コード例 #1
    def __getFileStat(self, path):
    Get the file stat information

        conn, error, userDict = self.__irodsClient()
        if not conn:
            return S_ERROR(error)

        file_path = self.__resolveFileID(path, userDict)
        irodsHome = userDict.get('iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME)
        file_path = irodsHome + file_path
        gLogger.debug("file_path to read: %s" % file_path)

        resultDict = {}

        irodsFile = irodsOpen(conn, file_path, "r")
        if irodsFile:
            resultDict['Exists'] = True
            resultDict['File'] = True
            resultDict['Directory'] = False
            resultDict['Type'] = "File"
            resultDict['Size'] = irodsFile.getSize()
            resultDict['TimeStamps'] = (irodsFile.getCreateTs(),
            resultDict['Cached'] = 1
            resultDict['Migrated'] = 0
            resultDict['Lost'] = 0
            resultDict['Unavailable'] = 0
            resultDict['Mode'] = 0o755
            resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata(resultDict)
            return S_OK(resultDict)
            coll = irodsCollection(conn, file_path)
            if coll:
                resultDict['Exists'] = True
                resultDict['Type'] = "Directory"
                resultDict['File'] = False
                resultDict['Directory'] = True
                resultDict['Size'] = 0
                resultDict['TimeStamps'] = (0, 0, 0)
                resultDict['Cached'] = 1
                resultDict['Migrated'] = 0
                resultDict['Lost'] = 0
                resultDict['Unavailable'] = 0
                resultDict['Mode'] = 0o755
                resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata(resultDict)
                return S_OK(resultDict)
                return S_ERROR('Path does not exist')
コード例 #2
  def __getFileStat( self, path ):
    Get the file stat information

    conn , error, userDict = self.__irodsClient( )
    if not conn:
      return S_ERROR( error )

    file_path = self.__resolveFileID( path, userDict )
    irodsHome = userDict.get( 'iRodsHome', IRODS_HOME )
    file_path = irodsHome + file_path
    gLogger.debug( "file_path to read: %s" % file_path )

    resultDict = {}

    irodsFile = irodsOpen( conn , file_path , "r" )
    if irodsFile:
      resultDict['Exists'] = True
      resultDict['File'] = True
      resultDict['Directory'] = False
      resultDict['Type'] = "File"
      resultDict['Size'] = irodsFile.getSize()
      resultDict['TimeStamps'] = ( irodsFile.getCreateTs(), irodsFile.getModifyTs(), irodsFile.getCreateTs() )
      resultDict['Cached'] = 1
      resultDict['Migrated'] = 0
      resultDict['Lost'] = 0
      resultDict['Unavailable'] = 0
      resultDict['Mode'] = 0o755
      resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata( resultDict )
      return S_OK( resultDict )
      coll = irodsCollection( conn, file_path )
      if coll:
        resultDict['Exists'] = True
        resultDict['Type'] = "Directory"
        resultDict['File'] = False
        resultDict['Directory'] = True
        resultDict['Size'] = 0
        resultDict['TimeStamps'] = ( 0,0,0 )
        resultDict['Cached'] = 1
        resultDict['Migrated'] = 0
        resultDict['Lost'] = 0
        resultDict['Unavailable'] = 0
        resultDict['Mode'] = 0o755
        resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata( resultDict )
        return S_OK( resultDict )
        return S_ERROR( 'Path does not exist' )
コード例 #3
    def __getFileStat(path):
        """ Get the file stat information
        resultDict = {}
            statTuple = os.stat(path)
        except OSError as x:
            if str(x).find('No such file') >= 0:
                resultDict['Exists'] = False
                return S_OK(resultDict)
            return S_ERROR('Failed to get metadata for %s' % path)

        resultDict['Exists'] = True
        mode = statTuple[stat.ST_MODE]
        resultDict['Type'] = "File"
        resultDict['File'] = True
        resultDict['Directory'] = False
        if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
            resultDict['Type'] = "Directory"
            resultDict['File'] = False
        resultDict['Directory'] = True
        resultDict['Size'] = statTuple[stat.ST_SIZE]
        resultDict['TimeStamps'] = (statTuple[stat.ST_ATIME],
        resultDict['Cached'] = 1
        resultDict['Migrated'] = 0
        resultDict['Lost'] = 0
        resultDict['Unavailable'] = 0
        resultDict['Mode'] = stat.S_IMODE(mode)

        if resultDict['File']:
            cks = fileAdler(path)
            resultDict['Checksum'] = cks

        resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata(resultDict)

        return S_OK(resultDict)
コード例 #4
    def __getFileStat(path):
        """Get the file stat information"""
        resultDict = {}
            statTuple = os.stat(path)
        except OSError as x:
            if str(x).find("No such file") >= 0:
                resultDict["Exists"] = False
                return S_OK(resultDict)
            return S_ERROR("Failed to get metadata for %s" % path)

