コード例 #1
ファイル: Retab.py プロジェクト: giannivalenti/sublime-retab
 def process_spaces(self, edit, sel_start, sel_end):
     view = self.view
     settings = view.settings()
     use_spaces = settings.get('translate_tabs_to_spaces')
     column_start = normed_rowcol(view, sel_start)[1]
     column_end = normed_rowcol(view, sel_end)[1]
     if column_end - column_start == 1:
         view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(sel_start, sel_end), ' ')
         return 1
     view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(sel_start, sel_end), '')
     sel = sel_start
     if not use_spaces:
         while normed_rowcol(view, sel)[1] <= column_end:
             view.insert(edit, sel, '\t')
             sel = sel + 1
         view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(sel - 1, sel), '')
         sel = sel - 1
     while normed_rowcol(view, sel)[1] < column_end:
         view.insert(edit, sel, ' ')
         sel = sel + 1
     return sel - sel_start
コード例 #2
def convert_to_mid_line_tabs(view, edit, tab_size, pt, length):
    spaces_end = pt + length
    spaces_start = spaces_end
    while view.substr(spaces_start - 1) == ' ':
        spaces_start -= 1
    spaces_len = spaces_end - spaces_start
    normed_start = normed_rowcol(view, spaces_start)[1]
    normed_mod = normed_start % tab_size
    tabs_len = 0
    diff = 0
    if normed_mod != 0:
        diff = tab_size - normed_mod
        tabs_len += 1
    tabs_len += int(math.ceil(float(spaces_len - diff) / float(tab_size)))
    view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(spaces_start, spaces_end),
                 '\t' * tabs_len)
    return tabs_len - spaces_len
コード例 #3
ファイル: allPythonContent.py プロジェクト: Mondego/pyreco
def convert_to_mid_line_tabs(view, edit, tab_size, pt, length):
    spaces_end = pt + length
    spaces_start = spaces_end
    while view.substr(spaces_start-1) == ' ':
        spaces_start -= 1
    spaces_len = spaces_end - spaces_start
    normed_start = normed_rowcol(view, spaces_start)[1]
    normed_mod = normed_start % tab_size
    tabs_len = 0
    diff = 0
    if normed_mod != 0:
        diff = tab_size - normed_mod
        tabs_len += 1
    tabs_len += int(math.ceil(float(spaces_len - diff)
        / float(tab_size)))
    view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(spaces_start,
        spaces_end), '\t' * tabs_len)
    return tabs_len - spaces_len
コード例 #4
    def run(self, edit):
        view = self.view
        sel = view.sel()
        max_col = 0

        settings = view.settings()
        tab_size = int(settings.get('tab_size', 8))
        use_spaces = settings.get('translate_tabs_to_spaces')

        # This handles aligning single multi-line selections
        if len(sel) == 1:
            points = []
            line_nums = [view.rowcol(line.a)[0] for line in view.lines(sel[0])]

            trim_trailing_white_space = \

            if settings.get('align_indent'):
                # Align the left edges by first finding the left edge
                for row in line_nums:
                    pt = view.text_point(row, 0)

                    # Skip blank lines when the user times trailing whitespace
                    line = view.line(pt)
                    if trim_trailing_white_space and line.a == line.b:

                    char = view.substr(pt)
                    while char == ' ' or char == '\t':
                        # Turn tabs into spaces when the preference is spaces
                        if use_spaces and char == '\t':
                            view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(pt, pt+1), ' ' *

                        # Turn spaces into tabs when tabs are the preference
                        if not use_spaces and char == ' ':
                            max_pt = pt + tab_size
                            end_pt = pt
                            while view.substr(end_pt) == ' ' and end_pt < \
                                end_pt += 1
                            view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(pt, end_pt),

                        pt += 1

                        # Rollback if the left edge wraps to the next line
                        if view.rowcol(pt)[0] != row:
                            pt -= 1

                        char = view.substr(pt)

                    max_col = max([max_col, view.rowcol(pt)[1]])

