def count_intervalINF(main, m, M): ans = {'events': 0, 'idlist': lt.newList('SINGLE_LINKED')} y = 1 nums = om.keySet(main) while y <= lt.size(nums): num = lt.getElement(nums, y) pair = om.get(main, num) mini = me.getValue(pair) if float(om.minKey(mini)) > m: m == float(om.minKey(mini)) if float(om.maxKey(mini)) < M: M == float(om.maxKey(mini)) sub_nums = get_inter(om.keySet(mini), m, M) x = 1 while x <= lt.size(sub_nums): sub_num = lt.getElement(sub_nums, x) sub_pair = om.get(mini, sub_num) events = me.getValue(sub_pair) z = 1 while z <= lt.size(events): e = lt.getElement(events, z) id = e['artist_id'] ans['events'] += 1 ans['idlist'][id] = 1 z += 1 x += 1 y += 1 return ans
def reque2(main, e, E, d, D): if float(om.minKey(main)) > e: e == float(om.minKey(main)) if float(om.maxKey(main)) < E: E == float(om.maxKey(main)) nums = get_inter(om.keySet(main), e, E) ans = {'idlist': {}, 'for_show': lt.newList('SINGLE_LINKED')} y = 1 while y <= lt.size(nums): num = lt.getElement(nums, y) pair = om.get(main, num) mini = me.getValue(pair) if float(om.minKey(mini)) > d: d == float(om.minKey(mini)) if float(om.maxKey(mini)) < D: D == float(om.maxKey(mini)) sub_nums = get_inter(om.keySet(mini), d, D) x = 1 while x <= lt.size(sub_nums): sub_num = lt.getElement(sub_nums, x) sub_pair = om.get(mini, sub_num) events = me.getValue(sub_pair) z = 1 while z <= lt.size(events): e = lt.getElement(events, z) id = e['track_id'] lt.addFirst(ans['for_show'], e) ans['idlist'][id] = 1 z += 1 x += 1 y += 1 return ans
def reque1_SUP(main, m, M): if (float(om.minKey(main))) > m: m == (float(om.minKey(main))) if (float(om.maxKey(main))) < M: M == (float(om.maxKey(main))) nums = get_inter(om.keySet(main), m, M) dans = count_intervalSUP(main, nums) k = len(dans['id_list'].keys()) ans = {'t_eve': dans['events'], 't_art': k} return ans
def getAccidentsInRange(catalog, initial_date, final_date): """ Reto3 - Req3 Retorna el número de accidentes ocurridos en un rango de fechas """ initial_year = str(initial_date.year) final_year = str(final_date.year) if initial_date == None and final_date == None: print("La fecha ingresada es errónea") else: if initial_year == final_year: keylow = om.get(catalog[initial_year], initial_date)["key"] keyhigh = om.get(catalog[initial_year], final_date)["key"] return 0, om.values(catalog[initial_year], keylow, keyhigh) else: keymax = om.maxKey(catalog[initial_year]) dates_initial_year = om.values(catalog[initial_year], initial_date, keymax) keymin = om.minKey(catalog[final_year]) dates_final_year = om.values(catalog[final_year], final_date, keymin) return 1, dates_initial_year, dates_final_year return None
def findBydate(map, key): """ Busca los accidentes menores que una fecha. """ try: min_key = om.minKey(map) rank = om.keys(map, min_key, key) iterator1 = it.newIterator(rank) buckets = lt.newList(datastructure='SINGLE_LINKED') while it.hasNext(iterator1): key = entry = om.get(map, key) value = me.getValue(entry) lt.addLast(buckets, value) #parte dos total_accidents = 0 max_accident = {'size': 0, 'date': None} iterator2 = it.newIterator(buckets) while it.hasNext(iterator2): value = lst = value['lstaccident'] size = int(lt.size(lst)) if size > max_accident['size']: max_accident['size'] = size max_accident['date'] = value['date'] total_accidents = total_accidents + size return (max_accident, total_accidents) except: return None
