コード例 #1
	def reinit(self, includeFlags = 6):
		#	------------------------------------
		#	Initialize the persistent parameters
		#	------------------------------------
		if includeFlags & 2:
			self.rules = []
		Game.reinit(self, includeFlags)
コード例 #2
ファイル: StandardGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def reinit(self, includeFlags = 6):
		#	------------------------------------
		#	Initialize the persistent parameters
		#	------------------------------------
		if includeFlags & 2:
			self.rules = []
		Game.reinit(self, includeFlags)
コード例 #3
	def validateStatus(self):
		for power in [x for x in self.powers if x.orders]:
			#	-------------------------------------------------------
			#	Make sure all units are ordered (in non-NO_CHECK games)
			#	-------------------------------------------------------
			if 'DEFAULT_UNORDERED' not in self.rules: [self.error.append(
				'UNIT LEFT UNORDERED: %s, ' % power.name + unit)
				for unit in power.units if unit not in power.orders]
			for unit, order in power.orders.items():
				#	-----------------------------------------------------
				#	Convert NO_CHECK "ORDER"s to "INVALID" as appropriate
				#	-----------------------------------------------------
				if unit[:5] == 'ORDER':
					word = self.expandOrder(order.split())
					word = self.addUnitTypes(word)
					word = self.map.defaultCoast(word)
					valid = self.validOrder(power,
						' '.join(word[:2]), ' '.join(word[2:]), report=0)
					if not valid:
						power.orders['INVALID ' + unit[6:]] = order
						del power.orders[unit]
				#	-------------------------------------------------------
				#	Non-NO_CHECK.  Validate the order and report all errors
				#	-------------------------------------------------------
					valid = self.validOrder(power, unit, order)
				if valid == -1 and not order.endswith(' ?'):
					power.orders[unit] += ' ?'
				elif valid == 1 and order.endswith(' ?'):
					power.orders[unit] = power.orders[unit][:-2]
		#	-------------------------------------------------------------
		#	Go validate the rest of the data read in from the status file
		#	-------------------------------------------------------------
コード例 #4
 def validateStatus(self):
     sizes = [len(x.centers) for x in self.powers if x.centers]
     if sizes: self.smallest, self.largest = min(sizes), max(sizes)
     for rule in ['NO_CHECK']:
         if rule in self.rules:
             self.error += [rule + ' RULE IS INVALID IN CRYSTAL BALL']
コード例 #5
ファイル: StandardGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def validateStatus(self):
		for power in [x for x in self.powers if x.orders]:
			#	-------------------------------------------------------
			#	Make sure all units are ordered (in non-NO_CHECK games)
			#	-------------------------------------------------------
			if 'DEFAULT_UNORDERED' not in self.rules: [self.error.append(
				'UNIT LEFT UNORDERED: %s, ' % power.name + unit)
				for unit in power.units if unit not in power.orders]
			for unit, order in power.orders.items():
				#	-----------------------------------------------------
				#	Convert NO_CHECK "ORDER"s to "INVALID" as appropriate
				#	-----------------------------------------------------
				if unit[:5] == 'ORDER':
					word = self.expandOrder(order.split())
					word = self.addUnitTypes(word)
					word = self.map.defaultCoast(word)
					if not self.validOrder(power,
						' '.join(word[:2]), ' '.join(word[2:]), report=0):
						power.orders['INVALID ' + unit[6:]] = order
						del power.orders[unit]
				#	-------------------------------------------------------
				#	Non-NO_CHECK.  Validate the order and report all errors
				#	-------------------------------------------------------
				else: self.validOrder(power, unit, order)
		#	-------------------------------------------------------------
		#	Go validate the rest of the data read in from the status file
		#	-------------------------------------------------------------
コード例 #6
ファイル: XtalballGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def validateStatus(self):
		sizes = [len(x.centers) for x in self.powers if x.centers]
		if sizes: self.smallest, self.largest = min(sizes), max(sizes)
		for rule in ['NO_CHECK']:
			if rule in self.rules:
				self.error += [rule + ' RULE IS INVALID IN CRYSTAL BALL']
コード例 #7
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def processIncomePhase(self):
		if self.findNextPhase().endswith('ADJUSTMENTS'):