                # Adjust the left edges based on the maximum that was found
                adjustment = 0
                max_length = 0
                for pt in points:
                    pt += adjustment
                    length = max_col - view.rowcol(pt)[1]
                    max_length = max([max_length, length])
                    adjustment += length
                    view.insert(edit, pt, (' ' if use_spaces else '\t') *

                perform_mid_line = max_length == 0

                perform_mid_line = True

            alignment_chars = settings.get('alignment_chars')
            if alignment_chars == None:
                alignment_chars = []
            alignment_prefix_chars = settings.get('alignment_prefix_chars')
            if alignment_prefix_chars == None:
                alignment_prefix_chars = []
            alignment_space_chars = settings.get('alignment_space_chars')
            if alignment_space_chars == None:
                alignment_space_chars = []

            alignment_pattern = '|'.join([re.escape(ch) for ch in

            if perform_mid_line and alignment_chars:
                points = []
                max_col = 0
                for row in line_nums:
                    pt = view.text_point(row, 0)
                    matching_region = view.find(alignment_pattern, pt)
                    if not matching_region:
                    matching_char_pt = matching_region.a

                    insert_pt = matching_char_pt
                    # If the equal sign is part of a multi-character
                    # operator, bring the first character forward also
                    if view.substr(insert_pt-1) in alignment_prefix_chars:
                        insert_pt -= 1

                    space_pt = insert_pt
                    while view.substr(space_pt-1) in [' ', '\t']:
                        space_pt -= 1
                        # Replace tabs with spaces for consistent indenting
                        if view.substr(space_pt) == '\t':
                            view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(space_pt,
                                space_pt+1), ' ' * tab_size)
                            matching_char_pt += tab_size - 1
                            insert_pt += tab_size - 1

                    if view.substr(matching_char_pt) in alignment_space_chars:
                        space_pt += 1

                    # If the next equal sign is not on this line, skip the line
                    if view.rowcol(matching_char_pt)[0] != row:

                    max_col = max([max_col, normed_rowcol(view, space_pt)[1]])

                # The adjustment takes care of correcting point positions
                # since spaces are being inserted, which changes the points
                adjustment = 0
                for pt in points:
                    pt += adjustment
                    length = max_col - normed_rowcol(view, pt)[1]
                    adjustment += length
                    if length >= 0:
                        view.insert(edit, pt, ' ' * length)
                        view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(pt + length, pt))

                    if settings.get('mid_line_tabs') and not use_spaces:
                        adjustment += convert_to_mid_line_tabs(view, edit,
                            tab_size, pt, length)

        # This handles aligning multiple selections
            max_col = max([normed_rowcol(view, region.b)[1] for region in sel])

            for region in sel:
                length = max_col - normed_rowcol(view, region.b)[1]
                view.insert(edit, region.b, ' ' * length)
                if settings.get('mid_line_tabs') and not use_spaces:
                    convert_to_mid_line_tabs(view, edit, tab_size, region.b,
コード例 #5
        def align_lines(line_nums):
            points                    = []
            max_col                   = 0
            trim_trailing_white_space = settings.get('trim_trailing_white_space_on_save')

            if settings.get('align_indent'):
                foundMax = False
                # Align the left edges by first finding the left edge
                for row in line_nums:
                    pt   = view.text_point(row, 0)
                    line = view.line(pt) # Skip blank lines when the user times trailing whitespace

                    if trim_trailing_white_space and line.a == line.b:

                    verDef = re.search(r'(\s*(' + "|".join(settings.get('declarations')) + '))(\s+)', view.substr(line), re.I)

                    if verDef:
                        foundMax = True                      # if a declaration is present use that to align all the other rows
                        toDelete = len(verDef.group(3))      # gets the empty spaces after the declaration
                        toKeep   = pt + len(verDef.group(1)) # gets the empty space before the declaration + the declaration

                        if (toDelete > 1):
                            toDelete -= 1
                            view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(toKeep, toKeep + toDelete))

                        pt      += len(verDef.group(1)) + 1
                        max_col = max([max_col, view.rowcol(pt)[1]])

                    char = view.substr(pt)

                    while char == ' ' or char == '\t':
                        # Turn tabs into spaces when the preference is spaces
                        if use_spaces and char == '\t':
                            view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(pt, pt + 1), ' ' * tab_size)

                        # Turn spaces into tabs when tabs are the preference
                        if not use_spaces and char == ' ':
                            max_pt = pt + tab_size
                            end_pt = pt
                            while view.substr(end_pt) == ' ' and end_pt < max_pt:
                                end_pt += 1

                            view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(pt, end_pt), '\t')

                        pt += 1

                        # Rollback if the left edge wraps to the next line
                        if view.rowcol(pt)[0] != row:
                            pt -= 1

                        char = view.substr(pt)


                    if foundMax == False:
                        max_col = max([max_col, view.rowcol(pt)[1]])

