コード例 #1
class SiteStatus(ElementStatus):
  RSS helper to interact with the 'Site' family on the DB. It provides the most
  demanded functions and a cache to avoid hitting the server too often.
  It provides four methods to interact with the site statuses:
  * getSiteStatuses
  * getSiteStatus 
  * isUsableSite  
  * getUsableSites

    __metaclass__ = DIRACSingleton

    def __init__(self):
    Constructor, initializes the logger, rssClient and cache.
      >>> siteStatus = SiteStatus()

        super(SiteStatus, self).__init__()

        # RSSCache initialization
        cacheLifeTime = int(RssConfiguration().getConfigCache())
        self.siteCache = RSSCache('Site', cacheLifeTime,

    def getSiteStatuses(self, siteNames, statusTypes=None):
    Method that queries the RSSCache for Site-Status-related information. If any
    of the inputs is None, it is interpreted as * ( all ).
    If match is positive, the output looks like:
     siteA : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
     siteB : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
    There are ALWAYS the same keys inside the site dictionaries.
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatuses( 'LCG.CERN.ch', None )
          S_OK( { 'LCG.CERN.ch' : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active', 'StorageAccess' : 'Degraded' } }  )
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatuses( 'RubbishSite', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )            
      >>> siteStaus.getSiteStatuses( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'LCG.CERN.ch' : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' } }  )    
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatuses( [ 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'LCG.IN2P3.fr' ], 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'LCG.CERN.ch'  : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' },
                  'LCG.IN2P3.fr' : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' } }  )    
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatuses( None, 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'LCG.CERN.ch'  : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' },
                  'LCG.IN2P3.fr' : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' },
                  ... }  )            

      **siteNames** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the sites to be matched
      **statusTypes** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the statusTypes to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()                 

        siteDict = {}


        if siteNames is not None:
            translatedNames = getSiteNamesDict(siteNames)
            if not translatedNames['OK']:
                return translatedNames
            siteDict = translatedNames['Value']
            siteNames = list(set(siteDict.values()))

        result = self.siteCache.match(siteNames, statusTypes)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        if not siteDict:
            # We do not have to translate back the site names
            return result

        resultDict = {}
        for key in siteDict.iterkeys():
            resultDict[key] = result['Value'][siteDict[key]]

        return S_OK(resultDict)

    def getSiteStatus(self, siteName, statusType):
    Given a site and a statusType, it returns its status from the cache.
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatus( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'StorageAccess' )
          S_OK( 'Active' )
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatus( 'LCG.CERN.ch', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      **siteName** - `string`
        name of the site to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()

        return self.getElementStatus('Site', siteName, statusType)

    def isUsableSite(self, siteName, statusType):
    Similar method to getSiteStatus. The difference is the output.
    Given a site name, returns a bool if the site is usable: 
      status is Active or Degraded outputs True
      anything else outputs False
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'StorageAccess' )
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'ComputingAccess' )
          False # May be banned   
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'LCG.CERN.ch', None )
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'RubbishSite', 'StorageAccess' )
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'RubbishAccess' )
      **siteName** - `string`
        name of the site to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()    

        return self.isUsableElement('Site', siteName, statusType)

    def getUsableSites(self, statusType):
    For a given statusType, returns all sites that are usable: their status
    for that particular statusType is either Active or Degraded; in a list.
      >>> siteStatus.getUsableSites( 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( [ 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'LCG.IN2P3.fr',... ] )
      >>> siteStatus.getUsableSites( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> siteStatus.getUsableSites( 'RubbishAccess' )
          S_ERROR( ... )    
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()

        result = self.getUsableElements('Site', statusType)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        resultList = []
        for site in result['Value']:
            resultNames = getSiteFullNames(site)
            if result['OK']:
                resultList += resultNames['Value']

        return S_OK(resultList)

    def getUnusableSites(self, statusType):
    For a given statusType, returns all sites that are usable: their status
    for that particular statusType is either Banned or Probing; in a list.
      >>> siteStatus.getUnusableSites( 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( [ 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'LCG.IN2P3.fr',... ] )
      >>> siteStatus.getUnsusableSites( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> siteStatus.getUnusableSites( 'RubbishAccess' )
          S_ERROR( ... )    
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()

        result = self.getUnusableElements('Site', statusType)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        resultList = []
        for site in result['Value']:
            resultNames = getSiteFullNames(site)
            if result['OK']:
                resultList += resultNames['Value']

        return S_OK(resultList)

