コード例 #1
def test_ctor():
    """test constructors and (de)serialisation"""
    assert isinstance(Operation(), Operation), "empty ctor failed"

    # # using fromDict
    fromDict = {
        "Type": "replicateAndRegister",
        "TargetSE": "CERN-USER,PIC-USER",
        "SourceSE": None,
    operation = Operation(fromDict)
    assert isinstance(operation, Operation), "fromDict ctor failed"
    for key, value in fromDict.items():
        assert getattr(operation,
                       key) == value, "wrong attr value %s (%s) %s" % (
                           key, getattr(operation, key), value)

    # # same with file
    operation = Operation(fromDict)
            "LFN": "/lhcb/user/c/cibak/testFile",
            "Checksum": "1234567",
            "ChecksumType": "ADLER32",
            "Size": 1024,
            "Status": "Waiting",

    for key, value in fromDict.items():
        assert getattr(operation,
                       key) == value, "wrong attr value %s (%s) %s" % (
                           key, getattr(operation, key), value)

    toJSON = operation.toJSON()
    assert toJSON["OK"], "JSON serialization failed"
コード例 #2
    def test01ctor(self):
        """ test constructors and (de)serialisation """
        # # empty ctor
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(Operation(), Operation), True,
                         "empty ctor failed")

        # # using fromDict
        operation = Operation(self.fromDict)
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(operation, Operation), True,
                         "fromDict ctor failed")
        for key, value in self.fromDict.items():

                getattr(operation, key), value, "wrong attr value %s (%s) %s" %
                (key, getattr(operation, key), value))

        # # same with file
        operation = Operation(self.fromDict)

        for key, value in self.fromDict.items():
                getattr(operation, key), value, "wrong attr value %s (%s) %s" %
                (key, getattr(operation, key), value))

        toJSON = operation.toJSON()
        self.assertEqual(toJSON["OK"], True, "JSON serialization failed")
コード例 #3
  def test01ctor( self ):
    """ test constructors and (de)serialisation """
    # # empty ctor
    self.assertEqual( isinstance( Operation(), Operation ), True, "empty ctor failed" )

    # # using fromDict
    operation = Operation( self.fromDict )
    self.assertEqual( isinstance( operation, Operation ), True, "fromDict ctor failed" )
    for key, value in self.fromDict.items():

      self.assertEqual( getattr( operation, key ), value, "wrong attr value %s (%s) %s" % ( key,
                                                                                            getattr( operation, key ),
                                                                                            value ) )

    # # same with file
    operation = Operation( self.fromDict )
    operation.addFile( self.subFile )

    for key, value in self.fromDict.items():
      self.assertEqual( getattr( operation, key ), value, "wrong attr value %s (%s) %s" % ( key,
                                                                                            getattr( operation, key ),
                                                                                            value ) )

    toJSON = operation.toJSON()
    self.assertEqual( toJSON["OK"], True, "JSON serialization failed" )
コード例 #4
    def test05List(self):
        """ getitem, setitem, delitem and dirty """
        op = Operation()

        files = []
        for i in range(5):
            f = File()
            op += f

        for i in range(len(op)):
            self.assertEqual(op[i], files[i], "__getitem__ failed")

        for i in range(len(op)):
            op[i] = File({"LFN": "/%s" % i})
            self.assertEqual(op[i].LFN, "/%s" % i, "__setitem__ failed")

        del op[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(op), 4, "__delitem__ failed")

        # # opID set
        op.OperationID = 1
        del op[0]
        self.assertEqual(op.cleanUpSQL(), None,
                         "cleanUp failed after __delitem__")

        op[0].FileID = 1
        del op[0]
            "DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID` = 1 AND `FileID` IN (1);\n",
            "cleanUp failed after __delitem__")

        op[0].FileID = 2
        op[0] = File({"FileID": 2})
            "DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID` = 1 AND `FileID` IN (1,2);\n",
            "cleanUp failed after __setitem__")

        json = op.toJSON()
        self.assertEqual("__dirty" in json["Value"], True, "missing __dirty")

        op2 = Operation(json["Value"])
            "DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID` = 1 AND `FileID` IN (1,2);\n",
            "cleanUp failed after JSON")
コード例 #5
  def test05List( self ):
    """ getitem, setitem, delitem and dirty """
    op = Operation()

    files = []
    for i in range( 5 ):
      f = File()
      files.append( f )
      op += f

    for i in range( len( op ) ):
      self.assertEqual( op[i], files[i], "__getitem__ failed" )

    for i in range( len( op ) ):
      op[i] = File( {"LFN": "/%s" % i } )
      self.assertEqual( op[i].LFN, "/%s" % i, "__setitem__ failed" )

    del op[0]
    self.assertEqual( len( op ), 4, "__delitem__ failed" )

    # # opID set
    op.OperationID = 1
    del op[0]
    self.assertEqual( op.cleanUpSQL(), None, "cleanUp failed after __delitem__" )

    op[0].FileID = 1
    del op[0]
    self.assertEqual( op.cleanUpSQL(),
                      "DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID` = 1 AND `FileID` IN (1);\n",
                      "cleanUp failed after __delitem__" )

    op[0].FileID = 2
    op[0] = File( {"FileID": 2 } )
    self.assertEqual( op.cleanUpSQL(),
                      "DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID` = 1 AND `FileID` IN (1,2);\n",
                      "cleanUp failed after __setitem__" )

    json = op.toJSON()
    self.assertEqual( "__dirty" in json["Value"], True, "missing __dirty" )

    op2 = Operation( json["Value"] )
    self.assertEqual( op2.cleanUpSQL(),
                      "DELETE FROM `File` WHERE `OperationID` = 1 AND `FileID` IN (1,2);\n",
                      "cleanUp failed after JSON" )
コード例 #6
def test_valid_properties():
    operation = Operation()

    operation.Arguments = "foobar"
    assert operation.Arguments == b"foobar", "wrong Arguments"

    operation.SourceSE = "CERN-RAW"
    assert operation.SourceSE == "CERN-RAW", "wrong SourceSE"

    operation.TargetSE = "CERN-RAW"
    assert operation.TargetSE == "CERN-RAW", "wrong TargetSE"

    operation.Catalog = ""
    assert operation.Catalog == "", "wrong Catalog"

    operation.Catalog = "BookkeepingDB"
    assert operation.Catalog == "BookkeepingDB", "wrong Catalog"

    operation.Error = "error"
    assert operation.Error == "error", "wrong Error"

    toJSON = operation.toJSON()
    assert toJSON["OK"]