def Run(self, start=0, end=-1, browser=False, date=Dates.empty(), lookBack=1): self.userDate = date self.beginDate = Dates.previousMonth(self.userDate, lookBack) if browser: try: self.UI.OpenBrowser(Configuration().getBrowserTitle(), Configuration().getBrowserPath()) except Exception as e: raise Exception("OpenBrowser: " + str(e)) if end == -1: end = len(self.processMap) else: self.shouldClose = False for i in range(start, end): func, error = self.processMap[i] try: func() except Exception as e: raise Exception(error + ": " + str(e)) if not self.shouldClose: return if browser: try: self.UI.CloseBrowser() except Exception as e: raise Exception("CloseBrowser: " + str(e))
def Calculate(self, monthTransactions): self.currentTransactions = monthTransactions income = self.sumIncome() expenses = self.sumExpenses() spending = self.processTransactions() remaining = income - expenses - spending["total"] forcast = income - expenses - spending["projected"] topSpends = self.GetSortedTransactions(max_count=6) date = Dates(self.currentTransactions[0]["date"].month, self.currentTransactions[0]["date"].year) result = { "income": income, "spending": spending, "topSpends": topSpends, "expenses": expenses, "forecast": forcast, "threshold": self.budgetData["savingsThreshold"], "remaining": remaining, "date": date } #if this is a past budget, lets write out the data if not date.isCurrentMonthAndYear(): self.history.Store(spending['total'], remaining, date) return result
def build_timecard_block(): """Builds a time card block via user-supplied data""" in_date = input("Enter the date (mm/dd): ") out_date = Dates.build_date(in_date) clock_in = input("What time did you clock in? ") in_t = Dates.build_time(clock_in,, clock_out = input("What time did you clock out? ") out_t = Dates.build_time(clock_out,, return TimeCardBlock(out_date, in_t, out_t)
def Run(self, simulate=False, date=Dates.empty(), lookBack=1): os.makedirs(os.getcwd()+'\\'+, exist_ok=True) if self.bankWeb == None or self.bankParser == None: raise Exception("Bank or parser not defined") if not simulate: self.bankWeb.Run(date=date, lookBack=lookBack) self.bankParser.Run(date=date)
def get_datetime(): """Get and Build out date time string""" local_tz = pytz.timezone('US/Central') # set now as current time now = now = now.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(local_tz) # set and format hour month and period (am/pm) hour = datetime.strftime(now, '%-I') month = datetime.strftime(now, '%B') period = datetime.strftime(now, '%p') if period == 'AM': period = 'a m' else: pass minute = now.minute # uses dates dict in dates file to change int day to ordinal day = Dates.get( if minute == 0: minute = 'o clock' elif minute < 10: minute = 'o {}'.format(minute) else: pass # builds time string time_str = 'Today is {} {}. The current time is {} {} {}. '.format( month, day, hour, minute, period) return str(time_str)
def __init__(self, output=None, date=Dates.empty()): = date self.budgetData = Configuration().getBudget() self.transactions = [] self.outputFile = output self.outFileCount = 0 self.history = History()
def Run(self, date=Dates.empty()): self.userDate = date try: self.transactions = self.processHTML() if self.transactions == None: raise except Exception as e: raise Exception("Could not read HTML data: " + str(e))
def get(self): userName = None if self.request.cookies.get('our_token'): #the cookie that should contain the access token! userName = Employee.checkToken(self.request.cookies.get('our_token')) template_variables = {} if userName: template_variables['userName'] = userName.userName dates = Dates(template_variables) template_variables = dates.nextTwoWeeks() html = template.render("web/templates/ConstrainsInputPage.html", template_variables) self.response.write(html)
def firstTime(self, **kwargs): with open('Config\\configuration.json', mode='r') as f: jData = = json.loads(jData) if "settings" not in self.addSettings({ "lookBackMonths": 1, "currentDate": Dates.empty() }) else: if "lookBackMonths" not in["settings"]: self.addSettings({"lookBackMonths": 1}) if "currentDate" not in["settings"]: self.addSettings({"currentDate": Dates.empty()}) else: date = Dates.string(["settings"]["currentDate"]) self.addSettings({"currentDate": date})
def Run(self, simulate=False, date=Dates.empty(), lookBack=1): if not simulate: GUI().OpenBrowser(Configuration().getBrowserTitle(), Configuration().getBrowserPath()) for bank in self.banks: bank.Run(simulate=simulate, date=date, lookBack=lookBack) self.transactions.extend(bank.GetTransactions()) if not simulate: GUI().CloseBrowser()
def calculate_hours_worked(): """Calculates the number of hours (and minutes) worked so far""" time_worked = None for b in TimeCard.timecard_blocks: if time_worked is None: time_worked = b.get_delta() else: time_worked += b.get_delta() # Use method to convert time_worked to desired output format hours_worked = Dates.convert_timedelta(time_worked) print('\nHours worked (Rounded to nearest six minutes):') print(hours_worked) remaining = timedelta(hours=TimeCard.min_hours) - time_worked hours_left = Dates.convert_timedelta(remaining) hl_max = Dates.convert_timedelta((remaining + timedelta(minutes=3))) print('Hours Remaining (Rounded to nearest six minutes):') print(hours_left, 'to', hl_max) TimeCard.calculate_clockout_time(remaining)
