コード例 #1
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def searchmember():
	Search for a member in the DB.

	The service searches multiple fields, including first name, last name, and handle.
	Return any matching member in an array.

	Accepted methods: GET

	Inputs:		search_str			The string to search

	Returns: {"rows": [{"firstName": "string", "string": "DFM001", "lastName": "string", "paymentAmount": float, "middleInitial": "string", "contact_email": "string", "onAutoPay": bool, "active": bool, "paypal_email": "string", "id": int}]}
			or error

        # Will throw KeyError if vars not present
        search_str = request.args['search_str']

        # Will throw KeyError if present but empty
        if not search_str:
            raise KeyError

    except KeyError:
        return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError("search_str is required!")

    memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()
    resultList = memberDb.searchMemberName(search_str)
    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(rows=resultList))
コード例 #2
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def before_request():
		Check for an active session and for proper permissions.

		This function is implicitly called at the beginning of every app.route call below.
		It returns http 500 with a permissions error if the user does not have the proper
		level of access.
    admin_services = []
    manager_services = [
        'memberpaymentreport', 'createMember', 'readMembers', 'readMember',
        'createpayment', 'searchmember', 'getopenbalances', 'getmember',
        'getmemberbalance', 'importpaypaldata', 'createmember', 'editmember'

    # Ensure member is logged in to access any APIs
    if 'logged_in' not in session and request.endpoint != 'login' and request.endpoint != 'main':
        return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError("You must be logged in.")

    # Ensure that admin services have admin privileges
    if request.endpoint in admin_services and not session['isAdmin']:
        return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError(
            "You do not have permissions for this service.")

    # Ensure that manager services have manager privileges
    if request.endpoint in manager_services and not session['isManager']:
        return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError(
            "You do not have permissions for this service.")
コード例 #3
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def createpayment():
	Create a payment against a specific member's account.

	Access Level:		Manager
	Accepted methods:	GET

	Inputs:		member_id			The member ID in the DB
				amount				The amount to credit(+) or debit(-)
				payment_type_id		Links to an ID in the payment_type table
				notes				The memo field for the transaction
	Returns:	{"created": "True"} or error
        # Will throw KeyError if vars not present
        member_id = request.args['member_id']
        amount = request.args['amount']
        payment_type_id = request.args['payment_type_id']
        notes = request.args['notes']

        # Will throw KeyError if present but empty
        if not member_id or not amount or not payment_type_id or not notes:
            raise KeyError

    except KeyError:
        return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError(
            "member_id and amount and payment_type_id and notes are required!")

    memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()
    memberDb.createPayment(member_id, amount, payment_type_id, notes)
    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(created="True"))
コード例 #4
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def login():
	Login a user against the configured LDAP server, and save session data if valid.

	Access Level:		All
	Accepted methods:	POST

	Inputs:		username
	Returns:	{"logged_in": "True", "username": <username>} or error
    username = None
    password = None

        if request.method == 'POST':
            # Will throw KeyError if vars not present
            username = request.form['username']
            password = request.form['password']

        if not username or not password:  # Detect the condition if a var is there but empty
            raise KeyError

    except KeyError:
        return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError(
            "Username and Password are required!")

#	myLdap = DenhacLdapLibrary()
#	try:
#		myLdap.ldapBind(username, password)
        myFreeIpa = ipa(username=username,

        return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError(
            "Invalid username or password.")

    session['logged_in'] = True
    session['username'] = username
    session.pop('login_tries', None)

    # Get this member's permissions from DB, store them in session[], and then check them in @app.before_request()
    memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()
    member = memberDb.getMemberByADUsername(username)
    session['isAdmin'] = member['isAdmin']
    session['isManager'] = member['isManager']

    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(
        dict(logged_in="True", username=username))
コード例 #5
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def getmember(member_id):
	Return a single member row by ID.

	Access Level:		Manager
	Accepted methods:	GET

	Inputs:		member_id
	Returns:	{"row": {"businessNumber": "string", "prox_card_id": "string", "ad_username": "******", "driver_license": "string", "paypal_email": "string", "id": int, "city": "string", "paymentAmount": float, "isAdmin": int, "emerAddress2": "string", "emerAddress1": "string", "phoneNumber": "string", "onAutoPay": int, "emerRelation1": "string", "emerRelation2": "string", "streetAddress2": "string", "streetAddress1": "string", "isManager": int, "zipCode": "string", "contact_email": , "active": int, "emerPhone1": "string", "emerPhone2": "string", "firstName": "string", "gnuCashId": "string", "lastName": "string", "middleInitial": "string", "birthdate": "string", "join_date": "string", "emerContact2": "string", "emerContact1": "string", "balance": float, "medicalConditionList": "string"}}
				or error
    memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()
    member = memberDb.getMember(member_id)

    if member:
        return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(row=member[0]))

    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict())
コード例 #6
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def getopenbalances():
	Return an array of members and the balance owed for each.

	Access Level:		Manager
	Accepted methods:	GET

	Inputs:		none
	Returns:	{"rows": [{"businessNumber": "string", "prox_card_id": "string", "ad_username": "******", "driver_license": "string", "paypal_email": "string", "id": int, "city": "string", "paymentAmount": float, "isAdmin": int, "emerAddress2": "string", "emerAddress1": "string", "phoneNumber": "string", "onAutoPay": int, "emerRelation1": "string", "emerRelation2": "string", "streetAddress2": "string", "streetAddress1": "string", "isManager": int, "zipCode": "string", "contact_email": , "active": int, "emerPhone1": "string", "emerPhone2": "string", "firstName": "string", "gnuCashId": "string", "lastName": "string", "middleInitial": "string", "birthdate": "string", "join_date": "string", "emerContact2": "string", "emerContact1": "string", "balance": float, "medicalConditionList": "string"}]}
				or error
    memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()
    resultList = memberDb.getOpenBalances()
    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(rows=resultList))
コード例 #7
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def editmember(member_id):
	Edit a member in the DB.

