def main(DeviceNum): # 多设备连接时,可指定设备编号 # python -m airtest run --device Android:// # device = Android('GWY0216C16002906') # 设备类型 1 手机[720,1280][1080,1920] 2平板[1200,1920] # DeviceNum = 'c5bac654' NeedSwipe = ['CLB0218414001154', 'DLQ0216824000142', 'E4J4C17405011422', 'APU0216530000778', 'APU0216408028484', 'APU0216111008105'] try: DbContext = DbHelper() DeviceType = 0 device = Android(DeviceNum) # device.adb.start_shell("su") # device.adb.start_shell("wipe data") # device.adb.start_shell("wipe cache") # device.adb.start_cmd("adb reboot") if '0123456789ABCDEF' not in DeviceNum: device.wake() # 唤醒页面 poco = AndroidUiautomationPoco(device) # if DeviceNum in NeedSwipe: poco.swipe([0.4, 0.9], [0.4, 0.55], duration=0.1) time.sleep(2) # 复位一下,防止之前没有睡眠也滑动 poco.swipe([0.4, 0.45], [0.4, 0.9], duration=0.1) else: poco = AndroidUiautomationPoco( use_airtest_input=True, screenshot_each_action=False) # ClearMemory(device,poco,'') # return device_screen = poco.get_screen_size() device_x = device_screen[0] device_y = device_screen[1] print(str(device_y), str(device_x)) if device_y > 1600 and device_x > 1080: DeviceType = 2 else: DeviceType = 1 if DeviceType == 0: print( '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(╥﹏╥)o 设备型号无法确定 o(╥﹏╥)o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') DbContext.AddLog(DeviceNum, 3, '设备[' + DeviceNum + ']型号无法确定') return elif DeviceType == 1: print( '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O(∩_∩)O 设备型号为手机 O(∩_∩)O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n') else: print( '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O(∩_∩)O 设备型号为平板 O(∩_∩)O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n') except Exception as e: print('\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(╥﹏╥)o 设备连接异常 o(╥﹏╥)o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') DbContext.AddLog( DeviceNum, 3, "设备[" + DeviceNum + "]连接异常:" + repr(e).replace("'", "")) else: BackHomeStatus = BackHomePage( poco, DbContext, DeviceNum, device) # 返回首页 if BackHomeStatus: mode = DbContext.GetDeviceRunningMode(DeviceNum) taskList = [] # 获取当前设备要抓取的城市 IsRunning = True if mode == 1: taskList = DbContext.GetDeviceTask(DeviceNum) elif mode == 2: taskList = DbContext.GetDeviceTaskByMode2() elif mode == 3: taskList = DbContext.GetDeviceTaskByMode3() elif mode == 5: IsRunning = False elif mode == 6: # 根据店名爬取 while True: data = get_shopName() id_name_addr_city = data[0] shopid = id_name_addr_city[0] storeName = id_name_addr_city[1] addr = id_name_addr_city[2] city = (id_name_addr_city[3])[:-1] print(storeName, addr, city) if data[1] == 3: crawl_status_code(storeName, 3) else: crawl_status_code(storeName, 1) search_store(storeName, poco, device, addr, city, shopid) BackHomePage(poco, DbContext, DeviceNum, device) crawl_status_code(storeName, 2) if(len(taskList) == 1): # 更新任务为运行中 DbContext.UpdateTaskStatus( int(taskList[0]['TaskId']), 1, 0, mode) while IsRunning: BackHomeStatus = BackHomePage( poco, DbContext, DeviceNum, device) # 返回首页 if BackHomeStatus: for task in taskList: # AddressList(task['TargetCity']) #获取未抓取的坐标点 AllPosition = [ {'RepresentativeAdress': task['RepresentativeAdress'], 'Genhash':task['Genhash']}] taskId = task['TaskId'] cityCode = task['CityCode'] # 更新任务为运行中 DbContext.UpdateTaskStatus(int(taskId), 1, 0, mode) # 计时 StartTime = # 返回值需要写进队列 currentTaskResult, IsEmergencyStop = StartCapture( poco, AllPosition, DeviceType, task['TargetCity'], DeviceNum, cityCode, device) # 抓取数据 # 没有紧急置停的情况下才完成后续的更新 if not IsEmergencyStop: EndTime = DbContext = DbHelper() DbContext.AddLog(DeviceNum, 2, '设备[' + DeviceNum + ']本次抓取[' + AllPosition[0]['RepresentativeAdress'] + '] [' + str( len(currentTaskResult)) + '] 家店,耗时:' + str(((EndTime - StartTime).seconds)/60)) # 更新任务为完成 DbContext.UpdateTaskStatus( int(taskId), 2, len(currentTaskResult), mode) # 将任务的执行结果回写到队列 if mode != 3: Produce = SendMessage() result = Produce.sendMessage( taskId, currentTaskResult) if result: # 将任务状态改为已回写队列 DbContext.UpdateTaskStatus( int(taskId), 3, len(currentTaskResult), mode) else: break mode = DbContext.GetDeviceRunningMode(DeviceNum) if len(taskList) > 0: taskList.clear() if mode == 1: taskList = DbContext.GetDeviceTask(DeviceNum) elif mode == 2: taskList = DbContext.GetDeviceTaskByMode2() elif mode == 3: taskList = DbContext.GetDeviceTaskByMode3() elif mode == 5: print( '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O(∩_∩)O 紧急置停 O(∩_∩)O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') break if len(taskList) > 0: print( '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O(∩_∩)O 抽取一条任务 O(∩_∩)O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') else: print( '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O(∩_∩)O 任务执行完毕 O(∩_∩)O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') break else: DbContext.AddLog( DeviceNum, 3, '设备[' + DeviceNum + ']返回首页异常') break else: DbContext.AddLog(DeviceNum, 3, '设备[' + DeviceNum + ']返回首页异常')
def StartCapture(poco, AllPosition, DeviceType, TargetCity, DeviceNum, cityCode, device): CloseUpDateInfo(poco) IsAllClassifyInput = False # 是否从大类搜索进入(默认不是) AllClassifyInputClickNum = 0 # 大类进入点击小类的次数 currentTaskResult = [] # 存放本次任务抓取的门店信息 if poco(text="美团外卖").exists(): poco(text="美团外卖").click() if DeviceNum == 'E4J4C17405011422': poco.swipe([0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6], duration=0.3) IsAddress = SwithPosition(poco, AllPosition[0]['RepresentativeAdress'], TargetCity, DeviceNum, 0) # 第一次切换定位 if not IsAddress: return currentTaskResult, False print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) try: if poco(text="送药上门").exists(): poco(text="送药上门").wait(waitTime).click([0, 0]) else: if DeviceNum == 'E4J4C17405011422': poco.swipe([0.5, 0.6], [0.5, 0.5], duration=0.3) result = SearchDrugPage(poco, device, DeviceNum) if not result: print(DeviceNum) if poco(text="美食").exists(): IsAddress = False print( '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(╥﹏╥)o 第一个定位点无送药上门 o(╥﹏╥)o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ) else: print( '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(╥﹏╥)o 被反爬检测到了 o(╥﹏╥)o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ) return currentTaskResult, True else: IsAllClassifyInput = True except PocoNoSuchNodeException: print(DeviceNum) print( '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(╥﹏╥)o 第一个定位点无送药上门f o(╥﹏╥)o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ) IsAddress = False pass StoreList = [] #只存储当前定位的门店名称 SwitchNum = 0 #定位切换次数 DbContext = DbHelper() for addressDic in AllPosition: #结构改了以后AllPosition只会有一条数据 address = addressDic['RepresentativeAdress'] #标志性坐标点 addressGenhash = addressDic['Genhash'] #地理散列值 print('===========================【' + DeviceNum + '】抓取【' + address + '】开始===========================') # 第一次进来不需要切换定位 if SwitchNum > 0: StoreList.clear() #切换一次地址就将列表清空 IsAddress = SwithPosition(poco, address, TargetCity, SwitchNum) #切换定位 if not IsAddress: print('===========================【' + DeviceNum + '】抓取【' + address + '】完成 无店铺===========================\n') continue SongYaoNum = 0 while True: if poco(text="送药上门").exists(): poco(text="送药上门").wait(waitTime).click([0, 0]) break SongYaoNum += 1 time.sleep(1) if SongYaoNum >= 3: print( '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(╥﹏╥)o 