コード例 #1
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns transfer quality as it is cached

       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidRes
       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidRes

      {'Result': None | a float between 0.0 and 100.0}
        super(TransferQualityCached_Command, self).doCommand()

        if self.client is None:
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceManagementClient import ResourceManagementClient
            self.client = ResourceManagementClient(timeout=self.timeout)

        name = self.args[1]

            res = self.client.getCachedResult(name, 'TransferQualityEverySEs',
                                              'TQ', 'NULL')
            if res == []:
                return {'Result': None}
                "Exception when calling ResourceManagementClient for %s" %
            return {'Result': 'Unknown'}

        return {'Result': float(res[0])}
コード例 #2
ファイル: Pilots_Command.py プロジェクト: zhangxiaomei/DIRAC
class PilotsEffSimpleCached_Command(Command):
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns simple pilots efficiency

       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidRes

       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidRes

        'Result': 'Good'|'Fair'|'Poor'|'Idle'|'Bad'
        super(PilotsEffSimpleCached_Command, self).doCommand()

        client = self.client

        if client is None:
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatusClient import ResourceStatusClient
            self.client = ResourceStatusClient(timeout=self.timeout)

        if self.args[0] in ('Service', 'Services'):
                name = self.client.getGeneralName(self.args[0], self.args[1],
                    "PilotsEffSimpleCached_Command: can't get a general name for %s %s"
                    % (self.args[0], self.args[1]))
                return {'Result': 'Unknown'}
            granularity = 'Site'
        elif self.args[0] in ('Site', 'Sites'):
            name = self.args[1]
            granularity = self.args[0]
            raise InvalidRes, where(self, self.doCommand)


            if client is None:
                from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceManagementClient import ResourceManagementClient
                self.client = ResourceManagementClient(timeout=self.timeout)
            res = self.client.getCachedResult(name,
                                              'PE_S', 'NULL')['Value']
            if res == None:
                return {'Result': 'Idle'}
            if res == []:
                return {'Result': 'Idle'}
                "Exception when calling ResourceManagementClient for %s %s" %
                (granularity, name))
            return {'Result': 'Unknown'}

        return {'Result': res[0]}

    doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(CachedPlotCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #5
 def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
   super( TransferQualityFromCachedPlotCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )
   if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
     self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
     self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient() 
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, am):
        super(SpaceTokenOccupancyTest, self).__init__(am)
        self.xmlPath = rootPath + "/" + self.getAgentOption(
            "webRoot") + self.getTestOption("dir")

        self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

コード例 #7
ファイル: Pilots_Command.py プロジェクト: KrzysztofCiba/DIRAC
class PilotsEffSimpleCached_Command(Command):
  def doCommand(self):
    Returns simple pilots efficiency

       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidRes
       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidRes

        'Result': 'Good'|'Fair'|'Poor'|'Idle'|'Bad'
    super(PilotsEffSimpleCached_Command, self).doCommand()

    client = self.client

    if client is None:
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceStatusClient import ResourceStatusClient
      self.client = ResourceStatusClient(timeout = self.timeout)
    if self.args[0] in ('Service', 'Services'):
        name = self.client.getGeneralName(self.args[0], self.args[1], 'Site')[0]
        gLogger.error("PilotsEffSimpleCached_Command: can't get a general name for %s %s" %(self.args[0], self.args[1]))
        return {'Result':'Unknown'}      
      granularity = 'Site'
    elif self.args[0] in ('Site', 'Sites'):
      name = self.args[1]
      granularity = self.args[0]
      raise InvalidRes, where(self, self.doCommand)
      if client is None:  
        from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceManagementClient import ResourceManagementClient
        self.client = ResourceManagementClient(timeout = self.timeout) 
      res = self.client.getCachedResult(name, 'PilotsEffSimpleEverySites', 'PE_S', 'NULL')
      if res == None:
        return {'Result':'Idle'}
      if res == []:
        return {'Result':'Idle'}
      gLogger.exception("Exception when calling ResourceManagementClient for %s %s" %(granularity, name))
      return {'Result':'Unknown'}
    return {'Result':res[0]}

  doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
コード例 #8
ファイル: Synchronizer.py プロジェクト: zenglzh/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, rsClient=None, rmClient=None):

        self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()
        self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient(
        ) if rsClient == None else rsClient
        self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient(
        ) if rmClient == None else rmClient

        self.synclist = [
            'Sites', 'Resources', 'StorageElements', 'Services',
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self, granularity, name, status_type, pdp_decision, **kw):
        ActionBase.__init__(self, granularity, name, status_type, pdp_decision,

            self.rsClient = self.kw["Clients"]['ResourceStatusClient']
        except KeyError:
            self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
            self.rmClient = self.kw["Clients"]['ResourceManagementClient']
        except KeyError:
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #10
  def initialize( self ):

    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'DataManager' )

    self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    self.commands[ 'Downtime' ]            = [ { 'Downtime'            : {} } ]
    self.commands[ 'SpaceTokenOccupancy' ] = [ { 'SpaceTokenOccupancy' : {} } ]
    self.commands[ 'Pilot' ]               = [ { 'Pilot' : { 'timespan' : 1800 } },]
#                                               { 'Pilot' : { 'timespan' : 86400 } },
#                                               { 'Pilot' : { 'timespan' : 604800 } }]
#    self.commands[ 'Pilots' ] = [ 
#                                 { 'PilotsWMS' : { 'element' : 'Site', 'siteName' : None } },
#                                 { 'PilotsWMS' : { 'element' : 'Resource', 'siteName' : None } } 
#                                 ]

    #FIXME: do not forget about hourly vs Always ...etc                                                                       
#    self.commands[ 'AccountingCache' ] = [
#                                          {'SuccessfullJobsBySiteSplitted'    :{'hours' :24, 'plotType' :'Job' }},
#                                          {'FailedJobsBySiteSplitted'         :{'hours' :24, 'plotType' :'Job' }},
#                                          {'SuccessfullPilotsBySiteSplitted'  :{'hours' :24, 'plotType' :'Pilot' }},
#                                          {'FailedPilotsBySiteSplitted'       :{'hours' :24, 'plotType' :'Pilot' }},
#                                          {'SuccessfullPilotsByCESplitted'    :{'hours' :24, 'plotType' :'Pilot' }},
#                                          {'FailedPilotsByCESplitted'         :{'hours' :24, 'plotType' :'Pilot' }},
#                                          {'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted'        :{'hours' :24, 'plotType' :'Job' }},
##                                          {'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted'        :{'hours' :168, 'plotType' :'Job' }},
##                                          {'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted'        :{'hours' :720, 'plotType' :'Job' }},
##                                          {'RunningJobsBySiteSplitted'        :{'hours' :8760, 'plotType' :'Job' }},    
#                                          ]                                  
#    self.commands[ 'VOBOXAvailability' ] = [
#                                            { 'VOBOXAvailability' : {} }
    #Reuse clients for the commands
    self.clients[ 'GOCDBClient' ]              = GOCDBClient()
    self.clients[ 'ReportGenerator' ]          = RPCClient( 'Accounting/ReportGenerator' )
    self.clients[ 'ReportsClient' ]            = ReportsClient()
    self.clients[ 'ResourceStatusClient' ]     = ResourceStatusClient()
    self.clients[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ] = ResourceManagementClient()
    self.clients[ 'PilotsDB' ]                 = PilotAgentsDB()
    self.clients[ 'WMSAdministrator' ]         = RPCClient( 'WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator' )

    self.cCaller = CommandCaller
    return S_OK()
コード例 #11
ファイル: JobCommand.py プロジェクト: zimmerst/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(JobsEffSimpleCachedCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'ResourceStatusClient' in self.apis:
            self.rsClient = self.apis['ResourceStatusClient']
            self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #12
ファイル: JobCommand.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(JobCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'JobDB' in self.apis:
            self.jobDB = self.apis['JobDB']
            self.jobDB = JobDB()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #13
ファイル: PilotCommand.py プロジェクト: DIRACGrid/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(PilotCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "Pilots" in self.apis:
            self.pilots = self.apis["Pilots"]
            self.pilots = PilotManagerClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #14
ファイル: PilotCommand.py プロジェクト: pmusset/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(PilotCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'Pilots' in self.apis:
            self.pilots = self.apis['Pilots']
            self.pilots = PilotManagerClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #15
ファイル: DowntimeCommand.py プロジェクト: vingar/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(DowntimeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis['GOCDBClient']
            self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #16
ファイル: TransferCommand.py プロジェクト: TaykYoku/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(TransferCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "ReportsClient" in self.apis:
            self.rClient = self.apis["ReportsClient"]
            self.rClient = ReportsClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #17
ファイル: GGUSTicketsCommand.py プロジェクト: pmusset/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(GGUSTicketsCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'GGUSTicketsClient' in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis['GGUSTicketsClient']
            self.gClient = GGUSTicketsClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #18
ファイル: JobCommand.py プロジェクト: vingar/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(JobCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'WMSAdministrator' in self.apis:
            self.wmsAdmin = self.apis['WMSAdministrator']
            self.wmsAdmin = RPCClient('WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator')

