コード例 #1
from DataBase import dbmodule as db
dbModule = db.Database()

class Comments(object):
    def createPostComment(self, user_id, body, post_id):
        query = "insert into comments (user_id, post_id, body) values (%s,%s,'%s')" % (
            user_id, post_id, body)
        if dbModule.insertToDB(query):
            return {
                'status': 'success',
                'response': 'post created success fully'
        return {'status': 'failed', 'error': 'could not make comments'}

    def editComment(self, user_id, comment_id, body):
        query = "select user_id from comments where user_id = %s and id = %s" % (
            user_id, comment_id)
        user = dbModule.selectStuff(query)
        if not user or user[0][0] != str(user_id):
            return {
                'status': 'failed',
                'error': 'this user cannot edit this comment'
        query = "update comments set body = '%s' where id = '%s'" % (
            body, comment_id)
        if dbModule.insertToDB(query):
            return {'status': 'success', 'response': 'comment modified'}
        return {'status': 'failed', 'error': 'failed to edit comment'}
コード例 #2
import csv, sys, re
from DataBase import dbmodule

dbModule = dbmodule.Database()

class Week(object):
	def __init__(self,week):
		self.week = week
		self.foods = []

	def addFood(self,food):

	def getWeek(self):
		return self.week

	def getFoods(self):
		return self.foods

class Food(object):
	def __init__(self, meal, nutrient):
		self.meal = meal
		self.nutrient = nutrient
	def getMeal(self):
		return self.meal

	def getNutrient(self):
		return self.nutrient

def load(fileName):