该定位点无送药上门 o(╥﹏╥)o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ) IsAddress = False break SwitchNum += 1 if not IsAddress: print('===========================【' + DeviceNum + '】抓取【' + address + '】完成 无店铺===========================\n') continue storelenNum = 0 swipeNume = 0 # 第一次大幅度滑动 if DeviceType == 1: poco.swipe([0.2, 0.9], [0.2, 0.45], duration=0.3) else: poco.swipe([0.4, 0.9], [0.4, 0.75], duration=0.3) if IsAllClassifyInput: if poco(text="常用药品").exists(): poco(text="常用药品").click() AllClassifyInputClickNum += 1 # 按照销量排序 if poco(text='销量').exists(): poco(text='销量').wait(waitTime).click() # 当前循环是一个定位点的门店 backPage = poco("com.sankuai.meituan.takeoutnew:id/iv_back") bottomElement = poco("com.sankuai.meituan.takeoutnew:id/noMoreView") while True: # 判断程序是否被紧急置停 mode = DbContext.GetDeviceRunningMode(DeviceNum) if mode == 5: device.keyevent("4") return currentTaskResult, True AllStore = poco( "com.sankuai.meituan.takeoutnew:id/fl_fragment_container" ).offspring( "com.sankuai.meituan.takeoutnew:id/pull_to_refresh_view" ).offspring( "com.sankuai.meituan.takeoutnew:id/viewpager_content" ).offspring( "com.sankuai.meituan.takeoutnew:id/wm_st_poi_channel_list" ).child("android.widget.FrameLayout").wait(waitTime) i = 0 if len(AllStore) > 0: # print('当前列表展示的门店数量:'+ str(len(AllStore))) circleIsFail = False for store in AllStore: if i == 0: i += 1 #第一个是顶部筛选 continue storeInfo = {} try: storeNameResult = GetStoreName(store) if not storeNameResult[0]: continue storeName = storeNameResult[2] # 销量、评分 Sell = '0' Score = '评分未知' # time_ScoreUI = storeNameResult[1].child("android.widget.LinearLayout") # try: # time = time_ScoreUI.offspring("com.sankuai.meituan.takeoutnew:id/txt_mt_delivery_time_info").exists() # #如果配送时间不存在就是快递店就不爬 # if not time: # print("-------------快递店不爬【"+storeName+"】---------------") # continue # except PocoNoSuchNodeException: # print("-------------獲取配送時間異常---------------") storeSellResult = GetStoreSell(storeNameResult[1]) if not storeSellResult[0]: continue else: Sell = storeSellResult[2] storeScoreResult = GetStoreScore( storeSellResult[1]) if not storeScoreResult[0]: continue else: Score = storeScoreResult[1] # 该定位点存在且门店名称也存在,有且只有一个地址,那么就不需要继续爬门店地址,更新销量和评分数据即可 IsClickStore = False if storeSellResult[0] and storeScoreResult[ 0]: #销量和评分全部获取到在判断 # 同一定位地址,同店铺名字的不予考虑 if storeName in StoreList: continue else: if '成人用品' in storeName or '情趣' in storeName: #成人用品店不抓取,干扰太大 continue StoreList.append(storeName) storeInfo['Name'] = storeName if '暂无评分' in str(Score): storeInfo['Score'] = 0 else: storeInfo['Score'] = float(Score) Sell_Str = str(Sell).replace("月售", "").replace( "+", "").replace("件", "") storeInfo['Sales'] = float(Sell_Str) storeInfo['Phone'] = '' storeInfo['Brand'] = '' storeInfo['Created'] = ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") IsClickStore, addressinfo, mtWmPoiId = DbContext.GetStoreInfo( storeName, str(Score), str(Sell).replace("月售", "").replace("+", "").replace( "件", ""), addressGenhash, TargetCity, address) # 继续爬取门店地址 if IsClickStore: # 根据店名+城市找地址 storeAddress, mtWmPoiId = DbContext.UpdateGeoHash( storeName, cityCode, addressGenhash) storeInfo['OriginAddress'] = storeAddress storeInfo['Id'] = mtWmPoiId if FaileAddress in storeAddress: # 根据店名+城市获取地址失败在继续单击查找 storeAddress = GetStoreInfo( poco, DbContext, DeviceNum) Sell = str(Sell).replace("月售", "").replace( "+", "").replace("件", "") storeAddress = storeAddress.replace( "地址", "").replace("地址:", "") if FaileAddress not in storeAddress: mtWmPoiId = DbContext.InsertShop( storeName, Score, storeAddress, Sell, address, addressGenhash, TargetCity, cityCode) storeInfo['Id'] = mtWmPoiId