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #19
ファイル: JobCommand.py プロジェクト: DIRACGrid/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(JobCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "WMSAdministrator" in self.apis:
            self.wmsAdmin = self.apis["WMSAdministrator"]
            self.wmsAdmin = WMSAdministratorClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #20
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(PilotCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'WMSAdministrator' in self.apis:
            self.wmsAdmin = self.apis['WMSAdministrator']
            self.wmsAdmin = WMSAdministratorClient()

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #21
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns transfer quality from the plot cached in the accounting cache.

       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidRes
       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidRes

      {'Result': None | a float between 0.0 and 100.0}
        super(TransferQualityFromCachedPlot_Command, self).doCommand()

        if self.client is None:
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceManagementClient import ResourceManagementClient
            self.client = ResourceManagementClient(timeout=self.timeout)

        granularity = self.args[0]
        name = self.args[1]
        plotType = self.args[2]
        plotName = self.args[3]

            res = self.client.getCachedAccountingResult(
                name, plotType, plotName)

            res = res['Value']

            if res == []:
                return {'Result': None}
            res = eval(res[0])

            s = 0
            n = 0

                SE = res['data'].keys()[0]
            except IndexError:
                return {'Result': None}

            n = n + len(res['data'][SE])
            s = s + sum(res['data'][SE].values())
            meanQuality = s / n

                "Exception when calling ResourcePolicyClient for %s" % (name))
            return {'Result': 'Unknown'}

        return {'Result': meanQuality}
コード例 #22
  def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

    super(GOCDBSyncCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis['GOCDBClient']
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    self.seenHostnames = set()
コード例 #23
    def __init__(self,

              self).__init__(name, decissionParams, enforcementResult,
                             singlePolicyResults, clients)

        if clients is not None and 'ResourceManagementClient' in clients:
            self.rmClient = clients['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #24
class TransferQualityFromCachedPlotCommand(Command):
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(TransferQualityFromCachedPlotCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def doCommand(self):
    Returns transfer quality from the plot cached in the accounting cache.

       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidElement

       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidElement

      {'Result': None | a float between 0.0 and 100.0}

        if "name" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("Name no specified")
        name = self.args["name"]

        if "plotType" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("plotType no specified")
        plotType = self.args["plotType"]

        if "plotName" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("plotName no specified")
        plotName = self.args["plotName"]

        meta = {"columns": "Result"}

        results = self.rmClient.selectAccountingCache(name=name, plotType=plotType, plotName=plotName, meta=meta)

        if not results["OK"]:
            return results
        results = results["Value"]

        if results == []:
            results = None
            # FIXME: remove the eval from here !!
            results = eval(results[0][0])

            num, den = 0, 0

            se = results["data"].keys()[0]

            num = num + len(results["data"][se])
            den = den + sum(results["data"][se].values())
            meanQuality = den / num

            results = meanQuality

        return S_OK(results)
コード例 #25
ファイル: AlarmAction.py プロジェクト: bmb/DIRAC
  def __init__(self, granularity, name, status_type, pdp_decision, **kw):
    ActionBase.__init__( self, granularity, name, status_type, pdp_decision, **kw )

    try:             self.rsClient = self.kw["Clients"][ 'ResourceStatusClient' ]
    except KeyError: self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
    try:             self.rmClient = self.kw["Clients"][ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
    except KeyError: self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #26
ファイル: PEP.py プロジェクト: ptakha/DIRAC-1
    def __init__(self, clients=None):
        """ Constructor
      >>> pep = PEP()
      >>> pep1 = PEP( { 'ResourceStatusClient' : ResourceStatusClient() } )
      >>> pep2 = PEP( { 'ResourceStatusClient' : ResourceStatusClient(), 'ClientY' : None } )
      **clients** - [ None, `dict` ]
        dictionary with clients to be used in the commands issued by the policies.
        If not defined, the commands will import them. It is a measure to avoid
        opening the same connection every time a policy is evaluated.

        if clients is None:
            clients = {}

        # PEP uses internally two of the clients: ResourceStatusClient and ResouceManagementClient
        if 'ResourceStatusClient' in clients:
            self.rsClient = clients['ResourceStatusClient']
            self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in clients:
            self.rmClient = clients['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

        self.clients = clients
        # Pass to the PDP the clients that are going to be used on the Commands
        self.pdp = PDP(clients)
コード例 #27
ファイル: Synchronizer.py プロジェクト: bmb/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, rsClient = None, rmClient = None ):

    self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()
    self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()     if rsClient == None else rsClient
    self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient() if rmClient == None else rmClient

    self.synclist = [ 'Sites', 'Resources', 'StorageElements', 'Services', 'RegistryUsers' ]
コード例 #28
class TransferQualityFromCachedPlotCommand(Command):
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(TransferQualityFromCachedPlotCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def doCommand(self):
        Returns transfer quality from the plot cached in the accounting cache.

           - args[0]: string: should be a ValidElement

           - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidElement

          {'Result': None | a float between 0.0 and 100.0}

        if "name" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("Name no specified")
        name = self.args["name"]

        if "plotType" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("plotType no specified")
        plotType = self.args["plotType"]

        if "plotName" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR("plotName no specified")
        plotName = self.args["plotName"]

        meta = {"columns": "Result"}

        results = self.rmClient.selectAccountingCache(name=name, plotType=plotType, plotName=plotName, meta=meta)

        if not results["OK"]:
            return results
        results = results["Value"]

        if results == []:
            results = None
            # FIXME: remove the eval from here !!
            results = eval(results[0][0])

            num, den = 0, 0

            se = list(results["data"])[0]

            num = num + len(results["data"][se])
            den = den + sum(results["data"][se].values())
            meanQuality = den / num

            results = meanQuality

        return S_OK(results)
コード例 #29
  def doCommand(self):
    Returns transfer quality as it is cached

       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidRes
       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidRes

      {'Result': None | a float between 0.0 and 100.0}
    super(TransferQualityCached_Command, self).doCommand()

    if self.client is None:
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceManagementClient import ResourceManagementClient
      self.client = ResourceManagementClient(timeout = self.timeout)
    name = self.args[1]
      res = self.client.getCachedResult(name, 'TransferQualityEverySEs', 'TQ', 'NULL')
      if res == []:
        return {'Result':None}
      gLogger.exception("Exception when calling ResourceManagementClient for %s" %(name))
      return {'Result':'Unknown'}
    return {'Result':float(res[0])}
コード例 #30
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(CachedPlotCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #31
ファイル: Test_Clients.py プロジェクト: zhangxiaomei/DIRAC
  def setUp( self ):

    self.mockRSS = Mock()

    self.RSCli = ResourceStatusClient( serviceIn = self.mockRSS )
    self.RMCli = ResourceManagementClient( serviceIn = self.mockRSS )
    self.PilotsCli = PilotsClient()
    self.JobsCli = JobsClient()
コード例 #32
 def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
   super( SpaceTokenOccupancyCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )
   if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
     self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
     self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #33
  def __init__( self, name, decissionParams, enforcementResult, singlePolicyResults, 
                clients = None ):
    super( LogPolicyResultAction, self ).__init__( name, decissionParams, enforcementResult, 
                                                   singlePolicyResults, clients )

    if clients is not None and 'ResourceManagementClient' in clients:
      self.rmClient = clients[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #34
ファイル: TokenAgent.py プロジェクト: zenglzh/DIRAC
    def initialize(self):
    TokenAgent initialization

