def initializeGUIVars(self): # Handler for Playline widget self.playLine = self.nSignals*[0] # Handler for Music Beats Lines (widget) self.beatsLines = self.nSignals*[self.myLoader.nBeats*[0]] # Minimum of each signal in Y axis self.MinSG = self.nSignals*[0] # Maximum of each signal in Y axis self.MaxSG = self.nSignals*[0] # x y z line colors repeated for each joint self.colors = self.nSignals*['red','green','blue'] # Number of video frames in total self.nTotalFrames = len(self.myLoader.indexFrames) # Plot signals and axis labels for i in range(self.nSignals): # length of the signal in samples self.Ls = len(self.myLoader.signals_wrapper[self.sgNames[i//3]][0]) # Plot signal self.MinSG[i], self.MaxSG[i] = DanceAnno_PlotSignals.plotSignalJointDim(self.canvas_SG[i], self.myLoader.signals_wrapper[self.sgNames[i//3]][i % 3], self.colors[i], self.sgNames[i//3]) # Plot labels for x and y DanceAnno_PlotSignals.plotXLabels(self.canvas_SG[i], self.Ls, self.myLoader.Fs, i, self.nTotalFrames) DanceAnno_PlotSignals.plotYLabels(self.canvas_SG[i], self.MinSG[i], self.MaxSG[i]) # Handler for Play lines (array each per signal canvas) self.myPlayLine = DanceAnno_PlayLine.PlayLine(self.root, self, self.canvas_SG, self.playLine, self.myLoader.indexFrames, self.myLoader.length_signal_samples) # Update also the video if self.nTotalFrames > 0: self.updateVideoFrame(0) # Init first level annotation if available (color, button to generate annotation, level indicator) self.myPlotAnnotationA = PlotAnnotation(self, '#0f00af', "<ButtonPress-3>", 'A') # Init second level annotation if available self.myPlotAnnotationB = PlotAnnotation(self, '#0ff00f', "b", 'B') # Now plot them self.myPlotAnnotationA.plot(self.myLoader.annotationSecs, self.myLoader.labels, self.canvas_SG, self.myLoader.Fs, self.root, self.myLoader.length_signal_samples) self.myPlotAnnotationB.plot(self.myLoader.annotationSecsB, self.myLoader.labelsB, self.canvas_SG, self.myLoader.Fs, self.root, self.myLoader.length_signal_samples) # Plot also the music beats lines if any given if self.myLoader.nBeats > 0: self.myBeatsLines = BeatsLines(self, '#777777') self.myBeatsLines.plot(self.root, self.canvas_SG,, self.myLoader.Fs, self.myLoader.length_signal_samples) # Set the bounding box for scrolling for i in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[i].config(scrollregion = self.canvas_SG[i].bbox("all_resize"))
class DanceAnno: def __init__(self, myLoader): """ :param myLoader: The data stems from myLoader .signalsSelected[key] : Dictionary of selection of signals {'Neck':1, 'Torso':0,...}, where 1 is selected .signals_wrapper : Dictionary of signals {'Neck':[...], 'Torso':[....],...} .Fs : Kinect sampling rate :return: """ # construct the root frame and its widgets DanceAnno_MainGUI_layout.layout(self) # time zoom self.tzoom = 1 # data object self.myLoader = myLoader # current frame that the playline is indicating self.currFrame = 0 # Status variables self.isPlaying = False self.isPaused = False self.isRewinded = False # Number of signals = 3 * selected signals self.nSignals = 3 * sum(v.get() == 1 for v in myLoader.signalsSelected.values()) # Names of signals ['Left foot', 'Right foot'] self.sgNames = [s for s in self.myLoader.signalsSelected.keys() if self.myLoader.signalsSelected[s].get() == 1] # Frame containing the images self.frame_video = DanceAnno_ResizingCanvases.ResizingVideoCanvas( self.myframe, self.mirrorizeFrame ) # Canvas Widget for each signal self.canvas_SG = self.nSignals*[0] for i in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[i] = DanceAnno_ResizingCanvases.ResizingSignalCanvas(self.myframe, width = 400, height = 60, bg="white", highlightthickness=0) self.canvas_SG[i].configure(scrollregion = self.canvas_SG[i].bbox("all_resize")) self.canvas_SG[i].bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.scroll_start) self.canvas_SG[i].bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.scroll_stop) self.canvas_SG[i].bind("<B1-Motion>", self.scroll_move) self.canvas_SG[i].bind("<MouseWheel>", self.onWheel) self.canvas_SG[i].bind("<Left>", self.leftarrowpress_callback) self.canvas_SG[i].bind("<Right>", self.rightarrowpress_callback) self.canvas_SG[i].bind("<Up>", self.uparrowpress_callback) self.canvas_SG[i].bind("<Down>", self.downarrowpress_callback) self.canvas_SG[i].bind('<Motion>', self.mousemotion) self.canvas_SG[0].focus_set() # This enables the buttons # Names of the axes ['left