コード例 #1
  def __getLoggingInfo(self, transid):

    callback = {}
    tsClient = TransformationClient()
    result = tsClient.getTransformationLogging(transid)
    if result["OK"]:
      result = result["Value"]
      if len(result) > 0:
        callback = []
        resultUser = gConfig.getSections("/Security/Users")
        if resultUser["OK"]:
          users = resultUser["Value"]
          dndb = {}
          for j in users:
            dndb[gConfig.getValue("/Security/Users/%s/DN" % j)] = j
          dndb = {}
        for i in result:
          DN = i["AuthorDN"]
          if DN in dndb:
            i["AuthorDN"] = dndb[DN]
            i["AuthorDN"] = DN  # "Owner Unknown"
          date = Time.toString(i["MessageDate"])
          callback.append([i["Message"], date, i["AuthorDN"]])
        callback = {"success": "true", "result": callback}
        callback = {"success": "false", "error": "Nothing to display"}
      callback = {"success": "false", "error": result["Message"]}
    gLogger.info("PRODUCTION LOG:", id)
    return callback
コード例 #2
class FileReport( object ):
  """ A stateful object for reporting to TransformationDB

  def __init__( self, server = 'Transformation/TransformationManager' ):
    """ c'tor

        self.transClient is a TransformationClient object
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.transClient.setServer( server )
    self.statusDict = {}
    self.transformation = None
    self.force = False

  def setFileStatus( self, transformation, lfn, status, sendFlag = False ):
    """ Set file status in the context of the given transformation
    if not self.transformation:
      self.transformation = transformation
    self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    if sendFlag:
      return self.commit()
    return S_OK()

  def setCommonStatus( self, status ):
    """ Set common status for all files in the internal cache
    for lfn in self.statusDict.keys():
      self.statusDict[lfn] = status
    return S_OK()

  def getFiles( self ):
    """ Get the statuses of the files already accumulated in the FileReport object
    return copy.deepcopy( self.statusDict )

  def commit( self ):
    """ Commit pending file status update records
    if not self.statusDict:
      return S_OK( {} )

    result = self.transClient.setFileStatusForTransformation( self.transformation, self.statusDict, force = self.force )
    if result['OK']:
      self.statusDict = {}
    return result

  def generateForwardDISET( self ):
    """ Commit the accumulated records and generate request eventually
    result = self.commit()
    commitOp = None
    if not result['OK']:
      # Generate Request
      commitOp = Operation()
      commitOp.Type = 'SetFileStatus'
      commitOp.Arguments = DEncode.encode( {'transformation':self.transformation, 'statusDict':self.statusDict, 'force':self.force} )

    return S_OK( commitOp )
コード例 #3
  def _getProdInfoFromIDs(self):
    """get the processName, energy and eventsPerJob from the MetaData catalog

    :raises: AttributeError if some of the information cannot be found
    :returns: None
    if not self.prodIDs:
      raise AttributeError("No prodIDs defined")

    self.eventsPerJobs = []
    self.processes = []
    self.energies = []
    from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient
    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient
    trc = TransformationClient()
    fc = FileCatalogClient()
    for prodID in self.prodIDs:
      gLogger.notice("Getting information for %s" % prodID)
      tRes = trc.getTransformation(str(prodID))
      if not tRes['OK']:
        raise AttributeError("No prodInfo found for %s" % prodID)
      lfnRes = fc.findFilesByMetadata({'ProdID': prodID})
      if not lfnRes['OK'] or not lfnRes['Value']:
        raise AttributeError("Could not find files for %s: %s " % (prodID, lfnRes.get('Message', lfnRes.get('Value'))))
      path = os.path.dirname(lfnRes['Value'][0])
      fileRes = fc.getDirectoryUserMetadata(path)
      gLogger.notice("Found (Evts,Type,Energy): %s %s %s " %
                     (self.eventsPerJobs[-1], self.processes[-1], self.energies[-1]))
コード例 #4
  def __fileRetry(self, prodid, mode):
    callback = {}

    tsClient = TransformationClient()

    if mode == "proc":
      res = tsClient.getTransformationFilesCount(prodid, "ErrorCount", {'Status': 'Processed'})
    elif mode == "not":
      res = tsClient.getTransformationFilesCount(prodid, "ErrorCount", {'Status': ['Unused', 'Assigned', 'Failed']})
    elif mode == "all":
      res = tsClient.getTransformationFilesCount(prodid, "ErrorCount")

    if not res['OK']:
      callback = {"success": "false", "error": res["Message"]}
      resList = []
      total = res['Value'].pop('Total')
      if total == 0:
        callback = {"success": "false", "error": "No files found"}
        for status in sorted(res['Value'].keys()):
          count = res['Value'][status]
          percent = "%.1f" % ((count * 100.0) / total)
          resList.append((status, str(count), percent))
        resList.append(('Total', total, '-'))
        callback = {"success": "true", "result": resList}
    gLogger.info("#######", res)
    return callback
コード例 #5
ファイル: DataParameters.py プロジェクト: LCDsoft/ILCDIRAC
def checkDatatype(prodID, datatype):
  """Check if the datatype makes sense for given production."""
  # skip data type check when creating replications in development for prod productions this check doesn't work
  if os.environ.get('SKIP_CHECK', False):
    LOG.warn("Skipping Datatype check!")
    return S_OK()

  tClient = TransformationClient()
  cond = dict(TransformationID=prodID)
  trafo = tClient.getTransformations(cond)
  if not trafo['OK']:
    return trafo
  if len(trafo['Value']) != 1:
    return S_ERROR("Did not get unique production for this prodID")

  trafoType = trafo['Value'][0]['Type'].split("_")[0]

  dataTypes = Operations().getOptionsDict('Production/TransformationDatatypes')
  if not dataTypes['OK']:
    return dataTypes

  dataTypes = dataTypes['Value']
  if trafoType not in dataTypes[datatype]:
    return S_ERROR("Datatype %r doesn't fit production type %r for prodID %s" % (datatype, trafoType, prodID))

  return S_OK()
コード例 #6
  def __workflowxml(self, transid):