def auxiliardelaauxiliar(catalog, initial_date, final_date): """ Retorna una tupla dependiendo si el rango abarca uno o dos años """ initial_year = str(initial_date.year) final_year = str(final_date.year) initial_date_accidents = om.contains(catalog[initial_year], initial_date) final_date_accidents = om.contains(catalog[final_year], final_date) i = 0 if i == 0 and initial_date_accidents and final_date_accidents: if initial_year == final_year: keylow = om.get(catalog[initial_year], initial_date)["key"] keyhigh = om.get(catalog[initial_year], final_date)["key"] return 0, om.keys(catalog[initial_year], keylow, keyhigh) else: keymax = om.maxKey(catalog[initial_year]) dates_initial_year = om.keys(catalog[initial_year], initial_date, keymax) keymin = om.minKey(catalog[final_year]) dates_final_year = om.keys(catalog[final_year], final_date, keymin) return 1, dates_initial_year, dates_final_year return None
def Dar_cantidad_fecha_adelante(accidentes, Fecha): initialDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(Fecha, '%Y-%m-%d') finalDate = datetime.datetime.strptime( str(om.minKey(accidentes["Fechas"])), '%Y-%m-%d') tot, lista = model.rango_accidentes_severidad(accidentes, finalDate, return tot, lista
def getPastAccidents(analyzer, date): """ Retorna el numero de crimenes en un antes de una fecha. """ lst = om.keys(analyzer['datePast'], om.minKey(analyzer['datePast']), date) return lst
def getAccidentsBeforeDate(analyzer, fecha_final): inicio = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(om.minKey(analyzer['dateIndex'])), '%Y-%m-%d') iniciodate = lst = getAccidentsByRange(analyzer, iniciodate, fecha_final) return lst
def accidentes_anteriores_fecha(analyzer, accidente_limite_superior): limite_inferior = om.minKey(analyzer["a-fecha"]) limite_superior = transformador_fecha(accidente_limite_superior) rango = om.values(analyzer["a-fecha"], limite_inferior, limite_superior) total = 0 llave_con_mas_accidentes = {"fecha_mas": None, "cantidad": None} for i in range(1, lt.size(rango) + 1): elemento = lt.getElement(rango, i) total += lt.size(elemento["accidentes_en_esta_fecha"]) fecha = lt.getElement(elemento["accidentes_en_esta_fecha"], 1)["Start_Time"] acc_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(fecha, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') acc_date = fecha = acc_date.strftime('%d de %m de %Y') if (llave_con_mas_accidentes["cantidad"] == None): llave_con_mas_accidentes["fecha_mas"] = fecha llave_con_mas_accidentes["cantidad"] = lt.size( elemento["accidentes_en_esta_fecha"]) elif (llave_con_mas_accidentes["cantidad"] != None): if (lt.size(elemento["accidentes_en_esta_fecha"]) >= llave_con_mas_accidentes["cantidad"]): llave_con_mas_accidentes["cantidad"] = lt.size( elemento["accidentes_en_esta_fecha"]) llave_con_mas_accidentes["fecha_mas"] = fecha return (llave_con_mas_accidentes, total)
def genero_escuchados(catalog, valor_minHora, valor_maxHora): """ """ total_reproducciones = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST') lista_listas_reproducciones = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST') generos = mp.keySet(catalog['musicaGenero']) iteratorgenero = it.newIterator(generos) while it.hasNext(iteratorgenero): genero = cantidad_genero = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST') MapGeneros = mp.get(catalog['musicaGenero'], genero) RBTgenero = me.getValue(MapGeneros) valor_min = om.minKey(RBTgenero) valor_max = om.maxKey(RBTgenero) lista_listas_musica = om.values(RBTgenero, valor_min, valor_max) lista_lista_musica = it.newIterator(lista_listas_musica) while it.hasNext(lista_lista_musica): lista_musica = musicas = it.newIterator(lista_musica) while it.hasNext(musicas): musica = fecha = musica['created_at'] fecha = fecha[11:] if fecha >= valor_minHora and fecha <= valor_maxHora: if lt.isPresent(cantidad_genero, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])) == 0: lt.addLast(cantidad_genero, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])) if lt.isPresent( total_reproducciones, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])): lt.addLast( total_reproducciones, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])) else: if lt.isPresent( total_reproducciones, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])): lt.addLast( total_reproducciones, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])) lt.addLast(lista_listas_reproducciones, (genero, lt.size(cantidad_genero))) print('Total of repruductions between ' + valor_minHora + ' and ' + valor_maxHora + ' is ' + str(lt.size(total_reproducciones))) sa.sort(lista_listas_reproducciones, cmptamanio) print('================= GENRES SORTED REPRODUCTIONS ===============') i = 1 while i <= lt.size(lista_listas_reproducciones): print('TOP ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(lt.getElement(lista_listas_reproducciones, i)[0]) + ' with ' + str(lt.getElement(lista_listas_reproducciones, i)[1]) + ' reps') i += 1
def top3lessUsed(analyzer): totaltree = om.newMap(omaptype="RBT", comparefunction=compareIds) pqiterator = it.newIterator(vertexNames(analyzer)) while it.hasNext(pqiterator): vert = int( salidas = gr.outdegree(analyzer["graph"], str(vert)) destinos = gr.indegree(analyzer["graph"], str(vert)) usototal = salidas + destinos if not om.contains(totaltree, usototal): om.put(totaltree, usototal, str(vert)) else: A = om.get(totaltree, usototal) B = me.getValue(A) om.put(totaltree, usototal, str(B)+","+str(vert)) estaciones = lt.newList(datastructure="ARRAY_LIST") while lt.size(estaciones) < 3: val = om.get(totaltree, om.minKey(totaltree)) val1 = me.getValue(val) menortotal = val1.split(",") for i in menortotal: if lt.size(estaciones) < 3: K = m.get(analyzer["nameIndex"], i) L = me.getValue(K) lt.addLast(estaciones, L) om.deleteMin(totaltree) return estaciones
def plotMostConnectedLandingPointMap(analyzer): """ Crea un mapa interactivo de las conexiones del punto de conexión con mayor número de cables conectados """ ordmap = controller.mostConnectedLandingPoint(analyzer) key = om.minKey(ordmap) vertex = me.getValue(om.get(ordmap, key)) city = vertex.split('-')[0] country = vertex.split('-')[1] landingpoint = city + ', ' + country vertexcoords = me.getValue(mp.get(analyzer['vertexscoords'], vertex)) lstvertexs = controller.getAdjacentVertexs(analyzer, vertex) lstcoordinates = controller.getVertexsCoordinates(analyzer, lstvertexs) map = folium.Map(vertexcoords, zoom_start=2.5) folium.Marker(vertexcoords, str(landingpoint), icon=folium.Icon(icon='flag', color='red')).add_to(map) for location in lt.iterator(lstcoordinates): folium.Marker(location).add_to(map) distance = str(hs.haversine(vertexcoords, location)) + " km" folium.PolyLine([vertexcoords, location], color="grey", weight=3.5, opacity=0.35, tooltip=distance).add_to(map)"map2.html")
