self.log.error( replicas["Message"] )
      return replicas

    reMissing = re.compile( "no such file or directory" )
    for failedLFN, errStr in replicas["Value"]["Failed"].items():
      waitingFiles[failedLFN].Error = errStr
      if reMissing.search( errStr.lower() ):
        self.log.error( "file %s does not exists" % failedLFN )
        gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateFail", len( targetSESet ) )
        waitingFiles[failedLFN].Status = "Failed"

    for successfulLFN, reps in replicas["Value"]["Successful"].items():
      if targetSESet.issubset( set( reps ) ):
        self.log.info( "file %s has been replicated to all targets" % successfulLFN )
        waitingFiles[successfulLFN].Status = "Done"

    return S_OK()

  def _addMetadataToFiles( self, toSchedule ):
    """ Add metadata to those files that need to be scheduled through FTS

        toSchedule is a dictionary:
        {'lfn1': [opFile, validReplicas, validTargets], 'lfn2': [opFile, validReplicas, validTargets]}
    if toSchedule:
      self.log.info( "found %s files to schedule, getting metadata from FC" % len( toSchedule ) )
      lfns = toSchedule.keys()
      self.log.info( "No files to schedule" )
      return S_OK()

    res = self.fc.getFileMetadata( lfns )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
      if res['Value']['Failed']:
        self.log.warn( "Can't schedule %d files: problems getting the metadata: %s" % ( len( res['Value']['Failed'] ),
                                                                                ', '.join( res['Value']['Failed'] ) ) )
      metadata = res['Value']['Successful']

    filesToScheduleList = []

    for lfnsToSchedule, lfnMetadata in metadata.items():
      opFileToSchedule = toSchedule[lfnsToSchedule][0]
      opFileToSchedule.GUID = lfnMetadata['GUID']
      opFileToSchedule.Checksum = metadata[lfnsToSchedule]['Checksum']
      opFileToSchedule.ChecksumType = metadata[lfnsToSchedule]['CheckSumType']
      opFileToSchedule.Size = metadata[lfnsToSchedule]['Size']

      filesToScheduleList.append( ( opFileToSchedule.toJSON()['Value'],
                                    toSchedule[lfnsToSchedule][2] ) )

    return S_OK( filesToScheduleList )

  def _filterReplicas( self, opFile ):
    """ filter out banned/invalid source SEs """
    return filterReplicas( opFile, logger = self.log, dataManager = self.dm, seCache = self.seCache )

  def ftsTransfer( self ):
    """ replicate and register using FTS """

    self.log.info( "scheduling files in FTS..." )

    bannedTargets = self.checkSEsRSS()
    if not bannedTargets['OK']:
      gMonitor.addMark( "FTSScheduleAtt" )
      gMonitor.addMark( "FTSScheduleFail" )
      return bannedTargets

    if bannedTargets['Value']:
      return S_OK( "%s targets are banned for writing" % ",".join( bannedTargets['Value'] ) )

    # Can continue now
    self.log.verbose( "No targets banned for writing" )

    toSchedule = {}

    for opFile in self.getWaitingFilesList():
      opFile.Error = ''
      gMonitor.addMark( "FTSScheduleAtt" )
      # # check replicas
      replicas = self._filterReplicas( opFile )
      if not replicas["OK"]:
      replicas = replicas["Value"]

      validReplicas = replicas["Valid"]
      bannedReplicas = replicas["Banned"]
      noReplicas = replicas['NoReplicas']
      badReplicas = replicas['Bad']
      noPFN = replicas['NoPFN']

      if not validReplicas:
        gMonitor.addMark( "FTSScheduleFail" )
        if bannedReplicas:
          self.log.warn( "unable to schedule '%s', replicas only at banned SEs" % opFile.LFN )
        elif noReplicas:
          self.log.error( "unable to schedule %s, file doesn't exist" % opFile.LFN )
          opFile.Error = 'No replicas found'
          opFile.Status = 'Failed'
        elif badReplicas:
          self.log.error( "unable to schedule %s, all replicas have a bad checksum" % opFile.LFN )
          opFile.Error = 'All replicas have a bad checksum'
          opFile.Status = 'Failed'
        elif noPFN:
          self.log.warn( "unable to schedule %s, could not get a PFN" % opFile.LFN )

        validTargets = list( set( self.operation.targetSEList ) - set( validReplicas ) )
        if not validTargets:
          self.log.info( "file %s is already present at all targets" % opFile.LFN )
          opFile.Status = "Done"
          toSchedule[opFile.LFN] = [ opFile, validReplicas, validTargets ]

    res = self._addMetadataToFiles( toSchedule )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
      filesToScheduleList = res['Value']

    if filesToScheduleList:

      ftsSchedule = self.ftsClient.ftsSchedule( self.request.RequestID,
                                                filesToScheduleList )
      if not ftsSchedule["OK"]:
        self.log.error( ftsSchedule["Message"] )
        return ftsSchedule