			list = Game.captureCenters(self, self.parseSupplyCount)
			Game.powerSizes(self, None, self.parseSupplyCount)
			list = []
		return (list + [self.phase.title() + ' has been distributed.\n']
			['NO_LEDGERS' in self.rules or self.phase in (None, 'COMPLETED'):])
コード例 #8
 def reinit(self, includeFlags=6):
     #	------------------------------------
     #	Initialize the persistent parameters
     #	------------------------------------
     if includeFlags & 2:
         self.rules = ['FICTIONAL_OK', 'PROXY_OK']
     #	-----------------------------------
     #	Initialize the transient parameters
     #	-----------------------------------
     if includeFlags & 4:
         self.largest = self.smallest = None
     Game.reinit(self, includeFlags)
コード例 #9
ファイル: XtalballGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def reinit(self, includeFlags = 6):
		#	------------------------------------
		#	Initialize the persistent parameters
		#	------------------------------------
		if includeFlags & 2:
			self.rules = ['FICTIONAL_OK', 'PROXY_OK']
		#	-----------------------------------
		#	Initialize the transient parameters
		#	-----------------------------------
		if includeFlags & 4:
			self.largest = self.smallest = None
		Game.reinit(self, includeFlags)
コード例 #10
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def reinit(self, includeFlags = 6):
		#	------------------------------------
		#	Initialize the persistent parameters
		#	------------------------------------
		if includeFlags & 2:
			self.rules = ['ORDER_ANY']
			self.taxes, self.tax, self.cap = {}, 0, 0
		#	-----------------------------------
		#	Initialize the transient parameters
		#	-----------------------------------
		if includeFlags & 4:
			self.offers, self.orders = {}, {} 
		Game.reinit(self, includeFlags)
コード例 #11
ファイル: XtalballGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def preMoveUpdate(self):
		if not self.skip:
			self.openMail('Xtalball orders', 'lists')
			if 'PUBLIC_LISTS' in self.rules:
					'OFFICIAL Crystal Ball orders %s %.1s%s%.1s\n' %
					tuple([self.name] + self.phase.split()), 0)
				self.mail.write('BROADCAST\n', 0)
			else: self.mail.write('SIGNOFF\n', 0)
			self.mail.write('%s ORDERS\n%s\n' %
				(self.phase, '=' * (len(self.phase) + 7)))
			for player in self.map.powers:
				for guy in [x for x in self.powers
					if x.name == player and x.units]:
					for count, order in enumerate(guy.list['SOONER']):
						if ('LIMIT_LISTS' in self.rules
						and count > self.largest): break
						self.mail.write('%-10s[%s] %s\n' %
							(player.title() + ':', guy.notes[count], order))
			self.mail.write('ENDPRESS\nSIGNOFF\n', 0)
			self.mail = None
		#	---------------------------
		#	Move the order sheets ahead
		#	---------------------------
		for power in self.powers:
			if power.list['SOONER'] and not power.list['LATER']: power.cd = 1
			power.list = {'SOONER': power.list['LATER']
				or (power.units and [power.units[0] + ' H']) or []}
		return Game.preMoveUpdate(self)
コード例 #12
 def parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags):
     parsed = Game.parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags)
     if parsed: return parsed
     word = [x.upper() for x in word]
     upline = ' '.join(word)
     #	-------------------------------------------
     #	Power-specific data (SOONER and/or LATER)
     #	-------------------------------------------
     #	Note that SOONER are orders entered during
     #	a previous turn and thus should be included
     #	even if includeFlags & 1 is 0, because the
     #	latter is only concerned with LATER orders.
     #	-------------------------------------------
     if word[0] in ('SOONER', 'LATER') and len(word) == 1:
         self.mode, self.modeRequiresEnd = word[0], None
     elif self.mode == 'LATER' and not includeFlags & 1:
         return -1
     elif self.mode and word[0] in ('A', 'F'):
         word = self.expandOrder(word)
         if len(word[-1]) == 1 and not word[-1].isalpha():
             word = word[:-1]
             upline = upline[:-2]
         if len(word) < 3: return self.error.append('BAD ORDER: ' + upline)
         unit, order = ' '.join(word[:2]), ' '.join(word[2:])
         valid = self.validOrder(power, unit, order)
         if valid != None:
             power.list[self.mode] += [
                 upline + ' ?' * (valid == -1 and not upline.endswith(' ?'))