    tsClient = TransformationClient()
    retVal = tsClient.getTransformations({'TransformationID': transid})
    if not retVal['OK']:
      raise WErr.fromSERROR(retVal)
    print retVal['Value']
    return {"success": "true", "result": retVal['Value'][0]['Body']}
コード例 #7
ファイル: DataParameters.py プロジェクト: LCDsoft/ILCDIRAC
def getTransformationGroup(prodID, groupName):
  """Return TransformationGroup of prodID."""
  if groupName:
    return groupName
  tClient = TransformationClient()
  res = tClient.getTransformationParameters(prodID, 'TransformationGroup')
  if not res['OK']:
    return None
  return res['Value']
コード例 #8
  def __additionalParams(self, prodid):
    callback = {}
    tsClient = TransformationClient()

    res = tsClient.getAdditionalParameters(prodid)
    if not res['OK']:
      callback = {"success": "false", "error": res["Message"]}
      result = res["Value"]
      back = []
      for i in sorted(result.keys()):
        back.append([i, result[i]])
      callback = {"success": "true", "result": back}
    return callback
コード例 #9
 def __dataQuery(self, prodid):
   callback = {}
   tsClient = TransformationClient()
   res = tsClient.getTransformationInputDataQuery(prodid)
   gLogger.info("-= #######", res)
   if not res['OK']:
     callback = {"success": "false", "error": res["Message"]}
     result = res["Value"]
     back = []
     for i in sorted(result.keys()):
       back.append([i, result[i]])
     callback = {"success": "true", "result": back}
   return callback
コード例 #10
class TaskBase:
  def __init__(self):
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()

  def prepareTransformationTasks(self,transBody,taskDict,owner='',ownerGroup=''):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
  def submitTransformationTasks(self,taskDict):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
  def submitTasksToExternal(self,task):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
  def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(self,taskDict):
    updated = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    for taskID in sortList(taskDict.keys()):
      transID = taskDict[taskID]['TransformationID']
      if taskDict[taskID]['Success']:
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID(transID,taskID,'Submitted',str(taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID']))
        if not res['OK']:
          gLogger.warn("updateDBAfterSubmission: Failed to update task status after submission" , "%s %s" % (taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'],res['Message']))
        updated +=1
    gLogger.info("updateDBAfterSubmission: Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" % (updated,time.time()-startTime))
    return S_OK()
  def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self,taskDicts):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self,taskDicts):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

  def getSubmittedFileStatus(self,fileDicts):
    return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
コード例 #11
  def initialize(self):
    """Sets defaults
    self.am_setModuleParam("shifterProxy", "ProductionManager")

    self.basepath = self.am_getOption("BasePath", "")
    if not self.basepath:
      return S_ERROR("Missing mandatory option BasePath")

    self.baselogpath = self.am_getOption("BaseLogPath", "")
    if not self.baselogpath:
      return S_ERROR("Missing mandatory option BaseLogPath")

    self.ops = Operations()

    dest_se = self.ops.getValue("Transformations/ArchiveSE", "")
    if not dest_se:
      return S_ERROR("Missing mandatory option ArchiveSE")
    self.storageElement = StorageElement( dest_se )
    baselfn = self.ops.getValue("Transformations/BaseLogLFN", "")
    if not baselfn:
      return S_ERROR("Missing mandatory option Transformations/BaseLogLFN")
    self.baselfn = baselfn
    self.transclient = TransformationClient()
    self.log.info("Running ")
    return S_OK()
コード例 #12
  def initialize( self ):
    """Sets defaults """
    self.replicaManager = ReplicaManager()
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.wmsClient = WMSClient()
    self.requestClient = RequestClient()
    self.metadataClient = FileCatalogClient()
    self.storageUsageClient = StorageUsageClient()

    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under 
    # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'DataManager' )

    self.transformationTypes = sortList( self.am_getOption( 'TransformationTypes', ['MCSimulation', 'DataReconstruction', 'DataStripping', 'MCStripping', 'Merge', 'Replication'] ) )
    gLogger.info( "Will consider the following transformation types: %s" % str( self.transformationTypes ) )
    self.directoryLocations = sortList( self.am_getOption( 'DirectoryLocations', ['TransformationDB', 'StorageUsage', 'MetadataCatalog'] ) )
    gLogger.info( "Will search for directories in the following locations: %s" % str( self.directoryLocations ) )
    self.transfidmeta = self.am_getOption( 'TransfIDMeta', "TransformationID" )
    gLogger.info( "Will use %s as metadata tag name for TransformationID" % self.transfidmeta )
    self.archiveAfter = self.am_getOption( 'ArchiveAfter', 7 ) # days
    gLogger.info( "Will archive Completed transformations after %d days" % self.archiveAfter )
    self.activeStorages = sortList( self.am_getOption( 'ActiveSEs', [] ) )
    gLogger.info( "Will check the following storage elements: %s" % str( self.activeStorages ) )
    self.logSE = self.am_getOption( 'TransformationLogSE', 'LogSE' )
    gLogger.info( "Will remove logs found on storage element: %s" % self.logSE )
    return S_OK()
コード例 #13
  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    ''' c'tor
    AgentModule.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
    # # replica manager
    self.replicaManager = ReplicaManager()
    # # transformation client
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    # # wms client
    self.wmsClient = WMSClient()
    # # request client
    self.requestClient = RequestClient()
    # # file catalog clinet
    self.metadataClient = FileCatalogClient()

    # # placeholders for CS options

    # # transformations types
    self.transformationTypes = None
    # # directory locations
    self.directoryLocations = None
    # # transformation metadata
    self.transfidmeta = None
    # # archive periof in days
    self.archiveAfter = None
    # # active SEs
    self.activeStorages = None
    # # transformation log SEs
    self.logSE = None
    # # enable/disable execution
    self.enableFlag = None
コード例 #14
  def initialize( self ):
    """ Agent initialization.