foot x','l f y','l f z','r f x','r f y','r f z'] self.labels_axes = list(map(' '.join, chain(product(self.sgNames,['x','y','z'])))) # Place the widgets in the window DanceAnno_MainGUI_layout.placement(self) # Wait a little and then initialize the variables self.root.after(200, self.initializeGUIVars) # Ignite GUI self.root.mainloop() # = Initilize GUI variables = def initializeGUIVars(self): # Handler for Playline widget self.playLine = self.nSignals*[0] # Handler for Music Beats Lines (widget) self.beatsLines = self.nSignals*[self.myLoader.nBeats*[0]] # Minimum of each signal in Y axis self.MinSG = self.nSignals*[0] # Maximum of each signal in Y axis self.MaxSG = self.nSignals*[0] # x y z line colors repeated for each joint self.colors = self.nSignals*['red','green','blue'] # Number of video frames in total self.nTotalFrames = len(self.myLoader.indexFrames) # Plot signals and axis labels for i in range(self.nSignals): # length of the signal in samples self.Ls = len(self.myLoader.signals_wrapper[self.sgNames[i//3]][0]) # Plot signal self.MinSG[i], self.MaxSG[i] = DanceAnno_PlotSignals.plotSignalJointDim(self.canvas_SG[i], self.myLoader.signals_wrapper[self.sgNames[i//3]][i % 3], self.colors[i], self.sgNames[i//3]) # Plot labels for x and y DanceAnno_PlotSignals.plotXLabels(self.canvas_SG[i], self.Ls, self.myLoader.Fs, i, self.nTotalFrames) DanceAnno_PlotSignals.plotYLabels(self.canvas_SG[i], self.MinSG[i], self.MaxSG[i]) # Handler for Play lines (array each per signal canvas) self.myPlayLine = DanceAnno_PlayLine.PlayLine(self.root, self, self.canvas_SG, self.playLine, self.myLoader.indexFrames, self.myLoader.length_signal_samples) # Update also the video if self.nTotalFrames > 0: self.updateVideoFrame(0) # Init first level annotation if available (color, button to generate annotation, level indicator) self.myPlotAnnotationA = PlotAnnotation(self, '#0f00af', "<ButtonPress-3>", 'A') # Init second level annotation if available self.myPlotAnnotationB = PlotAnnotation(self, '#0ff00f', "b", 'B') # Now plot them self.myPlotAnnotationA.plot(self.myLoader.annotationSecs, self.myLoader.labels, self.canvas_SG, self.myLoader.Fs, self.root, self.myLoader.length_signal_samples) self.myPlotAnnotationB.plot(self.myLoader.annotationSecsB, self.myLoader.labelsB, self.canvas_SG, self.myLoader.Fs, self.root, self.myLoader.length_signal_samples) # Plot also the music beats lines if any given if self.myLoader.nBeats > 0: self.myBeatsLines = BeatsLines(self, '#777777') self.myBeatsLines.plot(self.root, self.canvas_SG,, self.myLoader.Fs, self.myLoader.length_signal_samples) # Set the bounding box for scrolling for i in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[i].config(scrollregion = self.canvas_SG[i].bbox("all_resize")) # = Update the frame in Video frame widget = def updateVideoFrame(self, iFrame): if iFrame >= len(self.myLoader.indexFrames): return try: # Show the frame number and the time stamp of the frame self.str_time_info.set( str(self.myLoader.indexFrames[iFrame]) + " Frame" + "\n" + str(self.myLoader.indexFrames[iFrame]/25) + " secs" ) # set global current frame to the frame of the video self.currFrame = iFrame # construct the image filename by concatenation fileiter = os.path.join(self.myLoader.dname, self.myLoader.prefixname + str(self.myLoader.indexFrames[iFrame]) + self.myLoader.videof_ext) # load the image self.frame_video.original = # image size size = (self.frame_video.winfo_width(), self.frame_video.winfo_height()) # resize to current window size resized_image = self.frame_video.original.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) # mirrorize the image if user wishes to if self.mirrorizeFrame.get() == 1: resized_image = ImageOps.mirror(resized_image) # convert image to suitable format for Tk self.frame_video.