    # Private methods

    def __updateSiteCache(self):
      Method used to update the SiteCache.

        meta = {'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']}
        rawCache = self.rssClient.selectStatusElement('Site',

        if not rawCache['OK']:
            return rawCache
        return S_OK(self.getCacheDictFromRawData(rawCache['Value']))

コード例 #2
ファイル: SiteStatus.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
class SiteStatus( ElementStatus ):
  RSS helper to interact with the 'Site' family on the DB. It provides the most
  demanded functions and a cache to avoid hitting the server too often.
  It provides four methods to interact with the site statuses:
  * getSiteStatuses
  * getSiteStatus 
  * isUsableSite  
  * getUsableSites
  __metaclass__ = DIRACSingleton
  def __init__( self ):
    Constructor, initializes the logger, rssClient and cache.
      >>> siteStatus = SiteStatus()
    super( SiteStatus, self ).__init__()
    # RSSCache initialization
    cacheLifeTime   = int( RssConfiguration().getConfigCache() )
    self.siteCache  = RSSCache( 'Site', cacheLifeTime, self.__updateSiteCache )

  def getSiteStatuses( self, siteNames, statusTypes = None ):
    Method that queries the RSSCache for Site-Status-related information. If any
    of the inputs is None, it is interpreted as * ( all ).
    If match is positive, the output looks like:
     siteA : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
     siteB : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
    There are ALWAYS the same keys inside the site dictionaries.
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatuses( 'LCG.CERN.ch', None )
          S_OK( { 'LCG.CERN.ch' : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active', 'StorageAccess' : 'Degraded' } }  )
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatuses( 'RubbishSite', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )            
      >>> siteStaus.getSiteStatuses( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'LCG.CERN.ch' : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' } }  )    
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatuses( [ 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'LCG.IN2P3.fr' ], 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'LCG.CERN.ch'  : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' },
                  'LCG.IN2P3.fr' : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' } }  )    
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatuses( None, 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'LCG.CERN.ch'  : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' },
                  'LCG.IN2P3.fr' : { 'ComputingAccess' : 'Active' },
                  ... }  )            

      **siteNames** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the sites to be matched
      **statusTypes** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the statusTypes to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()                 
    siteDict = {}
    self.log.debug( 'getSiteStatus' )
    if siteNames is not None:
      translatedNames = getSiteNamesDict( siteNames )
      if not translatedNames[ 'OK' ]:
        return translatedNames
      siteDict  = translatedNames[ 'Value' ]
      siteNames = list( set( siteDict.values() ) )  
    result = self.siteCache.match( siteNames, statusTypes )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    self.log.debug( result )
    if not siteDict:
      # We do not have to translate back the site names
      return result
    resultDict = {}
    for key in siteDict.iterkeys():
      resultDict[ key ] = result[ 'Value' ][ siteDict[ key ] ]
    return S_OK( resultDict )

  def getSiteStatus( self, siteName, statusType ):
    Given a site and a statusType, it returns its status from the cache.
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatus( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'StorageAccess' )
          S_OK( 'Active' )
      >>> siteStatus.getSiteStatus( 'LCG.CERN.ch', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      **siteName** - `string`
        name of the site to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    return self.getElementStatus( 'Site', siteName, statusType )

  def isUsableSite( self, siteName, statusType ):
    Similar method to getSiteStatus. The difference is the output.
    Given a site name, returns a bool if the site is usable: 
      status is Active or Degraded outputs True
      anything else outputs False
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'StorageAccess' )
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'ComputingAccess' )
          False # May be banned   
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'LCG.CERN.ch', None )
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'RubbishSite', 'StorageAccess' )
      >>> siteStatus.isUsableSite( 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'RubbishAccess' )
      **siteName** - `string`
        name of the site to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()    
    return self.isUsableElement( 'Site', siteName, statusType )