        # Attribute defined outside __init__
        # pylint: disable-msg=W0201

        self.notifyHours = self.am_getOption('notifyHours', 10)

            self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
            self.noClient = NotificationClient()

            return S_OK()
        except Exception:
            errorStr = "TokenAgent initialization"
            return S_ERROR(errorStr)
コード例 #35
ファイル: PublisherHandler.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
def initializePublisherHandler( _serviceInfo ):
    Handler initialization in the usual horrible way.
  global rsClient 
  rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
  global rmClient 
  rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
  return S_OK()
コード例 #36
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(TransferCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if 'ReportsClient' in self.apis:
            self.rClient = self.apis['ReportsClient']
            self.rClient = ReportsClient()

        if 'ReportGenerator' in self.apis:
            self.rgClient = self.apis['ReportGenerator']
            self.rgClient = RPCClient('Accounting/ReportGenerator')

        self.rClient.rpcClient = self.rgClient

        if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #37
    def initialize(self):

        # Attribute defined outside __init__
        # pylint: disable-msg=W0201


            self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

            validElements = RssConfiguration.getValidElements()

            self.historyTables = ['%sHistory' % x for x in validElements]

            return S_OK()

        except Exception:
            errorStr = "CacheCleanerAgent initialization"
            return S_ERROR(errorStr)
コード例 #38
    def doCommand(self):
    Returns transfer quality plot as it is cached in the accounting cache.

       - args[0]: string - should be a ValidRes
       - args[1]: string - should be the name of the ValidRes

       - args[2]: string - should be the plot type

       - args[3]: string - should be the plot name

      a plot
        super(CachedPlot_Command, self).doCommand()

        if self.client is None:
            from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceManagementClient import ResourceManagementClient
            self.client = ResourceManagementClient(timeout=self.timeout)

        granularity = self.args[0]
        name = self.args[1]
        plotType = self.args[2]
        plotName = self.args[3]

        if granularity == 'Service':
            name = name.split('@')[1]

            res = self.client.getCachedAccountingResult(
                name, plotType, plotName)
            if res == []:
                return {'Result': {'data': {}, 'granularity': 900}}
                "Exception when calling ResourcePolicyClient for %s" % (name))
            return {'Result': 'Unknown'}

        return {'Result': eval(res[0])}
コード例 #39
class TransferQualityFromCachedPlot_Command(Command):
  def doCommand(self):
    Returns transfer quality from the plot cached in the accounting cache.

       - args[0]: string: should be a ValidRes
       - args[1]: string should be the name of the ValidRes

      {'Result': None | a float between 0.0 and 100.0}
    super(TransferQualityFromCachedPlot_Command, self).doCommand()

    if self.client is None:
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceManagementClient import ResourceManagementClient
      self.client = ResourceManagementClient(timeout = self.timeout)
    granularity = self.args[0]
    name = self.args[1]
    plotType = self.args[2]
    plotName = self.args[3]
      res = self.client.getCachedAccountingResult(name, plotType, plotName)

      res = res[ 'Value' ]

      if res == []:
        return {'Result':None}
      res = eval(res[0])
      s = 0
      n = 0
        SE = res['data'].keys()[0]
      except IndexError:
        return {'Result':None}  
      n = n + len(res['data'][SE])
      s = s + sum(res['data'][SE].values())
      meanQuality = s/n
      gLogger.exception("Exception when calling ResourcePolicyClient for %s" %(name))
      return {'Result':'Unknown'}
    return {'Result':meanQuality}

  doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
コード例 #40
ファイル: DowntimeCommand.py プロジェクト: corionma/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):

    super( DowntimeCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis[ 'GOCDBClient' ]
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #41
ファイル: GGUSTicketsCommand.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(GGUSTicketsCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "GGUSTicketsClient" in self.apis:
            self.gClient = self.apis["GGUSTicketsClient"]
            self.gClient = GGUSTicketsClient()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #42
ファイル: PilotCommand.py プロジェクト: JanEbbing/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( PilotCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'WMSAdministrator' in self.apis:
      self.wmsAdmin = self.apis[ 'WMSAdministrator' ]
      self.wmsAdmin = RPCClient( 'WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator' )

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #43
ファイル: JobCommand.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( JobCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'JobDB' in self.apis:
      self.jobDB = self.apis[ 'JobDB' ]
      self.jobDB = JobDB()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #44
class CachedPlot_Command(Command):
  def doCommand(self):
    Returns transfer quality plot as it is cached in the accounting cache.

       - args[0]: string - should be a ValidRes
       - args[1]: string - should be the name of the ValidRes

       - args[2]: string - should be the plot type

       - args[3]: string - should be the plot name

      a plot
    super(CachedPlot_Command, self).doCommand()

    if self.client is None:
      from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.ResourceManagementClient import ResourceManagementClient
      self.client = ResourceManagementClient(timeout = self.timeout)
    granularity = self.args[0]
    name = self.args[1]
    plotType = self.args[2]
    plotName = self.args[3]
    if granularity == 'Service':
      name = name.split('@')[1]
      res = self.client.getCachedAccountingResult(name, plotType, plotName)
      if res == []:
        return {'Result':{'data':{}, 'granularity':900}}
      gLogger.exception("Exception when calling ResourcePolicyClient for %s" %(name))
      return {'Result':'Unknown'}
    return {'Result':eval(res[0])}

  doCommand.__doc__ = Command.doCommand.__doc__ + doCommand.__doc__
コード例 #45
  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( TransferCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )
    if 'ReportsClient' in self.apis:
      self.rClient = self.apis[ 'ReportsClient' ]
      self.rClient = ReportsClient() 

    if 'ReportGenerator' in self.apis:
      self.rgClient = self.apis[ 'ReportGenerator' ]
      self.rgClient = RPCClient( 'Accounting/ReportGenerator' )       
    self.rClient.rpcClient = self.rgClient  

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #46
ファイル: CacheCleanerAgent.py プロジェクト: bmb/DIRAC
  def initialize( self ):
    # Attribute defined outside __init__  
    # pylint: disable-msg=W0201
      self.rsClient      = ResourceStatusClient()
      self.rmClient      = ResourceManagementClient()  
      validElements      = RssConfiguration.getValidElements() 
      self.historyTables = [ '%sHistory' % x for x in validElements ]

      return S_OK()
    except Exception:
      errorStr = "CacheCleanerAgent initialization"
      self.log.exception( errorStr )
      return S_ERROR( errorStr )
コード例 #47
ファイル: TokenAgent.py プロジェクト: bmb/DIRAC
  def initialize( self ):
    TokenAgent initialization
    # Attribute defined outside __init__
    # pylint: disable-msg=W0201

    self.notifyHours = self.am_getOption( 'notifyHours', 10 )

      self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
      self.noClient = NotificationClient()

      return S_OK()
    except Exception:
      errorStr = "TokenAgent initialization"
      self.log.exception( errorStr )
      return S_ERROR( errorStr )
コード例 #48
ファイル: PilotCommand.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    """ Constructor.
      **args** - [, `dict` ]
        arguments to be passed to be used in the _prepareCommand method ( name and
        timespan are the expected ones )
      **clients - [, `dict` ]
        clients from where information is fetched. Mainly used to avoid creating
        new connections on agents looping over clients. ResourceManagementClient
        and PilotsDB are most welcome.  
    super( PilotCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'PilotsDB' in self.apis:
      self.pilotsDB = self.apis[ 'PilotsDB' ]
      self.pilotsDB = PilotAgentsDB()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #49
class DowntimeCommand( Command ):
    Downtime "master" Command.