                # Adjust the left edges based on the maximum that was found
                adjustment = 0
                max_length = 0

                for pt in points:
                    pt         += adjustment
                    length     = max_col - view.rowcol(pt)[1]
                    max_length = max([max_length, length])
                    adjustment += length

                    if length > 0: # shifts text right
                        view.insert(edit, pt, (' ' if use_spaces else '\t') * length)
                    elif length < 0: # shifts text left
                        view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(pt + length, pt))

            # in both cases perform mid line alignment
            perform_mid_line = True

            alignment_chars = settings.get('alignment_chars')
            if alignment_chars == None:
                alignment_chars = []

            alignment_prefix_chars = settings.get('alignment_prefix_chars')
            if alignment_prefix_chars == None:
                alignment_prefix_chars = []

            alignment_space_chars = settings.get('alignment_space_chars')
            if alignment_space_chars == None:
                alignment_space_chars = []

            space_after_chars = settings.get('space_after_chars')
            if space_after_chars == None:
                space_after_chars = []

            alignment_pattern = '|'.join([re.escape(ch) for ch in alignment_chars])

            # Align text after the alignment characters
            if perform_mid_line and alignment_chars:
                points            = []
                max_col           = 0
                num_spaces_needed = 1

                # go through all lines to analyze if there are multi character operators
                for row in line_nums:
                    pt              = view.text_point(row, 0)
                    matching_region = view.find(alignment_pattern, pt)

                    if not matching_region:

                    matching_char_pt = matching_region.a
                    insert_pt        = matching_char_pt

                    if view.substr(insert_pt - 1) in alignment_prefix_chars:
                        num_spaces_needed = 2

                for row in line_nums:
                    curr_multi_char_op = False
                    pt                 = view.text_point(row, 0)
                    matching_region    = view.find(alignment_pattern, pt)

                    if not matching_region:

                    matching_char_pt = matching_region.a
                    end_matching_pt  = view.line(matching_char_pt).b
                    insert_pt        = matching_char_pt

                    # If the equal sign is part of a multi-character operator, bring the first character forward also
                    if view.substr(insert_pt - 1) in alignment_prefix_chars:
                        curr_multi_char_op =  True
                        insert_pt          -= 1

                    space_pt = insert_pt
                    while view.substr(space_pt - 1) in [' ', '\t']:
                        space_pt -= 1

                        # Replace tabs with spaces for consistent indenting
                        if view.substr(space_pt) == '\t':
                            view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(space_pt, space_pt + 1), ' ' * tab_size)
                            matching_char_pt += tab_size - 1
                            insert_pt        += tab_size - 1

                    if view.substr(matching_char_pt) in alignment_space_chars:
                        space_pt += 1

                    # space added after sign, if opted to
                    if view.substr(matching_char_pt) in space_after_chars:
                        char_after_op = matching_char_pt + 1

                        if not view.substr(char_after_op) in [' ']:
                            if curr_multi_char_op:
                                view.insert(edit, char_after_op, ' ' * 1)
                                view.insert(edit, char_after_op, ' ' * num_spaces_needed)
                            extra_spaces = re.search(r'(^\s+)', view.substr(sublime.Region(char_after_op, end_matching_pt)), re.I)
                            if extra_spaces:
                                if len(extra_spaces.group()) > num_spaces_needed:
                                    # case where it is a space, we want to truncate if there are too many
                                    view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(char_after_op, char_after_op + len(extra_spaces.group()) - num_spaces_needed))
                                elif num_spaces_needed == 2 and not curr_multi_char_op:
                                    # multi character operator (+=, *=, etc.)
                                    view.insert(edit, char_after_op, ' ')

                    # If the next equal sign is not on this line, skip the line
                    if view.rowcol(matching_char_pt)[0] != row:


                    max_col = max([max_col, normed_rowcol(view, space_pt)[1]])

                # The adjustment takes care of correcting point positions
                # since spaces are being inserted, which changes the points
                adjustment = 0
                row        = 0

                for pt in points:
                    if pt == -1:

                    textStart  =  view.text_point(line_nums[row], 0)
                    row        += 1
                    pt         += adjustment
                    length     =  max_col - normed_rowcol(view, pt)[1]
                    adjustment += length

                    if length >= 0:
                        if alignment_format == "key-varspace-separator-value":
                            view.insert(edit, pt, ' ' * length)
                        elif alignment_format == "key-separator-varspace-value":
                            view.insert(edit, pt + 1, ' ' * length)
                        elif alignment_format == "varspace-key-separator-value":
                            view.insert(edit, textStart, ' ' * length)
                        view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(pt + length, pt))

                    if settings.get('mid_line_tabs') and not use_spaces:
                        adjustment += convert_to_mid_line_tabs(view, edit, tab_size, pt, length)
コード例 #6
        def align_lines(line_nums):
            points = []
            max_col = 0
            trim_trailing_white_space = \

            if settings.get('align_indent'):
                # Align the left edges by first finding the left edge
                for row in line_nums:
                    pt = view.text_point(row, 0)