        The extensions MUST provide in the initialize method the following data members:
        - TransformationClient objects (self.transClient),
        - set the shifterProxy if different from the default one set here ('ProductionManager')
        - list of transformation types to be looked (self.transType)

    gMonitor.registerActivity( "SubmittedTasks", "Automatically submitted tasks", "Transformation Monitoring", "Tasks",
                               gMonitor.OP_ACUM )

    self.pluginLocation = self.am_getOption( 'PluginLocation', 'DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TaskManagerPlugin' )

    # Default clients
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()

    # Bulk submission flag
    self.bulkSubmissionFlag = self.am_getOption( 'BulkSubmission', False )

    # setting up the threading
    maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption( 'maxNumberOfThreads', 15 )
    threadPool = ThreadPool( maxNumberOfThreads, maxNumberOfThreads )
    self.log.verbose( "Multithreaded with %d threads" % maxNumberOfThreads )

    for i in xrange( maxNumberOfThreads ):
      threadPool.generateJobAndQueueIt( self._execute, [i] )

    return S_OK()
コード例 #15
  def __transformationDetail(self, prodid):
    callback = {}

    tsClient = TransformationClient()
    res = tsClient.getTransformationParameters(prodid, ['DetailedInfo'])

    if not res["OK"]:
      callback = {"success": "false", "error": res["Message"]}
      callback = res['Value']
      if callback:
        callback = {"success": "true", "result": res['Value']}
        callback = {"success": "false", "error": "Production does not have parameter 'DetailedInfo'"}
    gLogger.info("#######", res)
    return callback
コード例 #16
ファイル: ProductionJob.py プロジェクト: LCDsoft/ILCDIRAC
  def __init__(self, script = None):
    super(ProductionJob, self).__init__( script )
    self.prodVersion = __RCSID__
    self.dryrun = False
    self.created = False
    self.checked = False
    self.call_finalization = False
    self.finalsdict = {}
    self.transfid = 0
    self.type = 'Production'
    self.csSection = '/Production/Defaults'
    self.ops = Operations()
    self.fc = FileCatalogClient()
    self.trc = TransformationClient()
    self.defaultProdID = '12345'
    self.defaultProdJobID = '12345'
    self.jobFileGroupSize = 1
    self.nbtasks = 1
    self.slicesize =0
    self.basename = ''
    self.basepath = self.ops.getValue('/Production/CLIC/BasePath','/ilc/prod/clic/')
    self.evttype = ''
    self.datatype = ''
    self.energycat = ''
    self.detector = ''
    self.currtrans = None
    self.description = ''

    self.finalpaths = []
    self.finalMetaDict = defaultdict( dict )
    self.prodMetaDict = {}
    self.finalMetaDictNonSearch = {}
    self.metadict_external = {}
    self.outputStorage = ''

    self.proxyinfo = getProxyInfo()

    self.inputdataquery = False
    self.inputBKSelection = {}
    self.plugin = 'Standard'
    self.prodGroup = ''

    self.prodTypes = ['MCGeneration', 'MCSimulation', 'Test', 'MCReconstruction',
                      'MCReconstruction_Overlay', 'Merge', 'Split',
    self.prodparameters = {}
    self.prodparameters['NbInputFiles'] = 1
    self.prodparameters['nbevts']  = 0 
    #self.prodparameters["SWPackages"] = ''
    self._addParameter(self.workflow, "IS_PROD", 'JDL', True, "This job is a production job")
    if not script:

    self._recBasePaths = {}
    self.maxFCFoldersToCheck = 100000
コード例 #17
class TaskBase( TransformationAgentsUtilities ):
  ''' The other classes inside here inherits from this one.

  def __init__( self, transClient = None, logger = None ):

    if not transClient:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient

    if not logger:
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'TaskBase' )
      self.log = logger

    self.pluginLocation = 'DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TaskManagerPlugin'
    self.transInThread = {}
    self.debug = False

  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '', ownerDN = '',
                                  bulkSubmissionFlag = False ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def submitTransformationTasks( self, taskDict ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def submitTasksToExternal( self, task ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission( self, taskDict ):
    """ Sets tasks status after the submission to "Submitted", in case of success
    updated = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    for taskID, task in taskDict.iteritems():
      transID = task['TransformationID']
      if task['Success']:
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID( transID, taskID, 'Submitted',
                                                      str( task['ExternalID'] ) )
        if not res['OK']:
          self._logWarn( "Failed to update task status after submission" ,
                         "%s %s" % ( task['ExternalID'], res['Message'] ),
                         transID = transID, method = 'updateDBAfterSubmission' )
        updated += 1
    if updated:
      self._logInfo( "Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" % ( updated, time.time() - startTime ),
                     transID = transID, method = 'updateDBAfterSubmission' )
    return S_OK()

  def updateTransformationReservedTasks( self, taskDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus( self, taskDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def getSubmittedFileStatus( self, fileDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )
コード例 #18
  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    ''' c'tor
    AgentModule.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )

    self.taskManager = None
    self.shifterProxy = ''
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.transType = []
コード例 #19
    def __init__(self, transID=0, transClient=""):
        self.paramTypes = {
            "TransformationID": [types.IntType, types.LongType],
            "TransformationName": types.StringTypes,
            "Status": types.StringTypes,
            "Description": types.StringTypes,
            "LongDescription": types.StringTypes,
            "Type": types.StringTypes,
            "Plugin": types.StringTypes,
            "AgentType": types.StringTypes,
            "FileMask": types.StringTypes,
            "TransformationGroup": types.StringTypes,
            "GroupSize": [types.IntType, types.LongType, types.FloatType],
            "InheritedFrom": [types.IntType, types.LongType],
            "Body": types.StringTypes,
            "MaxNumberOfTasks": [types.IntType, types.LongType],
            "EventsPerTask": [types.IntType, types.LongType],
        self.paramValues = {
            "TransformationID": 0,
            "TransformationName": "",
            "Status": "New",
            "Description": "",
            "LongDescription": "",
            "Type": "",
            "Plugin": "Standard",
            "AgentType": "Manual",
            "FileMask": "",
            "TransformationGroup": "General",
            "GroupSize": 1,
            "InheritedFrom": 0,
            "Body": "",
            "MaxNumberOfTasks": 0,
            "EventsPerTask": 0,

        self.supportedPlugins = ["Broadcast", "Standard", "BySize", "ByShare"]
        if not transClient:
            self.transClient = TransformationClient()
            self.transClient = transClient
        self.serverURL = self.transClient.getServer()
        self.exists = False
        if transID:
            self.paramValues["TransformationID"] = transID
            res = self.getTransformation()
            if res["OK"]:
                self.exists = True
            elif res["Message"] == "Transformation does not exist":
                raise AttributeError, "TransformationID %d does not exist" % transID
                self.paramValues["TransformationID"] = 0
                    "Failed to get transformation from database", "%s @ %s" % (transID, self.transClient.serverURL)
コード例 #20
ファイル: FileReport.py プロジェクト: DIRACGrid-test/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, server = 'Transformation/TransformationManager' ):
    """ c'tor

