コード例 #1
ファイル: raw_test.py プロジェクト: cloudostrich/dtcpp
def create_secdef_req(requestID, symbol, exchange):
    data_req = Dtc.SecurityDefinitionForSymbolRequest()
    # data_req.RequestAction = Dtc.SUBSCRIBE
    data_req.RequestID = requestID  # Note: Make sure this is unique when requesting multiple symbols
    data_req.Symbol = symbol
    data_req.Exchange = exchange
    return data_req
コード例 #2
ファイル: dtcstatic.py プロジェクト: cloudostrich/dtcpy
def secdef(requestID, symbol, exchange, sock, logfile):
    """ Retrieve Security Definition for each symbol. 
    Uses the Market port"""
    # custom logger with own txt file
    logRec = create_logger(logfile)

    # Create sec def request
    data_req = Dtc.SecurityDefinitionForSymbolRequest()
    data_req.RequestID = requestID  # Note: Make sure this is unique when requesting multiple symbols
    data_req.Symbol = symbol
    data_req.Exchange = exchange
    # Send Request and log response
    send_message(data_req, Dtc.SECURITY_DEFINITION_FOR_SYMBOL_REQUEST, sock)
    m_type, m_resp = get_message(sock)
    logRec.debug("%s, %s", m_type[0], m_resp)
    logStdout.debug("%s, %s", m_type[0], m_resp)