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):

    super( DowntimeCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis[ 'GOCDBClient' ]
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def _storeCommand( self, result ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

    for dt in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache( 
                               downtimeID = dt[ 'DowntimeID' ],
                               element = dt[ 'Element' ],
                               name = dt[ 'Name' ],
                               startDate = dt[ 'StartDate' ],
                               endDate = dt[ 'EndDate' ],
                               severity = dt[ 'Severity' ],
                               description = dt[ 'Description' ],
                               link = dt[ 'Link' ],
                               gocdbServiceType = dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] )
    return resQuery
  def _cleanCommand( self, element, elementNames):
      Clear Cache from expired DT.
    resQuery = []
    for elementName in elementNames:
      #reading all the cache entries
      result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache( 
                               element = element,
                               name = elementName

      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result

      uniformResult = [ dict( zip( result[ 'Columns' ], res ) ) for res in result[ 'Value' ] ]
      currentDate = datetime.utcnow()
      if len(uniformResult) == 0:
        return S_OK( None ) 
      for dt in uniformResult:
        if dt[ 'EndDate' ] < currentDate:
          result = self.rmClient.deleteDowntimeCache ( 
                               downtimeID = dt[ 'DowntimeID' ]
    return S_OK( resQuery )

  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]

    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]

    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is neither Site nor Resource' )

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    gocdbServiceType = None

    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]

    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
      if getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['TapeSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"
      elif getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['DiskSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm"

      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost
    elif elementType == 'FTS' or elementType == 'FTS3':
      gocdbServiceType = 'FTS'
        #WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
        elementName  = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
        return S_ERROR( 'No FTS3 server specified in dirac.cfg (see Resources/FTSEndpoints)' )

    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType ) )

  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.

      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

    if masterParams is not None:
      element, elementNames = masterParams
      #translate DIRAC CS elementNames into GOCDB elementNames
      translatedElementNames = []
      for e in elementNames:
        translatedElementNames.append(CSHelpers.getSEHost( e ))
      elementNames = translatedElementNames
      hours = None
      elementName = None
      gocdbServiceType = None

      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType = params[ 'Value' ]
      elementNames = [ elementName ]

    #WARNING: checking all the DT that are ongoing or starting in given <hours> from now
    startDate = None 
    if hours is not None:
      startDate = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta( hours = hours )

      results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementNames, startDate )
    except urllib2.URLError:
        #Let's give it a second chance..
        results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementNames, startDate )
      except urllib2.URLError, e:
        return S_ERROR( e )

    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return results
    results = results[ 'Value' ]

    if results is None:
      return S_OK( None )
    #cleaning the Cache
    cleanRes = self._cleanCommand(element, elementNames)
    if not cleanRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return cleanRes

    uniformResult = []

    # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
    for downtime, downDic in results.items():

      dt = {}
      if 'HOSTNAME' in downDic.keys():
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'HOSTNAME' ]
      elif 'SITENAME' in downDic.keys():
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'SITENAME' ]
        return S_ERROR( "SITENAME or HOSTNAME are missing" )
      if 'SERVICE_TYPE' in downDic.keys():
        dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] = downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ]
        if gocdbServiceType:
          gocdbST = gocdbServiceType.lower()
          csST = downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ].lower()
          if gocdbST != csST:
            return S_ERROR( "SERVICE_TYPE mismatch between GOCDB (%s) and CS (%s) for %s" % (gocdbST, csST, dt[ 'Name' ]) )          
        #WARNING: do we want None as default value?
        dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] = None

      dt[ 'DowntimeID' ] = downtime
      dt[ 'Element' ] = element
      dt[ 'StartDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_START_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'EndDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_END_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'Severity' ] = downDic[ 'SEVERITY' ]
      dt[ 'Description' ] = downDic[ 'DESCRIPTION' ].replace( '\'', '' )
      dt[ 'Link' ] = downDic[ 'GOCDB_PORTAL_URL' ]

      uniformResult.append( dt )

    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes

    return S_OK()
コード例 #50
ファイル: AlarmAction.py プロジェクト: bmb/DIRAC
class AlarmAction( ActionBase ):
  def __init__(self, granularity, name, status_type, pdp_decision, **kw):
    ActionBase.__init__( self, granularity, name, status_type, pdp_decision, **kw )

    try:             self.rsClient = self.kw["Clients"][ 'ResourceStatusClient' ]
    except KeyError: self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
    try:             self.rmClient = self.kw["Clients"][ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
    except KeyError: self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def _getUsersToNotify(self):
    groups = CS.getTypedDictRootedAtOperations("AssigneeGroups/" + CS.getSetup()).values()
    concerned_groups = [g for g in groups if Utils.dictMatch(self.kw["Params"], g)]
    return [{'Users':g['Users'],
             'Notifications':g['Notifications']} for g in concerned_groups]

  def run(self):
    """ Do actions required to notify users.
    Mandatory keyword arguments:
    - Granularity
    Optional keyword arguments:
    - SiteType
    - ServiceType
    - ResourceType

    # Initializing variables
    nc = NotificationClient()

    # raise alarms, right now makes a simple notification

    if 'Granularity' not in self.kw['Params'].keys():
      raise ValueError, "You have to provide a argument Granularity = <desired_granularity>"

    if self.new_status['Action']:

      notif = "%s %s is perceived as" % (self.granularity, self.name)
      notif = notif + " %s. Reason: %s." % (self.new_status['Status'], self.new_status['Reason'])

      users_to_notify = self._getUsersToNotify()

      for notif in users_to_notify:
        for user in notif['Users']:
          if 'Web' in notif['Notifications']:
            gLogger.info("Sending web notification to user %s" % user)
            nc.addNotificationForUser(user, notif)
          if 'Mail' in notif['Notifications']:
            gLogger.info("Sending mail notification to user %s" % user)
            was = self.rsClient.getElementHistory( self.granularity, 
                                                   elementName = self.name,
                                                   statusType = self.status_type,
                                                   meta = {"order": "DESC", 'limit' : 1,
                                                    "columns":  ['Status', 'Reason', 'DateEffective']})#[0]
            if not was[ 'OK' ]:
              gLogger.error( was[ 'Message' ] )
            was = was[ 'Value' ][ 0 ]

            mailMessage = """                             ---TESTING---
RSS changed the status of the following resource:

New status:\t%s
Was:\t\t%s (%s) since %s

If you think RSS took the wrong decision, please set the status manually:

Use: dirac-rss-set-status -g <granularity> -n <element_name> -s <desired_status> [-t status_type]
(if you omit the optional last part of the command, all status types are matched.)

This notification has been sent according to those parameters:
""" % (self.granularity, self.name, self.new_status['Status'],
       self.new_status['Reason'], was[0], was[1], was[2], CS.getSetup(), str(users_to_notify))

            # Actually send the mail!
            resUser = self.rmClient.getUserRegistryCache( user )
            if not resUser[ 'OK' ]:
              gLogger.error( resUser[ 'Message' ] )
            resUser = resUser[ 'Value' ][ 0 ][ 2 ]
                        '[RSS][%s][%s] %s -> %s'
                        % (self.granularity, self.name,  self.new_status['Status'], was[0]), mailMessage)