  def getUsableSites( self, statusType ):
    For a given statusType, returns all sites that are usable: their status
    for that particular statusType is either Active or Degraded; in a list.
      >>> siteStatus.getUsableSites( 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( [ 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'LCG.IN2P3.fr',... ] )
      >>> siteStatus.getUsableSites( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> siteStatus.getUsableSites( 'RubbishAccess' )
          S_ERROR( ... )    
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    result = self.getUsableElements( 'Site', statusType )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    resultList = []
    for site in result['Value']:
      resultNames = getSiteFullNames( site )
      if result['OK']:
        resultList += resultNames['Value']
    return S_OK( resultList )    
  def getUnusableSites( self, statusType ):
    For a given statusType, returns all sites that are usable: their status
    for that particular statusType is either Banned or Probing; in a list.
      >>> siteStatus.getUnusableSites( 'ComputingAccess' )
          S_OK( [ 'LCG.CERN.ch', 'LCG.IN2P3.fr',... ] )
      >>> siteStatus.getUnsusableSites( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> siteStatus.getUnusableSites( 'RubbishAccess' )
          S_ERROR( ... )    
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    result = self.getUnusableElements( 'Site', statusType )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    resultList = []
    for site in result['Value']:
      resultNames = getSiteFullNames( site )
      if result['OK']:
        resultList += resultNames['Value']
    return S_OK( resultList )    
  # Private methods
  def __updateSiteCache( self ):
      Method used to update the SiteCache.

    meta = { 'columns' : [ 'Name', 'StatusType', 'Status' ] }   
    rawCache  = self.rssClient.selectStatusElement( 'Site', 'Status', meta = meta )
    if not rawCache[ 'OK' ]:
      return rawCache
    return S_OK( self.getCacheDictFromRawData( rawCache[ 'Value' ] ) )
コード例 #3
ファイル: ResourceStatus.py プロジェクト: graciani/DIRAC
class ResourceStatus( ElementStatus ):
  ResourceStatus helper that connects to CS if RSS flag is not Active. It keeps
  the connection to the db / server as an object member, to avoid creating a new
  one massively.

  __metaclass__ = DIRACSingleton
  def __init__( self ):
    Constructor, initializes the logger, rssClient and caches.

      >>> resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()

    super( ResourceStatus, self ).__init__()
    self.siteStatus = SiteStatus()
    # We can set CacheLifetime and CacheHistory from CS, so that we can tune them.
    cacheLifeTime = int( RssConfiguration().getConfigCache() )
    # RSSCaches, one per elementType ( StorageElement, ComputingElement )
    # Should be generated on the fly, instead of being hardcoded ?
    self.seCache = RSSCache( 'Storage', cacheLifeTime, self._updateSECache )
    self.ceCache = RSSCache( 'Computing', cacheLifeTime, self._updateCECache )

  # ComputingElement methods

  def getComputingStatuses( self, ceNames, statusTypes = None ):
    Method that queries the RSSCache for ComputingElement-Status-related information.
    If any of the inputs is None, it is interpreted as * ( all ).
    If match is positive, the output looks like:
        computingElementA : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
        computingElementB : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
    There are ALWAYS the same keys inside the site dictionaries.
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingStatuses( 'ce207.cern.ch', None )
          S_OK( { 'ce207.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' } } )
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingStatuses( 'RubbishCE', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> resourceStaus.getComputingStatuses( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'all' )
          S_OK( { 'ce207.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' } } )
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingStatuses( [ 'ce206.cern.ch', 'ce207.cern.ch' ], 'all' )
          S_OK( { 'ce206.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' },
                  'ce207.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' } } )
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingStatuses( None, 'all' )
          S_OK( { 'ce206.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' },
                  'ce207.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' },
                  ... } )

      **ceNames** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the computing elements to be matched
      **statusTypes** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the statusTypes to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    cacheMatch = self.ceCache.match( ceNames, statusTypes )
    if not cacheMatch[ 'OK' ]:
      return cacheMatch
    cacheMatch = cacheMatch[ 'Value' ]
    for ceName, ceDict in cacheMatch.items():
      if not self.__getSiteAccess( ceName, 'ComputingAccess' )[ 'OK' ]:
        cacheMatch[ ceName ] = dict( zip( ceDict.keys(), [ 'Banned' ] * len( ceDict ) ) )
    return S_OK( cacheMatch )

  def getComputingStatus( self, ceName, statusType ):
    Given a ce and a statusType, it returns its status from the cache.
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingStatus( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'all' )
          S_OK( 'Active' )
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingStatus( 'ce207.cern.ch', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )

      **ceName** - `string`
        name of the computing element to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    return self.getElementStatus( 'Computing', ceName, statusType )
  def isUsableComputing( self, ceName, statusType ):
    Similar method to getComputingStatus. The difference is the output.
    Given a ce name, returns a bool if the ce is usable:
    status is Active or Degraded outputs True
    anything else outputs False
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputing( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'all' )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputing( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'all' )
          False # May be banned
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputing( 'ce207.cern.ch', None )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputing( 'RubbishCE', 'all' )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputing( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'RubbishAccess' )
      **ceName** - `string`
        name of the computing element to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    return self.isUsableElement( 'Computing', ceName, statusType )

  def getUsableComputings( self, statusType ):
    For a given statusType, returns all computing elements that are usable: their
    status for that particular statusType is either Active or Degraded; in a list.
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableComputings( 'all' )
          S_OK( [ 'ce206.cern.ch', 'ce207.cern.ch',... ] )
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableComputings( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableComputings( 'RubbishAccess' )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    return self.getUsableElements( 'Computing', statusType )

  # StorageElement methods

  def getStorageStatuses( self, seNames, statusTypes = None ):
    Method that queries the RSSCache for StorageElement-Status-related information.
    If any of the inputs is None, it is interpreted as * ( all ).
    If match is positive, the output looks like:
      storageElementA : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
      storageElementB : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
    There are ALWAYS the same keys inside the site dictionaries.
      >>> resourceStatus.getStorageStatuses( 'CERN-USER', None )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active', 'WriteAccess' : 'Degraded',... } } )
      >>> resourceStatus.getStorageStatuses( 'RubbishCE', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> resourceStaus.getStorageStatuses( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' } } )
      >>> resourceStatus.getStorageStatuses( [ 'CERN-USER', 'PIC-USER' ], 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' },
                  'PIC-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' } } )
      >>> resourceStatus.getStorageStatuses( None, 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' },
                  'PIC-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' },
                  ... } )

      **seNames** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the storage elements to be matched
      **statusTypes** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the statusTypes to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    cacheMatch = self.seCache.match( seNames, statusTypes )
    if not cacheMatch[ 'OK' ]:
      return cacheMatch
    cacheMatch = cacheMatch[ 'Value' ]
    for seName, seDict in cacheMatch.items():
      if not self.__getSiteAccess( seName, 'StorageAccess' )[ 'OK' ]:
        cacheMatch[ seName ] = dict( zip( seDict.keys(), [ 'Banned' ] * len( seDict ) ) )
    return S_OK( cacheMatch )

  def getStorageStatus( self, seName, statusType ):
    Given a se and a statusType, it returns its status from the cache.
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( 'Active' )
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      **seName** - `string`
        name of the storage element to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    return self.getElementStatus( 'Storage', seName, statusType )
  def isUsableStorage( self, seName, statusType ):
    Similar method to getStorageStatus. The difference is the output.
    Given a se name, returns a bool if the se is usable:
    status is Active or Degraded outputs True
    anything else outputs False
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorage( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorage( 'CERN-ARCHIVE', 'ReadAccess' )
          False # May be banned
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorage( 'CERN-USER', None )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorage( 'RubbishCE', 'ReadAccess' )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorage( 'CERN-USER', 'RubbishAccess' )
      **seName** - `string`
        name of the storage element to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    return self.isUsableElement( 'Storage', seName, statusType )

  def getUsableStorages( self, statusType ):
    For a given statusType, returns all storage elements that are usable: their
    status for that particular statusType is either Active or Degraded; in a list.
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableStorages( 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( [ 'CERN-USER', 'PIC-USER',... ] )
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableStorages( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableStorages( 'RubbishAccess' )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    return self.getUsableElements( 'Storage', statusType )
  # update Cache methods

  def _updateCECache( self ):
    Method used to update the ComputingElementCache.
    return self.__updateCache( 'Computing' )

  def _updateSECache( self ):
    Method used to update the StorageElementCache.
    return self.__updateCache( 'Storage' )
  # Private methods

  def __updateCache( self, elementType ):