         if self.mode == 'LATER': power.held = 1
     else: return 0
     return 1
コード例 #13
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def rollback(self, phase = None, includeFlags = 0):
		error = Game.rollback(self, phase, includeFlags)
		if error: return error
		#	-----------------------
		#	Truncate the chart file
		#	-----------------------
		phase = self.phaseType == 'M' and self.phase or self.findNextPhase('M')
		if len(phase.split()) == 3 and os.path.isfile(self.file('chart')):
			file = open(self.file('chart'), 'r', 'latin-1')
			lines = file.readlines()
			for num, text in enumerate(lines):
				if phase == text.strip(): break
				num = len(lines)
			if num == len(lines): pass
			elif num < 3:
				try: os.unlink(self.file('chart'))
				except: pass
				file = open(self.file('chart'), 'w', 'latin-1')
				try: os.chmod(self.file('chart'), 0666)
				except: pass
コード例 #14
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def parseGameData(self, word, includeFlags):
		parsed = Game.parseGameData(self, word, includeFlags)
		if parsed: return parsed
		word = [x.upper() for x in word]
		upline = ' '.join(word)
		#	-----
		#	Modes
		#	-----
		if self.mode:
			return 0
		#	--------------------------------------
		#	Game-specific information (persistent)
		#	--------------------------------------
		if not includeFlags & 2:
			return 0
		#	----------------------------------------------
		#	Center tax income values (completely optional)
		#	----------------------------------------------
		elif word[0] == 'TAX':
			self.tax = -1
			if len(word) == 3 and self.map.areatype(word[1]) or len(word) < 3:
				try: self.tax = int(word[-1])
				except: pass
			if self.tax < 0: self.error += ['BAD TAX: ' + upline]
			elif len(word) == 3: self.taxes[word[1]] = self.tax
		elif word[0] == 'CAP':
				self.cap = int('$'.join(word[1:]))
				if self.cap < 1: raise
			except: self.error += ['BAD CAP: ' + upline]
		else: return 0
		return 1
コード例 #15
ファイル: XtalballGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags):
		parsed = Game.parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags)
		if parsed: return parsed
		word = [x.upper() for x in word]
		upline = ' '.join(word)
		#	-------------------------------------------
		#	Power-specific data (SOONER and/or LATER)
		#	-------------------------------------------
		#	Note that SOONER are orders entered during
		#	a previous turn and thus should be included
		#	even if includeFlags & 1 is 0, because the
		#	latter is only concerned with LATER orders.
		#	-------------------------------------------
		if word[0] in ('SOONER', 'LATER') and len(word) == 1: 
			self.mode, self.modeRequiresEnd = word[0], None
		elif self.mode == 'LATER' and not includeFlags & 1:
			return -1
		elif self.mode and word[0] in ('A', 'F'):
			word = self.expandOrder(word)
			if len(word[-1]) == 1 and not word[-1].isalpha():
				word = word[:-1]
				upline = upline[:-2]
			if len(word) < 3: return self.error.append('BAD ORDER: ' + upline)
			unit, order = ' '.join(word[:2]), ' '.join(word[2:])
			valid = self.validOrder(power, unit, order)
			if valid != None:
				power.list[self.mode] += [upline + ' ?' * (valid == -1)]
			if self.mode == 'LATER': power.held = 1
		else: return 0
		return 1
コード例 #16
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def checkPhase(self, text):
		if self.phaseType == 'I': text += self.processIncomePhase()
		elif self.phaseType == 'D':
			text += self.processExchangeDividendsPhase()
		elif self.phaseType == 'Y':
			text += self.processExchangeReportsPhase()
		else: return Game.checkPhase(self, text)
		return 1
コード例 #17
ファイル: XtalballGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def otherResults(self):
		if self.phaseType == 'A' and 'GARRISON' in self.rules:
			#	Add HOLD orders for incoming GARRISON builds
			for power in self.powers:
				if not power.list and power.adjust and 'SC?' in power.centers:
					power.list = {'SOONER': ['%s %s H' % tuple(x.split()[1:])
						for x in power.adjust]}
		return Game.otherResults(self)
コード例 #18
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def __repr__(self):
		text = Game.__repr__(self).decode('latin-1')
		if self.taxes:
			for center, value in self.taxes.items():
				text += '\nTAX %s %d' % (center, value)
		if self.tax: text += '\nTAX %d' % self.tax
		if self.cap: text += '\nCAP %d' % self.cap
		return '\n'.join([x for x in text.split('\n')
						if x not in self.directives]).encode('latin-1')
コード例 #19
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def transferCenter(self, loser, gainer, sc):
		if 'ZEROSUM' in self.rules:
			#	--------------------------------------
			#	Add to the "gained" and "lost" lists.
			#	Each entry is an SC and an amount that
			#	is to be moved from one treasury to
			#	another.  The amount is the current
			#	(pre-income) balance of the losing
			#	power divided by the number of SC's he
			#	--------------------------------------
			if loser:
				amt = ((loser.balance + loser.funds.get('+', 0)) /
					(len(loser.centers) - len(loser.gained) + len(loser.lost)))
				loser.lost += [(sc, amt)]
			else: amt = 10
			gainer.gained += [(sc, amt)]
		Game.transferCenter(self, loser, gainer, sc)
コード例 #20
 def otherResults(self):
     if self.phaseType == 'A' and 'GARRISON' in self.rules:
         #	Add HOLD orders for incoming GARRISON builds
         for power in self.powers:
             if not power.list and power.adjust and 'SC?' in power.centers:
                 power.list = {
                     'SOONER': [
                         '%s %s H' % tuple(x.split()[1:])
                         for x in power.adjust
     return Game.otherResults(self)
コード例 #21
	def checkPhase(self, text):
		if 'LAST_MAN_STANDING' in self.rules:
			if self.phase in (None, 'FORMING', 'COMPLETED'): return
			if self.phaseType in 'MA': 
				if sum([len(x.units) for x in self.powers]) == 1:
					power = [x for x in self.powers if x.units][0]
					text += ['The %s %s is the Last Man Standing.' %
						self.anglify(power.units[0], retreating = 1))]
		return Game.checkPhase(self, text)
コード例 #22
ファイル: StandardGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def checkPhase(self, text):
		if 'LAST_MAN_STANDING' in self.rules:
			if self.phase in (None, 'FORMING', 'COMPLETED'): return
			if self.phaseType in 'MA': 
				if sum([len(x.units) for x in self.powers]) == 1:
					power = [x for x in self.powers if x.units][0]
					text += ['The %s %s is the Last Man Standing.' %
						self.anglify(power.units[0], retreating = 1))]
		return Game.checkPhase(self, text)
コード例 #23
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def validateStatus(self):
		#	------------------------------------------------------------
		#	Parsing offers needs to be done after all powers are loaded,
		#	thus not in finishPowerData(), because it checks whether an
		#	ordered unit has an owner.
		#	------------------------------------------------------------
		for power in self.powers:
			for offer in power.sheet: self.parseOffer(power, offer)
		self.map = self.map or Map.Map()
		#	-------------------------------------------------
		#	If the map's flow already holds any INCOME phase,
		#	leave it alone.  Otherwise, add a single INCOME
		#	phase into the flow after the first ADJUSTMENTS.
		#	-------------------------------------------------
		if self.map.flow:
			for item in [x.split(':')[1] for x in self.map.flow]:
				if 'INCOME' in item.split(','): break
				for flow, item in enumerate(self.map.flow):
					if 'ADJUSTMENTS' in item.split(':')[1].split(','):
						self.map.flow[flow] = item.replace(
				(where, what) = [(x+1,y) for (x,y) in enumerate(self.map.seq)
					if y.endswith('ADJUSTMENTS')][0]
				self.map.seq.insert(where, what.replace('ADJUSTMENTS','INCOME'))
		if self.rotate: self.error += ['CONTROL ROTATION IS INVALID IN PAYOLA']
		self.error += [rule + ' RULE IS INVALID IN PAYOLA'
			for rule in ('PROXY_OK', 'NO_CHECK') if rule in self.rules]
		for power in self.powers:
			if power.centers:
				if type(power.accept) not in (str, unicode): power.initAccept()
				else: self.checkAccept(power)
			if power.balance is None and not power.isEliminated(False, True):
				self.error += ['NO BALANCE FOR ' + power.name]
#		for subvar in ('ZEROSUM', 'EXCHANGE', 'FLAT_TAX'):
#			if subvar in self.rules:
#				self.variant = subvar.lower() + ' ' + self.variant
コード例 #24
ファイル: StandardGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags):
		parsed = Game.parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags)
		if parsed: return parsed
		word = [x.upper() for x in word]
		upline = ' '.join(word)
		#	-----
		#	Modes
		#	-----
		if self.mode:
			#	----------------------------
			#	Power-specific data (orders)
			#	----------------------------
			if self.mode == 'ORDERS':
				if not includeFlags & 1: return -1
				#	------------------------------------------------------
				#	Even NO_CHECK games check that the order contains only
				#	recognized tokens, and announce this error immediately
				#	------------------------------------------------------
				word = self.expandOrder(word)
				if len(word) < 3 and (len(word) == 1 or word[1] != 'H'):
					return self.error.append('BAD ORDER: ' + upline)
				#	--------------------------------
				#	Now parse and validate the order
				#	--------------------------------
				unit, order = ' '.join(word[:2]), ' '.join(word[2:])
				if unit in power.orders:
					return self.error.append('UNIT REORDERED: ' + upline)