コード例 #51
ファイル: Synchronizer.py プロジェクト: bmb/DIRAC
class Synchronizer( object ):

  def __init__( self, rsClient = None, rmClient = None ):

    self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()
    self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()     if rsClient == None else rsClient
    self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient() if rmClient == None else rmClient

    self.synclist = [ 'Sites', 'Resources', 'StorageElements', 'Services', 'RegistryUsers' ]


  def sync( self, _a, _b ):
      :attr:`thingsToSync`: list of things to sync
    gLogger.info( "!!! Sync DB content with CS content for %s !!!" % ( ", ".join(self.synclist) ) )

    for thing in self.synclist:
      getattr( self, '_sync' + thing )()

    return S_OK()

  def __purge_resource( self, resourceName ):
    # Maybe remove attached SEs
    #SEs = Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getStorageElement(resourceName=resourceName))
    SEs = self.rsClient.getStorageElement( resourceName = resourceName )
    if not SEs[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( SEs[ 'Message' ] )
      return SEs
    #Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.removeElement("StorageElement", [s[0] for s in SEs]))   
    SEs = [ se[0] for se in SEs ]  
    res = self.rsClient.removeElement( 'StorageElement', SEs )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
      return res
    # Remove resource itself.
    #Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.removeElement("Resource", resourceName))
    res = self.rsClient.removeElement( 'Resource', resourceName )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] ) 
    return res
  def __purge_site( self, siteName ):
    # Remove associated resources and services
    #resources = Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getResource(siteName=siteName))
    resources = self.rsClient.getResource( siteName = siteName )
    if not resources[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( resources[ 'Message' ] )
      return resources
    #services  = Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getService(siteName=siteName))
    services = self.rsClient.getService( siteName = siteName )
    if not services[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( services[ 'Message' ] )
      return services
    #_ = [self.__purge_resource(r[0]) for r in resources]
    for resource in resources:
      res = self.__purge_resource( resource[ 0 ] )
      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
        return res
    #Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.removeElement("Service", [s[0] for s in services]))
    services = [ service[ 0 ] for service in services[ 'Value' ] ]
    res      = self.rsClient.removeElement( 'Service', services )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
      return res  
    # Remove site itself
    #Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.removeElement("Site", siteName))
    res = self.rsClient.removeElement( 'Site', siteName )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.info( res[ 'Message' ] )
    return res
  def _syncSites( self ):
    Sync DB content with sites that are in the CS
    def getGOCTier(sitesList):
      return "T" + str(min([int(v) for v in CS.getSiteTiers(sitesList)]))

    # sites in the DB now
    #sitesDB = set((s[0] for s in Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getSite())))
    sites = self.rsClient.getSite()
    if not sites[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( sites[ 'Message' ] )
      return sites
    sitesDB = set( [ site[0] for site in sites[ 'Value' ] ] )

    # sites in CS now
    sitesCS = set( CS.getSites() )

    gLogger.info("Syncing Sites from CS: %d sites in CS, %d sites in DB" % (len(sitesCS), len(sitesDB)))

    # remove sites and associated resources, services, and storage
    # elements from the DB that are not in the CS:
    for s in sitesDB - sitesCS:
      gLogger.info("Purging Site %s (not in CS anymore)" % s)

    # add to DB what is missing
    gLogger.info("Updating %d Sites in DB" % len(sitesCS - sitesDB))
    for site in sitesCS - sitesDB:
      siteType = site.split(".")[0]
      # DIRAC Tier
      tier = "T" + str(CS.getSiteTier( site ))
      if siteType == "LCG":
        # Grid Name of the site
        #gridSiteName = Utils.unpack(getGOCSiteName(site))
        gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName( site )
        if not gridSiteName[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( gridSiteName[ 'Message' ] )
          return gridSiteName
        gridSiteName = gridSiteName[ 'Value' ]

        # Grid Tier (with a workaround!)
        #DIRACSitesOfGridSites = Utils.unpack(getDIRACSiteName(gridSiteName))
        DIRACSitesOfGridSites = getDIRACSiteName( gridSiteName )
        if not DIRACSitesOfGridSites[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( DIRACSitesOfGridSites[ 'Message' ] )
          return DIRACSitesOfGridSites
        DIRACSitesOfGridSites = DIRACSitesOfGridSites[ 'Value' ]
        if len( DIRACSitesOfGridSites ) == 1:
          gt = tier
          gt = getGOCTier( DIRACSitesOfGridSites )

        #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifyGridSite, gridSiteName, gt)
        res = self.rsClient.addOrModifyGridSite( gridSiteName, gt )
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
          return res
        #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifySite, site, tier, gridSiteName )
        res = self.rsClient.addOrModifySite( site, tier, gridSiteName )
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
          return res

      elif siteType == "DIRAC":
        #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifySite, site, tier, "NULL" )
        res = self.rsClient.addOrModifySite( site, tier, "NULL" )
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
          return res

# _syncResources HELPER functions

  def __updateService(self, site, type_):
    service = type_ + '@' + site
    #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifyService, service, type_, site )
    res = self.rsClient.addOrModifyService( service, type_, site )
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
      return res

  def __getServiceEndpointInfo(self, node):
    #res = Utils.unpack( self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', node ) )
    res = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', node )
    if res['OK']:
      res = res[ 'Value' ]
      gLogger.warn( 'Error getting hostname info for %s' % node )
      return []
    if res == []:
      #res = Utils.unpack( self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo('hostname', Utils.canonicalURL(node)) )
      url = Utils.canonicalURL(node)
      res = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo('hostname', url )
      if res['OK']:
        res = res[ 'Value' ]
        gLogger.warn( 'Error getting canonical hostname info for %s' % node )
        res = []
    return res

  def __syncNode(self, NodeInCS, resourcesInDB, resourceType, serviceType, site = "NULL"):

    nodesToUpdate = NodeInCS - resourcesInDB
    if len(nodesToUpdate) > 0:

    # Update Service table
    siteInGOCDB = [self.__getServiceEndpointInfo(node) for node in nodesToUpdate]
    siteInGOCDB = Utils.list_sanitize(siteInGOCDB)
    #sites = [Utils.unpack(getDIRACSiteName(s[0]['SITENAME'])) for s in siteInGOCDB]
    sites = []
    for sInGOCDB in siteInGOCDB:
      siteName = getDIRACSiteName( sInGOCDB[ 0 ][ 'SITENAME' ] )
      if not siteName[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.error( siteName[ 'Message' ] )
        return siteName
      sites.append( siteName[ 'Value' ] )
    sites = Utils.list_sanitize( Utils.list_flatten( sites ) )
    _     = [ self.__updateService(s, serviceType) for s in sites ]

    # Update Resource table
    for node in NodeInCS:
      if serviceType == "Computing":
        resourceType = CS.getCEType(site, node)
      if node not in resourcesInDB and node is not None:
          siteInGOCDB = self.__getServiceEndpointInfo(node)[0]['SITENAME']
        except IndexError: # No INFO in GOCDB: Node does not exist
          gLogger.warn("Node %s is not in GOCDB!! Considering that it does not exists!" % node)

        assert(type(siteInGOCDB) == str)
        #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifyResource, node, resourceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB )
        res = self.rsClient.addOrModifyResource( node, resourceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB )
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
          return res
        resourcesInDB.add( node )


  def _syncResources( self ):
    gLogger.info("Starting sync of Resources")

    # resources in the DB now
    #resourcesInDB = set((r[0] for r in Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getResource())))
    resources = self.rsClient.getResource()
    if not resources[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( resources[ 'Message' ] )
      return resources
    resourcesInDB = set( [ resource[ 0 ] for resource in resources[ 'Value' ] ] )
    # Site-CE / Site-SE mapping in CS now
    #CEinCS = Utils.unpack(getSiteCEMapping( 'LCG' ))
    CEinCS = getSiteCEMapping( 'LCG' )
    if not CEinCS[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( CEinCS[ 'Message' ] )
      return CEinCS
    CEinCS = CEinCS[ 'Value' ]

    # All CEs in CS now
    CEInCS = Utils.set_sanitize([CE for celist in CEinCS.values() for CE in celist])

    # All SE Nodes in CS now
    SENodeInCS = set(CS.getSENodes())

    # LFC Nodes in CS now
    LFCNodeInCS_L = set(CS.getLFCNode(readable = "ReadOnly"))
    LFCNodeInCS_C = set(CS.getLFCNode(readable = "ReadWrite"))

    # FTS Nodes in CS now
    FTSNodeInCS = set([v.split("/")[2][0:-5] for v
                       in CS.getTypedDictRootedAt(root="/Resources/FTSEndpoints").values()])