        self.transClient is a TransformationClient object
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.transClient.setServer( server )
    self.statusDict = {}
    self.transformation = None
    self.force = False
コード例 #21
ファイル: Transformation.py プロジェクト: marianne013/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, transID = 0, transClient = None ):
    """ c'tor
    super( Transformation, self ).__init__()

    self.paramTypes = { 'TransformationID'      : [types.IntType, types.LongType],
                        'TransformationName'    : types.StringTypes,
                        'Status'                : types.StringTypes,
                        'Description'           : types.StringTypes,
                        'LongDescription'       : types.StringTypes,
                        'Type'                  : types.StringTypes,
                        'Plugin'                : types.StringTypes,
                        'AgentType'             : types.StringTypes,
                        'FileMask'              : types.StringTypes,
                        'TransformationGroup'   : types.StringTypes,
                        'GroupSize'             : [types.IntType, types.LongType, types.FloatType],
                        'InheritedFrom'         : [types.IntType, types.LongType],
                        'Body'                  : types.StringTypes,
                        'MaxNumberOfTasks'      : [types.IntType, types.LongType],
                        'EventsPerTask'         : [types.IntType, types.LongType]}
    self.paramValues = { 'TransformationID'      : 0,
                         'TransformationName'    : '',
                         'Status'                : 'New',
                         'Description'           : '',
                         'LongDescription'       : '',
                         'Type'                  : '',
                         'Plugin'                : 'Standard',
                         'AgentType'             : 'Manual',
                         'FileMask'              : '',
                         'TransformationGroup'   : 'General',
                         'GroupSize'             : 1,
                         'InheritedFrom'         : 0,
                         'Body'                  : '',
                         'MaxNumberOfTasks'       : 0,
                         'EventsPerTask'          : 0}
    self.ops = Operations()
    self.supportedPlugins = self.ops.getValue( 'Transformations/AllowedPlugins',
                                               ['Broadcast', 'Standard', 'BySize', 'ByShare'] )
    if not transClient:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient
    self.serverURL = self.transClient.getServer()
    self.exists = False
    if transID:
      self.paramValues['TransformationID'] = transID
      res = self.getTransformation()
      if res['OK']:
        self.exists = True
      elif res['Message'] == 'Transformation does not exist':
        raise AttributeError( 'TransformationID %d does not exist' % transID )
        self.paramValues['TransformationID'] = 0
        gLogger.fatal( "Failed to get transformation from database", "%s @ %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                   self.transClient.serverURL ) )
コード例 #22
ファイル: InputDataAgent.py プロジェクト: KrzysztofCiba/DIRAC
 def initialize(self):
   """ Make the necessary initializations """
   self.fileLog = {}
   self.timeLog = {}
   self.fullTimeLog = {}
   self.pollingTime = self.am_getOption('PollingTime',120)
   self.fullUpdatePeriod = self.am_getOption('FullUpdatePeriod',86400)
   gMonitor.registerActivity("Iteration","Agent Loops",AGENT_NAME,"Loops/min",gMonitor.OP_SUM)
   self.transClient = TransformationClient('TransformationDB')
   self.metadataClient = FileCatalogClient()
   return S_OK()
コード例 #23
ファイル: TaskManager.py プロジェクト: IgorPelevanyuk/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, transClient = None, logger = None ):

    if not transClient:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient

    if not logger:
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'TaskBase' )
      self.log = logger
コード例 #24
 def __transformationFileStatus(self, transid):
   callback = {}
   tsClient = TransformationClient()
   res = tsClient.getTransformationFilesCount(transid, "Status")
   if not res['OK']:
     callback = {"success": "false", "error": res["Message"]}
     resList = []
     total = res['Value'].pop('Total')
     if total == 0:
       callback = {"success": "false", "error": "No files found"}
       for status in sorted(res['Value'].keys()):
         count = res['Value'][status]
         percent = "%.1f" % ((count * 100.0) / total)
         resList.append((status, str(count), percent))
       resList.append(('Total', total, '-'))
       callback = {"success": "true", "result": resList}
   gLogger.info("#######", res)
   return callback
コード例 #25
  def __extendTransformation(self, transid):

      tasks = int(self.request.arguments["tasks"][-1])
    except KeyError as excp:
      raise WErr(400, "Missing %s" % excp)

    gLogger.info("extend %s" % transid)

    tsClient = TransformationClient()

    gLogger.info("extendTransformation(%s,%s)" % (transid, tasks))
    res = tsClient.extendTransformation(transid, tasks)
    if res["OK"]:
      resString = "%s extended by %s successfully" % (transid, tasks)
      resString = "%s failed to extend: %s" % (transid, res["Message"])
    callback = {"success": "true", "showResult": [resString], "result": resString}
    gLogger.info("#######", res)
    return callback
コード例 #26
def _createReplication( targetSE, sourceSE, prodID, datatype, extraname=''):
  """Creates the replication transformation based on the given parameters"""

  from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation
  from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient
  metadata = {"Datatype":datatype, "ProdID":prodID}
  trans = Transformation()
  transName = 'replicate_%s_%s' % ( str(prodID), ",".join(targetSE) )
  if extraname:
    transName += "_%s" % extraname

  trans.setTransformationName( transName )
  description = 'Replicate files for prodID %s to %s' % ( str(prodID), ",".join(targetSE) )
  trans.setDescription( description )
  trans.setLongDescription( description )
  trans.setType( 'Replication' )
  trans.setPlugin( 'Broadcast' )
  res = trans.setSourceSE( sourceSE )
  if not res['OK']:
  res = trans.setTargetSE( targetSE )
  if not res['OK']:

  res = trans.addTransformation()
  if not res['OK']:
  trans.setStatus( 'Active' )
  trans.setAgentType( 'Automatic' )
  currtrans = trans.getTransformationID()['Value']
  client = TransformationClient()
  res = client.createTransformationInputDataQuery( currtrans, metadata )
  if res['OK']:
    gLogger.always("Successfully created replication transformation")
    return S_OK()
    gLogger.error("Failure during replication creation", res['Message'])
    return S_ERROR("Failed to create transformation")
コード例 #27
def _getLogFolderFromID( clip ):
  """Obtain the folder of the logfiles from the prodID

  Fills the clip.logD variable
  from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient
  from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient

  ## Check if transformation exists and get its type
  server = TransformationClient()
  result = server.getTransformation( clip.prodid )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  transType = result['Value']['Type']
  query = { 'ProdID' : clip.prodid }
  if 'Reconstruction' in transType:
    query['Datatype'] = 'REC'

  result = FileCatalogClient().findFilesByMetadata( query, '/' )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result

  elif result['Value']:
    lfns = result['Value']
    baseLFN = "/".join( lfns[0].split( '/' )[:-2] )
    if not clip.getAllSubdirs:
      lfns = lfns[:1]
    clip.logD = []
    lastdir = ""
    for lfn in lfns:
      subFolderNumber = lfn.split( '/' )[-2]
      logdir = os.path.join( baseLFN, 'LOG', subFolderNumber ) 
      if lastdir != logdir:
        gLogger.notice( 'Setting logdir to %s' % logdir )

    return S_ERROR( "Cannot discover the LogFilePath: No output files yet" )

  return S_OK()
コード例 #28
  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    """ c'tor

    :param self: self reference
    :param str agentName: name of agent
    :param bool baseAgentName: whatever
    :param dict properties: whatever else
    AgentModule.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )

    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.transfStatuses = self.am_getOption( 'TransformationStatuses', ['Active', 'Stopped'] )
コード例 #29
ファイル: TaskManager.py プロジェクト: hanyl/DIRAC
  def __init__( self, transClient = None, logger = None ):

    if not transClient:
      from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient

    if not logger:
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'TaskBase' )
      self.log = logger
コード例 #30
  def initialize( self ):
    self.pluginLocation = self.am_getOption( 'PluginLocation', 'DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Agent.TransformationPlugin' )
    self.checkCatalog = self.am_getOption( 'CheckCatalog', 'yes' )

    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/ProductionManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'ProductionManager' )

    self.transDB = TransformationClient( 'TransformationDB' )
    self.rm = ReplicaManager()
    return S_OK()
コード例 #31
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.consistencyInspector = ConsistencyInspector()
        self.integrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
        self.fc = FileCatalog()
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()
        self.fileCatalogClient = FileCatalogClient()

        agentTSTypes = self.am_getOption("TransformationTypes", [])
        if agentTSTypes:
            self.transformationTypes = agentTSTypes
            self.transformationTypes = Operations().getValue(
                "Transformations/DataProcessing", ["MCSimulation", "Merge"]

        self.directoryLocations = sorted(
            self.am_getOption("DirectoryLocations", ["TransformationDB", "MetadataCatalog"])
        self.transfidmeta = self.am_getOption("TransfIDMeta", "TransformationID")
        self.enableFlag = True
コード例 #32
def submitTS(job, infileList):
    """ Create a transformation executing the job workflow  """
    t = Transformation()
    tc = TransformationClient()
    t.setDescription("Runs merge_simtel for array 3HB8")
    t.setLongDescription("Merging array 3HB8 analysis")  # mandatory

    res = t.addTransformation()  # Transformation is created here

    if not res['OK']:
        print res['Message']

    transID = t.getTransformationID()
                                infileList)  # Files added here

    return res
コード例 #33
    def _getClients(self):
        """ returns the clients used in the threads - this is another function that should be extended.

        The clients provided here are defaults, and should be adapted
        threadTransformationClient = TransformationClient()
        threadTaskManager = WorkflowTasks(
        )  # this is for wms tasks, replace it with something else if needed
        threadTaskManager.pluginLocation = self.pluginLocation

        return {
            'TransformationClient': threadTransformationClient,
            'TaskManager': threadTaskManager
コード例 #34
  def checkDatatype( self, prodID, datatype ):
    """ check if the datatype makes sense for given production """
    from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient
    tClient = TransformationClient()
    cond = dict( TransformationID=prodID )
    trafo = tClient.getTransformations( cond )
    if not trafo['OK']:
      return trafo
    if len(trafo['Value']) != 1:
      return S_ERROR( "Did not get unique production for this prodID" )

    trafoType = trafo['Value'][0]['Type'].split("_")[0]

    dataTypes = { 'MCGeneration': ['GEN'],
                  'Split': ['GEN'],
                  'MCSimulation': ['SIM'],
                  'MCReconstruction': ['REC', 'DST'],
                }.get( trafoType, [] )

    if datatype not in dataTypes:
      return S_ERROR( "Datatype %s doesn't fit production type %s" %( datatype, trafoType ) )

    return S_OK()
コード例 #35
def submitTS(job, infileList):
    """ Create a transformation executing the job workflow  """
    t = Transformation()
    tc = TransformationClient()
    t.setDescription("Mars example")
    t.setLongDescription("Mars analysis")  # mandatory
    t.setGroupSize(10)  # 1 for test

    res = t.addTransformation()  # Transformation is created here

    if not res['OK']:
        print res['Message']

    transID = t.getTransformationID()
                                infileList)  # Files added here

    return res
コード例 #36
  def __init__(self, plugin='Standard', transClient=None, dataManager=None, fc=None,
               debug=False, transInThread=None, transID=None):

    Setting defaults
    # clients
    if transClient is None:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient
    if dataManager is None:
      self.dm = DataManager()
      self.dm = dataManager
    if fc is None:
      self.fc = FileCatalog()
      self.fc = fc

    self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

    self.plugin = plugin
    self.transID = transID
    self.params = {}
    self.groupSize = 0
    self.maxFiles = 0
    self.cachedLFNSize = {}
    self.transString = ''
    self.debug = debug
    if transInThread is None:
      self.transInThread = {}
      self.transInThread = transInThread

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(plugin)
コード例 #37
    def initialize(self):
        """Agent initialization.