def Run(self, transactions): self.SortTransactions(transactions) results = [] if len(self.transactions) == 0: return if len(self.transactions[0]) == 0: return earliestDate = Dates(self.transactions[0][0]["date"].month, self.transactions[0][0]["date"].year) months = Dates.monthDifference(, earliestDate) for index in range(0, len(months)): if len(self.transactions) < index + 1: trans = [{ "date": months[index].getDate(), "amount": 0, "empty": True }] else: trans = self.transactions[index] currentDate = months[index] if currentDate > break val = self.Calculate(trans) if self.history.needsPosted( currentDate) or currentDate == results.append(val) # for trans in self.transactions: # if (len(trans) == 0): # continue # currentDate = Dates(trans[0]["date"].month, trans[0]["date"].year) # if currentDate > # break # val = self.Calculate(trans) # if self.history.needsPosted(currentDate) or currentDate == # results.append(val) return results
def tick(self, simulate=False, date=Dates.empty(), lookBack=Configuration().getSettings()["lookBackMonths"]): print("Doing tick") processor = TransactionProcessor() try: processor.Run(simulate=simulate, date=date, lookBack=lookBack) except: self.errorLog.append( "----------------------------------------------------") self.errorLog.extend(traceback.format_exc().splitlines()) self.errorLog.append( "----------------------------------------------------") for l in self.errorLog: print(l) return False budget = Budget(date=date, output="C:\\tmp\\trans.csv") results = budget.Run(processor.GetTransactions()) Email().Run(results) return True
def processTransactions(self): total = 0 if self.outputFile != None: base = os.path.splitext(self.outputFile)[0] base = base + '-' + str(self.outFileCount) + os.path.splitext( self.outputFile)[1] self.outFileCount += 1 f = open(base, mode="w") t = sorted(self.currentTransactions, key=lambda x: x["amount"]) else: t = self.currentTransactions for trans in t: if "empty" in trans: continue if self.outputFile != None: f.write('"{}", {}\n'.format(trans["description"], trans["amount"])) if not self.ignored(trans["description"]): total += trans["amount"] if self.outputFile != None: f.close() #is this month over? now = Dates.empty() then = self.currentTransactions[0]["date"] oldDate = Dates(then.month, then.year) days = oldDate.pastDays() + oldDate.remainingDays() if (now > Dates(then.month, then.year)): average = total / days projection = total else: #we are working with an incomplete month, use history average = total / dailyProjection = self.history.calculateWeightedAverage( average, projection = dailyProjection * + total result = { "total": total, "dailyAverage": average, "projected": projection } return result
def indexOf(self, date): for i in range(0, len( if Dates.string([i]['date']) == date: return i return -1
cmdLineParser.add_argument("-p", "--port", action="store", type=int, dest="port", default=7497, help="The TCP port to use") args = cmdLineParser.parse_args() print("Using args", args) # IB allows a max of 30 requests / 10 minutes. # If necessary, we wait for the time here max_request_per_ten_minutes = 29 # NY Stock Exchange operates between 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM dates = Dates() day = '2020-07-18' initial_date = day + 'T09:33' final_date = day + 'T16:03' frequency = '3T' start_hour = '9:31' final_hour = '16:00' dates_list = dates.obtain_dates(initial_date, final_date, frequency, start_hour, final_hour) print(dates_list) print(len(dates_list)) # exit() app = IBapi() app.connect("", args.port, 0)
from Document import Document from Phones import Phones from Dates import Dates from Cep_access import AddressSearch import requests cpf = Document.generate_document("01234567890") print(cpf) cnpj = Document.generate_document("33969298000100") print(cnpj) phone = Phones(554988423605) print(phone) date = Dates() print(date.week_day()) print(date.formated_create_moment) print(date.create_time()) cep = AddressSearch("89567026") print(cep) bairro, cidade, uf = cep.get_via_cep() print(bairro, cidade, uf)
def Run(self, data, date=Dates.empty()): = date for item in data: self.processMonth(item) self.history.writeData()
def isValid(self, dateStr): if Dates.string(dateStr) > Dates.empty(): return False return True
def get_delta(self): """Calculates the timedelta of the time card block""" end_rounded = Dates.round_time(self.end_time) start_rounded = Dates.round_time(self.start_time) return end_rounded - start_rounded
from Dates import Dates #creazione oggetto data c = d = Dates(2011,1,3) #Print date in default mode print "date object: %s" % (d) #Convert date to string print "date ISO format and time HHMM 24h: %s" % (c.format('ISO',"HM")) print "date ISO format: %s" % (c.format_date('ISO')) print "time HHMM 24h format: %s" % (c.format_time('HM')) print "date DMY format and time HHMM 12h: %s" % (c.format('DMY',"hms")) print "date DMY format and time HHMM 24h: %s" % (c.format('DMY',"HMS")) #Convert string to date and print print "date ISO format: %s" % (d.convert_date('2011-01-03','ISO').format_date('ISO')) #Convert string to date, assign to a variable, then print it e = d.convert('2013-12-31 03:43:01 PM','ISO',"hms") print "date MDY format and time HHMMSS 24h: %s" % (e.format('MDY',"HMS")) #short and full month name in current language print "short month name (system lang): %s" % (c.month_name()) print "full month name (system lang): %s" % (c.month_name(short=False)) #short and full dqy name in current language print "short month name (english): %s" % (e.weekday_name(short=True,locate='en_US')) print "full month name (russian): %s" % (e.weekday_name(short=False,locate='ru_RU.UTF8')) print "full month name (chinese): %s" % (e.weekday_name(short=False,locate='zh_CN.utf8'))