    # VOMS Nodes in CS now
    VOMSNodeInCS = set(CS.getVOMSEndpoints())

    # complete list of resources in CS now
    resourcesInCS = CEInCS | SENodeInCS | LFCNodeInCS_L | LFCNodeInCS_C | FTSNodeInCS | VOMSNodeInCS

    gLogger.info("  %d resources in CS, %s resources in DB, updating %d resources" %
                 (len(resourcesInCS), len(resourcesInDB), len(resourcesInCS)-len(resourcesInDB)))

    # Remove resources that are not in the CS anymore
    for res in resourcesInDB - resourcesInCS:
      gLogger.info("Purging resource %s. Reason: not in CS anywore." % res)

    # Add to DB what is in CS now and wasn't before

    # CEs
    for site in CEinCS:
      self.__syncNode(set(CEinCS[site]), resourcesInDB, "", "Computing", site)

    # SRMs
    self.__syncNode(SENodeInCS, resourcesInDB, "SE", "Storage")

    # LFC_C
    self.__syncNode(LFCNodeInCS_C, resourcesInDB, "LFC_C", "Storage")

    # LFC_L
    self.__syncNode(LFCNodeInCS_L, resourcesInDB, "LFC_L", "Storage")

    # FTSs
    self.__syncNode(FTSNodeInCS, resourcesInDB, "FTS", "Storage")

    # VOMSs
    self.__syncNode(VOMSNodeInCS, resourcesInDB, "VOMS", "VOMS")


  def _syncStorageElements( self ):

    # Get StorageElements from the CS and the DB
    CSSEs = set(CS.getSEs())
    #DBSEs = set((s[0] for s in Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getStorageElement())))
    ses = self.rsClient.getStorageElement()
    if not ses[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( ses[ 'Message' ] )
      return ses
    DBSEs = set( [ se[0] for se in ses[ 'Value' ] ] )  

    # Remove storageElements that are in DB but not in CS
    for se in DBSEs - CSSEs:
      #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.removeElement, 'StorageElement', se )
      res = self.rsClient.removeElement( 'StorageElement', se )
      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
        return res

    # Add new storage elements
    gLogger.info("Updating %d StorageElements in DB (%d on CS vs %d on DB)" % (len(CSSEs - DBSEs), len(CSSEs), len(DBSEs)))
    for SE in CSSEs - DBSEs:
      srm = CS.getSEHost( SE )
      if not srm:
        gLogger.warn("%s has no srm URL in CS!!!" % SE)
      #siteInGOCDB = Utils.unpack(self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', srm ))
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', srm )
      if siteInGOCDB[ 'OK' ]:
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB[ 'Value' ]
        gLogger.error("Error getting hostname for %s from GOCDB!!!" % srm)
      if siteInGOCDB == []:
        gLogger.warn("%s is not in GOCDB!!!" % srm)
      siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB[ 0 ][ 'SITENAME' ]
      #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifyStorageElement, SE, srm, siteInGOCDB )
      res = self.rsClient.addOrModifyStorageElement( SE, srm, siteInGOCDB )
      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
        return res


  def _syncServices(self):
    """This function is in charge of cleaning the Service table in DB
    in case of obsolescence."""
    # services in the DB now
    #servicesInDB = Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getService())
    servicesInDB = self.rsClient.getService()
    if not servicesInDB[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( servicesInDB[ 'Message' ] )
      return servicesInDB
    servicesInDB = servicesInDB[ 'Value' ]
    for service_name, service_type, site_name in servicesInDB:
      if not service_type in ["VO-BOX", "CondDB", "VOMS", "Storage"]:
        #if Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getResource(siteName=site_name, serviceType=service_type)) == []:
        resource = self.rsClient.getResource( siteName = site_name, serviceType = service_type )
        if not resource[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( resource[ 'Message' ] )
          return resource
        if resource[ 'Value' ] == []:
          gLogger.info("Deleting Service %s since it has no corresponding resources." % service_name)
          #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.removeElement, "Service", service_name)
          res = self.rsClient.removeElement( "Service", service_name )
          if not res[ 'OK' ]:
            gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
            return res
      elif service_type == "Storage":
        res = self.rsClient.getSite( siteName = site_name, meta = { 'columns' : 'GridSiteName'} )
        if res[ 'OK' ]:
          res = res[ 'Value' ]
          res = []
        if res:
          if self.rsClient.getResource( gridSiteName = res[0], serviceType = service_type ) == []:
            gLogger.info("Deleting Service %s since it has no corresponding resources." % service_name)
            #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.removeElement, "Service", service_name)
            res = self.rsClient.removeElement( "Service", service_name )
            if not res[ 'OK' ]:
              gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
              return res

  def _syncRegistryUsers(self):
    users = CS.getTypedDictRootedAt("Users", root= "/Registry")
    usersInCS = set(users.keys())
    #usersInDB = set((u[0] for u in Utils.unpack(self.rmClient.getUserRegistryCache())))
    usersInCache = self.rmClient.getUserRegistryCache()
    if not usersInCache[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( usersInCache[ 'Message' ] )
      return usersInCache
    usersInDB = set( [ userInCache[ 0 ] for userInCache in usersInCache[ 'Value' ] ] )
    usersToAdd = usersInCS - usersInDB
    usersToDel = usersInDB - usersInCS

    gLogger.info("Updating Registry Users: + %d, - %d" % (len(usersToAdd), len(usersToDel)))
    if len(usersToAdd) > 0:
    if len(usersToDel) > 0:

    for u in usersToAdd:
      if type(users[u]['DN']) == list:
        users[u]['DN'] = users[u]['DN'][0]
      if type(users[u]['Email']) == list:
        users[u]['Email'] = users[u]['Email'][0]
      users[u]['DN'] = users[u]['DN'].split('=')[-1]
      #Utils.unpack(self.rmClient.addOrModifyUserRegistryCache( u, users[u]['DN'], users[u]['Email'].lower()))
      res = self.rmClient.addOrModifyUserRegistryCache( u, users[u]['DN'], users[u]['Email'].lower() )
      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
        return res

    for u in usersToDel:
      #Utils.protect2(self.rmClient.deleteUserRegistryCache, u)
      res = self.rmClient.deleteUserRegistryCache( u )
      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
        return res

コード例 #52
class TransferCommand( Command ):
    Transfer "master" Command
  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( TransferCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )
    if 'ReportsClient' in self.apis:
      self.rClient = self.apis[ 'ReportsClient' ]
      self.rClient = ReportsClient() 

    if 'ReportGenerator' in self.apis:
      self.rgClient = self.apis[ 'ReportGenerator' ]
      self.rgClient = RPCClient( 'Accounting/ReportGenerator' )       
    self.rClient.rpcClient = self.rgClient  

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
  def _storeCommand( self, results ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.    

    for result in results:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyTransferCache( result[ 'SourceName' ], 
                                                         result[ 'DestinationName' ], 
                                                         result[ 'Metric' ], 
                                                         result[ 'Value' ] )
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()  
  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      TransferChannelCommand requires four arguments:
      - hours       : <int>
      - direction   : Source | Destination
      - elementName : <str>
      - metric      : Quality | FailedTransfers
      GGUSTickets are associated with gocDB names, so we have to transform the
      diracSiteName into a gocSiteName.    