storeInfo['OriginAddress'] = storeAddress else: storeAddress = '不需要爬取地址' storeInfo['OriginAddress'] = addressinfo storeInfo['Id'] = mtWmPoiId print(storeName + ' 【' + str(Sell) + '】 【评分】:' + str(Score) + ' 【地址】:' + storeAddress + '\n') if FaileAddress not in storeInfo[ 'OriginAddress'] and len(storeInfo['Id']) != 0: storeInfo['OriginAddress'] = str( storeInfo['OriginAddress']).replace( u'\xa0', u' ') currentTaskResult.append(storeInfo) ''' 药品信息 CatchProductResult = ProductInfo.GetProduct(poco) if CatchProductResult == 'error': circleIsFail = True break ''' except PocoNoSuchNodeException: continue except Exception as e: DbContext.AddLog( DeviceNum, 3, '设备[' + DeviceNum + ']爬取门店列表异常:' + repr(e).replace("'", "").replace("\"", "")) continue pass if circleIsFail: print('获取门店列表失败!') break # 判断是否滑动到底部 Isbottom = bottomElement.exists() if Isbottom: print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~本次定位的门店到底了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') if not ClickClassify(poco, AllClassifyInputClickNum): if backPage.exists(): backPage.wait(waitTime).click() else: device.keyevent("4") print('【因为抓取门店到底而结束本次定位查询】') if IsAllClassifyInput: device.keyevent("4") break else: AllClassifyInputClickNum += 1 continue else: # 当前页面展示的门店数量 if len(AllStore) > 4: if DeviceType == 1: poco.swipe([0.5, 0.8], [0.5, 0.35], duration=0.3) else: poco.swipe([0.5, 0.8], [0.5, 0.5], duration=0.3) else: # 手机展示不会超过4 + 1个 P20展示5+1个 if DeviceType == 1: poco.swipe([0.5, 0.8], [0.5, 0.45], duration=0.3) else: poco.swipe([0.5, 0.8], [0.5, 0.65], duration=0.3) swipeNume += 1 # 滑动了40次(至少是120家店) 且门店数量还是小于一页,那么认为这个也没滑动到底且没有门店滑动到底的提示 if swipeNume > 40: if len(StoreList) < 6 or len(AllStore) < 4: if not ClickClassify(poco, AllClassifyInputClickNum): if backPage.exists(): backPage.wait(waitTime).click() else: device.keyevent("4") # 如果是大类进来的,还要在返回一次 if IsAllClassifyInput: device.keyevent("4") print('认为这个也没滑动到底且没有门店滑动到底的提示而退出') break else: AllClassifyInputClickNum += 1 continue else: # 判断定位点附近是否有门店 if poco(text='该定位下暂无服务商家,请切换地址').exists(): print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~该定位下暂无服务商家,请切换地址~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') if not ClickClassify(poco, AllClassifyInputClickNum): if backPage.exists(): backPage.wait(waitTime).click() else: device.keyevent("4") if IsAllClassifyInput: device.keyevent("4") break else: AllClassifyInputClickNum += 1 continue # 跳到登录界面需要退出 if poco(text='获取短信验证码').exists(): device.keyevent("4") continue storelenNum += 1 if storelenNum > 5: print('【因为获取门店列表长度为0而结束本次定位查询】') if not ClickClassify(poco, AllClassifyInputClickNum): if backPage.exists(): backPage.wait(waitTime).click() else: device.keyevent("4") if IsAllClassifyInput: device.keyevent("4") break else: AllClassifyInputClickNum += 1 continue else: if DeviceType == 1: poco.swipe([0.5, 0.9], [0.5, 0.7], duration=0.3) continue pass print('===========================【' + DeviceNum + '】抓取【' + address + '】完成===========================\n') return currentTaskResult, False
else: break pass else: continue if isRunning: break except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass if isRunning: pass else: # 判断程序是否是自己停掉,否则就要重启 DbContext = DbHelper() mode = DbContext.GetDeviceRunningMode(DeviceNum) if mode == 1: taskList = DbContext.GetDeviceTask(DeviceNum) elif mode == 2: taskList = DbContext.GetDeviceTaskByMode2() elif mode == 3: taskList = DbContext.GetDeviceTaskByMode3() elif mode == 5: taskList = [] elif mode == 6: taskList = [] if len(taskList) > 0: print( '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Reatarting~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' )