def minKey(analyzer): """ Llave mas pequena """ respuesta = om.minKey(analyzer['fechas']) return (respuesta)
def getAccidentsBeforeDate(analyzer, initialDate): """ Obtiene el numero de incidentes ocurridos antes de cierta fecha """ org = analyzer["DateIndex"] leastDate = om.minKey(org) incidents = om.values(org, leastDate, initialDate) return incidents
def generos_existentes(catalog, generos): """ Retorna en modo print la informacion de los generos """ lista_repetidos_total = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST') list_generos = generos.split(",") for genero in list_generos: artistasNoRepetidos = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST') artistasRepetidos = lt.newList('ARRAY_LIST') MapGeneros = mp.get(catalog['musicaGenero'], genero) RBTgenero = me.getValue(MapGeneros) valor_min = om.minKey(RBTgenero) valor_max = om.maxKey(RBTgenero) lista_listas_musica = om.values(RBTgenero, valor_min, valor_max) lista_lista_musica = it.newIterator(lista_listas_musica) while it.hasNext(lista_lista_musica): lista_musica = musicas = it.newIterator(lista_musica) while it.hasNext(musicas): musica = if int(lt.isPresent(artistasNoRepetidos, musica['artist_id'])) == 0: lt.addLast(artistasNoRepetidos, musica['artist_id']) if int( lt.isPresent( artistasRepetidos, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id']))) == 0: lt.addLast(artistasRepetidos, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])) #if int(lt.isPresent(lista_repetidos_total, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id']))) == 0: # lt.addLast(lista_repetidos_total, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])) else: if int( lt.isPresent( artistasRepetidos, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id']))) == 0: lt.addLast(artistasRepetidos, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])) #if int(lt.isPresent(lista_repetidos_total, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id']))) == 0: # lt.addLast(lista_repetidos_total, (musica['created_at'] + musica['user_id'] + musica['track_id'])) print( str(genero) + ' is between ' + str(valor_min) + ' and ' + str(valor_max)) print('Total of reproduction: ' + str(lt.size(artistasRepetidos)) + ' Total of unique artists: ' + str(lt.size(artistasNoRepetidos))) print('--------------- Some artists for ' + str(genero) + ' -----------') i = 0 while i <= 9: print('Artist ' + str(i) + ': ' + lt.getElement(artistasNoRepetidos, i)) i += 1 print('Total of reproduction is ' + str(lt.size(lista_repetidos_total)))
def infAnalyzer(analyzer): """ Dado un analizador retorna informacion sobre este. """ high = om.height(analyzer['dateIndex']) nodes = om.size(analyzer['dateIndex']) min_key = om.minKey(analyzer['dateIndex']) max_key = om.maxKey(analyzer['dateIndex']) return (high, nodes, min_key, max_key)
def GetAccidentsBeforeDate(analyzer, BeforeDate): BeforeDateYear = "201" + str(BeforeDate[3]) BeforeDateMonth = str(BeforeDate[5]) + str(BeforeDate[6]) BeforeDateDay = str(BeforeDate[8]) + str(BeforeDate[9]) MinDate = om.minKey(analyzer["Llaves"]) if BeforeDateDay == "01": if BeforeDateMonth == "05" or BeforeDateMonth == "07" or BeforeDateMonth == "08" or BeforeDateMonth == "12": BeforeDateDay = "30" BeforeDateMonth = (str( BeforeDateMonth[0])) + (str(int(BeforeDateMonth[1]) - 1)) elif BeforeDateMonth == "02" or BeforeDateMonth == "04" or BeforeDateMonth == "06" or BeforeDateMonth == "09" or BeforeDateMonth == "11": BeforeDateDay = "31" BeforeDateMonth = (str( BeforeDateMonth[0])) + (str(int(BeforeDateMonth[1]) - 1)) elif BeforeDateMonth == "10": BeforeDateDay = "30" BeforeDateMonth = "09" elif BeforeDateMonth == "03": if BeforeDateYear == "2016": BeforeDateDay = "29" else: BeforeDateDay = "28" BeforeDateMonth = "02" else: BeforeDateDay = "31" BeforeDateMonth = "12" BeforeDateYear = "201" + str(int(BeforeDateYear[3]) - 1) elif BeforeDateDay[0] == "0": BeforeDateDay = str(BeforeDateDay[0]) + str(int(BeforeDateDay[1]) - 1) elif BeforeDateDay == "10": BeforeDateDay = "09" else: BeforeDateDay = str(int(BeforeDateDay) - 1) MaxDate = BeforeDateYear + "-" + BeforeDateMonth + "-" + BeforeDateDay Dates = (om.keys(analyzer["Llaves"], MinDate, MaxDate)) TotalAccidents = 0 MaxAccidents = 0 MostAccidentsDate = "YYYY-MM-DD" for i in range(1, (lt.size(Dates) + 1)): Date = lt.getElement(Dates, i) Pair = om.get(analyzer["Llaves"], Date) Accidents = me.getValue(Pair) Number = lt.size(Accidents) TotalAccidents = TotalAccidents + Number if Number > MaxAccidents: MaxAccidents = Number MostAccidentsDate = Date Retorno = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST", compareIds) lt.addLast(Retorno, TotalAccidents) lt.addLast(Retorno, MostAccidentsDate) return Retorno
def AccidentesPorZona( analyzer, RadioParametro, LongitudParametro, LatitudParametro, ): TotalAccidentes = 0 Fechas = om.keys(analyzer["Llaves"], om.minKey(analyzer["Llaves"]), om.maxKey(analyzer["Llaves"])) Lunes = 0 Martes = 0 Miercoles = 0 Jueves = 0 Viernes = 0 Sabado = 0 Domingo = 0 for i in range(1, (lt.size(Fechas) + 1)): Fecha = lt.getElement(Fechas, i) Pareja = om.get(analyzer["Llaves"], Fecha) Accidentes = me.getValue(Pareja) Numero = lt.size(Accidentes) TotalAccidentes = TotalAccidentes + Numero for j in range(1, (lt.size(Accidentes) + 1)): Accidente = lt.getElement(Accidentes, j) if CalculoDeRadio(RadioParametro, LongitudParametro, LatitudParametro, float(Accidente["Start_Lng"]), float(Accidente["Start_Lat"])): dia = Dia(Fecha) if dia == "Lunes": Lunes += 1 elif dia == "Martes": Martes += 1 elif dia == "Miercoles": Miercoles += 1 elif dia == "Jueves": Jueves += 1 elif dia == "Viernes": Viernes += 1 elif dia == "Sabado": Sabado += 1 elif dia == "Domingo": Domingo += 1 Total = Lunes + Martes + Miercoles + Jueves + Viernes + Sabado + Domingo Retorno = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST", compareIds) lt.addLast(Retorno, Lunes) lt.addLast(Retorno, Martes) lt.addLast(Retorno, Miercoles) lt.addLast(Retorno, Jueves) lt.addLast(Retorno, Viernes) lt.addLast(Retorno, Sabado) lt.addLast(Retorno, Domingo) lt.addLast(Retorno, Total) return Retorno
def total_antes_de_una_fecha(analyzer, fecha): date = fecha_convertidor_consultas(fecha) a = om.keys(analyzer["index"], om.minKey(analyzer["index"]), date) lt.removeLast(a) total = 0 it1 = lit.newIterator(a) while lit.hasNext(it1): n = b = om.get(analyzer["index"], n) c = me.getValue(b) total += lt.size(c) return total
def llavesHasta(cont, date): llaves = {} for i in range(2016, 2020): if cont[str(i)][0] != None: if str(i) not in str(date): llaves[str(i)] = om.keySet(cont['dateIndex']) else: initialDate = om.minKey(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex']) finalDate = om.floor(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex'], date) llaves[str(i)] = om.keys(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex'], initialDate, finalDate) break return llaves