				#	----------------------------------------------------
				#	NO_CHECK games take the raw order text and keep it
				#	internally under the name "ORDER 1", "ORDER 2", etc.
				#	In validateStatus(), each may change from "ORDER" to
				#	"INVALID".  The addOrder() method can also change it
				#	from "ORDER" to "REORDER" (if to a twice-ordered
				#	unit).  The Game.moveResults() method knows to take
				#	any orders thus marked "INVALID" or "REORDER" and
				#	include them in the results file with annotation.
				#	----------------------------------------------------
				if 'NO_CHECK' in self.rules:
					unit, order = 'ORDER ' + `len(power.orders) + 1`, upline
				power.orders[unit], power.held = order, 1
			else: return 0
			return 1
		#	--------------------------------------
		#	Power-specific information (transient)
		#	--------------------------------------
		elif word[0] == 'ORDERS' and len(word) == 1: 
			self.mode, self.modeRequiresEnd = word[0], None
		else: return 0
		return 1
コード例 #25
	def parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags):
		parsed = Game.parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags)
		if parsed: return parsed
		word = [x.upper() for x in word]
		upline = ' '.join(word)
		#	-----
		#	Modes
		#	-----
		if self.mode:
			#	----------------------------
			#	Power-specific data (orders)
			#	----------------------------
			if self.mode == 'ORDERS':
				if not includeFlags & 1: return -1
				#	------------------------------------------------------
				#	Even NO_CHECK games check that the order contains only
				#	recognized tokens, and announce this error immediately
				#	------------------------------------------------------
				word = self.expandOrder(word)
				if len(word) < 3 and (len(word) == 1 or word[1] != 'H'):
					return self.error.append('BAD ORDER: ' + upline)
				#	--------------------------------
				#	Now parse and validate the order
				#	--------------------------------
				unit, order = ' '.join(word[:2]), ' '.join(word[2:])
				if unit in power.orders:
					return self.error.append('UNIT REORDERED: ' + upline)
				#	----------------------------------------------------
				#	NO_CHECK games take the raw order text and keep it
				#	internally under the name "ORDER 1", "ORDER 2", etc.
				#	In validateStatus(), each may change from "ORDER" to
				#	"INVALID".  The addOrder() method can also change it
				#	from "ORDER" to "REORDER" (if to a twice-ordered
				#	unit).  The Game.moveResults() method knows to take
				#	any orders thus marked "INVALID" or "REORDER" and
				#	include them in the results file with annotation.
				#	----------------------------------------------------
				if 'NO_CHECK' in self.rules:
					unit, order = 'ORDER ' + `len(power.orders) + 1`, upline
				power.orders[unit], power.held = order, 1
			else: return 0
			return 1
		#	--------------------------------------
		#	Power-specific information (transient)
		#	--------------------------------------
		elif word[0] == 'ORDERS' and len(word) == 1: 
			self.mode, self.modeRequiresEnd = word[0], None
		else: return 0
		return 1
コード例 #26
ファイル: XtalballGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def unitOwner(self, unit, power = None):
		owner = Game.unitOwner(self, unit)