      # might have nothing to schedule
      ftsSchedule = ftsSchedule["Value"]
      if not ftsSchedule:
        return S_OK()

      for fileID in ftsSchedule["Successful"]:
        gMonitor.addMark( "FTSScheduleOK", 1 )
        for opFile in self.operation:
          if fileID == opFile.FileID:
            opFile.Status = "Scheduled"
            self.log.debug( "%s has been scheduled for FTS" % opFile.LFN )
      self.log.info( "%d files have been scheduled to FTS" % len( ftsSchedule['Successful'] ) )

      for fileID in ftsSchedule["Failed"]:
        gMonitor.addMark( "FTSScheduleFail", 1 )
        for opFile in self.operation:
          if fileID == opFile.FileID:
            opFile.Error = ftsSchedule["Failed"][fileID]
            if 'sourceSURL equals to targetSURL' in opFile.Error:
              # In this case there is no need to continue
              opFile.Status = 'Failed'
            self.log.warn( "unable to schedule %s for FTS: %s" % ( opFile.LFN, opFile.Error ) )
      self.log.info( "No files to schedule after metadata checks" )

    # Just in case some transfers could not be scheduled, try them with RM
    return self.rmTransfer( fromFTS = True )

  def rmTransfer( self, fromFTS = False ):
    """ replicate and register using dataManager  """
    # # get waiting files. If none just return
    waitingFiles = self.getWaitingFilesList()
    if not waitingFiles:
      return S_OK()
    if fromFTS:
      self.log.info( "Trying transfer using replica manager as FTS failed" )
      self.log.info( "Transferring files using Data manager..." )
    # # source SE
    sourceSE = self.operation.SourceSE if self.operation.SourceSE else None
    if sourceSE:
      # # check source se for read
      sourceRead = self.rssSEStatus( sourceSE, "ReadAccess" )
      if not sourceRead["OK"]:
        self.log.info( sourceRead["Message"] )
        for opFile in self.operation:
          opFile.Error = sourceRead["Message"]
        self.operation.Error = sourceRead["Message"]
        gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateAndRegisterAtt", len( self.operation ) )
        gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateFail", len( self.operation ) )
        return sourceRead

      if not sourceRead["Value"]:
        self.operation.Error = "SourceSE %s is banned for reading" % sourceSE
        self.log.info( self.operation.Error )
        return S_OK( self.operation.Error )

    # # check targetSEs for write
    bannedTargets = self.checkSEsRSS()
    if not bannedTargets['OK']:
      gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateAndRegisterAtt", len( self.operation ) )
      gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateFail", len( self.operation ) )
      return bannedTargets

    if bannedTargets['Value']:
      return S_OK( "%s targets are banned for writing" % ",".join( bannedTargets['Value'] ) )

    # Can continue now
    self.log.verbose( "No targets banned for writing" )

    # # loop over files
    for opFile in waitingFiles:

      gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateAndRegisterAtt", 1 )
      opFile.Error = ''
      lfn = opFile.LFN

      # Check if replica is at the specified source
      replicas = self._filterReplicas( opFile )
      if not replicas["OK"]:
        self.log.error( replicas["Message"] )
      replicas = replicas["Value"]
      if not replicas["Valid"]:
        self.log.warn( "unable to find valid replicas for %s" % lfn )
      # # get the first one in the list
      if sourceSE not in replicas['Valid']:
        if sourceSE:
          self.log.warn( "%s is not at specified sourceSE %s, changed to %s" % ( lfn, sourceSE, replicas["Valid"][0] ) )
        sourceSE = replicas["Valid"][0]

      # # loop over targetSE
      catalog = self.operation.Catalog
      for targetSE in self.operation.targetSEList:

        # # call DataManager
        if targetSE == sourceSE:
          self.log.warn( "Request to replicate %s to the source SE: %s" % ( lfn, sourceSE ) )
        res = self.dm.replicateAndRegister( lfn, targetSE, sourceSE = sourceSE, catalog = catalog )
        if res["OK"]:

          if lfn in res["Value"]["Successful"]:

            if "replicate" in res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]:

              repTime = res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]["replicate"]
              prString = "file %s replicated at %s in %s s." % ( lfn, targetSE, repTime )

              gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateOK", 1 )

              if "register" in res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]:

                gMonitor.addMark( "RegisterOK", 1 )
                regTime = res["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]["register"]
                prString += ' and registered in %s s.' % regTime
                self.log.info( prString )

                gMonitor.addMark( "RegisterFail", 1 )
                prString += " but failed to register"
                self.log.warn( prString )

                opFile.Error = "Failed to register"
                # # add register replica operation
                registerOperation = self.getRegisterOperation( opFile, targetSE )
                self.request.insertAfter( registerOperation, self.operation )


              self.log.error( "failed to replicate %s to %s." % ( lfn, targetSE ) )
              gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateFail", 1 )
              opFile.Error = "Failed to replicate"


            gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateFail", 1 )
            reason = res["Value"]["Failed"][lfn]
            self.log.error( "failed to replicate and register file %s at %s:" % ( lfn, targetSE ), reason )
            opFile.Error = reason


          gMonitor.addMark( "ReplicateFail", 1 )
          opFile.Error = "DataManager error: %s" % res["Message"]
          self.log.error( opFile.Error )

      if not opFile.Error:
        if len( self.operation.targetSEList ) > 1:
          self.log.info( "file %s has been replicated to all targetSEs" % lfn )
        opFile.Status = "Done"

    return S_OK()