	Access Level:		Manager
	Accepted methods:	POST

	Inputs:		***See the function setFieldsArray() above***
	Returns:	{"success": "True"}
				or error
    fields = setFieldsArray()

    memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()
    memberDb.editMember(member_id, fields)

    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(success=True))
コード例 #8
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def createmember():
	Create a new member in the DB.

	Access Level:		Manager
	Accepted methods:	POST

	Inputs:		***See the function setFieldsArray() above***
	Returns:	{"success": "True"}
				or error
    fields = setFieldsArray()

    memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()

    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(success=True))
コード例 #9
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def getmemberbalance(member_id):
	Return a single member balance by ID with all transaction rows

	Access Level:		Manager
	Accepted methods:	GET

	Inputs:		member_id
	Returns:	{"balance": float, "rows": [{"amount": float, "transaction_date": "string", "type": "string", "notes": "string"}]}
				or error
    memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()
    resultList = memberDb.getMemberBalance(member_id)

    balance = 0.0
    for row in resultList:
        balance += float(row['amount'])

    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(rows=resultList, balance=balance))
コード例 #10
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def exception_handler(error):
    """Catch any unhandled exception and reply with http 500"""
    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError("ERROR: " + repr(error))
コード例 #11
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def internal_error(exception):
    """Catch any unhandled error and reply with http 500"""
    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError("Internal Server Error")
コード例 #12
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def importpaypaldata():
        # If post, they're sending us the file.
        if request.method == 'POST':
            response = ""
            payment_type_ignore_list = [
                'Withdraw Funds to Bank Account', 'Invoice Sent',
                'Request Received', 'Payment Sent', 'Temporary Hold',
                'Debit Card Purchase', 'General Withdrawal'

            memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()
            numPayments = 0
            numUnapplied = 0
            totalDues = 0.0
            totalFees = 0.0

            filedata = request.form['filedata']
            memreader = csv.DictReader(io.StringIO(filedata))

            for row in memreader:
                (payment_type, from_email, to_email, name, gross, date,
                 fee) = (str(row['Type']), str(row['From Email Address']),
                         str(row['To Email Address']), str(row['Name']),
                         str(row['Gross']), str(row['Date']), str(row['Fee']))
                notes = "Paypal Payment: " + str(date)

                # Check Payment Type
                if payment_type in payment_type_ignore_list:
                    response += 'IGNORING Payment of Type: ' + payment_type + '\n'

                # Sometimes Paypal has the From and To email addresses backwards; I don't know why.
                email = from_email
                if email == '*****@*****.**':
                    email = to_email

                # Ok, by this point we should have a payment.  Apply it.
                    # If we're missing the email address (for ex. from a website payment), ignore it and process next row
                    if not email:
                        raise IndexError

                    member = memberDb.getMemberByPaypalEmail(email)
                    memberDb.createPayment(member['id'], gross, 3, notes)

                    app.logger.error('Payment Applied: ' + member['lastName'] +
                                     ', Amount: ' + gross)

                    response += 'Payment Applied: ' + member[
                        'lastName'] + ', Amount: ' + gross + '\n'
                    totalDues += float(gross)
                    totalFees += float(fee)
                    numPayments += 1

                except IndexError:
                    response += '================================================\n'
                    response += 'Payment NOT APPLIED! Type: ' + payment_type + ', Name: ' + name + ', Amount: ' + gross + ', Date: ' + date + ', From Email: ' + from_email + '\n'
                    response += 'Better do it manually or someone might be mad...\n'
                    response += '================================================\n'

                    app.logger.error('Payment NOT APPLIED! Type: ' +
                                     payment_type + ', Name: ' + name +
                                     ', Amount: ' + gross + ', Date: ' + date +
                                     ', From Email: ' + from_email)

                    numUnapplied += 1
                    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError(
                        "ERROR: Something failed for some reason.  Check the server logs for more details. Error: "
                        + sys.exc_info()[0] + sys.exc_info()[1] +

            response += 'Done!'
            response += '================================================\n'
            response += '# of Applied Payments: ' + str(numPayments) + '\n'
            response += '# of Unapplied Payments: ' + str(
            ) + ' <--- ****** Enter these transactions into the Member DB manually ******\n'
            response += 'Total Dues Collected: ' + str(totalDues) + '\n'
            response += 'Total Paypal Fees Paid: ' + str(
            ) + ' <--- ****** Enter this into WaveApps manually ******\n'
            response += '================================================\n'

            return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(
        return DenhacJsonLibrary.ReplyWithError(
            "ERROR: Something failed for some reason.  Check the server logs for more details. Error: "
            + sys.exc_info()[0] + sys.exc_info()[1] + sys.exc_info()[2])
コード例 #13
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def getpaymenttypes():
    """Return a list of valid payment types from the DB."""
    memberDb = DenhacMemberDb()
    resultList = memberDb.getPaymentTypes()
    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(rows=resultList))
コード例 #14
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def logout():
    """Logout the requested user."""
    session.pop('logged_in', None)
    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(logged_out="True"))
コード例 #15
ファイル: apifunctions.py プロジェクト: Denhac/ApplicationAPI
def hello():
    """Simple hello world test service."""
    return DenhacJsonLibrary.ObjToJson(dict(msg="Goodbye, cruel world."))