    meta = { 'columns' : [ 'Name', 'StatusType', 'Status' ] }
    rawCache = self.rssClient.selectStatusElement( 'Resource', 'Status',
                                                    elementType = elementType,
                                                    meta = meta )
    if not rawCache[ 'OK' ]:
      return rawCache
    return S_OK( self.getCacheDictFromRawData( rawCache[ 'Value' ] ) )  
  def __getSiteAccess( self, elementName, siteAccess ):
    Method that given a resourceType and an elementName, finds the site name
    that owes it. Once that is done, the site access <siteAccess> is checked
    and returned.
      **resourceType** - `string`
        name of the resource type ( StorageElement, ComputingElement.. )
      **elementName** - `string`
        name of the resource of type <resourceType>
      **siteAccess** - `string`
        site access ( StorageAccess, ComputingAccess .. )
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()
    siteName = Resources.getSiteForResource( elementName )
    if not siteName[ 'OK' ]:
      return siteName
    siteName = siteName[ 'Value' ]
    if not self.siteStatus.isUsableSite( siteName, siteAccess ):
      return S_ERROR( 'Site %s is not usable for Computing' % siteName )
    return S_OK()

コード例 #4
ファイル: ResourceStatus.py プロジェクト: acasajus/DIRAC
class ResourceStatus(ElementStatus):
  ResourceStatus helper that connects to CS if RSS flag is not Active. It keeps
  the connection to the db / server as an object member, to avoid creating a new
  one massively.

    __metaclass__ = DIRACSingleton

    def __init__(self):
    Constructor, initializes the logger, rssClient and caches.

      >>> resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()    

        super(ResourceStatus, self).__init__()

        self.siteStatus = SiteStatus()

        # We can set CacheLifetime and CacheHistory from CS, so that we can tune them.
        cacheLifeTime = int(RssConfiguration().getConfigCache())

        # RSSCaches, one per elementType ( StorageElement, ComputingElement )
        # Should be generated on the fly, instead of being hardcoded ?
        self.seCache = RSSCache('StorageElement', cacheLifeTime,
        self.ceCache = RSSCache('ComputingElement', cacheLifeTime,

    # ComputingElement methods

    def getComputingElementStatuses(self, ceNames, statusTypes=None):
    Method that queries the RSSCache for ComputingElement-Status-related information. 
    If any of the inputs is None, it is interpreted as * ( all ).
    If match is positive, the output looks like:
     computingElementA : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
     computingElementB : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
    There are ALWAYS the same keys inside the site dictionaries.
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatuses( 'ce207.cern.ch', None )
          S_OK( { 'ce207.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' } }  )
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatuses( 'RubbishCE', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )            
      >>> resourceStaus.getComputingElementStatuses( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'all' )
          S_OK( { 'ce207.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' } }  )    
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatuses( [ 'ce206.cern.ch', 'ce207.cern.ch' ], 'all' )
          S_OK( { 'ce206.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' },
                  'ce207.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' } }  )
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatuses( None, 'all' )
          S_OK( { 'ce206.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' },
                  'ce207.cern.ch' : { 'all' : 'Active' },
                  ... }  )            

      **ceNames** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the computing elements to be matched
      **statusTypes** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the statusTypes to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()                 

        cacheMatch = self.ceCache.match(ceNames, statusTypes)
        if not cacheMatch['OK']:
            return cacheMatch

        cacheMatch = cacheMatch['Value']

        for ceName, ceDict in cacheMatch.items():

            if not self.__getSiteAccess('ComputingElement', ceName,

                cacheMatch[ceName] = dict(
                    zip(ceDict.keys(), ['Banned'] * len(ceDict)))

        return S_OK(cacheMatch)

    def getComputingElementStatus(self, ceName, statusType):
    Given a ce and a statusType, it returns its status from the cache.
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatus( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'all' )
          S_OK( 'Active' )
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatus( 'ce207.cern.ch', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      **ceName** - `string`
        name of the computing element to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()

        return self.getElementStatus('ComputingElement', ceName, statusType)