        The extensions MUST provide in the initialize method the following data members:
        - TransformationClient objects (self.transClient),
        - set the shifterProxy if different from the default one set here ('ProductionManager')
        - list of transformation types to be looked (self.transType)

        self.pluginLocation = self.am_getOption(

        # Default clients
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()
        self.jobManagerClient = JobManagerClient()

        # Bulk submission flag
        self.bulkSubmissionFlag = self.am_getOption("BulkSubmission",

        # Shifter credentials to use, could replace the use of shifterProxy eventually
        self.shifterProxy = self.am_getOption("shifterProxy",
        self.credentials = self.am_getOption("ShifterCredentials",
        resCred = self.__getCredentials()
        if not resCred["OK"]:
            return resCred
        # setting up the threading
        maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption("maxNumberOfThreads", 15)
        self.log.verbose("Multithreaded with %d threads" % maxNumberOfThreads)

        self.threadPoolExecutor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(

        return S_OK()
コード例 #38
    def __extendTransformation(self, transid):

            tasks = int(self.request.arguments["tasks"][-1])
        except KeyError as excp:
            raise WErr(400, "Missing %s" % excp)

        gLogger.info("extend %s" % transid)

        tsClient = TransformationClient()

        gLogger.info("extendTransformation(%s,%s)" % (transid, tasks))
        res = tsClient.extendTransformation(transid, tasks)
        if res["OK"]:
            resString = "%s extended by %s successfully" % (transid, tasks)
            resString = "%s failed to extend: %s" % (transid, res["Message"])
        callback = {
            "success": "true",
            "showResult": [resString],
            "result": resString
        gLogger.info("#######", res)
        return callback
コード例 #39
 def __init__( self, plugin, transClient = None, replicaManager = None ):
   self.params = False
   self.data = False
   self.plugin = plugin
   self.files = False
   if transClient == None:
     from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient
     self.transClient = TransformationClient()
     self.transClient = transClient
   if replicaManager == None:
     from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.ReplicaManager import ReplicaManager
     self.rm = ReplicaManager()
     self.rm = replicaManager
コード例 #40
ファイル: TaskManagerAgentBase.py プロジェクト: rob-c/DIRAC
  def initialize(self):
    """ Agent initialization.

        The extensions MUST provide in the initialize method the following data members:
        - TransformationClient objects (self.transClient),
        - set the shifterProxy if different from the default one set here ('ProductionManager')
        - list of transformation types to be looked (self.transType)

    gMonitor.registerActivity("SubmittedTasks", "Automatically submitted tasks", "Transformation Monitoring", "Tasks",

    self.pluginLocation = self.am_getOption('PluginLocation', 'DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TaskManagerPlugin')

    # Default clients
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.jobManagerClient = JobManagerClient()

    # Bulk submission flag
    self.bulkSubmissionFlag = self.am_getOption('BulkSubmission', self.bulkSubmissionFlag)

    # Shifter credentials to use, could replace the use of shifterProxy eventually
    self.shifterProxy = self.am_getOption('shifterProxy', self.shifterProxy)
    self.credentials = self.am_getOption('ShifterCredentials', self.credentials)
    resCred = self.__getCredentials()
    if not resCred['OK']:
      return resCred
    # setting up the threading
    maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption('maxNumberOfThreads', 15)
    threadPool = ThreadPool(maxNumberOfThreads, maxNumberOfThreads)
    self.log.verbose("Multithreaded with %d threads" % maxNumberOfThreads)

    for i in xrange(maxNumberOfThreads):
      threadPool.generateJobAndQueueIt(self._execute, [i])

    return S_OK()
コード例 #41
    def applyInputDataQuery(self, metadata=None, prodid=None):
        """ Tell the production to update itself using the metadata query specified, i.e. submit new jobs if new files 
    are added corresponding to same query.
        if not self.transfid and self.currtrans:
            self.transfid = self.currtrans.getTransformationID()['Value']  #pylint: disable=E1101
        elif prodid:
            self.transfid = prodid
        if not self.transfid:
            print "Not transformation defined earlier"
            return S_ERROR("No transformation defined")
        if metadata:
            self.inputBKSelection = metadata

        client = TransformationClient()
        if not self.dryrun:
            res = client.createTransformationInputDataQuery(
                self.transfid, self.inputBKSelection)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            self.log.notice("Would use %s as metadata query for production" %
        return S_OK()
コード例 #42
ファイル: DMScript.py プロジェクト: antolu/LHCbDIRAC
 def getRequestID(self, prod=None):
     """ Get the request ID for a single production """
     from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient
     if not prod:
         prod = self.options.get('Productions', [])
     requestID = None
     if isinstance(prod, basestring):
         prods = [prod]
         prods = prod
     if len(prods) == 1 and str(prods[0]).upper() != 'ALL':
         res = TransformationClient().getTransformation(prods[0])
         if res['OK']:
             requestID = int(res['Value']['TransformationFamily'])
     return requestID
コード例 #43
ファイル: TaskManagerAgentBase.py プロジェクト: Sbalbp/DIRAC
  def initialize( self ):
    """ Agent initialization.

        The extensions MUST provide in the initialize method the following data members:
        - TransformationClient objects (self.transClient),
        - set the shifterProxy if different from the default one set here ('ProductionManager')
        - list of transformation types to be looked (self.transType)

    gMonitor.registerActivity( "SubmittedTasks", "Automatically submitted tasks", "Transformation Monitoring", "Tasks",
                               gMonitor.OP_ACUM )

    # Default clients
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()

    #setting up the threading
    maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption( 'maxNumberOfThreads', 15 )
    threadPool = ThreadPool( maxNumberOfThreads, maxNumberOfThreads )
    self.log.verbose( "Multithreaded with %d threads" % maxNumberOfThreads )

    for i in xrange( maxNumberOfThreads ):
      threadPool.generateJobAndQueueIt( self._execute, [i] )

    return S_OK()
コード例 #44
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ c'tor
        AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.integrityClient = DataIntegrityClient()
        self.replicaManager = ReplicaManager()
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()
        self.fileCatalogClient = FileCatalogClient()

        agentTSTypes = self.am_getOption('TransformationTypes', [])
        if agentTSTypes:
            self.transformationTypes = agentTSTypes
            self.transformationTypes = Operations().getValue(
                'Transformations/DataProcessing', ['MCSimulation', 'Merge'])

        self.directoryLocations = sortList(
                              ['TransformationDB', 'MetadataCatalog']))
        self.activeStorages = sortList(self.am_getOption('ActiveSEs', []))
        self.transfidmeta = self.am_getOption('TransfIDMeta',
        self.enableFlag = True
コード例 #45
class TaskBase( object ):

  def __init__( self, transClient = None, logger = None ):

    if not transClient:
      self.transClient = TransformationClient()
      self.transClient = transClient

    if not logger:
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'TaskBase' )
      self.log = logger