def bono(mapa, punto_referencia1, punto_referencia2, radio): fecha1 = om.minKey(mapa["a-fecha"]) fecha2 = om.maxKey(mapa["a-fecha"]) a_iterar = om.values(mapa["a-fecha"], fecha1, fecha2) a_comparar = Bono.distance(punto_referencia1, punto_referencia2, radio) xd = lt.newList("ARRAY_LIST") for i in range(1, lt.size(a_iterar) + 1): accidentes = lt.getElement(a_iterar, i)["accidentes_en_esta_fecha"] for e in range(1, lt.size(accidentes) + 1): elemento = lt.getElement(accidentes, e) if (Bono.distance(punto_referencia1, elemento["Start_Lat"] + elemento["Start_Lng"], radio) == a_comparar): lt.addLast(elemento["Start_Time"])
def getAccidentsBeforeDate(year_RBT, search_date): """ Reto3 - Req2 Retorna el número de accidentes ocurridos anteriores a una fecha """ Accidents_Date = om.get(year_RBT, search_date) if Accidents_Date != None: key_date = Accidents_Date["key"] keylow = om.minKey(year_RBT) return om.keys(year_RBT, keylow, key_date) return None
def getAccidentsLast(analyzer, day): aDate = om.keys(analyzer['date'],om.minKey(analyzer['date']),day) iterator= it.newIterator(aDate) cuantos=0 diaMayor=None cuantosMayor=0 while (it.hasNext(iterator)): info= valor = om.get(analyzer['date'],info)['value'] cuantos += lt.size(valor['accidents']) if(lt.size(valor['accidents'])>cuantosMayor): cuantosMayor=lt.size(valor['accidents']) diaMayor=info print("accidentes totales: "+str(cuantos)+", la fecha con mayor accidentes es : "+str(diaMayor))
def auxiliarYearIterator(catalog,year_iterator,criteria,down_limit_date,up_limit_date): """ Función Axuiliar de las funciones Auxiliares. """ if criteria == 0: #Caso único para getInRange cuando el rango no soprepasa un año. keylow = om.get(catalog[year_iterator],down_limit_date)['key'] keyhigh = om.get(catalog[year_iterator],up_limit_date)['key'] Year_Dates = om.keys(catalog[year_iterator],keylow,keyhigh) elif criteria == 1: #Caso en el que se necesita las fechas de todo el año. keyhigh = om.maxKey(catalog[year_iterator]) keylow = om.minKey(catalog[year_iterator]) Year_Dates = om.keys(catalog[year_iterator],keylow,keyhigh) elif criteria == 2: #Caso en el que dada una fecha límite superior, se busca la menor llave del árbol. keylow = om.minKey(catalog[year_iterator]) keyhigh = om.get(catalog[year_iterator],up_limit_date)['key'] Year_Dates = om.keys(catalog[year_iterator],keylow,keyhigh) elif criteria == 3: #Caso en el que dada una fecha límite inferior, se busca la mayor llave del árbol. keyhigh = om.maxKey(catalog[year_iterator]) keylow = om.get(catalog[year_iterator],down_limit_date)['key'] Year_Dates = om.keys(catalog[year_iterator],keylow,keyhigh) return Year_Dates
def llavesEnRango(cont, initialDate, finalDate, anio): llaves = {} if anio['type'] == 0: llaves[anio['anio']] = om.keys(cont[anio['anio']][0]['dateIndex'], initialDate, finalDate) else: for i in range(int(str(initialDate)[:4]), int(str(finalDate)[:4]) + 1): if str(i) in str(initialDate): mayor = om.maxKey(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex']) llaves[str(i)] = om.keys(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex'], initialDate, mayor) elif str(i) in str(finalDate): menor = om.minKey(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex']) llaves[str(i)] = om.keys(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex'], menor, finalDate) else: llaves[str(i)] = om.keySet(cont[str(i)][0]['dateIndex']) return llaves