    def isUsableComputingElement(self, ceName, statusType):
    Similar method to getComputingElementStatus. The difference is the output.
    Given a ce name, returns a bool if the ce is usable: 
      status is Active or Degraded outputs True
      anything else outputs False
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputingElement( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'all' )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputingElement( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'all' )
          False # May be banned
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputingElement( 'ce207.cern.ch', None )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputingElement( 'RubbishCE', 'all' )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableComputingElement( 'ce207.cern.ch', 'RubbishAccess' )
      **ceName** - `string`
        name of the computing element to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()    

        return self.isUsableElement('ComputingElement', ceName, statusType)

    def getUsableComputingElements(self, statusType):
    For a given statusType, returns all computing elements that are usable: their 
    status for that particular statusType is either Active or Degraded; in a list.
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableComputingElements( 'all' )
          S_OK( [ 'ce206.cern.ch', 'ce207.cern.ch',... ] )
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableComputingElements( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableComputingElements( 'RubbishAccess' )
          S_ERROR( ... )    
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()

        return self.getUsableElements('ComputingElement', statusType)

    # StorageElement methods

    def getStorageElementStatuses(self, seNames, statusTypes=None):
    Method that queries the RSSCache for StorageElement-Status-related information. 
    If any of the inputs is None, it is interpreted as * ( all ).
    If match is positive, the output looks like:
     storageElementA : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
     storageElementB : { statusType1 : status1, statusType2 : status2 },
    There are ALWAYS the same keys inside the site dictionaries.
      >>> resourceStatus.getStorageElementStatuses( 'CERN-USER', None )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active', 'WriteAccess' : 'Degraded',... } }  )
      >>> resourceStatus.getStorageElementStatuses( 'RubbishCE', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )            
      >>> resourceStaus.getStorageElementStatuses( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' } }  )    
      >>> resourceStatus.getStorageElementStatuses( [ 'CERN-USER', 'PIC-USER' ], 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' },
                  'PIC-USER'  : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' } }  )
      >>> resourceStatus.getStorageElementStatuses( None, 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' },
                  'PIC-USER' : { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active' },
                  ... }  )            

      **seNames** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the storage elements to be matched
      **statusTypes** - [ None, `string`, `list` ]
        name(s) of the statusTypes to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()                 

        cacheMatch = self.seCache.match(seNames, statusTypes)
        if not cacheMatch['OK']:
            return cacheMatch

        cacheMatch = cacheMatch['Value']

        for seName, seDict in cacheMatch.items():

            if not self.__getSiteAccess('StorageElement', seName,

                cacheMatch[seName] = dict(
                    zip(seDict.keys(), ['Banned'] * len(seDict)))

        return S_OK(cacheMatch)

    def getStorageElementStatus(self, seName, statusType):
    Given a se and a statusType, it returns its status from the cache.
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( 'Active' )
      >>> resourceStatus.getComputingElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      **seName** - `string`
        name of the storage element to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()

        return self.getElementStatus('StorageElement', seName, statusType)

    def isUsableStorageElement(self, seName, statusType):
    Similar method to getStorageElementStatus. The difference is the output.
    Given a se name, returns a bool if the se is usable: 
      status is Active or Degraded outputs True
      anything else outputs False
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorageElement( 'CERN-USER', 'ReadAccess' )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorageElement( 'CERN-ARCHIVE', 'ReadAccess' )
          False # May be banned
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorageElement( 'CERN-USER', None )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorageElement( 'RubbishCE', 'ReadAccess' )
      >>> resourceStatus.isUsableStorageElement( 'CERN-USER', 'RubbishAccess' )
      **seName** - `string`
        name of the storage element to be matched
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()    

        return self.isUsableElement('StorageElement', seName, statusType)

    def getUsableStorageElements(self, statusType):
    For a given statusType, returns all storage elements that are usable: their 
    status for that particular statusType is either Active or Degraded; in a list.
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableStorageElements( 'ReadAccess' )
          S_OK( [ 'CERN-USER', 'PIC-USER',... ] )
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableStorageElements( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )
      >>> resourceStatus.getUsableStorageElements( 'RubbishAccess' )
          S_ERROR( ... )    
      **statusType** - `string`
        name of the statusType to be matched
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()

        return self.getUsableElements('StorageElement', statusType)