                    # Skip blank lines when the user times trailing whitespace
                    line = view.line(pt)
                    if trim_trailing_white_space and line.a == line.b:

                    char = view.substr(pt)
                    while char == ' ' or char == '\t':
                        # Turn tabs into spaces when the preference is spaces
                        if use_spaces and char == '\t':
                            view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(pt, pt + 1), ' ' *

                        # Turn spaces into tabs when tabs are the preference
                        if not use_spaces and char == ' ':
                            max_pt = pt + tab_size
                            end_pt = pt
                            while view.substr(end_pt) == ' ' and end_pt < \
                                end_pt += 1
                            view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(pt, end_pt),

                        pt += 1

                        # Rollback if the left edge wraps to the next line
                        if view.rowcol(pt)[0] != row:
                            pt -= 1

                        char = view.substr(pt)

                    max_col = max([max_col, view.rowcol(pt)[1]])

                # Adjust the left edges based on the maximum that was found
                adjustment = 0
                max_length = 0
                for pt in points:
                    pt += adjustment
                    length = max_col - view.rowcol(pt)[1]
                    max_length = max([max_length, length])
                    adjustment += length
                    view.insert(edit, pt, (' ' if use_spaces else '\t') *

                perform_mid_line = max_length == 0

                perform_mid_line = True

            alignment_chars = settings.get('alignment_chars')
            if alignment_chars == None:
                alignment_chars = []
            alignment_prefix_chars = settings.get('alignment_prefix_chars')
            if alignment_prefix_chars == None:
                alignment_prefix_chars = []
            alignment_space_chars = settings.get('alignment_space_chars')
            if alignment_space_chars == None:
                alignment_space_chars = []
            space_after_chars = settings.get('space_after_chars')
            if space_after_chars == None:
                space_after_chars = []

            alignment_pattern = '|'.join([re.escape(ch) for ch in

            if perform_mid_line and alignment_chars:
                points = []
                max_col = 0
                for row in line_nums:
                    pt = view.text_point(row, 0)
                    matching_region = view.find(alignment_pattern, pt)
                    if not matching_region:
                    matching_char_pt = matching_region.a

                    insert_pt = matching_char_pt
                    # If the equal sign is part of a multi-character
                    # operator, bring the first character forward also
                    if view.substr(insert_pt-1) in alignment_prefix_chars:
                        insert_pt -= 1

                    space_pt = insert_pt
                    while view.substr(space_pt-1) in [' ', '\t']:
                        space_pt -= 1
                        # Replace tabs with spaces for consistent indenting
                        if view.substr(space_pt) == '\t':
                            view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(space_pt,
                                space_pt+1), ' ' * tab_size)
                            matching_char_pt += tab_size - 1
                            insert_pt += tab_size - 1

                    if view.substr(matching_char_pt) in alignment_space_chars:
                        space_pt += 1

                    #space added after sign, if opted to
                    if view.substr(matching_char_pt) in space_after_chars:
                        if not view.substr(matching_char_pt+1) in [' ']:
                            view.insert(edit, matching_char_pt+1, ' ')

                    # If the next equal sign is not on this line, skip the line
                    if view.rowcol(matching_char_pt)[0] != row:


                    max_col = max([max_col, normed_rowcol(view, space_pt)[1]])

                # The adjustment takes care of correcting point positions
                # since spaces are being inserted, which changes the points
                adjustment = 0
                row = 0
                for pt in points:
                    if pt == -1:

                    textStart = view.text_point(line_nums[row], 0)
                    row += 1
                    pt += adjustment
                    length = max_col - normed_rowcol(view, pt)[1]
                    adjustment += length
                    if length >= 0:
                        if alignment_format == "key-varspace-separator-value":
                            view.insert(edit, pt, ' ' * length)
                        elif alignment_format == "key-separator-varspace-value":
                            view.insert(edit, pt + 1, ' ' * length)
                        elif alignment_format == "varspace-key-separator-value":
                            view.insert(edit, textStart, ' ' * length)
                        view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(pt + length, pt))

                    if settings.get('mid_line_tabs') and not use_spaces:
                        adjustment += convert_to_mid_line_tabs(view, edit,
                                                               tab_size, pt, length)