def getEventByTimeAndTempo(mapTempo, mapNum, analyzer): """ Retorna el numero de tracks unicos y un mapa con ellos como llave """ tracksMap = mp.newMap(maptype='PROBING') maxKey = om.minKey(mapNum) entryMaxKey = om.get(mapNum, maxKey) valueMaxKey = me.getValue(entryMaxKey) entryInterval = mp.get(analyzer['genre_intervals'], valueMaxKey) valueInterval = me.getValue(entryInterval) lstInterval = om.values(mapTempo, valueInterval[0], valueInterval[1]) for track in lt.iterator(lstInterval): for uTrack in lt.iterator(track): trackId = uTrack['track_id'] mp.put(tracksMap, trackId, uTrack) totaltracks = mp.size(tracksMap) return tracksMap, totaltracks
def getAccidentsByGeographicZone(analyzer, longitud, latitud, radio): cant_accidentes = om.size(analyzer['dateIndex']) llaves = om.keys(analyzer['dateIndex'], om.minKey(analyzer['dateIndex']), om.maxKey(analyzer['dateIndex'])) accidentes = m.newMap(numelements=17, prime=109345121, maptype='CHAINING', loadfactor=0.5, comparefunction=compararDias) accidentes_reportados = 0 i = 1 while i <= cant_accidentes: fecha = om.get(analyzer['dateIndex'], lt.getElement(llaves, i)) lista_accidentes = fecha['value']['lstaccidents'] j = 1 while j <= lt.size(lista_accidentes): accidente = lt.getElement(lista_accidentes, j) long = float(accidente['Start_Lng']) lat = float(accidente['Start_Lat']) distancia = haversine(longitud, latitud, long, lat) if distancia <= radio: fecha = accidente['Start_Time'] anio = fecha[:4] mes = fecha[5:7] dia = fecha[8:10] dia_semana = calcular_dia(int(dia), int(mes), int(anio)) esta_dia = m.contains(accidentes, dia_semana) if not esta_dia: lista = lt.newList(datastructure='SINGLE_LINKED', cmpfunction=None) m.put(accidentes, dia_semana, lista) lis = m.get(accidentes, dia_semana) lis = lis['value'] lt.addLast(lis, accidente) m.put(accidentes, dia_semana, lis) accidentes_reportados += 1 j += 1 i += 1 return accidentes_reportados, accidentes
def test_remove(tree): tree = om.put(tree, 21, 'book21') tree = om.put(tree, 7, 'book7') tree = om.put(tree, 30, 'book30') tree = om.put(tree, 5, 'book5') tree = om.put(tree, 4, 'book4') tree = om.put(tree, 3, 'book3') tree = om.put(tree, 20, 'book20') tree = om.put(tree, 25, 'book25') tree = om.put(tree, 35, 'book35') tree = om.put(tree, 29, 'book29') tree = om.put(tree, 11, 'book11') tree = om.put(tree, 15, 'book15') tree = om.remove(tree, 21) tree = om.put(tree, 10, 'book10') tree = om.put(tree, 10, 'book10A') assert om.contains(tree, 29) is True assert om.contains(tree, 28) is False assert om.minKey(tree) == 3 assert om.maxKey(tree) == 35 om.deleteMin(tree) assert om.contains(tree, 3) is False
def test_contains(tree): tree = om.put(tree, 21, 'book21') tree = om.put(tree, 7, 'book7') tree = om.put(tree, 30, 'book30') tree = om.put(tree, 5, 'book5') tree = om.put(tree, 4, 'book4') tree = om.put(tree, 3, 'book3') tree = om.put(tree, 20, 'book20') tree = om.put(tree, 25, 'book25') tree = om.put(tree, 35, 'book35') tree = om.put(tree, 29, 'book29') tree = om.put(tree, 11, 'book11') tree = om.put(tree, 15, 'book15') tree = om.put(tree, 10, 'book10') tree = om.put(tree, 10, 'book10A') assert om.contains(tree, 29) is True assert om.contains(tree, 50) is False assert om.minKey(tree) == 3 assert om.maxKey(tree) == 35 tree = om.put(tree, 50, 'book50') assert om.contains(tree, 50) is True assert om.maxKey(tree) == 50