    # Private methods

    def __getSiteAccess(self, resourceType, elementName, siteAccess):
    Method that given a resourceType and an elementName, finds the site name
    that owes it. Once that is done, the site access <siteAccess> is checked
    and returned.
      **resourceType** - `string`
        name of the resource type ( StorageElement, ComputingElement.. )
      **elementName** - `string`
        name of the resource of type <resourceType>
      **siteAccess** - `string`
        site access ( StorageAccess, ComputingAccess .. )  
    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()    

        siteName = Resources.getSiteForResource(resourceType, elementName)
        if not siteName['OK']:
            return siteName
        siteName = siteName['Value']

        if not self.siteStatus.isUsableSite(siteName, siteAccess):
            return S_ERROR('Site %s is not usable for Computing' % siteName)

        return S_OK()

    # Old code, to be deleted / refactored soon.

#  def getStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType = None ):
#    """
#    Helper with dual access, tries to get information from the RSS for the given
#    StorageElement, otherwise, it gets it from the CS.
#    example:
#      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'Read' )
#          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : { 'Read': 'Active' } } )
#      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'Write' )
#          S_OK( { 'CERN-USER' : {'Read': 'Active', 'Write': 'Active', 'Check': 'Banned', 'Remove': 'Banned'}} )
#      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType' )
#          S_ERROR( xyz.. )
#      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType' )
#          S_OK( 'Unknown' )
#    """
#    if self.__getMode():
#      # We do not apply defaults. If is not on the cache, S_ERROR is returned.
#      return self.__getRSSStorageElementStatus( elementName, statusType )
#    else:
#      return self.__getCSStorageElementStatus( elementName, statusType )

# FIXME: to be deleted !!! ONLY RSS ( scripts, agents and web portal ) should set statuses
#  def setStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, status, reason = None,
#                               tokenOwner = None ):
#    """
#    Helper with dual access, tries set information in RSS and in CS.
#    example:
#      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'Read' )
#          S_OK( { 'Read': 'Active' } )
#      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'Write' )
#          S_OK( {'Read': 'Active', 'Write': 'Active', 'Check': 'Banned', 'Remove': 'Banned'} )
#      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType' )
#          S_ERROR( xyz.. )
#      >>> getStorageElementStatus( 'CERN-USER', 'ThisIsAWrongStatusType', 'Unknown' )
#          S_OK( 'Unknown' )
#    """
#    #if self.__getMode():
#    #return self.__setRSSStorageElementStatus( elementName, statusType, status, reason, tokenOwner )
#    #else:
#    #  return self.__setCSStorageElementStatus( elementName, statusType, status )

# update Cache methods

    def _updateCECache(self):
      Method used to update the ComputingElementCache.
        return self.__updateCache('ComputingElement')

    def _updateSECache(self):
      Method used to update the StorageElementCache.
        return self.__updateCache('StorageElement')

    def __updateCache(self, elementType):

        meta = {'columns': ['Name', 'StatusType', 'Status']}
        rawCache = self.rssClient.selectStatusElement('Resource',

        if not rawCache['OK']:
            return rawCache
        return S_OK(self.getCacheDictFromRawData(rawCache['Value']))

    # TODO : delete all this

#  def __getRSSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType ):
#    """
#    Gets from the cache or the RSS the StorageElements status. The cache is a
#    copy of the DB table. If it is not on the cache, most likely is not going
#    to be on the DB.
#    There is one exception: item just added to the CS, e.g. new StorageElement.
#    The period between it is added to the DB and the changes are propagated
#    to the cache will be inconsisten, but not dangerous. Just wait <cacheLifeTime>
#    minutes.
#    """
#    siteAccess = self.__getSiteAccess( 'StorageElement', elementName, 'StorageAccess' )
#    if not siteAccess[ 'OK' ]:
#      self.log.error( siteAccess[ 'Message' ] )
#      return siteAccess
#    cacheMatch = self.seCache.match( elementName, statusType )
#    self.log.debug( '__getRSSStorageElementStatus' )
#    self.log.debug( cacheMatch )
#    return cacheMatch