		#	--------------------------------------------------
		#	See if we've been passed a specific power.  If so,
		#	check any pending "adjust" orders (build, remove,
		#	and retreat) to see if this unit is mentioned.
		#	This method is called this way when displaying the
		#	locked-in orders for a certain power.
		#	--------------------------------------------------
		if power:
			if 'BUILD ' + unit in power.adjust: return power
			if 'REMOVE ' + unit in power.adjust: return
			for word in [x.split() for x in power.adjust]:
				if word[1] + ' ' + word[-1] == unit: return power
		return owner
コード例 #27
 def unitOwner(self, unit, power=None):
     owner = Game.unitOwner(self, unit)
     #	--------------------------------------------------
     #	See if we've been passed a specific power.  If so,
     #	check any pending "adjust" orders (build, remove,
     #	and retreat) to see if this unit is mentioned.
     #	This method is called this way when displaying the
     #	locked-in orders for a certain power.
     #	--------------------------------------------------
     if power:
         if 'BUILD ' + unit in power.adjust: return power
         if 'REMOVE ' + unit in power.adjust: return
         for word in [x.split() for x in power.adjust]:
             if word[1] + ' ' + word[-1] == unit: return power
     return owner
コード例 #28
ファイル: StandardGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def process(self, now = 0, email = None, roll = 0):
		#	-------------------------------------------------------------
		#	Convert all raw movement phase "ORDER"s in a NO_CHECK game to
		#	standard orders before calling Game.process().  All "INVALID"
		#	and "REORDER" orders are left raw -- the Game.moveResults()
		#	method knows how to detect and report them.
		#	-------------------------------------------------------------
		if ('NO_CHECK' in self.rules and self.phaseType == 'M' and now
		and (self.preview or self.ready(now))):
			for power in self.powers:
				orders, power.orders, cd = power.orders, {}, power.cd
				for status, order in orders.items():
					if status[:5] != 'ORDER': power.orders[status] = order
					else: self.addOrder(power, order.split())
				power.cd = cd
		return Game.process(self, now, email, roll)
コード例 #29
	def process(self, now = 0, email = None, roll = 0):
		#	-------------------------------------------------------------
		#	Convert all raw movement phase "ORDER"s in a NO_CHECK game to
		#	standard orders before calling Game.process().  All "INVALID"
		#	and "REORDER" orders are left raw -- the Game.moveResults()
		#	method knows how to detect and report them.
		#	-------------------------------------------------------------
		if ('NO_CHECK' in self.rules and self.phaseType == 'M' and now
		and (self.preview or self.ready(now))):
			for power in self.powers:
				orders, power.orders, cd = power.orders, {}, power.cd
				for status, order in orders.items():
					if status[:5] != 'ORDER': power.orders[status] = order
					else: self.addOrder(power, order.split())
				power.cd = cd
		return Game.process(self, now, email, roll)
コード例 #30
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def preMoveUpdate(self):
		if 'BLIND' in self.rules or 'FICTIONAL_OK' in self.rules:
			self.error = [x for x in self.error
				if not x.startswith('IMPOSSIBLE ORDER')]
		if self.error:
			print 'ERRORS IMPEDING RESOLUTION:', self.error
		if 'NO_LEDGERS' not in self.rules: self.sendLedgers()
		#	----------------------
		#	Empty the offer sheets
		#	----------------------
		for power in self.powers:
			if not power.offers and not power.isEliminated(False, True):
				power.cd = 1
			power.sheet = power.offers = []
		return Game.preMoveUpdate(self)
コード例 #31
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags):
		parsed = Game.parsePowerData(self, power, word, includeFlags)
		if parsed: return parsed
		word = [x.upper() for x in word]
		upline = ' '.join(word)
		#	-----
		#	Modes
		#	-----
		if self.mode:
			return 0
		#	-------------------
		#	Offers and comments
		#	-------------------
		elif word[0][0] in '0123456789%' or word[0] in ('A', 'F'):
			if not includeFlags & 1: return -1
			power.sheet += [upline]
			if word[0][0] != '%': power.held = 1
			return 1
		#	-------------------------------
		#	Power-specific data (transient)
		#	-------------------------------
		found = 0
		if includeFlags & 4:
			found = 1
			if word[0] == 'SENT':		# (one_transfer)
				try: power.sent += [word[1]]
				except: self.error += ['BAD SENT FOR ' + power.name]
			elif word[0] == 'ELECT':	# (exchange)
				for item in word[1:]:
					company, candidate = item.split(':')
					power.elect[company] = candidate
			elif word[0] == 'STATE':		# (exchange, undocumented?)
				if len(word) == 2: power.state = word[1]
				else: error += ['BAD STATE FOR ' + power.name]
			elif word[0] == 'ACCEPT':
				if power.accept: self.error += ['TWO ACCEPTS FOR ' + power.name]
				elif len(word) != 2:
					self.error += ['BAD ACCEPT FOR ' + power.name]
				else: power.accept = word[1]
			else: found = 0
		return found
コード例 #32
 def preMoveUpdate(self):
     if not self.skip:
         self.openMail('Xtalball orders', 'lists')
         if 'PUBLIC_LISTS' in self.rules:
                 'OFFICIAL Crystal Ball orders %s %.1s%s%.1s\n' %
                 tuple([self.name] + self.phase.split()), 0)
             self.mail.write('BROADCAST\n', 0)
             self.mail.write('SIGNOFF\n', 0)
         self.mail.write('%s ORDERS\n%s\n' % (self.phase, '=' *
                                              (len(self.phase) + 7)))
         for player in self.map.powers:
             for guy in [
                     x for x in self.powers if x.name == player and x.units
                 for count, order in enumerate(guy.list['SOONER']):
                     if ('LIMIT_LISTS' in self.rules
                             and count > self.largest):
                         '%-10s[%s] %s\n' %
                         (player.title() + ':', guy.notes[count], order))
         self.mail.write('ENDPRESS\nSIGNOFF\n', 0)
         self.mail = None
     #	---------------------------
     #	Move the order sheets ahead
     #	---------------------------
     for power in self.powers:
         if power.list['SOONER'] and not power.list['LATER']: power.cd = 1
         power.list = {
             or (power.units and [power.units[0] + ' H']) or []
     return Game.preMoveUpdate(self)
コード例 #33
 def findStartPhase(self):
     Game.findStartPhase(self, 1)
コード例 #34
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def __init__(self, gameName, fileName = 'status'):
		self.variant, self.powerType = 'payola', PayolaPower
		Game.__init__(self, gameName, fileName)
コード例 #35
 def __init__(self, gameName, fileName='status'):
     self.variant, self.powerType = 'xtalball', XtalballPower
     Game.__init__(self, gameName, fileName)
コード例 #36
ファイル: StandardGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def determineWin(self, lastYear, func = None):
		if 'LAST_MAN_STANDING' in self.rules: return []
		return Game.determineWin(self, lastYear, func)
コード例 #37
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def finishPowerData(self, power):
		Game.finishPowerData(self, power)
		power.liquid = power.balance
コード例 #38
	def __init__(self, gameName, fileName = 'status'):
		self.powerType = StandardPower
		Game.__init__(self, gameName, fileName)
コード例 #39
ファイル: XtalballGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def __init__(self, gameName, fileName = 'status'):
		self.variant, self.powerType = 'xtalball', XtalballPower
		Game.__init__(self, gameName, fileName)
コード例 #40
	def determineWin(self, lastYear, func = None):
		if 'LAST_MAN_STANDING' in self.rules: return []
		return Game.determineWin(self, lastYear, func)
コード例 #41
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def postMoveUpdate(self):
		if 'NO_DONATIONS' in self.rules:
			self.findGoners(phase = 0)
			for power in self.powers:
				if power.goner: power.balance = 0
		return Game.postMoveUpdate(self)
コード例 #42
ファイル: XtalballGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def findStartPhase(self):
		Game.findStartPhase(self, 1)
コード例 #43
ファイル: StandardGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def __init__(self, gameName, fileName = 'status'):
		self.powerType = StandardPower
		Game.__init__(self, gameName, fileName)
コード例 #44
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def resolvePhase(self):
		if self.phaseType == 'I': return self.processIncomePhase()
		if self.phaseType == 'D': return self.processExchangeDividendsPhase()
		if self.phaseType == 'Y': return self.processExchangeReportsPhase()
		return Game.resolvePhase(self)
コード例 #45
ファイル: PayolaGame.py プロジェクト: arlm/dpjudge
	def captureCenters(self):
		return Game.captureCenters(self, self.parseSupplyCount)
コード例 #46
	def postMoveUpdate(self):
		for power in self.powers: power.orders, power.cd = {}, 0
		return Game.postMoveUpdate(self)