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized_image) self.frame_video.aspect = size[1] / size[0] # put the image to the widget self.frame_video.displayCanvas.create_image(0, 0, image = self.frame_video.image, anchor=NW, tags="IMG") # force to update the widget self.frame_video.update() except Exception as e: print("Unexpected update videoFrame error:", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info(), " indexFrame:", self.myLoader.indexFrames[iFrame], " currFrame", self.currFrame, " n", len(self.myLoader.indexFrames), " last", self.myLoader.indexFrames[-1]) # = Play button = def playForwardFunctionality(self): def playBackwardFunctionality(self): def play(self, step_frame): if self.isPlaying: self.pauseFunctionality() return self.isPlaying = True self.isPaused = False self.isRewinded = False if step_frame == 1: end_frame = len(self.myLoader.indexFrames) elif step_frame == -1: end_frame = -1 start_frame = copy.deepcopy(self.currFrame) for i in range(start_frame, end_frame, step_frame): if self.isPlaying: self.currFrame = i self.updateVideoFrame(i) self.myPlayLine.updatePlayLine(i) #time.sleep(1/Fs) return # Stop button def stopFunctionality(self): self.isPlaying = False self.isPaused = False self.isRewinded= True self.currFrame = 0 self.updateVideoFrame(self.currFrame) self.myPlayLine.updatePlayLine(self.currFrame) return # Pause button def pauseFunctionality(self): self.isPlaying = False self.isPaused = True self.isRewinded= False # Frame Left def frameleftFunctionality(self): self.bt_frameleft.config(state=DISABLED) self.isPlaying = True self.isPaused = True self.isRewinded= False if self.currFrame > 0: self.currFrame = self.currFrame - 1 self.updateVideoFrame(self.currFrame) self.myPlayLine.updatePlayLine(self.currFrame) self.bt_frameleft.config(state=NORMAL) return #-------- Frame Right -------- def framerightFunctionality(self): self.bt_frameright.config( state = DISABLED ) self.isPlaying = True self.isPaused = True self.isRewinded= False if self.currFrame < len(self.myLoader.indexFrames) -1: self.currFrame = self.currFrame + 1 self.updateVideoFrame(self.currFrame) self.myPlayLine.updatePlayLine(self.currFrame) self.bt_frameright.config(state=NORMAL) return # - Scroll start - def scroll_start(self,event): for dim in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[dim].scan_mark(event.x, 0) # - Scroll stop - def scroll_stop(self, event): return # - Scroll move - def scroll_move(self,event): for dim in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[dim].scan_dragto(event.x, 0, gain=1) #--------- on Wheel ------------------------------- def onWheel(self,event): d = id_el = self.canvas_SG[0].find_withtag('ENDLINE') x_ENDLINE = self.canvas_SG[0].coords(id_el)[0] id_sl = self.canvas_SG[0].find_withtag('STARTLINE') x_STARTLINE = self.canvas_SG[0].coords(id_sl)[0] # prevent coordinates width of canvas to becoming smaller than the window width of canvas if x_ENDLINE - x_STARTLINE < self.canvas_SG[0].winfo_width() and d <= 0: return else: if d < 0: amt = 0.95 else: amt = 1.05 for dim in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[dim].scale("all_resize", self.canvas_SG[dim].canvasx(self.mouse_x), 0, amt, 1) self.canvas_SG[dim].config(scrollregion = self.canvas_SG[dim].bbox("all_resize")) #----- pan left -------- def panLeft(self): for dim in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[dim].xview_scroll(-1, UNITS) return #----- pan right -------- def panRight(self): for dim in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[dim].xview_scroll(1, UNITS) return #----- zoom in ----------- def zoomIn(self): amt = 1.05 for dim in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[dim].scale("all_resize", 0, 0, amt, 1) return #------ zoom out --------- def zoomOut(self): amt = 1/1.05 for dim in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[dim].scale("all_resize", 0, 0, amt, 1) return # Keypress callbacks -------- # up arrow = frame left def uparrowpress_callback(self, event): self.frameleftFunctionality() # down arrow = frame right def downarrowpress_callback(self, event): self.framerightFunctionality() # right arrow = play forward def rightarrowpress_callback(self, event): if self.isPlaying: self.pauseFunctionality() else: self.playForwardFunctionality() # left arrow = play backward def leftarrowpress_callback(self, event): if self.isPlaying: self.pauseFunctionality() else: self.playBackwardFunctionality() # Unbind - Bind buttons to functionalities is useful because sometimes functionalities overlap # Bind the keyboard and mouse keys to functionalities def bindButtons(self): for dim in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[dim].bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.scroll_start) self.canvas_SG[dim].bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.scroll_stop) self.canvas_SG[dim].bind("<B1-Motion>", self.scroll_move) self.canvas_SG[dim].bind("<MouseWheel>", self.onWheel) self.canvas_SG[dim].bind("<Left>", self.leftarrowpress_callback) self.canvas_SG[dim].bind("<Right>", self.rightarrowpress_callback) self.canvas_SG[dim].bind("<Up>", self.uparrowpress_callback) self.canvas_SG[dim].bind("<Down>", self.downarrowpress_callback) self.canvas_SG[dim].bind('<Motion>', self.mousemotion) # Unbind the buttons from the functionalities def unbindButtons(self): for dim in range(self.nSignals): self.canvas_SG[dim].unbind("<ButtonPress-1>") self.canvas_SG[dim].unbind("<ButtonRelease-1>") self.canvas_SG[dim].unbind("<B1-Motion>") self.canvas_SG[dim].unbind("<MouseWheel>") self.canvas_SG[dim].unbind("<Left>") self.canvas_SG[dim].unbind("<Right>") self.canvas_SG[dim].unbind("<Up>") self.canvas_SG[dim].unbind("<Down>") self.canvas_SG[dim].unbind('<Motion>') # register mouse position so that zoom in or out (by mouse wheel) is down with respect to current mouse position def mousemotion(self, event): self.mouse_x = event.x self.mouse_y = event.y # Open another performance def newSession(self): if askokcancel("Close", "Are you sure?"): self.root.destroy() os.system("python") return # Exit def close_window(self): if askokcancel("Exit", "Are you sure?"): self.root.destroy() # Instant image update for the mirrorize frame functionality def refreshVideoFrame(self): self.updateVideoFrame(self.currFrame) # Show help window def showHelp(self): showinfo("Help", open('Graphics/help.txt').read()) # Save Annotation Functionality # TODO: change tags so that there are not so many text comparisons def saveAnnotation(self): annotation_result = [] # Canvas x coordinate for the starting and ending line x_STARTLINE = self.canvas_SG[0].coords(self.canvas_SG[0].find_withtag('STARTLINE'))[0] x_ENDLINE = self.canvas_SG[0].coords(self.canvas_SG[0].find_withtag('ENDLINE'))[0] # iterate through all annotation objects (segmentation lines and texts) for item in self.canvas_SG[0].find_withtag("anntoken"): # get all tags for this item tags = self.canvas_SG[0].gettags(item) # if the item is a segmentation line if any("_line" in s for s in tags): # A and B might have 1_line tag sequential_segmentation_index = tags[1][0:tags[1].rfind('_')] # from 5_line get 5 # Canvas x coordinate for this item x_incanvas = self.canvas_SG[0].coords(item)[0] # Convert x coordinate to frame index v = int( (x_incanvas -x_STARTLINE) / (x_ENDLINE - x_STARTLINE) * self.Ls) # A for first level annotation, B for second level annotation levelId = tags[2] # Find the text tag for the current line item text_items = self.canvas_SG[0].find_withtag( sequential_segmentation_index + '_text' ) # iterate all text items containing 5_text (it may one or two depending on the annotation levels) for itemPerLevel in text_items: # if the item refers to the current annotation level then get the tag that is its label if self.canvas_SG[0].gettags(itemPerLevel)[2] == levelId: label = self.canvas_SG[0].gettags(itemPerLevel)[3] # append sample index, label, and annotation level indicator to a list of lists annotation_result.append([v, label, levelId]) annotation_result = sorted(annotation_result) # print annotation result print("\n") for row in annotation_result: print(row) debug_Flag = False if debug_Flag: print("not saving in debug mode") else: # Dialogue for selecting file candidateSaveName = self.myLoader.dname[self.myLoader.dname.rfind("\\")+1:-8] + 'DanceAnnotationTool' candidateSaveName = candidateSaveName[candidateSaveName.rfind("/")+1:] candidateSaveName = candidateSaveName[0].upper() + candidateSaveName[1:] if self.myLoader.db == 'salsa': fhandler_saveanno = asksaveasfile(mode='w', initialdir="Data\\SVL", initialfile=candidateSaveName, defaultextension=".svl", filetypes=( ("SVL (only one level of annotation)", "*.svl"), ("Raw txt", "*.txt"), ("All Files", "*.*") ) ) elif self.myLoader.db == 'calus': fhandler_saveanno = asksaveasfile(mode='w', initialdir="Data\\Calus", initialfile=candidateSaveName, defaultextension=".txt", filetypes=( ("Raw txt", "*.txt"), ("SVL (only one level of annotation)", "*.svl"), ("All Files", "*.*") ) ) # Save to file if fhandler_saveanno is None: # asksaveasfile return `None` if dialog closed with "cancel". return #showerror("Message", "No such file") else: dummy, fextension = os.path.splitext( if fextension == '.txt': writetxt.convertData_and_Save(fhandler_saveanno, annotation_result) fhandler_saveanno.close() elif fextension == '.svl': writesvl.convertData_and_Save(fhandler_saveanno, annotation_result, self.myLoader.Fs) fhandler_saveanno.close() else: showerror("Error","Unsupported file extension for output") return