#  def __getCSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, default = None ):
#    """
#    Gets from the CS the StorageElements status
#    """
#    cs_path     = "/Resources/StorageElements"
#    if not isinstance( elementName, list ):
#      elementName = [ elementName ]
#    statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType( 'StorageElement' )
#    result = {}
#    for element in elementName:
#      if statusType is not None:
#        # Added Active by default
#        res = gConfig.getOption( "%s/%s/%s" % ( cs_path, element, statusType ), 'Active' )
#        if res[ 'OK' ] and res[ 'Value' ]:
#          result[ element ] = { statusType : res[ 'Value' ] }
#      else:
#        res = gConfig.getOptionsDict( "%s/%s" % ( cs_path, element ) )
#        if res[ 'OK' ] and res[ 'Value' ]:
#          elementStatuses = {}
#          for elementStatusType, value in res[ 'Value' ].items():
#            if elementStatusType in statuses:
#              elementStatuses[ elementStatusType ] = value
#          # If there is no status defined in the CS, we add by default Read and
#          # Write as Active.
#          if elementStatuses == {}:
#            elementStatuses = { 'ReadAccess' : 'Active', 'WriteAccess' : 'Active' }
#          result[ element ] = elementStatuses
#    if result:
#      return S_OK( result )
#    if default is not None:
#      # sec check
#      if statusType is None:
#        statusType = 'none'
#      defList = [ [ el, statusType, default ] for el in elementName ]
#      return S_OK( getDictFromList( defList ) )
#    _msg = "StorageElement '%s', with statusType '%s' is unknown for CS."
#    return S_ERROR( _msg % ( elementName, statusType ) )

#  def __setRSSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, status, reason, tokenOwner ):
#    """
#    Sets on the RSS the StorageElements status
#    """
#    expiration = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta( days = 1 )
#    self.seCache.acquireLock()
#    try:
#      res = self.rssClient.modifyStatusElement( 'Resource', 'Status', name = elementName,
#                                                statusType = statusType, status = status,
#                                                reason = reason, tokenOwner = tokenOwner,
#                                                tokenExpiration = expiration )
#      if res[ 'OK' ]:
#        self.seCache.refreshCache()
#      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
#        _msg = 'Error updating StorageElement (%s,%s,%s)' % ( elementName, statusType, status )
#        gLogger.warn( 'RSS: %s' % _msg )
#      return res
#    finally:
#      # Release lock, no matter what.
#      self.seCache.releaseLock()

#  def __setCSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, status ):
#    """
#    Sets on the CS the StorageElements status
#    """
#    statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType( 'StorageElement' )
#    if not statusType in statuses:
#      gLogger.error( "%s is not a valid statusType" % statusType )
#      return S_ERROR( "%s is not a valid statusType: %s" % ( statusType, statuses ) )
#    csAPI = CSAPI()
#    cs_path     = "/Resources/StorageElements"
#    csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/%s" % ( cs_path, elementName, statusType ), status )
#    res = csAPI.commitChanges()
#    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
#      gLogger.warn( 'CS: %s' % res[ 'Message' ] )
#    return res

#  def __getMode( self ):
#    """
#      Get's flag defined ( or not ) on the RSSConfiguration. If defined as 1,
#      we use RSS, if not, we use CS.
#    """
#    res = self.rssConfig.getConfigState()
#    if res == 'Active':
#      if self.rssClient is None:
#        self.rssClient = ResourceStatusClient()
#      return True
#    self.rssClient = None
#    return False


#def getDictFromList( fromList ):
#  '''
#  Auxiliary method that given a list returns a dictionary of dictionaries:
#  { site1 : { statusType1 : st1, statusType2 : st2 }, ... }
#  '''
#  res = {}
#  for listElement in fromList:
#    site, sType, status = listElement
#    if not res.has_key( site ):
#      res[ site ] = {}
#    res[ site ][ sType ] = status
#  return res

#def getCacheDictFromRawData( rawList ):
#  """
#  Formats the raw data list, which we know it must have tuples of three elements.
#  ( element1, element2, element3 ) into a list of tuples with the format
#  ( ( element1, element2 ), element3 ). Then, it is converted to a dictionary,
#  which will be the new Cache.
#  It happens that element1 is elementName, element2 is statusType and element3
#  is status.
#  :Parameters:
#    **rawList** - `list`
#      list of three element tuples [( element1, element2, element3 ),... ]
#  :return: dict of the form { ( elementName, statusType ) : status, ... }
#  """
#  res = [ ( ( name, sType ), status ) for name, sType, status in rawList ]
#  return dict( res )