        resultDict["Exists"] = True
        mode = statTuple[stat.ST_MODE]
        resultDict["Type"] = "File"
        resultDict["File"] = True
        resultDict["Directory"] = False
        if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
            resultDict["Type"] = "Directory"
            resultDict["File"] = False
        resultDict["Directory"] = True
        resultDict["Size"] = statTuple[stat.ST_SIZE]
        resultDict["TimeStamps"] = (statTuple[stat.ST_ATIME],
        resultDict["Cached"] = 1
        resultDict["Migrated"] = 0
        resultDict["Lost"] = 0
        resultDict["Unavailable"] = 0
        resultDict["Mode"] = stat.S_IMODE(mode)

        if resultDict["File"]:
            cks = fileAdler(path)
            resultDict["Checksum"] = cks

        resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata(resultDict)

        return S_OK(resultDict)
コード例 #5
  def __getFileStat(path):
    """ Get the file stat information
    resultDict = {}
      statTuple = os.stat(path)
    except OSError as x:
      if str(x).find('No such file') >= 0:
        resultDict['Exists'] = False
        return S_OK(resultDict)
      return S_ERROR('Failed to get metadata for %s' % path)

    resultDict['Exists'] = True
    mode = statTuple[stat.ST_MODE]
    resultDict['Type'] = "File"
    resultDict['File'] = True
    resultDict['Directory'] = False
    if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
      resultDict['Type'] = "Directory"
      resultDict['File'] = False
    resultDict['Directory'] = True
    resultDict['Size'] = statTuple[stat.ST_SIZE]
    resultDict['TimeStamps'] = (statTuple[stat.ST_ATIME], statTuple[stat.ST_MTIME], statTuple[stat.ST_CTIME])
    resultDict['Cached'] = 1
    resultDict['Migrated'] = 0
    resultDict['Lost'] = 0
    resultDict['Unavailable'] = 0
    resultDict['Mode'] = stat.S_IMODE(mode)

    if resultDict['File']:
      cks = fileAdler(path)
      resultDict['Checksum'] = cks

    resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata(resultDict)

    return S_OK(resultDict)
コード例 #6
class StorageElementHandler( RequestHandler ):
  .. class:: StorageElementHandler


  def __confirmToken( self, token, path, mode ):
    """ Confirm the access rights for the path in a given mode
    # Not yet implemented
    return True

  def __checkForDiskSpace( dpath, size ):
    """ Check if the directory dpath can accommodate 'size' volume of data
    stats = os.statvfs( dpath )
    dsize = stats.f_bsize * stats.f_bavail
    maxStorageSizeBytes = MAX_STORAGE_SIZE * 1024 * 1024
    return min( dsize, maxStorageSizeBytes ) > size

  def __resolveFileID( self, fileID ):
    """ get path to file for a given :fileID: """

    port = self.getCSOption( 'Port', '' )
    if not port:
      return ''

    if ":%s" % port in fileID:
      loc = fileID.find( ":%s" % port )
      if loc >= 0:
        fileID = fileID[loc + len( ":%s" % port ):]

    serviceName = self.serviceInfoDict['serviceName']
    loc = fileID.find( serviceName )
    if loc >= 0:
      fileID = fileID[loc + len( serviceName ):]

    loc = fileID.find( '?=' )
    if loc >= 0:
      fileID = fileID[loc + 2:]

    if fileID.find( BASE_PATH ) == 0:
      return fileID
    while fileID and fileID[0] == '/':
      fileID = fileID[1:]
    return os.path.join( BASE_PATH, fileID )

  def __getFileStat( path ):
    """ Get the file stat information
    resultDict = {}
      statTuple = os.stat( path )
    except OSError, x:
      if str( x ).find( 'No such file' ) >= 0:
        resultDict['Exists'] = False
        return S_OK( resultDict )
        return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get metadata for %s' % path )

    resultDict['Exists'] = True
    mode = statTuple[ST_MODE]
    resultDict['Type'] = "File"
    resultDict['File'] = True
    resultDict['Directory'] = False
    if S_ISDIR( mode ):
      resultDict['Type'] = "Directory"
      resultDict['File'] = False
    resultDict['Directory'] = True
    resultDict['Size'] = statTuple[ST_SIZE]
    resultDict['TimeStamps'] = ( statTuple[ST_ATIME], statTuple[ST_MTIME], statTuple[ST_CTIME] )
    resultDict['Cached'] = 1
    resultDict['Migrated'] = 0
    resultDict['Lost'] = 0
    resultDict['Unavailable'] = 0
    resultDict['Mode'] = S_IMODE( mode )

    if resultDict['File']:
      cks = fileAdler( path )
      resultDict['Checksum'] = cks

    resultDict = StorageBase._addCommonMetadata( resultDict )

    return S_OK( resultDict )