    if not 'hours' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'Number of hours not specified' )
    hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    if not 'direction' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'direction is missing' )
    direction = self.args[ 'direction' ]

    if direction not in [ 'Source', 'Destination' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'direction is not Source nor Destination' )

    if not 'name' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" is missing' )
    name = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if not 'metric' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'metric is missing' )
    metric = self.args[ 'metric' ]
    if metric not in [ 'Quality', 'FailedTransfers' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'metric is not Quality nor FailedTransfers' )

    return S_OK( ( hours, name, direction, metric ) )
  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      For every elementName ( cannot process bulk queries.. ) contacts the 
      accounting client. It reurns dictionaries like { 'X -> Y' : { id: 100%.. } }
      If there are ggus tickets, are recorded and then returned.        
    if masterParams is not None:
      hours, name, direction, metric = masterParams
      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      hours, name, direction, metric = params[ 'Value' ] 
    toD   = datetime.utcnow()    
    fromD = toD - timedelta( hours = hours )
    # dictionary with conditions for the accounting
    transferDict = { 
                     'OperationType' : 'putAndRegister',
                     direction       : name

    if metric == 'FailedTransfers':
      transferDict[ 'FinalStatus' ] = [ 'Failed' ]

    transferResults = self.rClient.getReport( 'DataOperation', metric, fromD, 
                                              toD, transferDict, 'Channel' )
    if not transferResults[ 'OK' ]:
      return transferResults
    transferResults = transferResults[ 'Value' ]
    if not 'data' in transferResults:
      return S_ERROR( 'Missing data key' )
    transferResults = transferResults[ 'data' ]

    uniformResult = []
    for channel, elementDict in transferResults.items():
        source, destination = channel.split( ' -> ' )
      except ValueError:
      channelDict = {}
      channelDict[ 'SourceName' ]      = source
      channelDict[ 'DestinationName' ] = destination
      channelDict[ 'Metric' ]          = metric
      channelDict[ 'Value' ]           = sum( elementDict.values() ) / len( elementDict.values() )
      uniformResult.append( channelDict )
    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes
    # Compute mean of all transfer channels
    value = 0
    for channelDict in uniformResult:
      value += channelDict[ 'Value' ]  

    if uniformResult:
      value = float( value ) / len( uniformResult )
      value = None              
    return S_OK( { 'Mean' : value, 'Name' : name } )  
  def doCache( self ):
      Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will 
      return a list of dictionaries if there are results.
    params = self._prepareCommand()
    if not params[ 'OK' ]:
      return params
    _hours, name, direction, metric = params[ 'Value' ] 
    sourceName, destinationName = None, None
    if direction == 'Source':
      sourceName = name
    if direction == 'Destination':  
      destinationName = name
    result = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( sourceName, destinationName, metric )  
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    result = [ dict( zip( result[ 'Columns' ], res ) ) for res in result[ 'Value' ] ]

    # Compute mean of all transfer channels
    value = 0
    for channelDict in result:
      value += channelDict[ 'Value' ]  

    if result:
      value = float( value ) / len( result )
      value = None              
    return S_OK( { 'Mean' : value, 'Name' : name } )  

  def doMaster( self ):
      Master method, which looks little bit spaguetti code, sorry !
      - It gets all Sites.
      - It gets all StorageElements
      As there is no bulk query, it compares with what we have on the database.
      It queries a portion of them.

    sites = CSHelpers.getSites()
    if not sites[ 'OK' ]:
      return sites
    sites = sites[ 'Value' ]
    ses = CSHelpers.getStorageElements()
    if not ses[ 'OK' ]:
      return ses
    ses = ses[ 'Value' ]
    elementNames = sites + ses   

#    sourceQuery = self.rmClient.selectTransferCache( meta = { 'columns' : [ 'SourceName' ] } )
#    if not sourceQuery[ 'OK' ]:
#      return sourceQuery
#    sourceQuery = [ element[0] for element in sourceQuery[ 'Value' ] ]
#    sourceElementsToQuery = list( set( elementNames ).difference( set( sourceQuery ) ) )
    gLogger.info( 'Processing %s' % ', '.join( elementNames ) )
    for metric in [ 'Quality', 'FailedTransfers' ]:
      for direction in [ 'Source', 'Destination' ]: 
        # 2 hours of window
        result = self.doNew( ( 2, elementNames, direction, metric )  ) 
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( result )
    return S_OK( self.metrics )
コード例 #53
class FreeDiskSpaceCommand(Command):
  Uses diskSpace method to get the free space

    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(FreeDiskSpaceCommand, self).__init__(args, clients=clients)

        self.rpc = None
        self.rsClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _prepareCommand(self):
      FreeDiskSpaceCommand requires one argument:
      - name : <str>

        if "name" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        elementName = self.args["name"]

        return S_OK(elementName)

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
    Gets the total and the free disk space of a DIPS storage element that
    is found in the CS and inserts the results in the SpaceTokenOccupancyCache table
    of ResourceManagementDB database.

        if masterParams is not None:
            elementName = masterParams
            elementName = self._prepareCommand()
            if not elementName["OK"]:
                return elementName

        se = StorageElement(elementName)

        elementURL = se.getStorageParameters(protocol="dips")

        if elementURL["OK"]:
            elementURL = se.getStorageParameters(protocol="dips")["Value"]["URLBase"]
            gLogger.verbose("Not a DIPS storage element, skipping...")
            return S_OK()

        self.rpc = RPCClient(elementURL, timeout=120)

        free = self.rpc.getFreeDiskSpace("/")

        if not free["OK"]:
            return free
        free = free["Value"]

        total = self.rpc.getTotalDiskSpace("/")

        if not total["OK"]:
            return total
        total = total["Value"]

        if free and free < 1:
            free = 1
        if total and total < 1:
            total = 1

        result = self.rsClient.addOrModifySpaceTokenOccupancyCache(
            endpoint=elementURL, lastCheckTime=datetime.utcnow(), free=free, total=total, token=elementName
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        return S_OK()

    def doCache(self):
    This is a method that gets the element's details from the spaceTokenOccupancy cache.

        elementName = self._prepareCommand()
        if not elementName["OK"]:
            return elementName

        result = self.rsClient.selectSpaceTokenOccupancyCache(token=elementName)

        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        return S_OK(result)

    def doMaster(self):
    This method calls the doNew method for each storage element
    that exists in the CS.

        elements = CSHelpers.getStorageElements()

        for name in elements["Value"]:
            diskSpace = self.doNew(name)
            if not diskSpace["OK"]:
                gLogger.error("Unable to calculate free disk space")

        return S_OK()
コード例 #54
ファイル: GOCDBSyncCommand.py プロジェクト: DIRACGrid/DIRAC
class GOCDBSyncCommand(Command):

  def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

    super(GOCDBSyncCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis['GOCDBClient']
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis['ResourceManagementClient']
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    self.seenHostnames = set()

  def doNew(self, masterParams=None):
    Gets the downtime IDs and dates of a given hostname from the local database and compares the results
    with the remote database of GOCDB. If the downtime dates have been changed it updates the local database.

    :param: `masterParams` - string
    :return: S_OK / S_ERROR

    if masterParams:
      hostname = masterParams
      return S_ERROR(errno.EINVAL, 'masterParams is not provided')

    result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache(name=hostname)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    for downtimes in result['Value']:

      localDBdict = {'DowntimeID': downtimes[3],
                     'FORMATED_START_DATE': downtimes[6].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
                     'FORMATED_END_DATE': downtimes[7].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}

      response = self.gClient.getHostnameDowntime(hostname, ongoing=True)

      if not response['OK']:
        return response

      doc = minidom.parseString(response['Value'])
      downtimeElements = doc.getElementsByTagName("DOWNTIME")

      for dtElement in downtimeElements:
        GOCDBdict = _parseSingleElement(dtElement, ['PRIMARY_KEY', 'ENDPOINT',
                                                    'FORMATED_START_DATE', 'FORMATED_END_DATE'])

        localDowntimeID = localDBdict['DowntimeID']
        GOCDBDowntimeID = GOCDBdict['PRIMARY_KEY'] + ' ' + GOCDBdict['ENDPOINT']

        if localDowntimeID == GOCDBDowntimeID:

          if localDBdict['FORMATED_START_DATE'] != GOCDBdict['FORMATED_START_DATE']:
            result = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache(downtimeID=localDBdict['DowntimeID'],
            gLogger.verbose("The start date of %s has been changed!" % downtimes[3])

            if not result['OK']:
              return result

          if localDBdict['FORMATED_END_DATE'] != GOCDBdict['FORMATED_END_DATE']:
            result = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache(downtimeID=localDBdict['DowntimeID'],
            gLogger.verbose("The end date of %s has been changed!" % downtimes[3])

            if not result['OK']:
              return result

    return S_OK()

  def doCache(self):
    return S_OK()

  def doMaster(self):
    This method calls the doNew method for each hostname that exists
    in the DowntimeCache table of the local database.