  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '', ownerDN = '' ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def submitTransformationTasks( self, taskDict ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def submitTasksToExternal( self, task ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission( self, taskDict ):
    """ Sets tasks status after the submission to "Submitted", in case of success
    updated = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      transID = taskDict[taskID]['TransformationID']
      if taskDict[taskID]['Success']:
        res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID( transID, taskID, 'Submitted',
                                                      str( taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'] ) )
        if not res['OK']:
          self.log.warn( "updateDBAfterSubmission: Failed to update task status after submission" ,
                         "%s %s" % ( taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'], res['Message'] ) )
        updated += 1
    self.log.info( "updateDBAfterSubmission: Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" % ( updated, time.time() - startTime ) )
    return S_OK()

  def updateTransformationReservedTasks( self, taskDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def getSubmittedTaskStatus( self, taskDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )

  def getSubmittedFileStatus( self, fileDicts ):
    return S_ERROR( "Not implemented" )
コード例 #46
  def web_executeOperation( self ):
      cmd = self.request.arguments[ 'action' ][-1]
      ids = self.request.arguments["ids"][0].split( "," )
      ids = [int( i ) for i in ids ]
    except KeyError as excp:
      raise WErr( 400, "Missing %s" % excp )

    tsClient = TransformationClient()

    agentType = 'Manual'
    if cmd == 'clean':
      status = 'Cleaning'
    elif cmd == 'start':
      status = 'Active'
      agentType = 'Automatic'
    elif cmd == 'flush':
      status = 'Flush'
      agentType = 'Automatic'
    elif cmd == 'stop':
      status = 'Stopped'
    elif cmd == 'complete':
      status = 'Completed'
      self.finish( {"success":"false", "error": "Unknown action"} )

    callback = []

    for i in ids:

        id = int( i )

        result = yield self.threadTask( tsClient.setTransformationParameter, id, 'Status', status )

        if result["OK"]:
          resString = "ProdID: %s set to %s successfully" % ( i, cmd )
          result = yield self.threadTask( tsClient.setTransformationParameter, id, 'AgentType', agentType )
          if not result["OK"]:
            resString = "ProdID: %s failed to set to %s: %s" % ( i, cmd, result["Message"] )
          resString = "ProdID: %s failed due the reason: %s" % ( i, result["Message"] )
        resString = "Unable to convert given ID %s to transformation ID" % i
      callback.append( resString )
    callback = {"success":"true", "showResult":callback}
    gLogger.info( cmd, ids )
    self.finish( callback )
コード例 #47
  def web_showFileStatus( self ):
    callback = {}
    start = int( self.request.arguments["start"][-1] )
    limit = int( self.request.arguments["limit"][-1] )
      id = self.request.arguments[ 'transformationId' ][-1]
      status = self.request.arguments[ 'status' ][-1]
    except KeyError as excp:
      raise WErr( 400, "Missing %s" % excp )

    tsClient = TransformationClient()
    result = yield self.threadTask( tsClient.getTransformationFilesSummaryWeb, {'TransformationID':id, 'Status':status}, [["FileID", "ASC"]], start, limit )

    if not result['OK']:
      callback = {"success":"false", "error":result["Message"]}
      result = result["Value"]
      if result.has_key( "TotalRecords" ) and  result["TotalRecords"] > 0:
        if result.has_key( "ParameterNames" ) and result.has_key( "Records" ):
          if len( result["ParameterNames"] ) > 0:
            if len( result["Records"] ) > 0:
              callback = []
              jobs = result["Records"]
              head = result["ParameterNames"]
              headLength = len( head )
              for i in jobs:
                tmp = {}
                for j in range( 0, headLength ):
                  tmp[head[j]] = i[j]
                callback.append( tmp )
              total = result["TotalRecords"]
              timestamp = Time.dateTime().strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M [UTC]" )
              if result.has_key( "Extras" ):
                extra = result["Extras"]
                callback = {"success":"true", "result":callback, "total":total, "extra":extra, "date":timestamp}
                callback = {"success":"true", "result":callback, "total":total, "date":timestamp}
              callback = {"success":"false", "result":"", "error":"There are no data to display"}
            callback = {"success":"false", "result":"", "error":"ParameterNames field is undefined"}
          callback = {"success":"false", "result":"", "error":"Data structure is corrupted"}
        callback = {"success":"false", "result":"", "error":"There were no data matching your selection"}
    self.finish( callback )
コード例 #48
    def __init__(self, plugin, transClient=None, dataManager=None):
        """ plugin name has to be passed in: it will then be executed as one of the functions below, e.g.
        plugin = 'BySize' will execute TransformationPlugin('BySize')._BySize()
        super(TransformationPlugin, self).__init__(plugin)

        self.data = {}
        self.files = False
        self.startTime = time.time()

        if transClient is None:
            transClient = TransformationClient()

        if dataManager is None:
            dataManager = DataManager()

        self.util = PluginUtilities(plugin, transClient, dataManager)
コード例 #49
    def __init__(self, plugin, transClient=None, replicaManager=None):
        """ plugin name has to be passed in: it will then be executed as one of the functions below, e.g.
        plugin = 'BySize' will execute TransformationPlugin('BySize')._BySize()
        self.params = {}
        self.data = {}
        self.plugin = plugin
        self.files = False
        if transClient is None:
            self.transClient = TransformationClient()
            self.transClient = transClient

        if replicaManager is None:
            self.rm = ReplicaManager()
            self.rm = replicaManager
コード例 #50
class TaskBase:
    def __init__(self):
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()

    def prepareTransformationTasks(self,
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def submitTransformationTasks(self, taskDict):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def submitTasksToExternal(self, task):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(self, taskDict):
        updated = 0
        startTime = time.time()
        for taskID in sortList(taskDict.keys()):
            transID = taskDict[taskID]['TransformationID']
            if taskDict[taskID]['Success']:
                res = self.transClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID(
                    transID, taskID, 'Submitted',
                if not res['OK']:
                        "updateDBAfterSubmission: Failed to update task status after submission",
                        "%s %s" %
                        (taskDict[taskID]['ExternalID'], res['Message']))
                updated += 1
            "updateDBAfterSubmission: Updated %d tasks in %.1f seconds" %
            (updated, time.time() - startTime))
        return S_OK()

    def updateTransformationReservedTasks(self, taskDicts):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def getSubmittedTaskStatus(self, taskDicts):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")

    def getSubmittedFileStatus(self, fileDicts):
        return S_ERROR("Not implemented")
コード例 #51
    def _getClients(self, ownerDN=None, ownerGroup=None):
        """Returns the clients used in the threads

        This is another function that should be extended.

