コード例 #1
class LcgFileCatalogCombinedClient( object ):

  ro_methods = ['exists', 'isLink', 'readLink', 'isFile', 'getFileMetadata', 'getReplicas',
                'getReplicaStatus', 'getFileSize', 'isDirectory', 'getDirectoryReplicas',
                'listDirectory', 'getDirectoryMetadata', 'getDirectorySize', 'getDirectoryContents',
                'resolveDataset', 'getPathPermissions', 'getLFNForPFN']

  write_methods = ['createLink', 'removeLink', 'addFile', 'addReplica', 'removeReplica',
                   'removeFile', 'setReplicaStatus', 'setReplicaHost', 'createDirectory',
                   'removeDirectory', 'removeDataset', 'removeFileFromDataset', 'createDataset']

  def __init__( self, infosys = None, master_host = None, mirrors = [] ):
    """ Default constructor
    if not infosys:
      configPath = '/Resources/FileCatalogs/LcgFileCatalogCombined/LcgGfalInfosys'
      infosys = gConfig.getValue( configPath )

    self.valid = False
    if not master_host:
      configPath = '/Resources/FileCatalogs/LcgFileCatalogCombined/MasterHost'
      master_host = gConfig.getValue( configPath )
    if master_host:
      # Create the master LFC client first
      self.lfc = LcgFileCatalogClient( infosys, master_host )
      if self.lfc.isOK():
        self.valid = True

      if not mirrors:
        siteName = DIRAC.siteName()
        res = getLocationOrderedCatalogs( siteName = siteName )
        if not res['OK']:
          mirrors = []
          mirrors = res['Value']
      # Create the mirror LFC instances
      self.mirrors = []
      for mirror in mirrors:
        lfc = LcgFileCatalogClient( infosys, mirror )
        self.mirrors.append( lfc )
      self.nmirrors = len( self.mirrors )

      # Keep the environment for the master instance
      self.master_host = self.lfc.host
      os.environ['LFC_HOST'] = self.master_host
      os.environ['LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS'] = infosys
      self.name = 'LFC'
      self.timeout = 3000

  def isOK( self ):
    return self.valid

  def getName( self, DN = '' ):
    """ Get the file catalog type name
    return self.name

  def __getattr__( self, name ):
    self.call = name
    if name in LcgFileCatalogCombinedClient.write_methods:
      return self.w_execute
    elif name in LcgFileCatalogCombinedClient.ro_methods:
      return self.r_execute
      raise AttributeError

  def w_execute( self, *parms, **kws ):
    """ Write method executor.
        Dispatches execution of the methods which need Read/Write
        access to the master LFC instance

    # If the DN argument is given, this is an operation on behalf
    # of the user with this DN, prepare setAuthorizationId call
    userDN = ''
    if kws.has_key( 'DN' ):
      userDN = kws['DN']
      del kws['DN']

    # Try the method 3 times just in case of intermittent errors
    max_retry = 2
    count = 0
    result = S_ERROR()

    while ( not result['OK'] ) and ( count <= max_retry ):
      if count > 0:
        # If retrying, wait a bit
        time.sleep( 1 )
        result = S_OK()
        if userDN:
          resAuth = pythonCall( self.timeout, self.lfc.setAuthorizationId, userDN )
          if not resAuth['OK']:
            result = S_ERROR( 'Failed to set user authorization' )
        if result['OK']:
          method = getattr( self.lfc, self.call )
          resMeth = method( *parms, **kws )
          if not resMeth['OK']:
            return resMeth
            result = resMeth
      except Exception, x:
        gLogger.exception( 'Exception while calling LFC Master service', '', x )
        result = S_ERROR( 'Exception while calling LFC Master service ' + str( x ) )
      count += 1
    return result
コード例 #2
class LcgFileCatalogCombinedClient:

  ro_methods = ['exists', 'isLink', 'readLink', 'isFile', 'getFileMetadata', 'getReplicas',
                'getReplicaStatus', 'getFileSize', 'isDirectory', 'getDirectoryReplicas',
                'listDirectory', 'getDirectoryMetadata', 'getDirectorySize', 'getDirectoryContents',
                'resolveDataset', 'getPathPermissions', 'getLFNForPFN']

  write_methods = ['createLink', 'removeLink', 'addFile', 'addReplica', 'removeReplica',
                   'removeFile', 'setReplicaStatus', 'setReplicaHost', 'createDirectory',
                   'removeDirectory', 'removeDataset', 'removeFileFromDataset', 'createDataset']

  def __init__( self, infosys = None, master_host = None, mirrors = [] ):
    """ Default constructor
    if not infosys:
      configPath = '/Resources/FileCatalogs/LcgFileCatalogCombined/LcgGfalInfosys'
      infosys = gConfig.getValue( configPath )

    self.valid = False
    if not master_host:
      configPath = '/Resources/FileCatalogs/LcgFileCatalogCombined/MasterHost'
      master_host = gConfig.getValue( configPath )
    if master_host:
      # Create the master LFC client first
      self.lfc = LcgFileCatalogClient( infosys, master_host )
      if self.lfc.isOK():
        self.valid = True

      if not mirrors:
        siteName = DIRAC.siteName()
        res = getLocationOrderedCatalogs( siteName = siteName )
        if not res['OK']:
          mirrors = []
          mirrors = res['Value']
      # Create the mirror LFC instances
      self.mirrors = []
      for mirror in mirrors:
        lfc = LcgFileCatalogClient( infosys, mirror )
        self.mirrors.append( lfc )
      self.nmirrors = len( self.mirrors )

      # Keep the environment for the master instance
      self.master_host = self.lfc.host
      os.environ['LFC_HOST'] = self.master_host
      os.environ['LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS'] = infosys
      self.name = 'LFC'
      self.timeout = 3000

  def isOK( self ):
    return self.valid

  def getName( self, DN = '' ):
    """ Get the file catalog type name
    return self.name

  def __getattr__( self, name ):
    self.call = name
    if name in LcgFileCatalogCombinedClient.write_methods:
      return self.w_execute
    elif name in LcgFileCatalogCombinedClient.ro_methods:
      return self.r_execute
      raise AttributeError

  def w_execute( self, *parms, **kws ):
    """ Write method executor.
        Dispatches execution of the methods which need Read/Write
        access to the master LFC instance

    # If the DN argument is given, this is an operation on behalf
    # of the user with this DN, prepare setAuthorizationId call
    userDN = ''
    if kws.has_key( 'DN' ):
      userDN = kws['DN']
      del kws['DN']

    # Try the method 3 times just in case of intermittent errors
    max_retry = 2
    count = 0
    result = S_ERROR()

    while ( not result['OK'] ) and ( count <= max_retry ):
      if count > 0:
        # If retrying, wait a bit
        time.sleep( 1 )
        result = S_OK()
        if userDN:
          resAuth = pythonCall( self.timeout, self.lfc.setAuthorizationId, userDN )
          if not resAuth['OK']:
            result = S_ERROR( 'Failed to set user authorization' )
        if result['OK']:
          method = getattr( self.lfc, self.call )
          resMeth = method( *parms, **kws )
          if not resMeth['OK']:
            return resMeth
            result = resMeth
      except Exception, x:
        gLogger.exception( 'Exception while calling LFC Master service', '', x )
        result = S_ERROR( 'Exception while calling LFC Master service ' + str( x ) )
      count += 1
    return result