    :return: S_OK / S_ERROR

    # Query DB for all downtimes
    result = self.rmClient.selectDowntimeCache()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    for data in result['Value']:

      # If already processed don't do it again
      if data[0] in self.seenHostnames:

      # data[0] contains the hostname
      gLogger.verbose("Checking if the downtime of %s has been changed" % data[0])
      result = self.doNew(data[0])
      if not result['OK']:
        return result


    return S_OK()
コード例 #55
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):

        super(FreeDiskSpaceCommand, self).__init__(args, clients=clients)

        self.rpc = None
        self.rsClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #56
ファイル: DowntimeCommand.py プロジェクト: cgrefe/DIRAC
class DowntimeCommand( Command ):
    Downtime "master" Command.    

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( DowntimeCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis[ 'GOCDBClient' ]
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient() 

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
  def _storeCommand( self, result ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

    for dt in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache( dt[ 'DowntimeID' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Element' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Name' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'StartDate' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'EndDate' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Severity' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Description' ], 
                                                         dt[ 'Link' ] )  
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()
  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires three arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>  
      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.
    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]      
    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]
    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]
    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is not Site nor Resource' )   

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]
    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]
    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost
    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours ) )

  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts 
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.
      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.
    if masterParams is not None:
      element, elementNames = masterParams
      hours       = None
      elementName = None
      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      element, elementName, hours = params[ 'Value' ]  
      elementNames = [ elementName ]     

    startDate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( days = 2 )
      results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
    except urllib2.URLError:
        #Let's give it a second chance..
        results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
      except urllib2.URLError, e:
        return S_ERROR( e )
    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return results
    results = results[ 'Value' ]

    if results is None:
      return S_OK( None )

    uniformResult = []
    # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
    for downtime, downDic in results.items():

      dt                  = {}
      if element == 'Resource':
        dt[ 'Name' ]        = downDic[ 'HOSTNAME' ]
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'SITENAME' ]
      if not dt[ 'Name' ] in elementNames:
      dt[ 'DowntimeID' ]  = downtime
      dt[ 'Element' ]     = element
      dt[ 'StartDate' ]   = downDic[ 'FORMATED_START_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'EndDate' ]     = downDic[ 'FORMATED_END_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'Severity' ]    = downDic[ 'SEVERITY' ]
      dt[ 'Description' ] = downDic[ 'DESCRIPTION' ].replace( '\'', '' )
      dt[ 'Link' ]        = downDic[ 'GOCDB_PORTAL_URL' ]
      uniformResult.append( dt )  
    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes
    # We return only one downtime, if its ongoind at dtDate
    dtDate = datetime.now()     
    if hours:
      dtDate = dtDate + timedelta( hours = hours )

    result = None           
    for dt in uniformResult:
      if ( dt[ 'StartDate' ] < str( dtDate ) ) and ( dt[ 'EndDate' ] > str( dtDate ) ):
        result = dt
    return S_OK( result )            
コード例 #57
ファイル: DowntimeCommand.py プロジェクト: corionma/DIRAC
class DowntimeCommand( Command ):
    Downtime "master" Command.

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):

    super( DowntimeCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'GOCDBClient' in self.apis:
      self.gClient = self.apis[ 'GOCDBClient' ]
      self.gClient = GOCDBClient()

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def _storeCommand( self, result ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

    for dt in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyDowntimeCache( 
                               downtimeID = dt[ 'DowntimeID' ],
                               element = dt[ 'Element' ],
                               name = dt[ 'Name' ],
                               startDate = dt[ 'StartDate' ],
                               endDate = dt[ 'EndDate' ],
                               severity = dt[ 'Severity' ],
                               description = dt[ 'Description' ],
                               link = dt[ 'Link' ],
                               gocdbServiceType = dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] )
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()

  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]

    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]

    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is not Site nor Resource' )

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    gocdbServiceType = None

    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]

    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
      if getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['TapeSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm"
      elif getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['DiskSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"

      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost

    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType ) )

  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.

      For every elementName, unless it is given a list, in which case it contacts
      the gocdb client. The server is not very stable, so in case of failure tries
      a second time.

      If there are downtimes, are recorded and then returned.

    if masterParams is not None:
      element, elementNames = masterParams
      hours = None
      elementName = None
      gocdbServiceType = None
      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType = params[ 'Value' ]
      elementNames = [ elementName ]

    startDate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( days = 14 )

      results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
    except urllib2.URLError:
        #Let's give it a second chance..
        results = self.gClient.getStatus( element, elementName, startDate, 120 )
      except urllib2.URLError, e:
        return S_ERROR( e )

    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return results
    results = results[ 'Value' ]

    if results is None:
      return S_OK( None )

    uniformResult = []

    # Humanize the results into a dictionary, not the most optimal, but readable
    for downtime, downDic in results.items():

      dt = {}
      if gocdbServiceType and downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ]:
        if  gocdbServiceType.lower() != downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ].lower():
      if element == 'Resource':
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'HOSTNAME' ]
        dt[ 'Name' ] = downDic[ 'SITENAME' ]

      if not dt[ 'Name' ] in elementNames:

      dt[ 'DowntimeID' ] = downtime
      dt[ 'Element' ] = element
      dt[ 'StartDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_START_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'EndDate' ] = downDic[ 'FORMATED_END_DATE' ]
      dt[ 'Severity' ] = downDic[ 'SEVERITY' ]
      dt[ 'Description' ] = downDic[ 'DESCRIPTION' ].replace( '\'', '' )
      dt[ 'Link' ] = downDic[ 'GOCDB_PORTAL_URL' ]
        dt[ 'GOCDBServiceType' ] = downDic[ 'SERVICE_TYPE' ]
      except KeyError:
        # SERVICE_TYPE is not always defined

      uniformResult.append( dt )

    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes

    # We return only one downtime, if its ongoing at dtDate
    startDate = datetime.utcnow()
    if hours:
      startDate = startDate + timedelta( hours = hours )
    endDate = startDate

    result = None
    dtOutages = []
    dtWarnings = []

    for dt in uniformResult:
      if ( dt[ 'StartDate' ] < str( startDate ) ) and ( dt[ 'EndDate' ] > str( endDate ) ):
        if dt[ 'Severity' ] == 'Outage':
          dtOutages.append( dt )
          dtWarnings.append( dt )

    #In case many overlapping downtimes have been declared, the first one in
    #severity and then time order will be selected. We want to get the latest one
    #( they are sorted by insertion time )
    if len( dtOutages ) > 0:
      result = dtOutages[-1]
    elif len( dtWarnings ) > 0:
      result = dtWarnings[-1]

    return S_OK( result )
コード例 #58
class CachedPlotCommand( Command ):

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( CachedPlotCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )
    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient() 
  def doCommand( self ):
    Returns transfer quality plot as it is cached in the accounting cache.

       - args[0]: string - should be a ValidElement
       - args[1]: string - should be the name of the ValidElement

       - args[2]: string - should be the plot type

       - args[3]: string - should be the plot name

      a plot

    if not 'element' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'element no specified' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]

    if not 'name' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'Name no specified' )
    name = self.args[ 'name' ]
    if not 'plotType' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'plotType no specified' )
    plotType = self.args[ 'plotType' ]
    if not 'plotName' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( 'plotName no specified' )
    plotName = self.args[ 'plotName' ]
    #FIXME: we have no any longer Service granularity !      
    if element == 'Service':
      name = name.split('@')[1]
    meta = { 'columns' : 'Result' }  
    results = self.rmClient.selectAccountingCache( name = name, plotType = plotType,
                                                   plotName = plotName, meta = meta )
    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return results      
    results = results[ 'Value' ]
    if results == []:
      results = { 'data' : {}, 'granularity' : 900 }
      #FIXME: WTH is an eval doing here !!!!
      results = eval( results[0] )

    return results