        The clients provided here are defaults, and should be adapted

        If ownerDN and ownerGroup are not None the clients will delegate to these credentials

        :param str ownerDN: DN of the owner of the submitted jobs
        :param str ownerGroup: group of the owner of the submitted jobs
        :returns: dict of Clients
        threadTransformationClient = TransformationClient()
        threadTaskManager = WorkflowTasks(ownerDN=ownerDN, ownerGroup=ownerGroup)
        threadTaskManager.pluginLocation = self.pluginLocation

        return {"TransformationClient": threadTransformationClient, "TaskManager": threadTaskManager}
コード例 #52
ファイル: Test_Client_TS_Prod.py プロジェクト: TaykYoku/DIRAC
    def setUp(self):
        self.prodClient = ProductionClient()
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()
        self.fc = FileCatalog()

        # ## Add metadata fields to the DFC
        self.MDFieldDict = {
            "particle": "VARCHAR(128)",
            "analysis_prog": "VARCHAR(128)",
            "tel_sim_prog": "VARCHAR(128)",
            "outputType": "VARCHAR(128)",
            "zenith": "int",
            "data_level": "int",
        for MDField in self.MDFieldDict:
            MDFieldType = self.MDFieldDict[MDField]
            res = self.fc.addMetadataField(MDField, MDFieldType)
コード例 #53
    def setUp(self):
        self.prodClient = ProductionClient()
        self.transClient = TransformationClient()
        self.fc = FileCatalog()

        # ## Add metadata fields to the DFC
        self.MDFieldDict = {
            'particle': 'VARCHAR(128)',
            'analysis_prog': 'VARCHAR(128)',
            'tel_sim_prog': 'VARCHAR(128)',
            'outputType': 'VARCHAR(128)',
            'zenith': 'int',
            'data_level': 'int'
        for MDField in self.MDFieldDict:
            MDFieldType = self.MDFieldDict[MDField]
            res = self.fc.addMetadataField(MDField, MDFieldType)
コード例 #54
  def web_setSite( self ):
    callback = {}
      transID = int( self.request.arguments[ 'TransformationId' ][-1] )
      runID = int( self.request.arguments[ 'RunNumber' ][-1] )
      site = self.request.arguments[ 'Site' ][-1]
    except KeyError as excp:
      raise WErr( 400, "Missing %s" % excp )

    gLogger.info( "\033[0;31m setTransformationRunsSite(%s, %s, %s) \033[0m" % ( transID, runID, site ) )

    tsClient = TransformationClient()
    result = yield self.threadTask( tsClient.setTransformationRunsSite, transID, runID, site )

    if result["OK"]:
      callback = {"success":"true", "result":"true"}
      callback = {"success":"false", "error":result["Message"]}
    self.finish( callback )
コード例 #55
def main():
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
    Script.registerArgument(["transID: transformation ID"])
    _, args = Script.parseCommandLine()

    transIDs = [int(arg) for arg in args]

    from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Agent.ValidateOutputDataAgent import ValidateOutputDataAgent
    from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient

    agent = ValidateOutputDataAgent(

    client = TransformationClient()
    for transID in transIDs:
コード例 #56
def main():

  args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
  if not args:

  transIDs = [int(arg) for arg in args]

  from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Agent.ValidateOutputDataAgent import ValidateOutputDataAgent
  from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient

  agent = ValidateOutputDataAgent('Transformation/ValidateOutputDataAgent',

  client = TransformationClient()
  for transID in transIDs:
コード例 #57
def main():
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
    Script.registerArgument(["transID: transformation ID"])
    _, args = Script.parseCommandLine()

    transIDs = [int(arg) for arg in args]

    from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Agent.TransformationCleaningAgent import TransformationCleaningAgent
    from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient

    agent = TransformationCleaningAgent(

    client = TransformationClient()
    for transID in transIDs:
コード例 #58
    def setUp(self):

        self.mockTransClient = MagicMock()
        self.mockTransClient.setTaskStatusAndWmsID.return_value = {'OK': True}

        self.WMSClientMock = MagicMock()
        self.jobMonitoringClient = MagicMock()
        self.mockReqClient = MagicMock()

        self.jobMock = MagicMock()
        self.jobMock2 = MagicMock()
        mockWF = MagicMock()
        mockPar = MagicMock()
        mockWF.findParameter.return_value = mockPar
        mockPar.getValue.return_value = 'MySite'

        self.jobMock2.workflow = mockWF
        self.jobMock2.setDestination.return_value = {'OK': True}
        self.jobMock.workflow.return_value = ''
        self.jobMock.return_value = self.jobMock2

        self.reqValidatorMock = MagicMock()
        self.reqValidatorMock.validate.return_value = {'OK': True}

        self.taskBase = TaskBase(transClient=self.mockTransClient)
        self.pu = PluginUtilities(transClient=self.mockTransClient)
        self.wfTasks = WorkflowTasks(

        self.requestTasks = RequestTasks(transClient=self.mockTransClient,
        self.tc = TransformationClient()
        self.transformation = Transformation()

        self.maxDiff = None

コード例 #59
ファイル: SetFileStatus.py プロジェクト: vingar/DIRAC
class SetFileStatus(OperationHandlerBase):
  .. class:: SetFileStatus

  SetFileStatus operation handler
    def __init__(self, operation=None, csPath=None):

    :param self: self reference
    :param Operation operation: Operation instance
    :param str csPath: CS path for this handler
        OperationHandlerBase.__init__(self, operation, csPath)

    def __call__(self):
        """ It expects to find the arguments for tc.setFileStatusForTransformation in operation.Arguments
            setFileStatusDict = DEncode.decode(self.operation.Arguments)[0]
            self.log.debug("decoded filStatusDict=%s" % str(setFileStatusDict))
        except ValueError, error:
            self.operation.Error = str(error)
            self.operation.Status = "Failed"
            return S_ERROR(str(error))

        tc = TransformationClient()
        setStatus = tc.setFileStatusForTransformation(
            setFileStatusDict['statusDict'], setFileStatusDict['force'])

        if not setStatus['OK']:
            errorStr = "failed to change status: %s" % setStatus['Message']
            self.operation.Error = errorStr
            return S_ERROR(self.operation.Error)

            self.operation.Status = "Done"
            return S_OK()
コード例 #60
def main():
    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    if not args:

    transIDs = [int(arg) for arg in args]

    from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Agent.TransformationCleaningAgent import TransformationCleaningAgent
    from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient

    agent = TransformationCleaningAgent(

    client = TransformationClient()
    for transID in transIDs: