def get_rowsidematrix(Features, Arguments): ''' ''' GrayScale = { -9: "gray10", -8: "gray20", -7: "gray30", -6: "gray40", -5: "gray50", -4: "gray60", -3: "gray70", -2: "gray80" } Matrix = dict([(Row.split()[0], Row.split()[1]) for Row in file(get_path("RowSideColors"))]) PValues = [] for Feature in Features: PValues.append(Matrix[Feature]) Label = ["Mesenchymal"] Variates = [ int(("%0.2e" % float(PValue)).split("e")[1]) for PValue in PValues ] Variates = [ "black" if Variate <= -10 else ("white" if Variate >= -1 else GrayScale[Variate]) for Variate in Variates ] return string_matrix(Features, Label, [Variates], Arguments)
def heatmap(Arguments): ''' ''' Data = load_data(Arguments) if Arguments.OrderBy: Data = reorder_data(Data, Arguments) #This is specifically the part you want plotted on the heatmap, NOT the sidebars Features, Variates = get_heatmap_data(Data, Arguments) Features = [Feature[:Feature.index(":")] for Feature in Features] ClusteredMatrix = ro.r["hierarchical_cluster_distance_matrix"]( float_matrix(Data.Labels, Features, Variates, Arguments)) Columns = list(ClusteredMatrix.colnames) Rows = list(ClusteredMatrix.rownames) Matrix = np.array(ClusteredMatrix) ZMatrix = z_matrix(Matrix) ColorPalette = list(ro.r["colorRampPalette"](ro.StrVector( ["blue", "white", "red"]))(100)) ColorMatrix = [float2color(Vector, ColorPalette) for Vector in ZMatrix] exit() Heatmap = float_matrix(Data.Labels, Features, Variates, Arguments) Legend = False #overwrite if ColSideColors is called if "colsidecolors" in [Option.lower() for Option in Arguments.Heatmap]: ColorFeatures, ColSideMatrix, Legend = get_colsidematrix( Data, Arguments) ColSideMatrix = transpose_matrix( string_matrix(Data.Labels, ColorFeatures, ColSideMatrix, Arguments)) else: ColSideMatrix = False if "rowsidecolors" in [Option.lower() for Option in Arguments.Heatmap]: RowSideMatrix = get_rowsidematrix(Features, Arguments) else: RowSideMatrix = False ro.r['pdf'](Arguments.Filename + '.pdf') if Legend: ro.r['par'](mar=ro.IntVector([1, 1, 1, 1])) ro.r['par'](**{'cex.axis': 0.8}) get_heatmap(Heatmap, ColSideMatrix=ColSideMatrix, RowSideMatrix=RowSideMatrix, Legend=Legend) ro.r['']() return
def get_rowsidematrix(Features, Arguments): ''' ''' GrayScale = {-9:"gray10", -8:"gray20", -7:"gray30", -6:"gray40", -5:"gray50", -4:"gray60", -3:"gray70", -2:"gray80"} Matrix = dict([(Row.split()[0], Row.split()[1]) for Row in file(get_path("RowSideColors"))]) PValues = [] for Feature in Features: PValues.append(Matrix[Feature]) Label = ["Mesenchymal"] Variates = [int(("%0.2e" %float(PValue)).split("e")[1]) for PValue in PValues] Variates = ["black" if Variate <= -10 else ("white" if Variate >= -1 else GrayScale[Variate]) for Variate in Variates] return string_matrix(Features, Label, [Variates], Arguments)
def heatmap(Arguments): ''' ''' Data = load_data(Arguments) if Arguments.OrderBy: Data = reorder_data(Data, Arguments) #This is specifically the part you want plotted on the heatmap, NOT the sidebars Features, Variates = get_heatmap_data(Data, Arguments) Features = [Feature[:Feature.index(":")] for Feature in Features] ClusteredMatrix = ro.r["hierarchical_cluster_distance_matrix"](float_matrix(Data.Labels, Features, Variates, Arguments)) Columns = list(ClusteredMatrix.colnames) Rows = list(ClusteredMatrix.rownames) Matrix = np.array(ClusteredMatrix) ZMatrix = z_matrix(Matrix) ColorPalette = list(ro.r["colorRampPalette"](ro.StrVector(["blue", "white", "red"]))(100)) ColorMatrix = [float2color(Vector, ColorPalette) for Vector in ZMatrix] exit() Heatmap = float_matrix(Data.Labels, Features, Variates, Arguments) Legend = False #overwrite if ColSideColors is called if "colsidecolors" in [Option.lower() for Option in Arguments.Heatmap]: ColorFeatures, ColSideMatrix, Legend = get_colsidematrix(Data, Arguments) ColSideMatrix = transpose_matrix(string_matrix(Data.Labels, ColorFeatures, ColSideMatrix, Arguments)) else: ColSideMatrix = False if "rowsidecolors" in [Option.lower() for Option in Arguments.Heatmap]: RowSideMatrix = get_rowsidematrix(Features, Arguments) else: RowSideMatrix = False ro.r['pdf'](Arguments.Filename + '.pdf') if Legend: ro.r['par'](mar=ro.IntVector([1,1,1,1])) ro.r['par'](**{'cex.axis':0.8}) get_heatmap(Heatmap, ColSideMatrix=ColSideMatrix, RowSideMatrix=RowSideMatrix, Legend=Legend) ro.r['']() return